Perceiving the Self and Others. Understand how your personal perspective influences communication ...


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Perceiving the Self and Others


A cognitive process through which we interpret our experiences and come to our own unique understandings

The Perception Process




Schemas: Organizing Perceptions

• Mental structures that put together related bits of information

• Help you understand how things work and how they should proceed

• Evolve and change over time

Challenges with Schemas

• Mindlessness• Selective perception• Undue influence• Bar pickup schema• Good Will Hunting• Hitch, as we’ve seen

Attributions: Interpreting Perceptions

• Using personal characteristics to explain others’ behavior

• Can change over time(Interaction appearance

theory)• Can be problematic

(Fundamental attribution error)

Improving Your Perceptions

Verify your perceptions

Be thoughtful when seeking explanations

Look beyond first impressions

Perception in a Diverse World

Culture affects how we perceive ourselves & others

Perceptual Barriers The narrow perspective

(Cultural myopia)



Removing Perceptual Barriers

Be mindful Consider multiple identities and co-

cultures Expand your perspective Deconstruct your schemas

Cognition: Perceiving Ourselves





Who you think you are Influenced by thoughts, actions,

abilities, values, goals, ideas… Influences how you communicate Comes from how others

communicate with you Direct & indirect evidence Social comparison theory


A set of attitudes you hold about your own emotions, thoughts, abilities, skills, behavior, and beliefs.

Linked to Self-Concept: Must know yourself to have attitudes about self.


Ability to predict actual success based on yourself-concept and self-esteem

Affects your ability to cope with failure and success

Can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies

Assessing Our Perceptions of Self

Self-Actualization The feelings & thoughts you get when you

know you have negotiated a communication situation as well as you possibly could

Leads to sense of satisfaction & fulfillment

Assessing Our Perceptions of Self

Self-Adequacy Assessing your communication competence

as sufficient or acceptable

Can lead to contentment or self-improvement

Assessing Our Perceptions of Self

Self-Denigration A negative assessment about a

communication experience.


Often unwarranted. Often occurs when communicators place undue importance on weaknesses

Behavior:Managing Our Identities

Self-presentation Intentional communication designed to show

elements of self for strategic purposes

Occurs through various channels

Requires self-monitoring

Behavior:Managing Our Identities

Self-disclosure Revealing yourself to others by sharing

personal information Must not be information easily known to

others Sharing must be voluntary

Behavior:Managing Our Identities

Technology:Managing the Self Online

Self-presentation can be more controlled Make conscious choices about what to

reveal to others Allows for experimentation with identity
