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The Alliance Volume 5 Issue 3 September 1, 2008


Just 2 months ago on July 1st Sensei, Sensei Schreiber and Mr. (Michael) Schreiber celebrated the opening of the 3rd Yoshukai Karate Alliance Dojo, in Kenney, Ill. As a future Sensei does, Ms. Schreiber discovered the perfect place for a dojo. She attended the monthly scrap-booking party's held at the Community Building and saw that it would make a good dojo. Sensei, Ms. Schreiber, Mr. (M) Schreiber went to the monthly Kenney Heritage Association meeting and presented to the board the desire of opening a dojo on July 1st.

Sensei had opened his first Yoshukai school in Atlanta on July 1st, 1976, so Sensei Schreiber chose that date to open the Kenney dojo. This was also a way of explaining Yoshukai to the people and a way to celebrate the opening of Sensei's 3rd Yoshukai Alliance school.

On the opening day we had quite a few Hombu and 1 Williamsville student present to celebrate the new school:

Mr. Kennett, Mr. Lowe, Ms. Lowe, Jerry & Karen Birdwell, David Brennan, Linda Henne,

Liz Smith, Dawn, Austin & Joshua Johnson, Jayden & Nathan Miller, Mr. Dave Schreiber and Jeffery Schreiber.

The black belts put on a short

demonstration for the audience. Sensei then chose a few students to go up front to demonstrate their highest kata and a few of the black belts demonstrated weapon katas. (L to R) Mr. Lowe, Michael-san

Sensei Schreiber, Sensei, Mr. Kennett Ms. Lowe, Mr. D Schreiber Also, Kim, mother of Nathan & Jayden Miller, and a very good friend of Ms. Schreiber, provided cake & drinks for everyone. The cake was in dedication to Sensei for his 34th year anniversary of the opening of his first school and for his 3rd Yoshukai school opening by Mr. M Schreiber and Sensei (Nykol) Schreiber. (L to R) Sensei, Sensei Schreiber & Michael-san ---------------------------- Sensei and Mr. Kennett did bo tai sai and bo tai tonfa. Sensei then demonstrated the katana. Sensei, Sensei Schreiber and Ms. Lowe went through a few of the self-defense grabs. Sensei did a lot of explaining of the history of Yoshukai and answering questions. Sensei Schreiber gave her special thanks to all those who inspired her throughout the years. Mr. Kennett was surprised when Sensei Schreiber read to everyone a comment he had made on one of her kyu belts tests, which read: "I expect a lot coming from you". That is one of many things that had played a part in her decision to open a school. (Right) Sensei Schreiber & Mr. Kennett

(Left) Sensei Schreiber bowing to Sensei, expressing her appreciation to him during her 'thank you' speech!

"Sensei Dugan of course has been the biggest inspiration of all in my decision to open a school. As all of you know and hear from people who have studied and trained under Sensei, he is very good at

making huge impressions on us and many others, not only through his teachings but from the example he sets."

-2- "Thank you to everyone of you who showed up for the opening ... it showed your true dedication and love for Yoshukai as well, and it was nice to see that so many of you care and have faith in my becoming a Sensei. It built up my confidence even more in becoming a Sensei. It meant so much to me. Thank you all very much, OS! "

I had 9 people sign up that day:

(back row L-R): Dale Barnett, Braxton Lambert, Nathan & Jayden Miller (front row L-R): Seth Constance, Luke Newhouse, George Riddle Julia Lambert, Alex Deerwester, and Bryler Lambert.

Welcome everyone!!

I would like to make mention of Dale Barnett, who had studied Yoshukai Karate back in 1974 at the Lincoln dojo. He studied under Sensei Bob Borowiak and then Sensei Dugan. He had reached the rank of 4th kyu Green belt and is back studying for his 3rd kyu Brown belt. Also, Braxton Lambert came to us as a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do. He will be working on his rank of 6th kyu Green belt in Yoshukai. Good luck to you both in the Traditional Martial Art of the Yoshukai Karate Alliance! "I have been humbled even more so in becoming a Sensei of the Yoshukai Karate Alliance! Not only did my training just begin when I received my Black Belt but, my understanding of the 'unimportant' techniques are just beginning to become clear to me."

-Sensei Schreiber -----------------------------------------------

A man who goes over what he has already learned and gains some new understanding from it, is worthy to be a teacher."


Traditionalists study what is taught, not what there is to create.



McDojo is a pejorative term used by some Western martial artists to describe a martial arts school where image or profit is of a higher importance then technical standards . The term is an example of McWords applied to Japanese martial arts dojo. A McDojo of Korean martial arts may be refereed to as a McDojang but the term McDojo is used for various arts regardless of origin. While using the term McDojo primarily indicates judgment of a school's financial or marketing practices, it also implies that the teaching standards of such a school may be much lower than that of other martial arts schools, or that the school presents non-martial arts training as martial arts. Where a McDojo's practices my border on fraud, this can be referred to as bullshido. Standards for a McDojo are largely opinion, but there are commonly seen practices that may be widely regarded as questionable and are indicators that a school is a McDojo, though these practices may not necessarily be exclusive to McDojos. Schools that would not generally be classified as such, have adopted some of these practices to varying degrees, the line being the difference between profit and profiteering. Practices that cause concern include exaggerated or fake qualifications, the use of exploitative contracts and fees, advertising of training that only has a martial arts 'flavour' as actual instruction in fighting, equipment monopolies and restriction on activities outside the school. While the practice of exploiting the mysticism of martial arts in not new it is perceived as having become more prevalent in modern times. "McDojo" is also a reference to the proliferation of such schools in many communities in the United States and many other nations, in much the way McDonald's restaurants have proliferated. Many practitioners of martial arts with serious combative, cultural, educational or therapeutic value regard such proliferation of recreational, business-oriented, or absurd martial arts schools as derogatory or defamatory to the proper presentation of the martial arts.

