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Course Selection Guide



Batavia, Ohio 45103(513) 732-2341

www.bataviaschools.orgMr. Jamie G. Corrill, Principal

Mrs. Camey Eberhard, Assistant PrincipalMrs. Felicia Grooms, Counselor 11th/12th Mrs. Nancy Herron, Counselor 9th/10th

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSThe minimum requirements for graduation from Batavia High School are as



Classes through


CREDITSClass of 2014 and beyond


English 4 4 Students are required to earn 4 credits of English to qualify for graduation.

Mathematics 3 4Students are required to earn 3 credits of Mathematics to qualify for graduation. The class of 2014 is required to earn 4 credits of Mathematics, Algebra II or Equivalent

Science 3 3 Students are required to earn 3 credits of science. (Must include 1 credit in Biological Science and 1 credit in Physical Science.)

Social Studies 3 3

Students are required to earn 3 credits of social studies. (1 credit of US History, ½ credit of Government, ½ Credit of Political Trends or equivalent ) and 1 additional credit of social studies. (Credits earned from World History, Psychology, Mock Trial or other history elective course.)

Health 1/2 1/2 Students are required to earn a ½ credit in Health over one semster.

*Physical Education 1/2 1/2 Students are required to earn ½ credit in PE over two semesters.

Option for student athletes to fulfill PE requirement…read below.

Electives 8 7*Ohio law requires all graduating seniors to earn one credit or two half credits of Technology, Fine Arts or Foreign Language.*Class of 2014 and beyond are required to earn ½ credit of Fine Arts.

TOTAL REQUIRED 22 22 Total Credits required from the above listed criteria needed to

graduate from Batavia High School.

*Physical Education: Beginning with the 2009-’10 school year, students may earn physical education exemption for participating on sports teams, including cheerleading and/or in marching band.  (This does not include Academic Quiz Team.)  All Students who complete two full seasons of any combination of the activities listed above, may request physical education exemption through the Ohio Core requirements by applying through the guidance office. Coaches/advisors must confirm the students’ participation and the students must request that the activities replace the physical education credit required for graduation in Ohio.   If students or parents have any questions, they should contact a high school guidance counselor.


State supported colleges and universities in Ohio have established the following “CORE” curriculum as a MINIMUM program of studies for preparing for a four-year




In science, four-year colleges expect biology and either

chemistry or physics for students to be accepted without

deficiencies. Because all of these classes are college preparatory, students should allow extra time for homework and study when

taking these courses.

Math 4 credits (CP Algebra I, CP Geometry, Algebra II)

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits (World History, US History, Government)

Foreign Language 2-3 credits (at least 2 in the same language)

Fine Arts 1 credit (Art, Music, Photography)

Students who have less than the stated curriculum may be required to correct the deficiencies in college in addition to the requirements of the major. This may mean more time and expense involved in the college experience. In addition, students who take “COLLEGE CORE” have higher ACT Composite test scores (on the average) than those who don’t take “College Core”.


This course of study is recommended for students planning to seek admittance their junior year to the Live Oaks Career School.

[Graduation requirements are listed on page 1]

Freshman SophomoreEnglish 9 or CP English 9 English 10 or CP English 10

Algebra I or CP/Hon Algebra I Algebra I, CP/Hon Algebra I, Geometry or Algebra II

Physical Science Biology

World History or CP/Hon World History US History, CP/Hon US History

Physical Education Physical Education

Health 2½ electives(foreign language, art, music, information

tech)2 electives

(foreign language, art, music, information tech)

Students should check with the counselor for details about attending Live Oaks. Descriptions of each of the OAKS programs and applications are available in the guidance office.


Freshman SophomoreCP English 9 or Honors English 9 CP English 10 or Honors English 10

CP or Honors Algebra I (or CP Geometry) CP or Honors Geometry (or Algebra II) Physical Science or CP Biology CP Biology and/or Chemistry

CP or Honors World History Physical EducationPhysical Education, Health CP US History or Honors US History

Electives Electives

Junior SeniorCP American Lit. or Honors American Lit CP World Lit. or AP English 12

CP or Honors Algebra II or Precalculus Precalculus or AP CalculusChemistry or AP Biology or Anatomy & Physiology or Environmental Science.

Physics or AP Biology or Anatomy and Physiology or Environmental Science

Psychology I and II Government or CP Government and Political TrendsAP US History

Electives Electives

Suggested electives to include in a college preparatory program:

Academic : Publications, Psychology, French I, II, III, IV, Spanish I, II, III, IV

Fine Arts : Band; Chorus; Drawing; 2-D Design; Art Appreciation; Art II A; Art II B; Digital Photography


Grade cards are issued each quarter with letter grades based on the following:A = 90-100 = 4.0 GPA B = 80-89 = 3.0 GPA

C = 70-79 = 2.0 GPA D = 60-69 = 1.0 GPA

F = 59 and below = 0.0 GPA

I – Incomplete, unable to assign grade

Class RankClass Rank: Weighted GPA - At the completion of each course, the Weighted GPA scale for the course completed will be applied as determined by the academic rigor level assigned to the course. The weighted scale(s) are located under weighted courses in the course catalogue.

Non-weighted GPA for a student is calculated by summing the standard non-weighted grade points of all courses taken, then dividing by the number of credits attempted. The standard non-weighted scale is A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; F = 0


For the class of 2012 and beyondWeighted GPA for the purpose of Class Rank







Course Grade A B C D FAdvanced Placement Grade Point Scale 5.0 4.0 3.0 1.5 0

Honors Grade Point Scale 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.0 0

General / College Prep Grade Point Scale 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0

Only the courses taught at Batavia High School will be weighted. Independent study classes, online credit recovery courses, home school courses, PSEO classes taken off site, and Algebra I taken in 8th grade will all count as credit but will not be considered

weighted courses. These courses listed above will not be calculated within a student’s GPA.

THE OHIO GRADUATION TEST (OGT)All students are required to pass the OGT as part of their graduation requirements. This test will reflect knowledge through the end of 10th grade content and will be aligned to academic content standards. For more information visit the Ohio Department of Education website at


Graduating seniors may earn this award, which is related to course selection, achievement, and activities. Criteria for this award are explained in the Student Handbook and in the Guidance Office.

OHIO’S DUAL ENROLLMENT PARTNERSHIPSThe Ohio Core provides a legislative mandate that the Partnership for Continued Learning make

policy recommendations for “Increasing opportunities for Students to earn credit toward a degree from an institution of

higher education while enrolled in high school, including expanded opportunities for students to earn that credit on their high school campuses; a definition of ‘in good standing’ for purposes of

Section 313.6013 of the Revised Code; and legislative changes that the partnership, in consultation with the Ohio Board of Regents and the state board of education, determines would

improve the operation of the post-secondary enrollment options program established under Chapter 3365 of the Revised Code and other dual enrollment programs.”

Credit Flexibility Option

Credit Flexibility primarily offers high school credits to secondary students in non-seat activities or programs approved by the school district. Batavia Local Schools in accordance with State Bill 311 offers a variety of flexible credit options. Any student interested in the flexible credit option must fulfill requirements that would be established based upon the course(s) requesting for the flex credit to fulfill. Any student interested in the Flex Credit Option should get from their guidance counselor the Flex Credit Requirements manual. In the manual there are specific deadlines that need to be met in order to fulfill the Flex Credit Option.

Advanced Placement Advanced Placement courses allow students to complete coursework while enrolled in high school that may earn credit toward a degree based on the attainment of a specified score on the AP exam.The AP exam is required for AP English 12, AP US History, AP Biology and AP Calculus. These exams are taken in May and give students the opportunity to earn college credit based upon their exam results. The AP exam fee is approximately $85.00 for each subject area test. Students may qualify for a fee waiver. Students may take any AP exam offered by The College Board even if they are not enrolled in the class; however, students/parents must notify the guidance office before April 1 of each testing year so that appropriate tests can be ordered. More information and a complete list of AP test offerings are available in the Guidance Office or visit .

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program

This program enables qualified students to take college courses while in high school. If the student chooses to take college courses for both high school and college credit, there is no cost to the student for the courses. Because there are many factors to consider in making a decision to enroll in this program, interested students and parents must have a conference with the counselor before enrolling, and must indicate their interest in March. Additional information and the PSEO handbook are available in the guidance office.

