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Surrender Rights ofLegislature.


Governor'«. Bill Also Ruffles theDemocrats. Who Say Tain.many Won? Is Watched.

Isaa «f 1 "

Albaay, .'nu g -\\ « arean for hi»-

r« at . .

¡¦or-.,- but th«

give up tlThi«


.nan of tlnance to-night t

Ne Quarrel Baye i-age."We are :

the i

forms*i -n we o..\ ¡j * froiITS ess mnke a -

but 11

II tol¬erate

te loader«equally determi:

other will hsv«Is, hr.ó. r.f',c;:.l Albany is

wondei whether -rnor really

bud,; . st.

were ¡rrnor

the i>»

New *iork Deastles Retained.The

say that 1

«s the y far round r.t S 1,000 a

.«ear to rep'sce tlie 160 forturties, who banlie «aid that ilgranted he cou'.

In all,An examination

uties. and siso 1 ...

lor. The Governor's totalY'ork deputier, .ntact.Th - thing« t!

lead«rr intent have th«


Made in the I'nited State««.


35.00-million-dollar order piar-with the- 1'.

jiany Itheir new plant at Indiana Harbor, IndThe motor srill drive a re-

to be: . tained

from a fl motor gei tor set.In addition rill be built

watt turbo ,

ment of conde»i«ei«. r\«»;tern andi« r ¦« « Included is «h«

Il le si.i,l the ordef il the lar«eel ever pieced for electrical steel mill

aJV. ptl


Only Blight K«e and Wcnknc««Kelt at «.'entun'« Turn.

Btrosg mtfntalli ""«1 physically, aa«

cept for « slight deleei Is «tgbt and. g Mrs, sane Jordan Rsysold«

10 ¦:¦ blrthdsj Satur-th« home of her daugi ter. Mr»

s w .., ,i Coi n« II, si PI« «i ¦"..¦¦Mrs. Re] rae bon i"*«1*-.

,,--,,1 wa« married in 1881 te1 going

the 1 farm, whichha« been In the fa OS 1804, and«!-.:e Mr. Reynold« «a» born and

Mrs. 1 lefl the farm a

age Bterosted la current topic«and every du y In« the new«pnper«read t« bei Among tha hundred poo»

»n were sixgrandchildren and

«.-r« at gienden ',«lren.


Manufacturen I oath to SellUntil I abor Difficulties

\rc Sottli*-!.'.." !..

rked strength.- eg -,'ii.n and the

labor cost« w« re

ring manu-

n the gréai col«« which »n« o.Tere«!

them. Huyera showed that tl e| were

».' curre;,t pricec,not commit

i "icy »e* in the

for an advance in wages.Shoul .10 pci

operative» thiswill have to be added on to the cost of

.:facturera wire fo se* against.. i.eurby p.pit a fee days


of i. cent

' ai fol:i fair.

»od demand.

...-rurer« endall th«I, com


total si<¦ week an 190,000

g are tl.e1x64 r nom.; 211

ti : 27-



Congregatloaallata Spend nigge»»tUnoosl for Work,

-«nting so-

... s in 1I hurch


Ihst of im«

A«!.. -.-.'¦.re are

i T."."'i hon ork atTi,o

.-« ; andSi i while the

mai .-. a puniThe 'on


I Frot-

.' each

Six' Pleads for Grecley Slatne.m So, «'. is pro«

s reino« si of thapros!-

. Front ofi'ark.

>n votedI

provide a locationn the imm.

IK of

to ..



Note.The following New York Citj hotels are advertisers

in The New York Iribune. A9 such they offer to theirguests prof' t on ii"iii utulesir ible surroundings, since sat¬

isfaction in BC4 otnmodations and service is fully -.-u.iran-

teed See The I ribime Graphic S« tion every Sunday forcomplete Hotel announcements.

A.ISM si tu 14.tu. C.Frv .«a Back. D.Psmlly E.Wom-i t-irlu-lveiyDiiHcl No. I, 14th to 42d St.. be». Four+h Ave. *-nd Seventh Ave.

Hotel.P || Ml Breiii.i.B 4 « ".

