Pastor on Call Schedule - First Baptist Church Topeka · 2017-06-30 · Pastor on Call Schedule...


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Bring brand new children socks with you to worship this summer for our Sock Hop on August 5.

The socks will be donated to all children who come to our Sock Hop.

Monthly newsletter of First Baptist Church July 2017 3033 SW MacVicar Ave., Topeka, KS 66611 | 785.267.0380 | |

D oorstep is counting on First Baptist in July to provide volunteers and food items to restock their food pantry. First Baptist is one of four congregations responsible for restocking the food pantry in July. It is an

organization who depends on volunteers and donations to carry out its mission in the Topeka community. The times to volunteer and requested food items are listed below. Contact the church office, 267-0380, to sign up for a 2-hour shift. Donations of food, clothing and other items may be deposited in the wooden box by the church office, or in the box outside of the sanctuary. Doorstep began with six churches and now has 55 interfaith member congregations. Last year Doorstep spent $165,600 on emergency services, gave away 90,644 pounds of food, and $126,617 worth of clothing that was distributed to our neighbors in need. It helps numerous households with food, utilities, transportation, rent, and medical. They receive grant funding for basic needs from the City of Topeka, Shawnee County, and the United Way of Greater Topeka. The grants allow them to provide for rent, utilities, dental, prescriptions, gas vouchers, bus tickets, and food to our needy neighbors. This summer why not be the hands and feet of God by serving at Doorstep? Serving opportunities:

Wednesdays (8:45 a.m.–2 p.m.) assisting clients with clothing needs; and sort and organizing donated clothing at Doorstep, 1119 SW 10th Street

Sort clothing donations at Doorstep on Monday, July 17 (8:45 a.m.-2 p.m.) Thursdays (12Noon-2 p.m.) at Dovetail Shoppe, 1196 SW Washburn Ave. Call the church office, 267-0380 to sign up for a 2-hour shift.

Food Items Requested: macaroni & cheese evaporated milk canned soups oatmeal pinto beans dry cereal peanut butter tuna powdered milk jelly rice pasta spaghetti sauce canned fruit

Are You Connected? By Pastor Janet Crowl

T his newsletter is packed with opportunities to get connected in church mission and activity.

Check out every article. If you don’t read everything, trust me; you just might miss the opportunity God is speaking to your heart about. Give us a call at the church office 267-0380, and we will help you get connected. FBC is in full swing this summer. This year’s “slow down” hasn’t occurred yet and I don’t really see it on the horizon. Check out the calendar! The gym is used by badminton folks, private parties, pickleball, day care fun, Topeka Indian Association fellowship gatherings, Kansas Sunflower games, youth gaga ball, primary and general elections, and more. The Fellowship Hall welcomes senior adult luncheons and other senior activities, Briarwood neighborhood meetings, Dinner and Movie night, Esther Jane Circle, private parties, L.I.F.T. craft time and gatherings, Topeka JUMP meetings, youth movie time, state food program, and more. Our upstairs conference room and classrooms are used for church committee meetings, Topeka JUMP, Nar-Anon meetings, AA meetings, weekly finance reporting, Terra Heights Task Force meetings, Senior Adult Task Force meetings, weekly staff meetings, Tuesday prayer group, White Cross, and more. This does not include all of the Sunday morning activities that occur everywhere in the building. We had a wonderful, five nights of Vacation Bible School last month. The children were excited with high energy for participating and learning the true meaning of being a Fruit of the Spirit through songs, Bible stories, and crafts. Youth have been preparing and are ready to head out for Quest Camp on July 8. What an exciting time for them. It is a long trip, but they love it! The Senior Adults are preparing goodie bags for their trip and also will be prayer partners, lifting them daily in prayer while they are gone. A new and exciting adventure for FBC is the article about the future of Terra Heights Baptist Church. In the article, you will read about how we are joining efforts with ABC Central Region and a New Church Plant, led by Rev. Dr. Michael Thomas. The FBC Board of Ministries has recently approved for the new church plant, Living in Victory Baptist Church, to meet in the Lattimore Chapel beginning July 16 at 11:00 a.m. The Holy Spirit has brought us together for this mission in ministry. Praise God! We are called as God’s people to use our gifts and to be connected to one another. In the Experiencing God Bible study last summer we learned that we “join God in God’s work.” So, give the office a call and get connected, 267-0380! I Peter 4:9-10, “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he/she received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

Youth Going to Quest at

Green Lake — July 8-15

Those going are: Haley

Beutler, Jackson

Barnhart, Dove Beye,

Sydney Cook, Odin Reif,

Jenna Smith, Lane Snell,

Zach Wahweotten, Dylan

Wells, and Douglas Zilch.

