Pe indaba 11 03 2015



Pe indaba 11 03 2015

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WEDNESDAY, March 11, 2015 Tel: 041 503 6111 | Email: | Motherwell, KwaDwesi, KwaZakhele, New Brighton, Zwide, KwaNobuhle & Bethelsdorp Editor: Bettie Giliomee

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THE parents of two baby girlswho died within hours of eachother after allegedly receivingan injection by the same nursein Dora Nginza Hospital, have

filed a lawsuit of R2million against the De-partment of Health.

The parents of babies Lilonke Zondani (6weeks) andAsiphileDada (2) claim that thechildrenwere injectedby thenurseondutywith the wrong medication that proved le-thal. The incidents occured in January thisyear.

Lilonke’s grieving mother, Yandisa Zon-dani fromWalmer Township, said she hadtaken her 6 week old infant to the hospitalafter her child became ill rejecting breastmilk on December 31.

Zondani said the hospital ran severaltests and diagnosed her with a minor lunginfection. Baby Zondani was admitted tothe hospital’s paediatric ward and was re-sponding positively to treatment.

An emotional Zondani said hours beforeher baby was meant to be discharged onJanuary8shewitnessedanurseinjectmed-ication. The baby died shortly thereafter.No detail on the cause of deathwas, howev-er, given by the hospital.

“Whathurts themost is that thesepeopledid not give us an explanation nor did theyeven say sorry for my baby. She died andthey just brushed it off like nothing hap-pened,” said Zondani.

Zondanisaidthehospital furtherwentonto bungle the location of the remains of thebaby, saying she was taken toMount Roadmortuary then later to New Brighton mor-

tuary only to find that her child was stillat Dora Nginza hospital.

“The insensitive way the hospital treat-ed us is still painful. We had to travel allaroundthecity looking formychild’sbodyonly to find that she was in Dora Nginzahospital all along,” said Zondani.

Zondani said after much protest by thefamily the hospital agreed to pay for someof the funeral expenses. “Even the funeralarrangement seemed thoughtless on theside of the hospital. They refused that wetakepart in thearrangementseventhoughourcustomsdonot complywith theirway.We did not have a say in the choice of mychild’s coffin and they refused any inputfromus saying theywould arrange it theirway,” an emotional Zondani added.

The parents of the other baby, AsiphileDada, declined to talk to Express Indaba.Attempts to get comment from the attor-neysEgonOswaldAttorneys who filed thelawsuit on behalf of the parents, were alsounsuccessful.

Dora Nginza hospital has been plaguedwith lawsuits. In 2011 it was reported by anational newspaper that the hospital wasfacing lawsuits of up to a R100 million,many from parents whose babies died orwere severely disabled after flawed birthoperations.

“Thathospital is adeathsentence forba-bies. Another lady toldmeher twin babiesalso died at the hospital last year. No onecares about the loss and hurt that we feelasparents. I crymyself tosleepeverynightbecause I will never see my only babyagain,” said Zondani

Eastern Cape Health spokesperson,Sizwe Kupelo, said he could not com-

ment on issues that are before the courts.



Yandisa Zondani with her baby Lilonke Zondani who died in Dora Nginza hospital allegedly shortlyafter being injected by a nurse. PHOTO:SUPPLIED



PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma officially openedthe Africa for African Women’s Conferenceheld at the Boardwalk International Conven-tion Centre (ICC) in Port Elizabeth on Sun-day, March 8.

The opening of the two-day conference washeld to coincide with the International Wom-en’s Day on March 8.

The theme of the conference was “LocatingWomen at the Centre of Global Economy forSustainable Development: Make it Happen”.

President Zuma said the conference wasquite opportune, as it looked at the AfricanUnion (AU) Declaration which is The Year ofWomen Empowerment and Development.

The plan, the president said, was to builda continent where people’s development andspecially women took centrestage, as this,was the time for the advancement of womenempowerment and development.

“This is a call for transformation of leader-ship in all spheres; politically, economicallyand socially,” said Zuma, adding that trans-formation should include women in the ruralareas, to ensure they get full access to finan-cial institutions.

Strides have been made in women empow-

erment and development, said president Zu-ma, adding that the appointment of Nkosaza-na Dlamini-Zuma as the AU president, wasbut one example.

“The continent is full of women Ministersand Parliamentarians but is moving a bitslowly in appointing a woman head of state,compared to other regions,” said Zuma.

Zuma, however, stated that South Africawas leading in the advancement of womencompared to other African countries. Hemade mention of women’s access to primaryeducation that is exceeding the MillenniumDevelopment Goals while women attendingprimary, secondary and tertiary educationhad improved significantly.

In all that, the president said educationwas central to the South African govern-ment. To this end, he applauded the roleplayed by the private sector in promoting theadvancement of young girls through the“Take a Girl Child to Work Programme”which provides young girls with working ex-perience.

“The SA government has taken a proactivestance to ensure that in addition to the nu-merical targetswehave achieved,we get higheducational outcomes,” said Zuma, addingthat an investment in women’s education isan investment in the nation.

The AU President Nkosazana Dlamini-Zu-ma, who was expected to address the confer-ence on Monday, could not do so. She was inDakar for other pressing commitments.

The Deputy Minister of Social Develop-mentHenriettaBogopane-Zulu, PremierPhu-

mulo Masualle, MEC for Social DevelopmentNancy Sihlwayi and her Department’s HeadBea Hackula spoke together with speakersand delegates from countries that include In-dia, Ghana and Kenya as well as speakersfrom successful cooperatives.