B H ü.ir. ! HB M lel Usa -

AdtJrm. Ratei.F i.rwav ami 29th Si, $1 n day and up.55th »t., bel. 5th sv. <\ B'wsj $", 00 per «lay up.10th St. and Fifth '.! eppb al es

Broadway to St pei day up.f li 'el Madiion SquareF Marsha weahingtos«.B Hotel Prince & ***.

37 MniSSns Ave.29 East l*k St.

Si. aad Fif* A.«-

On application.$1.50 r>er diy up.* 1. W [>ri tlav un.

Districi No. 2, Washington Square Section, below 14th StA Musi Earls,wavsrlj* Fisc« $9wh.Eu. Slówfc.As*.

District No. 3, 42d St to 63d St., bet. M*:di»on Avf. aaJ Broadwsy.R H i-1 I'..:, kin^liam. I ÍÜl Ave. and Wth SiC 14 Ian 6 '* Bal-cock.

| || ,-| I asajih- *»"« ea r-

147 149 Writ 55*h SiFifth Ave. and 4ith SiMsSaSOO Av. and 49th Su

B H Hl Lauielli'**,B H¦.'-! Lorraine.I) Il tel New Western,

$2 pel «¡a> up.i. a) illration,

"n a; plication.}2 pel «lay upaOs »[plication.On application»

District No 4, 63d St. to 110th St., bet. Centra! Park W. and Broadway| n si I'"" » ¦'

B.Hotel Bros» ¦ HslC-Holel Berkeley."' H'lc! MajnlK,

77th Si and Broadway.Br, avdwap, Will te ~

at 74 h SiCentral Psrk m

B- Hotel Manhattan Square. S) 58 \*.r»t 77th St¦ Hold Wallon. IH4 Vieil 70ih St.

3>2 per day up.| up. I or 2 peraoaa,On application.*_' j ei «lay up.*_' per «lay up.Cn application.

¦TaV-a-rlftial Mei-a-ai«*,BROOKLYN HOTELS.97 (2olmaJt-ia Height», . $45 per month, «, peuoni.

Peace Has Its Arnolds,Rea Answers Accusers

Pacifista Would Make of America n Fool's Paradise While

Japan Prepares to Act, He Asserts.WainsAnew of Danger.

lieorge tironean Rea, Far Entfern editor and economist, insists that

there (i»-e Bentattei Arnolds of peace «.« well as of war, and declares thatlko$e Americans who kinder the notion'* defence when th^y kmnv that an

enemy nasses a grievances am as fairly entitled to a weiteres fat* «i.s

though they betrayed the n<jfi«»n «n fime of strife

To Mr. fíen'» eerie* of article» tn The Tribune on "Japan's Place in

the Sun" J I. f\ Clarke, It. Ichmomiya, tnamujer of the Yokohama SpecieHank, ami Dr. T. ¡yenaoa, of the Kaet and Went Xew* Bureau, m/ide re-

fig. The Tribuno NOS psabtiekes Mr. h'ca'x reji'imler.n» i.foki.F. BION80M UFA.

.T. T. C. Clarke, R. Ichlnomlya.mnnnt-er ci th* YcV.ohnma SpBank, and I»r T. lyena-ra, of the I

and West New» Iluresti. have |a t

essayed t.. reply to the «Intim«

eontnlntd In the arrice of article-»

"Japona l'¡**ce in th«* So»,*1 which

peered recently In th* cclutnns ofTribune.Mr Clarke replie» by lndulging

personalities, Innuendoes and lmpttions on my Integrity und IntelllgSlBf-f po:!to rejoinder to Mr. Clarkithat grave Issnos menacing* the penn.l happiness of this country sstslthe Pseiflc and are steadily «lrawr earer, They mint be so,ui*rely fat

We escape their by playingoatrieh. It is tha patriotic dutyevery American journalist who ha»

.»nt understnndinif of the»* vi

queationS, which afTec'. thn very 1

of the nation, to contribute to

0 of an »lightened public op

T. F. Millnrd, 0, K Davis, fimJ. K. Ohl und other journal!

of reputation and Standing In t

have itndlsd eonditliground, have ¦("¦n their dl

and lived i'p to It. J 1 ' larks, ¦. and molt reaped

journalists, made an extendí'1 tOOlthe Orle:.*, but hli writings have be

confined to the usual insipid Hio'clock-ten possip about beautpon, Ver geishas, her temples, pago«]and tinkling bell», the singing Bei

