Place a dot on each consensogram to self assess your...


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Place a dot on each consensogram to self

assess your understanding of UDL and the EIC.

Planning for a UDLClassroom with the EIC


By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

• identify the strategies and tools the EIC embeds into the curriculum that foster Universal Design for Learning,

• identify tools and software incorporated into the EIC to support UDL,

• download and modify EIC instructional resources,

• upload and rate EIC instructional resources,

• identify and discuss best practices for collaborative planning to support the needs of diverse learners in a Universally Designed for Learning classroom

What is UDL?

Universal Design for Learning

What are the major principles of UDL?




What does a classroom in which UDL is used

effectively look like?

What does a classroom in which multiple means of representation

are used look like?

Provide multiple means of representation by . . .

What does a classroom in which multiple means of expression

are used look like?

Provide multiple means of expression by . . .

What does a classroom in which multiple means of engagement are

used look like?

Provide multiple means of engagement by . . .

How is UDL embedded and supported in the EIC?

The EIC is integrated through the

Thinking and Academic Success


Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking

Academic Success

The EIC in an online Professional Learning Community

Instruction Center

Flexible models of instruction

Accessibility built into a variety of student resources

Suggestions for scaffolds & differentiation

Collaborative planning

Explore the EIC

Take some time to navigate the Elementary Integrated Curriculum on the Instruction Center.

Software and Resource Tour

MS Word MS PowerPoint Clicker 5 Kidspiration Pixie ActivInspire

Flipcharts Video Websites Math Kits Digital text

Software supports the development of

instructional resources in a variety of formats

Audio supports Visual support Multimedia Interactive


support UDLbecause they

are flexible and can be provided

in a variety of formats.

MS Word

Visual Supports/graphics

Text boxes for typing or writing

Resources made in MS Word can be utilized by screen reading software

MS PowerPoint

Narration Photographs/visual

Supports Builds background

knowledge Text can be easily


Clicker 5

Text to speech Word/phrase banks as

a writing scaffold Talking spell check Visual supports E-books Easy to adapt/modify



Provides text to speech Scaffolds for writing Access to graphics through

picture library Visual supports Talking elementary level

dictionary Digital math manipulatives


Text to speech Digital manipulatives Drawing alternative Spell check Set accessibility

options in preferences

ActiveInspire Flipcharts

Interactive Tools provide flexible

options for presentation and expression of knowledge

Presentations can be displayed without a Promethean Board.

This flipchart provides an interactive way for students to learn the grade level appropriate elements of a citation for multiple format types. Modify the flipchart to introduce students to formats used in the Young Geographers project. GR1, MP3, WK6


Check to see if closed captioning is available

Provides visual to build background knowledge


Provide text to speech, video or other multimedia supports

Engage students interest Build background

knowledge MCPS subscription sites

are available in the Instruction Center under Online Services.

Math Kits

Digital Text & Audio Books

Tumble Books One More Story Pebble Go Playaway Audio


Exploring Software & Resources

Take some time to navigate the Elementary Integrated Curriculum on the Instruction Center.

How do I find resources to meet my student’s needs?

Search the EIC

Search Results

Resource Description

Rating resources


Downloading, Modifying and Uploading Resources

Downloading a Resource from the Content Planner Page

Downloading a Resource from the Resource Detail Page

Modifying a resource to meet student needs

How can you modifythis resource to meetthe needs of diverselearners?

Uploading Resources

Modify a Resource and Self Break

Choose a resource to review.

Modify the resource to suit the needs of a student you have taught in the past.

Save the modified resource with another name in your documents.

Upload the modified resource to the Instruction Center.

Continue exploring ways you can use UDL within the EIC.

Collaborative Planning

Why is collaborative planning an essential component for

implementation of the EIC and creating a classroom that is Universally

Designed for Learning?

Considerations for Collaboration

Who should collaborate? Barriers

Integrated Planner and

other planning tools

Implications for planning options at schools

Considerations when Planning for Instruction

Decoding SkillsSensory Needs

• Vision• Hearing

Motor Limitations


Self Regulation Background Knowledge

Language skills

Planning Tools


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Thank you for coming!
