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EHP5 for SAP ERP6.0

December 2011


Plant MaintenanceBasics (860)

SAP AGDietmar-Ho-Allee 166!1!0 "all#orf German$

%&il#ing %loc' (onfig&ration G&i#e

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e


2011 SAP AG. All rights reser/e#.

o art of this &blication ma$ be rero#&ce# or transmitte# in an$ form or for an$ &rose itho&t the eressermission of SAP AG. 3he information containe# herein ma$ be change# itho&t rior notice.

Some softare ro#&cts mar'ete# b$ SAP AG an# its #istrib&tors contain rorietar$ softare comonents ofother softare /en#ors.

)icrosoft4 "in#os4 Ecel4 &tloo'4 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emar's of )icrosoft (ororation.

%)4 D%24 D%2 7ni/ersal Database4 S$stem i4 S$stem i54 S$stem 4 S$stem 54 S$stem 4 S$stem 84 S$stem 8104S$stem 8!4 8104 8!4 iSeries4 Series4 Series4 8Series4 eSer/er4 89:)4 89S4 i59S4 S9;!04 S9;!04 S9<004 AS9<004 S9;!0 Parallel Enterrise Ser/er4 Poer:)4 Poer Architect&re4 P"ER6=4 P"ER64 P"ER5=4P"ER54 P"ER4 enPoer4 PoerP(4 %atchPies4 %la#e(enter4 S$stem Storage4 GP>S4 HA()P4 RE3A4D%2 (onnect4 RA(>4 Re#boo's4 S924 Parallel S$sle4 ):S9ESA4 A?4 ntelligent )iner4 "ebShere4 etfinit$43i/oli an# nformi are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of %) (ororation.

@in& is the registere# tra#emar' of @in&s 3or/al#s in the 7.S. an# other co&ntries.

 A#obe4 the A#obe logo4 Acrobat4 PostScrit4 an# Rea#er are either tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of A#obeS$stems ncororate# in the 7nite# States an#9or other co&ntries.

racle is a registere# tra#emar' of racle (ororation.

7?4 ?9en4 S>914 an# )otif are registere# tra#emar's of the en Gro&.

(itri4 (A4 Program eighborhoo#4 )eta>rame4 "in>rame4 :i#eo>rame4 an# )&lti"in are tra#emar's orregistere# tra#emar's of (itri S$stems4 nc.

H3)@4 ?)@4 ?H3)@ an# ";( are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of ";(4 "orl# "i#e "eb (onsorti&m4)assach&setts nstit&te of 3echnolog$.

Ba/a is a registere# tra#emar' of S&n )icros$stems4 nc.

Ba/aScrit is a registere# tra#emar' of S&n )icros$stems4 nc.4 &se# &n#er license for technolog$ in/ente# an#

imlemente# b$ etscae.

SAP4 R9;4 SAP et"ea/er4 D&et4 PartnerE#ge4 %$Design4 SAP %&sinessbCects Elorer4 Stream"or'4 an# otherSAP ro#&cts an# ser/ices mentione# herein as ell as their resecti/e logos are tra#emar's or registere#tra#emar's of SAP AG in German$ an# other co&ntries.

%&siness bCects an# the %&siness bCects logo4 %&sinessbCects4 (r$stal Reorts4 (r$stal Decisions4 "ebntelligence4 ?celsi&s4 an# other %&siness bCects ro#&cts an# ser/ices mentione# herein as ell as theirresecti/e logos are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of %&siness bCects Softare @t#. %&siness bCects isan SAP coman$.

S$base an# A#ati/e Ser/er4 iAn$here4 S$base ;654 S@ An$here4 an# other S$base ro#&cts an# ser/icesmentione# herein as ell as their resecti/e logos are tra#emar's or registere# tra#emar's of S$base4 nc. S$baseis an SAP coman$.

 All other ro#&ct an# ser/ice names mentione# are the tra#emar's of their resecti/e comanies. Data containe#

in this #oc&ment ser/es informational &roses onl$. ational ro#&ct secifications ma$ /ar$.

3hese materials are s&bCect to change itho&t notice. 3hese materials are ro/i#e# b$ SAP AG an# its affiliate#comanies *SAP Gro&, for informational &roses onl$4 itho&t reresentation or arrant$ of an$ 'in#4 an# SAPGro& shall not be liable for errors or omissions ith resect to the materials. 3he onl$ arranties for SAP Gro&ro#&cts an# ser/ices are those that are set forth in the eress arrant$ statements accoman$ing s&ch ro#&ctsan# ser/ices4 if an$. othing herein sho&l# be constr&e# as constit&ting an a##itional arrant$.

