OUR COMPLETE Training and Professional …...888.545.8575 | Contract Holder Contract GS-02F-0010J...


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888.545.8575 | www.ManagementConcepts.comContract Holder Contract GS-02F-0010J

Career Development Solutions

for Individuals



Training and Professional Development

July 2014 to June 2015

Includes courses in: Acquisition & Contracting • Financial Management

Grants & Assistance • Human Capital & HRLeadership & Management

Project & Program Management


Our NEW and IMPROVED WebsiteDesigned to meet the needs of the Federal workforce, easily navigate to find:

•Career, performance improvement, and talent management solutions for individuals, teams, and organizations

•The most up-to-date course information including descriptions, dates, and locations

•Free job aids and resources to help you succeed in your career

We’ve also designed the site to be responsive, so whether you are visiting us from a computer, tablet, or phone, your browsing and buying experience will be the same.

Check it out today! Visit www.ManagementConcepts.com.

www.ManagementConcepts.com | 888.545.8575

Table of Contents

General InformaTIon

about management Concepts ............................................................................................. 2What’s new .......................................................................................................................... 4management Concepts Certificate Programs ....................................................................6-7about acquisition & Contracting ........................................................................................ 8Group onsite Training ....................................................................................................... 57about financial management ........................................................................................... 58Workforce Development Solutions .............................................................................. 90-91about Grants & assistance ................................................................................................ 92about Human Capital & Human resources ..................................................................... 114about leadership & management .................................................................................. 122Training Delivery methods .............................................................................................. 145about Project & Program management .......................................................................... 146management Concepts Press ...................................................................................176-177Credits and Professional Certification Training .........................................................178-179registration Information for open enrollment Classes ................................................... 180alphabetical listing of Courses .................................................................................181-184

aCquISITIon & ConTraCTInG Page

Contracting Certification Courses 10-22

Contracting Officer’s Representative Training 24-27

Specialized, Elective, and Continuous Learning 28-49

Federal Real Property Leasing 50-55

Federal Personal Property Management 56

fInanCIal manaGemenT Page

General Financial Management 59-61

Appropriations Law 62-64

Budgeting and Performance 66-74

Accounting 75-78

Auditing 79-84

Internal Control 85-86

CIA and CGAP Certification Preparation Courses 87

CGFM Training Series 88-89

GranTS & aSSISTanCe Page

Grants Management Processes and Techniques 93-102

Laws, Regulations, and Policies 103-106

Financial Practices, Assessments, and Audits 107-113

Human CaPITal & Human reSourCeS Page

Human Resources 115-118

Human Capital 118-121

leaDerSHIP & manaGemenT Page

Leadership 123-129

Supervision 131-134

Professional Skills 135-140

Analytics 141-144

ProjeCT & ProGram manaGemenT Page

Core Project Management 147-159

Agile & IT Project Management 160-164

Business Analysis 166-171

FAC-P/PM 172-173

Systems Engineering 174-175

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 1

Management Concepts is the nation’s premier provider of professional development, performance improvement, and talent management solutions for the public sector. Since 1973, we have collaborated with and supported every major agency in the Federal government and thousands of state and local government offices, unleashing the potential of more than one million individuals and enhancing the performance of teams and organizations.

As the Federal government's leading provider of management and technical skills training, we offer courses in mission-critical topic areas, including:

Our courses are uniquely designed to pull industry-leading principles together with timely, relevant news and case studies, enabling students to develop a practical, applicable skillset — whatever their career focus may be.

Whether you are looking for training courses for yourself or your team, a custom certificate program to strengthen and develop your team’s core competencies, or expert consulting to solve your organization’s professional development issues, we deliver solutions to suit you and your organization’s needs and requirements — wherever and however you prefer.

Our extensive library of more than 250 courses can be tailored or completely customized, combined with consulting services, or used in conjunction with ongoing coaching and hands-on workshops.

For more information, visit www.managementConcepts.com.


•Acquisition & Contracting

•Business Analysis & Data Analytics

•Financial Management

•Grants & Assistance

•Human Resources & Retirement Planning

•Key Professional Skills

•Leadership & Management

•Project & Program Management




Management Concepts is the premier management and technical skills training company to the Federal government*For more than 40 years we have served the Federal government and its grantee and contractor communities.

Broad selection of training options Management Concepts is your single source training provider with more than 250 Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) courses and 12 industry-respected certificate programs.

Timely, relevant, immediately applicable content High-impact training and performance improvement solutions covering the latest trends and developments enable you to implement new techniques while staying compliant with the requirements.

World-class instructors who share their vast knowledge and proven methods for successOur 450 experienced instructors deliver timely and relevant course content using real-world scenarios.

Assessments that create a roadmap for professional developmentWe offer a range of customizable, actionable assessment services to help you identify areas for professional development and improved performance.






Nationally recognized continuing education optionsMany of our courses meet the standards and requirements of leading industry organizations, such as National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), American Council on Education (ACE), International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®), and Project Management Institute (PMI®).

Customizable trainingOur courses can be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization and can be delivered onsite at your location.

Flexible and affordable delivery optionsWe offer a wide range of learning formats to suit your busy schedule and budget. Choose from instructor-led and online classes or talk to our training advisors about a custom-developed solution to best meet your organization’s needs.

Superior valueWe deliver superior value by providing the highest quality content, in a variety of learning formats, in dozens of convenient locations — all at a competitive price that will meet your budget.

