Parish Visitor, Easter 2015



Canon Coller's Column, May Fair, Davis Day, Mission Formation Fund, Zabrecky Baptism, Vestry Minutes, Bishops' 5K, 78th General Convention, Four Years of the Hungry Soul Breakfast

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Two Emerson Street @ Gregory Boulevard, East Norwalk, Connecticut 06855 203.866.7442 The Reverend Canon Patricia M. Coller ~

Not long ago Deacon Rod Amon wrote about his experience one year of being in Sam’s Club shortly before Easter. He wandered down the book aisle and found some Easter Books for children. In reading through them, he learned a number of things about the symbols of Easter. For example, Jelly Beans, Peeps, chocolate rabbits and other candies are symbols of the sweetness that comes along with the resurrection of Jesus. Eggs represent new life. Christians adopted the egg as an Easter symbol because of the relationship between Easter and new life. Many Christians wear new clothes and shoes to honor Easter. This may have

originated from the old practice of having the newly baptized, who were often baptized at Easter, wear white clothes for the occasion. New clothing can represent the new beginning offered through the death and resurrection of the Lord. The lily is a symbol of purity because of its whiteness and delicacy of form, and represents innocence and the radiance of the Lord’s risen life.

Easter has always had a “sweet” appeal. Regardless of people’s beliefs and reasons for celebrating Easter, it has always been a time when we celebrate rebirth, and the renewal of

Please join the Christ Church Family on April 12 to bid a fond farewell to Bill and Chris Davis and their family.

Easter / April 2015


the earth, and of our spirits. But as we live into the celebration of Easter Day and the Easter season that follows, let us not lose sight of the fact that what we are really celebrating is God’s son, who came to earth to save us all, and to bind us to himself forever. It is because of his death and resurrection that we are able to live, knowing that whatever befalls us in our lives, good will always triumph over evil, and new life will always follow times that feel like death.

So let us all be sure that our Easter celebrations include coming to the Lord’s table this season, to celebrate the great gift from God that Easter is to all of us. Thanks be to God! Canon Pat

MISSION FORMATION FUND At their March meeting, the Vestry voted (with one obvious abstention) to establish a Mission Formation Fund. A similar fund, formerly in place at CCEN, was the Ministerial Fund; a source of help for those among us desiring to complete a theological course or attend some church related conference or seminar. Since the next phase of Don’s discernment will require additional theological studies, either at Yale Divinity School or through other theological institutions; and since some parishioners have

graciously offered assistance, it was decided (in the interest of transparency) that this would be an appropriate means to facilitate any support which folks may wish to lend. This process also allows for any gifts to be reflected on annual stewardship statements. Regular support for Don’s formation does not/will not come from the CCEN General Fund (aside from that which is required by Diocesan Canon). In the future, the Mission Formation Fund would continue to aide others who may wish to explore theological education and formation. This is not at all intended to be a requirement or a request for/to help, rather it is offered as an explanation of the process for those who wish to do so. Questions or gifts may be directed to either Canon Pat, Danielle, or Don.

DAVIS DAY Mark your calendar for a brunch on April 12, to bid farewell and honor Bill and Chris Davis who will be moving north shortly. All are welcome!

BAPTISM OF ETHAN ZABRECKY Also on April 12, we will welcome Ethan Zabrecky to the Household of God at baptism. While more often than not Ethan’s family attends 8:00 a.m. services, his baptism will take place during 10:00 a.m. worship. Ethan’s parents are Jessica and Nick; and his sister is Amilia.


The May Fair Planning Committee met recently, at the home of Bunny and Ed Zamm. A lovely meal was shared before the business portion. GOOD household items are needed for the Tag Sale portion of the May Fair. Contact Sarah French. Alan Singewald has of-fered to pick-up items which may be left at your curb. MARCH VESTRY NOTES The Vestry of CCEN met on March 9, 2015. Here is a summary of the meeting: Property Committee: The contracts have been approved and signed, and the first deposit has been paid towards the installation of the lift. Work should begin in the very near future. Discussions are being had with the city to deter-mine who is responsible for the repairs to the sidewalks around the property. Outreach Committee: The Vestry agreed to partner with the Common Mission Network, formerly known as the Deanery, in their discern-ment of possible uses of a house on the proper-ty of the former Grace Church. Education Committee: The Vestry agreed to set up a Mission Formation Fund so that donations that have been offered to support Don in his ordination process, which would be distributed

by the church. This fund will also be available to other parishioners seeking assistance with reli-gious education. The Church School will be hosting a Bake Sale on Palm Sunday. The Vestry is looking into the possibility of hosting an Outreach Leadership Camp this summer instead of VBS. This would give CCEN and other Norwalk youth an opportunity to explore and participate in efforts to serve the common good in the community. Finance Committee: It was discovered that there is a small, favorable error in the Financial Report presented at the Annual Meeting. The correct information follows:

2015 Budget (of the Annual Meeting Report) Total Income: $150,266.26 Total Expenses: $141,734.48 Total Income vs. Expenses: $8,531.78

2015 Revised Budget

Total Income: $150,266.26 Total Expenses: $136,001.88 Total Income vs. Expenses: $14,264.38 May Fair preparations are underway. If you can help, please see Bunny Zamm.

~ Marsha Dunn, Clerk of the Vestry HUNGRY SOUL BREAKFAST Many thanks to all who have made the last four years of cooking and serving the Hungry Soul Breakfast as transformative for those who serve, as it was for those served. March 20 marked the beginning of our FIFTH YEAR sharing the love of Christ in this way. The people of the Open Door Shelter thank you and I thank you! Here’s to another five years! ~ Don Burr


ANNUAL BISHOPS’ 5K ON MAY 9 The Bishops’ 5K for Kids is set for Saturday, May 9. While it may hard to think about spring when there is so much winter around us, it’ll be here before you know it. And if you’re a runner or walker, that means getting ready for a road race or two. Whether you’re an experienced runner or aiming to compete in your first race, you should not miss is the Bishops’ 5K. Proceeds from the race go to the Bishops’ Fund for Children, which provides grants to organizations which benefit at-risk children throughout Connecticut. More information about the race is available on the ECCT website:

Questions? Email fund administrator Leslie Jones at or 475-355-5390.

Folks are also needed to join the team of about 75

volunteers who show up on race day to help runners and

walkers stay on the race course, staff water stations, help

at the finish line, hand out refreshments and help

organize activities for kids. No experience necessary.


As the elected 1st Alternate Deputy for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, Don Burr will attend the 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 25 – July 3, 2015. Canon Pat is planning to attend Convention for part of the time as well.

The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church that meets every three years. The Convention is a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. The work at Convention is carried out by deputies and bishops representing each diocese. During its triennial meeting deputies and bishops consider a wide range of important matters facing the Church.

Among items for consideration are the findings of the the Task Force for Re-Imagining The Episcopal Church (TREC), marriage equality, the election of the 27th Presiding Bishop.

The Presiding Bishop is chief pastor to the

Episcopal Church’s 2.1 million members in 17

countries and 109 dioceses, ecumenical officer,

and primate, joining leaders of the other 38

Anglican Provinces in consultation for global

good and reconciliation. The Most Rev. Dr.

Katharine Jefferts Schori, previously Bishop of

Nevada, is the 26th Presiding Bishop of the

Episcopal Church. (Elected in 2006, and

invested at Washington National Cathedral

on November 4, 2006.)

In preparation for this summer, Don will also attend the Province One Pre-Convention Synod and Orientation in Marlborough, MA this month. As resolutions and reports become available, if you have questions regarding the happenings, please speak with Don. For more information:
