Pelvic anatomy


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Pelvic Anatomy

Gynecologic Viscera

Uterus: thick, muscular organDerived from the fusion of the paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts.

These ducts also form the upper 2/3 of the vagina and the fallopian tubes.

Divided into 3 segments: fundus, lower segment and cervix.

3 layers: serosa, myometrium (smooth muscle), and endometrium.

Gynecologic Viscera

Fallopian tubes: 10-14 cm in length, <1 cm in diameter.

Isthmus - 1 mm in diameter - perfect spot for tubal ligation.

Ampulla - 6mm in diameter - fertilization occurs here as well as most ectopics.

Ligamentous Support

Round Ligament:

Fibrous and muscle tissue

Anterior to the fallopian tubes

Correlate with the male gubernaculums

They extend laterally, cross the external iliac vessels, and enter the internal inguinal ring, and insert in the labia majora.

Sampson’s artery, a branch of the uterine artery, runs along the length of the round ligament.

Ligamentous Support

Broad Ligament:Double reflection of the peritoneum, draped over the round ligaments.

Cardinal Ligament: Found at the base of the broad ligament.

Provides the main support for the uterus and cervix.

It attaches to the cervix and extends laterally, connecting to the endopelvic fascia.

Ligamentous Support

Uterosacral Ligaments:

Provide minor cervical support.

Originate from the upper posterior cervix, travel around the rectum bilaterally, and fan out to attach to the 1st - 5th sacral vertebrae.

Gynecologic Viscera

Ovaries:Supported along the lateral pelvic sidewalls by the ovarian ligaments (attaching to the posteriolateral aspect of the uterus), the mesovarium (anastomotic region of the uterine and ovarian vessels), and the infundibulo-pelvic ligament (“The IP”), which are reflections of the broad ligament attaching the ovaries to the lateral pelvis.


They rest in the ovarian fossa, immediately adjacent to the iliac vessles and the ureters.

They contain 3 distinct cell populations:Germ cells

Stromal cells - tightly packed around developing follicles and secrete hormones.


Bladder and Rectum

Don’t forget they are close by…Bladder is anterior to the uterus.

Ureters originate in the renal cayxes and insert in to the inferior bladder at the trigone.

Careful attention to the ureters path in the pelvis is essential for dissection in gynecologic surgery.

Key Points of the Ureter

In the pelvis the ureter runs medial to and parallel with the internal iliac artery.

Uterine artery crosses over the ureter (water under the bridge).

The remaining 2-3cm of the ureter passes through the cardinal ligament into the bladder.


Lies posterior to the uterus following the curvature of the sacrum.

Blood Supply

Majority originates from the internal iliac artery (aka: hypogastric artery).

Additional supply comes from the ovarian arteries, the inferior mesenteric artery, and the external iliac artery.

Common iliac --> external and internal iliac

External becomes the femoral arteryInternal iliac --> anterior and posterior divisions

Posterior division - rarely seen in pelvic surgery, has three branches that supply the gluteal region:

– Superior gluteal– Iliolumbar– Lateral sacral arteries

Anterior division:UterineVaginal Superior, Middle, and Inferior VesicalsMiddle and Inferior RectalObturatorInferior glutealInternal PudendalObliterated umbilical arteries

During retroperitoneal surgery the primary branches identified are the:

Superior vesical artery

Uterine artery

Obturator artery

Ovarian arteriesOriginate directly from the aorta, inferior to the renal arteries.

Most frequently identified at the IP ligament.

Ovarian veins:Left ovarian vein drains into the left renal vein

Right ovarian vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava.

Lymph Drainage

Cervical Cancer:Drains 1st to the parametrial nodes --> obturator nodes --> pelvic nodes --> para-aortic

Uterine Cancer:Drains 1st to the pelvic nodes or para-aortic.

Ovarian Cancer: Can metastasize to either the pelvic or para-aortic nodes.

Pelvic Support

Pelvic diaphragm is retroperitoneal and supports all the viscera.

Composed of the:Levator ani group: puborectalis, pubococcygeus, and ileococcygeus.

Coccygeous muscles