Adult chaperones are

Regan Aeschliman, Matt

Harader, and Michael

Jones. Please pray for their safe travels and their

experience with other Christian brothers and sisters.

3033 SW MacVicar Ave. Topeka, Kansas 66611-1811

(T) 785.267.0380 (F) 785.267.9148

Staff & Volunteers Cheryl Henson, Senior Pastor, Janet Crowl, Dir. Senior Ministries, Regan Aeschliman, Director of Children & Youth Ministries. Robyn Aeschliman, Director of Faith Forest, Joe Barnes, Building Superintendent, Steve Martin, Custodian Rick Kready, Director of Chancel Choir, Kay Renyer, Director of Day Care Verlee Sanneman, Church Administrator,

Page 2 First Baptist Church July 2017

Pastor on Call Schedule Please call the church office, 267-0380,

if you have a need during the week.

Pastor Janet is on call while Pastor Cheryl

is on her sabbatical. Pastor Janet’s phone

number is 272-3072. During the week,

Monday-Friday, call the church office,


Love Gift for Pastor Cheryl Henson A letter was recently mailed from the church office asking the congregation to contribute to a love gift for Cheryl Henson’s sabbatical. Please write “Love Gift” on the memo line of your check and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office by Monday, July 17.

The Day Care and Church Office will be closed on July 4th.

Dinner & a Movie

Saturday, July 8

5:00 p.m. (New Time!)

Fellowship Hall

RSVP: Nancy Fleeker-

Daniels, 640-2767

Dinner is potluck, bring a dish to share!

Please remember in your prayers: Phyllis Butler; Joey Campbell; family of Joe Constant; Sharon DeVore; Delanna Halkins (Terri Hurley’s niece); Pastor Cheryl & Mike on sabbatical, Joan Kerchner’s sister Carol; Doris Kinnett; Doris Peery; Ginny Peter’s sister Sylvia; Darren Oard (Duane Reiff’s cousin); Larry Petry; Larry Petry’s son-in-law Ken Tunnell passed away; Donna Rankin (Barb Norman’s sister); Duane & Cathy Reiff’s friend Jim; Sandy Reiff & Velda Root (Duane Reiff’s sister and sister-in-law); Susan Schafer (Jack & Gloria Barron’s daughter); Jan Seagraves; Mary Stryker; Brent Tillotson (nephew of Gary & Gayle Smith); Katrin Lynne Marshall VanStone; Jim & Letha Zahourek’s nephew Kenny Knox passed away; Terra Heights Baptist Church, Pastoral Search Committee; youth attending Quest camp; and our homebound members. Note: There is a weekly prayer meeting every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Berean’s Sunday School classroom, located near the church office. All are invited to attend.

July 2017 First Baptist Church Page 3

First Baptist’s Current Financial Report

Comparison of our actual tithes and offerings, and what our operating budget requires each week. The operating budget pays for utilities, staffing, and ministry programs. Amount Received ......... Amount Needed May 28 ..................... $ 6,236 ................. $ 8,786 June 4 ...................... 10,097 ................ 8,786 June 11 .................... 13,705 ................. 8,786 June 18 .................... 4,896 ................ 8,786 June 25 .................... 4,690 ............ 8,786 One Great Hour of Sharing ........................ $ 1,486

Reminders from Finance Committee — At the end of May, expenses exceeded receipts for the year by ($4,901.75); therefore, the Finance Committee asks you to keep current with your tithe/offering this summer. If you are able, they also ask for you to add a little more to your tithe/offering due to the increase of electrical usage for air-conditioning. One sure and easy way to stay current with your pledge is to consider giving electronically. We have several households that have made that arrangement with their bank or credit union. We encourage you to visit with your personal banker about how you can give electronically to First Baptist.