Zumaapplauds progress inwomen empowerment and development

President Jacob Zuma at the opening of the Africa for Africa Women’s Conference with, from left,the Deputy Minister of Social Development Henrietta Bogopane-Zulu, Premier Phumulo Masualleand the MEC for Social Development Nancy Sihlwayi. PHOTO:WERNER HILLS

Women’s Conference a glitzy affair

Former Nelson Mandela Bay Executive mayorDr Nondumiso Maphazi was cool in hermaroon dress.

TheAfricaforAfricaWomen’sConferenceat theBoardwalkICC,ofwhichtheopening coincidedwith InternationalWomen’sDay onSundayMarch8,wasaglitzandglamouraffairwithentertainmentgalorefrommusicanddancegroups.Express IndabaReporterNCEBADLADLAwasthere.

Mandela Bay Municipal Speaker MariaHermans wanted “Order!”

Seated from left, Anelisa Klaas, from Your Money Publishing and Events, and EmergencyMedical Services officials Ntombomzi Tshete, Phumzeza Namba, and Nozuko Jela. Standing arefrom left, Marilyn Tamboer and Nandipha Makalima.

MPL Christian Martin in his Khoi/San regalia isseen flanked by beautiful ladies who wereserving refreshments at the gala dinner.

Local band Maisha delivered beautifulsounds to entertain guests at the Women’sConference.


“DOMESTIC violence and abuse is not love.It is a lack of knowledge and understandingof the true sanctity of marriage.”

This is theviewofNocawaSinam, theHeadof Phaphani Rape Crisis in KwaNobuhle.

Sinam says domestic violence is graduallytaking its toll on members of KwaNobuhlecommunity. And if the scourge was not ad-dressed, it would continue to break up familyunits and harm children.

According to Sinam, Domestic Violence orGender-based Violence (GBV) knows no

boundaries. “It is everywhere, among therich and poor, learned or illiterate, in the pov-erty-stricken shacks or in the affluent sub-urbs”.

An example of this is a recent case of achurch bishop physically abusing his wife.

“The man would beat his wife on Saturdayevening, and expect her to lead in song duringthe service on Sunday,” said Sinam withoutmentioning the names of the couple.

According to Sinam a case had, however,been opened with the police.

It is alleged that some members of thechurchhad beennoticing that somethingwaswrong with their leaders. The bishop’s wife

would shake in fear in churchwhilst theBish-op was preaching.

“What is worse, when social workers tookthe woman to a place of safety, the man alleg-edly drank poison claiming he could not sur-vive without his wife, and mother of his chil-dren.

According to Sinam, that is typical behav-iour of an abuser. “He shows total dependen-cy on the abused only to satisfy his own self-ish needs.

“The couple has been married for morethan 18 years and the alleged abuse has beengoing on for about 10 years,” said Sinam whohas tried to provide counselling to the duo.


‘Domestic violence isnot love’

Phaphani Rape Crisis Head Nocawa Sinambelieves domestic violence is a huge problemfacing the KwaNobuhle community.



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THE Local branch of the South African Na-tional Civic Organisation (SANCO) in Uit-enhage has spoken out on the eviction ofresident Nomathamsanqa Magwa from herRebe Street house, KwaNobuhle recently.

Express Indaba reported how the Magwafamily and four other families were evictedby the sheriff of the court in separate inci-dents and how Public Order Police Services(POPS) members allegedly shot stun gre-nades as the residents reportedly tried tostop the sheriff from executing his duties.“Because of our silence on the matter, as

SANCO, we fear we could be misconstruedas being passive and not involved in ourresidents’ struggles. The truth is, we are in-volved and aware of what is happeningwiththe house at Rebe Street,” said ChairpersonMalaki Rawula.That particular eviction, according to Ra-

wula, was legitimate, but could have beenavoided.“As SANCO, we know that Magwa rented

the house from its original owner, Thembis-ile Kota, who has since died. But before hedied, Kota sold the house toMkhize Lupond-wana,” said Rawula. According to Rawula,SANCO was not surprised that Magwa wasunable to produce a Title Deed to prove pur-chase of the house, something that Lupond-

wana, on whose instruction the court offi-cials acted, can do.“We have seen Magwa renovating and

beautifying the four-roomed house whilstKota was still alive, but sick in hospital. Atthe time, we did not know that there was no

sales transaction signed between him andMagwa,” said Mandela Madzwili, localSANCO acting secretary, adding that in try-ing to solve the impasse, since last year,they have tried in vain to ask Magwa toshow a Deed of Sale document, Title Deed

or at least an Affidavit to show she paid forthe house.“I’d like to confirm that I bought the

house in question from Mr and Mrs Kotain September 2012 and the transaction wasset for March 2013,” said Mkhize Lupond-wana, adding that Kitching Attorneys facil-itated the process of the house’s registra-tion in his and his wife’s names.“Mrs Magwa was given a notice to vacate

the premises on a number of occasions. Butshe failed to do so until we received a courtorder to evict her,” said Lupondwana.Lupondwana added that he had meet-

ings with Magwa and the local structurestrying to negotiate with her to rent thehouse from him – because he felt sorry thatshe, a woman and mother with children,had to lose a place to stay after so manyyears of occupancy, but Magwa would notlisten.“She said this is her house but she can’t

produce papers to back her claim,” said Lu-pondwana.This was corroborated by SANCO. Said

Rawula, “Magwa’s eviction could havebeen avoided, had she spoken the truthabout the house – that she thought she hadinherited it after the passing of Kota, notknowing that Kota had already sold thehouse to Lupondwana.Attempts to askMagwa for comment were



SANCO Local Executive members from left, Dibanisile Maqoma, Malaki Rawula (Chairperson) andMandela Madzwili (acting Secretary) at their KwaNobuhle office. PHOTO:NCEBA DLADLA


THE Coega Development Corporation(CDC) announced that it will issue a noticefor an Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) study to assess the feasibility of es-tablishing a cargo airport and an aeronaut-ical/aerospace industrial cluster in theCoega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ).

