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Observation of B0s → D̄0K0

Sand Evidence for B0

s → D̄�0K0SDecays

R. Aaij et al.*

(LHCb Collaboration)(Received 9 March 2016; published 21 April 2016)

The first observation of the B0s → D̄0K0

S decay mode and evidence for the B0s → D̄�0K0

S decay mode are

reported. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1 collected in pp collisions by

LHCb at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The branching fractions are measured to be

BðB0s → D̄0K̄0Þ ¼ ½4.3� 0.5ðstatÞ � 0.3ðsystÞ � 0.3ðfragÞ � 0.6ðnormÞ� × 10−4;

BðB0s → D̄�0K̄0Þ ¼ ½2.8� 1.0ðstatÞ � 0.3ðsystÞ � 0.2ðfragÞ � 0.4ðnormÞ� × 10−4;

where the uncertainties are due to contributions coming from statistical precision, systematic effects, and

the precision of two external inputs, the ratio fs=fd and the branching fraction of B0→ D̄0K0

S, which is

used as a calibration channel.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.161802

The study of CP violation is one of the most importanttopics in flavor physics. In B0 decays, the phenomenon ofCP violation has been extensively studied at BABAR, Belle,and LHCb, which confirmed many predictions of thestandard model (SM) [1–4]. Nowadays, the focus is onthe search for beyond the standard model (BSM) effects byimproving the statistical precision of the CP violationparameters and looking for deviations from the SMpredictions.In the SM, violation of CP symmetry in B decays is

commonly parametrized by three phase angles (α, β, γ)derived from the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix,which describes the charged-current interactions amongquarks [5]. Since the angles sum up to 180°, any deviationfound in measurements of the phases would be a sign ofBSM physics affecting at least one of the results. Currentlythe angle γ is only known with an uncertainty of about 10°[6]; experimental efforts are required to improve itsprecision and thus the sensitivity to BSM effects.Another sensitive observable is the B0

s mixing phase, ϕs,which in the SM is predicted with good precision to beclose to zero [7]. Any significant deviation here would alsoreveal physics BSM [8,9]. The current uncertainty isOð0.1Þ rad [6].In this Letter, two decay modes that can improve the

knowledge of γ and ϕs are studied. The B0→ D̄0K0

S decay

[10] offers a determination of the angle γ with small

theoretical uncertainties [11], while B0s → D̄ð�Þ0K0

S, similar

to the B0s → D̄ð�Þ0ϕ [12] mode, provides sensitivity to ϕs

with a theoretical accuracy of Oð0.01Þ rad [13].

While the decay B0→ D̄ð�Þ0K0

S has been seen at the B

factories [14], B0s → D̄ð�Þ0K0

S decays have not previously

been observed. Theoretical predictions of their branching

fractions are of the order of 5 × 10−4 [15–17]. This Letter

reports the first observation of B0s → D̄0K0

S and evidence

for B0s → D̄�0K0

S decays, and it provides measurements

of branching fractions of these channels normalized to

B0→ D̄0K0

S decays.

The analysis is based on data collected in pp collisions

by the LHCb experiment atffiffiffi

sp ¼ 7 and 8 TeV correspond-

ing to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1. The LHCb

detector [18,19] is a single-arm forward spectrometer

covering the pseudorapidity range 2 < η < 5, designed

for the study of particles containing b or c quarks. The

detector includes a high-precision tracking system consist-

ing of a silicon-strip vertex detector surrounding the pp

interaction region, a large-area silicon-strip detector located

upstream of a dipole magnet with a bending power of about

4 T m, and three stations of silicon-strip detectors and straw

drift tubes placed downstream of the magnet. The tracking

system provides a measurement of momentum, p, of

charged particles with a relative uncertainty that varies

from 0.5% at low momentum to 1.0% at 200 GeV=c. Two

ring-imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors are able to

discriminate between different species of charged hadrons.

The online event selection is performed by a trigger, which

consists of a hardware stage, based on information from the

calorimeter and muon systems, followed by a software

stage, which applies a full event reconstruction.In the simulation, pp collisions are generated using

PYTHIA [20] with a specific LHCb configuration [21].Decays of hadronic particles are described by EVTGEN

*Full author list given at the end of the article.

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri-bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) andthe published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016

0031-9007=16=116(16)=161802(9) 161802-1 © 2016 CERN, for the LHCb Collaboration

[22], in which final-state radiation is generated usingPHOTOS [23]. The interaction of the generated particleswith the detector, and its response, are implemented using

the GEANT4 toolkit [24] as described in Ref. [25].At the hardware trigger stage, events are required to have

a muon with high pT or a hadron, photon, or electron with

high transverse energy deposited in the calorimeters. Thesoftware trigger requires a two-, three-, or four-tracksecondary vertex with a significant displacement from

any reconstructed primary vertex (PV). At least one ofthese tracks must have pT > 1.7 GeV=c and be incon-sistent with originating from a PV. A multivariate algorithm

[26] is used to identify secondary vertices consistent withthe decay of a b hadron.Candidate K0