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment options enable a student to earn both high school and college credit during the regularly scheduled high school day as a result of participating in a college course offered at the high school, at a college or university, or via distrance learning. Students enrolled in Dual Credit courses are considered Post Secondary students and must meet the requirements for PSEO. Additional information on Dual Enrollment options are available in the guidance office.

INDIVIDUAL CAREER PLANSThe State of Ohio requires each student to maintain an Individual Career Plan. This plan will be updated at school each year and kept on file in the Guidance Office. We will gather interest inventories and information about personal plans to help students work toward goals. During the junior and senior years, students will create their Career Passports which are required by the state department of education.

BHS ELIGIBILITYStudents must be passing five classes to be eligible to participate in sports, extracurricular activities, be elected to homecoming or prom court, be a teacher’s aide or drive to school. The Physical education and fitness courses do NOT count toward eligibility because they are ¼ credit courses. Students should consider this factor when electing to add Study Hall to their schedules. Study Halls do not count as a credit course.

STUDENT SCHEDULE SELECTIONS/CHANGESStudents, with parents, are encouraged to select their courses carefully in the spring. Class sections are determined by the number of requests, so any student schedule changes affect class size and course needs. Students should read the descriptions of courses they select and talk with teachers, counselors and parents to be sure their choices are appropriate. Students and parents should be aware that teacher recommendations are made based on the past performance of the student and the prerequisites of the department. The teacher recommendation is a vital part of the scheduling option process. Students and parents should pay particular attention to these recommendations and course prerequisites.

In the event that a parent/student does not agree with the recommendation of the teacher, they may request to discuss the recommendation with the teacher, counselor and/or principal designee. Teacher recommendations can only be overridden with the consultation of the department chairperson and the approval of the principal (or designee).Course changes may occur within the first 10 days of the 1 st

semester for yearlong courses and during the 1 st 10 days of each semester for semester long courses. Change of schedule requests will be available in the guidance office. Parent, teacher and counselor approval is required for any request of schedule change. Anything outside the change window is at the discretion of the student’s counselor and/or school administration and may result in a failing grade on the transcript. Course change guidelines will be followed to assure fairness and consistency throughout the student body. Class size limits are strictly followed, both for the course being requested and the course desired to be dropped. The following guidelines will be applied to change situations occurring outside the 10 day change window. Second Semester Course Changes:

The 1st ten days of the semester is considered the window for students to submit requests for course changes. Full year courses may only be dropped for lack of ability, not lack of effort. No request will be taken after the 10 day window.

First and Second Semester Course Change outside 10 day window will occur only if:

1. Errors in computing or paper processing are found2. Need for Course Level Change Exist (Honor to CP)—based upon

teacher and counselor recommendation and after attempts of intervention

3. Graduation or Other Requirements Exist—needed to enter vocational school or to graduate at the close of the school year.

4. Remedial Credits granted—fulfilling a deficiency or meeting an unfulfilled prerequisite.

Course changes for AP/Honors courses: these courses are considered more intense in academic rigor. Students enrolling in these courses may be required to complete summer reading assignments or various other preparatory activities prior to the start of the school year. Due to scheduling constraints students electing to take such courses should keep such in mind and will not be allowed to drop the course due to not completing summer assignments. Course changes for AP courses will be at the discretion of teachers, administration and counselors and done so only in the best interest of the student. Students taking AP Courses will be expected to sign that they have read and understand the course requirements prior to the end of the current school year.

AUDIT COURSESAn audited course provides an opportunity for a student to gain knowledge in a subject area. Students who audit a course will not receive credit for that course and the grade may or may not become part of the G.P.A. The criteria for auditing a course include:

1. No class may be audited after the first ten (10) days of either semester.2. Students must make written application to the principal within the first ten days of

the course. The application will address the following items: A) Why does he/she want to audit? B) Why is an audit more desirable than trying to pass the class at this time? C) How does he/she see the audit fitting into her/her future plans?

3. The student must maintain a 60% average for each nine week grading period. If he/she fails to do this, he/she will receive the failing grade as part of his/her permanent record (GPA).

4. At the end of the school year the student will submit a summary report to the principal describing the experience, including the positive and negative effects of the decision to audit.

5. The teacher of the audited course may assign an out-of-class project. This will be related to the subject area and can be used in helping the student obtain the required 60% average.

6. No audited courses may be dropped.

Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in the student’s receiving a failing grade that will become a part of his/her permanent record. A student may only audit one course each school year.


High School Academic Diploma with Honors Students need to fulfill only 7 of the following 8 criteria

Subject Criteria

English 4 units

Mathematics4 units, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course or a four-year sequence of courses that contain equivalent content

Science 4 units, including physics and chemistry

Social Studies 4 units

Foreign Language 3 units, including at least 2 units in each language studied

Fine Arts 1 unit

Career-Technical Not counted toward requirements and may not be used to meet requirements

Electives Not counted toward requirements

Grade Point Average 3.5 on a 4.0 scale

ACT/SAT Score [excluding scores from the writing sections]* 27 ACT / 1210 SAT

New Diploma with Honors criteria will go into effect June 30, 2007, as a result of Ohio Core legislation passed in Dec. 2006. The State Board of Education adopted new rules for the graduating class of 2011 and beyond at its May 2007 board meeting. Beginning with students starting high school in the fall of 2007, students must complete more intensive criteria in mathematics, science and social studies for high school academic and career-technical Diplomas with Honors.

Career-Technical Diploma with Students need to fulfill only 7 of the following 8 criteria

Subject CriteriaEnglish 4 units


4 units, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course or a four-year sequence of courses that contain equivalent content

Science 4 units, including physics and chemistrySocial Studies 4 units

Foreign Language Not counted toward requirements

Fine Arts Not counted toward requirementsCareer-Technical Now counted in Electives


4 units of Career-Technical minimum. Program must lead to an industry recognized credential, apprenticeship or be part of an articulated career pathway which can lead to post secondary credit.

Grade Point Average 3.5 on a 4.0 scaleACT/SAT Score [excluding scores from the writing sections]* 27 ACT / 1210 SAT

Additional AssessmentAchieve the proficiency benchmark established for the appropriate Ohio Career-Technical Competency Assessment or the equivalent

NCAA ELIGIBILITYAthletes who wish to participate in a college sport may need to meet NCAA eligibility requirements. These include a minimum of a 2.0 average in at least sixteen “Core” courses and above average ACT scores. Parents and students should be aware of these requirements. For more information contact the Guidance Office or visit .

COURSE FEESThe Course Fees List will be the final page of the Catalogue or if not there will be posted

on our website as soon as it is approved by the Board of Education.

English Summer Reading Requirement Educational Research clearly indicates that a student’s success in school is directly related to their reading ability.  To continue the quality of education offered at Batavia High School and enhance our students’ skills, all students will participate in the mandatory summer reading program.  The program is designed to challenge our students to apply, for enjoyment and enrichment, the reading and writing skills they have developed.   See for specific assignments. Students will complete books and/or assignments based on their specific class curriculum. All students will be accountable for reading the novel and completing the written response log.  The grade they receive for their log and presentation activity will average in their 1st quarter English Grade. Any student enrolling from outside the district between August 1st and the end of the 1st quarter shall have 30 days to complete the assignment.  Any student whose 30 day timeline ends after the 1st quarter will receive an “I” for the 1st quarter grade.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS(Listed by Department)

ENGLISHCourse OfferingsCode Course Rigor

Level Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite0005 English 9 Gen 9 2 1

Listed with Course


0010 English 9 CP 9 2 10013 English 9 Hon 9 2 10011 English 10 Gen 10 2 10012 English 10 CP 10 2 10023 English 10 Hon 10 2 10017 Am. Literature Gen 11 2 10018 Am. Literature CP 11 2 10019 Am. Literature Hon 11 2 10014 British Literature Gen 12 2 10009 CP British Lit. CP 12 2 10024 English 12 AP 12 2 1

Electives0020 Publications Gen 10-12 2 10021 Best Sellers** Gen 9-12 1 ½0022 Young Adult Lit.** Gen 9-12 1 ½0026 Creative Writing** Gen 9-12 1 ½0002 Speech

Communications** Gen 9-12

0003 Literature and Film** Gen 10-12 1 ½ 0027


ACT/College Skills**Instructional StrategiesTransitional Reading ITransitional Reading II





½½ ½ ½

** - Indicates courses that require a minimum number of students requests before being added to the schedule. If the minimum number of students are not met those requesting

the course will be placed in the next most appropriate course.