“We are happy that the project is begin-ning to take shape. Feasibility work hasbeen done by industry experts which hasyielded great potential for the project. Theestablishment of an advanced manufactur-ing cluster for aeronautical and aerospaceindustries has always been on our vision

map,” said Mogamad Sadick Davids, CDCmetallurgy business development manag-er.“Through the environmental impact as-

sessment, we are a few steps closer to de-veloping a possible new industry for Nel-son Mandela Bay, ensuring further broad-ening of the economic base and growththrough diversified industrial sectors anddevelopment for the region,” said Davids.Possible aeronautical and aerospace in-

dustrial manufacturing activity that cantake place in the Coega IDZ includesmanu-facturing of helicopters, aerospace en-gines, auxiliary equipment and parts andpropulsion units while the industry can al-so possibly contribute to aerospace prod-

uct prototypes, aircraft conversion andaircraft overhaul and rebuilding.The planned cluster will be located in

Zone 14 of the Coega IDZ, which currentlystretches across 2 086 hectares of land.“Industrial clustering for mobility in-

dustries is an accepted form of economicorganisation across the world,” said DrAyanda Vilakazi, CDC head of Marketingand Communications.“The existing expertise, skilled labour

and logistics services from the EasternCape’s automotive and manufacturing in-dustries are important strategic advanta-ges that can support the development ofaeronautical and aerospace manufactur-ing in the region,” added Dr Vilakazi.

“The CDC is perfectly endowed withskills, resources and world-class infra-structure at the neighbouring deep sea-water Port of Ngqura, to be part of the

global commercial aircraft manufacturingindustry.“Included in our plans is the construc-

tion of the cargo/industrial airport thatcan serve aeronautical and aerospace in-dustrial manufacturing.“Subsequently, this will also offer ten-

ants and investors in the Coega IDZ an im-mediate facility for air transport, whichhas been well received by the industrywith Letters of Intent and Expression of in-terests already indicated,” concluded DrVilakazi.

Plans afoot for airport at Coega


AMAPOLISA aseNew Brighton eBhayi ac-ela uluntu ukuba aluncede kuphando ngez-iganeko ezahlukeneyo zokubulala. Kucel-wa nabani na onolwazi ngesinye kwezi zin-ganeko zilandelayo eze ngaphambili.

Kwazakhele: Ngomhla wesibini kuMay2014, kwabulawa u-Anelisiwe Tsili, malun-ga necala emva kwentsimbi yesixhenxe

ngorhatya lwemivundla (7:30pm). Umfi lowayekwivenkile eseMkhuzangwe Street,ngethuba edutyulwa ngumntu ongaziwayonowathi waphela emehlweni emva kokoku-dubula.U-Aneliswe wayeneminyaka elishumi el-

inesihlanu ubudala ngethuba esweleka.Kucelwa nabani na onokuba nolwazi ngesisiganeko ancede atsalele umnxeba uWar-rant Officer Humpries, nongumphandi we-li tyala, kwezi nombolo: 0041 394 7310.

Kusenjalo, Embizweni Square: Kwala-pha eNew Brighton kwathi kwabulawauSabelo Kondile ngomhla we8 April 2014

malunga nentsimbi yesixhenxe ngokuhl-wa. USabelo lo kuvakala ukuba wayengumhlali waseCambridge West, eMonti.Nabanina onolwazi malunga nokwenze-

ka kwesi siganeko kuacelwa ukuba ancedeatsalele umnxeba uSergeant Smith wama-polisa aseNew Brighton kwezi nombolo:0041 394 7377.

Kucelwauncedo lwabahlali kuphandoOmbudsman details

In accordance with the editorial policy of theExpress Indaba, we invite readers to com-ment on mistakes in the newspaper and shallcorrect significant errors as soon as possi-ble. Send info to the Ombudsman of Me-dia24’s Local Press, George Claassen, at or call him at0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contactthe SA Press Ombudsman at0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail




THE NMMU Trust is hoping to have 100 candleslit in March as part of its Bursary Legacy Cam-paign which is currently sponsoring the studiesof two students.

ThecandleswhichcanbeboughtatR500each,will ensure that the two NMMU students, Sa-khumzi Dukwe and Siviwe Mbele will havefunding for their final year of tuition.

Dukwe (19) is studying towards a career inPsychology, while Mbele is studying a BSc Infor-mation Technology.

According to Renita Affat, Acting CEO of theNMMU Trust, the Light a Candle Ignite a CareerBursary Campaign is not merely a bursary, but

an empowerment programme. “Its essence isuniting people towards making a difference. To-gether we can uplift our community and changeeducation in our Province,” said Affat.

“If you are a member of a book club, sportingteam or church society, together the membersof your group could raise funds in support of ourCampaign.

“You could also invite the Bursary Legacyteam to your company to present the campaignto your colleagues,” she said.

The campaign has also received support fromtop NMMU Alumni members such as Dr Han-ningtone J. Gaya, who says it is important forthose who have gained from studying in theEastern Cape to give back to the communitythat looked after them while at University.

“It is also important to give to the least in oursociety. It is a privilege to do so,” said Dr Han-ningtoneJ.GayawhoholdsaPhDinCommercein Business Management from NMMU and isthe founder of seven lifestyle and business mag-azines in East Africa.

According to Affat the two students would al-so be grateful for mentoring and work opportu-nities during the holidays.

For more information on the campaign, con-tact

Hundred candlesneeded to ignite careers

Sakhumzi Dukwe (19) and Siviwe Mbele are thefirst recipients of the NMMU Trust Light aCandle Ignite a Career Bursary Campaign.PHOTO: BETTIE GILIOMEE


THE moral degeneration of society especial-ly amongst the youth and unemploymentbecause of poor education has led a localteacher to combine his passion for educa-tion and religion by opening a non-profitcollege.