News from the Pastoral Search Committee A special congregational business meeting took place following the worship service on Sunday, June 4, to nominate and elect members for the Pastor Search Committee. (A copy of the minutes are included in this newsletter.) Those elected are: Jillinda Ansell, Haley Beutler, Kevin Cook, Jennifer Harader, Bill Ogle, Gayle Smith, and Harold Wolgast. It will also include Board of Ministries Moderator Pam DeFries and Deanna Williamson, who represents the Administration/Staff-Congregation Relations Committee. Their first meeting was held Wednesday, June 7, with Rev. Dr. Nathan Marsh, Associate Executive Minister with the American Baptist Churches of the Central Region. Dr. Marsh gave the committee an overview of the pastoral search process. The committee selected officers and they are: Chairman Kevin Cook, Vice Chairman Harold Wolgast, and Secretary Jillinda Ansell. The committee met on Monday, June 12, to review past versions of the church profile, and they began working on updates. Committee members will also be taking congregational surveys and they discussed regarding the timing of the congregational survey. At their next two meetings, June 21 and June 28, the committee reviewed other church profiles to determine the best format for First Baptist-Topeka, and continued working on our church profile. They ask the congregation to pray for discernment to hear what God is calling our church to become, and who He is calling to help us become it.

There will be no committee or

Board of Ministries meetings in

July; except for the following:

Foundation will meet on Sunday,

July 16, at 7 p.m.; and Finance on

Monday, July 17 at 7 p.m.

Senior Adult Ministry Activities

Page 4 First Baptist Church July 2017

Summer Fest is from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Sunday morn-ings in the Parlor. A complete list of hosts may be found on the bulletin board in the kitchenette, next to the parlor. July 2 — Seeker’s Sunday School class July 9 — Maranatha Sunday School class July 16 — “Guac off Contest” - Living & Active July 23 — Staff - root beer floats July 30 — Finance Committee August 6 — Faith Forest August 13 — FBC Foundation August 20 — Care Committee August 27 — Outreach Committee

Sunday Morning Schedule from May 28 - Sept. 3 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for adults and children Attend your respective classroom. 10:45 a.m. Combined Worship, sanctuary Nursery is available from 9:30 a.m. to 12Noon.

Summer Preaching Schedule - This summer while Pastor Cheryl is on her sabbatical, there will be one worship service at 10:45 a.m. from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Listed below indicates who is in charge of planning the worship service. July 2 ......... Walter/New Horizons Sunday School Class July 9 ......... Pastor Janet July 16 ....... Pastor Janet July 23 ....... Youth & Regan Aeschliman July 30 ....... Faithbuilders Sunday School Class Aug. 6 ........ Rev. Dr. Nate Marsh, Assoc. Minister of ABCCR Aug. 13 ...... Pastor Janet Aug. 20 ...... Maranatha Sunday School Class Aug. 27 ...... Rev. Barry Feaker, Topeka Rescue Mission (Seekers & Bereans SS Classes) Sept. 3 ....... Rally Sonday, 9:30 a.m. with worship, communion, and Sunday School promotion. Casual attire.

Sidewalk Project Recently Completed! Have you noticed the new sidewalk by the kitchen and gym doors? It was paid for by the Lucile Edson memorial and the Capital Improvements budget line item. We are grateful to Lucile’s family designating her memorial to this project.

There will be no Thursday

Fellowship Potluck Luncheons

during July. It will return August 3.

Please be sure to mark your


National Day of the Cowboy Saturday, July 22 @ 10:30 a.m. Free hot dogs and chips (limited) from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Kansas Museum of History, 6425 SW 6th Ave. Bring your children or grandchildren with you! There are lots of free activities, such as: pet miniature horses and a mustang horse, campfire sing-a-long, practice rop-ing, pan for gold, make a bedazzled horseshoe, learn to track animals, play fun historic games, watch a baseball game. With a paid admission, $10 adult, $9 senior adult, $5 children (2-17), you can ex-plore the new museum exhibits, climb inside the full-sized covered wagon, play cowboy bingo, and enjoy a stagecoach ride!

Guac-Off Contest — We are looking for two or more people to make guacamole for our contest on July 16. The following people are entering the contest: Mary Jane King, Beth Hanes, Kristy Henson, and Steve Martin and his daughter Savannah.

The Organist/Pianist Search Committee

has been appointed and they are:

Rick Kready, Kevin Harry,

Mary Muilenburg, and

Harold Wolgast.