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e


Icon Meaning






Eternal Process

%&siness Process Alternati/e9Decision (hoice

Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example text  "or#s or characters that aear on the screen. 3hese incl&#e fiel#names4 screen titles4 &shb&ttons as ell as men& names4 aths an#otions.

(ross-references to other #oc&mentation.

Example text Emhasi8e# or#s or hrases in bo#$ tet4 titles of grahics an# tables.

E?A)P@E 3E?3 ames of elements in the s$stem. 3hese incl&#e reort names4rogram names4 Transaction codes4 table names4 an# in#i/i#&al 'e$or#s of a rogramming lang&age4 hen s&rro&n#e# b$ bo#$ tet4 foreamle4 SE@E(3 an# (@7DE.

Example text Screen o&t&t. 3his incl&#es file an# #irector$ names an# their aths4messages4 so&rce co#e4 names of /ariables an# arameters as ell asnames of installation4 &gra#e an# #atabase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXT Fe$s on the 'e$boar#4 for eamle4 f&nction 'e$s *s&ch as F2, or the

ENTER 'e$.

Example text Eact &ser entr$. 3hese are or#s or characters that $o& enter in thes$stem eactl$ as the$ aear in the #oc&mentation.

 <Example text>  :ariable &ser entr$. Pointe# brac'ets in#icate that $o& relace theseor#s an# characters ith aroriate entries.

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e


Plant )aintenance %asics (onfig&ration G&i#e.............................................................................6

1 P&rose................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Prearation..............................................................................................................................6

2.1 Prere&isites..................................................................................................................6

2.1.1 %&il#ing %loc's..........................................................................................................6

; (onfig&ration...........................................................................................................................6

;.1 Defining @ocation...........................................................................................................6

;.2 )aintaining )aintenance Planning Plant.......................................................................

;.; Assigning )aintenance Planning Plant to )aintenance Plant.......................................

;.< Defining Permit (ategories............................................................................................+

;.5 Defining 3$es of 3echnical bCects..............................................................................!

;.6 Defining Plant Sections.................................................................................................!;. Defining Planner Gro&s.............................................................................................10

;.+ Defining bCect nformation Fe$s................................................................................10

;.! (reating Str&ct&re n#icator for Reference >&nctional @ocations.................................11

;.10 Defining A##itional %&siness :ies for E&iment (ategories...................................12

;.11 Defining )aterial Gro&s.............................................................................................1;

;.12 Determining Person Resonsible................................................................................1;

;.1; (reating Defa&lt :al&e Profiles for Eternal Proc&rement...........................................1<

;.1< )aintaining Settlement Profiles...................................................................................1<

;.15 )aintaining Allocation Str&ct&re..................................................................................16

;.16 )aintaining Allocation Str&ct&re - Assignments...........................................................1

;.1 )aintaining Allocation Str&ct&re - So&rce....................................................................1

;.1+ )aintaining Allocation Str&ct&re I Settlement (ost Elements.....................................1+

;.1! Assigning Allocation Str&ct&re to Settlement Profiles..................................................1!

;.20 )aintaining :al&e (ategories......................................................................................1!

;.21 Assigning (ost Elements to :al&e (ategories.............................................................20

;.22 Defining Defa&lt :al&es for :al&e (ategories..............................................................21

;.2; Defining Defa&lt :al&es Profiles for General r#er Data.............................................21

;.2< Defining )aintenance Acti/it$ 3$es...........................................................................22

;.25 Defining Defa&lt :al&es for (omonent tem (ategories.............................................2;

;.26 Acti/ating Defa&lt :al&e for (&rrent Date as %asic Date.............................................2<

;.2 Defining Defa&lt :al&es for 7nits for eration...........................................................2<

;.2+ Defining (&rrenc$ for )aintenance Statistics..............................................................25

;.2! Assigning :al&e (ategories to )aintenance (ost Fe$ >ig&res...................................25

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

;.;0 Defining Scoe of (hec'.............................................................................................26

;.;1 Assigning &mber Range for 3as' @ists......................................................................2

< )aster Data...........................................................................................................................2

<.1 (reating )aterials for Plant )aintenance....................................................................2+

<.2 (reating "or' (enters for Plant )aintenance............................................................2+<.; (reating :en#or for Different Acco&nt Gro&s.............................................................2+

<.< (reating >&nctional @ocations.....................................................................................2!