In History ---------

As I see society, people make the arts into commercial products; they think of themselves as commodities, and also make implements as items of commerce. Distinguishing the superficial and the substantial, I find this attitude has less reality than decoration. The field of martial arts is particularly rife with flamboyant showmanship, with commercial popularization and profiteering on the part of both those who teach the science and those who study it. The result of this must be, as someone said, that "amateurship martial arts are a source of serious wounds."

-Miyamoto Musashi, 1643 A.D.



On June 29th Williamsville held their 2nd annual township demonstration. Those present at the demonstration were:

Sensei Roberts, Sensei Bottrell, Mr. Michael Schreiber; Mr. Dave Schreiber, Cristian Ramirez, Taryn Ramirez, Jack Waugh, Carol Reese, Mitch McCullar, Chadd Schmitz.

Ken Reese, Jeffery Schreiber, Gary Durchholz, Remy Ramirez, Dalton Trader. Katas, weapons, sparring and of course board breaking were a part of the demonstration. Just like all demonstrations, compliments were made of the performance, by the spectators.

No pictures were presented.


Sensei, Sensei Schreiber and Mr. M Schreiber, with the help of Mr. & Ms. Lowe, held a Women's Self-Defense class on July 26th. We only had two (2) participants, which was to the women's benefit. We went over all of the usual self-defense applications. The ladies that attended were waiting until the first of August to join class, which they did (Stacy & Mel Lambert). Afterwards, Sensei held a Black Belt clinic in which Mr. Lowe and Mr. M Schreiber were taught Bassai, their first kata as Nidans. Sensei Schreiber and Ms. Lowe reviewed Kihon Kata Nidan - the 3rd nunchuck kata, shi ho hai with tonfas and ro hai sho with sai's. ------------------------------------------------

(This paragraph can be found in the Kyu belt Manual under Weapons)

"After attaining Black Belt level and having established a solid foundation in karate, the sai, tonfa, and samurai sword will then be taught. Since the weapons become more difficult to master as you progress in rank, continuous training is necessary to stay proficient."

- Sensei Dugan ------------------------------------------------


TV INTERVIEW On Tuesday August 19th Yoshukai Karate Alliance was honored to participate in the taping of two-part episode of the Springfield Local television show. Bob Bartel, the host of the show , saw a Yoshukai Karate Alliance demonstration in Williamsville and was so impressed with the demonstration that he invited Yoshukai Karate Alliance onto his show. Attending the taping were Mr. Stone, Sensei Roberts, and Sensei Bottrell. The taping consisted of two thirty-minute segments. The first segment was an interview between Bob and the black belts discussing various topics concerning Yoshukai and martial arts in general. During the interview Bob mentioned more than once how impressed he was with Yoshukai Karate and especially the discipline and respect that was displayed by all of its members. The second segment consisted of the black belts demonstrating different aspects of Yoshukai Karate. Included in the demonstration were empty hand katas, weapon katas, katana iai, katana cutting, and breaking. The breaking was excellent and should help showcase the powerful techniques of Yoshukai Karate. Additional taping sessions are being planned between Bob and Sensei Dugan that will include a second studio taping and an outdoor taping at the Allerton Park. These tapings represent an excellent opportunity for Yoshukai Karate Alliance to reach potential new students and to spread its beliefs about Yoshukai Karate and traditional martial arts training. Yoshukai Karate Alliance would like to thank Bob again for his gracious invitation and would also like to thank the crew of the Access 4 studio in Springfield where the show was taped. Thank you, Ken Reese for assisting the black belts during the demonstration portion of the show. (pictured to the Right): Bob Bartel and Sensei at Allerton Park where kyu belt clinic will be held on Sept. 20th. ------------------------------------------------

For those of you who have gotten their green belt you need to start looking into having your gi tops embroidered. Nin tai can be done for the small price of only $10 and the patch for only $5. You may have this done by Georgia Green at 2015 2250th St. Atlanta or anyone of your choice. You may contact Georgia at 648-2973.