All Core English classes require summer reading.

0005 - ENGLISH 9 – 1 credit, full year, grade 9

PREREQUISITES: Only by recommendation of teacher or placement based on OAT results.This course provides a review of basic skills of grammar and composition, a review of literary terms, a study of vocabulary, speaking, research techniques and various literary genres. The intent is to facilitate the growth and development of skills necessary in preparation for CP English 10. Summer reading is required.

0010 - CP ENGLISH 9 -- 1 credit, full year, grade 9PREREQUISITE: noneThis course covers the major literary genres and introduces the concept of literary analysis. Reading, writing, and thinking is required both in and out of class. Troublesome points of grammar and usage are reviewed as necessary; students placed in this course have mastery in basic English and composition skills. SAT/ACT vocabulary will be emphasized. A variety of academic and personal pieces will be written. The course is designed for academically driven students who are college bound. Summer reading is required.

0013 - HONORS ENGLISH 9 -- 1 credit, full year, grade 9 (weighted course)PREREQUISITES:

Grade point average of “B” or better in Language Arts Acceptance of additional time and commitment required for success in Honors courses. Desire to read and discuss literature at an analytical level Parental support including approval of more mature readings Recommendation of current Language Arts instructor

Honors English covers the same curriculum as CP English 9 with enrichment activities and additional reading and writing components. Honors students are expected to progress at a more rapid rate, to write more papers and to have more independent reading selections. The course may cover literature of a more mature content and adult language. This course is recommended for those who are interested in taking AP English 12. Summer reading and a summer assignment are required.

0011 - ENGLISH 10 – 1 credit, full year, grade 10PREREQUISITE: Recommendation of English teacher and completion of English 9 or equivalent.This course is a continuation of General English 9; an integrated study of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, usage, composition, speech, reading, and literature. Emphasis is on an integrated approach to writing, speaking, vocabulary, and literature. Summer reading is required.

0012 - CP ENGLISH 10 -- 1 credit, full year, grade 10 PREREQUISITES: Recommendation of English teacher. This course is designed as a college preparatory course. It builds upon the concepts covered in CP English 9. Troublesome points of grammar and usage are reviewed as necessary, but it is assumed students placed in this course have mastery of Basic English skills. Heavy emphasis is placed on an integrated approach to writing, speaking, vocabulary, and literature. Research skills will be extended with a research paper. Summer reading is required.

0023 - HONORS ENGLISH 10 – 1 credit, full year, grade 10 (weighted course)PREREQUISITES: Recommendation of CP/Honors English 9 Teacher and/or grade of “B” or better in CP or Honors English 9. This course covers the major literary genres intensively and also concentrates on literary analysis. Much reading and writing is required both in and out of class. Content is extended

beyond CP English 10 and is also more in depth. SAT/ACT vocabulary will be emphasized as well. Research techniques will be extended with the development of a research paper. The course is designed for academically driven students who have a sincere interest in challenging themselves to write varied forms of compositions and to read and analyze worthwhile classic and modern literature. This course is recommended for those who are interested in taking AP English 12. Summer reading is required. (Review course change restrictions)

0017 - AMERICAN LITERATURE – 1 credit, full year, grade 11 PREREQUISITE: Recommendation of English teacher and completion of English 10 or equivalent. Students scoring 415 (400 is Proficient/430 Advanced on the OGT) and above on the OGT in Reading/Writing are expected to take the CP course.This course is a survey of the development of American literature. Emphasis is on reading comprehension, literary genres, writing skills, and vocabulary development. Research skills will be extended. Summer reading is required.

0018 - CP AMERICAN LITERATURE -- 1 credit, full year, grade 11PREREQUISITES: Recommendation of English teacher.Students will be expected to read and comprehend complex imaginative literature, master vocabulary, develop expository writing skills, and identify and explain literary forms and techniques, and extend research skills. Summer reading is required.

0019 - HONORS AMERICAN LITERATURE -- 1 credit, full year, grade 11 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: “B” or better in Honors English 10 and/or recommendation of CP English 10 teacher.This course is intended to prepare students for the AP class taken their senior year. This historically based study of American literature and thought is designed for academically driven students who have an interest in our American literary heritage. Significant literary trends will be traced, and relationships of those trends to later periods will be identified through discussions and appropriate compositions. Students will engage in a comprehensive study of an aspect of American literature through the development of a research paper. Literary analysis will be stressed. Summer reading is required. (Review course change restrictions)

0014 - BRITISH LITERATURE (formerly Senior Lit.) – 1 credit, full year, grade 12PREREQUISITE: Recommendation of English teacher and completion of English 11 or equivalent. Student achieving a “B” or better in CP American Literature expected to take CP British Literature.This course hits the high points of British literature and also includes contemporary fiction and poetry from non-British writers. Grammar is studied in conjunction with writing. A research paper as well as career education are included in this course, which stresses personal reading and the study of literature. Summer reading is required.

0009 - CP BRITISH LITERATURE (formerly CP World Lit.) -- 1 credit, full year, grade 12 PREREQUISITE: Recommended by teacher and/or “B” in CP American Literature.A survey of literature from the Old English and Medieval Periods, the English Renaissance, the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, the Romanic Period, the Victorian Period, and the Modern and Postmodern Periods. Requirements include reading many genres of literature (epics, drama, novels, poetry, and prose) and composing several essays and responses to

readings. This course is designed to give students a background in the classic works of literature they are likely to encounter in college courses. Multiple group and individual projects will be completed. Summer reading required.

0024 - AP ENGLISH 12 -- 1 credit, full year, grade 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Permission of teacher and/or a “B” in Honors American Literature.Students taking this class will take the Advanced Placement Literature Exam in May to earn college credit. Classic and modern poetry, drama, and prose are read and analyzed in discussion and writing. Evaluation is based primarily upon written responses to reading assignments. The reading list is extensive and the writing assignments are frequent. This is an intensive academically rigorous course for the college preparatory student who enjoys academic and literary challenges. Summer reading is also required. (Review course change restrictions)

Language Arts-ELECTIVES

0020 –PUBLICATIONS – 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: CP or Honors English 9 This is a blended class responsible for producing the High School Yearbook The Batavian and for students that may also have an interest in journalism and want to produce the school newspaper, Dawg Talk. All students will learn the major functions of newspaper/yearbook production, news writing, layout and design, photography and editing. Students will be responsible for taking photos, covering school events, writing stories in the school and around the community. All students will be required to solicit advertising and participate in any class fundraisers. Students should be intrinsically motivated to be a valuable member of the publications staff. Because space is limited, students must apply for consideration. Applications will be made available prior to scheduling.

0021 – BEST SELLERS - ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9-12This course is for students who enjoy reading contemporary fiction and non-fiction and would like to participate in a discussion group that would explore the ideas and issues in current and past best sellers. This class will promote community literacy and develop life-long readers. This is designed for students who like to read for pleasure. This class will guide students in creating and sustaining book clubs, writing book reviews, and learning about contemporary authors through various media sources. Works will be chosen independently with teacher guidance.

0022 - BEST OF YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9 - 12 PPREREQUISITES: Teacher RecommendationThis survey course introduces students to the vast array of young adult literature available for adolescents. This course is designed for students who enjoy reading works that apply to issues/topics that teens face every day. Students may engage in book discussions, journaling, and culminating research projects.

0026 - CREATIVE WRITING – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9 - 12 This course is designed for the student who enjoys all forms of writing. Students who have a love of writing poetry, short stories, and any work of fiction will thrive in this course. Discussion, group sharing/reflection will be included in this course.

0027 – ACT/College Skills - ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 10, 11, or 12PREREQUISITES: (successful completion of Algebra II recommended)This course is designed for students who would like to sharpen their test preparation skills. Students will be guided through a program tailored to acquaint them with the concepts and types of questions given on the ACT. Students will also have the opportunity to explore what it takes to get into college and what happens when there. They will experience selecting a college (applications, financial aid, and scholarships) as well as every day survival skills, communication skills and decision making.