St Ambrose College in Richmond Hill wasestablished in 2013 by Ralph Laing to edu-cate and empower adults and help youngpeople with learning problems.

According to Laing, the College is a non-profit company that provides a service tothe community through education, no mat-ter what their religious affiliation may be.

The College relies on anonymous fundersfor its funding.

“Our main aim is to provide quality edu-cational support for the community at largeand a moral foundation for learners so thatthey can make the correct choices in lifethat will equip them to become responsible

citizens who will contribute positively to so-ciety,” he said.

“Due to the poor matric results in the East-ern Cape we believe that it is essential thatwe offer some form of assistance to those inmatric and to adults who still need to attaintheir matric,” said Laing.

The College offers matric tuition classes,evening classes for adults who want to com-plete matric, remedial classes for childrenwith learning barriers and language proficien-cy classes, such as French and isiXhosa, foradults on a Saturday.

“Our remedial classes assist learners whodo not have any support at school owing to thelarge numbers of learners in a classroom.

“The educators cannot assist these learnerswith learning barriers as there are too manylearners to focus on.

“In addition, through programmes of voca-tionalguidancewehopetosteer learnersintheright direction so that they can make the cor-rect career choice for life,” said Laing.

In the Bridging/Preparation Year 2016

course, which will start next year, they intendto offer students a year of preparation for uni-versity and career discernment.

“This year 2015 is the first phase of our edu-cational programme which runs in the after-noon and evenings.

“Next year 2016 is the second phase of ourprogramme where we will offer a BridgingYear on a full time basis, to prepare learnersfor university as too many learners fail firstyear at university,” he said.

According to Laing the two main reasons forthis high failure right is that students cannotmake the adjustment from school level to uni-versity and are making the incorrect careerchoice.

St Ambrose College’s tuition fees are R250for registration and R50 a lesson.

From next year they will offer five matriclearners from a disadvantage background freetuition.

For more information contact, Laing at 076384 4323 or e-mail

Non-profit college aims to empower and uplift



VISITORS at this year’s Scifest Africa, South Af-rica’s National Science Festival, will have theopportunity to interact with a top-level NASAdelegation including the American space agen-cy’s Chief Scientist, Deputy Chief Technologist,Rosetta Mission Lead Project Scientist, and anastronaut who has logged more than 4,000 hoursin space.

Participation by these scientists will focus onthe John Webb Space Telescope, Mars Explora-tion Programme, New Horizons Mission, Roset-ta Mission and NASA’s plans for a new era ofspace exploration.

Scifest Africa 2015, celebrating the theme “Sci-ence alight!” will be held in Grahamstown, East-ern Cape from 18 to 24 March.

Since astronomers are accustomed to measur-ing distances in light years, the theme will notbe a strange concept in this, the United NationsInternational Year of Light and Light-basedTechnologies.

Organisers said one of the highlights of NA-SA’s presence at the festival will be a panel dis-cussion at 6.30pm on March 18, featuring NASAChiefScientist,DrEllenStofanandNASARoset-ta Mission Lead Project Scientist, Dr Claudia Al-exander, joined via Google Hangout from NASAHeadquarters in Washington, DC by NASA As-

sociate Administrator: Science Mission Direct-orate and former astronaut, John Grunsfeld, aswell as JWST Senior Project Scientist and NobelPrize Winner, Dr John Mather.

While one would be forgiven for feeling ratherintimidated, and even NASA admits the pres-ence of these great minds in one space is a rareoccurrence, this conversation is aimed at thegeneralpublicandwill invitequestions fromtheaudience.

Organisers said visitors to the festival will al-so have the opportunity to meet three drivers ofthe Curiosity Rover during a Google Hangout at3pm on March 21.

The Curiosity Rover, a six-wheeled remote-controlled vehicle that is currently navigatingits way through the Gale Crater on the planetMars, is sure to prompt many questions.

NASA astronaut, Dr Catherine Coleman, willmake several public appearances during the fes-tival, sharing her experiences on Space ShuttleColumbia and the International Space Station,and outlining NASA’s plans for a new era ofspaceexploration.Colemanisparticularlyexcit-ed about NASA’s plans to send astronaut ScottKelly to theInternationalSpaceStationonaone-yearmission.Thismissionisset tobetheperfectopportunity to learn about how a long stay inspace affects the human body, as it will be possi-ble to compare his medical data with that of histwin brother, Mark. Coleman says, “We will

learn about bone and muscle loss, the psycholo-gy of living in space for long periods of time, andthe effects of space radiation on the humanbody.”

NASA Deputy Chief Technologist and ScifestAfrica Advisory Committee Member, Jim Ad-ams, returns to Scifest Africa with an update onthe technologies developed for aeronautics andspace exploration in 2015 that you can use inyoureverydaylife,andwillalsodiscusshowtheJames Webb Space Telescope will use light topeer into the very depths of the Universe inways that may allow scientists to see almost tothe beginning of time

Ahottopic fordiscussionatScifestAfricawillbe the New Horizons flyby mission past thedwarf planet Pluto set for July 14. Awakenedfrom hibernation earlier this year, the 478 kilo-gramme space probe is hurtling toward Plutoand its five moons at an incredible speed of50,000 km/hour. Visitors can join in conversa-tion with NASA Director: Planetary Science Di-vision,DrJimGreen,at1pmonMarch24,abouthow New Horizons is expected to vastly im-prove our understanding of the composition ofPluto and its large moon Charon and possiblydiscover additional smaller moons or a ringaround the dwarf planet before heading off intothe Kuiper Belt.

