Pete: The Manifesto



My manifesto for QM Publications Convener.

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Pete TheManifesto

For any folks who don’t know me: I’m a second year student, starting English Literature Honours next year, and have been a member of the QM for my whole time at Glasgow Uni. Last September, I was a happy ‘Lego-Man’ Freshers’ Helper – and had an amazing time. For the last two years, I have been a committed qmunicate reader; more recently I’ve become a contributor; and soon – with your help – I may take the crown of ‘King of Publications’.

This is my manifesto, the result of three nights spent sat up in bed drinking Irn-Bru and playing with typefaces (instead of myself for once). It sets out what I hope to achieve and I hope it gives you good reason to donate your vote to me.

Thanks for taking your time to read this introduction. Now, please, read on...

I don’t intend to revolutionise qmunicate for the sake of revolutionising it. It’s already a great magazine and I want to improve it and help it progress as a useful, entertaining and unashamedly eccentric publication for all members of the union.

• Keep the quality high in terms of writing, content and design – and attempt to give every cover that ‘Wow!’, ‘Ooh!’ or ‘Whut?!’ factor.

• Improve the internet presence of the magazine (more about this over the page).

• Get as many people as possible contributing to the magazine, so that it is as diverse and representative as possible.

• Ensure qmunicate hits stands mid-week, allowing for maximum circulation and promotion of QMU events.

One of my main priorities would be to improve qmunicate’s internet presence. I want to provide qmunicate with a real website and ensure that the magazine actively promotes it as a source for further news and content, plus an online database of current and previous issues of qmunicate.

I would work always for the good of the union and for all of its members, focusing on advertising and developing the union’s assorted calendar of events.

To be frank, I would love this position and I would put in unhealthy amounts of energy. It would be amazing to be voted in on a wave of support. So, please add your few drops of encouragement and let’s see if I can get washed into the QM board.


If anyone has any questions they’d like to ask me, please get in touch via email: or save your questions for the heckling meeting.

Election Day HelpersWant a t-shirt? Want to hand out sweets? Throw me an email.

Please invite your friends to my Facebook group. Thank you, you lovely stunners.

Pete is a four letter word.