S → πþπ− decays are reconstructed in twodifferent categories, the first involving K0

S mesons that

decay early enough for the daughter pions to be recon-structed in the vertex detector, referred to as long, and thesecond containing K0

S’s that decay later, such that track

segments of the pions cannot be formed in the vertexdetector, referred to as downstream. The long category hasbetter mass, momentum, and vertex resolution than the

downstream category. Long (downstream) K0

S candidatesare required to have decay lengths larger than 12 (9) timesthe decay length uncertainty. The invariant mass of the

candidate is required to be within 30 MeV=c2 of the knownK0

S mass [27].The D̄0

→ Kþπ− candidates are formed from combina-tions of kaon and pion candidate tracks identified by theRICH detectors. The pion (kaon) must have p >1ð5Þ GeV=c and pT > 100ð500Þ MeV=c, and it must be

inconsistent with originating from a PV. The invariant massof the candidate is required to be within 50 MeV=c2 of theknown D̄0 mass [27].The B (B0 or B0

s) candidate is formed by combining D̄0

and K0

S candidates and requiring an invariant mass in therange 4500–7000 MeV=c2, a decay time greater than0.2 ps, and a momentum vector pointing back to the

associated PV. To improve the mass resolution of the Bcandidates, a kinematic fit is performed constraining themasses of the D̄0 and K0

S candidates to the known

values [27].The purity of the B candidate sample is then increased by

means of a multivariate classifier [28,29] that separates the

signal from the combinatorial background. Separate algo-rithms are trained for candidates with long and downstreamK0

S candidates. The discriminating variables used in the

classifier are the χ2 of the kinematic fit, geometric variablesrelated to the finite lifetime of the B, D̄0, and K0

S, the decaytime, and the pT and p of the K0

S candidate. The

multivariate classifier is trained and tested using signalcandidates from simulations and background candidatesfrom data in the upper sideband of the B mass spectrum,

corresponding to mðD̄0K0

SÞ > 5500 MeV=c2, where nobackgrounds are expected from B decays in which a

photon or a π meson is not reconstructed. The selectionis optimized to minimize the statistical uncertainty onthe ratio of B0

s over B0 signal event yields. The signalefficiency and background rejection factors are 76% and98%, respectively. B candidates in the mass range5000–5900 MeV=c2 are retained. Multiple candidatesoccur in 0.2% (0.4%) of long (downstream) K0

S events,in which case one candidate, chosen at random, is kept.The B0

s and B0 signal yields in the selected sample areobtained from an unbinned extended maximum likelihoodfit simultaneously performed on the long and downstreamK0

S samples. The observables used in the fit are mK0

S, the

mass of the K0

S → πþπ− candidates, mD̄0 , the mass of theD̄0→ Kþπ− candidates, and mB, the mass of the B meson

candidates. The probability density function (PDF) con-tains four terms,

PðmD̄0 ; mK0

S; mBÞ ¼




NiF iðmD̄0 ; mK0

S; mBÞ




NiPiðmBÞSiðmD̄0 ; mK0

SÞ; ð1Þ

where Ni represents the respective yield, Pi parametrizesthe mass distribution of the B meson candidates and Si isthe joint PDF of the candidates for its decay products. Theterm F 1 describes correctly reconstructed D̄0 and K0


candidates, F 2 a correctly reconstructed D̄0 meson inassociation with two random pions, F 3 a correctly recon-structed K0

S meson in association with a random kaon andpion, and F 4 random combinations of the four final-stateparticles. Johnson SU distributions [30], characterized byasymmetric tails to account for radiative losses and vertexreconstruction uncertainties, are used to parametrize the D̄0

and K0

S signals in S1;2;3, and exponential functions describethe backgrounds in S2;3;4.The B mass in candidates with correctly reconstructed

D̄0 and K0

S mesons (P1) is described by three categories ofshapes: the B0

ðsÞ → D̄0K0

S signal, peaking structures atlower mass from other B decays, and the combinatorialbackground. Signal shapes for the B0 and B0

s candidatesdecaying to D̄0K0

S are described by means of Johnson SUdistributions with shape parameters determined from fits tothe simulated signal samples, corrected for differencesbetween the simulation and the data. The peaking structuresat lower mass correspond to decays of B0 and B0

s mesonsthat include D̄0 and K0

S mesons in the final state where a

photon or a π meson is not reconstructed, such as B0

ðsÞ →


S, B0


S, Bþ→ D̄0K�þðK0


and B0

ðsÞ → D̄0K�0ðK0

Sπ0Þ. These shapes are described with

kernel estimated PDFs [31] obtained from simulation.The same exponential function is used for the combi-

natorial background description of the B mass distribution

in P1;2;3;4. Possible contaminations from B0

ðsÞ → D̄0πþπ−

and B0

ðsÞ → D̄�0πþπ− in P2, and B0

ðsÞ → K0

SKþπ− and

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016



ðsÞ → K�0ðK0

Sπ0ÞKþπ− in P3 are accounted for using the

function that describes the B0

ðsÞ candidates in P1.