KATA NAMES MEANING and LINEAGE 27 Movements Zenshinkotai Advance in Turn H-Form #1 H-Form #2 H-Form #3 H-Form #4 Shihohai Four Directions Gega sai Seisan Crescent Moon Niseishi 24 Movements Rohaisho (Rohai) Vision of the White Crane Rohaidai Sochin The Grand Prize Tenshin Body Turning Mugen Endless Yoshukai Bassai To Penetrate a Fortress Shorin ryu Chinto Fighting to the East Shorin ryu Kusanku Chinese Military Attaché Shorin ryu Sanshiryu Thirty-six Hands Shorin ryu & Shorei ryu Ryusan Three Dragons Sanchin Three Conflicts Shorei ryu Sanchin Ananko ----------------------------------------------- *Katas are pre-arranged fighting patterns using a series of offensive and defensive techniques performed against an imaginary opponent or opponents. Considered the formal exercise of traditional karate that continuously improves and develops a student’s technique, kata training requires intense concentration and focus, along with many hours devoted to their training. As the student advances in rank, they not only train by practicing the kata, but also start to study and develop different interpretations of the techniques that are beneficial to health. Since many kata techniques contain isotonic and isometric exercises, deep breathing exercises are one of the many reasons traditional karate still continues to flourish and attract people of all ages. Although we believe it is not how many katas you know, but rather how well you perform the katas you do know, new katas are still being taught to increase one’s knowledge.* ------------------------------------------------



Sochin Kata ---------- In this kata one assumes the posture of attack and defense of enemies at all quarters. (Posture of a bull attacking with horns). Although originating from the Arakachi - Naha-te (Shorin-Ryu ) school. Today many interpretations exist. It is difficult to trace the founder of this kata among the many students of the Okinawan karate styles. Constant practice of this kata will enable the student to shifting the center of gravity quickly and smoothly and to block and counter attack with great power.

Tenshin Kata ---------- The kata Tenshin consist of dodging the opponents attack by quickly turning one's body with overpowering force, and then changing over to a counter attack. This form is a Naha-te ( Shorin-Ryu) form. Turns in all directions as you quickly turn into hasami-dachi are trademarks of this form.

Chinto Kata ----------

In this kata a student learns counter-attack agility against enemies. This kata is composed of light, quick and agile attack and defense movements and techniques in which the stream of movement is beautiful. This kata is an ancient kata and was developed by K. Matsumora after he was a student of a Chinese teacher who lived in Okinawa. Matsumora would watch as the Chinese teacher (whose name was Chinto) would return to China, Matsumora developed the various movements into a kata and named it Chinto in honor of his Chinese teacher. Later the kata was perfected by the masters Itosu and Kiyatake. The developer of the Chinto kata was a student of the great Okinawan karate master "Karate Sakugawa" who passed away in 1815. K. Matsumora who was also called "Bushi Matsumora", was to have a grandson who would be considered the greatest karate master of kata in the Japanese Empire during the 1930's, whose name was Tsuyoshi Chitose. Doctor Chitose was taught this kata by Chotoku (Kiyatake) Kyan who taught Arkichi Arakagi who was the teacher of Shoshin Nagamine, the founder of Matsubashi Shorin Ryu.



(back row L-R): Ms. Lowe, Sensei Schreiber, Mr. Lanning Michael-san, Sensei, Jade, Tina, Aaron, Mr. Lowe (front row L-R): Austin and Nathan

On July 3rd the Hombu dojo had it's 1st kyu belt test of the year and the following students were tested:

Nathan Miller -8th kyu and Ethan Dugan - 8th kyu Tina Wright -6th kyu and Jade Mileham - 6th kyu

Austin Johnson - 4th kyu Aaron Dugan- 2nd kyu

It's nice to see yellow belts again, although Nathan went with Sensei Schreiber to the Kenney Dojo (he lives only 2 blocks). Thanks for the yellow belt Sensei, and a good one at that! (Left: Sensei, [proud Grandpa] with Ethan Dugan) The next test date is November 6th. You all have another 4 months to prepare yourselves for yet another rank. Good luck in your new ranks and in your preparation for the next testing date. ----------------------------------

------------- Congratulations to all of you. As you move ahead in rank, always remember the 6 Dojo Beliefs:

Train seriously with heart and soul.

Remain humble and avoid self-conceit.

Persevere in all tasks.

Practice these beliefs in the dojo and in every day life.

Strive for perfection of character.

6. Etiquette, courtesy and respect. -9-


On Friday, June 20th we had two Black Belts test for Nidan! Both did very well and were promoted!

Congratulations Mr. Lowe and Mr. M Schreiber.

After you receive your 1st

kyu Brown belt you have a one year wait. After receiving your 1st degree Black Belt (Shodan) you have a 3 year wait for 2nd Degree Black belt (Nidan). One year is a long time to wait, but 3 years is even longer and only the whole-hearted wait that long. The two gentlemen waited 3 years and persevered and now they have another 3 years to wait. You are role models for us younger Black Belts who are waiting in anticipation for the next level in our training. We, all levels of kyu belts and Black Belts, look up to higher ranks for encouragement and wisdom which is gained at each promotion. ------------------------------------------------

“1-2 out of every 100 students reach Black Belt and of those only 1 out of every 1,000 achieves his 2nd Dan.”

(... and future ) BLACK BELT CLINIC

The attendance for today's training was as follows: Gordon-ryu: Mr. Lanning

Yoshukai: Sensei Schreiber

This was the 8th Black Belt training that was held this year. It was originally scheduled from 12 - 4 p.m. at Memorial Park but, had to be moved to a different time due to a death in Sensei's family. We went ahead and moved it to the Gordon-ryu Hombu (in which had no air circulation whatsoever) after finding out about the low attendance. We warmed up by walking through all the katas. We then had the opportunity to ask any questions we had. We also went over shonobo and kumibo. We also spent a little bit of time discussing the history of Yoshukai! Thank you Sensei for your time in giving us the extra help that is always needed. It always seems to work out better for the people present when there isn't big attendance, it gives us more individual attention.