Proverbs 18:16 - “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”

W e encourage you to think of and remember the FBC

Foundation as you contemplate your gifts and plan your future giving through 2017. It can be a one time donation to honor or in memory of a family member or congregation member, or you may wish to remember the FBC Foundation in your estate plans. Please remember your Church and the FBC Foundation are here to serve you and appreciates your love and support. Should you have questions, please feel free to visit with any of the nine board members, and they are: Harold Wolgast, Jillinda Ansell, Melinda Schoemaker; Jane Kelly; Bill Ogle; Gale DeVore; Fred Loseke; or Jack Eakins, or myself.

July 2017 First Baptist Church Page 5

Thank you — Thank you so much for saying ‘yes’ to helping with this year’s Vacation Bible School event. Everyone made a significant contribution in making the week go smoothly - from our staff (Verlee, Joe, and Steve) doing much of the background work for us; Mary Jane and Jeff King for decorating and grilling hot dogs; Patty Hodge for stepping in to help set up the food on Thursday night; to everyone who was hands-on with kids including registration, herding kiddos, and teaching. I can’t thank each of you enough for all you did. Your efforts and dedication made for a fun-filled week for our children and their friends.

Robyn & Regan Aeschliman, VBS Co-Directors Editor’s Note: The rest of the VBS volunteers who were not specifically listed above include: Jillinda Ansell, Karen Campbell, Julie Cook, Jeff & Rachel Ebert, Beth Hanes, Kristy Henson, Bill & Kathy Ogle, Carrie Miller, the youth group, and Pastor Janet. There were over 50 children who participated! A big thank you to all who came to help on Saturday, June 10

th. It was a great day for getting a number of projects done

around the church. There were about ten people mostly from the New Horizons Sunday School class who jumped right in and got to work. They cleaned and scrubbed the kitchen stoves, refrigerators, and cleaned out all the cabinets; and the parlor blinds and ceiling fans were all cleaned; and they even put items in the storage room away where it is meant to be kept; and they even swept and washed down the new sidewalks that were recently completed by the kitchen and gym doors. And now the painting of the curbs and parking area has begun. I am so thankful for all the volunteers who come and help me and Steve take care of the facilities and grounds. Joe Barnes, Building Superintendent

Thank you for all the support that was provided during this difficult time. The meal provided after Jody’s service is much appreciated. Shirley Constant and Family

From the Organist’s Bench By Marjorie O’Konski, MM, MME, SPC

Swim Day @ SN North Family Aquatic Center 300 NE 43rd Street Sunday, July 9th from 3-6 p.m. Cost: $7, age 13 and above; $6, age 2-12 Movie Night Sat., July 22 @ 5 p.m. Fellowship Hall Movie to be announced later. New Women’s Bible Study to begin Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 6:15 p.m. The book is “Ruth: Loss, Love, and Legacy” by Kelly Minter. Join us on a journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy as we study about Ruth. Contact the church office to reserve a copy of the book. The book costs $10 and is due on the first night of class. If you have questions about any of these events, contact Beth Hanes, 580-3514. L.I.F.T. stands for Ladies In Faith Together.

L.I.F.T. Activities

Notes from FBC Foundation by Gary Smith, Chairman

Page 6 First Baptist Church July 2017

News from Cross Wind By David Schirer, Director

I mprovements and significant changes have occurred at Cross Wind Camp & Conference since

the campaign “Walk the Bridge” began three years ago. These include:

ADA room in the hotel complete

Five flat screen televisions in conference rooms, board room, Mabee dining/conference room, with Wi-Fi and HDMI connections

Foundation has been laid for the new elevator New flowers are sprouting A section of the parking lot is sealed and restriped

We are still looking for more partners in the “Walk the Bridge” campaign. It could be Sunday School classes, small groups, church, or households to be a giving partner for $50 per month. Cross Wind is a destination for many family reunions and outside groups not affiliated with the American Baptist Church. But, we do host many ABC Central region meetings and events, and they are:

Mid-Winter Missions Conference in January Senior Adult Retreat in April AB Women’s Summer Conference in June Annual Meeting in October ABC Central Region Board meetings AB Women Board meetings Nine camps, 285 children and staff last year Jr. High Jamboree, over 100 youth

Cross Wind Camp & Conference Center needs your support to ensure its future — a future of ministry to Central Region, a future of ministry to our children, and a future of retreats for you, your children and grandchildren. Take time to pray about your support and then partner with us as we move forward to bring a value-added future for YOUR Cross Wind.