100% Satisfaction guaranteeOur commitment to your satisfaction is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

*Based on GSA 2011 Schedule Sales Query: Schedule 874-4.






UNLEAShiNG the POTENTiAL of Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

Copyright © 2014 by Management Concepts Trademarks: Management Concepts logo, and related trade dress — including design of this catalog — are trademarks of Management Concepts and may not be used without permission. Intellectual Property Policy: By registering for or otherwise ordering a Management Concepts course, you acknowledge that Management Concepts training materials are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. In addition, you agree not to use the company’s training materials, including but not limited to the concepts and ideas expressed in the training, to create a competing product/service. Management Concepts does not permit audio or videotaping of courses.

WhAT’S NEW Management Concepts









We offer DAU-equivalent and FAI-verified courses as well as training to support the new and old FAC-C curriculum. See page 9.


We've added more dates and locations to our Human Capital & HR curriculum. See page 116 for our new course, HR Analytics.


Our curriculum is updated to incorporate OMB’s new Uniform Guidance in 2 CFR 200.


For your ease, we've mapped our leadership and supervision courses directly to the OPM competencies. See page 144 for details.


Our courses map to the new DoD Financial Management Certification requirements. Learn more atwww.ManagementConcepts.com/FMConnect.


Our Project & Program Management Certificate Programs are more flexible than ever — see which courses can now be used as electives on the bottom of relevant course pages.

With the President's 2015 budget highlighting the importance of training for the federal workforce, management Concepts is at the ready with new and improved content and services. Here are a few of the new and exciting things we have to offer:


We’re AddINg MORE ONlINe COurSeS!

Eliminate 100% of Your Travel Costs with our Online Course Offerings

Management Concepts online courses can be easily accessed wherever you are.

for more information about all available online courses, visit




Certificate Programs

LEARN MORE!To enroll in a certificate program or learn more about customizing a program for your team

or organization, visit our website at www.ManagementConcepts.com/CP.

how the Programs WorkSTeP 1: CHooSe Your ProGram Identify your program and specific track (if applicable).

STeP 2: enroll In THe ProGramSubmit the Letter of Intent, found on our website at www.ManagementConcepts.com/LOI.

STeP 3: SeleCT anD reGISTer for CourSeSRegister for your first course by calling 888.545.8575 or register online at www.ManagementConcepts.com.

STeP 4: ComPleTe THe requIremenTSYou must complete all program requirements within three years of the first day of the first course. You must attend all classes in their entirety and pass final examinations (if required as part of the course) to receive full credit in the program.

STeP 5: GraDuaTeUpon graduation, you will receive a framed certificate recognizing your achievement.

federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP)

Management Concepts Federal Financial Management Certificate Program (FFMCP) is a professional development program designed to enhance and accelerate career growth for accountants, auditors, budget analysts, and financial managers. Choose to complete an Associate’s or a Master’s certificate in any of the four tracks.

Our financial management courses begin on page 59 of this catalog. For additional information, including courses within these programs, please visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/FFMCP.

The Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Council established core competencies that identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for positions in Federal financial management. Management Concepts financial management courses support these core competencies for accountants, auditors, budget analysts, and financial managers.

• FFMCPAccountingTrackGain an understanding of Federal accounting techniques and procedures along with the practical skills needed for this rapidly changing field.

• FFMCPAuditingTrackAcquire foundational knowledge and build the skills critical to effective engagement in audit activities in today’s accountability-driven, performance-focused environment.

• FFMCPBudgetingTrack Understand the latest policies and learn how to develop, execute, monitor, and adjust budgets to meet guidelines.

• FFMCPFederalFinancialManagementTrack Answer today’s financial management questions: How are budgets prepared? How does appropriations law limit the use of funds?

Completing a Management Concepts certificate program demonstrates your ongoing commitment to, and investment in, your professional development and the success of your organization.

Our certificate programs offer a wide variety of elective courses, making it easy to match your curriculum to your specific requirements, interests, and goals. We provide guidance to help you develop a personal plan structured around your needs.

Choose Your ffmCP Track

additional Information

Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one of the following subject areas. Look for the color-coded notations on participatory course pages.

• Federal Financial Management Certificate Program (FFMCP) • Grants Management Certificate Program (GMCPTM) • Leadership & Management Certificate Programs • Project & Program Management Certificate Programs

6 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Grants Management Certificate Program™

Management Concepts Grants Management Certificate Program™ (GMCP™) sets the industry standard for comprehensive professional education in the grants field. Based upon information gathered from personnel in all areas of the grants community about typical job duties and tasks, this competency-based program is designed to parallel the skills and knowledge required on the job.

Our grants management courses begin on page 93 of this catalog. For additional information, including courses within these programs, please visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/GMCP.

• FederalTrack Gain the foundational knowledge needed to award and monitor grants and cooperative agreements effectively from preaward through closeout.

• Pass-ThroughTrack Maximize the success of subaward programs through the development of accountable subaward processes, effective monitoring measures, and other best practices.

• RecipientTrack Learn how to win grants and manage awards for compliance and results from identifying assistance opportunities and submitting applications, to understanding Federal grants regulations and reporting performance.

Choose Your GMCP™ Track

additional Information

The National Grants Management Association (NGMA) recommends Management Concepts Grants Management Certificate Program™ as a valuable professional development tool for the grants community.

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Master the best practices for managing programs and projects, and develop skills to prepare an organizational strategy.