----------- A person commits an assault when, without lawful authority, he engages in conduct which places another in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery.

Aggravated assault ------------------

A person commits an aggravated assault, when, in committing an assault, he uses a deadly weapon or any device manufactured and designed to be substantially similar in appearance to a firearm.


----------- A person commits battery if he intentionally or knowingly without legal justification and by any means (1) causes bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual.

Aggravated Battery ------------------

(a) A person who, in committing a battery, intentionally or knowingly causes great bodily harm, or permanent disability or disfigurement commits aggravated battery. (b) In committing a battery, a person commits aggravated battery if he or she uses a deadly weapon other than by the discharge of a firearm.

Reckless Conduct ----------------

A person who causes bodily harm to or endangers the bodily safety of an individual by any means, commits reckless conduct, if he or she performs recklessly the acts that cause the harm or endanger safety, whether they otherwise are lawful or unlawful.

Article 7 - Justifiable Use of Force; Exoneration

Use of force in defense of dwelling. --------------------------

A person is justified in the use of force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or another against such other's imminent use of unlawful force. However, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or another, or the commission of a forcible felony.


Use of force in defense of dwelling. ---------------------------

A person is justified in the use of force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent or terminate such other's

unlawful entry into or attack upon a dwelling. However, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if: (1) The entry is made or attempted in a violent, riotous, or tumultuous manner, and he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent an assault upon, or offer of personal violence to, him or another then in the dwelling, or (2) He reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent the commission of a felony in the dwelling.

Use of force in defense of other property. -------------------------------

A person in justified in the use of force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent or terminate such other's trespass on or other tortuous or criminal interference with either real property (other than a dwelling) or personal property, lawfully in his possession or in the possession of another who is a member of his immediate family or household or of a person whose property he has a legal duty to protect. However, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Use of force by aggressor. ---------------------

The justification described in the preceding Sections of the Article is not available to a person who: (a) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of a forcible felony; or (b) Initially provokes the use of force against himself, with the intent to use such force as an excuse to inflict bodily harm upon the assailant; or (c) Otherwise initially provokes the use of force against himself, unless: (1) Such force is so great that he reasonably believes that he is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, and the he has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or (2) In good faith, he withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

-12- Private person's use of force in making arrest.

---------------------------------- (a) A private person who makes, or assists another private person in making a lawful arrest is justified in the use of any force which he would be justified in using if he were summoned or directed by a peace officer to make such arrest, except that he is justified in the use of force likely to cause death or great bodily harm only when he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another.

(b) A private person who is summoned or directed by a peace officer to assist in making an arrest which is unlawful, is justified in the use of any force which he would be justified in using if the arrest were lawful, unless he know that the arrest in unlawful.

Private person's use of force in resisting arrest. -----------------------------------

A person is not authorized to use force to resist an arrest which he knows is being made either by a peace officer or by a private person summoned and directed by a peace officer to make the arrest, even if he believes that the arrest is unlawful and the arrest in fact is unlawful.

Affirmative Defense. ----------------

A defense of justifiable use of force, or of exoneration, based on the provisions of the Article is an affirmative defense.

SENSEI and KIRK IJAMS Then ... Now...

30 yrs!

L: Sensei R: Kirk Ijams L: Kirk Ijams R: Sensei

Thank you Kirk Ijams for sharing this important information with us. Mr. Ijams is the Assistant Chief of Police of Operations in Normal who has been in law

enforcement for 25 years. He is also Sensei's first Black Belt from the Atlanta Dojo. After his presentation, Mr. Ijams shared many of his Yoshukai stories with us, which were very interesting and sometimes humorous. The breaking of the Plexiglas with a step side kick is a classic!


DEFINITIONS OF TITLES Mudansha: Term used to describe those students below the grade of BB. Yudansha: Term used to describe those students who have acquired the rank of BB. Kodansha: Term used to describe those students who have advanced to the Senior BB level Ranks. Mu-dan: Term used to describe an already high ranking martial artist who abdicate their rank. This normally takes place when the high ranking martial artist has succeeded the senior master of the style. In many cases this person will be referred to as Soke upon the death of the master who may very well have been his father. This persons rank will be suspended and the person will be considered Mu-dan.

Formal Karate Titles


Sensei - Teacher or One who has gone before Shihan - Master or Expert Teacher Doshi - Leading Teacher - Title sometimes used before Renshi Renshi - Senior Expert Teacher Tasshi or Tesshi - Apprentice Master Teacher Kyoshi - Master Teacher, Teacher of Teachers Hanshi - Senior Master Teacher Ren: A Trainer of the Way Kyo: A Teacher of the Way Han=A Model of the Way

Other Formal Karate Titles


Seito Deshi or Deshi - A student, pupil or disciple of a martial art. Uchi Deshi - A personal student who lives and trains with the Master of a martial art. Kohai - A title used to refer to one who is lower in rank than oneself. Sempai - A title used to refer to one who is higher in rank than oneself. Kancho - A title sometimes given to the head of a dojo or organization. This title is independent of any rank, but in most cases this person will be a very senior student of the arts. In most cases the person holding this title will be the highest ranking instructor of a specific Ryu-Ha or Kai-Ha. Kaicho - This title generally refers to a Regional Head or Director of a style. It may also refer to a Branch/Regional or Head Representative of an organization or association. Taiso - The term used to designate a great master of the martial arts. Kaiso - The founder of a particular style or organization/association. A Senior Advisor of the founder may also hold this title.