Dsnnshil, Hsn/al Dai Nipp. v fni of her mater

nient.Hut or. the pre».. * rr qui

¦* n ich are inflaming '.he heat

Japanese aicaitr.-*. America, ai

which they frankly tell ui may Ifto war unie»» their viewpoint is a

cepted. Mr Clarke haï reaaatn« i santThe inference I» that cither he Is n

raffle ent formad tc «liscu-i the;,. or he is deliberately »u

près now'edgO, ar.d pr. v.:

"a!«ie to the ethics of hll professllnnd disloyal to thos-. higher ínteresof his own country he Is in henobligated to defend.

(alls Attack Inmanly and I njust.I would remind Mr. Clarke there a

always »wo side» to ST1 ry question.ra to i m a o

the Japaner« vi«lwpoint lock, stock ar

bsrrel be rnay do so. We kr.ow th«hi re he stai di If 1, with ir

intimate knowledge of the fnced from jreai, of experience

.. Bast, ineün«. to sdhsrs to' ¦: 'lie hast Interesta of my o*-

country, and endeavor in my small ento arouse the people of America toi-ra". e menace, that Mr. Clarke won

from them, it is urm.-i'il;. and ur" to ascribe bnse« to m

work.To Mr. Ichinomlya, the i ai

popular manager of th« \ na Pp«

er] ,-.*. !«.'.. t on Jpoaition, i can oi nd 'in

are >...

.'. tt«-n bJapnr ¦ a and «

rely al« ' .1 pi n, hut I cat

not be eensui ed If, g to eihöhten the people o? America, I r

«luce atatementi as idvancebyth- thei 'I here a]peat to be two aides r.lso to Japan'finances. The official itatementa nr«.no thing; and the Clitieiama of hei ubliciata urn) econom

are another. Which il correctMa .¦ l be era ted to quoti theof M Joi h Dautri i ibook, "The Japanese Empire" 1

Japan Poor, bul I'atrlotlc.In diacnsslng the finsneei of th

eonntry, be'Here sll Ind ed 1» very* vauue, foJanane S, «ho conceal »ha", ¦¦.¦

: c m from Europe, conceal then< la] atTair» more than their mili

rets, Japan :j poor, sxtrem«The nee«' itiea of life are luck

throughout intih may be found there la used t«

i of thedebt and *1 «. purchases from foreignersYet, accord ng tLa Jopi publica


¦ on i« verjI n tory.

"'Now WS must take into consideration a peculiar ¡tj unsuspected by th«who do not know Japan the inhabitants of the Island» of the Rising S nwill deprive themselves of everytbin-and will submit to the payment of thlheavleat taxe» in order to help the jro%ernment show Kurope that Japan la Isn prosperous condition. How iia i.. ,' loan to be obtained 1 What -ruar

rould he Jnpaness ghrs I»diliced to have recourse to the for-

: money *"

Perhaps ! ''."lar amimist is also Wrong, and I hav r

r¡trht to ijuo'.e hia opinion a*- sifficisl statí-ment-. of the Bank ol

Japan, 1 will say in aii fuirnssa tl sithe art'i-les dealing with Japan'sfinancée wire written last July. Since

swing to the Amaricen loan to.; Allier-, which permitted Britain ar,«1France to finance Rosi a to purehsher munitions in J» then nai be« ns large ii flus of gold Into he so

to the go1 monop:' manufael initions, th.

major part of the pi help«-.ierial trea iry.

Japan .- undoubtedly in a more..

July, but while thil I i«"' nid from the atatemi i.' 'I si Japan

is nearinp bankruptcy, it doe« not a':"'-rthe basic conditions or refute the [actthat 82 pei cent of the Induatliea ofthe country are controlled by the gov*ernment; nor does it in any way indi¬cate that the costly programme of arm¬ament will be Blackened.