Our project and program management courses begin on page 147 of this catalog. For additional information, including courses within these programs, please visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/CP.

Choose Your Program

leadership & management Certificate Programs

Our leadership and management programs are uniquely built to expand skill sets for individuals who want to develop leadership and management capabilities, acquire or improve analyst skills, and strengthen professional skills.

Every organization needs individuals to step up to leadership, no matter their current title or role. It’s never too early or late in your career to build skills that allow you to better plan, coach, mentor, or motivate others to perform. These programs provide the knowledge and skills needed to lead from any level within your organization.

Our leadership and management courses begin on page 123 of this catalog. For additional information, including courses within these programs, please visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/CP.

• AnalyticsCertificateProgram Acquire the technical and conceptual analytical skills you need to make high-quality decisions and answer your organization’s toughest questions.

• LeadershipCertificateProgram Gain the knowledge and experience needed to successfully prepare for new leadership roles, increase emotional intelligence, handle complex problems, and lead change.

• ProfessionalSkillsCertificateProgram Strengthen the core communication and interpersonal skills needed to perform your job successfully and advance your career.

• SupervisionCertificateProgram Develop the critical supervisory skills you need to effectively hire and develop others, monitor performance, and manage conflict.

Choose Your Program

additional Information

additional Information

• AgileCertificateProgramDemonstrate the application of Agile project management methodologies to projects. These courses will prepare you for various industry Agile certification exams.

• BusinessAnalysisCertificateProgramIntegrate the skills needed to manage the requirements of any process or IT change. Courses will prepare you to take the CBAP® certification.

• ITProjectManagementCertificateProgramEarn an Associate’s or Master’s certificate in IT and effectively manage and execute complex IT, software development, and communications projects.

• ProgramManagementCertificateProgramDemonstrate expertise in managing multiple complex projects and aligning results to organizational strategy and objectives.

• ProjectManagementCertificateProgramBuild your technical knowledge and management skills with an Associate’s or Master’s certificate. Courses will prepare you to take PMI®’s PMP and CAPM® certification exams.

• SystemsEngineeringCertificateProgram Demonstrate a systematic approach to analyzing user needs and turning them into systems requirements.

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 7


acquisition & Contracting

Management Concepts provides the most relevant, up-to-date, and practical content on governmentwide acquisition and contracting regulations, case law, and best practices to help you remain current and to improve performance.

We hold more than 750 introductory, advanced, and specialized classes in acquisition and contracting, as well as helpful related programs in real property leasing and personal property management. Although our courses are designed specifically for Federal civilian and DoD agencies, they also can help government contractors understand the regulations that guide the Federal acquisition system.

Continuous Learning Credits

This Just in!

DAU-Equivalent, FAi-Verified

Where & how You Want it

Further your formal education and professional advancement with courses that offer CEUs, CPEs, and CLPs. See pages 28-49.

Check out our new and updated courses — look for the neW! stamp throughout the Acquisition & Contracting course pages.

We offer DAU-equivalent and FAI-verified courses to support both FAC-C and DAWIA certification training requirements. See page 9.

Need an in-person custom package of classes, tailored to specific solutions for your organization? Let us develop them for you. See page 165.


Contracting Certification Courses.......................................10-22

Contracting officer’s representative Courses............24-27

Specialized, elective, and Continuous learning Courses.......................................28-49

federal real Property leasing Courses.........................50-55

federal Personal Property management Courses....................56

Subject Areas include:

Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one or more of the following subject areas (see pages 6-7). Look for the color-coded notations on participatory courses.


• federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP) • Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM (GMCPTM)

• leadership & management Certificate Programs • Project & Program management Certificate Programs

8 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts


Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) If you are a civilian agency contracting professional trying to navigate uncharted waters in the transition from the Legacy FAC-C to the Refreshed FAC-C(R) curriculum (closely aligned with the DAWIA curriculum), Management Concepts has all the training you need. We know that agencies are still determining their transition approaches and no matter the outcome of those deliberations — our Legacy FAC-C and Refreshed FAC-C(R) curriculum will help support your goals, no matter where you are in your certification process.

DAWiA Certification in ContractingIf you are a Defense Department contracting professional seeking to meet the mandatory training requirements of DAWIA Certification in Contracting Program, Management Concepts can help you achieve your goal. Our DAU-equivalent curriculum supports every level of DAWIA certification, so look to us for all of your training needs!

The table below provides the certification level, whether the course is for faC-C or DaWIa, and if the class is available in the live classroom format or brought to a location of your choosing (group onsite). The courses must be taken in the order displayed.

Level I

CON 090: FAR Fundamentals

CON 100: Shaping Smart Business Arrangements

CON 110: Mission Support Planning

CON 111: Mission Strategy Execution

CON 112: Mission Performance Assessment

CON 120: Mission Focused Contracting

CON 121: Contract Planning

CON 124: Contract Execution

CON 127: Contract Management

CON 170: Fundamentals of Cost and Price Analysis

FCN 190: FAR Fundamentals









Level II

CON 200: Business Decisions for Contracting

CON 214: Business Decisions for Contracting

CON 215: Intermediate Contracting for Mission Support

CON 216: Legal Considerations in Contracting

CON 217: Cost Analysis and Negotiation Techniques

CON 218: Advanced Contracting for Mission Support

CON 270: Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis

CON 280: Source Selection and the Administration of Service Contracts

CON 290: Contract Administration and Negotiation Techniques in a Supply Environment





Level III

CON 353: Advanced Business Solutions for Mission Support

CON 360: Advanced Contracting for Decision Makers

CON 244: Construction Contracting

Instructor-led live Classroom Group onsite

management Concepts offers core, specialized, elective, and continuous learning training courses for both federal civilian agency and Department of Defense personnel seeking to improve their performance and satisfy their contracting certification program training requirements.