The PDFs F i are distinct for the long and downstreamsamples but share certain parameters, including those of the

D̄0 signal distribution and the yield fractions of the non-combinatorial components of the B mass spectrum.Gaussian constraints are applied to the branching fraction

ratios BðB0s→D̄0K�0Þ=½BðB0


and B(B0

ðsÞ → D̄�0ðD̄0π0ÞK0)=½B(B0

ðsÞ → D̄�0ðD̄0γÞK0)þB(B0

ðsÞ → D̄�0ðD̄0π0ÞK0)�. These constraints improve the

stability of the fit and are determined frommeasurements ofbranching fractions reported in Ref. [27], corrected by the

efficiencies of the relevant B0

ðsÞ decays as determined from

simulated samples.Projections of the fit results on the data sample are shown

in Fig. 1. The numbers of signal candidates determined

from the fit are NðB0→ D̄0K0

SÞ ¼ 219� 21, NðB0s →


SÞ ¼ 471� 26 and NðB0s → D̄�0K0

SÞ ¼ 258� 83,

where the uncertainties are purely statistical.The branching fractions, B, of the B0

s → D̄ð�Þ0K̄0 decaysare calculated from the ratio of branching fractions betweenB0s and B0,

BðB0s → D̄ð�Þ0K̄0Þ ¼ Rð�Þ × Bsum; ð2Þ

where Bsum ¼ BðB0→ D̄0K0Þ þ BðB̄0

→ D̄0K̄0Þ since theanalysis does not distinguish between K0 and K̄0. Thequantity

Rð�Þ ¼ fd


NðB0s → D̄ð�Þ0K0


→ D̄0K0

SÞ þ NðB̄0→ D̄0K0




is the product of the production ratio of B0 over B0s decays

in LHCb (fd=fs), the ratio of reconstructed B0s and B0

) 2c) (GeV/-



1.82 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.9 1.92

) 2




/ (










) 2c) (GeV/-π+πm(

0.47 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52

) 2




/ (


4 M









) 2c) (GeV/-



1.82 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.9 1.92

) 2




/ (









100 (d)


) 2c) (GeV/-π+πm(

0.47 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52

) 2




/ (


4 M









) 2c) (GeV/




5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8

) 2




/ (

9 M


















0DCombin. (
































) 2c) (GeV/




5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8

) 2




/ (

9 M









































0DCombin. (










FIG. 1. The projection of the fit results (solid line) on the data sample (points) is shown for the D̄0 candidate (a),(d), the K0

S candidate

(b),(e), and B candidate (c),(f) mass spectra. The long K0

S sample is shown in (a)–(c), and the downstream sample in (d)–(f). The

dashed line in the D̄0 andK0

S candidate mass plots represents events corresponding to background categories S2;3;4 in the fit and includes

peaks due to, for example, real D̄0 mesons paired with two random pions. The double-peak behavior of the B0

ðsÞ → D̄�0ðD̄0π0ÞK0

S shape

is due to the missing momentum of the π0 and the helicity amplitude of the D̄�0→ D̄0π0 decay.

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016


signal candidates, and the ratio of efficiencies of B0 to B0s

candidates decaying to D̄ð�Þ0K0

S in the LHCb detector

(ϵB0=ϵB0s). The value of fs=fd ¼ 0.259� 0.015 is provided

by previous LHCb measurements [32,33]. The ratios ofefficiencies ϵB0




S¼ 0.997� 0.024 and




S¼ 1.181� 0.029 are obtained from

simulated samples. The ratio of B0s and B

0 signal candidates

is a free parameter in the fit and is measured to be NðB0s →


SÞ=½NðB0→ D̄0K0

SÞþNðB̄0→ D̄0K0

SÞ� ¼ 2.15� 0.23.

Similarly, the ratio NðB0s → D̄�0K0

SÞ=½NðB0→ D̄0K0

SÞ þNðB̄0

→ D̄0K0

SÞ� ¼ 1.17� 0.44 is measured.

Various sources of systematic uncertainty have been con-sidered. These are summarized in Table I and discussedbelow.The uncertainty associated with the fit model is assessed

by the use of other functions for the PDFs Pi and Si. Forthe mass distribution of the signal events, four alternativemodels are used. Each pseudoexperiment generated in thisway is then fitted with the baseline model, and the differ-ence of the signal yields ratio with respect to the generatedvalue is considered. The mean of the distribution that showsthe largest deviation from zero is taken as the systematic

uncertainty, corresponding to 5.4% (11.9%) for B0s →


S (B0s → D̄�0K0


The ratio of efficiencies of the B0 and B0s decays is

determined from simulation and is limited by the finite sizeof the sample. The statistical uncertainties on the efficiencyratios and the statistical uncertainties of the external inputs,fs=fd and the branching fraction Bsum, are propagated tothe systematic uncertainty of this measurement.To test the stability of the result with respect to the off-

line selection, the measurement is repeated at different

selection cuts on the multivariate classifier. The deviationsfrom the nominal result are consistent with statisticalfluctuations and no systematic uncertainty is assigned.Possible bias due to the random removal of multiplecandidates is tested by removing or keeping all of them,and no significant effect is observed.Further cross-checks on the stability of the result are

made by measuring the branching fractions independentlyfor the long and downstream K0

S samples, for the twodifferent polarities of the LHCb magnet and for differentrunning conditions. No significant effect is observed.Only the fit model is considered when determining the

systematic uncertainty on the number of signal candidates.The statistical uncertainty on the efficiencies and on fs=fdare also included in the sum in quadrature to give thesystematic uncertainty on the ratio of branching fractions

Rð�Þ. Finally, the uncertainty on Bsum is also includedfor the measurement of the branching fraction

BðB0s → D̄ð�Þ0K̄0Þ.