It doea, how.-ver. emphasize the allImpor- ta ¿reat stimulus

n given ( thia unultersl I«me, and bringa rearer th«

.; .-¦

a ' n! in con pell ng Cli eccde to r "44 ¡ahei and in d»*man«l-ing a*i Immediate lolution to whs

i« 10 term the "racial queltion."

la It Impertinent for me to Invite al-

tentien to The Associated Fres»

patch from TohlO, dated Dssessb«emphsaising the speech of C<okuma to the DietI "Not a day esl«'-t Is carrying out the naval inen

agrámate, b«* said.Does not this indicate that i

when America il WSkisg up mul 1st,'. sdequet« d« tents sgs"imag nary" snemies, thst Jepan «

her new fdund sources ol weslth f'..¦ pronta «.n w .n «u dera ii tendpush through "wi ii".n ti." l«i«H «i

i i<- day" that programme wind.1 eyni« ally admitted by bs JYear Book to be directa«! againstl lilted States of America?

In r' ply to Or. lyCSSga'S schollrejoinder in last Bund iwould *sy that ho deliberately ¦»

Step« the Issue end slnit-i on to

shoulders oí" «. bisa tbi 11i,.» my work, l be sei lee '.:' art!«

d In 1 he 11 Ibune did not re

to China They asare confined tiImerican-Japs

Chinese statesmen beve no control «>

the] exert inline

fur Or. lyenaga to shirk the«llllW ..

hanging the subjectami th« fui n of « hina. ¦'

ton.¦ th«' open dITS

r, latiot iss prssenin my articles.

Or. lysssgs also wssders what r

«ivf.s ,-. i, t. bebind mi a ork. Itfair 1 i,«t. ha snd I hs reader«

Hie i lid know I"1 be i ir Es v" is an Am thirt«years ago by myself, with th«support of '.. .vernni«.

for the | ag a hiein .« Amei whi« h am«

Ideas iinter«

til«of I

l ru-ieii lo Jepaneae Boner.t'p to January r. both

II !'. lid, 1hnve reposed t«b-'ice in Jspsn h n orsbls intentinr«iward

... ,. «r stslWould ring true to thst wonderl...

tneir e< of cl rslry. if tl

ees «!i-»piia.- ist

.ify such a rin

cal change in sentI -.«,.. led at

I utterances of the Japan«pre «, the statements of her high o!

eisls, «cholera f« r« «l economiete,gI.S SI

I'll .

th s trainedrest Ispsnese


tantly foi Ittemal ,

¦,.-. ..;" .- n .- -<

look on America as the next enemy,their part s the i

riose to 1»a ¡th Rs

\v- |e Japan ira« working day a«

r.ight, spending a n yen ilral i en oi malt« *.

gramme, with the i Intel li"iicompelling Am« sept h) r viel

announrini' through m of h«I'nit«

¦. bom her si«ii that America

permanent i

i I foot, fury of Japan wh«tha hour arrived (oi 1,'r to forcor« ekon ,:

It I ame« Fenedi« t Arnold- of peace.

There va.-,« ml] or." thing for a

American . a lo. I have tried t

do it by g th« ,i elenr Isa I « renl and memerited a state o

si i- la ..

psrad lit of the actuf t!.. ».

Are we beintr ,|. ,-, [ved ., »

lions ni Japa ? Ar.- vital. al« d I.-1 ma quot« a

inee in auppoiI I mg assertionThei. i p ibliahed in thi

of a Japene«!Bernhai d bool ribing

A:- i. ire..lagin ai

... 1intO

tha !'i:- ei '-.i m- hf the s .:.. »n, «.-id th«

s .i .' ¦.- ehii ol the a' my an«.

navy general itafl « seibels

the i'r"[ii,.-r and I «.ti net ef Jspsiwould lend theli nsm« seh abut the Jspsnese moulder« el

'v made th; .tack. It was

unnecc er .TI :ur it»self,

Or. lyenaga, Mr Maksmsrs, the Jap-»nrse B| |n Sen Yore;Mr. Yawakams,


tion; Hr. Chugo OhirsitWest Ne« and, ... tly, Mr.