July 8-15 — Quest Camp at Green Lake, Wisconsin July 8 — Dinner and a Movie, 5:00 p.m., RSVP to Nancy Fleeker-Daniels, 640-2767 July 9 — Swim Day at the Shawnee North Family Aquatic Center, 3-6 p.m. July 16 — Foundation Meeting, 7 p.m. July 17 — Finance Meeting, 7 p.m. July 22— KS Museum of History, 10:30 a.m. July 23 — Youth Sunday August 2 — Day Care Graduation, 6 p.m., gym August 3 — Fellowship Lunch returns, Noon, Fellowship Hall August 5 — Sock Hop, 5-7 p.m., gym August 6 — Rev. Nathan Marsh, ABC Central Region August 27 — Rev. Barry Feaker, Topeka Rescue Mission September 1 — Pastor Cheryl returns from sabbatical September 3 — Rally Sonday, 9:30 a.m. worship September 6 — Miscellaniality (Talent - No-Talent Show) September 13 — Wednesday Family Night returns! U


ing E



First Baptist is prepared for severe weather A message from your Risk Management committee

It's "tornado season" in Kansas, and our Risk Management committee has a reminder. The only National Weather Service (NWS) alert that requires a move to the designated shelter is a Tornado Warning, which means that a tornado has been spotted in our area or that there is significant radar-indicated rotation. Our facility's designated shelter is the choir room, room number 119. There is signage in the hallways, and a map in all of the classrooms. All occupants of the building should proceed to this room whenever there is a tornado warning and/or the sirens are sounding. Elevator use is permitted during a tornado warning. In the event that there are more people in the church than can fit in the choir room, the hallway just outside this room can be used. If you are unable to go to the lower level, please move to a hallway away from windows and glass doors.

(Talent - No Talent Show)

Now is the time to brainstorm to perform in our silly show. Acts can be dramatic readings, skits, dancing, jokes, etc. This is a youth fundraiser to attend Quest Camp in 2018!

Update on Terra Heights Baptist Church (This information was emailed to the congregation on June 23) Earlier this year the Terra Heights Task Force discussed the possibility of closing its doors at the end of 2017. Those present at the meeting include: Diane Albert, Jim Cain, and Linda Childers from Terra Heights Baptist Church (THBC), and Pastor Cheryl Henson, Pastor Janet Crowl and Walter Schoemaker from First Baptist-Topeka. The 2-year agreement between First Baptist-Topeka and Terra Heights Baptist Church ends September 1, 2017. FBC Board of Ministries agreed to a month to month agreement of pastoral support after September 1, 2017, when the agreement is to end. Following that meeting, Pastor Cheryl approached Dr. John Williams, Executive Minister of the ABC Central Region office about THBC being used as a new church plant. A meeting was later held with Pastor Cheryl, Pastor Janet, Dr. Nate Marsh, Assistant Executive Minister of the ABC Central Region office, and Rev. Michael Thomas to discuss this possibility. (Rev. Michael Thomas was a pastoral candidate for North Topeka Baptist Church, and preached at Terra Heights for the pastor search committee to hear him. NTBC did not extend the call to Rev. Thomas.) Dr. Marsh explained to be a new church plant, THBC would need a congregational vote to have its assets dispersed, and a vote to set the date for celebration and closure. Following the closure date, the THBC property and contents would be given to ABC Central Region. And, then it would be a new church plant with Rev. Thomas as its new minister. Diane Albert, Jim Cain, and Linda Childers from the THBC Board realize it is a sad situation, but they are hopeful this offers the legacy of THBC to continue to be present in the Terra Heights neighborhood. They anticipate their celebration and closing of THBC to be held in September 2017. In the meantime until THBC closes and ABC Central Region takes ownership of the property and contents, Dr. Marsh explained that Rev. Thomas and his congregation will need a place to gather to worship to provide ABCCR examples of viability and promise. At its regularly monthly meeting on June 21, the FBC Board of Ministries approved Rev. Thomas and his congregation to have worship on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at First Baptist-Topeka in the Lattimore Chapel, across from the church office. They will give a donation of $25 per week while they worship in the Lattimore Chapel. ABCCR will support and follow this new church plant for three years. FBC Involvement: There will be no financial involvement of FBC in this transfer of property or in the new church plant. FBC will continue to provide pastoral support, fulfilling our agreement until September 1, 2017, or monthly, if needed. As a reminder, THBC is currently giving $1,000 a month to FBC for pastoral support and this will end when the agreement is terminated. Rev. Thomas has expressed a desire to be ordained as an American Baptist, and FBC-Topeka can be the sponsoring church.

