Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


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    Fragrant Plants for Pathways

    These 12 plants make your stroll through the garden smell as good as it looks

    by Danielle Ferguson

    Most garden plants look good, but how many offer a scent as captivating as their

    appearance? And how often do we actually detect a scent? A kind breeze sometimes brings

    one to our notice, or we bury our face into flowers for a whiff. Make fragrance a daily delight

    by lining a garden path with gorgeous, scented plants. The key is to use a variety that

    releases its perfume at different times of the year. Imagine your garden rising and falling

    through the seasons, with flowers, foliage, and scents ever changing. Youll find yourself

    stopping to smell the garden every time you walk out the door, so you might want to kiss

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  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalisand cvs.)Photo/Illustration: Jerry Pavia

    punctuality good-bye.

    Wisterias scent is as good as its looks

    Wisteria sinensisand cvs.

    USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9

    Size: 28 feet high and indefinite width

    Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; fertile, well-drained soil

    Wisterias fragrance is hard to describe; Id say that its between that of sweet pea and vanilla

    jasmine. Its something people should experience on their own. Wisteria can grow over a

    large arbor or be trained into a freestanding tree. It gets heavy, however, so if you place it on

    a trellis, make sure that the trellis is a strong one. Thinning out wisteria at least twice a year is

    required: once in late winter, and again after flowering to get rid of some of its leafy growth

    and to secure a strong floral display. Leaf buds should be shortened to three to five buds on

    each stem. Theyre farther apart on long vigorous growth than flower buds, which are fat and

    close together on short flowering spurs.


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  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Daphnex burkwoodii'Carol Mackie'Photo/Illustration: Reggie Millette

    Wisteria sinensisPhoto/Illustration: Saxon Holt

    Carol Mackie is the best of the fragrant daphnes

    Daphne burkwoodiiCarol Mackie

    Zones: 4 to 7

    Size: Up to 4 feet tall and wide

    Conditions: Full sun to partial shade;

    humus-rich, well-drained (but never dry) soil

    Daphnes are cherished for their intense

    lemony aroma to which many other garden

    scents are compared. Carol Mackie daphne

    blooms in early spring and gives off an

    especially strong fragrance, which might have

    you buying 10 more with which to line the rest

    of your path. Watering them can be a bit of a

    juggling actwater just enough to prevent

    the soil from drying out. Overwatering kills

    daphnes. This is probably how they earned a

    reputation for being difficult plants, but theyre

    a dream once you get the watering under

    plants mentioned in

    this article:

    Convallaria majalis

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  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Convallaria majalis Photo/Illustration: Jerry Pavia


    Daphnes hardly ever need pruning. But if you feel that you absolutely must prune, cut back

    only a few branches at a time. Because the plants are susceptible to fungal infection, cutting

    only a handful of branches leaves fewer points through which infection might enter. Cut on a

    dry morning, and apply fungicide afterward to lessen the risk of infection.

    Lily-of-the-valley exhibits a fragrant Napoleon complex

    Convallaria majalisand cvs.

    Zones: 2 to 7

    Size: 9 inches tall, spreading indefinitely

    Conditions: Full sun to full shade;

    humus-rich, moist soil

    This little plant gives off a big-time fragrance.

    Dont be duped by its short stature: You can

    savor its scent even while walking by upright.Plant it under larger plants for a mat of the

    sweetest-smelling ground cover around. One

    bulb fills a 4-inch-square space in the first

    season, but the plant will spread, over time,

    by underground rhizomes. Four or five plants

    will rapidly fill in to create a dense and

    fragrant patch. Small red berries appear on

    the plant in fall, when lily-of-the-valley should

    be divided to maintain vigorous growth.

    Theres no spring scent quite like that of Bridal Bouquet abelia

    Abelia mosanensisMonia

    Zones: 5 to 9

    Size: 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide

    Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; well-drained soil

    Its strong fragrance can waft down 15 feet of path, so Bridal Bouquet abelia is the go-to

    shrub for those looking for a fragrance factory. Its arching habit looks splendid in the middle

    of a bed, where it blooms from late spring to early summer, with its lilac-scented pink buds

    Vitex agnus-castus

    Wisteria sinensis

    Daphne burkwoodii'Carol


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    Abelia mosanensis'Monia' Photo/Illustration:Reggie Millette

    opening into tiny white trumpets. Red,

    orange, and yellow leaves make up for its

    loss of scent in fall. After letting Bridal

    Bouquet establish for three or four years,

    remove one-third of its oldest canes annually

    after flowering to keep its size manageable.

    Evergreen clematis will fill an arbor with its aroma


    Zones: 7 to 11

    Size: Up to 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide

    Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; fertile, well-drained soil

    So youre after an aromatic climber. Look no further than evergreen clematis, which produces

    vanilla-scented white flowers in midspring. Its leathery leaves hang down in a showy, dark

    green cascade all year long. Its best to train evergreen clematis over an arbor or pergola so

    that it can be enjoyed from within the structure. It grows slowly in its first couple of years, but

    after that, Ive seen the vine take off and reach 30 feet tall in Zones 7 and 8. Prune evergreen

    clematis after its flowers fade; it blooms on the tips of the previous seasons growth, so

    pruning it later in the season will sacrifice the following years flowers.