<.5 (reating E&iments...................................................................................................2!

<.6 (reating )aintenance Assemblies..............................................................................;0

<. (reating an# (hanging E&iment %ill of )aterials....................................................;0

<.+ (reating an# (hanging )aterial %ill of )aterials.........................................................;1

<.! (reating nfo Recor#...................................................................................................;1

<.10 )aintaining 3a #etails of :en#or................................................................................;2

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

Plant Maintenance Basics: Conig!ration "!ide

# P!rpose3his config&ration g&i#e ro/i#es the information $o& nee# to set & the config&ration of thisb&il#ing bloc' man&all$.

$ Preparation

$%# Prere&!isites

$%#%# B!ilding Bloc's

%efore $o& start installing this b&il#ing bloc'4 $o& m&st install rere&isite b&il#ing bloc's. >or

more information4 see the Building Block Prerequisites Matrix for Chemicals4 locate# on the D:D&n#er Technical Information Content Library .


%# Deining ocation


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine locations ithin a lant. A location allos a lant to beclassifie# accor#ing to satial or sit&ation criteria.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Enterprise tructure !efinition Logistics " #eneral !efineLocation

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Plnt 1000

@ocation JK0001

ame @ocation 1

@ocation JK0002

ame @ocation 2

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he locations for Plant 1000 ha/e been create#.

%$ Maintaining Maintenance Planning Plant


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine the maintenance lanning lant.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Enterprise tructure !efinition Plant Maintenance Maintainmaintenance planning plant 

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Planning lant 1000

ame 1 Plant 1

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he maintenance lanning lant is #efine#.

% .ssigning Maintenance Planning Plant toMaintenance Plant


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to assign lanning lant to lant.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Enterprise tructure &ssignment Plant Maintenance &ssignmaintenance planning plant to maintenance plant 

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2. (hoose Change.

;. Select the aroriate ro.

<. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Plnt 1000ame 1 Plant 1

PP 1000

ame 1 Plant 1

5. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he lanning lant is assigne# to lant.

%/ Deining Per+it Categories*se

3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine ermit categories. Jo& can &se ermits to #efine certainr&les or con#itions that ill be obser/e# #&ring the eec&tion of maintenance tas's. Jo& can#efine the time #&ring the or#er rocessing4 the ermit m&st be grante#

• before an or#er is release#

• before an or#er is technicall$ comlete#


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otionsTransaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in PlantMaintenance and Customer er'ice  Basic ettings Permits !efine Permit Categories

2. (hoose Change.

;. Select the aroriate ro.

<. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

(at %

ame 1 Safet$ ermit

5. Sa/e $o&r settings.


Permit categories are #efine#.

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

% Deining Types o Technical 123ects


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine the t$es of technical obCects. 3echnical obCects can beorgani8e# into gro&s &sing obCect t$es. 3he gro&ing is &se# to e/al&ate master #ata or

maintenance #ata for technical obCects.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice  Technical (b)ects  *#eneral !ata !efine Types of Technical (b)ects

2. (hoose $e% Entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

123ect Type Description

;000 )otors

<000 (on/e$or  

5000 )ills an# (r&sher  

6000 Hoer an# Silo

000 3an'er an# (ontainer  

+000 (ontrollers

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


bCects 3$es are #efine#.

%6 Deining Plant Sections


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine lant sections that enable to s&b#i/i#e the maintenancelant from the oint of /ie of ro#&ction resonsibilit$. 3he erson resonsible for the lantsection is the contact for coor#ination beteen ro#&ction an# lant maintenance.

Proced!re1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in PlantMaintenance and Customer er'ice Technical (b)ects #eneral!ata !efine Plant ections

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

Plant Plant section Pers-esponsi2le Telephone

1000 F)A George Bones 06!-2;<56+!

1000 @AG %ett$ %ron 06!-;<56+!01000 )S Henr$ )iller 06!-<56+!01

1000 RH @in#a Jates 06!-56+!012

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


Plant sections are #efine#.

%4 Deining Planner "ro!ps


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine lanner gro&s or maintenance lanning gro&ssearatel$ for each lanning lant.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in PlantMaintenance and Customer er'ice  Technical (b)ects #eneral!ata !efine Planner #roups

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

PlPl P" 5a+e Telephone

1000 100 P)-Planner Elec. 6051;!

1000 200 P)-Planner )ech. 6051<0

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


Planner gro&s are #efine#.