For class dates and the most up-to-date course information, visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/FACC and www.ManagementConcepts.com/dAWIA.


S e c t i o n H e a d e r

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 1190 19 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 152• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe reCommenDaTIon: December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Federal Acquisition, Contract Administration, Acquisition Management, or Procurement.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, independent readings, guided discussions, individual online research, case studies, quizzes, and exams

Con 090: far fundamentals

This course is designed for those new to Federal contracting. Students will be immersed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) throughout this course and emerge knowledgeable of the government contracting process; the FAR and FAR supplement structure; FAR Parts 1 – 53; and will be able to locate and understand FAR and DFARS regulations, guidance, provisions and clauses. Students will navigate the online FAR, DFARS, and PGI as they wrestle with realistic scenario-based contracting problems.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the basic framework of the Federal acquisition environment and locate, cite, and interpret information in the FAR and DFARS

• Identify the policies and procedures related to acquisition planning, preferred and required sources, competition requirements, types of contracts, special contracting methods, describing agency needs, publicizing contract actions, and socioeconomic programs

• Identify policies and procedures for soliciting offers, evaluating bids and offers, conducting exchanges with offerors, awarding contracts, managing protests, and conducting simplified acquisitions

• Identify the fundamental concepts of administration, the rights of parties when contract performance is unacceptable, applicable payment clauses, contract modifications, contract disputes, terminations, and closeout

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Federal acquisition environment• Acquisition planning• Contract formation• Contract management

Please visit our website for more information about this course.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1101 4 days $899 Call for info 888.545.8575

Seattle, WaJul 21-24, 2014 .................. 14110101Tysons Corner, VaFeb 2-5, 2015 ..................... 15110101Washington, DCJul 28-31, 2014 .................. 14110104Sep 8-11, 2014 ................... 14110105Oct 20-23, 2014 .................. 14110106Dec 15-18, 2014 ................. 14110107May 11-14, 2015 ................ 15110102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Introduction

to Business, Business Administration, Public Administration, Procurement, Purchasing, or Contract Management.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, facilitated group work on exercises, elements of which are graded, videos, and independent readings

Con 100: Shaping Smart Business arrangements

Personnel newly assigned as GS-1102 Contract Specialists and others needing this course for Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) or Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Certification will obtain a comprehensive understanding of the environment in which they will serve. Students will develop professional skills for making business decisions and advising other acquisition team members to successfully meet customers’ needs. Participation in small group simulation exercises will prepare students to provide contracting support within the overarching business relationships of government and industry.

NOTE:Management Concepts has tailored this course to make it relevant for civilian agencies as well as DoD contracting personnel.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand the vision and focus of the acquisition environment

• Identify the customer’s mission• Conduct business as a member of the

acquisition team• Develop professional skills for making smart

business decisions• Effectively work with the financial and

contractor communities• Identify various types of procurement

alternatives• Recommend smart business decisions that

best support the customer and comply with laws and regulations

• Set goals for personal career growth

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Acquisition environment• The contracting customer• Building blocks for effective acquisition

teaming• Decision making and problem solving• Procurement ethics and acquisition oversight• Commercial marketplace — the preferred

approach• Financial fundamentals for contracting

professionals• Introduction to the FAR• Win-Win-Win contracting• Business alternatives other than a new

contract• Business alternatives: initiating a new

contract• Law basics• Leadership• E-Business in the acquisition process• Your professional and career development

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

onSITe onlY

10 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1324 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJun 18-19, 2015 ................. 15132403Washington, DCAug 14-15, 2014 ................. 14132401Oct 9-10, 2014 .................... 14132402Dec 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14132403Feb 12-13, 2015 ................. 15132401Apr 30-May 1, 2015 ............ 15132402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITe: • CON 121: Contract

Planning or CON 110: Mission Support Planning

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, practical exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Con 124: Contract execution

This training course is designed for personnel new to the contracting workforce who are seeking Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) or Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level I training and noncontracting personnel who play a role in the acquisition process and require this course for certification in their career field. The course focuses on executing the acquisition planning through soliciting industry and awarding a contract. It provides students with the knowledge necessary to execute an acquisition that optimizes customer mission performance. Students will learn the techniques and benefits of early industry involvement in shaping requirements. They will also learn basic procedures for acquisition of both commercial and non-commercial requirements, effectively conduct analysis of market data, and determine when a price is fair and reasonable. Finally, students will be taught how to conduct basic competitive acquisitions, process awards, and handle protests before and after contract award.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Given a procurement request package, determine if it can be accepted and processed

• Given a requirement, determine the applicable methods for exchanging information with the vendor

• Given the specifics of the requirement, determine the components and procedures for preparing an oral or written solicitation

• Given a solicitation, determine the procedures for processing solicitation responses

• Given responses to a solicitation, determine the analytical techniques that will be used to evaluate contractors’ proposals to ensure that both the government and contractor get a fair and reasonable price