'. .; or Baron Shi«buées . itieallypublicly denied be i otional defence association. Thej alllav« it gatedreel :-« Japan. Nothing was ¡.»ft on-

Mas .. l.bei.'. itiOl .-:....

b,v1» bet, tl en, » the truth

a, th« Prem er o:' Japan, if the I abi¬

sal and th« ehiefs of the army andnavy pi., ral itafl in tha ...

Its i ici ¦.... sidei -. a Imiral >u a«us crested to " tudy eurrest mattersrelatir.K to the work which mS)

scial time."rhe regulations governing Its fune-

) a KH/etteil anil made pub-lie. They eIB14 J -a. If a i.defenci

exists »l.a: .«I-, wlluctancc on the part of tl Jspa

.| [iIt a psi . ef th« ; ii grami t te ko« p sain th« dm» and lull us into a State el

I false security»! Does the object ofUns b«j«i-r t.a i. «ta-, special r«fer«nce

«,. tbe Ballad States? What were th««.-uncut m«t ««»r«« In June. 1104. whuhiei|.iir«"l Speclsl SttOStioS and liecssli..... ike ensatlos ef thla bsdyl Whatere tbe farts |On .Inti« It. Itld, BsiOS Kato, th«

n«w Japanese Minister for Foreign Af¬fair«, Instructed Viscount Chinee, theJapanese AmbsSSSdsi »t Wsshll gton,to feminist« the negotiation« betweenthe two governments looking towardthe »Igntng of . new tr«aly or con

ventlon, an«l to revort to th« demandfut a fun,lamentai solution of th«

question baseil on th« full recognitionOf rarial «quality for the JSpSHSSSin this COUBtn At the same time hedlre«-te«l that the diplomatic duejm«ntsIn th« caso should b« mad« pub.lo InWash rig« «m and Tokio.lasse »ver« <1 uly released on June 21*

ami published on the iti«i«l« page« ofthe American, newspaper« on the 27th.Japan was seething with indignation-in.l her people lou«lly clamored forwar Mr. Ilryan assured VtscSSSlChladS In answer to his "ultimatum"that "there could be no last word be¬tween friends." The reply to thesepeaceful wurde was the order promul¬gated bf the Empsrsr St Japan cre¬

ating the national defence commis«ion, board, CSaasll or body. This ac¬

tion was taken on June fS.TheOS dates tell the sfory. Japan

wn« tsklsg n" shsncss Bhe was pre-pare«! for any emergency In tho«e"«current matters" deoeribisd by BasaM which might require ad¬justment at a moment's notice.

These BN irrefutable facts Is thl«.then, tt'.e reSSSB why the rieation anilexistence Ol this body i« SOW ho care¬

fully eoneeslsd. is it unfair to readmin these emphatic and indignant de¬nials of the existence of SUCS a bn !yths policy leid down by Count Bayaehlto lull the suspicions «if Amsrics untilthe time la r«'»i«ly for Japan to asMcrtbei aelf ?Could not Dr lyenaga and his as-

lOClates have bees frank and open and

explsinsd thst Ihew did exist in junana national defence COmmlaslon, coun¬

cil or board, headed by th- Premier,Okums, xn.I ount. ng in its

memberehip the officials ef «lie Cabinet.m the Chief« Of the army and navy

,, ...»r, but that this legitímetebody could not be

defenee "asseeiface irai as s I.y w'ith

ft ould not this- . bavs i.n mow Is 'he point,

-, id «>f Indignantly characterising. «tenes as a bsae fabrication?

«ould I ol b" done withoutr the pt

¦, th«' truth and Indiratii gw«' were ' ami «

¦ .-.. i.astuig

s have i

a body was:¦ in the fsce oi

itrovei la truths sitifled Ii adhering to 'I.'- conviction

the : nri eee und policy ol. ita in Amerrr-j'h end pervert th«

when ma known, so as to

lain this country in a foul's para«.pan is ready to act*

$50,000 Gift from C. G. the

,,» th) .' 'hoPolyl of s

Instituí of I by theHon.

