PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


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  • 8/4/2019 PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


    Payment for EcosystemServicesAlternative financing in support

    of Waos watershed program

    Presented during the:

    Philippine Conference on Capturing Economic Benefits from Ecosystem Services25 Aug. 2011; ADB Headquarters


    ELVINO B. BALICAO, JR.Municipal Mayor

    Wao, Lanao del Sur, ARMM

  • 8/4/2019 PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


    Population: 42, 100 (NSO 2007) Diversed Cultures: Ilokano, Ilonggo,

    Cebuano, Maranao, Tausug, Waray,Tagalog, Ibatan, Batangueno, Boholano

    A post-christian-moro- conflict zone Land Area: 35,459 ha Forestlands: 19,819 ha Natural Forests: 12,412 ha Rate of natural forest loss: 4.6%

    Municipality ofWao,

    Lanao del Sur

  • 8/4/2019 PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


    Situation Prior to PES

    Declining water supply

    Waos watershed feeds 5 river systems thatirrigates 19,000 hectares of farmlands (in Wao& 5 nearby municipalities in Bukidnon, Cotabato& Lanao del Sur)

    One main source of water, the Diomel Spring,used to discharge 100 lps during rainy season;

    NOW its down to 15 lps

  • 8/4/2019 PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


    Main cause ofdeclining water supply:

    Forest degradationIllegal logging & kaingin

    In 1998-2002 alone, Wao lost 2,000 has. of forest

    cover due to illegal logging and kaingin, causingwater shortages during summer, and flash floodsduring rainy season.

    Some creeks historically with year-round waterflow have gone dry during summer

    Waos watershed was mostly open access illegaloccupants could just come in -- with no

    accountable & responsible tenure holder to helpmana e it

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    Inventory of areas under cultivation

    Extensive tree planting activities in denudedwatershed

    Establishment of a Municipal Nursery Local civil society actions against Timber

    Industries of the Philippines, Inc. loggingoperations in Wao

    Initial attempts to solveWaos upland problem

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    Lack of participation of stakeholders

    Fragmented approach in forest management

    Absence of well-defined Property Rights inuplands

    Absence of on-site management Lack of transparency

    Unclear accountability


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    Actions taken to address forestdegradation

    FOREST LAND USEPLANNING introduced in 2002 developed with assistance

    from USAIDs EcoGov projectand DENR-ARMM; signed inOctober 2004 & identified 4forestland allocations:

    1. Protection Areas/Forest2. Buffer Zone3. Community-Based Forest

    Management Areas4. Community Watershed

    1 23


  • 8/4/2019 PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


    Signed in April 2006

    Total area: 2,184hectares

    With 329 HH settlers

    Water source of WWD

    Water source of WDC

    Affects flooding

    downstream Nursery establishment,

    rehabilitation and forestprotection started in2005

    Co-management ofwatershed - Following

    the completion of theFLUP that involvedvarious stakeholders, aco-management

    agreement betweenWao & DENR-ARMMwas signed, giving theLGU a lead role in

    forest management

    Actions taken to address forestdegradation

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    WatershedArea- 2,184hectares

    Under co-management scheme, actual occupants inwatershed awarded with Individual Property Rights(IPR) Certificates, a sub-agreement between the IPRholders and the LGU-Wao, providing them security of

    tenure over their claimed area and making thempartners of the LGU in forest management.

    Actions taken to address forestdegradation

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    163 (almost halfof upland settlers)were issued with IPRagreements;

    240 hectaresdeveloped into agro-forestry;

    IPR issuanceongoing

    Actions taken to address forestdegradation

    Beneficiaries giventraining; such as infarm planning,operating a

    cooperative & lawenforcement; alsoprovided withseedlings (abaca,

    coffee and rubber,fruit trees) under a


    later scheme

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    Wao increased LGU investment on ForestManagement - Php 1M / Yr from 2005 date, a3rd class Municipality it could only provide

    For Wao to be able to provide continuedsupport for the forest development efforts ofIPR holders & sustain forest protection efforts, ithad to encourage other stakeholders to givetheir share

    Looking for alternative financing

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    In a roundtable discussion in Nov. 2009, stakeholders

    agreed to a PES scheme to sustain forest developmentprogram

    In Dec. 2009, forged MOA with Wao Water District tocontribute P75,000/year

    In Aug. 2010, signed MOA with Unifrutti Philippines(P100,000/year contribution in cash or in kind)

    Also in Aug. 2010, signed MOA with Wao Truck OwnersAssociation for a contribution of P10/truckload of

    agricultural products In March 2011, had MOA with Wao Development

    Corporation (P100,000/ year contribution in cash/in kind).

    Wao also established Mountain Spring Resort (50% of

    proceeds will be allocated for the Community WatershedPro ram

    PES as alternative financing scheme

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    PES contributions, expendituresSOURCE 2010 June 2011 Expenditures

    WWD 75,000.00 75, 000.00 Rubber & coffeeseedlings

    WDC 100,000.00 Rubber & coffee clones




    cash & kind

    Rubber, fruit trees &

    coffee SeedlingsWUTOAI 7,940.00 43,600.00 Rubber & coffee clones

    Total 82,940.00 318,600.00

    PES proceeds are placed in special account intended for

    environment programs. Disbursements are approved byMunicipal Environment and Natural Resources Council,a multi-sector oversight & policy-making body set up in2003 to help ensure sustainability of environmentprograms, regardless of whoever sits as Mayor of Wao.

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    Initial results, impacts 163 IPR agreements awarded to watershed settlers, forest

    management activities of these people are sustained with help

    from PES proceeds 240 hectares developed into agro-forestry that provide forest

    cover as well as livelihood to upland dwellers (who used to cuttrees & engage in kaingin for a living)

    Soil & water conservation & biodiversity recovery is

    ensured through shift in farming system from pure corn tomultiple crops with perennial crops of rubber, fruit trees andendemic wood species

    Carbon benefit: 8,952 tons of carbon/ year (about 41 ha.

    natural forests prevented from being destroyed each yearavoiding annual release of 8,487 tons carbon stock andsequestering 45 tons of carbon every year; 100 ha. maturedplantations sequester about 420 tons carbon each year)

    Improved Peace and Order as conflicts are avoided since

    upland dwellers now have equitable access to resources &toda workin to ether to rotect the forest

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    - governance principles,such as transparency,accountability and

    participatory decision-makingare observed in planning &implementation

    Forest stakeholders are willingto pay for environmentalservices if:

    - LGU leadership showsseriousness & political willto properly manage theforests

    - stakeholders see where

    their contributions are going

  • 8/4/2019 PES for Wao Municipality Watershed Program_Balicao


    Initial results,impacts

    2007 Waodeclared asLearning Centerfor EnvironmentalManagement inMindanao (amongEcoGov-assistedLGUs)

    2010 WaobecameGALING POOKAwardee inARMM
