Pedro Yello Bo


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  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    Edited by the Spanish partnership

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 2


    Once upon a time there lived a little boy. His name was

    Bill. Bill didnt live in town. He lived in the country, and looked after

    sheep. He was not a very good boy. He often fell asleep watching

    the sheep, and he also told lies.

    The people who lived there often said, That boy will

    come to a bad end. One day Bill wanted to play a practical joke on

    the people. He ran down the hill and cried, Wolf! Wolf! Help! Come quickly! Wolf! All the

    people ran very fast to him as they wanted to safe him. But when the

    people ran up to the boy they saw no wolf.It heard you and ran away,

    the boy said. The people went away. Bill began to laugh. How funny

    people are! How silly they are! They are not clever at all. Three weeks

    later he wanted to play the same trick again. Wolf! Wolf! he cried.

    Help! Come quickly! Wolf! Many people ran to the hill as fast as they

    could, but again there was no wolf. This time the boy laughed at them.

    Ha ha. There was no wolf, he said. What a good joke! Dont you think so? The people

    became very angry. Lies are not jokes they said, and went back home.

    Two days later the weather was sunny and warm. The boy was sleeping

    in the afternoon sun. Suddenly he woke up. He saw a big dark animal.

    The animal ran to the sheep and grabbed one. Wolf! cried the boy.

    Wolf! Help! Come quickly! Wolf! But nobody came to save the boy this

    time. The wolf heard and said: I likesheep, but

    a little boy will taste better. Ill have a real

    diner tonight! When the boy didnt return home that night the

    people went to look for him. But they never found him and nobody

    saw him again.

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 3


    1)Did the boy work well? Prove your answer.

    2)What joke did he play on the people? Why did he do it?

    3)Why do you think all the people came to help him first time?

    4)Did they all come the second time?

    5)Why did nobody come when the boy really saw a wolf?

    6)What happened to the boy?

    7)What do you think the people said when they couldnt find Bill?

    8)Do you sometimes tell lies? What is the result?


    a) Its not good to sleep at work.b) If you play tricks on people, they wont help you later.c) If you tell too many lies, people wont believe you.

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 4


    EL PASTOR MENTIROSO (Pedro y el lobo)rase una vez un pequeo pastor que se pasaba la mayor parte de su tiempo cuidandosus ovejas y, como muchas veces se aburria mientras las vea pastar, pensaba cosas

    que hacer para divertirse.

    Un da, decidi que sera buena idea divertirse a costa de la gente del pueblo que haba

    por all cerca. Se acerc y empez a gritar:

    - Socorro! El lobo! Que viene el lobo!

    La gente del pueblo cogi lo que tena a mano y corriendo fueron a auxiliar al pobre pastorcito que

    peda auxilio, pero cuando llegaron, descubrieron que todo haba sido una broma pesada del pastor. Y

    se enfadaron.

    Cuando se haban ido, al pastor le hizo tanta gracia la broma que pensen repetirla. Y cuando vi a la gente suficientemente lejos, volvi a


    - Socorro! El lobo! Que viene el lobo!

    Las gentes del pueblo, en volverlo a or, empez a correr otra vez

    pensando que esta vez si que se haba presentado el lobo, y realmente

    les estaba pidiendo ayuda. Pero al llegar donde estaba el pastor, se lo

    encontraron por los suelos, riendo de ver como los aldeanos haban

    vuelto a auxiliarlo. Esta vez los aldeanos se enfadaron an ms, y se

    marcharon terriblemente enojados.

    A la maana siguiente, el pastor volvi a pastar con sus ovejas en el mismo campo. An rea cuando

    recordaba correr a los aldeanos. Pero no cont que, ese mismo da, si vi acercarse el lobo. El miedo

    le invadi el cuerpo y, al ver que se acercaba cada vez ms, empez a gritar:

    - Socorro! El lobo! Que viene el lobo! Se va a comer todas mis ovejas! Auxilio!

    Pero esta vez los aldeanos, habiendo aprendido la leccin el da anterior, hicieron odos sordos.

    El pastorcillo vi como el lobo se abalanzaba sobre sus ovejas, y chill cada vez ms desesperado:

    - Socorro! El lobo! El lobo! - pero los aldeanos continuaron sin hacer caso.

    Es as, como el pastorcillo vi como el lobo se coma unas cuantas ovejas y se llevaba otras para la

    cena, sin poder hacer nada. Y se arrepinti en lo ms profundo de la broma que hizo el da anterior.

    Link to watch a video version Enlace para ver una versin en vdeo.!!!
  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 5

    Fill in the chart with ticks (:Adjectives Bill (Pedro) Wolf (lobo) People (gente)dangerousingenuous


    angry, bad-temperedliar

    Say if these morals are true or false:A) A liar is never believed, not even when he may actually be telling the truth. _____B) The more you lie, the more friends you have. _____

    Do you think Bills attitude is correct?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What happens to him for not telling the truth?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What would Bill have to do if he wants people to believe him again1?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you ever behaved as Bill did in the tale? How did you feel?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 6

    Write the verbs in the Past Tense:

    Once upon a time there (live) a little boy. His name (be)

    Peter. Peter ( not live) in the town. He (live) in a small village

    and (look) after sheep. Peter (be) a shepherd. He (think) it was a veryboring job.

