Palmerston School prospectus



A Prospectus of Palmerston School

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School Prospectus


Palmerston SchoolBeaconsfield Road

WooltonLiverpoolL25 6EE

Office telephone: 0151 428 2128Fax: 0151 421 0985

Nurse telephone: 0151 428 1997


1. To provide information and education that enables people within the school community to adopt practices associated with healthy lifestyles.

This involves:- healthy diet, information and choices- promoting active participation in sports and exercise, suited to everyone’s needs

and abilities- promoting emotional and mental well being- providing information about drugs, alcohol and smoking- providing high quality sex relationship education

2. To provide a safe environment in which to learn and to ensure people in the school community are aware of how to keep themselves safe in the wider world

This involves:

- having robust safeguarding procedures- having clear policies and procedures for reporting health and safety concerns- communicating clear anti-bullying behaviour support policies and practices- having a clear equal opportunities policy and practices that challenge prejudice and

discrimination- enabling pupils to express themselves and providing suitable advocate to support

this- having risk assessments in place for activities and school visits- providing a secure environment- enabling pupils to be aware of potential dangers in school, at home and in the

community whilst being as independent as possible- providing a caring supportive environment in which members feel secure and able

to raise any concerns

3. To ensure all members of the school community have the opportunity to enjoy their experience of education and to achieve to their highest potential

This involves:

- providing individualised learning programmes that meet people’s need’s- supporting attendance- accessing specialised services and other agencies where appropriate- working closely with parents and carers- providing a variety of accreditation routes and means of recognising achievement - celebrating achievement- promoting creativity in teaching and learning - recognising the importance of holistics approach to learning including consideration

of personal and social growth and development- raising self esteem and promoting positive self image- ensuring that teaching and learning is of the highest quality and is appropriate to the

pupils needs

- providing training and development for staff to ensure they are aware of examples of good practice and how to apply these to the school setting

- providing access to mainstream opportunities where appropriate

4. To ensure that members of the school community have an active role and make a positive contribution to the life of the school, and to the wider community in which they live

This involves:

- being given the means to communicate- being given the opportunity to communicate wants, needs, desires, hopes and ideas- enabling pupils to make choices and express views- encouraging all members to of the school community to be involved in decision

making through a variety of means- valuing everyone’s contribution and respecting differences in opinion- promoting a culture of showing care and concern for others and of ethical enterprise- promoting positive behaviour in school and in the wider community- enabling pupils to be as independent as possible and developing self confidence- providing links to the wider community issues and activities- providing an advocate where appropriate to support participation in meetings,

activities and decision making processes- promoting a person cantered approach to planning and decision making

5. To enable members of the school community to grow and develop as adults, ready to live in an appropriate adult setting

This involves:

- enabling pupils to become as financially literate as possible- providing excellent support through transition to adult education and services- working closely with other agencies such as Connexions, college, adult providers,

social services and health- working with parents to support them through transition - promoting independence and decision making skills- providing experience of work, leisure and recreation activities- providing vocational education/work-related learning- promoting an ethical enterprising culture- providing an education that enables pupils to apply basic skills and knowledge to

adult life e.g. through adult literacy and numeracy activities - working with other agencies to provide information on rights, benefits and available

support- providing opportunities for staff to develop professionally- enabling young people to recognise how to be safe in an adult world- promoting advocacy and person centred approaches


Palmerston School acknowledges that all pupils regardless of sex, race, religion and special educational need have the right to abroad and balanced curriculum delivered at a pace and level appropriate to individual needs.

We acknowledge, respect and celebrate the beliefs, practices and customs of all religions and cultures, though we are fundamentally a Christian school. All pupils are welcome at the school.

We have pupils on the autistic spectrum, some with challenging behaviours, some who are ambulant and non-ambulant and some with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Pupils may also have a range of medical needs, language difficulties, sensory problems, and physical problems associated with or integral to their learning difficulty and/or syndrome. All the pupils in the school may fall into one or more of the above categories. Due to the uniqueness of each pupil, their educational programs are designed by a teacher or teachers to meet individual needs. The teachers are part of a multi-disciplinary team, which includes other professionals and parents.

Currently there are 11 mixed ability/needs groups, 4 at KS3, 2 at KS4 and 5 at KS5 (16-19). Each group consists of between 6 and 10 pupils with a teacher and at least 2 support staff in each group. Additional learning support may be allocated depending on the needs of the individuals in a group or the activity being undertaken.

Peripatetic support services include medical, physio, speech therapy, educational psychology, sensory teachers, social services, Banardos and the careers service (Connexions).

Admission ArrangementsPalmerston School has provision for secondary aged pupils (11 to 19) and our intake at Y7 is usually from the two primary schools in the City that cater for pupils with severe learning difficulties. However, it is possible for pupils to be admitted at any time and at any age, subject to places being available.

Pupils usually have a Statement of Special Educational Needs before request for a place at Palmerston is made. All requests must be processed by the Admissions Department of the local authority. The school is also willing to arrange visits and discuss placements but it is the LEA that has the final decision on placements.

Once a child has been offered a place there will usually be the opportunity for the child to transfer after a period of transition involving the school the child currently attends. This enables the process to be as smooth as possible.

Enquiries regarding visits and informal discussions should be made to the school. Formal requests for placements should be made to the schools admissions officer at the LEA.

Deborah Portman/ Pauline Bradley

Children’s ServicesBrougham Terrace1-7 West Derby RoadLiverpoolL6 1AE


Our pupils come from across Liverpool. All pupils have severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties and many have additional needs related to sensory impairment, communication, autism, physical/medical needs or behavioural/emotional issues.The pupils are put into classes according to their Key Stage. In general this means they are with other young people of a similar age. There may be a wide range of ability in each class. Extra staffing may be allocated to assist some pupils and twice a week the pupils in each key stage are grouped into ‘sets’ according to ability for English and Maths.There are no ‘special’ classes for pupils with autism or profound difficulties. We feel pupils learn from each other and our classes are as inclusive as possible. We do however ensure that pupils with additional needs receive the support they require.Autism - All our staff have training in understanding how autism affects learning. Many ‘ASD friendly’ strategies are used in every classroom e.g. visual timetables, symbol supported communication and specific techniques are used for individuals e.g. element of TEACCH, PECS social stories.Profound multiple difficulties – Staff have had training in multi-sensory approaches to the curriculum and in manual handling. We have switch accessible equipment available in areas such as food technology. Complex needs – Some pupils have such complex needs that they require a very individualised curriculum. For a few students we can negotiate a very personalised approach.

At all times the school philosophy is to make the provision meet the needs of the children as far as is practicable.

THE 16+ UNITThe 16+ Unit is a discrete department within Palmerston, which offers a three year course for pupils aged 16 to 19 years. A more adult and mature approach is expected and pupils no longer follow the National Curriculum. Instead pupils follow a specially developed curriculum, which is designed to prepare then for post school provision. The work here is based on Equals Moving On and ASDAN Towards Independence/Bronze/Silver modules. Some students may continue Entry level work

THE CURRICULUMPupils at Palmerston follow the National Curriculum appropriately differentiated and adapted to their needs. The school also believes that communication and education for independent living are priorities for our pupils and time and resources are given to these areas.The school is keen to promote healthy lifestyles and pupils have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities such as: sports centre, swimming, hydro/spa, dance, games, athletics, horse riding, cycling, (specialist bikes). There is also a healthy tuck-shop to encourage healthy eating. The school renewed its Healthy Schools Award in 2004.We also hold the Basic Skills Award and the Go4it award. We are a National Support School.