-14- Soke - Founder of a system or style. This title may also be used by the successor of the founder of a style or system. This person will be a Ju-Dan

(10th Degree Black Belt) in most all cases. Shoshu - The title used to designate a Master of a particular art. Saiko Shihan or Shihan-Dai - This title refers to the person who has been designated as the Senior or Head Shihan. Shihan-Dai is sometimes issued prior to the recipient receiving the full Shihan Title and therefore in this situation it would be considered a lesser or lower title than the title of Shihan itself. O-Sensei or Dai Sensei - This title means Great or Greatest Teacher, Highest Respected Teacher. This title is spoken by students in honorable reference to the traditional martial arts founder. Sosai - Governor, (Highest Honorary Position of an Organization.) Soshi - Title used to designate the Head Master of an Organization. Shidoin - Title used referring to a Senior Instructor. Meijin - Title used for a Martial Arts Master. Kensei - Sacred Fist, a title used for Chojun Miyagi, founder of Goju-ryu, by his students. Mukyu - One who does not hold any rank in karate. Shokyu - Secondary level learning grade such as a Sho-dan. Chukyu - Used to denote a student who is at the post secondary grade/Intermediate level learning grade. Jokyu - Advanced grade. Used for a Yon-dan Sensei who is in the advanced learning stage and is on foreign assignment. Hokai - Used to denote a student below dan grade. Nyumon - Entry level learning grade. Kyoren - A student of San-dan grade who is not in training for instructor grade (Yon-dan) Ani-deshi - Senior disciple ------------------------------------------------

"The title of Sensei (for example) isn't given due to a rank attained, it's the spirit and desire of the practitioner and their true dedication and belief in the traditional of their style of karate..." ------------------------------------------------

An important question for every leader: "Am I building people, or building my dream and using people to do it"


"When two opponents of equal strength and technique fight it off, it is what is in their heart, and how they use their mind that will decide who will win."

(Bruce Hyland - National Aust. Karate Fed. Coach)



Our Sympathy's go out to ... --------------------

... Sensei and family for the loss of his brother-in-law, Abe Vannoy, on August 19th! He was the uncle of Aaron and Jason Dugan, a great uncle to David and Ethan Dugan! Sensei appreciated all the cards and phone calls. ... the family of Dawn Johnson for the loss of her brother David, 40, who passed away on August 12th. He is also the uncle of Austin and Joshua Johnson! A card was signed by the Hombu and presented to Dawn.

Back to school ------------

We want to wish all students of Yoshukai Karate Alliance good luck throughout the coming school year. We expect to see your karate training show up through your grades... focus and perseverance! Please let Sensei Schreiber know of any awards or special achievements gained throughout the school year.

We are always proud about you guys throughout The Alliance! -----------------------------------------------

Dawn Johnson is starting college August 18th at Richland Community College in Decatur. She will be shooting for a Associates degree in Radiology. Good luck with your


Clock Drawing -----------

We had the drawing for the clock at the Natsu Keiko and Mr. Lanning's name was drawn. Congratulations, I'm sure you will hang it up with pride! -----------------------------------------------

Welcome New Students

----------------- Hombu... (pictured to the Left): Noah Kenney and

Brett Embertan

Williamsville... Hailey Analla, Eric Churchill and Wes Towers!

Kenney... Dylan Adkins, Stacy Lambert and

Mel Lambert!

Welcome Back Jason and David Dugan!



SEPTEMBER -----------

6th - Kenney demonstration 20th (Sat) Kyu belt clinic will be held at Allerton Park 12 -4p.m.


--------- 10th (Fri) Black Belt training at Latham Park / 7 - 9p.m.

25th (Sat) 3rd Annual YOSHUKAI Weiner Roast at Sensei Bottrells house in Elkhart / 6:30 - ?


---------- 6th (Thurs) Hombu Dojo Kyu Belt testing / 6:45 - 9p.m. 8th (Sat) Williamsville Dojo Kyu Belt testing / 9 - 3p.m. 10th (Mon) Kenny Dojo Kyu Belt testing / 6:45 - 9 p.m.

22nd (Sat) Black Belt training at Lincoln Dojo / 12 - 3p.m.


The last Williamsville testing was on July 19th and make up tests were held on August 14th. No information was presented on those who tested and what ranks were attained.

Good luck to all of those who tested!

RAFFLE We will begin our next raffle which will be for a ceramic tile with Yoshukai written in Japanese down the middle. The price per ticket is $1 a chance or 6 for $5. The money will go into the general fund.

SWEATSHIRT ORDERS If we have enough people interested we will be placing orders for sweatshirts! Ask Sensei Schreiber for sign up sheet and information on prices! Shirts must be paid before orders go in.



Yoshukai Karate Alliance Class of 2008

Well another year, another summer camp, another rewarding time! It seems as though each year just gets better! As usual we had a fun filled day with a new experience available for each rank. From white belts to black belts, each experience was a memorable one.