'-arks Francia Wash-in memory of Mr. \


THE WEATHER REPORTJ ¦.» Ï Marl'* m rrm< «


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4 hurrh Olli« isla Accept I'.icuse» <i

Pastas Who I Ir,| Kelly-Davis knot.(Hi . -. a. ta 11«. TMIi'ina I

Haltlmore, Jan Ö. The P.ev. Herr«'arr, the Mormon "marrying pnrionSf Klkton, hni h»en reinstated In thexercise of Ministerial ranctinui by thllosrd of the I.a'tar Day Saints I hurcharhlsh suspended hii iicem« basanée hmarried Eosreais Kelly and "AI" l»avl,of «Vpw York. I'avi» had beOS divorceby his wlfn a f.-w hours before h.. uppeared In Klkton with th* heireas an.

»«cured a marriajr«, HeenSS from th«clerk of the ('iron; « «,ui t.

4 arr's lefenei was that, he underitOOd l'avis had been the InneJCenparty to the divorce and »hat he ha«never before heard of him or Mis.Kelly.

JUST HEW GERARDBOOM.SAYS GUTHRIEAmbassador's Friends' Reply tr

lawyer's Attack ('ailed Her¬ald of Senatorial Race.

"This Is probably the beginning o:

a campaign to put Ambassador ""«erar»

in the race again tins year for 1'nite*

States Senator. It seerns to be an effort by his friends 10 becloud the issue

What 1 sa;«i in my ipeaeh atlMr. Qarard at the union League ciuiiin the fall of J'.Ml was not based onthe Empire Truat Coraaany-Jermyncuse, but u|)on Mr. Gerara'S lecord on

»,h«- Supreme ' ourt b«-nch "

T" h i a wa« William i». Outhrio'l com¬

ment last night «>n a story that had Itsorigin in Democratic circle» that thefauna of his attack un Amba-sador. icrard was an sdvsrss decision sgsin *

ens of Mr. liuthrie's clients, the Km-pira Trust I'ompanv. The case wasthat of Joseph I*, «isrmyn, a wealthyeoal operator of SemntOB, I'enn., whowon out op a suit for mor.116 ni,o.

¡ he Appellate Division, Justlesg the deel jual de« ded In

favor of Mr, Jermyn. M'>n*gomeryHare, of Bush A Hare, was cMr. Ji Mr. Hunt's par'I bornea E Kush, Surveyor of tho i'ortof New Voik, one of the local Demo¬ersite lead'TS.Mr («j'lirin sai.l he would appeal th"

ease to the < \ ..s. Then l«e

"In my speech, which Mr. <;.g to, 1

rinthirig that had a:.', r.earing va'i« I was counsel

f..r the Empira mpanj Are to that speech will bear out

my words."What Mr. Guthrio «si'' on that oc¬

casion íand the frienda of Mr. Qerard¡it was:

Gerard's career has shown himlearning, in impar-

an ! dignity as a judg"< carear hs Joins i

Tanin,.. '

St of Tammanyins, and idgs

i hun ig rec I of ra«by the i


Will Address Senate ThisWeek on Mairdships of



Daily Discussion of ForeignPolicies BipedCsl Now at


Washington, Jsn 9». Af'er a weei-of open discussion In the Senate ar.lHon», l"';nifre»»l<inal excitement over

the foreign relations of the United.State» haa been considerably allayed.Administration leaders appeared to

have SUOCOadad In prevailing on mostof their colleagues to adopt a policyof patlant waiting for complota inves-

tigation of recent war rone lr'.in which American lives were aacn

ficed.It ii certain, however, that there

be almost »inly dloeuselen at the Capi¬tol of the conditions nfTecting theUnited .States as a result of the Euro¬pean war, now that the bonds of re-

atraint which kept members so longsilent have been broken. In bothhouses last week conservativa andradical members emphatically airedtheir viewa regarding the paramountwar Issues, and In almo?» every debatefor weeks to come some phase of the

arîairs of the nution probablyWill r-e ilij'.-cted.

