OUR LADY OF LOURDES - ST. ADALBERT PARISH GOOD NEWS › wp-content › uploads › 2021 › 01 ›...


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  • St. Adalbert2617 S 31st St

    Our Lady of Lourdes2110 S 32nd Ave

    The pictures here show our load of Baby items from our Advent Baby Shower items that were donated to Mater Filius (Mother and Child) House for young mothers who are expecting a baby. Our wonderful donations will help them in their ministry as they assist these moms as they bring “new life” into our world.

    Our 6th graders helped to load the van for delivery.

    Another load was taken to Bethlehem House to assist them in their ministry. Our parish family has been so

    generous over the past ten years in our annual Advent Baby Shower for Christ’s little ones. God bless everyone’s generosity. Thanks to Angela Eidem for the great photos!

    A D V E N T B A B Y S H O W E R- b y F r . J o h n P i e t r a m a l e

    OU R L A DY O F L OU R D E S -S T. A DA L B E R T

    PA RISH GOOD NE WSJa nu a r y 2 021

    Email story ideas to cmd.dangelo@gmail.com

    These photos are from the Serra Club of Omaha Christmas Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church with Archbishop George Lucas on Monday, December 14th. Our Christmas Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes was indeed beautiful. We had an estimated attendance of 50 to share in a most inspiring Mass. I want to thank the Most Reverend George Lucas, Archbishop of Omaha, Fr. John Pietramale and Fr. Michael Eckley for co-celebrating the Mass. I also want to thank Fr. Eckley and Fr. Pietramale for making it possible for us to have the Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes. Thank you to the Deacons who participated in the Mass. Art Hastings and Paula Bonkiewicz provided beautiful music that added so much to the Mass, especially the Ave Maria. Thank you to Dee Kush for being the Lector.I ask that we remember our Serrans and their families who are experiencing health and other issues at this time.

    S E R R A C L U B O F O M A H A C H R I S T M A S M A S S- b y S a l l y O ’ N e i l l , S e r r a C l u b o f O m a h a P r e s i d e n t

  • S C E N E S F R O M C H R I S T M A S 2 0 2 0

    A huge thank you to all of our parishioners who helped decorate our beautiful church for Christmas. Year after year, we could not do it without you. Thank you as well to Larry Lavelle for wonderful photos above. You truly captured the peace, serenity and beauty of our special church! It is always shining brightly thanks to the love and care that the Our Lady of Lourdes-St. Adalbert community pours into her day after day.

    "Holy Family", "Our Church at Night", and "OLL Nativity" by Larry Lavelle. Photo edits by Christine Dougherty.

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    P A R I S H G O O D N E W SJ a n u a r y 2 0 2 1

    If you notice a bright glow coming from the Our Lady of Lourdes gym, don’t worry...it ’s just the f loor after a long-overdue stripping, cleaning and waxing. The tile f loor is the original surface installed when the gym/parish center was built in 1991 and has served us well over 30 years for basketball, volleyball, PE classes, fish fries, festivals and more. Over time the surface has required more maintenance to keep it safe for all of our parishioners, students and visitors.Thank you to the OLL Booster Club for purchasing the supplies. Thank you also to the Eckley and Post Families, and Steve Janda who stripped off the old wax, scrubbed the f loor, then returned to apply several coats of wax. It looks like a brand new gym and we look forward to using it for many more years!

    O U R N E W G Y M F L O O R- b y B e r n i e P o s t

    M A R C H F O R L I F E & E M B R A C I N G L I F E

    Dan Connelly, pictured to the left, is an Our Lady of Lourdes-Saint Adalbert Parishioner, Coach, and Theology teacher at Gross Catholic High School. Dan accompanied Gross High students to the Nebraska March for Life in Lincoln, Nebraska on January 16, 2021. They marched with over 1,000 people from all across the State of Nebraska and walked in solidarity for the respect of all humans. Governor Rickets, Congressman Bacon and many other Nebraska Senators addressed the crowd and encouraged them to continue their efforts of bringing this issue to the attention of our Government leaders. Thank you Dan for your guidance and leadership at this event!

    At the Nebraskans Embracing Life 47th Annual Celebration of Life Dinner on January 15, 2021, Mike Steil, an Our Lady of Lourdes- St. Adalbert Parishioner received the 2021 "Pam Gradoville Award" as an outstanding volunteer to Nebraskans Embracing Life. Mike has volunteered numerous hours at NEL as he designs the quarterly newsletter in the Catholic Voice and also designs the Mother’s Day ads for the Omaha World Herald. We are proud and grateful for Mike's contribution and dedication to the pro-life efforts. Other representatives from our parish at the dinner were: Fr. John L. Pietramale, John & Karen Miller, Cindy Long and Carol Hilt. Pictured to the right is Fr. John L. Pietramale and Mike Steil as Mike receives the Pam Gradoville Award.

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    BaptismsCongratulations To The Families Whose Children Were Baptized Last Month.

    WelcomeWe Warmly WelcomeOur New Parishioners.

    Eternal Rest“Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them Oh Lord, & Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.”

    Honor RollCongratulations to Our High-School Honor Roll Students!