We started off a little late, which threw us off schedule, but with the guidance of Sensei we carried on. We began with Kirk Ijams talking to us on the topic of Illinois law covering our 'legal rights for self-defense'. These things are very important to be aware of encase we are ever required to use our training. L to R: Kirk Ijams 7 Sensei We then went on with our regular training schedule

as follows: Black Belts: Katana training (Sensei Jackson & Ms. Gietel); Shihohai with tonfas Mr. Stone); Shuto training (Sensei); Sai throwing (Mr. Stone)


Ms. Lowe, Sensei Schreiber, Mr. Gorman, Mr. Lowe (L-R): Sensei Bottrell, Sensei Sensei Bottrell, Sensei, Mr. Schreiber; Sensei Roberts Mr. Gorman, Mr. Lowe Brown Belts: Escrima sticks fundamentals (Sensei); Katas with blindfolds (Ms. Lowe); Escrima sticks - two man training (Sensei Roberts & Sensei Bottrell) Sweeping w/bo (Mr. Lanning); Apple- smashing with nunchucks (Mr. Gorman).

-18- Hey, do you have enough to go around?

Gary & Mark Brown belts: Sweeping with the bo

(L-R) Escrima sticks: Gary & Mark Green Belts: Tobi Yoko geri & Tobi ushiro geri (Ms. Lowe); training w/nunchuck (Mr. Gorman); H-Forms training & bunkai (Mr. Stone). Yellow/White Belts: Zenshinkotai training (Sensei Schreiber); fundamentals of yoko geri (Sensei); breaking (Mr. Stone & Michael-san).

Left: Zenshinkotai training with Mr. Stone.

Right: board breaking

with Mr. Stone & Michael-

san All ranks: Legal

rights for self-defense (Kirk Ijams) ; Shito-ryu Karate history & fundamentals (Sensei Jackson & Kat); discussion on mental toughness (Sensei & Mr. Stone); Promotions and pictures.

Left: class taking a well deserved water


Right: Group discussion on Mental Toughness, lead by

Sensei and Mr. Stone

Sensei lead

us in a discussion on mental toughness. This is a very important subject that everyone, sometime in their training, is suppose to gain. The most important part of your training is your mental attitude. Yoshukai is suppose to instill this in ALL karate-ka, not just a select few. Sensei Jackson & Kat went over some of their katana techniques with the Black Belts. Sensei Jackson & Kat also talked with the whole group on the history of Shito-ryu history and the fundamentals. Everyone had the opportunity to try out a Shito-ryu kata.


Shito-ryu katana training Sensei Jackson Talk on Shito-ryu history & Kat Gietel

We gathered together for the highlight of the day ... Water Balloons! This was done to help individuals focus on development of timing and distance. Next year we ought to spend time teaching a majority of people how to toss a balloon. (Left) John Hayward doing a good front kick in which busted the balloon thrown to him. (Above) Mr. Stone was asked by Sensei

to do an improper reverse punch. (Left) Everyone picking up broken balloons out of the yard!

Afterwards we had 20 minutes to honor those who testing the previous night. Sensei was honored to present

Mr. Lowe & Mr. M Schreiber with the title of Nidan! Congratulations to both of you! We then went on to picture taking as one big group and individual groups. (L-R): Mr. Stone, Mr. Lowe (L-R:) Mr. Lowe, Sensei, Mr. Schreiber (L-R): Mr. Stone, Mr. Schreiber receiving promotion receiving promotion from Sensei from Sensei -20-

The moment everyone was looking forward to, after 5 hours of training...

FOOD!! -------

(L to R) Seaton, (in back) Mr. Stone Austin, Mr. D Schreiber, Dawn We want to first and most importantly thank the chefs who were kind enough to cook for everyone. Thank you very much to

Mr. Lowe & Ms. Lowe's dad, Virgil Lowe, and Aaron Dugan for taking time out to cook for a big group of vultures.

(Pictured to the right) Not only did Aaron stand over the grill and cook but, he also brought two dishes to pass, which was very good. The food was great! Thank you chefs and to everyone else

who brought food to pass. Around 7 p.m. is when the day came to an end. Another year done and gone. Once again the biggest thanks goes to Sensei! Sensei not only puts a lot of time and effort into setting up these great events but, lets his passion guide him along. You are a huge inspiration to all of us. We all need to continue to grow from his teachings. OS! A special thank you goes to our special guests: Kirk Ijams, Sensei Matt Jackson and his

finance Ms. Gietel!


(Natsu Keiko)



(Left to Right): Joshua, Taryn, Callie, Christian, Ryan, Jade, David Austin, Ethan, Ken, Noah, Mitch, Dawn, Sensei, Sensei Schreiber Linda, Remy Sensei Bottrell Mr. Kennett, Scott, Karen ------------------------------------------------ On August 28th we all enjoyed the night in the pool. The water was cold so it took everyone a little bit of time to get in, Mr. Kennett being the first, from there everyone else slowly followed. Once we took the plunge we lined up and began with punches, which as usual, the down punches were a favorite of many. We continued on with lunge punches to the other end of the pool ---for those of you who were tall enough to reach the deep end then roundhouse kicks on the way back, blocks, front kicks, 27 movements & zenshinkotai. Sensei had us pair up to work on foot sweeping, which was a lot of fun for us when it came our time to do the dunking of our partners into the water. Sensei Schreiber, Ken Reese and Dawn Johnson spent a few minutes each working with the kids. After class, we all lined up and bowed in; under the water. Remy, as dedicated as he is, was waiting for the command to stand back up. Sensei was worried after a few minutes because he was still bowed in under the water. Sensei then told everyone that they had free time for the remainder of the evening, but unfortunately, the fun was ended sooner then expected due to lightening. This is one day of the year that Sensei allows students to train and have fun doing so. There was a lot of laughter and splashing around which made it even better. We all look forward to next year! ------------------------------------------------

"Pain creates a distraction and a distraction creates an opportunity"




In doing some research on Mr. Daugherty, we have found some pretty good information, we are going to share this information.