Signal yields of

NðB0→ D̄0K0

SÞ ¼ 219� 21ðstatÞ � 11ðsystÞ;NðB0

s → D̄0K0

SÞ ¼ 471� 26ðstatÞ � 25ðsystÞ;NðB0

s → D̄�0K0

SÞ ¼ 258� 83ðstatÞ � 30ðsystÞ

are found. Those results correspond to the first observationof the B0

s → D̄0K0

S decay with a significance of 13.1standard deviations and evidence for B0

s → D̄�0K0

S with asignificance of 4.4 standard deviations, where the signifi-cances are calculated using Wilks’s theorem [34].The ratios of the branching fractions are

R ¼ 8.3� 0.9ðstatÞ � 0.5ðsystÞ � 0.5ðfragÞ;R� ¼ 5.4� 2.0ðstatÞ � 0.7ðsystÞ � 0.3ðfragÞ:

Here, the correlation coefficient between the two statisticaluncertainties is 68% and that between the two systematicuncertainties is 49%. Using the branching fraction Bsum ¼ð5.2� 0.7Þ × 10−5 [27], the values of the branching frac-tions are

BðB0s → D̄0K̄0Þ ¼ ½4.3� 0.5ðstatÞ � 0.3ðsystÞ � 0.3ðfragÞ � 0.6ðnormÞ� × 10−4;

BðB0s → D̄�0K̄0Þ ¼ ½2.8� 1.0ðstatÞ � 0.3ðsystÞ � 0.2ðfragÞ � 0.4ðnormÞ� × 10−4;

where the last uncertainty is due to the uncertainty on Bsum.These results are consistent with theoretical predictionsfrom Refs. [15–17], when corrections for the difference inwidth between the B0

s mass eigenstates [35] are taken intoaccount.This Letter reports the first observation of B0

s → D̄0K0


and first evidence of B0s → D̄�0K0

S. Since the theoretical

predictions for these modes have a small uncertainty, future

studies with increased statistics and additional D̄0 decay

modes will give significant improvements in the determi-

nation of ϕs and γ.

We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the CERNaccelerator departments for the excellent performance of

TABLE I. Summary of the systematic uncertainties.

Source B0s → D̄0K0

S B0s → D̄�0K0


Fit model 5.4% 11.9%ϵB0=ϵB0

s2.4% 2.5%

fs=fd 5.8%Bsum 13.5%

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016


the LHC. We thank the technical and administrative staff atthe LHCb institutes. We acknowledge support from CERNand from the national agencies: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ,and FINEP (Brazil); NSFC (China); CNRS/IN2P3(France); BMBF, DFG, and MPG (Germany); INFN(Italy); FOM and NWO (Netherlands); MNiSW andNCN (Poland); MEN/IFA (Romania); MinES and FANO(Russia); MinECo (Spain); SNSF and SER (Switzerland);NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); and the NSF(U.S.). We acknowledge the computing resources that areprovided by CERN, IN2P3 (France), KIT, and DESY(Germany), INFN (Italy), SURF (Netherlands), PIC(Spain), GridPP (United Kingdom), RRCKI and YandexLLC (Russia), CSCS (Switzerland), IFIN-HH (Romania),CBPF (Brazil), PL-GRID (Poland), and OSC (U.S.). Weare indebted to the communities behind the multiple opensource software packages on which we depend. Individualgroups or members have received support from AvHFoundation (Germany), EPLANET, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and ERC (European Union), ConseilGénéral de Haute-Savoie, Labex ENIGMASS, andOCEVU, Région Auvergne (France), RFBR and YandexLLC (Russia), GVA, XuntaGal, and GENCAT (Spain),Herchel Smith Fund, The Royal Society, RoyalCommission for the Exhibition of 1851, and theLeverhulme Trust (United Kingdom).