30 31 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Youth to Quest Camp

9 Youth at Quest Camp 10 Youth at Quest Camp 11 Youth at Quest Camp 12 Youth at Quest Camp 13 Youth at Quest Camp 14 Youth at Quest Camp 15 Youth return to Topeka

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 YOUTH SUNDAY 24 25 26 27 28 29

Lattimore Chapel

10:30 am Nar-Anon

11 am Living in Victory,

10:45 am Worship

6:45 am Men's Breakfast

5:30 pm Prayer Group

9:30 am Staff Mtg.

JULY 2017Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Day Care & Office closed.

7 pm Briarwood Neighborhood 9:30 am Staff Mtg.

9:15 am Faith Forest Note: The new church plant, "Living in Victory", will begin

9:15 am Faith Forest 6:45 am Men's Breakfast

9:30 am Sunday SchoolNo Fellowship Luncheon

5:30 pm Prayer Group9:30 am Staff Mtg.

9:15 am Faith Forest 6 pm Badminton, gym 6:45 am Men's Breakfast

6 pm Badminton, gym

1-3 pm Pickleball, gym

10:45 am Worship

1-3 pm Pickleball, gym No Fellowship Luncheon

No Fellowship Luncheon9 am White Cross

No Committee Mtgs.

9:30 am Sunday School

@ Aeschlimans 2-4 pm Youth Pool Party

Lattimore Chapel

11 am Living in Victory,

7 pm Foundation

5:30 pm Prayer Group

9:15 am Faith Forest 6 pm Badminton, gym 6:45 am Men's Breakfast

Lattimore Chapel

6 pm Badminton, gym8 am ROMEOS

9:30 am Staff Mtg.

Mtg., F. H.

6 pm Badminton, gym

10:45 am Worship9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am Worship

RSVP: Nancy Fleeker-Daniels,640-2767

12Noon Terra Heights Baptist6 pm Badminton, gym

6 pm Badminton, gym9:15 am Faith Forest

10:45 am Worship

6 pm Badminton, gym9:30 am Sunday School

5 pm Dinner & a Movie, F. H.No Fellowship Luncheon

11 am Living in Victory,

9:30 am Sunday School1-3 pm Pickleball, gym

meeting on July 16 at 11 a.m. until Terra Heights Baptist Churchcloses and ABC Central Region takes over the ownership of THBC.Terra Heights Baptist Church.

10:30 am Nar-Anon8 am ROMEOS

1-3 pm Pickleball, gym

4 pm Sunflower Games, gym

Task Force Mtg. @ FBC

8 am Sunflower Games, gym8 am ROMEOS

8 am ROMEOS 10:30 am Nar-Anon

9 am-6 pm Priv Party, gym10:30 am Nar-Anon


Minutes June 4, 2017

Following the 10:45 a.m. worship service, Board Moderator Pam DeFries opened the special business meeting with a devotional, pointing out ways that God had prepared the church for this day, when the purpose of the meeting was to choose people to serve on a search committee for senior pastor. Examples of the ways God had prepared us included participation in the class, “Experiencing God,” and then meeting to discuss how we feel about God’s will. Two things were remembered: God called us to be a praying church, and God called us to be a church united. Pam spoke of the book donated by Betty Joe Morris’ estate, focusing on praying daily. She said that God has been telling the same story to all of us. Serving on a search committee is a calling, bringing together people with different skills for the benefit of the church. Pam described the process of choosing the search committee. Nominations would be taken from the floor, showing a wide diversity of young and old, long-time and short-time members, male and female, etc. Fifteen names would be nominated, then votes collected and tallied. The top seven nominees would be elected. Nominees from the floor were Bill Ogle, Jennifer Harader, Jane Kelly, Bob Victor, Gayle Smith, Beth Hanes, Pam Ensley, Mary Muilenburg, Letha Zahourek, Gary Shofner, Jillinda Ansell, Harold Wolgast, Floyd Bradley, Kevin Cook, and Haley Beutler. Each was given an opportunity to tell the congregation about his/her background. Ballots were distributed and votes taken and tallied. The search committee elected included: Jillinda Ansell Haley Beutler Kevin Cook Jennifer Harader Bill Ogle Gayle Smith Harold Wolgast In addition, the search committee will include Board Moderator Pam DeFries and Staff-Congregation Relations Administration representative DeannaWilliamson. At 1:05 p.m., with no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,