Pupils are encouraged to achieve to their highest ability. A variety of awards/certificates are used at Key Stage 3. At Key Stage 4 pupils undertake the ASDAN Transition

Challenge, AQA Units of Accreditation and some may be put in for Entry Level awards in some subjects.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONReligious Education is included in the curriculum throughout the school. It is taught in a sensitive way, which reflects the abilities of the pupils. Although the emphasis is on Christian beliefs, we regularly have lessons on other faiths and arrange visits to other places of worship. Parents can at any time discuss any concerns they might have regarding the teaching of religious education to their child and the school would be willing to make alternative arrangements for these children. Parents may withdraw their child from these lessons if they wish.

We celebrate individual pupil’s achievements and the Friday Assembly is our Well Done Assembly where we reflect on the week’s highlights and pupil’s can earn certificates.

Other acts of worship are based in classes or key stages to suit the needs and understanding of the pupils.

SEX AND RELATIONSHIP EDUCATIONPalmerston has a detailed Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum (PHSE). PHSE is included as a regular timetabled subject. In addition we have developed modules for sex and relationship education. These cover areas such as personal relationships, our feelings towards each other and other emotions that we experience. Information on sex education is given on a curriculum map. Many aspects of sex education are part of the Science curriculum and are compulsory. Issues to do with relationships are generally covered in PHSE and parents may request that their child dose not participate. A full copy of the policy and curriculum map is available on request. Parents who are thinking of withdrawing their child from the PHSE element are asked to contact the Headteacher to discuss their concerns. In addition to these taught lessons Palmerston aims to work closely with parents to give individual help and advice to any pupil who needs it.COMMUNICATIONS WITH SCHOOL/PARENTAL INVOLVEMENTHome/School diaries are used as the main form of communication and can be used to write about achievement and progress as well as day to day reminders, symbols are used to encourage the students to use their own diaries to report on the day and to remember what to bring for the next day. It may not be filled in, in detail every day, (we aim for at least 3 times a week) but please use it if you want to pass on any messages to school. In addition to this you can telephone the Head Teacher at any time or leave messages with the school

office for more urgent matters. The school operates an open door policy and you don’t have to wait for the Annual Review to come in and see staff. It is however, always best to telephone and make an appointment so the appropriate person can be available. We are also keen for parents to be involved in school and there are events organised for parents throughout the year.

Individual pupil’s needs may be discussed at our Team Around the school meeting which brings a range of professionals together (e.g. Speech and Language, Social Care, Connexions, Behavioural Support). Please let us know if you do not wish this to happen or if you have concerns.

ANNUAL REVIEW AND REPORTSThe school arranges an Annual Review and Report in line with the requirements of the 1993 Education Act. The Report and Review of the Statement are held once a year. Parents will receive a written report before the meeting in the school and will also have the opportunity to put their views in writing; there will also be the chance to meet with the class teacher prior to the review. It should be stressed that these meetings are informal but invitations are sent to all that are involved with your child to attend or submit a report, If there is anyone that you would particularly like at the review please let school know e.g. social worker. A number of targets will be agreed at the meeting and these will form the focus for the teaching for the following year. Parents are encouraged to contribute to this process and ideas are given for ‘homework’.

HOMEWORKAll pupils have ideas for homework recorded on their IEP’s and parents are encouraged to work from these. Some pupils may also be given more formal homework. For other pupils we regard physio exercise and opportunities to generalise learning as homework.

RECORDS OF ACHIEVEMENTIn addition to the detailed reports kept by teachers, Palmerston has a comprehensive system of recording pupil’s achievement. One of the requirements of the scheme is that pupils are encouraged to participate to the best of their ability in the compilation of these records. Where it is not possible to keep samples of a pupils work than a photographic record is kept.

HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENTA copy of this agreement can be found at the back of this brochure.

BEHAVIOURThe school does not have any written rules as such but has high expectations with regards to pupil’s behaviour around the school. Pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of respect towards other people and their property. Our aim is that ultimately each pupil will behave in a confident and a courteous manner to others and in a way that maximises their opportunities to access community resources.

It is accepted that pupils with learning difficulties can sometimes develop inappropriate or challenging behaviours and we work closely with parents to produce an individual behaviour support plan outlining the strategy adopted in school to manage these behaviours. These plans are reviewed regularly and updated when required and are fully discussed with parents. Staff are trained in CPI Non Violent Crisis Intervention.