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  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Clematis armandiiPhoto/Illustration: Jerry Pavia

    Clerodendrum trichotomumPhoto/Illustration:

    Harlequin glory bower is a plant of many perfumes

    Clerodendrum trichotomum

    Zones: 7 to 9

    Size: 15 to 20 feet tall and wide

    Conditions: Full sun; moist, well-drained soil

    Clusters of creamy white flowers fill thecanopy of harlequin glory bower in early

    summer and waft jasminelike up to 25 feet

    away. But the scents dont stop there. If the

    leaves are crushed, they release a peanut-

    buttery smell, which is why the shrub is also

    known as peanut butter bush. If that doesnt

    make harlequin glory bower exotic enough,

    its berries surely will. When spent flowers fall

    away, a turquoise blue berry appears. Each

    one is surrounded by red sepals, creating a

    breathtaking display until they are eaten bybirds. Grow harlequin glory bower as a tree or

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  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Michelle Gervaismultistemmed shrub. As a shrub, its outer

    branches sometimes create a bower (hence,

    the name). Youll also get more flowersand fragrancein the shrub form.

    The aromas of Oriental lilies are as classic as an Austen novel


    Zones: 4 to 9Size: 1 to 6 feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide

    Conditions: Full sun; well-drained soil

    When it comes to Oriental lilies, my motto is, The more, the better. Their scent is well known

    and loved, and it is strongest in the afternoon when sunlight warms the flowers and gets their

    fragrance going. Groups can be tucked into almost any spot along a path. Place them either

    in the middle layer of the bed for height or right up at the edge to encourage passersby to

    stick their nose into the glorious flowers. Some great lilies include Casa Blanca, which is the

    best white variety; Star Gazer (pictured), a great cut flower for bouquets; and Conca dOr, a

    beautiful yellow lilyand my absolute favorite.

    Lilium'Star Gazer' Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

    Black Negligee actaea offers dark leaves and an alluring scent

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  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Actaea simplex'Black Negligee'Photo/Illustration: Reggie Millette

    Actaea simplexBlack Negligee

    Zones: 4 to 8

    Size: 4 to 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide

    Conditions: Partial shade; moist,

    well-drained soil

    Black Negligee actaea smells slightly fruitywith baby-powder overtones; that sounds

    odd, but its really a pleasant scent. The

    foliage is purplish black, lacy, and sexy. By

    midsummer, tall wands are covered with

    small white flowers. Plant Black Negligee at

    a paths edge so that its exquisite leaves and

    sweet scent can be appreciated. If the stems

    are left to go to seed in fall, birds will perch

    and peck away at them all winter long.

    Chaste tree: a plain name for a seductively scented shrub

    Vitex agnus-castusand cvs.

    Zones: 6 to 9

    Size: Up to 25 feet tall and wide

    Conditions: Full sun; well-drained soil

    Chaste tree is a large multistemmed shrub that blooms in early fall, perfect for adding scent

    and color to a garden

    bed as it comes down from its summer high. The soft blue flowers give off a sagelike

    fragrance and resemble those of a butterfly bush or lilac. Chaste tree also makes a lovely

    addition to fall bouquets. Because it blooms on current seasons wood, pruning should be

    done in early spring and only if a specimen really needs downsizing. Dont let bare branches

    trouble you in spring; chaste tree doesnt leaf out until early summer.

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    Fragrant Plants for Pathways Fine Gardening Article http //www finegardening com/plants/articles/the path to yearlong fragran

  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Vitex agnus-castusPhoto/Illustration: Bill Johnson

    Viburnumx bodantense'Pink Dawn'

    Pink Dawn viburnum has color and fragrance in winter

    Viburnum bodnantensePink Dawn

    Zones: 5 to 8

    Size: Up to 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide

    Conditions: Full sun to partial shade; moist,

    well-drained soil

    This plant blooms on bare branches, its

    beautiful pink flower clusters appearing from

    early to midwinter. Its spicy-yet-sweet

    fragrance is a novelty in winter, when outdoor

    scents are few and far between. In spring, its

    leaves emerge burgundy with prominent

    veins; they age to green in summer and wine

    red in autumn. Pink Dawn viburnum really is

    a plant for all seasons. Although it can

    tolerate partial to full shade, it does best in full

    sun; otherwise, its intense fall color will becompromised.

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    Fragrant Plants for Pathways Fine Gardening Article http //www finegardening com/plants/articles/the path to yearlong fragran

  • 8/22/2019 Plantas de Olr a Fragancia


    Photo/Illustration: Josh McCollough

    plants mentioned in this article:

    Convallaria majalis

    (Lily of the Valley,

    May bells)

    Vitex agnus-castus

    (Chaste tree,

    Monk's pepper)

    Wisteria sinensis

    (Chinese wisteria)




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