0003 - LITERATURE AND FILM - ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 10, 11, 12This course explores the complex interplay between film and literature. Selected novels, short stories and plays are analyzed in relation to film versions of the same works in order to gain an understanding of the possibilities—and problems—involved in the transposition to film. Students are cautioned that this course requires extensive reading and writing in addition to viewing films and taking part in class discussions. Students not prepared to read (up to 150 pages/week) and to write on a regular basis and to take an active part in class discussions should not consider taking this course.

0002 - SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS - ½ credit, 1 semester, 9-12PREREQUISITES: noneThis course is designed to teach students to speak in a clear, confident and effective way. Students in this class will combine the skills of effective oral communication with and without the integration of current presentation enhancing technologies. This interdisciplinary approach will enable students to integrate, practice, and perfect the communication and technology skills essential for success in high school, college, and the work world.

Instructional Strategies – ½ credit, 1 semester, 9-12PREREQUISITIES: noneThis course is designed to teach students basic life skills and to offer specially designed instruction for students that are struggling in the academic classroom. This course will focus on math and reading interventions specifically. This course will be taken as pass/fail only.

0007 - Transitional Reading I – ½ credit, 1 semester, 9PREREQUISITES: Teacher recommendation This course provides intensive, sustained direct instruction to address deficiencies in decoding. This course is also designed to provide differentiated personalized instruction to each learner. This course will be taken as pass/fail only.

0008 - Transitional Reading II – ½ credit, 1 semester, 9PREREQUISITES: Teacher recommendation This course provides intensive, sustained direct instruction to address deficiencies in decoding and addresses the next level of corrective reading. This course is also designed to provide differentiated personalized instruction to each learner. This course will be taken as pass/fail only.

Possible Course Selection Paths for Core English Classes

9th English 9 CP English 9 Honors English 910th English 10 CP English 10 Honors English 10

11th American Literature

CP American Literature

Honors American Literature

12th British Lit CP British Lit AP English Lit

FINE ARTS/MUSICCourse OfferingsCode Course Rigor

Level Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite0242 Drawing NA 9-12 1 ½

Listed with Course


0240 Design NA 9-12 1 ½0241 Art Appreciation NA 9-12 1 ½0243 Art IIA NA 10-12 1 ½0245023802390250






½ ½ ½ 1

0273 Digital Photo NA 11-12 1 ½0201 Concert Band NA 9-12 2 10202 Percussion NA 9-12 2 10203 Marching Band NA 9-12 1 ¼0211 Music in Society NA 9-12 1 – 1st Sem. ½0207 Musical Theory NA 9-12 1 - 2nd Sem. ½0213 Chorus I NA 9-12 2 10214 Chorus II NA 10-12 2 1

0242 - DRAWING -- ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9 - 12A basic drawing course designed for students of all levels who wish to improve their drawing skills. Various drawing media and techniques will be explored in terms of their technical and expressive qualities. To be taken with Design to meet college requirements. 0240 - DESIGN -- ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9 - 12 This is a beginning level art course for students interested in learning the basics of 2-dimensional design. The concentration is on the Elements and Principals of design while using a variety of materials. To be taken in conjunction with drawing to meet college requirements.

0241 - ART APPRECIATION -- ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9 - 12 This course is an introduction to understanding art with a focus on art history, aesthetics, and critical inquiry. Viewing, thinking, writing and talking about art will be the main focus, with some student art creation.

0273 - DIGITAL PHOTO -- ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11 and 12

This is an introductory course in digital photography that includes photographic history, photographic skills and composition, and computer-based photo manipulation. A Digital Camera is Required.

0243 - Art IIA – ½ credit, 1 Semester, grades 10-12Prerequisite: Design and DrawingThis course is designed to advance skills, knowledge and creativity developed in the drawing and the design courses. The concentration will be on drawing and producing final pieces of artwork.

0245 - Art IIB – ½ credit, 1 Semester, grades 10-12Prerequisite: Design, Drawing and Art IIAThis course is designed to continue skills obtained in Art II A but with a concentration in 3-deminsional artwork, mixed media, and painting.

0238 - Art IIIA – ½ credit, 1 Semester, grades 11-12Prerequisite: Design, Drawing, Art IIA, Art IIBThis is an intermediate art course for students who wish to further develop their artistic skills. Students will continue to develop skills in drawing, painting, mixed media and sculpture. This class covers studio production as well as other facts of art.

0239 - Art IIIB – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11-12Prerequisite: Design, Drawing, ArtIIA, ArtIIB, Art IIIAThis is an advanced course that will continue the skills obtained in Art IIIA but with a concentration on painting, mixed media, and 3D work.

0250 - Art IV – 1 credit, 2 semesters, grade 12Prerequisite: Art III A/B or recommendation of teacherThis is a class for students seriously considering a career in the arts. Time will be spent developing portfolios for college admission.

0201 - CONCERT BAND -- 1 credit, full year, grades 9 - 12Concert band focuses on the study and performance of high quality wind band music. This elective course explores many diverse musical styles and techniques through the experience of instrumental performance and study. Study of the instrument will concentrate on building technical and musical aptitude through the use of a variety of musical materials that may or may not include large group experience, small ensembles, individual study and/or written work. Auditions for seating will take place the week following the marching band season. The class participates in events sponsored by the Ohio Musical Education Association including district adjudication (contest) as well as concerts and festivals throughout the year. Students are required to participate in concerts that take place outside of the regular school day and have appropriate dress for concerts. Concert band students may also choose to participate in pep band and jazz band that meet outside of the regular school day. NOTE: Students who are auditing are still required to meet all class requirements.

0202 - PERCUSSION – 1 credit, full year, grades 9 -12

PREREQUISITES: Admission by permission of instructor only and must have previous music experience including the ability to read written music.Percussion is a performance-based class that will give students the opportunity to play and study a variety of musical styles. The fundamentals of drumming such as proper technique, rhythm reading and performance ability are the foundations of this class. We will also explore instrument care and maintenance. Students will be expected to provide their own snare sticks and practice pads for this class and additionally may want to purchase mallets of their own. Percussion class will also prepare students to perform at all band concerts and contest events. Percussionists need not enroll in band as a separate class.

0203 - MARCHING BAND – ¼ credit, summer +1 quarter, grades 9 - 12Marching band begins in the late summer and ends at the beginning of November. Summer practices as well as band camp are scheduled in the spring and are mandatory for those who participate in this ensemble. The marching band performs at all home football games, several away games, community parades, and several local marching band competitions. The marching band includes all band students (even those in another fall sport) and students selected by audition to be in the Color Guard. The band will practice during the regular school day and additionally two nights a week after school.

0211 - MUSIC IN SOCIETY – ½ credit, grades 9 – 12 This will be a survey-style course which will examine the impact and influence of music in our society. Emphasis will be placed on the evolution of popular music throughout the 20th century and its role in contemporary culture. Class activities will include daily oral reading, extensive listening, and discussion of the written test, opinion-based journaling, informal quizzes and occasional tests. Daily active participation is important for student success.

0210 - MUSICAL THEORY – ½ credit, grades 9 – 12 This class will offer students the opportunity to study, in-depth, the fundamentals of music construction. Students will learn ear training skills, compose musical pieces and analyze musical pieces. This course is intended to provide a more thorough understanding of the musical arts and to introduce new and unfamiliar art forms.

0213 - CHORUS I -- 1 credit, full year, Freshmen and all others who have not participated in high school ChorusDevelop knowledge of proper choral singing techniques and perform at concerts for the school and community, as well as competitive events and other performance opportunities. The course will require some time outside of the school day.

0214 - CHORUS II – 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: “C” or better in Chorus I and teacher recommendation.Enhance skills learned in Chorus I. Concert performances for school and community, competitive events and other performance opportunities are required. This course will require a time commitment outside of the regular school day.

FOREIGN LANGUAGECourse OfferingsCode Course Rigor

Level Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite0229 French I Gen 9-12 2 1

Listed with Course


0232 French II CP 10-12 2 10233 French III** CP 11-12 2 10234 French IV** Hon 11-12 2 10221 Spanish I Gen 9-12 2 10223 Spanish II Gen 10-12 2 10225 Spanish III CP 11-12 2 10226 Spanish IV Hon 12 2 1

** - Indicates courses that require a minimum number of students requests before being added to the schedule. If the minimum number of students are not met those requesting

the course will be placed in the next most appropriate course.