• Given responses to a solicitation, complete the price analysis of a contractor’s proposal in order to establish price objective for negotiation

• Given the results of an evaluation, determine the elements of a negotiation strategy

• Given results of the evaluation process, determine the procedure taken for contract award

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Purchase request packages• Methods of exchanging information with

industry• Preparation of oral and written solicitations• Processing solicitation responses• Analytical techniques in proposal evaluation• Proposal analysis and price objectives for

negotiation• Elements of a negotiation strategy• Contract award procedures

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1321 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJun 16-17, 2015 ................. 15132103Washington, DCAug 12-13, 2014 ................. 14132101Oct 7-8, 2014 ...................... 14132102Dec 2-3, 2014 ..................... 14132103Feb 10-11, 2015 ................. 15132101Apr 28-29, 2015 ................. 15132102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITe: • CON 090: FAR

Fundamentals (only required if assigned to the contracting career field)

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, practical exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Con 121: Contract Planning

This training course is designed for personnel new to the contracting workforce who are seeking Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) or Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level I training and noncontracting personnel who play a role in the acquisition process and require this course for certification in their career field. This course focuses on planning successful mission support strategies based on the customer’s requirements and the contracting environment. Students will learn how to use the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), conduct effective market research, develop alternative acquisition strategies, and identify how various socioeconomic programs support the acquisition planning process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Given a customer need, reinforce areas of mutual interest within an acquisition environment (requiring activity, contractor, contracting office, and others)

• Using the FAR and DFARS, locate required information

• Given a provided mission support area, describe strategic or tactical methods of market research

• Given a customer need, identify all issues related to developing the applicable requirements documents for an acquisition

• Given a customer requirement, determine the laws applicable (labor, environment, socioeconomic, and foreign acquisition requirements) to that requirement

• Given a customer requirement, choose applicable competition requirements

• Given a customer need, provide sound business advice for an acquisition strategy

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The Acquisition environment• Using the FAR and DFARS• Strategic and tactical market research• Requirements document for acquisition• Laws associated with requirements

documents• Use of various types of contracts• Competition requirements• Acquisition strategy development

neW! neW!

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 11

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1327 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJun 22-23, 2015 .......................... 15132703

Washington, DCAug 18-19, 2014.......................... 14132701Oct 14-15, 2014 ........................... 14132702Dec 8-9, 2014 .............................. 14132703Feb 17-18, 2015 .......................... 15132701May 4-5, 2015 ............................. 15132702

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITe:• CON 124: Contract Execution

or CON 111: Mission Strategy Execution

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, practical exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Con 127: Contract management

This training course is designed for personnel new to the contracting workforce who are seeking Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) or Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level I training and non-contracting personnel who play a role in the acquisition process and require this course for certification in their career field. This course builds on the foundation established in CON 121: Contract Planning and CON 124: Contract Execution, and provides students with the knowledge necessary to identify and utilize appropriate metrics when evaluating contractor performance. Students will explore processes for working with their customer to ensure contract performance is meeting mission requirements. They will also explore performance assessment strategies and remedies for contractual non-compliance, how to make and price contract changes after award, handle disputes, and finally how to close out completed contracts. Additionally, students will gain a fundamental knowledge of the characteristics and principles of the contract termination process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply the major elements of contract administration planning

• Categorize the policies and procedures for the postaward orientation of contractors

• Explain the policies and procedures for payment

• Determine the policies and procedures for payment

• Describe the policies and procedures for preparing and processing contract modifications

• Describe the policies and procedures for resolving contract disputes

• Describe the policies and procedures for the termination of contracts

• Determine the policies and procedures used for closing out contract files

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ContractAdministrationPlanning• Delegating contract administration functions• Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs)

PostawardOrientationofContractors• Purpose of a postaward orientation• Determine if postaward orientation is

necessary • Postaward orientation methods

ManagingContractPerformance• Methods of monitoring performance• Documenting contractor performance

information• Remedies

PoliciesandProceduresforPayment• Payment procedures• Collecting contractor debts• Late payment and overpayment

ContractModifications• Policy for modifications• Types of contract modifications• Scope of the contract• Change orders• Constructive changes• Considerations• Options

ResolvingContractDisputes• Disputes process• Assertion of claims• Resolving disputes

TerminationofContracts• Principles for contract termination• Types of termination

ClosingOutContractFiles• Contract closeout responsibility• Contract closeout process


12 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1170 10 days $2,299 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJan 5-16, 2015 ............................ 15117001Washington, DCMar 2-13, 2015 ............................ 15117002Apr 13-24, 2015 .......................... 15117003Jun 1-12, 2015 ............................ 15117004

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 80• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS: • CLC 057• CLC 058• CON 127: Contract Management

or CON 112: Mission Performance Assessment

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Introduction to Accounting, Purchasing, Public Administration, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT:Pre-class assignments, lecture, guided discussions, research and application exercises, independent readings, and two exams

Con 170: fundamentals of Cost and Price analysis

This training course is a Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) and Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level I contracting course for newly hired GS-1102 contracting personnel. Students will learn foundational knowledge of cost and price analysis and apply quantitative tools to accomplish cost and price analysis in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and the Contract Pricing Reference Guides.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe key components of the contracting environment, including seller pricing strategies, Truth in Negotiation Act, Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), cost principles, and market research

• Demonstrate the ability to execute fundamental quantitative pricing skills

• Given a contracting scenario, determine the appropriate contracting strategy and financing arrangement