Norma Phillips, Church Clerk




Members Attending: Regan Aeschliman, Robyn Aeschliman, Stan Brown, Julie Cook, Janet Crowl, Wendy Davis, Pam DeFries, Jeff Ebert, Dave Harrison, Patty Hodge, Sandy Shofner, Deanna Williamson, and Harold Wolgast. Guests: Rev. Michael Thomas and his son Jalen. At 6:50 p.m., Harold Wolgast gave a devotional on communication. He told a story of a man who, during a power outage and a rain storm, found himself with nothing he could do. All electronics were down, the phone was dead, and he couldn’t play golf. So he talked with his wife for a couple of hours—it seemed like she was a nice person. Expanding the subject of communication, he quoted Rev. Lee B. Spitzer, newly elected General Secretary of ABC/USA, as identifying five challenges for communicators: (1) Commit to listening with an open mind. (2) Reject anger, hatefulness, etc. (3) Don’t forget that people we disagree with are still human. (4) Be patient before responding. (5) Don’t assume that one’s own opinion is the only Christian stance. New Business: New church plant: As this item involved the guests, it was discussed first. Earlier this year the Terra Heights Task Force discussed the possibility of closing its doors at the end of 2017. Those present at the meeting included Diane Albert, Jim Cain, and Linda Childers from Terra Heights Baptist Church (THBC), and Pastor Cheryl Henson, Pastor Janet Crowl and Walter Schoemaker from First Baptist-Topeka. The two-year agreement between First Baptist-Topeka and Terra Heights Baptist Church ends September 1, 2017. At the April meeting FBC Board of Ministries agreed to a month-to-month agreement of pastoral support after September 1, 2017, when the agreement is to end. Recently, Pastor Cheryl approached Dr. John Williams, Executive Minister of the ABC Central Region office, about THBC being used as a new church plant. A meeting was later held with Pastor Cheryl, Pastor Janet, Dr. Nate Marsh (Assistant Executive Minister of the ABC Central Region office), and Rev. Michael Thomas to discuss this possibility. (Rev. Michael Thomas was a pastoral candidate for North Topeka Baptist Church, and preached at Terra Heights for the pastor search committee to hear him. NTBC did not extend the call to Rev. Thomas.) Dr. Marsh explained to be a new church plant, THBC would need a congregational vote to have its assets dispersed, and a vote to set the date for celebration and closure. Following the closure date, the THBC property and contents would be given to ABC Central Region. Then it would be a new church plant with Rev. Thomas as its new minister. Diane Albert, Jim Cain, and Linda Childers from the THBC Board realize it is a sad situation, but they are hopeful this offers the legacy of THBC to continue to be present in the Terra Heights neighborhood. They anticipate their celebration and closing of THBC to be held in September 2017. In the meantime until THBC closes and ABC Central Region takes ownership of the property and contents, Dr. Marsh explained that Rev. Thomas and his congregation will need a place to gather to worship to provide ABCCR examples of viability and promise. Rev. Thomas gave a brief description of his background and interest in this ministry. He is the leader of a spiritual group in the Kansas City region and has a group in Topeka through social media. He is a graduate of Central Baptist Theological Seminary and was ordained through the National Baptists. He has served as a Military Chaplain. He said that preaching and teaching are his gifts. His group will be known as the Living in Victory Baptist Church. After further discussion, Harold Wolgast moved and Wendy Davis seconded to allow the Living in Victory Baptist Church to utilize Lattimore Chapel at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings for worship service until the end of September. Motion carried. Sharing FBC’s space at this time will allow Living in Victory’s congregants to visit with FBC’s congregation before church services. They will give a donation of $25 per week to First Baptist while they worship in the Lattimore Chapel. ABCCR will support and follow this new church plant for three years. There will be no financial involvement of FBC in this transfer of property or in the new church plant. FBC will continue to provide pastoral support, fulfilling our agreement until September 1, 2017, or monthly, if needed. Rev. Thomas has expressed a desire to be ordained as an American Baptist, and FBC-Topeka can be the sponsoring church. Motion carried. Action Items Approval of 05/17/17 meeting minutes: With no corrections or additions, the minutes of the 05/17/17 board meeting were approved. Approval of 06/04/17 special business meeting minutes: With no corrections or additions, the minutes of the 06/04/17 special business meeting were approved. Financial report: Deanna Williamson reported that the church ended the month of May in the red, with net income of -$4,901.75 for the month. Expenses were down, but giving was also down. With Day Care, the church is in the black for the year, with net income of $5,520.49. She stated that the church is still doing well for the year, but utilities will increase during the summer. The sidewalk work was finished and paid from a combination of the Lucile Edson memorial and the capital improvements budget.