0229 - FRENCH I -- 1 credit, full year, grades 9 - 12This is an introductory course to the French language, presenting grammar, vocabulary, culture and other, related areas such as history and geography. Listening and understanding the language, as well as speaking, reading and writing are required.

0232 - FRENCH II -- 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11, 12French II is a college preparatory course which is a continuation of French I, expanding grammar and vocabulary, while broadening knowledge of related cultural, historical and geographical topics.

0233 - FRENCH III -- 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12French III is a college preparatory course which includes more advanced grammar, vocabulary and cultural studies and is an introduction to French history, art and music. Students read novels as well as selections from French literature. Advanced composition work, as well as major projects in French will be required.

0234 - FRENCH IV -- 1 credit, full year, grade 12 (weighted course)French IV is a combination of continued French history, art and music and an overall review of French grammar. Emphasis is on reading French literature, writing, listening and speaking preparation for college French is included. Students will receive optional advanced placement testing preparation.

0221 - SPANISH I -- 1 credit, full year, grades 9 - 12This is an introductory-level course which is an introduction to the Spanish language, presenting grammar, vocabulary, culture, and other, related areas such as history and geography. Listening and understanding the language, as well as speaking, reading, and writing are required. Students are required to deliver verbal presentations, keep an organized binder and study outside of class as material is cumulative and requires a fair amount of preparation and practice. Students will need to be technologically capable.

0223 - SPANISH II -- 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Spanish IThis class is an extension of the material covered in Spanish I expanding on grammar and vocabulary, while broadening knowledge of related cultural, historical, and geographical topics. Students are required to deliver verbal presentations, keep an organized binder and study outside of class as material is cumulative and requires a fair amount of preparation and practice. Students will need to be technologically capable.

0224- CP SPANISH II—1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Teacher Recommendation and/or “C” or better in Spanish IThis class is an extension of the material covered in Spanish I expanding on grammar and vocabulary, while broadening knowledge of related cultural, historical, and geographical topics. This class will move at a more advanced pace then general Spanish II and will reflect the rigor of Spanish III/IV. Students will be expected to use Spanish at all times. This class will have a combination of projects and exams. Students will need to be technologically capable.

0225 - SPANISH III -- credit, full year, grades 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Teacher Recommendation and/or “C” or better in Spanish II This is a college preparatory course which includes further grammar, vocabulary, and cultural studies. Students read articles concerning current cultural topics in Spanish as well as other selections of Spanish literature. Students are required to speak ONLY Spanish during class. Emphasis is placed on listening, speaking, writing and reading. Students are required to keep an organized binder and study outside of class and independently be responsible for make-up work. Students will need to be technologically capable.

0226 - SPANISH IV -- 1 credit, full year, grade 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Teacher Recommendation and/or “C” or better in Spanish III. This is a college preparatory course that includes further grammar, vocabulary, and cultural studies.  Students read novels as well as selections from Spanish literature. Emphasis is placed on writing, reading, listening and speaking. Students are expected to speak in Spanish during class as all lessons are conducted in Spanish. Students are required to keep an organized binder and study outside of class and independently be responsible for make-up work.  High emphasis placed on project based as well as written evaluation.  Students will need to be technologically capable.

MATHEMATICSCourse OfferingsCode Course Rigor

Level Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite0070 Math Strategies Gen 9 2 1 Listed with

Course 0084 Algebra I Gen 9-11 2 10086 Algebra I CP 9-10 2 1


0075 Algebra I Hon 9-10 2 10079 Geometry Gen 10 -12 2 10088 Geometry CP 9-12 2 10072 Geometry** Hon 9-12 2 10071 Math Topics Gen 11-12 2 10077 Algebra II Gen 10-12 2 10081 Algebra II CP 10-12 2 10080 Algebra II** Hon 11-12 2 10091 Adv. Topics Gen 11-12 2 100890090


Pre-calculusPSEO College AlgebraPSEO College Trigonometry












½ 0087 Calculus** Hon 12 2 10097 Calculus** AP 12 2 10098 AP Statistics AP 11-12 2 1

** - Indicates courses that require a minimum number of students requests before being added to the schedule. If the minimum number of students are not met those requesting

the course will be placed in the next most appropriate course.

0070 - MATH STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS – 1 credit, full year, grade 9PREREQUISITES: Teacher recommendation or placement based on OAT test scores below 400. Students in this class may be linked to a Math Study Hall.In this course students will study topics in algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. This course is designed to prepare students for successful completion of the mathematics section of the Ohio Graduation Test. Content will be based on the state standards for mathematics.

0084 - ALGEBRA 1 – 1 credit, full year, grades 9, 10, 11Note: Student OAT test score performance below proficient in math may result in student being moved to Math Strategies to better assure success in Algebra I.This course is intended to review basic math skills of solving equations and graphing lines. The intent of this course is to expand on basic algebra topics to facilitate the growth and development of skills in preparation for Geometry.

0086 - CP ALGEBRA I - 1 credit, full year, grades 9Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and/or placement based on OAT test score in the Proficient or Advanced range.This course is designed for the college bound student, to teach the interpretation of data and how to solve problems using algebraic methods. This course is an extension of Algebra I topics and after successful completion of this course students should take CP Geometry.

0075 - HONORS ALGEBRA I: 1 credit, Full year, grade 9 (Weighted Course)Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and/or placement based on OAT test scores in the Advanced or Accelerated range.This course is designed for the college bound student that has a sincere interest in taking AP calculus. This course covers major algebra I topics intensively and masters the foundation in

Algebra I. This course is designed for the academically driven students who have a sincere interest in challenging themselves in mathematics.

0079 - GEOMETRY – 1 credit, full year, grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Prerequisites: Algebra IThis course is intended to give students a basic understanding of Plane Geometry. Students will cover all topics required to be successful on the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT).

0088 - CP GEOMETRY - 1 credit, full year, grades 9 - 12Prerequisites: Recommend “B” or better in any Algebra I course and/or teacher recommendationThis course is designed for the college bound student. This course is intended to present material to students through a discovery method. Emphasis will be placed on proofs. Students will cover all topics required to be successful with the Ohio Graduation Test. A scientific calculator is required.

0072 - HONORS GEOMETRY: 1 credit, Full year, grade 9, 10 (Weighted Course)

Prerequisites: Recommendation of CP/Honors Algebra I Teacher and/or a grade of “B” or better in CP/Honors Algebra I. This course is designed for the academically driven student that has a sincere interest in taking AP calculus. The course content is extended beyond the CP Geometry course and places heavy emphasis on proving and both deductive and inductive reasoning. A scientific calculator is required.

0071 - MATH TOPICS: (Consumer Mathematics and Financial Management) - 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Algebra I and GeometryThis course is designed for students who need reinforcement in basic Algebra 1 concepts and will assist them in preparing them for Algebra 2. Topics may include problem solving, critical thinking skills, data analysis, and graphing. Consumer topics including: employment, housing, banking and insurance.

0077 - ALGEBRA II - 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11, 12Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry (Recommend “B” or better in both courses) and/or teacher recommendation.This course is designed to enhance and further develop the mathematical topics from Algebra I. Topics include problem solving, real and complex number systems, exponents, matrices, data analysis, probability, and right triangle trigonometry.

0081 - CP ALGEBRA II - 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation and/or placement based on OGT test scores in the Proficient or Advanced range.This course is designed for the college bound student. This course emphasizes in depth the understanding of Algebra II concepts. Topics include problem solving, matrices, exponential functions, the real and complex number system data analysis and probability. Graphing Calculator is required (Texas Instrument 83, 84 or T-Inspired is strongly recommended).

0080 - HONORS ALGEBRA II** : 1 credit, full year, grade 10, 11(Weighted Course)Prerequisite: Recommendation CP/Honors Geometry Teacher and grade of “B” or better in CP/Honors Geometry.This course is designed for the academically driven student that has a sincere interest in taking AP calculus. This course is an extension of CP Algebra II concepts and moves at an accelerated pace. Much work is required both in and out of class. Graphing Calculator is required (Texas Instrument 83, 84 or T-Inspired is strongly recommended).