    T h o m a s J . B o h m e rD e c e m b e r 5 t h , 2 0 2 0A l i c e M . A d a m sD e c e m b e r 1 7 t h , 2 0 2 0

    E T E R N A L R E S T

    D o n n a L . S c a n l a nD e c e m b e r 1 s t , 2 0 2 0

    C a r o l C a m p b e l l , S a r a h G a r r o , J e f f & C h r i s t i n e G i a n d i n o t o , a n d C i n d y L o n g

    W E L C O M E

    M o u n t M i c h a e l B e n e d i c t i n e S c h o o lJ a c k s o n H e l l e rG r o s s C a t h o l i c H i g h S c h o o lM a u r i c i o O r o z c o , G i o G o m e z , N a t e P e c h a r , E m m a P e t e r s

    H O N O R R O L L

    B A P T I S M S

    H e n r y J a m e s S m i t hS o n o f M a rc & E l i za b et h

    D o n a t i o n s t o t h e 2 02 0 A lu m n i C h r i s t m a s Ap p e a l

    Our Lady of Lourdes AlumniJames D. Quinn ‘51Gary P. Riedmann ‘60Michael L. Youngs ‘82Melodia M. (Wichert) Phelps ‘65Michelle M. (Driscoll) Comer ‘67Larry J. Vondra ‘61Maureen A. (Stevens) Folda ‘57Randy L. Mastin ‘76Margo (O’Connor) Bieker ‘67Claudia (Driscoll) O’Malley ‘69Ron Baker ‘56Judith (Koperski) Organ ‘69Jeanette (Christensen) Bacon ‘66Bernadette Graves ‘72James Opitz ‘63Marybeth (Riley) Carey ‘62Warrine Coffey ‘57Steve Brekel ‘84Michael A. Coffey ‘67Sarah (Flynn) Lehotay ‘88

    Marilyn (Goc) Reece ‘68Bart (Jim) McElligott ‘48Joanne L. (Manhart) Lonsway ‘52Matthew Mendenhall ‘85Fr. William Fitzgerald ‘46Rene (Wilfong) Garvey ‘45Mary (Graves) Boyles ‘80Bill Connors ‘61Herb Reuss ‘66David Jones ‘73St. Adalbert AlumniNancy J. (Jacobsen) Nystrom ‘60Joe & Chris Zadina ‘67Kevin & Sally Sapikoski ‘71 & ‘72David V. Folda ‘52Phyllis A. (Beda) Dunne ‘63Don & Margie Eckley ‘67Constance (Mendenhall) Hinman ‘69Jeanne (Zach) Larsen ‘73Noelle (McNamara) Johnson ‘52Tom Koley ‘75

    Richard Vaughn ‘46Jean Schneiderwind ‘53James Honz ‘73Terri (Setlak) Honz ‘74Dennis Quint ‘72Joyce (Rosenberg) Stranglen ‘57Gerald Opitz ‘69Dr. James Smith ‘63Thomas Culhane ‘61George Heaston ‘66Patricia (Moore) Heaston ‘73Mark Gallagher ‘68Diane (Roth) Hanke ‘69Margaret (Gorham) Carney ‘68Marcie (Mendenhall) Roddy ‘88Chris Conley ‘80John Meidlinger ‘68Maribeth Hercinger ‘68Colleen McDermott ‘82Jean M. (Sloup) Quinn ‘56Jenny (Hauschild) Cunningham ‘87

    Our parishioners were extremely generous in 2020 with Special Collections, and Fr. Pietramale would like to offer a sincere “Thank You” for the much needed support during these challenging times. Your generosity beyond our parish and school to the many Catholic causes and needs present in our community was a great gift to many in need.

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    D o n a t i o n s t o t h e T u i t i o n A s s i s t a n c e F u n dB y O u r A lu m n i

    Steven Brekel ‘84 OLL, Mary Pat (McGrath) Raynor ‘62 OLL, Ann (McGrath) Raynor ‘66 OLL

    A D o n a t i o n t o t h e P a r i s h I mp r ove m e n t F u n dB y t h e Fo l l o w i n g A lu m n i

    Dave & Jane Shanahan ‘61 & ‘62 OLL

    D o n a t i o n s t o t h e P a r i s h I mp r ove m e n t & t h e E d u c a t i o n E n d ow m e n t F u n d sI n Me m o r y o f D e e D e e O d o r i s i o

    By,Christian & Shirley Ott, Ron & Teri Quinn, Carol & John Smolsky, Betty Eckley, Larry Barrett, Joe Bataillon,Pete Bataillon, Jim Burnett, Tom Dobleman, George Heaston, Tom Grennan, Rich Gilloon, Gary Kiser,Mike Reynolds, Bob Slovek, John Wingender, Ron & Mary Filipowicz, John & Kathleen Nahas, Christine & Justin Dougherty, O’Meara Dental, John & Mary Longo, Gerald Opitz

    D o n a t i o n s t o t h e P a r i s h I mp r ove m e n t & t h e P a r i s h E n d ow m e n t F u n d sI n Me m o r y o f D o n n a S c a n l a n

    By,Barb Daley, John & Mary Godek, & C. Maureen Biggs

    D o n a t i o n s t o t h e P a r i s h I mp r ove m e n t & t h e P a r i s h E n d ow m e n t F u n d sI n Me m o r y o f J i m C a p e l lu p o

    By,Hazel Hileman, Robert & Liz Kubat, Jr., Thomas & Gerianne Jensen, Don Krupa, Jody Buono, Don & Betsy Wilson

    A D o n a t i o n t o t h e O u r L a d y o f L o u r d e s - S t . A d a l b e r t P a r i s hI n Me m o r y o f B ob W ic h e r t

    By his wife Judy Wichert & their children

    A D o n a t i o n t o t h e O u r L a d y o f L o u r d e s - S t . A d a l b e r t P a r i s hI n Ho n o r o f M a r i a n n e B o n n e m i e r

    By,Jenny Cunningham ‘87 OLL

    By John & Mary Hauschild

    A D o n a t i o n t o t h e D e a c o n F r a n k H i lt T u i t i o n A s s i s t a n c e F u n d

    P A R I S H G O O D N E W SM e m o r i a l sJ a n u a r y 2 0 2 1