%8 Deining 123ect Inor+ation eys


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine the obCect information 'e$. 3his 'e$ controls a secialinformation in#o. 3he arameters set here #etermine hich #ata is to be shon for a technicalobCect. 3he 'e$ can be assigne# to the folloing obCects

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

• >&nctional location categories

• E&iment categories

• otification t$es

• r#er t$es


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code )D

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in PlantMaintenance and Customer er'ice Technical (b)ects #eneral!ata !efine (b)ect Information +eys

2. n the Change ,ie% -(b)ect info parameters./ ('er'ie% screen choose $e% Entries0

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

bCect nfo JKP)00001

bCect Set >lag

o. #a$s ;65

Sel(omlotifs Set >lag

Sel. Da$s ;65

one Set >lag

;. (onfirm settings ith Enter .

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he obCect information 'e$ as create#.

%7 Creating Str!ct!re Indicator or -eerence,!nctional ocations


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create the str&ct&re in#icator that #etermines the e#it mas' an#the n&mber of the hierarch$ le/els hen $o& create f&nctional location str&ct&res.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code PF

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in PlantMaintenance and Customer er'ice  Technical (b)ects  *1unctional Locations Create tructure Indicator for 2eferenceLocations31unctional Locations

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Str.n# J(H

Str&ctn#3et Str&ct&re n#icator (HE#it mas' ????-???9????9????9?9??????-?

Hier@e/el 1 2 ; < 5 6

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he str&ct&re in#icator is create#.

%#0 Deining .dditional B!siness ie9s or &!ip+ent


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to a&tomaticall$ maintain the assigne# #ata fiel#s an# screens if$o& acti/ate the serial #ata /ie.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Master !ata in PlantMaintenance and Customer er'ice  Technical (b)ects Equipment Equipment Categories !efine &dditional Business,ie%s for Equipment Categories

2. (hoose Change.

;. Select the aroriate ro.

<. )a'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent


Pro#&ction Res93ools Selection

S *Sales e&iment,

5. Sa/e $o&r settings.


 A##itional %&siness :ies for E&iment (ategories are #efine#.

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

%## Deining Material "ro!ps


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine material gro&s.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code )S>

IM" +en! Logistics 4 #eneral Material Master ettings for +ey 1ields !efine Material #roups

2. n the Change ,ie% -Material #roup./ ('er'ie%  screen choose $e% entries.

;. n the $e% Entries/ ('er'ie% of &dded Entries screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

Matl "ro!p Material "ro!p Description Description $ or +aterial gro!p

JP)01 Sare arts )aterial gro& for sare arts

JP)02 Sare arts ser/ices )aterial gro& for sare arts ser/ices

<. (hoose a'e.


)aterial gro&s ere #efine#.

%#$ Deter+ining Person -esponsi2le


3he &rose of this ste is to #etermine a erson resonsible.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Production Basic !ata 5ork Center #eneral !ata !etermine person responsible

2. n the Change ,ie% .Person 2esponsible for 5ork Center./ ('er'ie% screen4 choose $e%Entries.

;. )a'e the folloing entries

Plnt Pers% -espons% Person responsi2le or 9or' center 

1000 (AP Assembl$ S&er/isor  

1000 P(F Pac'ing S&er/isor  

1000 PE Assembl$ S&er/isor  

1000 P)E Plant )aintenance Ele S&er/isor  

1000 P)) Plant )aintenance )ech S&er/isor  

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Plnt Pers% -espons% Person responsi2le or 9or' center 

1000 "D "in#ing S&er/isor  

1000 001 "or' center s&er/isor 

<. (hoose a'e.

5. (hoose Back .

%# Creating Dea!lt al!e Proiles or ;ternalProc!re+ent


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine the rofiles for eternal roc&rement of ser/ices an#materials.n the eternal rocessing rofile4 $o& can store #efa&lt /al&es to generate &rchase re&isitionsfrom maintenance or#ers.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Maintenance and er'ice (rders  1unctions andettings for (rder Types Create !efault ,alue Profiles for ExternalProcurement 

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

;ternProile Proile Costle+ent


P!rch%"ro!p Material"r!p

J(H001 Eternalmaterial

<!!!!100 1000 100 JP)01

J(H002 Proc&re#ser/ices

<!!!!200 1000 100 JP)02

<. (hoose a'e.


3he rofiles for eternal roc&rement of ser/ices an# materials are #efine#.

%#/ Maintaining Settle+ent Proiles


n the settlement rofile4 $o& #efine a range of control arameters for settlement. Jo& m&st #efinethe settlement rofile before $o& can enter a settlement r&le for a sen#er.

