Plant Growth and Adaptations Jeopardy Test Review Game Created by Eileen Kahl


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Plant Growth and Adaptations

Jeopardy Test Review

GameCreated by Eileen Kahl

Vocabulary Structure of Plants


Roots and More



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Double Jeopardy

Define structures

The parts that make up an organism’s


Define nutrients

Substances, such as minerals, which all

living things need in order to grow

What is germination?

When a seed sprouts

Define functions

The jobs that structures perform

Where does Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen come from and who

uses them?

Carbon dioxide is given off by animals and taken in by plants. Oxygen is given off by plants and taken in by animals.

What are the two types of leaves?

Needle leaves and broad leaves

What are the two types of stems?

Woody stems and flexible stems

What is a characteristic of

woody stems and what plants have

woody stems?

Woody stems and stiff and hard. The outer bark protects

the inside. Trees and bushes have woody


What are the characteristics of a flexible stem and

what types of plants have them?

A flexible stem is soft and bendable.

Flowers have flexible stems.



•Has tiny holes to take in CO2 and let out oxygen

•Can travel by wind, water or animals to a new location before it will germinate.

•Takes in water and nutrients from the soil.

•Acts like a straw to move water and nutrients to other parts of the plant

•Stem- Acts like a straw to move water and nutrients to other parts of the plant

•Roots - Takes in water and nutrients from the soil.

•Leaves- Has tiny holes to take in CO2 and let out oxygen and moisture

•Seed - Can travel by wind, water or animals to a new location before it will germinate.

What is photosynthesis?

The process by which a plant makes its own


What does a plant need for the

photosynthesis to happen?

Carbon DioxideWater


How does a plant use sunlight in the

process of photosynthesis?

It provides the energy for the

process to occur.

How does a plant use water & carbon


It takes the water in through the roots or

leaves and takes in the carbon dioxide in

through the leaves. They mix together to make food (sugar).

Where and what traps the sunlight for energy for the

process of photosynthesis?

The leaves trap the sunlight in the

chlorophyll and turns it into energy.

The function of the taproot.

The plant’s single main root that goes

deep into the soil and holds the plant in


The function of fibrous roots

They are long roots that grow near the

surface for collecting water and nutrients

for the plants.

Explain the process of transpiration.

The process in which plants give off water vapors through tiny wholes in the leaves.

How do seeds and spores travel or disperse, so that plants will reproduce in different places?

They will travel by water, wind and on an animals or by animals.(Click the picture to watch the 10 minute video on how seeds disperse.)

The difference between a spore and

a seed.

•Seeds have many cells and come from flowering plants like apples, lilies and daisies.

•Spores are microscopic and only have one cell and come from non flowering plants like ferns and fungi.

This is a pitcher plant. Can you explain its unusual adaptation? It caught bugs in the pitcher.

The pitcher plant attracts bugs and drowns them. It uses the bugs to extra nutrients, since the soil where it grows has poor nutrients.

Cacti have an adaptation that allows them to survive in the desert. Can you explain it?

Cacti have fibrous roots that are close to the surface of the soil.

Watch the video and explain the

adaptations of a vine. (Click picture for 30 second video)

•The vine grows upward to reach maximum sunlight.

•It will cling and wrap around objects so that it can grow upwards.

Watch the video and explain the

adaptation of the Water Lilly.

(Click picture for 5 minute video)

•The roots hold the lily in the place at the bottom of the pond.

•The leaf grows upward to the surface of the water and the opens to collect sunlight for energy.

•The flower attracts insects to digest for more nutrients.

What is the unusual adaptation of this


•The Venus fly trap gets additional nutrients that it needs by digesting insects and animals.

•When an animal or insect touches its trigger hairs, it closes and traps it.


What if? ScientificProcess

Name that Scientist

What type of Model

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Double Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy

Everything that surrounds and affects an

animal, plant or any living thing, including living and non-living

things is called what?


A body part, structure or behavior that helps an animal or a living thing meets its needs in its environment is what?


What is camouflage?

An animal’s pattern or color

The material on the outside of a plant or

animal that helps protect the organism

Body Covering

A pattern of changes that happen during an organism’s life

Life Cycle

What would happen if we had no plants?

There would be no oxygen for us to


True or FalsePlants need oxygen

from the air to survive.


What if there was no food for all living


Animals and plants and all living things

need food to survive. They would die.

What if plants had no soil? Can they


Yes. Plants can grow in just water but they need nutrients added

to the water to survive.

What if there was no carbon dioxide in the


Plants would not have the gas they need to survive and breathe.

Why are the plants not growing?

This plant may need water.

These plants may need water and sunlight.

If you want to start an experiment, what is

the first step you need to do?

Ask a scientific question

What is the "if then” statement in the scientific process that includes your

variables for the experiment?


During which step of the scientific process do you make a list of material, procedures and collect data?

During the Experiment

Name the six steps of the scientific process in order

1.Ask a question2.Research the topic3.Make a hypothesis4.Test with an experiment5.Draw a conclusion6.Report your results

Who studies humans, plants, animals, and the environments in

which they live?


Who studies soil and crops?


Who studies Earth and the processes that shape Earth?


Who studies matter, energy, and how they

are related?


Who studies the environment and the actions that affect it?


What is a 3-D model that shows a scene from an event or



What is a model of a natural habitat that contains living and nonliving things?


What is something that represents an object, an event, or

an idea?


What is a model that takes up space like

the object it represents?

Three-dimensional model (3-D)

What type of model is a

match box car?


Final JeopardyCCS Teachers

How much do you want to wager?


Name all the4th grade teachers.

You have 1 minute!