0091 - ADVANCED TOPICS – 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Algebra 2This course is designed as an alternative to Pre-Calculus. It will assist students in preparing for SAT and/or ACT examinations. Topics may include application of Algebra 2 topics, number theory, statistics, and probability. A TI-83 Plus graphing calculator is required.

0089 - PRECALCULUS - 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Geometry, CP or Honors Algebra II (Recommend “B” or better in those classes) and teacher recommendation.This course emphasizes the use of algebra and functions in problem solving and modeling. Appropriate use of technology and applying mathematics to real world situations is emphasized. Topics include linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and piecewise equations and functions. Students whose programs recommend a college algebra course or who need to prepare for calculus should take this course. This course also includes the study of trigonometric functions and their applications. Topics include circular functions, trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations, vectors, polar coordinates, and applications of these concepts. Graphing Calculator is required (Texas Instrument 83, 84 or T-Inspired is strongly recommended).

0090 PSEO College Algebra – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12 (weighted course)PREREQUISITES: Geometry, CP or Honors Algebra II, PSEO requirements, appropriate score on placement test or a score of 22 or higher on math portion of ACTThis course emphasizes the use of algebra and functions in problem solving and modeling. Appropriate use of technology and applying mathematics to real world situations is emphasized. Topics include linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, and piecewise equations and functions. Students whose programs recommend a college algebra course or who need to prepare for calculus should take this course. Graphing Calculator is required (Texas Instrument 83, 84 or T-Inspired is strongly recommended).

0092 PSEO College Trigonometry – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: successful completion of PSEO College AlgebraThis course also includes the study of trigonometric functions and their applications. Topics include circular functions, trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations, vectors, polar coordinates, and applications of these concepts. Graphing Calculator is required (Texas Instrument 83, 84 or T-Inspired is strongly recommended).

0097 - AP CALCULUS -- 1 credit, full year, grade 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Recommend “B” or better in Precalculus and teacher recommendation or successful completion of PSEO College Algebra and College Trigonometry.This course will emphasize an understanding of differential and integral calculus. The curriculum will be based upon the Advanced Placement Exam. Students in this course will take the Calculus Advanced Placement Exam for college credit. Graphing Calculator is required (Texas Instrument 83, 84 or T-Inspired is strongly recommended). (Review course change restrictions)

0098 -AP Statistics—1 credit, full year, grade 11-12Prereqisities: Recommend “B” or better in Honors Algebra II along with teacher recommendation.Advanced Placement Statistics* is equivalent to an introductory college level statistics course. Studentsare introduced to the major concepts of collecting, organizing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will study four broad areas of introductory statistics:Exploring Data: Observing patterns and departures from patternsPlanning a Study: Deciding what and how to measureAnticipating Patterns: Producing models using probability and simulationStatistical Inference: Confirming models.This course is offered online with several days throughout the year with onsite meetings.

Possible Course Selection Paths for Mathematics

9th Grade Math Strategies

Math Strategies Algebra I Algebra I Algebra I CP/Honors

Algebra ICP/Honors Geometry

10th Grade Algebra I Algebra I Geometry Geometry Geometry CP/Honors Geometry

CP/Honors Algebra II

11th Grade Geometry Geometry Math Topics Algebra II Algebra II CP/Honors

Algebra II


Algebra and Trig

12th Grade Math Topics Algebra 2 Algebra II Advanced



Algebra and Trig


Algebra and Trig

AP Calculus



r Level

Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite

0162 Health Gen 9-10 1 ½

Listed with Course


0185 Physical Ed Gen 10 1 ¼ 0183 Fitness Gen 11-12 1 ¼0188 Sports Awareness Gen 9-12 1 ½ 0160 Health and Nutrition

Topics Gen 9-12 1 ½

Note on Physical Education requirement: Beginning with the 2009-’10 school year, students may earn physical education credit for participating on sports teams, in cheerleading and/or in marching band.  (This does not include Academic Quiz Team.)  See detailed explanation on pg. 2 of course catalogue.

0162 - HEALTH – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9, 10The goal is to impress upon each student an appreciation of the importance of good mental, physical, and social health.

0185 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION – ¼ credit, 1 semester, grade 9-12This course will build upon concepts covered in Freshman PE by focusing more on team sports and group related physical activities. A continued emphasis will be on the importance of developing determination, sportsmanship, skill, attitude, and knowledge of various physical activities that support a healthy way of life.

0183 - FITNESS – ¼ credit, 1 semester, grades 11 and 12PREREQUISITES: ½ credit P.E., Health. Body sculpting/nutrition classes focus on light strength training, flexibility, cardiovascular training, nutrition and developing lean body tissue. Students will learn basic exercise physiology and nutrition and how it relates to increased levels of fitness and reduced percentage of body fat. The class is designed as a lower impact workout and nutrition regimen that will benefit students for a lifetime. This course may be co-taught. Students must earn a B or better to repeat this class.

0188-Sports Awareness—1/2 credit, 1 semester, grades 9-12Sports Awareness is a class designed to give students the basic knowledge needed to appreciate sports and the outdoors to its fullest.  This class will give students the basic foundation of rules, strategy and history of a variety of sports.  Students are also expected help prepare our campus for athletic events and practices.

0160 Health and Nutrition Topics—1/2 credit, 1 semester, grades 9-12Students will evaluate factors that influence food choices as well as develop skills to obtain, store, and prepare foods to promote wellness. The planning, preparation, and service of nutritious meals will be emphasized through laboratory and classroom activities. Students will study selection and practice the proper use of kitchen equipment. There will be an emphasis placed on the important of physical activity as it relates to lifelong wellness. This course may be co-taught with the physical education teacher.

SCIENCECourse OfferingsCode Course Rigor Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite

Level0033 Physical Science A Gen 9-10 1 ½

Listed with Course Descriptions

0034 Physical Science B Gen 9-10 1 ½0031 Biology A Gen 9-12 1 ½0032 Biology B Gen 9-12 1 ½00490050

Biology A Biology B




½ ½

0038 Biology** AP 11-12 2 10045 Genetics** CP 11-12 1 ½0029 Enviro. Science Hon 11-12 1 10051 Ecology A Gen 11-12 1 ½0052 Ecology B Gen 11-12 1 ½0037 Chemistry A CP 10-12 1 ½00360041


Chemistry BPSEO Introduction to ChemistryPhysicsHuman Anatomy AP Chemistry








11½ 1

** - Indicates courses that require a minimum number of students requests before being added to the schedule. If the minimum number of students are not met those requesting

the course will be placed in the next most appropriate course.

0033 - PHYSICAL SCIENCE A – ½ credit, 1 semester, grade 9, 10This course is an overview of the Physical and Earth Sciences. Topics for Physical Science include: Science and Technology, Weather and Climate, Electricity, Magnetism, Classification of Matter, The Periodic Table, Chemical Bonds and Reactions.

0034 - PHYSICAL SCIENCE B – ½ credit, 1 semester, grade 9, 10This course is an overview of the Physical and Earth Sciences. Topics for Physical Science B include: Science and Technology, Scientific Inquiry, Measurement & Graphing, Motion & Forces, Energy, and the Solar System.

0037 - CHEMISTRY A – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 10, 11, 12 PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Algebra I, currently in or have taken Geometry, “C” or better in Biology or Physical Science, or Successful completion of CP Biology This is an advanced level physical science course. Topics will include: history and study of atomic theory, structure of the atom, properties of matter, the periodic relationships between elements, and chemical bonds.

0036 - CHEMISTRY B – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Algebra I, currently in or have taken Geometry, completion of Chemistry A.This is an advanced level physical science course. Topics will include: types of chemical reactions, mass relationships in reactions, phases of matter and the kinetic molecular theory, gas laws, solution chemistry, and acids and bases.

0041 PSEO Introduction to Chemistry – 1 credit, 2 semesters, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of Algebra I, currently in or have taken Geometry, completion of Chemistry A.This is an advanced level physical science course. Topics will include: types of chemical reactions, mass relationships in reactions, phases of matter and the kinetic molecular theory, gas laws, solution chemistry, and acids and bases.