• Differentiate between price and cost analysis and apply each form of analysis to various contracting scenarios

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ContractingwiththeGovernment• Unique aspects of government contracting • Different market structures• Pricing strategies• Contract pricing resources


CostAccountingStandards• Identifying CAS• CAS program requirements and applicability

ContractCostPrinciplesandProcedures• FAR cost principles • Cost allowability

MarketResearch• Conducting market research• Financial analysis in market research• Market research report



AnalyzingDataShape,Center,Spread,andTrendCharacteristics• Fundamental measures of centrality

NetPresentValue• Time value of money • Conducting net present value analysis

CostEstimatingRelationships• Identifying situations for use • Steps for developing a cost estimating


Cost-VolumeAnalysis• Types of costs • Identifying situations for use• Analyzing the cost-volume relationship

Cost-Volume-ProfitAnalysis• Cost-volume-profit equation • Identifying issues and concerns

ContractTypes,Incentives,andRisks• Selecting contract type • Contract risk• Budget implications for fixed-price and cost

reimbursement contracts

ContractFinancing• Providing contract financing • Non-commercial item financing• Commercial item financing


DifferencesBetweenCostandPriceAnalysis• Proposal analysis • Fair and reasonable• Proposal analysis techniques• Determine whether price or cost analysis is






CostAnalysisProcess,Players,andInitiatives• Recognizing the need for cost analysis • Cost analysis techniques• Submitting cost or pricing data• Requesting acquisition team support• Business system reviews


DirectCosts• Evaluating direct costs

IndirectRates• Company rate development • Relationship between the allocation base and

indirect cost rate• Indirect cost allocation cycle• Over/under application of rates

FacilitiesCapitalCostofMoney• Identifying and applying facilities capital cost

of money





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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1191 10 days $2,299 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 4-15, 2014............................ 14119101Feb 23-Mar 6, 2015 ..................... 15119101Apr 6-17, 2015 ............................. 15119102May 11-22, 2015 ......................... 15119103

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 80• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• CON 127: Contract Management

or CON 112: Mission Performance Assessment or FCN 112

• CON 170: Fundamentals of Cost and Price Analysis

CourSe formaT:Lecture, independent readings, individual online research, exercises, quizzes, and exams

fCn 190: far fundamentals

This training course is designed for personnel new to the Federal contracting workforce who are seeking Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) Level I training and noncontracting personnel who play a role in the acquisition process and require this course for certification. This course is 10 days in length and provides foundational knowledge of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) System. Students will be immersed in the FAR throughout this course and emerge knowledgeable of the government contracting process; the FAR and FAR supplement structure; FAR Parts 1–53; and will be able to locate and understand FAR regulations, guidance, provisions, and clauses. Students will also navigate the online FAR as they wrestle with realistic scenario-based contracting problems.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the basic framework of the Federal acquisition environment and locate, cite, and interpret information in the FAR

• Identify the policies and procedures related to acquisition planning, preferred and required sources, competition requirements, types of contracts, special contracting methods, describing agency needs, publicizing contract actions, and socioeconomic programs

• Identify polices and procedures for soliciting offers, evaluating bids and offers, conducting exchanges with offerors, awarding contracts, managing protests, and conducting simplified acquisitions

• Identify the fundamental concepts of administration, the rights of parties when contract performance is unacceptable, applicable payment clauses, contract modifications, contract disputes, terminations, and closeout

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Using the FAR• Acquisition planning process• Sources• Competition requirements• Methods of contracting• Types of contracts • Interagency agreements, options, and

Indefinite-Delivery Contracts• Describing agency needs• Publicizing contract actions• Socioeconomic programs• Contract formation principles• Solicitation of offers

• Bid evaluation• Proposal evaluation and exchanges with

offerors• Contract award• Protests• Simplified acquisition procedures• Contract administration basics• Contract performance measurement• Quality assurance• Payment• Contract modifications• Disputes and appeals• Contract terminations• Contract closeout


14 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1200 3 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoFeb 17-19, 2015 .......................... 15120002Seattle, WaApr 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15120005Tysons Corner, VaNov 17-19, 2014 .......................... 14120005Apr 13-15, 2015 .......................... 15120004

Washington, DCJul 28-30, 2014 ........................... 14120010Aug 25-27, 2014 .......................... 14120011Sep 29-Oct 1, 2014 ...................... 14120012Jan 12-14, 2015 .......................... 15120001Mar 9-11, 2015 ............................ 15120003Jun 22-24, 2015 .......................... 15120006

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITe: • CON 170: Fundamentals of Cost

and Price Analysis

aCe reCommenDaTIon: December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Public Administration, Acquisition, Procurement, Purchasing, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, facilitated individual and group work on exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Con 200: Business Decisions for Contracting

This initial Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) and Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level II certification training course builds on the Level I preaward business and contracting knowledge necessary to process complex procurements. This course will help students learn how to plan successful acquisition strategies that support the mission and execute those strategies to optimize mission performance. Students will learn the importance of building successful business relationships, the benefits of strategic sourcing, and the intricacies of contract financing. Additionally, it will help increase their knowledge of subcontracting, source selection, and contractor responsibility.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the importance of a good business relationship in achieving the customer’s performance expectations

• Identify how strategic sourcing can improve the quality and cost related to the purchase of goods and services

• Identify the principles of Performance-Based Acquisition (PBA) that will apply to a complex services acquisition