The Finance Committee discussed making another payment on the church’s loan, but delayed it because of expected summer costs. Finance Committee moved to approve the May 2017 financial report. Motion carried. Pam DeFries stated that an examination of the church’s financial records will be made. Old Business Repair of air conditioner: In an email vote on June 8, the Administration Committee moved to request funds from the FBC Foundation for maintenance repairs on the air conditioning, at a total cost of $3,945. On June 9 the motion carried. Other New Business Love gifts: Finance Committee moved to approve a love gift of $50 for Marjorie O’Konski. Motion carried. Finance Committee moved to allow a love gift collection for Cheryl Henson for her sabbatical. Motion carried. New dates for the calendar: June 25 Youth Movie Time, 2:00-4:00 June 26 Bronze Chef Challenge for senior adults, 5:30 July 8 Youth leave for Quest July 8 Dinner and a Movie Night, 5:00 July 14-15 Sunflower Games in Gym August 2 Day Care Graduation August 5 Briarwood National Night Out and FBC Sock Hop, 5:00-7:00 September 1 Pastor Cheryl returns from Sabbatical September 3 Rally Sonday (class promotion, worship, games), 9:30 Area Reports Children and Youth Education: A written report stated that inflatables were ordered for Rally Sonday, scheduled for September 3. Volunteers will be needed to man the activities, including snow cones, hot dogs, sidewalk chalk, GaGa Ball pit, bubbles and washer toss out, and the inflatables. They also need volunteers to be part of King’s Kids for the school year. The youth had a study party on May 21 for finals and played GaGa Ball on June 4. Regan is looking at having the youth use their love of theater to develop and present skits for the fall. Worship: The committee reported the schedule for the summer’s blended service and Summerfest. Shannon Obdyke will assume responsibility for preparing the elements for communion, scheduled for July 2. Staff Reports Janet Crowl reported on combining worship services on Sunday mornings, stating that the changes seem to be well received. She has continued to provide pastoral care for FBC and Terra Heights and to make personal home visits to home-bound folks. In an additional report, Janet described upcoming senior adult activities, including a trip in August to Strawberry Hill in Kansas City to tour the old orphanage and a dinner night out in September. Other Business Organist Marjorie O’Konski has resigned, with her last day June 25. A Search Committee has been appointed, including Rick Kready, Mary Muilenburg, Harold Wolgast, and Kevin Harry. Assistant Moderator Walter Schoemaker has resigned his board position, effective immediately. Pam DeFries will appoint a Nominating Committee to nominate a person to replace Walter on the Board, as the Assistant Moderator is in charge of the annual Nominating Committee for the following year’s Board of Ministries. Dave Harrison moved and Stan Brown seconded to accept both resignations. Motion carried. At 7:45 p.m., with no further business, Pam DeFries closed the meeting with prayer. There will be no meeting in July.

Respectfully submitted, Norma Phillips, Church Clerk

Let’s Go to the Northeast Area


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Leavenworth First Baptist Church

3:00 PM WORSHIP “Doing Justly While Walking Humbly With Your God”

Micah 6:8

4:15 PM WORKSHOPS (Choose one) *Developing a Youth Ministry that Plugs Into the Local Church

(Julie Robinson)

*Worshipful Work: Making Business Meetings Meaningful (Ivan Greuter)

*Lay Leadership Responsibilities when the Pastor is Bi-Vocational (Mike Justice)

5:15 PM FAMILY TIME MEAL (donation) During the meal we will hear what is happening with ABW Ministries, Campus Ministry, 4-10 Initiative