3o settle the costs each time to C&st one cost center or C&st one G9@ acco&nt4 $o& nee# asettlement rofile. As $o& cannot maintain the settlement arameters #&ring settlement to a

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SAP Best Practices Plant )aintenance %asics *+60, (onfig&ration G&i#e

%# Maintaining .llocation Str!ct!re


D&ring settlement4 costs inc&rre# &n#er the rimar$ an# secon#ar$ cost elements b$ a sen#erare allocate# to one or more recei/ers. "hen $o& settle b$ cost element4 $o& settle &sing the

aroriate original cost element.

 An allocation str&ct&re comrises one or se/eral settlement assignments. An assignment shoshich costs *origin cost element gro&s from #ebit cost elements, are to be settle# to hichrecei/er t$e *for eamle4 cost center4 or#er4 an# so on,. Jo& ha/e to alternati/es in settlementassignment

• Jo& assign the #ebit cost element gro&s to a settlement cost element.

• Jo& settle b$ cost element - the #ebit cost element is the settlement cost element.

3his is a goo# i#ea4 for eamle4 if the re&ire# caital sen#ing for an asset $o& are b&il#ing$o&rself is to be monitore#. 3hese costs are settle# b$ cost element to an in/entor$ acco&nt in

 Asset Acco&nting at the en# of the $ear4 or hen the meas&re is comlete.

Each allocation str&ct&re m&st f&lfill the folloing criteria• (omleteness

 An allocation str&ct&re is assigne# to each obCect to be settle#. All cost elements in hichcosts are inc&rre#4 m&st be reresente# in the aroriate allocation str&ct&re.

• 7ni&eness

Each cost element in hich costs are inc&rre# ma$ onl$ aear once in an allocationstr&ct&re. nl$ one settlement cost element ma$ be assigne# to a so&rce ithin aartic&lar allocation str&ct&re.

f $o& re&ire a##itional #ebit- or settlement cost elements4 $o& can create these &sing thef&nction )aintain Settlement (ost Elements.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Basic ettings #eneral (rder ettlement Maintain

 &llocation structure

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Settlement Profile J

3et (H Alloc.Str&c. Plant )ainten.

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he rofiles for eternal roc&rement of ser/ices an# materials are #efine#.

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%#6 Maintaining .llocation Str!ct!re < .ssign+ents


• 3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to maintain the Allocation Str&ct&re I Assignments.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance ander'ice Processing Basic ettings #eneral (rder settlement Maintain &llocation tructures

2. Select Aallocation Str&ct&re MJN an# #o&ble clic' Assignments.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

.ssign+ent Te;t

010 Personnel costs

020 Sare9Ser/ice9Et )aterial con

 0;0 ther costs

 0<0 Secon#ar$ costs

050 Re/en&es

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


 Allocation Str&ct&re I Assignments are create#..

%#4 Maintaining .llocation Str!ct!re < So!rce


• 3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to assign the cost elements or cost elements gro&s to the

 Allocation Str&ct&re I Assignments.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Basic ettings #eneral (rder settlement Maintain

 &llocation tructures

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2. Select Aallocation Str&ct&re MJN an# #o&ble clic' Assignments.

;. Select each item in the assignment an# assign cost element or cost element gro& b$ #o&bleclic' MSo&rceN.

<. Enter (ontrolling Area M1000N.

5. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

.ssign+ent Cost le+ent "ro!p

Personnel costs J%)>K001

Sare9Ser/ice9Et )aterial con J%)>K002

ther costs J%)>K00;

Secon#ar$ costs 200K(E

Re/en&es 20K(E

6. Sa/e $o&r settings.


So&rce for Allocation Str&ct&re I Assignments are create#.

%#8 Maintaining .llocation Str!ct!re = Settle+ent Costle+ents


• 3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to assign the cost elements or cost elements gro&s for

settlement to the Allocation Str&ct&re I Assignments.

Proced!re1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance ander'ice Processing Basic ettings #eneral (rder settlement Maintain &llocation tructures

2. Select Allocation Str&ct&re MJN an# #o&ble clic' Assignments.

;. Select each item in the assignment an# assign cost element or cost element gro& b$ #o&bleclic' MSettlement (ost ElementsN.

<. Enter (ontrolling Area M1000N.

5. Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the #ata re&ire#S)%A0K(KSS3R(:<K%0GBKB0DK+60.3?3

6. Sa/e $o&r settings.


Settlement (ost Elements for Allocation Str&ct&re I Assignments are create#.