We found his original application from January 2nd, 1979. Mr. Daugherty was ONLY 22 years old at the time (do the math). Not only is his birthday on August 25th (1956), but he grew up in Lincoln and lived in the 200 block of Keokuk St. at the time. He was and still is, a Correctional Officer with the Lincoln Prison. He works along-side Mr. Kennett, Mr. Logan, and Mr. Hanger. His favorite sports, before karate of course, were swimming and running. He, like everyone else, had a reason for joining karate and his was for "stress relief from work situations". A friend of his prompted him to chose Yoshukai Karate!

Also during my research we found his testing dates and ranks he achieved on each test.

March 20, 1979, tested and received his 8th kyu

July 5, 1979, tested and received his 6th kyu (he skipped 7th kyu) December 11, 1979, tested and received his 5th kyu

March 20. 1980, tested and received his 4th kyu

Everyone has an essay to write for all of their Black Belt exams and here is his: "In studying Yoshukai Karate, I have found that my abilities to control both my temper and stress, as well as related problems, have made them both almost nonexistent. My studying of karate has helped me be more tolerant towards other people and more patient in dealing with them. To me “Budo” means combining both physical and mental abilities together and controlling them to enable myself to reach whatever goal or goals I have set for myself. It also means having the patience to develop myself properly and completely. By studying Yoshukai Karate I have learned that there is only one (1) way to complete a given task. That way is one hundred percent. Only by doing something with one hundred percent effort can one say he/she has completed their given task. I am proud to be in Yoshukai. I place no other style before it. I feel it is a great honor to study it.” Tim Daugherty reopened the Lincoln Dojo, moved later on, and opened three different schools in Galesburg.


The following photos are from the demonstration that Sensei held at the College Hills Mall back on July 8, 1983.....

(Above) Bo kata (Above) Ro hai w/ tonfas

(Above) Sensei breaking a bo over Mr. Daugherty's abs. (Above) Mr. Daugherty sparring

(Left) Sensei and Mr. Daugherty at Sensei's 30th year party! May, 19th 2002!



SEPTEMBER 7th - Max Janssen (10 yrs.) / 11th - Dylan Adkins (7 yrs.)


5th - Ethan Dugan (8 yrs) / 8th - Jeffery Schreiber (16 yrs.) 17th - Seth Constance (6 yrs) / 28th - Julia Lambert (6 yrs)

28th - Arthur Freeman / 30th - Jayden Miller (9yrs)

NOVEMBER 9th - Karen Birdwell / 10th - Braxton Lambert (11 yrs)

24th - Carol Reese / 26th - Bryler Lambert (6 yrs.)

DECEMBER 6th - Gary Durchholz / 7th - Ken Reese / 20th - John Hayward

22nd - Sensei Schreiber / 31st - Taryn Ramirez (11 yrs.)


OCTOBER 6th - Jerry & Karen Birdwell (8 yrs.)


25th - Chadd Schmitz (14 yrs.)

DECEMBER 27th - Danny & Dawn Johnson (13 yrs.)


SEPTEMBER 11th -Dave, Houston 2006 (2 yrs.)


Mr. Lanning (1988 to 1990 back in 2003) - 7 yrs. 1st - Carol Reese 2007 (1 yr) / 22nd - Sensei Schreiber 2002 (6 yrs.)

18th - Jayden Miller 2007 (1 yr) / 18th - Nathan Miller (1 yr.) 7th - Max Janssen (2 yrs.)


Mitch McCullar 2007 (1 yr.) -----------------------

Note from the Publisher/Co-Author --- I felt the strong need to put our well known 'patience' symbol on the middle of this page, under Wedding Anniversaries. This is the perfect example of the need for our 'nin'!



JUNE ------

Mr. Kennett, Mr. M Schreiber, Mr. D Schreiber, Sensei Schreiber, Dawn, Ken, Aaron, Jeffery, Remy, Austin, Taryn, Cristian, Jayden, Nathan, Tina, Justin, Linda, Karen


----- Mr. M Schreiber, Sensei Schreiber, Mr. D Schreiber, Ken Reese, Jeffery Schreiber,

Aaron Dugan, Scott McCullar, Dale Barnett, Jade Mileham (1), Braxton Lambert, Linda Henne, Karen Birdwell, Callie, Jerry Birdwell (1), Nathan Miller, Chadd Schmitz, Jayden

Miller (1), Bryler Lambert, Julia Lambert, Luke Newhouse (1) Seth Constance (1), Dylan Adkins


-------- Mr. M Schreiber, Sensei Schreiber, Ken Reese, Aaron Dugan, Dale Barnett, Karen & Jerry Birdwell, Linda Henne, Jade Mileham, Callie Harbour, Braxton Lambert, Bryler

Lambert, Julia Lambert, Stacy Lambert (1), Mel Lambert


---------- -------------------- ----------


"Karate is about discipline and the first discipline is showing up for class."


