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This work has been funded by Xunta de Galicia

Acknowledgements: we thank María González García for her skillful technical assistance.

(project XUGA PGIDIT03RAG60301PR)

It attacks several plants p e c i e s . D a m a g e i sproduced by sucking on cellcontents, thus producingleaf yellowing, and whenthe attack is important plant weakening also takesplace. Honeydew secreted produces sooty moldwhich subsequently causes leaf area reduction.Non-aggressive chemicals (white oil, fenitrothion,acephate, deltamethrin or alphacypermethrin)should be selected so as not to damage beneficialinsects.

Citrus mealybugPlanococcus citri Risso

Homoptera: PseudococcidaeCitrus mealybugPlanococcus citri Risso

Black citrus aphid Homoptera: Aphididae.Toxoptera aurantii B. de F

Black citrus aphidToxoptera aurantii B. de F

Its hosts are both ornamentaland fruit trees, being the aphidspecies more abundant oncamellia. I t sucks cellcontents, causing leaf curling,and shoot deformation.

When the attack isimportant,these shoots are severely damaged andthe plant loses vigour. Recommended chemicalsare fenithrotion, pirimicarb and etophenprox.

Thisaphid mainly affects young leaves andnew shoots.

The greenhouse thripHeliothrips haemorrhoidalis Bouché

Thysanoptera: ThripidaeThe greenhouse thripHeliothrips haemorrhoidalis Bouché

Polyphagous. On camellia,this thrip remains on shadedareas of the plant, mostly ondeveloping leaves and flowers.The insect affects the leafunderside and the flower petalswith its mouth stylets. As aconsequence, the leaf and petal upper sidepresent dark and silver colour and the airpenetrating under the leaf epidermis may deform theapex. Both leaves and flowers deform and drop.Chemical control with fenithrotion, acephate, orlambda cyhalothrin or biological control usingphytoseiid mites and

are possible options to controlthe pest.

Amblyseius cucumerisAmblyseius barkeri

Black Vine weevilOtiorrhynchus sulcatus Fabricius

Coleoptera: CurculionidaeBlack Vine weevilOtiorrhynchus sulcatus Fabricius

Polyphagous. Damage is moreimportant on plants found outdoorsthan on plants growing at greenhouses.Adult first attacks young and tenderleaves, which present notch-shapedinjuries along the margins and in a laterstage old leaves are also attacked. Larvae attackroots, and if the attack is important the plant maydie. Control can be done using chemicals(fenithrotion, deltamethrin, alphacypermethrin, etofenprox,methyl azinphos, endosulphan or imidachloprid), ormechanical methods (capturing and eliminating adults).Larvae can be controlled using entomopathogenicnematodes spp applied in the soil whereHeterorhabditis .

Polyphagous aphid whichsucks cell content onleaves causing chlorosisand premature leaf drop.

secreteshoneydew, where sootymold develops. They can also act as virusvectors. Lacewings, spp.and spp are good biologicalcontrol agents and may constitute a goodalternative to chemicals.

Aphis gossypii


Melon or cotto aphidnAphis gossypii Glover

Homoptera:AphididaeMelon or cotto aphidnAphis gossypii Glover

Coleoptera: CurculionidaeCneorhinus dispar GraellsCneorhinus dispar GraellsIt causes damages oncame l l i a , f ru i t t r ee s ,ornamentals and vine.Adults feed on the apex ofshoots and on the margins ofyoung leaves, which appearnotched and are moreevident when the shoot completes itsdevelopment. Larvae produce damageson small roots and root main axes, where theycreate superficial galleries to feed. Adults can becontrolled by spraying with insecticides such asfenithrotion, deltamethrin, alphacypermethrin,etofenprox, methyl azinphos, endosulphan orimidachloprid on the plant shoot.