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%#7 .ssigning .llocation Str!ct!re to Settle+entProiles


D&ring settlement4 costs inc&rre# &n#er the rimar$ an# secon#ar$ cost elements b$ a sen#erare allocate# to one or more recei/ers. "hen $o& settle b$ cost element4 $o& settle &sing thearoriate original cost element.

 An allocation str&ct&re comrises one or se/eral settlement assignments.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Basic ettings #eneral (rder ettlement Maintainettlement Profile

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e *ser action andval!es

*ser action andval!es

*ser action andval!es

Settlement Profile J)001 J%)001 J%)002



<. Sa/e $o&r settings.

-es!lt3he allocation rofile is assigne# to the settlement rofile.

%$0 Maintaining al!e Categories


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to maintain /al&e categories. :al&e categories are inter/als for costelements. 3hese are re&ire# to &#ate the

• Plant )aintenance nformation S$stem

• (&stomer Ser/ice nformation S$stem


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions



IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice  Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Basic ettings ettings for !isplay of Costs  Maintain

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,alue Categories

2. Enter 6ser Component  PM.

;. Enter Controlling &rea 1000.

<. (hoose $e% entries.

5. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

al%cat% Te;t Costs

J%1 nternal Acti/it$

J%2 Stoc' )aterial

J%; ;r# art$ )aterial

J%< ;r# art$ Ser/ices

6. Sa/e $o&r settings.


:al&e categories are maintaine#.

%$# .ssigning Cost le+ents to al!e Categories


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine a cost element4 a cost element inter/al or a cost elementgro& as a /al&e categor$.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code F2

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice  Maintenance ander'ice Processing Basic ettings ettings for !isplay of Costs &ssign Cost Elements to ,alue Categories

2. Enter (ontrolling Area 7888 .

;. (hoose $e% entries.

<. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

al%cat% ,ro+ cost ele+ > Cost le+% "ro!p

J%1 <500K(E

J%2 1200K(E

J%; <!!!!100

J%< <!!!!200

5. Sa/e $o&r settings.


(ost elements are assigne# to /al&e categories.

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%$$ Deining Dea!lt al!es or al!e Categories


n this ste4 $o& can #efine #efa&lt /al&es for the /al&e categories for the entr$ of costs.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Basic ettings ettings for !isplay of Costs  !efine!efault ,alues for ,alue Categories

2. Enter Controlling &rea 1000.

;. (hoose $e% entries.

<. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

al%cat% Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent





5. Sa/e $o&r settings.


Defa&lt /al&es for :al&e categories #efine#.

%$ Deining Dea!lt al!es Proiles or "eneral 1rderData


n this (&stomi8ing Acti/it$4 $o& #efine #efa&lt /al&es for f&rther or#er #ata. "hen ma'ing thesesettings4 $o& sho&l# chec' caref&ll$ to see hether $o& ha/e to maintain all arameters.

>or or#er rocessing for maintenance- or ser/ice or#ers4 $o& sho&l#

#efine a 'e$ or# D to select the &ser-#efine# fiel#s from the tas' list an#•  Allocate a calc&lation 'e$ to calc&late the caacit$ of the oeration.

Jo& ill onl$ nee# to ma'e f&rther settings if $o& ant to &se the relationshis for oerations an#their grahic #isla$. Here $o& can

• Define the /ie for the grahic #isla$ of the relationshis

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2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

M.T M.T Description Co++ent

J1 >a&lt (learance

J2 Planne# Re. base# on brea'#onJ; Planne# Re. base# on re&est

J< )o#ification

J5 timi8ation

J6 Pre/enti/e )aintenance

J nsection

J+ Re/ision roCect

J! n/estment acti/ities

J) )aCor /erha&l

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


)aintenance acti/it$ t$es ere #efine#.

%$ Deining Dea!lt al!es or Co+ponent Ite+Categories


n this or' ste4 $o& can #etermine the roosal /al&es for the item categories of the or#ercomonents.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance ander'ice Processing Maintenance and er'ice (rders  #eneral !ata!efine default 'alues for component itemcategories

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

Mat%Type Plant Ite+ Category

ERSA 1000 @

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


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Defa&lt /al&es for comonent categories #efine#.

