Pathologies of the Integumentary System



Pathologies of the Integumentary System. Pathologies. Pathology: the study of disease Studying how injury occurs to cells and tissues, how body responds to injury Pathos: feeling Ology: study of. Acne. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pathologies of the Integumentary System

Pathologies of the Integumentary SystemPathologiesPathology: the study of diseaseStudying how injury occurs to cells and tissues, how body responds to injuryPathos: feelingOlogy: study of

AcneAcne typically appears on your face, neck, check, back and shoulders, which are the areas of your skin with the largest number of functional oil glands.

Cause: Occurs when the opening of hair cells are blocked by dead epidermal cells. The oil from the sebaceous glands gets trapped and bacteria that live in your skin build up and cause irritation that leads to inflammationTreatment: Acne treatments work by reducing oil production, speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacterial infection, and reducing the inflammation of the affected area.

Each pore opens to a follicle. A follicle contains a hair and an oil gland. The oil released by the gland helps remove old skin cells and keeps your skin soft.When glands produce too much oil, the pores can become blocked. Dirt, bacteria, and cells build up. The blockage is called a plug or comedone.If the top of the plug is white, it is called awhitehead.If the top of the plug isdark, it is called ablackhead.If the plug breaks open, swelling and red bumps occur.Acne that is deep in your skin cancause hard, painfulcysts. This is called cystic acne.

Acne tends to run in families. It may be triggered by:Hormonal changes related to puberty, menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stressGreasy or oily cosmetic and hair productsCertain drugs (such as steroids,testosterone, estrogen, and phenytoin)High levels of humidity and sweating

3Baldness Loss of hair Causes: Thyroid ProblemsGenetic. Alopecia Areata:The condition is brought on by an auto-immune disorder in which your own body attacks and destroys its own hair follicles.Scalp infectionsSkin disordersTreatments: There are a variety of treatments that include steroids and surgical implants. These try to stimulate the growth of the hair follicles or replace the destroyed ones.

Gradual thinning on top of head.This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting both men and women. In men, hair often begins to recede from the forehead in a line that resembles the letter M. Women typically retain a line of hair at the forehead but experience a broadening of the part in their hair.Circular or patchy bald spots.Some people experience smooth bald spots, often about an inch (2.6 centimeters) across. This type of hair loss usually affects just the scalp, but it sometimes also occurs in beards or eyebrows. In some cases, your skin may become itchy or painful before the hair falls out.Sudden loosening of hair.A physical or emotional shock can cause hair to loosen. Handfuls of hair may come out when combing or washing your hair or even after gentle tugging. This type of hair loss usually causes overall hair thinning and not bald patches.Full-body hair loss.Some conditions and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can result in the loss of hair all over your body. The hair usually grows back after treatment ends.

Thyroid problems.The thyroid gland helps regulate hormone levels in your body. If the gland isn't working properly, hair loss may result.Alopecia areata.This disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks hair follicles causing smooth, roundish patches of hair loss.Scalp infections.Infections, suchasringworm, can invade the hair and skin of your scalp, leading to hair loss. Once infections are treated, hair generally grows back.Other skin disorders.Diseases that can cause scarring, such as lichen planus and some types of lupus, can result in permanent hair loss where the scars occur.

Risk Factors:-family history: can affect when lose hair; developmental speed-hair treatment: can cause hair brittle/breaking off, pulling hair super tightly-poor nutrition: not getting enough iron and protein

4VitiligoA condition in which your skin loses melanin causing slowly enlarging white patches or irregular shapes to appear on your skin.

Cause: Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or no longer produce melanin. It may be due to an immune system disorder.

Treatment: Steroid Creams sometime help the melanocytes stay alive and create pigmentDepigmentation bleach the skin to match the color of the lighter patchesSkin transplants replace the damaged melanocytes

eneralized.In this most common subtype, pigment loss is widespread across many parts of your body, often symmetrically.Segmental.Loss of skin color occurs on only one side of your body. This type tends to occur at a younger age, progress for a year or two, then stop.Focal.Depigmentation is limited to one or a few areas of your body.