    One day Peter (be) very bored and he (decide) to play a joke on the people

    in the village. He (run ) down the hill and (cry) Wolf! Wolf! Help! Come quickly!

    Wolf!Please help me!

    The people (be) very busy, but they (leave) everything and (come) quickly

    and (run ) to help Peter. When they (arrive), the sheep were eating quietlyand there (be) no wolf. Peter (tell) them it was a joke. They (go) back to

    the village angrily.

    Peter (begin) to laugh. The

    people are so funny and silly! They are not

    clever at all. He (decide) to play

    the samejoke again. He (shout):

    Help! Come quickly! Wolf! And again

    people (run ) to the hill to help him.

    It (be) another joke. The

    people (become) very angry. Lies

    are not jokes they (say),

    and (go) back home.

    Three days later the weather (be) warm and sunny. The boy was sleeping under a

    big tree in the sun. Suddenly he (wake) up. He (see) a big wolf. Wolf! cried

    the boy. Wolf! Help! Come quickly! Wolf! I need help! The people (not

    come) to help him and the wolf (eat) his sheep. Too late Peter (understand)

    that is very bad to tell lies.

    The moral of the story is: "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is

    tellingthe truth!"

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 7

    Find in the text:

    1. an animal in the story that kills other


    2. a person who looks after sheep3. an animal in the story that eats grass

    True or False

    1. The boy watched the sheep and horses. True / False 2. The boy shouted Wolf! Wolf! for the first time because he was in

    danger. True / False

    3. When the people came to help the boy he was laughing. True / False

    4. The boy played his joke only once. True / False

    5. When the wolf came the boy was scared. True / False

    6. The boy was happy at the end of the story. True/ False

    Homework:Answer in your notebooks1. What was the boys job?

    2. What trick did the boy keep playing on the villagers?

    3. Why did the boy cry wolf all the time?

    4. Who came to help the boy?

    5. What happened when there was a real wolf and he called for help?

    6. Why do you think the boy shouted, Wolf! Wolf! the first time ?

    7. Why didnt the villagers come to help the boy the third time?

    8.What lesson did the boy learn from his experience?

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 8

    RESPONSABILITY AND HONESTY What responsibilities do you have at home?




    What happens if you don't fulfill your





    Have you ever been dishonest because you

    didn't want to take care of your responsibility? What happened?


    What is honesty and why is it important?



    How did the shepherd boy's dishonesty hurt him? How did it endanger his sheep?



    What do you think the townspeople will do if wolves come again?



    How can the shepherd boy gain back the trust of the townspeople?



    Have you ever been dishonest before? Why?



    What happened when you were dishonest? Did anyone ever find out? Was anyone else hurt

    or affected by your dishonesty?



    What did you have to do to gain back the trust of the people you were dishonest with?



    If you have never been dishonest, what were the benefits of telling the truth?



  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 9


  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 10

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 11

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 12

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 13

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 14

    Fill in the missing words. Choose them from the list at the bottom.

    Have you spelt them properly?

    There was once a ____ who ____ to look

    after some sheep. He thought that this_____ boring. He tried to think of

    things to do, ____ he couldn't. One

    ____, he played a trick on the other

    shepherds. He ____ down on the hill.

    There was nothing there to scare thesheep. Then he ____ up and jumped up

    and down. He shouted, "Help! Help!

    There is a wolf! It is going to ____ me!"

    All the shepherds ____ up the hill to

    help the _____. When they ___ to the ____, the boy was sat down,

    laughing a _____. "Only a joke!" he said, "I was ____ up!" The othershepherds were ____ very pleased. The next day, he _____ the same

    thing again! The shepherds were very ____ at the young boy. The

    third day, he was at work, looking after the sheep, when a wolf ____

    come! The boy shouted and screamed, _____ no one came to help!

    The wolf gobbled up the boy and licked his _____. "That will teach_____ to tell lies!" he said.

    mad did - fed - ran - boy - but - got - him - had eat was day - boy - got - top - not - did - lips - sat - lot but

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 15

  • 7/29/2019 Pedro Yello Bo


    ACT-FACT Active Citizenship Through Fairy Content Tales A Comenius Project ROMANIA SLOVENIA TURKEY SPAIN

    The boy who cried Wolf Pedro y el lobo 16

    A QUIZ!1. How was the shepherd boy described in the story?

    a. Silly b. Brave c. Very good

    2. One time, he went out and watched for a flock of sheep near the village. What does flock


    a. Group of animals b. Beautiful c. Colorful

    3. Where does the shepherd boy live?

    a. In a city b. In a village c. In an apartment

    4. When the shepherd boy cried for help, the villagers all went out. What does villagers


    a. People living in a town b. People living in a city c. People living in a village

    5. The shepherd boy got alarmed when the wolf truly came. What is the meaning of


    a. He felt happy b. He felt sudden fear c. He felt excited

    6. The shepherd also shouted in agony of terror when he saw the wolf. What does agony


    a. Excitement b. Happiness c. Suffering

    7. How about the word terror? What does it mean?

    a. Intense fear b. Intense joy c. Intense excitement

    8. There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth. What is the meaning of liar?

    a. Someone who doesn't tell the truth b. Someone who tells the truth

    c. Someone who is very funny