Camellia bud miteCosetacus camelliae Keifer

Actinedida: EriophyoideaCamellia bud miteCosetacus camelliae Keifer

This eryophiid, which onlyfeeds on camellia, is themite producing the mostimportant damages on thisgenus.At the moment, 90%of the camellias in Galiciaare affected by this mite. Symptomsobserved are brown and dry sepals. Ifthe attack is important, sepals entirelydry and the flower bud falls. Chemicals (sulphur oramitraz) are the only methods of control availableat the moment.

This is a very polyphagous and widelydistributed species which has morethan 200 reported hosts.

is less polyphagous but theseverity of damages is important,specially on fruit and ornamentalwoody hosts. Both species develop onthe leaf underside, where they feed on the epidermal cellcontents, sucking their chloroplasts. As a consequence,

Mite population density needs to be estimated before treatmentapplication. Chemical control with acaricides (sulphur, amitraz,dicofol or fenazaquin), or biological control with beneficial mitessuch as which has been efficient on otherhosts, can be performed.


Phytoseiulus persimilis

leaves losemost of their green colour. A fine silk webbing produced by this mite,can be seen on the plants and may contribute to leaf dry up or fall off.

Red Spider Actinedida: TetranychidaeandTetranychus urticae Koch KochPanonychus ulmi

Red SpiderTetranychus urticae Koch KochPanonychus ulmiCamellia cushion scale Homoptera: Coccidae

Chloropulvinaria floccifera WestwoodCamellia cushion scaleChloropulvinaria floccifera Westwood

Very polyphagous, it feedson camellia as well as onother species. They can beseen on the leaf, mainly onthe abaxial side along thenerves, also on branches andstems. They produce leafdecoloration by sucking plantsapwood, and excret honeydew,allowing sooty moulds to develop,limiting plant photosynthesis, thus reducingplant development. Pest control by chemicalsapplication (white oil, fenitrothion, acephate,deltamethrin or alphacypermethrin) orbiological control ( spp) are twopossible options.


Acaphylla steindeweni KeiferActinedida: EriophyoideaAcaphylla steindeweni Keifer

Widely distributedspecies. This mite ismainly found on thel e a f u n d e r s i d eproducing bronzedleaves. When theattack is severe they producedefoliation. Control must bedone using specific acaricidessuch as amitraz and sulphur.

It is reported to feed on several plants,specially on evergreen. They attack mainlythe nerves of the leafunde r s ide , t ende rshoots and branchescausing leaf yellowing.Honeydew secretedserves as substrate fors o o t y m o l ddevelopment, which decreasesphotosynthetic leaf surface. Lowtoxicity chemicals should be selected (whiteoil, fenitrothion, acephate, deltamethrin oralphacypermethrin). The use of naturalenemies is being studied.

Brown soft scaleCoccus hesperidium


Brown soft scaleCoccus hesperidium L.

Greedy scale Homoptera: DiaspididaeHemiberlesia rapax ( Sign.Comstock)Greedy scaleHemiberlesia rapax ( Sign.Comstock)

Insect scales arefound on leaves,young shoots andbranches . Theyc a u s e s e r i o u sd a m a g e w h e nsucking cell content, thusweakening the plant. The use ofchemicals (white oil, fenitrothion,a c e p h a t e , d e l t a m e t h r i n o ralphacypermethrin) are advised dependingon insect population density.

INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, Locarno, Switzerland, March 2005CAMELLIA

Purple mite Actinedida: EriophyoideaCalacarus carinatus GreenPurple miteCalacarus carinatus Green

Mite that not only attackscamellia but alsoand . Itsattacks are not as importantas those of

. This mite isfound both on the leaf upper side andunderside. Attacked leaves getbronzed, and most of them showdeformed margins. When high densities of

attack a plant, leaves may bear largenumbers of mite exuviae, that gives them a dustyaspect Once the symptoms of the mite's attack areobserved, they can be controlled using acaricides(sulphur or amitraz).





Pedro Mansilla- Vázquez, Rosa Pérez Otero, Carmen Salinero-Corral, Pilar Piñón-Esteban

Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra. Servicio Agrario. Estación Fitopatolóxica deAreeiro. Subida a la Robleda s/n. 36153 Pontevedra.; ; ;