• Identify the techniques used to manage risk on an acquisition project

• Identify the impact of a contract financing decision on the acquisition process

• Determine the appropriate contractual arrangement to support customer needs

• Identify the implications on the acquisition process of a decision to include Government Furnished Property (GFP)

• Determine the impact of small business socio-economic programs on contracting decisions and how small businesses can support an acquisition

• Determine the subcontracting requirements that apply to an acquisition

• Determine the appropriate source selection methodology

• Determine if a prospective contractor is responsible

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Government-ContractorBusinessRelationships• Characteristics of a successful relationship• Partnering relationships

StrategicSourcing• Key objectives and benefits• The strategic sourcing process• Overcoming barriers ServicesContracting• What is a service contract?• Key statutes and policy• PBA• The service acquisition process

RiskManagement• Cost, schedule, and performance risk• Risk management

ContractFinancing• Commercial item financing• Non-commercial item financing

AdvancedContractTypes• Contract actions subject to definitization• Incentive contracts• Fixed-price-incentive contracts• Cost-plus-incentive-fee contracts• Award fee contracts• Clauses• Award term contracts

GovernmentProperty• Government property policy• Considering GFP in award• Contractor responsibly and liability• Contract administration and GFP

SmallBusiness• The small business program• Role of small business and contract

specialists• Small business set-aside• Small business participation plans• Certificate of Competency program• Acquisition strategy for bundling• Other small business initiatives

SubcontractingPlans• Make-or-Buy programs• Consent to subcontract• Subcontracting plans• Monetary incentives• Monitoring subcontracting plan compliance

SourceSelection• Roles and responsibilities• Source selection steps• Award and postaward actions• Protests after award

ContractorResponsibility• General and special standards • Responsibility determination

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 15

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1216 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Chicago, IlJul 21-25, 2014 ........................... 14121601Seattle, WaJul 7-11, 2014 ............................. 14121602Tysons Corner, VaAug 4-8, 2014 .............................. 14121604Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15121602

Washington, DCSep 22-26, 2014 .......................... 14121608Nov 3-7, 2014 .............................. 14121609Jan 5-9, 2015 .............................. 15121601Mar 16-20, 2015 .......................... 15121603May 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15121604

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITe: • CON 200: Business Decisions for


aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Law, Business Administration, or Procurement.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, interpretation and application of case study materials, preparation and presentation of a case study, independent readings, and final exam

Con 216: legal Considerations in Contracting

This Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) and Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level II certification training course focuses on legal considerations in the procurement process. This course introduces the basic principles and sources of law relevant to procurement, including fiscal law. It also addresses other legal issues that may arise during the course of a contract such as protests, assignment of claims, disputes, fraud, contractor debt, performance issues, and contract termination. For those students not seeking Level II Certification, consider Federal Contract Law and Advanced Federal Contract Law as alternatives.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the legal and ethical principles that apply to government contracts

• Identify essential fiscal laws that apply to contracts

• Identify legal considerations related to intellectual property

• Identify different processes by which challenges may be filed against a Federal acquisition

• Define the legal obligations of both parties when a contract performance issue arises

• Discuss formal dispute resolution procedures under the Contract Disputes Act

• Identify criminal, civil, and administrative remedies for contract fraud

• Select the processes and procedures for terminating a contract

• Choose the appropriate tool for recovering monies owed the government

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoGovernmentContractLaw• Constitutional principles• Sources of contract law• Underlying legal system• Elements of a contract• Classification of contracts• Authority and power of the United States to

contract• Commercial vs. government authority and


FiscalLaw• Basics of fiscal law• The appropriations process• The proper use of funds• Antideficiency Act• Obligating funds

IntellectualProperty• Patents• Trade secrets• Copyrights• Trademarks• Government works• Technical data rights

Protests• What is a protest? • Protests to the agency, Government

Accountability Office, and Court of Federal Claims

AssignmentofClaims• Definitions • The assignment of claims process

LegalIssuesinContractPerformance• Rules of contract interpretation • Inspection, delivery, and acceptance• Modification of government contracts

ClaimsandDisputes• Equitable adjustment • Contract disputes process• Direct actions in the Court of Federal Claims• Judicial review by the Court of Appeals for

the Federal Circuit• Alternative dispute resolution

ContractFraud• Procurement fraud laws • Agency responsibility• Debarment, suspension, and ineligibility

ContractTerminations• Terminations for convenience • Settlement of terminations• Terminations due to inadequate contractor


ContractorDebt• Reasons for contractor debt • Debt Collection Act• Debt recovery• Routine setoff

16 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1270 10 days $2,299 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaApr 20-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15127003Washington, DCJan 5-16, 2015 ............................ 15127001Mar 9-20, 2015 ............................ 15127002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 80• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS: • CON 170: Fundamentals of Cost

and Price Analysis• CLC 056: Analyzing Contract Costs

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Purchasing, Public Administration, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT: Guided discussions and exercises, individual exercises and assignments, exams and quiz, and independent readings

Con 270: Intermediate Cost and Price analysis

CON 270: Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis builds on the fundamental contract pricing principles covered in the Level I contracting curriculum and Contract Pricing Reference Guides. The course is divided into three segments addressing contract pricing issues from a preaward, negotiation preparation award, and postaward perspective. In the course, students will be introduced to quantitative techniques and tools used to quantify and facilitate decision making in determining a fair and reasonable price.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Use Excel to model a proposal• Using sampling data, select the appropriate

statistical information to use in facilitating the decision-making process

• Using historical data and regression analysis, select the appropriate statistical information to use in facilitating the decision-making process

