Pitch feedback


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Pitch Feedback

Francesca Emmingham

From my positive feedback received from giving my pitch I can see that the audience liked my name for the magazine (Amplify), when I did the pitch I had two options from names but this was the preferred choice so I now will be using this name for my issue. The link between the double page spread and the main image on the front cover I felt was a good idea and I am glad that this positive feedback agrees with this.

The negative feedback I received shows that I need to link more to my research collected through my questionnaire. I have now done this by looking at my target audience age range and through deciding on my image to writing ratio through the issue.

From looking at my negative feedback from this person I have changed the time period that the magazine will be released to every two weeks as I think that this will please my target audience more and they will not have to wait so long for each issue to come out. Also as this is a genre that is growing popular there will be lots of stories to include. The price of the issue still remains at £2.50 as I believe that I need to be different from other magazines and want to appeal to students that may not want to spend much on a magazine.

My positive feedback does not include much from this person but I can be confident that I know what I’m doing from this persons assurance.