TRANSPORTPupils attending Palmerston School may be entitled to free transport to and from school. If you live near to school you may bring your child into school and pick them up at the end of the day. Transport is arranged by the Local Authority and contracts are issued by the Authority on a regular basis.

Contractors are obliged to conform to the law regarding the transporting of children to and from school. This includes the use of seatbelts. The police carry out spot checks to ensure that all contractors conform with the law.

Most vehicles have an Escort who is responsible for making sure that all the pupils are secure in their seats and safe during the journey. We would ask all parents to ensure that the transport keeps to its schedule. If your child is going to be absent or is returning to school after an illness then you can communicate this information directly to your Escort. Dinner money, letters and school diaries should be secure and labelled with your child’s name. Please do not pass verbal messages via Escorts. The LEA transport can be contacted on 0151 225 5167/5154.

SCHOOL UNIFORMSchool uniform is optional. Many of our pupils enjoy wearing their school clothes and we do encourage them to do so. The uniform is white shirt or polo shirt, navy sweatshirt, grey/black trousers or skirt.

For P.E pupils need a red T-shirt and back shorts. For swimming pupils will need a costume and a towel. For drama pupils may need to wear appropriate clothing to enable physical activity to be undertaken.

MEDICATIONPalmerston has its own school nurse who administers medication.

Pupils with any medical needs have a Care Plan discussed and agreed with parents and the School Nurse. The plan is made available to all staff that need to know to ensure that pupil’s needs are met at all times.

All parents whose children are on medication are requested to complete a medical information form when their child starts school. This is updated following a medical if there is a change in the medication. However the following guidelines apply to the administration of all medicines.

1) We are only allowed to administer medicine prescribed by a doctor.2) Prescribed medicines must be accompanied by written and signed instructions as to

their precise use. For children on rectal diazepam or similar an agreed plan needs to be filled in by school, parents and the paediatrician.

3) Except for rectal diazepam only one week’s supply of medicines should be sent in.4) Each medicine should be sent in a separate original container.5) Each container should clearly be labelled with;

o Name of childo Name of medicineo Amount of dosageo Time(s) to be giveno Instructions e.g. with watero Date of dispensingo Storage requirementso Shelf life or Expiry date

School staff are trained in giving medication and will administer medication if for example the class are going out. Parents are asked to give permission for this.

INCLUSION AND ACCESSPalmerston works very closely with local high schools and some pupils are included in experiences at our partner schools with support from Palmerston staff. Palmerston also provides an outreach service for pupils with severe learning difficulties who attend mainstream schools.

As a school we aim to be as inclusive and accessible as possible and our school Improvement Plan details how we do this.

We do have specialist facilities to meet the access needs of our pupils including:- communication aids- symbol software- switch access devices- specialist ICT software and hardware- hydro/spa pool- soft play area- accessible food technology room- sensory rooms

There is a full policy for Special Educational Needs available on request.

SAFEGUARDINGPalmerston takes it’s responsibility to Safeguard its pupils seriously. All staff have relevant checks and visitors are made aware of our commitment via a screening document. The full Safeguarding policy is available from the school on request.

If the school has any concerns about the safety or welfare of a pupil these will be discussed with the parent and/or social care. In some instances this will require a referral to be made to Caroline.

If you have any questions or concerns please contactLis Burbage (Headteacher and Child Protection Co-ordinator) or Sue Bowden (Deputy Child Protection Co-ordinator) at the school.