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R. Aaij,39C. Abellán Beteta,

41B. Adeva,

38M. Adinolfi,

47A. Affolder,

53Z. Ajaltouni,

5S. Akar,

6J. Albrecht,

10F. Alessio,


M. Alexander,52

S. Ali,42

G. Alkhazov,31

P. Alvarez Cartelle,54

A. A. Alves Jr.,58

S. Amato,2S. Amerio,

23Y. Amhis,


L. An,3,40

L. Anderlini,18

G. Andreassi,40

M. Andreotti,17,b

J. E. Andrews,59

R. B. Appleby,55

O. Aquines Gutierrez,11

F. Archilli,39P. d’Argent,

12A. Artamonov,

36M. Artuso,

60E. Aslanides,

6G. Auriemma,

26,cM. Baalouch,

5S. Bachmann,


PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016


J. J. Back,49

A. Badalov,37

C. Baesso,61

W. Baldini,17,39

R. J. Barlow,55

C. Barschel,39

S. Barsuk,7W. Barter,


V. Batozskaya,29

V. Battista,40

A. Bay,40

L. Beaucourt,4J. Beddow,

52F. Bedeschi,

24I. Bediaga,

1L. J. Bel,

42V. Bellee,


N. Belloli,21,d

I. Belyaev,32

E. Ben-Haim,8G. Bencivenni,

19S. Benson,

39J. Benton,

47A. Berezhnoy,

33R. Bernet,


A. Bertolin,23

M.-O. Bettler,39

M. van Beuzekom,42

S. Bifani,46

P. Billoir,8T. Bird,

55A. Birnkraut,

10A. Bizzeti,


T. Blake,49

F. Blanc,40

J. Blouw,11

S. Blusk,60

V. Bocci,26

A. Bondar,35

N. Bondar,31,39

W. Bonivento,16

S. Borghi,55

M. Borisyak,66

M. Borsato,38

T. J. V. Bowcock,53

E. Bowen,41

C. Bozzi,17,39

S. Braun,12

M. Britsch,12

T. Britton,60

J. Brodzicka,55

N. H. Brook,47

E. Buchanan,47

C. Burr,55

A. Bursche,41

J. Buytaert,39

S. Cadeddu,16

R. Calabrese,17,b

M. Calvi,21,d

M. Calvo Gomez,37,f

P. Campana,19

D. Campora Perez,39

L. Capriotti,55

A. Carbone,15,g

G. Carboni,25,h

R. Cardinale,20,i

A. Cardini,16

P. Carniti,21,d

L. Carson,51

K. Carvalho Akiba,2G. Casse,

53L. Cassina,


L. Castillo Garcia,40

M. Cattaneo,39

Ch. Cauet,10

G. Cavallero,20

R. Cenci,24,j

M. Charles,8Ph. Charpentier,


G. Chatzikonstantinidis,46M. Chefdeville,

4S. Chen,

55S.-F. Cheung,

56N. Chiapolini,

41M. Chrzaszcz,

41,27X. Cid Vidal,


G. Ciezarek,42

P. E. L. Clarke,51

M. Clemencic,39

H. V. Cliff,48

J. Closier,39

V. Coco,39

J. Cogan,6E. Cogneras,


V. Cogoni,16,k

L. Cojocariu,30G. Collazuol,

23,lP. Collins,

39A. Comerma-Montells,

12A. Contu,

39A. Cook,

47M. Coombes,


S. Coquereau,8G. Corti,

39M. Corvo,

17,bB. Couturier,

39G. A. Cowan,

51D. C. Craik,

51A. Crocombe,

49M. Cruz Torres,


S. Cunliffe,54

R. Currie,54

C. D’Ambrosio,39

E. Dall’Occo,42

J. Dalseno,47

P. N. Y. David,42

A. Davis,58

O. De Aguiar Francisco,2K. De Bruyn,

6S. De Capua,

55M. De Cian,

12J. M. De Miranda,

1L. De Paula,

2P. De Simone,


C.-T. Dean,52D. Decamp,

4M. Deckenhoff,

10L. Del Buono,

8N. Déléage,

4M. Demmer,

10D. Derkach,

66O. Deschamps,


F. Dettori,39

B. Dey,22

A. Di Canto,39

F. Di Ruscio,25

H. Dijkstra,39

S. Donleavy,53

F. Dordei,39

M. Dorigo,40

A. Dosil Suárez,38A. Dovbnya,

44K. Dreimanis,

53L. Dufour,

42G. Dujany,

55K. Dungs,

39P. Durante,

39R. Dzhelyadin,


A. Dziurda,27

A. Dzyuba,31

S. Easo,50,39

U. Egede,54

V. Egorychev,32

S. Eidelman,35

S. Eisenhardt,51

U. Eitschberger,10

R. Ekelhof,10

L. Eklund,52

I. El Rifai,5Ch. Elsasser,

41S. Ely,

60S. Esen,

12H.M. Evans,

48T. Evans,

56A. Falabella,


C. Färber,39

N. Farley,46

S. Farry,53

R. Fay,53

D. Ferguson,51

V. Fernandez Albor,38

F. Ferrari,15

F. Ferreira Rodrigues,1

M. Ferro-Luzzi,39

S. Filippov,34

M. Fiore,17,39,b

M. Fiorini,17,b

M. Firlej,28

C. Fitzpatrick,40

T. Fiutowski,28

F. Fleuret,7,m

K. Fohl,39P. Fol,

54M. Fontana,

16F. Fontanelli,

20,iD. C. Forshaw,

60R. Forty,

39M. Frank,

39C. Frei,

39M. Frosini,

18J. Fu,


E. Furfaro,25,h

A. Gallas Torreira,38

D. Galli,15,g

S. Gallorini,23

S. Gambetta,51

M. Gandelman,2P. Gandini,

56Y. Gao,


J. García Pardiñas,38

J. Garra Tico,48

L. Garrido,37

D. Gascon,37

C. Gaspar,39

R. Gauld,56

L. Gavardi,10

G. Gazzoni,5

D. Gerick,12

E. Gersabeck,12

M. Gersabeck,55

T. Gershon,49

Ph. Ghez,4S. Gianì,

40V. Gibson,

48O. G. Girard,


L. Giubega,30

V. V. Gligorov,39

C. Göbel,61

D. Golubkov,32

A. Golutvin,54,39

A. Gomes,1,n

C. Gotti,21,d

M. Grabalosa Gándara,5R. Graciani Diaz,

37L. A. Granado Cardoso,

39E. Graugés,

37E. Graverini,

41G. Graziani,


A. Grecu,30

E. Greening,56

P. Griffith,46

L. Grillo,12

O. Grünberg,64

B. Gui,60

E. Gushchin,34

Yu. Guz,36,39

T. Gys,39

T. Hadavizadeh,56

C. Hadjivasiliou,60

G. Haefeli,40

C. Haen,39

S. C. Haines,48

S. Hall,54

B. Hamilton,59

X. Han,12

S. Hansmann-Menzemer,12

N. Harnew,56

S. T. Harnew,47

J. Harrison,55

J. He,39

T. Head,40

V. Heijne,42

