Patricia Knowles Elementary 2015 -2016 Meet Mrs. Fitch · 2018. 10. 10. · Patricia Knowles...


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  • Patricia Knowles Elementary 2015 - 2016

    Meet Mrs. Fitch

    I can’t wait to learn and grow with you!

    My Philosophy… As a teacher, I will be the "guide on the side and not the "sage on the stage." As I embark on my long anticipated teaching career, I desire to teach students how to engage in reading as an active activity, while making connections, reflecting, becoming involved and bringing their prior experiences and knowledge to the text. As a teacher, it is also imperative to make an impression on my students. I also strongly believe that using humor in the classroom can be an effective strategy to increase student involvement and attention. The use of humor seems to have a positive effect on learning and classroom management by promoting relaxation and creating a comfortable social environment. I believe that the use of humor in the classroom motivates students to learn, enhances group cohesion and defuses tense situations. I believe that in order to teach, we must first reach! When teachers take the time to know their students, the rewards of teaching and learning are prevalent. This includes learning more about every student's language, culture, values, family, and home environment. A teaching philosophy should always be student centered, meaning that our students and their needs are the driving force for our behaviors. With student owned data tracking, we instill a sort of intrinsic motivation that our students need. Teaching should also be a learning activity, where one is flexible and open minded. I plan on learning from my students daily. I see each student as valuable and important.

    Please visit my website often, as I am always posting current classroom events, wish lists, important dates, classroom incentives

    and management, as well as curriculum updates!

    Tidbits About Me:





    Family, Friends, Classroom,

    Students, Reading, Music, My Jeep

    Chihuahua named Toby, Doberman named Mia, Cat named Holly, 4 tortoises, and a

    partridge in a pear tree.

    Husband – Matt – 10 years Kendall – 8 year old that loves horseback riding and helping mom in the classroom! Elijah – 13 year old at RBMS that plays football and loves Theatre!

    5th grade – 1 year 3rd grade – 3 years 4th grade – 1 year in counting…

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    Things You Should Know… We ARE in the portables!

    This is my third year in a portable and I feel confident in ensuring the safety

    of your child when they are in the classroom. I lock the door at 7:45, and

    we leave the classroom as a group. Students who need to use the restroom outside of classroom breaks, will have a badge and a buddy sign out system. If your child is tardy, the office will

    make a phone call to the classroom to ensure classroom access. The most important thing; your child’s safety.

    We practice drills throughout the year in regards to inclement weather and we do move inside the building if it seems

    unsafe at all.


    water breaks. I have a water cooler in my classroom that students can fill

    their water bottles with at the

    beginning of the day.

    Schoology ---------------------------------------cut out------

    Student Planners and Homework

    I expect students to stay organized, and believe this will help them be successful this year and for years to come! We use

    the planners in our binders daily, and this is a good place for you to see a snapshot

    of important information. This is also where I communicate (in writing)

    important messages (if not sent via email).

    Literacy Groups in Binder - I will assign literacy homework on a certain day of the week for each reading group. Each group has a week and a different day of the week

    that the assignment is due (Mon-Thur).

    Math Homework in Binder – Assigned on Mondays, due on Fridays. I give 3-10

    problems a week based on what we are learning in math class.

    No homework?

    No 30 min Free Time Friday.

    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    The good thing is, positive

    incentives are effective in my classroom. We work together to earn class brainstormed rewards. Teams work to earn homework passes, and individuals learn to

    manage monopoly money.

    The bad thing is, sometimes we

    make mistakes! Students reflect on their choices using “think sheets” which are sent home for a parent signature. Please keep the line of

    communication open via email/phone calls!

    The ugly truth is, so many children

    have allergies! When sending birthday treats @ 2:00 – please send

    NUT FREE products!

    I use the website/App Schoology for MANY of my lessons, homework assignments, projects, and classwork/quizzes/tests. I NEED to know ASAP if your child has access to the Internet at home! Please fill this out, cut it out, and send back to school with your child!

    My child, ____________________________ DOES or DOES NOT have access to the Internet at home. (circle one)

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    Buzz Words What is my child learning? Words you can use to facilitate academic dialogue at home!

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    A parent who is available to come to class parties and important events to take pictures. Once taken, please send them via email to Mrs. Fitch.

    Wednesday Folder Mom:

    I need a team of parents who are willing to come in Wednesday morning to collect folders. Folders are stuffed with information from the campus in the teacher workroom and then returned to the classroom.

    Snack Donations:

    Can you donate snacks to the classroom throughout the year?

    Mystery Reader:

    Are you interested in coming to the classroom to read to the kids? Let me know what month!

    Room Parent:

    With class parties, field trip, teacher appreciation, splash day, birthdays, etc. I could use the help! I need a parent who can email the class and teacher about organizing parties/events!

    Mommy Minions:

    Throughout the year, a teacher has many tasks to do from cutting and gluing to laminating and labeling! Can you help at school or at home?

    Water Jug Replacements:

    Are you able to replace or refill our classroom water jugs?

    Please sign up to the right and send this back to your teacher with your child. I will contact you when I get the form back. Thank you!


    How Can I Help The Classroom?

    Our classroom will be busy this year! A few items we could use are listed below:

    Sticky notes (all sizes), sharpies,

    materials, glitter, letter stickers, sheet


    Chapter Books

    *This year, and for years to come, students will engage in

    reading and writing experiences using novels of various levels. I

    am looking for copies of;

    *Paradise Called Texas

    *Among The Hidden


    *Indian In The Cupboard

    *Tales Of 4th Grade Nothing

    *ANY sets of chapter books you are willing to donate



    o I can take pictures!

    o I can stuff folders!

    o I can donate snacks!

    o I want to read!

    o I can be the room parent!

    o I want to help create materials!

    o Water? I got it!

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  • [Street Address] [City], [State][Postal Code]

    Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3

    Address Line 4

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    Ipsum a volutpat ornare, metus sem tincidunt magna, eu varius

    enim dolor id sem.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer augue urna, tincidunt quis, ornare quis,

    hendrerit nec, dui. Duis lorem. Aliquam vestibulum. Proin lacus massa, mollis sed, blandit nec, rhoncus sit

    amet, turpis. Vestibulum vitae dui. Duis metus sapien, feugiat in, posuere eu, feugiat at, purus. Duis

    fringilla, augue vel imperdiet egestas, nisi augue vestibulum ante, vitae ultricies nisl neque non odio.

    Mauris laoreet elit sed dolor.

    Pellentesque venenatis.

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