Sponsored by the Department of Science andTechnology (DST), Scifest Africa remains the

largest festival of its kind on the African conti-nent, offering 68,000 visitors of all ages a pro-gramme of more than 600 events from which tochoose.

For the electronic programme visit contact Scifest Africa on 046 603 1106or for more information.

NASAbigwigs for ScifestAfrica

NASA astronaut, Dr Catherine Coleman, haslogged more than 4,330 hours in space aboardthe Space Shuttle Columbia and the Internation-al Space Station. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


PARENTS should be involved in their chil-dren’s education.

This is the belief of Pinocchio Cum - PrePrimary School, an Early Childhood Devel-opment Centre in Motherwell, Port Eliza-beth.

Pinocchio Cum - Pre Primary School orga-nised a workshop event for parents last Sun-day March 8 in order to discuss the reasons

why parents should be more involved in theirchildren’s education.

“We believe many parents don’t knowmuch about Early Childhood Development,or ECD’s daily programmes,” said NandiphaMemani, the centre’s founder and principal,adding that the workshop was aimed at help-ing them to know a lot more about ECD Pro-grammes.

According to Memani they also dealt withissues of child abuse and discipline whichparents have to deal with on a daily basis.

Parents learn through ECD

Parents andchildrendrawing duringthe PinoccioCreche OpenDay. PHOTO:




ELEVEN brave little girls who suffer fromlife-threatening illnesses were treated asbeauty queens by the Reach for A DreamFoundation last Friday.

On arrival at Eataly Restaurant, the red car-pet was rolled out for them and the girls re-ceived five- star treatment and pamperingfrom the professionals at Anew Your Hair.

Their eyes glowed and smiles widenedwhen they saw themselves in the mirror afterhaving their make-up done and nails pol-ished.

When they were red carpet ready, formerMiss PE Bianca Gerber (the Queen on theDay), taught them how to walk, talk and wavelike a queen.

Thereafter each girl was crowned and walk-ed the red carpet while her peers cheered heron. The eleven newly crowned queens then satdown for lunch and were spoiled with a goodiebag, muffins, croissants, cupcakes and pinklemonade.

The “Queen For A Day” project was createdto treat girls to a day out of their hospital envi-ronment and crown them Queen For A Day.

“Every girl dreams of being a beauty queenand so Reach For A Dream tries to fulfil thisdream for all our special brave young ladies,”said Charne Blume, (RFAD PE branch manag-er). She said each girl was made to feel specialand beautiful to ease the effect of their illness-es on their bodies and more importantly, theirself-esteem.

“Not only did they feel special and pam-pered on the day, but the positive attentionshowered upon them helped create positivememories that will assist them throught thehard times presented by their illness,” saidBlume.

Another purpose of the project was to raisethe confidence and self-esteem of the girls whomay feel embarrassed by their appearance asa result of their illness and/or treatment.

Brave littlegrils treatedasbeautyqueens

The eleven beauty queens with Bianca Gerber. PHOTO:DONNA VD WATT PHOTOGRAPHY


SABC1’s very first talent show dedi-cated to the art of a capella, The SingOff SA, will be holding audiosthroughout the country in March.

Nelson Mandela Bay groups willhave their opportunity on 25 and 26March at the Savoy Theatre and Con-ference Centre in Adcockvale.

The search is aimed at a capellagroups with voices that are as power-ful as any musical instrument. A cashprize and a Sony recording contractis up for grabs.

Groups who would like to auditionneed to prepare three vocal perform-ances – each no longer than threeminutes. Groups might not performall songs but should be prepared. Allmusical styles are accepted.

Choreography, creativity, anddress are encouraged to enhance theperformance, but instruments andbacking tracks will not be allowed.Groups must be no bigger than 5 mem-bers.

The auditions will be held onWednesday, March 25, from 2pm to7pm and on Thursday, March 26 from9am to 7pm.

Visit to get entryforms and to read terms and condi-tions.

Televisionsearch foracapella talentto visit Bay


)The Department of Social Development inNelson Mandela Metro is looking for infor-mation with regard to Mzimkhulu Nkoman-de who is the biological father of AthenkosiPhantsiwhowas born on 08/02/2002 and Than-diswa Phantsi who was born on 29/05/2004.Their biological mother Thandeka Phantsiwas deceased on 27/02/2010. She was resid-ing in Port Alfred. Anyonewith info is askedto contact the social worker, BabalwaMrwe-bo at 041-406 5775, during office hours (8amto 4.30pm) or fax 041 406 5797.

)The Department of Social Developmentin Nelson Mandela Metro is looking for in-formation with regard to Kenneth Skosanawho is the biological father of Zizipho-LiphoSkosana. He is reported to be in Cape Town.The child was born on 07/02/2000. Her bio-logical mother Lizeka Richeal Skosana wasdeceased on 23/03/2006. She was residing inPort Elizabeth at no 5 McKinnon Street, Ro-wallan Park in Port Elizabeth. Anyone withinfo is asked to contact the socialworker, Ba-balwa Mrwebo at 041 406 5775, during officehours or fax 041 406 5797.

)The Department of Social Developmentand special programmes is requesting any-one with information with regard to thewhereabouts of Franklin Simmers to contact so-cial worker, Yorganey Williams at041 406 5907 during office hours.

)The Department of Social Developmentand special programmes is requesting any-one with information with regard to thewhereabouts of Khuzekile Phinzi to contact so-cial worker, Yorganey Williams at041 406 5907 during office hours.

) Antony Phillip Jacobs, born in 1986, isasked to urgently contact Louria Möller ofthe CMR at 041 452 2172 with regards to hisbiological children.

)Ryno Senekal, the biological father of Nat-han is asked to urgently contact Louria Möl-ler of the CMR at 041 452 2172.

