Peru By: Lina B. & Sarah T.. 2 Traditional Dishes from Peru Ceviche is 1 traditional Anticuchos...


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By: Lina B. & Sarah T.

2 Traditional Dishes from Peru

Ceviche is 1 traditional Anticuchos is anotherDish. traditional dish.

Peru’s Sports

Soccer is often played Surfing is another sportin Peru. done in Peru.

History of Peru

Peru was established in 1542. Peru’s capital is Lima. Peru is a very beautiful place take a look at these pictures.

Peru’s Language

Peru’s main language is Spanish. Other Languages spoken in Peru are Quechua and Aymara.

The Traditional Clothing

• Women – Lliclla– Chomp– Jobona– Polleras– Monteras– Hojotas

• Men – Chumpi– Poncho– Hojotas– Chullos– Chuspas

These are some Traditional Clothes

for Women and Men

Peru’s Animals

Parrots AlpacasZebras

Capuchin Monkey

Poison FrogJaguar

Peru’s Nazca Lines

Here we have a link about the Nazca Lines in Peru

Peru’s Population


Peru’s Government

Peru is not a communist country. They have a president and you can vote.

Traditional Peruvian Dancing

The one we chose to show you is a blend of all Peruvian Dances.