A. Heister,9

K. Hennessy,53

P. Henrard,5L. Henry,

8J. A. Hernando Morata,

38E. van Herwijnen,

39M. Heß,

64A. Hicheur,

2D. Hill,


M. Hoballah,5C. Hombach,

55W. Hulsbergen,

42T. Humair,

54M. Hushchyn,

66N. Hussain,

56D. Hutchcroft,

53D. Hynds,


M. Idzik,28

P. Ilten,57

R. Jacobsson,39

A. Jaeger,12

J. Jalocha,56

E. Jans,42

A. Jawahery,59

M. John,56

D. Johnson,39

C. R. Jones,48C. Joram,

39B. Jost,

39N. Jurik,

60S. Kandybei,

44W. Kanso,

6M. Karacson,

39T.M. Karbach,

39,aS. Karodia,


M. Kecke,12M. Kelsey,

60I. R. Kenyon,

46M. Kenzie,

39T. Ketel,

43E. Khairullin,

66B. Khanji,

21,39,dC. Khurewathanakul,


T. Kirn,9S. Klaver,

55K. Klimaszewski,

29O. Kochebina,

7M. Kolpin,

12I. Komarov,

40R. F. Koopman,

43P. Koppenburg,


M. Kozeiha,5L. Kravchuk,

34K. Kreplin,

12M. Kreps,

49P. Krokovny,

35F. Kruse,

10W. Krzemien,

29W. Kucewicz,


M. Kucharczyk,27

V. Kudryavtsev,35

A. K. Kuonen,40

K. Kurek,29

T. Kvaratskheliya,32

D. Lacarrere,39

G. Lafferty,55,39

A. Lai,16

D. Lambert,51

G. Lanfranchi,19

C. Langenbruch,49

B. Langhans,39

T. Latham,49

C. Lazzeroni,46

R. Le Gac,6

J. van Leerdam,42

J.-P. Lees,4R. Lefèvre,

5A. Leflat,

33,39J. Lefrançois,

7E. Lemos Cid,

38O. Leroy,

6T. Lesiak,


B. Leverington,12

Y. Li,7T. Likhomanenko,

66,65M. Liles,

53R. Lindner,

39C. Linn,

39F. Lionetto,

41B. Liu,

16X. Liu,


D. Loh,49

I. Longstaff,52

J. H. Lopes,2D. Lucchesi,

23,lM. Lucio Martinez,

38H. Luo,

51A. Lupato,

23E. Luppi,


O. Lupton,56N. Lusardi,

22A. Lusiani,

24F. Machefert,

7F. Maciuc,

30O. Maev,

31K. Maguire,

55S. Malde,

56A. Malinin,


G. Manca,7G. Mancinelli,

6P. Manning,

60A. Mapelli,

39J. Maratas,

5J. F. Marchand,

4U. Marconi,

15C. Marin Benito,


P. Marino,24,39,j

J. Marks,12

G. Martellotti,26

M. Martin,6M. Martinelli,

40D. Martinez Santos,

38F. Martinez Vidal,


D. Martins Tostes,2L.M. Massacrier,

7A. Massafferri,

1R. Matev,

39A. Mathad,

49Z. Mathe,

39C. Matteuzzi,

21A. Mauri,


B. Maurin,40

A. Mazurov,46

M. McCann,54

J. McCarthy,46

A. McNab,55

R. McNulty,13

B. Meadows,58

F. Meier,10

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016


M. Meissner,12

D. Melnychuk,29

M. Merk,42

E Michielin,23

D. A. Milanes,63

M.-N. Minard,4D. S. Mitzel,


J. Molina Rodriguez,61

I. A. Monroy,63

S. Monteil,5M. Morandin,

23P. Morawski,

28A. Mordà,

6M. J. Morello,


J. Moron,28A. B. Morris,

51R. Mountain,

60F. Muheim,

51D. Müller,

55J. Müller,

10K. Müller,

41V. Müller,

10M. Mussini,


B. Muster,40

P. Naik,47

T. Nakada,40

R. Nandakumar,50

A. Nandi,56

I. Nasteva,2M. Needham,

51N. Neri,

22S. Neubert,


N. Neufeld,39

M. Neuner,12

A. D. Nguyen,40

T. D. Nguyen,40

C. Nguyen-Mau,40,p

V. Niess,5R. Niet,

10N. Nikitin,


T. Nikodem,12A. Novoselov,

36D. P. O’Hanlon,

49A. Oblakowska-Mucha,

28V. Obraztsov,

36S. Ogilvy,

52O. Okhrimenko,


R. Oldeman,16,48,k

C. J. G. Onderwater,68

B. Osorio Rodrigues,1J. M. Otalora Goicochea,

2A. Otto,

39P. Owen,


A. Oyanguren,67

A. Palano,14,q

F. Palombo,22,r

M. Palutan,19

J. Panman,39

A. Papanestis,50

M. Pappagallo,52

L. L. Pappalardo,17,b

C. Pappenheimer,58W. Parker,

59C. Parkes,

55G. Passaleva,

18G. D. Patel,

53M. Patel,

54C. Patrignani,


A. Pearce,55,50

A. Pellegrino,42G. Penso,

26,sM. Pepe Altarelli,

39S. Perazzini,

15,gP. Perret,

5L. Pescatore,

46K. Petridis,


A. Petrolini,20,i

M. Petruzzo,22

E. Picatoste Olloqui,37

B. Pietrzyk,4M. Pikies,

27D. Pinci,

26A. Pistone,

20A. Piucci,


S. Playfer,51

M. Plo Casasus,38

T. Poikela,39

F. Polci,8A. Poluektov,

49,35I. Polyakov,

32E. Polycarpo,

2A. Popov,


D. Popov,11,39

B. Popovici,30

C. Potterat,2E. Price,

47J. D. Price,

53J. Prisciandaro,

38A. Pritchard,

53C. Prouve,


V. Pugatch,45A. Puig Navarro,

40G. Punzi,

24,tW. Qian,

4R. Quagliani,

7,47B. Rachwal,

27J. H. Rademacker,

47M. Rama,


M. Ramos Pernas,38M. S. Rangel,

2I. Raniuk,

44N. Rauschmayr,

39G. Raven,

43F. Redi,

54S. Reichert,

55A. C. dos Reis,


V. Renaudin,7S. Ricciardi,

50S. Richards,

47M. Rihl,

39K. Rinnert,

53,39V. Rives Molina,

37P. Robbe,

7,39A. B. Rodrigues,


E. Rodrigues,55

J. A. Rodriguez Lopez,63

P. Rodriguez Perez,55

S. Roiser,39

V. Romanovsky,36

A. Romero Vidal,38

J. W. Ronayne,13

M. Rotondo,23

T. Ruf,39

P. Ruiz Valls,67

J. J. Saborido Silva,38

N. Sagidova,31

B. Saitta,16,k

V. Salustino Guimaraes,2C. Sanchez Mayordomo,

67B. Sanmartin Sedes,

38R. Santacesaria,

26C. Santamarina Rios,


M. Santimaria,19

E. Santovetti,25,h

A. Sarti,19,s