)Uviwe Child and Youth Services is look-ing for Lithalobom Candy Tyelinzima, born13/05/1986, the biological father of Siyamthan-da Butanaborn08/07/2007.Anyonewhomighthave information on the whereabouts of Lit-halobom Candy Tyelinzima to contact socialworker, N. Ndlovu on 041 453 0441 or as soon as possible.

Help findthesepeople


INTERNATIONAL “Reggae ambassa-dor” IQulah will be performing at thesixth annual One Blood Music Festi-val on Saturday, March 21.

IQulah stands for Integrity, Quality,Unity and Love for Africa as Home,and is known internationally as theReggae Ambassador.IQulah started his career in 1985 in

Kingston, Jamaica. He will be per-forming in PE for the first time as theheadline act for the annual One BloodMusic Festival which will be held atthe GrandHotel in Central, Port Eliza-beth.In 1993 IQulah decided to spread his

wings and perform all around theworld, from Germany, Russia, theUnited States of America to variousAfrican countries. He quickly estab-lished himself as a legendary perform-er. He has collaborated with Stephenand Damian Marley and will bebacked by the Azania Band from CapeTown at the One BloodMusic Festival.Tickets from Computicket for R80

per person or from the door at R100 perperson.

‘ReggaeAmbassador’live at theOneBloodMusicFestival

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VARSITYCup is going one step further andputting its money where its mouth isagainst violence against women and chil-dren.

Players were hard at work at this year’sInternationalWomen’sDaywhichwascele-brated on Sunday, March 8, with the themeto“Make ItHappen”,witha focusongenderequality.VarsityCupsaid theywere takinga stand

tohelp raiseawarenessandmakea tangibledifference.FNB Varsity Cup presented by Steinhoff

International has once again backed the#KeepTheAggroOnTheField campaign inorder not only to help raise awareness ofwomenand child abuse, but also assist shel-terswhere theymostneed it: physicallyandfinancially.Prior to the Varsity Cup and Shield sea-

sons kicking off in February, Varsity Cup,through their sponsors, FNB and SteinhoffInternational, gave the participating uni-versities funds for their chosen projects –on condition that the First-team playersthemselves were physically involved inlending a hand.“These projects would not be possible

without our corporate sponsors and for thatwe are eternally grateful, but getting theplayers actively involved helps others real-ise that lending a helping hand isn’t hardto do,” explains Xhanti Lomzi Nesi, Opera-tions Executive at Varsity Sports.

The participating universities visited theearmarked shelters at the start of the sea-son to show their commitment to makinga real difference.Players and coaches helped to give face-

lifts to a number of the facilities by doingeverything fromredoing kitchens to simplepaint jobs and even a spot of gardeningalong with cash donations.To further help raise awareness of the

#KeepTheAggroOnTheField campaign, theFNB Player that Rocks (Man of the Match)of each game will wear pink shorts in thenext fixture as Varsity Cup and its playerscontinue to take a stand against gender-based violence and violence and abuseagainst children.The project follows on from last year,

when over R300 000 was donated to sheltersnationwide.At the start of the season in February,

FNBVarsityCup,presentedbySteinhoff In-ternational, vowed to add their voices to thefight against women and child abuse. All 13of the Varsity Cup and Shield universitiesaccepted the challenge to identify a localshelter or organisation that counsels andsupports abused women and children.The money it donates is drawn from the

VarsityTrust, a trustwherecorporate spon-sor’s social investmentmoney ispooledanddistributed to the selected universities.“Wemake sure that these funds reach the

right people and thatwe’re actuallymakinga difference in the fight against women andchild abuse instead of just talking about it,”added Nesi.


NELSONMandela Bay Stadium operator Ac-cess Management partnered Eastern Prov-ince Rugby Union in a Corporate Social In-vestment initiative to hand over rugby kitand balls to the senior rugby team of the Kwa-Zakhele-based Chubekile Senior SecondarySchool.

The handover took place in the RoyalLounge at the NMB Stadium on Friday, 6March, before theKings’ first gameof theyearagainst the Free State Cheetahs.AccessManagement General Manager: Hu-

manResources, ThuliMtilawho overseesCSIsaid, “I am so glad that we could assist Chub-ekile.“These children could very easily have end-

ed up associating themselves with the wrongcrowd and getting into trouble but insteadthey chose to keep themselves occupied withsport.“I am highly impressed with the dedication

that the teachers put into developing theseyoungsters, albeit with very limited resour-ces and it is only a pleasure for us to sponsorthem with rugby kit for their senior team.”Eastern Province Rugby Union were very

eager to partner with Access on this project.

They donated much needed rugby balls to theschool.EPRUCEOCharl Crous said, “The develop-

ment of rugbyat grassroots level is akey focusfor theEPRUand formsan integral part of ourstrategy”.Access hosted the Chubekile Senior Rugby

Team in a hospitality suite along with theircoaches and the school’s Sports Committee.The group were joined by six EP Kings play-erswho fraternizedwith the teamandencour-aged them towork hard - not only on the field,but in the classroom too.Chubekile rugby coach Mbuyiseli Koza,

who coaches alongside his brother MbuleloKoza, was delighted with the opportunity af-forded his team. “This is the first time thatmost of theseboyshave everbeen to this stadi-um.“To be hosted in a suite and meet profes-

sional rugby players is something that theywill treasure forever. I am sure that they arenow more determined than ever to excel asa team,” said Mbuyiseli Koza.Chubekile will take part in the Mali Tour-

nament at Wolfson Stadium starting 20March.Mtila gave the team her word that she and

her staff would be there to support themwhenthey debut in their new kit.

