Photography strategy


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Photography strategy

6th March 2013Question Answer

Who are you going to use as your model(s)?

Name/surname: Kyle supersuord, ramouy lichmore, Delaney Robinson and Tyler supersuord

How does your chosen model(s) ‘tie in’ with your genre/focus?

My models are all boys who fit the typical stereotype of urban street boys, which ties in to hip-hop.

Besides green screen/ untextured white walls what other locations will you use?

Describe location(s):I will be taking the image for my front cover on a untextured wall, therefore I will be able to change the colour of it on Photoshop. I will be also taking a picture of the group in a recording studio to show that they are artist up-coming and pro active.

Mise-en-scene (of the photos)facial expression – Make-up(if applicable) -Hair style - Costume - Props –Composition (pose/posture)

Describe the models: My models will not be smiling on the front cover to portray their “hard man” stereotype. They will be sanding all together to show the unity of being in a group al most creating a family, my models will be wearing hoody's to appeal to my target audience it will just be casual but then there Jules will to in with the “presidential” look.

When do you aim to shoot your model?

I aim to take my photos this week going into next week.

Due date:8th March (filled out) / 20th March pictures taken