C. Satriano,26,c

A. Satta,25

D.M. Saunders,47

D. Savrina,32,33

S. Schael,9

M. Schiller,39H. Schindler,

39M. Schlupp,

10M. Schmelling,

11T. Schmelzer,

10B. Schmidt,

39O. Schneider,

40A. Schopper,


M. Schubiger,40M.-H. Schune,

7R. Schwemmer,

39B. Sciascia,

19A. Sciubba,

26,sA. Semennikov,

32N. Serra,

41J. Serrano,


L. Sestini,23P. Seyfert,

21M. Shapkin,

36I. Shapoval,

17,44,bY. Shcheglov,

31T. Shears,

53L. Shekhtman,

35V. Shevchenko,


A. Shires,10

B. G. Siddi,17

R. Silva Coutinho,41

L. Silva de Oliveira,2G. Simi,

23,tM. Sirendi,

48N. Skidmore,


T. Skwarnicki,60

E. Smith,56,50

E. Smith,54

I. T. Smith,51

J. Smith,48

M. Smith,55

H. Snoek,42

M. D. Sokoloff,58,39

F. J. P. Soler,52

F. Soomro,40

D. Souza,47

B. Souza De Paula,2B. Spaan,

10P. Spradlin,

52S. Sridharan,

39F. Stagni,


M. Stahl,12S. Stahl,

39S. Stefkova,

54O. Steinkamp,

41O. Stenyakin,

36S. Stevenson,

56S. Stoica,

30S. Stone,

60B. Storaci,


S. Stracka,24,j

M. Straticiuc,30

U. Straumann,41

L. Sun,58

W. Sutcliffe,54

K. Swientek,28

S. Swientek,10

V. Syropoulos,43

M. Szczekowski,29T. Szumlak,

28S. T’Jampens,

4A. Tayduganov,

6T. Tekampe,

10G. Tellarini,

17,bF. Teubert,

39C. Thomas,


E. Thomas,39

J. van Tilburg,42

V. Tisserand,4M. Tobin,

40J. Todd,

58S. Tolk,

43L. Tomassetti,

17,bD. Tonelli,


S. Topp-Joergensen,56

N. Torr,56

E. Tournefier,4S. Tourneur,

40K. Trabelsi,

40M. Traill,

52M. T. Tran,

40M. Tresch,


A. Trisovic,39A. Tsaregorodtsev,

6P. Tsopelas,

42N. Tuning,

42,39A. Ukleja,

29A. Ustyuzhanin,

66,65U. Uwer,

12C. Vacca,


V. Vagnoni,15

G. Valenti,15

A. Vallier,7R. Vazquez Gomez,

19P. Vazquez Regueiro,

38C. Vázquez Sierra,

38S. Vecchi,


M. van Veghel,42J. J. Velthuis,

47M. Veltri,

18,uG. Veneziano,

40M. Vesterinen,

12B. Viaud,

7D. Vieira,

2M. Vieites Diaz,


X. Vilasis-Cardona,37,f

V. Volkov,33A. Vollhardt,

41D. Voong,

47A. Vorobyev,

31V. Vorobyev,

35C. Voß,

64J. A. de Vries,


R. Waldi,64C. Wallace,

49R. Wallace,

13J. Walsh,

24J. Wang,

60D. R. Ward,

48N. K. Watson,

46D. Websdale,

54A. Weiden,


M. Whitehead,39

J. Wicht,49

G. Wilkinson,56,39

M. Wilkinson,60

M. Williams,39

M. P. Williams,46

M. Williams,57

T. Williams,46

F. F. Wilson,50

J. Wimberley,59

J. Wishahi,10

W. Wislicki,29

M. Witek,27

G. Wormser,7S. A. Wotton,


K. Wraight,52S. Wright,

48K. Wyllie,

39Y. Xie,

62Z. Xu,

40Z. Yang,

3J. Yu,

62X. Yuan,

35O. Yushchenko,

36M. Zangoli,


M. Zavertyaev,11,v

L. Zhang,3Y. Zhang,

3A. Zhelezov,

12A. Zhokhov,

32L. Zhong,

3V. Zhukov

9and S. Zucchelli


(LHCb Collaboration)

1Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil3Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

4LAPP, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France

5Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France

6CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France

7LAL, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France

8LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016


9I. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

10Fakultät Physik, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany11Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK), Heidelberg, Germany

12Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

13School of Physics, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

14Sezione INFN di Bari, Bari, Italy

15Sezione INFN di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

16Sezione INFN di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy

17Sezione INFN di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

18Sezione INFN di Firenze, Firenze, Italy

19Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati, Frascati, Italy

20Sezione INFN di Genova, Genova, Italy

21Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy

22Sezione INFN di Milano, Milano, Italy

23Sezione INFN di Padova, Padova, Italy24Sezione INFN di Pisa, Pisa, Italy

25Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy

26Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy

27Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland

28AGH—University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Kraków, Poland

29National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw, Poland

30Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania

31Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI), Gatchina, Russia

32Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia

33Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU), Moscow, Russia

34Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN), Moscow, Russia

35Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

36Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP), Protvino, Russia

37Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

38Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

39European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland

40Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

41Physik-Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

42Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

43Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

44NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT), Kharkiv, Ukraine

45Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR), Kyiv, Ukraine

46University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

47H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom

48Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom49Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

50STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom

51School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom52School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

53Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom

54Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

55School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

56Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

57Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

58University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA States

59University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA

60Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA

61Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

(associated with Institution Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)62Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China

(associated with Institution Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)63Departamento de Fisica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

(associated with Institution LPNHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France)64Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock, Rostock, Germany

(associated with Institution Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany)

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016


65National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia

(associated with Institution Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia)66Yandex School of Data Analysis, Moscow, Russia

(associated with Institution Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia)67Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Universitat de Valencia-CSIC, Valencia, Spain

(associated with Institution Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)68Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

(associated with Institution Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


bAlso at Università di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.

cAlso at Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy.

dAlso at Università di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.

eAlso at Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.fAlso at LIFAELS, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain.

gAlso at Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

hAlso at Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy.iAlso at Università di Genova, Genova, Italy.jAlso at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy.

kAlso at Università di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy.lAlso at Università di Padova, Padova, Italy.

mAlso at Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Palaiseau, France.

nAlso at Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Uberaba-MG, Brazil.

oAlso at AGH—University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications,Kraków, Poland.

pAlso at Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi, Viet Nam.

qAlso at Università di Bari, Bari, Italy.rAlso at Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy.sAlso at Università di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy.tAlso at Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy.

uAlso at Università di Urbino, Urbino, Italy.

vAlso at P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science (LPI RAS), Moscow, Russia.

PRL 116, 161802 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

22 APRIL 2016