Varsity Cup keeps the aggro on the fieldPictured is the NMMU Madibaz team. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Boost forgrassroots rugby

Access Management and the EPRU donated rugby kit and balls to the senior rugby team ofChubekile Senior Secondary School. From left are Shakes Soyiswapi (EP Kings), Sithembiso Kadubu(Chubekile), Thuli Mtila (Access Management), Tim Whitehead (EP Kings), Charl Crous (EPRU), ShaunMcDonald (EP Kings), Lunga Sitshongaye (Chubekile) and Nombasa Zini (Access Management).



LONDT Park side Callies is out of theleague race for the SAFA Nelson MandelaBay SAB Regional League after they werehanded a 1-0 defeat by Fairview Rovers onSaturday.

Since the start of the season, Callies hadbeen collectingmaximumpoints but as theseason proceeded, the boys of Head CoachMonier Saferdien threwsome towels in the gamesthey could have won.The two other title

chasers performed bet-ter. Lion City secured aneasy 5-2 awaywin over Is-land City while YoungIdeas continued withtheir winning momen-tum after they beat Ace-mates 3-1 away fromhome.Camper United

dropped three valuablepoints to Despatch Pio-neers in their 2-0 away

loss at Khayamnandi Stadium in Des-patch.Ghetto Stars’ supporterswere takenaback when their side slipped 3-1 to Show-villeUnitedwithHighlandSpurs losing 2-0to Royal Bucks at Jabavu Stadium.Themost struggling sideHotspurs regis-

tered a 2-1win over PeaceUnited atMoore-dyke Fields. Ikamva Movers, whose cur-rent position on the league log standingsis not convincing, were devastated 2-0 bytheir neighbours Motherwell Academy.


Enthralling WAFA Premier League gamesdrew fans in their droves to Walmer HighSchool Grounds on Saturday and Sunday.

WalmerStars salvageda 2-0win fromGidio-nites while Gwala Stars registered an easy5-3 win when they were up against GoldenHeroes.The battle lines were drawn when Young

Aces drew 2-2withMabayibone Strikers. Bra-zil FC who are affectionately known by their

supporters as The Samba Boys had a difficultassignment in their 1-0 triumph over Man-chester FC.In another nail-biting game Teenagers FC

played their hearts out despite losing 1-0 toAf-rican Aces.Real Madrid edged out the high flying

Morning Stars by1-0.WAFA Premier League current log leaders

Young Cosmos kept their hopes of winningthe prestige league alive after they thwarted4-0 Bayna Eagles who seemed to be flightlessthroughout the whole regulation time.

Callies out of league race

Showville United’s leftwing Ambrose Booysenplayed an instrumentalrole when his sideovercame Ghetto Stars inWalmer Township.PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


MANCHESTER United maintained their po-sition on top of theNODEFAVWCommunityTrust Premier League log table when theydug deep to beat NewCity Stars 2-1 at JabavuStadium on Saturday.

The topflight league leaders,whose assaulton the premier league continued, left theirloyal supporters walking tall. But other titlechasers JamaicanStars remain the obstaclesto Amarhamba as they are hot on their heels.Stars were awarded soft points following

the failure of Black Aces to honour theirgame. City Friends were in top form but theywent down 4-3 to the league champions Imba-bala Young Stars.Young Callies took control of the game

when they defeatedGoldenChiefs 2-1 in their

exciting clash.The relegation candidates Manchester Ba-

bes who brimmed with confidence suc-cumbed 4-3 to Really Rangers.In the battle of the day Khayelitsha Stars

pipped Temptations 3-2. Highland Spurs whohad not yet impressed their supporters sincethe start of the premier league season, failedto beat City Style in their 1-1 drawn game.Stokes United drubbed KUBS 3-1.

NODEFA VW Community Trust First Divi-sion results:*Reservoir Strikers 1-1 Black Vultures*New City Stars B 3-1 Lion City*Chelsea 7-0 Stokes United B*Young Pirates 2-0 Moroka Stars*Young Cosmos 2-0 Flamingo*All City Stars 5-1Cango Chiefs*Fearnot 0-1 Young Brothers*Imbabala Young Stars B 2-1 Young Culture


Amarhamba cement position on top of the log







SWARTKOPSVALLEY United Brothers(SUBS) gave a good account of themselvesfollowing their gallant 2-1 effort over La Li-ga FC in their ABC Motsepe Second Divi-sion at Motherwell NU 2 Stadium on Fri-day.

SUBS were like a house on fire but theircounterparts put up a brave fight. SUBSright wing Sithembiso Mzambia Maloniposed some problems to La Liga defend-ers.

SUBS’ midfielder Aviwe Tise Venge fail-ed twice to beat the La Liga’s goalkeeper,Sello Tsilo, who easily dealt with his ef-forts. The first half goal of SUBS goalpoacher Vuyisani Masumpa separated thetwo sides.

The tempo of the game in the second halfwas extremely fast as both sides wanted

goals. Venge was relieved when he pulled agoal to increase SUBS’s lead to 2-0.

La Liga’s skipper Mlungisi Mdwebu, An-thony Cox, Sechaba Mofokeng and TebohoThekiso caused difficult moments to SUBSdefenders.

A perfect cross from Mdwebu was squeezedinto the back of the net by Humphrey Vikila-hle to make the final score 2-1.

La Liga threw many players forward inpursuit of an elusive goal but their opportuni-ties went begging because SUBS’ goalkeeper,Lwando Nkohla, stood his ground.

Other ABC Motsepe Second Division re-sults:*JB Milan 0-0 Matta Milan*Morning Stars 1-2 Tornado*FC Buffalo 0-1 Highbury*Angavu Stars 3-0 Real City*Mthatha City 1-0 Cacadu United*Zimbane Killers 1-0 Mthatha Bucks*Kokstad Liverpool 1-1 FC Elliot United.