AUTUMN TERM 2012School Opens Wednesday 5th September 2012

Last day in school(Half Term)

Friday 19th October 2012

School opens Monday 29th October 2012School closed (staff training) Friday 16th November 2012

Last day in school(Christmas Break)

Thursday 20th Dec 2012

SPRING TERM 2013School Opens Monday 7th January 2013

Last day in school(Half Term)

Friday 15th February 2013

School Opens Monday 25th February 2013

Last day in school(spring break)

Thursday 28th March 2013

SUMMER TERM 2013 School Opens Monday 15th April 2013

School Closed (May Day) Monday 6th May 2013

Last day in school (half term)

Friday 24th May 2013

School Opens Tuesday 4th June 2013Last day in school

(Summer hols)Tuesday 23rd July 2013




Lis Burbage Head TeacherAlison Wheeler Deputy Head, Upper School/CareersJulie Suffield Assistant Head TeacherAlbert Miller MFL & Drama Co-ordinatorFlora Small English/Communication Co-ordinatorMike Halligan PE Co-ordinatorMartin McKenna Maths Co-ordinatorKathryn Harvey Humanities Co-ordinatorMark Roberts RE Co-ordinatorSophie Caines PHSE & Citizenship Co-ordinatorStef Weston “ “Mary Honess Science Co-ordinatorJenny Price Assistant Head Teacher Design and

Technology/Art Co-ordinatorJulie Keel ICT Co-ordinatorSusana Hankin Education for Adult Life Co-ordinatorColin Reid


Lou Swift (Learning Support & Resource Co-ordinator)

Amanda Booth (LSO Outreach)Joanne Burke (LSO – Health)Lynsay Caslin (LSO Outreach)Gemma Crawford (Independent Living) LSOArlene Cresswell (LSO Multisensory)Denise Crossland (LSO Library) Linda Cullen (LSO Enterprise)Sharon Fagan (LSO – LAC)Lee Kay (LSO Pupil Voice)Sam Laird (LSO Sport)Angela McMullan (LSO PMLD)Jane Thomas-Ord (LSO Advocacy)Ashlee Peters (LSO CommunicationDawn Woodward (LSO – Sensory – Opti Music)Janine Rybiczonek (LSO Behaviour)Laura Swift (LSO ASD Communication)

Amy Bowen (LSA)Nicola Boner (LSA)Sarah Brunskill (LSA)Dylan Clarke (LSA) Pilar Crocket (LSA)Marc Duffy (LSA)Josie Fagan LSATracey Irvine (LSA)Maria Jackson (LSA)Paula Parsons (LSA)Cara Rimmer (LSA)Jonny Lewis (LSA) Keith Wieland (LSA)Louise King (LSA)


Susan Bowden School Business Manager

Lisa Taylor Administration Officer

Helen Lanceley Receptionist/Admin Asst.

Suzanne Bennett Receptionist/Admin Asst.


Mike Davies Caretaker


Suzanne Day CookBrenda Creegan Assistant CookWinifred Gibbons Kitchen Assistant


Debbie Brennan School NurseK. Adams PhysiotherapistDr Poni School DoctorDave Simms Orthotist


Carol Chapman LEA Representative – ChairSteve Capel LEA Representative – Vice ChairLis Burbage Head TeacherPaul Battarbee Community GovernorBrenda Beaton Parent GovernorSophie Caines Teacher RepresentativeJanet Gallagher Parent GovernorBill Readdie Staff GovernorBrian Rigby Parent GovernorSimon Ward Community Governor

Home School Agreement

Parents will try to:

o See that my child goes to school regularly, and provide a note or phone call of explanation if my child is absent (including family holidays)

o Notify school in advance of hospital or other appointmentso Make school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my childo Support the schools policies, procedures and guidelines for behaviouro Attend my child’s Annual Review meetingo Be able to discuss with the school staff a mutually convenient time any problems and


Parents Signature ___________________________________________

School will try to:

o Care for your child’s safety and happinesso Ensure that child achieves his/her full potential as a member of the school

communityo Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual and special needs of your

childo Provide an environment which encourages positive attitude and high standardso Celebrate success at every opportunity o Communicate with discretion, honesty and respecto Provide information on your child’s daily activities using the home/school book

where appropriateo Inform parents as soon as possible of any problems that occur with you child in

schoolo Send home an Annual Review report and hold an Annual Review meeting in


School Signature __________________________________________