%$6 .ctivating Dea!lt al!e or C!rrent Date as BasicDate

*sen this ste4 $o& can #efine for hich lants the c&rrent #ate sho&l# be roose# as a basic #atefor the or#er.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance ander'ice Processing Maintenance and er'ice (rders  #eneral!ata!efine default 'alues for Current !ate as Basic !ate

2. Select the !efault Current !ate for Planning Plant 7888  chec'bo.

;. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he c&rrent #ate is #efine# as the #efa&lt /al&e for basic #ate.

%$4 Deining Dea!lt al!es or *nits or 1peration


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to secif$ the #efa&lt /al&es for &nits of the #&ration an# the or'o&t&t of an oeration.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code !

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance and er'iceProcessing Maintenance and er'ice (rders  #eneral !ata !efine !efault ,alues for 6nits for (peration

2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Planning lant 1000

orm.#&ratn &n. H

7nit for or' H

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<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


3he #efa&lt /al&es for &nits of the #&ration an# the or' o&t&t of an oeration are secifie#.

%$8 Deining C!rrency or Maintenance Statistics


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine in hich c&rrenc$ lant maintenance statistical #ata ismanage#.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code A"

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Information ystems

for Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice !efine Currencyfor Maintenance tatistics

2. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Description *ser action and val!es Co++ent

Statistics c&rrenc$ R

Short tet R&ee

;. Sa/e $o&r settings.


(&rrenc$ for )aintenance Statistics is #efine#.

%$7 .ssigning al!e Categories to Maintenance Costey ,ig!res


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to allocate /al&e categories to P) cost 'e$ fig&res re#efine# b$SAP. 3he /al&e categor$ generall$ gro&s se/eral cost element acco&nts together.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code SPR

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Information ystemsfor Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice &ssign ,alueCategories to Maintenance Cost +ey 1igures

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2. (hoose $e% entries.

;. n the folloing screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

Costey,ig al!e cat% ey ig!re descript% al!e cat% descript%

A)A3FSE J%2 nternal material Stoc' material

A)A3FS> J%; Eternal material ;r# art$ materialAPERFSE J%1 nternal emlo$ees nternal acti/it$

APERFS> J%< Eternal emlo$ees ;r# art$ ser/ices

<. Sa/e $o&r settings.


:al&e categories to maintenance cost 'e$ fig&res are assigne#.

%0 Deining Scope o Chec'


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to #efine the cope of Check .


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code PBB

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice 9 Maintenance ander'ice Processing 9 Maintenance and er'ice (rders 91unctions and ettings for (rder Types 9&'ailability Check forMaterial: P2Ts: and Capacities 9 !efine cope of Check 

2. n the Change ,ie% -&'ailability Check Control./ ('er'ie%  screen4 choose $e% Entries.

;. n the $e% Entries/ !etails of &dded Entries screen4 ma'e the folloing entries

,ield na+e Content


 A/ailabilit$ chec' 02 n#i/

(hec'ing R&le P) (hec'ing r&le for lant maintenance


ncl&#e safet$ stoc' n#icator set

Stoc'n 3ransfer n#icator set

ncl. &alit$ ins. stoc' n#icator set

-eplenish+ent lead ti+e

(hec' itho&t R@3 n#icator set

In>o!t9ard +ove+ents

ncl.&rchase or#ers (hec'

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ncl.&rchase re&isitions n#icator set

ncl.#een#ent res n#icator set

ncl&#e reser/ation n#icator set

ncl&#e sales rmts n#icator set

ncl&#e #eli/eries n#icator set

ncl.lanne# or#ers ? Check all planned orders

ncl. ro#&ction or#ers ? Take all production orders into account 

<. Sa/e $o&r entries an# go bac' to the Change ,ie% -&'ailability Check Control./ ('er'ie%screen0


3he Scoe of (hec' as #efine#.

%# .ssigning 5!+2er -ange or Tas' ists


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create an eternal n&mber range for tas' lists.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

Transaction code @<

IM" +en! Plant Maintenance and Customer er'ice Maintenance Plans:5ork Centers: Task Lists and P2Ts Task Lists Control !ata

 !efine $umber range for #eneral Maintenance Task Lists

2. n the General )aintenance 3as' @ist screen choose change nter/als.

;. n the )aintain &mber Range nter/als screen maintain the folloing /al&es.

5o ,ro+ 5!+2er To 5!+2er ;t

J 3@-00001 3@-!!!!! Select

<. (hoose Sa/e.


3he tas' lists n&mber range 3@- is create#.