"You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb a little." -----

"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself" - Chinese Proverb


Springfield Women's Self-Defense

(L to R-back row) Sensei Bottrell, Sensei Roberts, Mr. Lanning, Jeffery, Michael-san Ms. Lowe Sensei Schreiber, Remy, Kallie, Aaron, Mr. Logan, Mr. Schreiber Ken, Arthur, Carol, Jade Sensei, Haley, Tina, Dalton (Front row-far left) Cristian & Taryn

(L to R) Sensei Bottrell, Sensei & Sensei Roberts

This Women's Self-Defense class was brought to Sensei Roberts and Sensei Bottrell by their student Remy Ramirez. This was an activity planned by Remy for the Contact Ministries which was sponsoring the Women's Shelter, a protection program for abused and battered women. This was a fund raiser through his church. There were 22 women who attended today's class and 21 students. Needless to say, we had a wonderful turn out of students! Like all women self-defense classes, Sensei began the class with a little talk about 'common sense' preventions. What to look out for and how to avoid bad situations. He used his leadership skills to divide the women into groups. He then began the class, with the assistance of the attending students. There were 2 to 3 students per group of women. There was 1 Black Belt to each group with a kyu belt assisting. Each group of students taught something different. The following were taught to the women (and children): front & back choke; front & back bear hug; a variety of wrists grabs; hair grab; the mount; and full nelson.

-27- As the groups were busy Sensei went around to the women and tested them with what they had been taught. He then lined everyone up and had them practice shin kicking with bags. Afterwards, he then had all the ladies stand in a big circle with their backs to the inside as the students went around and grabbed the women in many different ways to test their skills and speed of reacting.

Shortly before time was up, Sensei stood all the ladies against the wall and simply taught them 'yame'. They were shown how to use this block by simply move their arms left or right or spreading them apart in order to block any strikes going to the face or head. Once again Yoshukai upheld it's honor and integrity and has once again reached out to the community to carry on one of the things we are about: compassion, courtesy & respect.

(L-R): Sensei, Sensei Roberts & Mr. Michael Schreiber

(L to R) Sensei Bottrell, Sensei Roberts & Remy Ramirez showing how much was raised through the WSD class. Yoshukai Karate Alliance donated our time and services free for class, since it was for a very special cause. $800 was raised all together, a portion being from the class and from many students who also made donations. Sensei was very proud of all students who participated and donated! We would like to mention that none of this would have been possible if it weren't for Sensei Dugan who has spread his dedication and the tradition of Yoshukai to many different people throughout the past 32 years, and we, in turn, do the same. Thank you Remy Ramirez for taking the steps in sharing Yoshukai with others! ------------------------------------------------

'"Traditionalists often study what is taught, not what there is to create.”


"The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants."



These are (nine) 9 of the muscles we use in punches, alone!

1. Pectoralis major 15. Triceps 39. Serratus anterior 2. Deltoid 16. Rectus abdominis 40. Latissimus dorsi 3. Biceps 17. Obliquus externus abdominis 41. Teres major

Every muscle you see below is used in various numbers of techniques that we learn

during our karate training.


HEALTH TESTIMONIAL We have all heard about the many health benefits of karate. I joined Yoshukai in October of 2007 to try to become healthier. I have a strong family history of high cholesterol (my mom, dad, and brother all have to take cholesterol medication.) Because of this family history, my doctor has been monitoring my cholesterol levels for the past few years, and it's slowly been climbing. After my check-up in Summer of 2007, my overall cholesterol level was in the low 200's, and if it got higher, I would have to be considered for medication (200-239 is "borderline-high risk" by the American Heart Association.) That count was taken about two months before I started karate. I had my count taken again in July of 2008, and my overall number had dropped to 167! The AHA considers that "desirable!" I was shocked!! Not only that, but my LDL (or "bad" cholesterol) level was all the way down to 104. Less than 100 is "optimal" and under 129 is "near optimal." My doctor was very pleased, as was I. And believe me, I haven't changed my eating habits. The only thing that has changed is me participating in karate. I never thought about it helping my cholesterol level, but I'm so thankful that it did. -Carol Reese 6th kyu green belt ------------------------------------------------ (Following is an article that the Clinton Journal wrote up about the Kenney Dojo)

KARATE COMES TO KENNEY (L-R): Austin Johnson, Mr. Michael Schreiber, Jayden Miller, Sensei Schreiber, Dawn Johnson Nathan Miller, Jeffery Schreiber, and Joshua Johnson.

An open house will be held in Kenney at the Community Center tonight (Tuesday) from 7 - 8 p.m. for Yoshukai Karate Alliance, a newly formed karate class. First Degree Black Belt Nykol Schreiber, of Midland City, will be teaching karate classes on Monday and Wednesday's from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Kenney Community Center. Classes begin this Wednesday evening. Sensei Schreiber will be signing up new students during the open house and also do a small demonstration of what Yoshukai Karate Alliance will be teaching. "I have been in karate for 6 years, " she said, "I found out that they rented out the building in Kenney and I have wanted to started classes for the past years. I decided to just go ahead and do it." For more information on Yoshukai Karate Alliance call Nykol Schreiber at (217)201-0326.