Eventual'? «he Foreign Relationsf the sill ui dartaksof all matters perl

ii ¡ropean to' havsiding ths pro]

lniwith n«

-, in whichsn - icrifleed sr

The comrnif.t-e planned to"a<k last week, but deferred

act ion irtl er efforts of theI srtment through diplomat.c.".urig with foreign powers,-' of Georgin, au-f the '.'.'hich wool i di

treatmentof trade, has sriwa


f the .-

the stl natorI I of I ingress

grsma from the4 -an Association of I'ommerce and

Shipping Information andMarine News of the World

Visaaels Arriving «nt Mid De-

partine* from Port ofNew York.

mimati r.K almana«**.« -a.. r*S4; au:.»«-. 4 "J. WeB a»'».


nr»iii water.* M P II

Sat- ". H «



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Sam ïarX ht P.-*t


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I'ASSI ,-'. '.. r«-',t r «!). New T-rt f«r

a ( (Brl. M ufaU* fjr Ita-j.

1 Is .'- » ,...ssslsl Amaricen fir-,. then JjÄto b« fseli g r iin ,-» >f .-.'¿'*l»

" " *i t» a

' l B*.I want s',r- | tar v. Älm#'r

I «- I,. . ^ £eltlzen« the United 2 ut«.bave Ikelr rights " ' ¦

DIO IS TAX LAW CHlEjAppointe«! to l'eters's I'l ir» |,j p.

Corporstloi . ':/ hsi; sm B. ling heed a >

' ' Tases la the lam Dissament. He eooeoodo I ¦- s A p...In eharga ef on« of ,- ..


... ons of-,

111- King native ef -.,...

He is a grt«and at C

New .fork I tu ^J*rith the tai ,.'porn- 0 C

¦'.»«.n made a Í ..1 ssslsl

salary DOW , I.


Ooshen Citi/on n i«m Wrath ofCittzem When Booa Meet.

ing Ends in 1 ¡7;le.'.'-'¦'

r-on, J H. B .-- ».

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local * I ' Bit " tha '

*t » a;celled oudierrr. * r a I'-.'«-tit boosthat never

.1. B B< cart, If j plssss, !i « üa.tlngul« sg, old -'ter. t--.

j a;gr. for th« '-. .- If jlecture !n th« .-.-.:"The Mas of I VsU. h

.--'«»,.....he expia in«

t taten

ntstsagsMA. D. V. Wall ,

tlemsn by birth a« -, but. mthe ins

¦entat to tg .»-> -- pts."At lo1 ' - -.


vas in' Al.


swpy from Gosh«

In conelusi«bad the infillGregs, pi -.&:.!?:. -

f .......

h th «''

%'. Bi-<'

ha promt««1200 to the 1Goshen: I -

for «y assr»nmo«es.become a public v si

Anro- M

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Dinner for ft fllllHlínm

ter ir


of the '.

rer»;:1 A BMScientl C ngress

CompA^nieGenérale TrftPsatlantiq«



»Twin ouien ateenee tOaadmele aeren .'»» w«-. vor-ra "ttete '¦ ' > I S «-pèserai tm IS Hats H . B-.--4 «.".*.





PIER 1«. N. h., ft. Fulton HL. Dali»a IM

Neva I uuil.iu (Norwich» l.lnei !.. rtar«i*. N at ri liou»'. ... SI <a^^« «laya onlrI 3' i- m pier o. E. it. rt k *ij ölS « 1* M

_Oiví-Ti.."'. '"¦ lî.fcj. .. .-.-. dlr-ct. 1

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GALEÎN Ar,*V'î ,,,v

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'.*,". a « 1 S2SS m.: Sa]PlMPUlIl-ÇT NOBTTI i*ii«»i'\A1 i.itnun.*!, vs,.,., ,, ,..r ..

SPEND III«: M INTUÍ mi Ilia Hui lilat'ait ( oaal "4" 'th Alf , N. Ï.


Tin: r« m D m PI I a%S9 "


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BRAZILllovo BRA2.leído II Staai -»' "_¦


HOTEL CHAMBeRI*vv iciu s ""-i Vr^% ato.«. *o*M« -;/.' nasaa

r.f fur »««V. a,-irra. ». ;,"'. L_.i ...... s., m .¦..>;,.»**

ti-.»-»tia Ruffi »r

t. K. ft..«Ml tifia A'«-

IN8TRI tlOXin sim«s »¦« nooia

PRATTKM Ifcî«..1 lliilll A^^^^^

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faml « Api«.y ^^rtxTü.N. il t'««««*« Nsssa

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