/ Master Data3he folloing acti/ities #escribe the master #ata re&ire# for this %&il#ing %loc'. 3he stes #o not#escribe the transactions in #etail b&t list the rele/ant transaction an# the correson#ing master#ata file. >or more #etails on &sing the in#i/i#&al transactions refer to the nline Hel in thes$stem.

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/%# Creating Materials or Plant Maintenance


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create sare art materials that are a/ailable in storage henre&ire# b$ the maintenance ersonnel.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical(b)ects  Material Create ;#eneral<

Transaction code ))01

2. Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB77@MM0#@.@IAS@10#@0#@860%TT.


Sare art materials ith the n&mbers (H-+ are create#.

/%$ Creating Aor' Centers or Plant Maintenance


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create or' centers that reresent secific gro&s of lantmaintenance or'ers.


#%  Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical (b)ects  En'ironment 5ork Centers 5ork Center Create

Transaction code R01

$% Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB#0@A1-@C5T-@1777@P07@860%TT


"or' centers ith the n&mber RES- are create#.

/% Creating endor or Dierent .cco!nt "ro!ps


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create /en#or for #ifferent Acco&nt Gro&s.  A /en#or is ab&siness artner from hom goo#s an# ser/ices can be roc&re#.


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(&stomi8ing settings ill be &se# for the /en#or creation. )a'e s&re that the re&ire# settingsfrom b&il#ing bloc' +10 an# +11are alrea#$ installe#.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master !ata ,endor Central Create

Transaction code ?F01

2. Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB#@0#@10#0@0@860%TT


:en#ors are create#.

/%/ Creating ,!nctional ocations


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create f&nctional locations that reresent the str&ct&re of thelant in increasingl$ greater le/els of #etails.


3he lant maintenance or' centers m&st ha/e been create# ithin the s$stem.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical (b)ects 1unctional location Create

Transaction code IL01

2. Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB#0@I0#@100@P$6@860%TT


>&nctional locations for each of the #ifferent le/els re&ire# are create#.

/% Creating &!ip+ents


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create e&iments re&ire# for the &se ithin the lantmaintenance mo#&le.


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3he lant maintenance or' centers m&st ha/e been create# ithin the s$stem.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical (b)ects 

Equipment Create ;#eneral<

Transaction code E01

2. Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB#0@I0#@100/@P$6@860%TT


E&iment ith an# itho&t serial n&mbers for &se ithin the lant maintenance mo#&le iscreate#.

/%6 Creating Maintenance .sse+2lies


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create secial t$es of materials 'non as maintenanceassemblies that can later be &se# in bill of materials.


#%  Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical (b)ects Material Create ;pecial< Maintenance &ssembly 

Transaction code ))P1

$% Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB#0@MMP#@1006@P$6@860%TT


)aintenance assemblies for &se ithin bill of materials are create#.

/%4 Creating and Changing &!ip+ent Bill o Materials


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create the bill of materials that are lin'e# #irectl$ to artic&lar



)aintenance Assemblies are create#.

E&iment is create#.


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#%  Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical (b)ects Bill of material Equipment B(M  Create

Transaction code %01

$% Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#



3he bills of materials ere create#.

/%8 Creating and Changing Material Bill o Materials


1. 3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create bill of materials that are lin'e# #irectl$ to aartic&lar material.


)aintenance Assemblies ha/e been create#. )aterials ha/e been create#.


#%  Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Plant Maintenance Management of Technical (b)ects Bill of Material Material B(M Create

Transaction code (S01

$% Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#



3he bills of materials ere create#.

/%7 Creating Ino -ecord


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to create the info recor#. 3he info recor# establishes the lin'beteen material an# /en#or4 th&s facilitating the rocess of selecting &otations. >or eamle4

the info recor# shos the &nit of meas&re &se# for or#ering from the /en#or4 an# in#icates /en#or rice changes affecting the material o/er a erio# of time.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en! Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master !ata Info2ecord Create

Transaction )E11

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2. Refer to the folloing file for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#SMB77@M##@1$0@0#@860%TT


nfo Recor#s are create#.

/%#0 Maintaining Ta; details o endor 


3he &rose of this acti/it$ is to maintain ta #etails of /en#or.


1. Access the acti/it$ &sing one of the folloing na/igation otions

S.P CC +en!  3=7IL$  Indirect Taxes Master !ata Excise 2ate Maintenance

Transaction code B1D

2. Select :en#or Ecise #etails4 then choose )aintain. n coming screen4 refer to the folloingfile for #etails of the master #ata re&ire#MB#/@#ID@1600@860%TT


:en#or Ecise #etails are create#.