Doctors and scientists have theories as to what causes vitiligo. It may be due to an immune system disorder. Heredity may be a factor because there's an increased incidence of vitiligo in some families. Some people have reported a single event, such as sunburn or emotional distress, that triggered the condition. Sometimes pigment loss can occur in someone whos had a melanoma, a malignancy of the cells that produce melanin (melanocytes).5PsoriasisA chronic (reuccuring) condition where the skin inflames and becomes covered in silvery scales

Cause: The epidermis continues to replicate uncontrollably (hyperplasia). Possibly because of antibodies stimulating the growth but we dont really know exactly why.

Treatment: Drugs that stop the antibodies from communicating with the epidermal cells or that stop the epidermal cells from causing an inflammatory response.

Psoriasis may affect any or all parts of the skin. There are five main types of psoriasis:Erythrodermic -- The skin redness is very intense and covers a large area.Guttate -- Small, pink-red spots appear on the skin.Inverse -- Skin redness and irritation occurs in the armpits, groin, and in between overlapping skin.Plaque -- Thick, red patches of skin are covered by flaky, silver-white scales. This is the most common type of psoriasis.Pustular -- White blisters are surrounded by red, irritated skin.

6EczemaA reoccurring epidermal condition that causes dryness, flaking, redness, inflammation, and sometimes blistering and bleeding

Cause: Usually caused by an irritant coming in direct contact with the skin, an allergen being consumed, or hormone imbalances; although there are many other causes.

Treatment: Steroid creams or immune system regulators which prevent the immune system from reacting and causing the inflammation. Also, monitoring the diet for foods that lead to the inflammatory response and removing the allergen once identified.

Signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis (eczema) include:Red to brownish-gray colored patchesItching, which may be severe, especially at nightSmall, raised bumps, which may leak fluid and crust over when scratchedThickened, cracked or scaly skinRaw, sensitive skin from scratching

7Athletes FootScaling, flaking and itching of the infected area, may spread to the groin at which point it is called jock itch

Cause: caused by a fungal infection

Treatment: anti-fungal drugs, recommend keeping feet clean and dry (i.e. drying between toes after showering, baby powder in sneakers, etc.)

AlbinismLarge patch of white skin or the entire body is white (including white hair and red irises in the eyes). Lack of melanin leads to no protection from the sun and thus sunburn occurs easily.

Cause: Congenital disorder. Bodies do not produce an enzyme needed for the production of melanin.

Treatment: None. Recommended to avoid direct sunlight especially during the hours that the sun is strongest (12-2pm)

Skin Cancer Different types of cancerous cells that form around the skinThree main types:Watch out for:GrowingChanging shapeBleeding or itchingCauses:Excessive exposure to UV light (wear sunscreen!)Burn, radiation, strong chemicalsTreatment:Surgical: excision, Mohs surgeryCurettage/electrodesiccation: scraping/burning off cancer cells

BurnsThree types: affecting different layers of skin:First degree: outer layer of skinSecond degree: (partial thickness) outer and underlying layer of skinThird degree: (full thickness) deeper tissueCauses: dry heat (fire), wet heat (steam, hot liquids), radiation, friction, sun, electricity, chemicalsTreatment: (for major burns)Administer IV fluids faster than losing Debridement: removal of dead tissue from burn (prevent infection)Skin grafts: transferring skin to help close wound, preventing entry of microorganisms

First-degreeburns affect only the outer layer of the skin. They cause pain, redness, and swelling.Second-degree(partial thickness) burns affect both the outer and underlying layer of skin. They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.Third-degree(full thickness) burns extend into deeper tissues. They cause white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.

Burns to your airways can be caused by inhaling smoke, steam, superheated air, or toxic fumes, often in a poorly ventilated space.

What happens: Capillaries become more permeable (dont understand this yet); fluid and electrolytes leak into surrounding tissues (edema= swelling)This causes: tissue damage, shock, and b/c losing liquid, heart has less to pump, so lower BPAlso typically higher Temp: 101.3 FBc of a burn, can cause weight loss bc metabolism is super high, so they often make you have a high cal/high protein diet (protein to repair tissue!)

Treatment: Admin IV drugs: usually can decrease dose after 24h bc cap perm. StopsGetting rid of dead skin to prevent infectionSkin grafts from other places in the bodyInfections: major cause of death in burn victimsBc of Depression of immune system, proportional to amount of burnAlso affects blood: blood clots when damaged tissue, but instead of clotting at the site, can blot in vein, which blocks blood flow