0039 - PHYSICS – 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITE: Successful Completion of Geometry and Algebra II. NOTE: This is an honors level physical science course.This course is an in-depth study of the relationship between matter and energy. Topics will include: motion and forces, Newton’s Laws of Motion, circular motion, momentum, conservation of energy, interactions of matter and energy, and properties of waves. (Review course change restrictions)

0029 - Honors Environmental Science 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Chemistry with a “C” or better.This course is an in-depth study of ecology and environmental science. Topics will include: geochemical cycles, population growth, natural resources, natural and human-induced hazards and environmental quality. Laboratory experiences require students to work in the outdoor classroom on a regular basis.

0051 - ECOLOGY A – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Two years of science including Biology.This course is an in-depth study of interactions between organism and their non-living environments.

0052 - ECOLOGY B – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Ecology A..This course is an in-depth study of interactions between organism and their non-living environments.

0031 - BIOLOGY A – ½ credit, fall semester only, grades 9, 10, 11, 12 This course is an overview of the biological sciences with an emphasis on the nature of science, ecology, and cell biology. Students who have successfully completed an advanced biology course are not eligible to take this course.

0032 - BIOLOGY B – ½ credit, spring semester only, grades 9, 10, 11, 12

This course is an overview of the biological sciences with an emphasis on genetics, heredity, and diversity of life. Students who have successfully completed an advanced biology course are not eligible to take this course.

0049 - CP BIOLOGY A – 1/2 credit, fall semester only, grades 9, 10, 11PREREQUISITES: teacher recommendation and/or adequate achievement of 427 or above on the Ohio Achievement Test. This course is an overview of the biological sciences with an emphasis on the nature of science, ecology, energy, and cell biology. CP Biology differs from Biology in the amount of outside work and writing required of students. There will also be a larger focus on experimental design and inquiry based labs. Students who have successfully completed an advanced biology course are not eligible to take this course.

0050 - CP BIOLOGY B – 1/2 credit, spring semester only, grades 9, 10, 11PREREQUISITES: CP Biology AThis course is an overview of the biological sciences with an emphasis on genetics, heredity, and diversity of life. CP Biology differs from Biology in the amount of outside work and writing required of students. There will also be a larger focus on experimental design and inquiry based labs. Students who have successfully completed an advanced biology course are not eligible to take this course.

0038 - AP BIOLOGY** – 1 credit, full year, grades 11, 12 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of CP Biology, Chemistry A and Chemistry B or teacher recommendation.This course is an intense study of cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, genetics, ecology, energy and organization of organisms. Students take the Advanced Placement test at the end of the year. It is possible to earn college credit from the AP test. (Review course change restrictions)

0045 – GENETICS – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: “B” or better in Biology or successful completion of CP Biology, and currently enrolled or successful completion of Chemistry.This course is an in-depth study of genetic biology including DNA structure and technologies, heredity, human genetics, and population genetics.

0035 - HUMAN ANATOMY – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: “B” or better in Biology or successful completion of CP Biology, and currently enrolled or successful completion of Chemistry. This course is an in-depth study of the human body and how it works. Topics will include: the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. Part of the laboratory exercise will include mandatory cat dissection. (Review course change restrictions)

0055 AP Chemistry: 1 credit, full year, grades 11,12Prerequisite: “A” in Algebra II and “B” in Biology along with teacher recommendation.

This course is the equivalent of an introductory-level college course in chemistry. AP Chemistry emphasizes the chemical calculations and mathematical formulations of the principle foundations of the field. Students engage in significant lab experiences and produce a detailed notebook of lab reports they have written. Students attain a depth of understanding of fundamentals and competence in dealing with chemical problems. Students are taught to think clearly and to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with clarity and logic. This course includes an emphasis on mathematical concepts, and students must have completed at least Algebra II in order to complete the required calculations. This course is offered online with several days throughout the year with onsite meetings.

Possible Course Selection Paths for Science9th Grade Physical Science A &

BPhysical Science A

& BCP Biology CP Biology


GradeBiology A & B Biology A & B Chemistry A & B *

PSEO Intro to Chem

Chemistry A & B *PSEO Intro to Chem and/or


GradeEcology A & B. Chemistry A & B *

PSEO Intro to Chem

A.P. Biology * A.P. Biology* and/or CP Env.


GradeChemistry A & B.

PSEO Intro to ChemPhysics * and/or CP Env. Science

or Anatomy/Genetics

Physics *and/or


Physics *

Note: The above course selection paths may vary, especially in 11th and 12th


SOCIAL STUDIESCourse OfferingsCode Course Rigor

Level Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite0119 World History Gen 9 2 1 Listed with

Course Descriptions

0118 World History CP 9 2 10121 World History** Hon 9 2 10126 US History Gen 10 2 10127 US History CP 10-11 2 10125 US History AP 11 2 10001 Mock Trial I CP 10-12 1 ½0006 Mock Trial II CP 10-12 1 ½0116 Political Trends Gen 11-12 1 ½0111 Psychology I Gen 11-12 1 ½0112 Psychology II Gen 11-12 1 ½0117 Government Gen 12 1 ½0120 Government CP 12 1 ½0108 Cont. World Events** Gen 11-12 1 ½0109 World Geography and Gen 11-12 1 ½

Cultures**0110 Developing Student

Leaders** Gen 10-12 1 ½

0115 Consumer Economics Gen 11-12 1 ½ 0105 Career Exploration Gen 11-12 1 ½ 0113 Intro to Child

Psychology Gen 9-10 1 ½

0114 HS 101 Career Introduction Gen 9-10 1 ½

** - Indicates courses that require a minimum number of students requests before being added to the schedule. If the minimum number of students are not met those requesting

the course will be placed in the next most appropriate course.

0119 - WORLD HISTORY – 1 credit, full year, grade 9Students will cover world studies from 1750 to the present. This course continues the chronological study of world events from the Age of Revolutions through the 20 th Century. This course is designed to help students prepare for the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) and is recommended by colleges as a part of the core curriculum.

0118 - CP WORLD HISTORY – 1 credit, full year, grade 9 PREREQUISITES: Teacher recommendation or placement based on Ohio Achievement Test.This class is designed for college bound students. Students will cover world studies from 1750 to the present. This course continues the chronological study of world events from the Age of Revolutions through the 20th Century. This course is designed to help students prepare for the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) and is recommended by colleges as a part of the core curriculum.

0121 - HONORS WORLD HISTORY - 1 Credit, full year, grade 9 (weighted course) PREREQUISITES: PREREQUISITES:

Grade point average of “B” or better in Language Arts through Middle School Acceptance of additional time and commitment required for success in Honors courses. Desire to read and discuss literature at an analytical level Parental support including approval of more mature readings Recommendation of your current Social Studies instructor

This course will take an in-depth look at events that shaped the world from 1750 to the present. Students will be expected to analyze events through readings, research and discussion. This course continues the chronological study of world events from the Age of Revolutions through the 20th Century. It will be taught as a Pre-A.P. course with a focus on primary sources and how they relate to World events.

0126 - U.S. HISTORY - 1 credit, full year, grade 10This is a survey of the history of the United States. Students will study the development of the American society. While emphasis is placed on the 20th century, a review of the 18th and 19th

centuries will also take place. The class will incorporate strategies that the students will need to pass the Ohio Proficiency Test (OPT)/ Ohio Graduation Test (OGT).

0127 - CP U.S. HISTORY - 1 credit, full year, grades 10, 11

PREREQUISITES: C or better in CP World History and teacher recommendationThis is a course is a college preparatory survey of U.S. history from 1877 to the present with an emphasis on research and analysis.

0125 - AP U.S. HISTORY – 1 credit, full year, grade 11 (weighted course)

PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of CP World History and/or CP US History teacher recommendation.This course is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with problems and events in United States history. The course prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students in the class are required to take the Advanced Placement United States History exam in May for college credit. Summer reading is required. (Review course change restrictions)

0001 – MOCK TRIAL I (formerly Issues) – ½ credit, 1 semester offered 2nd Semester, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Teacher recommendation.This is an integrated social studies course that will increase knowledge and understanding of selected issues in American society. Students will participate in discussions, debates, speeches, research projects, and presentations. Training for Mock Trial will prepare students for competition in Advanced Issues.

0006 – MOCK TRIAL II (formerly Adv. Issues) – ½ credit, 1 semester offered 1st Semester, grades 10, 11, 12PREREQUISITES: Mock Trial I Class and teacher recommendation.Students will continue to research, discuss, and debate different issues in American society. Participation in the Ohio Mock Trial competition is required. After school practices will be required. Students may repeat the Advanced Issues class.