SUBS give gallantperformance over La Liga

La Liga’s skipper Mlungisi Mdwebu tries to get past SUBS midfielder Dalumzi Mngaza.

SOPHAKAMA crucified Real Crusaders whenthey thumped them 3-0 in their ZWIFA NtandoTransport Premier League game at Zwide Stadi-um on Sunday.

Following their recent impressive form, Cru-saders were reminded of their earlier winlessperformance by Sophakama who were ruthless.

The KwaZakhele-based side strikers Masibu-lele Magutyana and Ndabazandile Hulushe(brace) scored goals that sank Crusaders.

Camper United seemed to have realised thata point or two in every game would ease themfrom their worries of being dropped to theZWIFA First Division.

This time around United came up strongly


Major Chiefs continued from where they leftoff last week when they trounced Gal City 4-1.Morning Stars hacked Zwide Celtics 4-2 whileSwartkops United embarrassed the beleagueredReal Dodgers 4-1.

Kuyasa United cruised to a 1-0 hard win overZwide Pirates.

ZWIFA First Division results:*Mighty Heroes 2-4 Young Killers*Everton Aces 0-5 Hungry Lions*Manchester City B 2-3 Young Stars*Shining StarsB 1-1 Shooting Stars– SELBY MADIKANE


YOUNG Teenagers’ dreams of winning thePEEFA VW Community Trust PremierLeague title look very bright followingtheir excellent performance throughoutthe season.

AmaChinahadacrunchtimewhentheyde-feated Hillside 3-2.

Teenagersareon topof the league log tablesand they look unstoppable.

The suffering Young Aces trailed by 2-1 toBlack Arrows while United Brothers wal-loped Real Lions 4-0.

In the battle of the giants Real Aces andYoung Idolsplayed toa1-1draw.PainKillers’troubles continued on Saturday when theysuffered a 2-1 defeat to All Stars.

Peace Lovers were not peaceful when theyhanded high flying Black Chiefs a 4-0 defeatin a one-sided match.

AmaChina still on top of PEEFAVWCommunity Trust Premier League

Sophakama thumpsSaders

Camper United vowed that they would overcome the relegation axe. PHOTO:SELBY MADIKANE


XOLISA Phethani helped Tomorrow Starsto overcome Shining Stars 1-0 in their en-tertaining MOFA Build It PremierLeague game at Motherwell NU 9 Stadiumon Sunday.

Tomorrow Stars took advantage oftheir opponents’ defence which lookedsluggish in the initial stages of the game.

Tomorrow Stars exerted more pressure:subsequently some of Shining Stars de-fenders caused errors in the crucial areasof their territory.

Tomorrow Stars were awarded a freekick which was successfully convertedinto a goal by Phethani.

Shining Stars goalkeeper Wanda My-oyo fisted Phethani’s kick into his goalsinstead of collecting the ball. Soon afterthe goal Shining Stars played as a unitwith their goalkeeper pulling top classsaves.

The game came to a standstill whenShining Stars’ strikers and TomorrowStars’ goalkeeper Siyabulela Lama collid-ed with each other in the second half withthe former sustaining a head gash.

Both players received first-aid and theycontinued with the game. The game wasexciting and the fans really enjoyed it.

MOFA Build It Premier League results:*Valencia 2-2 Tottenham Spurs*Highland Spurs 6-0 Young Tigers*Young Madrid 2-0 Milan Stars*Real Strikers 1-0 Lion Stars*Real Aces 2-3 Highland Spurs

*Young Tigers 0-0 Young Madrid*Manchester FC 2-2 Motherwell United*Valencia 1-0 SUBS*Manchester United 2-1 Milan Stars*Young Romans 2-1 Tottenham Spurs*Liverpool 2-2 Crystal Palace

MOFA Build It First Division results:*City Rangers 2-0 Swallows*Royal Bucs 3-2 FC Motherwell FC*Real City 0-1 MUBS*Happy Stars 2-0 Tomorrow Stars*XI Brothers 1-5 FC Angels*Hector 1-3 NU 29 United Stars*Young Ideas 1-2 Real City*Young Killers 5-2 Channel Porto*Young Eagles 0-2 Wells United

Phethani helps Tomorrow Stars towin

Tomorrow Stars midfielder AphenduleNdzunge and Shining Stars wing OlwethuMzizana compete for possession.



NELSON Mandela Metropolitan Schools Ex-ecutive Committee will host the EasternCape High Schools Athletics Champion-ships at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Uni-versity this Sa-turday and Sunday March 13to 14.

Committee chairman Wandile Aba, be-lieves the seven districts of the province

will pick their best team ever in preparationfor the national championships in Rusten-burg in the Northwest Province from 25 to28 March.

“Of course, as Nelson Mandela Bay Metro-politan Municipality, our hopes lie on Luxo-lo Adam, the U-19 men’s 100m, 200, and 400mathlete.

“The lad from Ndzondelelo High School inPort Elizabeth is our own Usain Bolt. Hesends a chill down the spine whenever he

gets into the field to sprint,” said Aba.Mandela Bay would also be highly repre-

sented in the field events, according to Aba.The region also masters that area.

Meanwhile, Aba congratulated the NelsonMandela Bay Primary Schools’ athletic teamwho performed well in the championshipsin East London.

“At the weekend we were in East Londonto pick a provincial team to enter the nation-al championships in Germiston in Gauteng

from 19-21 March, and our team did usproud,” said Aba, making mention of Lathit-ha Nqebe, a Port Elizabeth sprinter who hasa bright future ahead of him.

“Mandela Metro came number one as webrought 65 medals in total. We were followedby OR Tambo and Amathohle Districts re-spectively.

“The competition was tough and I amproud to say that the Eastern Cape will besending a strong team to Germiston.”

Metro tohold ECAthletics championshipsatNMMU