0116 – POLITICAL TRENDS (formerly Humanities) – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 12This course must be taken in combination with Government or CP Government.This course is the study of cultural achievements and societal values through the integration of topics from various social studies disciplines. Students will also explore economic developments and ideas.

0120 – CP GOVERNMENT – ½ credit, 1 semester, grade 12 PREREQUISITES: “C” or better in US History or CP US History and teacher recommendation. This course must be taken in combination with Political TrendsThis course is recommended for college bound students. This is a study of the U.S. governmental system as it compares to other forms. There will be emphasis on research and analysis, as well as interaction with governmental officials.

0111 - PSYCHOLOGY I – 1/2 credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12This is an introduction to the study of psychology and its methods of application to everyday situations. Emphasis is on the understanding of the life span including child development, adolescence, and death and dying. This course will also study the workings of the mind through brain functioning, altered states of consciousness, and perception. Students will be required to conduct two experiments during the semester.

0112 - PSYCHOLOGY II - 1/2 credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12This is an introduction to the study of psychology and its methods of application to everyday situations. Emphasis is on the understanding of personality and intelligence, human behavior (both normal and abnormal), mental illness and its treatment, and certain aspects of social psychology. Students will be required to conduct an original experiment during the semester.

0117 - GOVERNMENT – ½ credit, 1 semester, grade 12 This course must be taken in combination with Political TrendsThis is an introductory course. This course entails a concentrated look at early American documents, the political election process, political structures, citizen’s rights and responsibilities, and the fundamentals of the U.S. government.

0108 - CONTEMPORARY WORLD EVENTS -- ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11, 12This course is a concentrated analysis of contemporary world issues and events. This is a study of the United States interaction with other countries and issues that are current to the world today. Students will develop an analytical perspective on current world events.

0109 - WORLD GEOGRAPHY AND CULTURES – ½ credit, 1 semester, grade 11, 12This is and introductory study of the physical and human Geography of the major regions of the world. Students will compare and contrast world cultures, governments, history, economics and populations as well as human interactions and movements from a global perspective.

0110 – DEVELOPING STUDENT LEADERS - ½ credit, 1 semester, grade 10-12Prerequisite: Students must apply and submit two letters of recommendation to course instructor. Students will be required to join the Student Council Club.The course is designed to cultivate future, emerging leaders and to help them gain an understanding of the challenges faced by leaders of today and tomorrow.  The goals of the class will focus on developing leadership techniques associated with creating, coordinating, and executing plans related to student, school and community programs.  In addition, this course will facilitate a broader base of student leaders for school clubs/organizations.  Students completing this course will be expected to use the skills developed in the course to a make a positive influential impact on their school and community. 

0115 – CONSUMER ECONOMICS – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 11-12The course will cover the basic economic concepts including how society uses scarce resources to satisfy the desire of its citizens for goods and services. Other concepts will include looking at supply and demand, opportunity costs and price determination. In addition to the basic economic concepts students will explore principles involved in managing one’s own personal finances. Topics may include saving and investing, credit, insurance, taxes, social security, spending patterns and budget planning.

0114 – HIGH SCHOOL 101 Career Introduction – ½ credit, 1 semester, grades 9-10 Have you ever thought about your future and what you are going to do after high schools? HS101 will give you the skills and necessary information in developing a career plan throughout high school and into your future. As part of this course, you will complete a variety of assignments that will help you reach your full academic potential. Career exploration activities will be infused into the class that will help you find an appealing career geared to your talents and interests. Technology will be utilized in all phases of the class. Topics/activities will include: Career planning, self assessments,

success in college and the workplace, educational options, job search and interviewing skills.

0105 - Career Exploration-1/2 credit, 1 semester, grades 11-12Students will interpret career and workplace issues, practice job skills which include essential interpersonal and communication skills and conflict resolution techniques, and update IACP plans. Students will explore how academic achievement influences personal and career growth, and apply social skills that lead to a healthy, caring, responsible citizen.

0113 - Introduction to Child Psychology-1/2 credit, 1 semester, grades 9-10Students will gain knowledge of how parents and child care providers meet the needs of infants and young children to provide for healthy growth and development. Prominent theories of child psychology will be studied

Possible Course Selection Paths for Social Studies9th Grade World History CP World History Hon World History


Grade U.S. History CP U. S. History and/or Issues /Advanced Issues

CP U.S. History and/or Issues /Advanced Issues


GradePsychology or Contemporary World Events or World Geography and Cultures

AP U.S. History or Psychology or or Contemporary World Events or World Geography and Cultures

AP U.S. History or Psychology or Contemporary World Events or World Geography and Cultures


GradeGovernment/Political Trends or World Geography and Cultures (electives)

CP Government/Political Trendsor World Geography and Cultures (electives)

CP Government/Political Trends or Contemporary World Events or World Geography and Cultures (electives)

LEGAL OFFICE MANAGEMENTCourse OfferingsCode Course Level Grades Semesters Credit Prerequisite0135/0136 Into. Bus. Mgmt. NA 10 1 1/2 Listed with

Course Descriptions

0137 Principle of Business NA 11 2 10139 Bus. Law/Legal Mgmt. NA 12 2 10141 Legal Mgmt Int. NA 12 2 2

0135/0136 - INTRO TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - ½ credit, 1 Semester, Grade 10.As a student in the Introduction to Business Office Management class, students will be introduced to skills needed to be successful in an office environment whether as a business owner, supervisor, or office employee. Topics addressed will include professionalism, career planning, entrepreneurship, business structure, workplace legal matters, business ethics, time management, file and document management, and how to successfully work with difficult people.* Optional - Fee for membership in Business Professionals of America for students enrolled both semesters. *$15.00 class fee payable to Great Oaks

0137 – PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT – 1 credit, full year, grade 11 Students will be introduced to a variety topics that form the building blocks necessary to be successful in a business environment. Students will learn about economics, entrepreneurship,

business management, business plans, human resources, management styles, teamwork, marketing, and ethics. Students will close the year with a job-shadowing experience designed to prepare them for the Internship program as a senior. This is a two year program designed to prepare students for college coursework or a career in a business setting. Students in this class will become members of the Batavia High School Business Professionals of America. *15.00 class fee payable to the Great Oaks.

0139 – BUSINESS LAW / LEGAL MANAGEMENT – 1 credit, full year, grade 12PREREQUISITE: SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN LEGAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP.Students in Legal Management will use skills learned in the junior level Principles of Business class to take an in-depth and application-based approach to business and legal topics. Topics will be history and sources of American law, legal systems and procedures, contract law, legal environment, torts, civil and criminal law, agency, sales, environmental law, administrative law, employment law, international business law, and security and anti-trust law. Students will prepare for the College Level Examination Program - Introductory Business Law Exam. If passed, students earn college credit at colleges and universities that accept CLEP scores. All students in this class will become members of the Batavia High School Business Professionals of America. *$15.00 Class fee payable to Great Oaks.

0141 – LEGAL MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP – 2 credits, full year, Grade 12.PREREQUISITE – Concurrent enrollment in Business Law/Legal Management. Independent reliable daily transportation to and from the internship site is mandatory! Students will participate in a non-paid internship, which is a practical learning experience in a legal or business environment outside of school. Senior Legal Management students will build advanced skill sets based on their earlier coursework. Over the course of the year, students will participate in internships with an average of eight to twelve hours of work per week. Students will be required to submit bi-weekly journal entries and also do a presentation summary of their experience.

CAREER BASED INTERVENTION (all grade levels)Eligibility: 1) Must be recommended by instructor

2) Should be a student who wants to go to vocational school3) Must pass entrance test4) Must be interviewed5) Must have parental permission6) Must take a physical and present a birth certificate and original social

security card

Courses: CBI Lab 9, 10, 11, 12: Students will work 2 or 3 hours during the school day.Students can work up to 23 hours per week until theyare 16 years old.

CBI Related: Students will relate their present choices to their futures and Receive academic intervention in all classes. *Fee

CBI Science 9, 10, 11, 12: This course is an overview of the PhysicalSciences and some Earth Science.

Notice of Nondiscrimination:The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, age, or genetic information in its program,

activities, or employment. Further, it is the policy of the District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless

of race, color, creed, age, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn

through the curriculum offered in this District.

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