• Summarize the development, assumptions, application, and risk of Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs)

• Using historical data and improvement curve analysis, select the appropriate statistical information to use in facilitating the decision-making process

• Using historical data, determine the impact of variations in quantity

• Identify issues and factors to be considered in developing the government’s negotiating objective for an equitable adjustment

• Identify issues and factors to be considered in pricing a termination settlement

• Given a point estimate (ceiling cost, ceiling price), analyze the associated risk

• Identify the appropriate incentive contract type arrangement to meet the customer’s needs and motivate the contractor to perform in the best interest of the government

• Conduct cost realism analysis to determine a contractor’s most probable cost to perform successfully on a government contractSe S

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ProposalModeling• Using Excel to model a proposal

UsingStatisticsinContractPricing• Measures of central tendency and dispersion • Skewness and kurtosis of sample data set• Calculating confidence interval around

measure of central tendency• Using Excel data analysis package

UsingRegressionAnalysisinContractPricing• Linear regression process • Developing and using simple regression

equation• Regression model• Prediction interval• Predicting dependent variable• Using Excel data analysis package

UsingCostEstimatingRelationshipsinContractPricing• Types of CERs• Uses of CERs in cost and price analysis• Logic behind underlying causal relationship

assumed in CERs• Identifying analogical assumptions in CER

development• Functional form relationship• Buyer/seller risk areas• Reasonable relevant ranges• Situations for use of moving averages and

selection of model• Issues and concerns

UsingImprovementCurveAnalysisinContractPricing• Quantitative techniques • Improvement curves• Pre-negotiation position• Cost/price estimate projections

PricingEquitableAdjustment• Making an equitable adjustment • Cost and profit/fee issues• Pricing contract changes• Other situations requiring adjustment• Undefinitized contract action• Special considerations for pricing claims

PricingTerminationSettlements• Types of contract terminations • Loss ratio• Impact of partial termination for convenience

CostRiskAnalysis• Symmetric approximation • Monte Carlo Simulation and comparison to

other approaches

IncentiveContracting• Correlation between contract type and risk • Types of contract incentives• Elements and components of incentive

arrangement• Hybrid contract types

ConductingCostRealismAnalysis• Performing cost realism analysis • Impact of uncompensated overtime on cost

realism analysis• Cost realism in cost-reimbursement and

fixed-price proposal evaluations


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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1280 10 days $2,299 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 2-13, 2015 ............................ 15128001Mar 30-Apr 10, 2015 ................... 15128002May 4-15, 2015 ........................... 15128003

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 80• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITe: • CON 270: Intermediate Cost and

Price Analysis

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Contract Management, Management Strategy, Project Management, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT: Pre-class assignments, guided discussions, graded individual written project involving presentations, and integrated case study

Con 280: Source Selection and the administration of Service Contracts

This course is designed for contracting professionals who work, or are expecting to work, in positions requiring contracting officer warrants and Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level II Certification in contracting. Through a realistic scenario-based case study that continues throughout the course, students will experience first-hand the seven steps of the services acquisition process and learn the fundamentals of a performance-based services acquisition. Students will prepare acquisition documents, develop and deliver source selection briefings, and negotiate contractual issues.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the basic concepts of services acquisition

• Identify the appropriate source selection team roles and responsibilities to include government and non-government advisors

• Determine appropriate methods of communication employed by the acquisition team

• Given key facts about a requirement, determine the implications to an acquisition strategy

• Use the results of market research, assess the industry’s environment and determine the availability of sources

• Select the appropriate acquisition strategy that maximizes small business participation at the price and subcontracting levels

• Utilize the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) performance requirements road map and results of a comprehensive market research, generate performance-based acquisition metrics mirroring commercial best practices

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ServicesAcquisitionOverview• Services acquisition processes, policies, and

regulations• Introduction to the course-wide case study

FormtheTeam• Forming, governance, leadership, and


CurrentStrategyReview• Risk identification • Current and projected requirements• Spend analysis and services taxonomy• Current processes and performance levels• Status of Government Furnished Property


MarketResearch• Sources of information • Market segmentation• Basic market data• Industry value chain and cost drivers• Market competitive dynamics• Industry best practices

RequirementsDefinition• Risk analysis • Conducting a requirements analysis• Building the requirements roadmap• Incorporating the results of market research• Evaluating the independent government cost

estimate• Automated Requirements Roadmap Training

(ARRT) tool

AcquisitionStrategy• Developing the business case • Key components of an acquisition plan and a

source selection plan• Pricing• Effective industry engagement• Briefing the Head of Contracting Activity

(HCA) • Developing and releasing the Request for

Proposal (RFP)

ExecuteStrategy• Exchanges with offerors • The evaluation process• Contractor responsibility• Competitive range• Discussions• Award decision and documentation• Offeror debriefing• Effective use of Government Accountability

Office (GAO) information

PerformanceManagement• Postaward implementation • Contract management plan and delegation• Contract administration and performance

management• Options• Performance issue negotiation• Contract modifications• Termination and contract closeout


18 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1290 9.5 days $2,299 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJan 5-16, 2015 ............................ 15129001Mar 23-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15129002Apr 20-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15129003Jun 15-26, 2015 .......................... 15129004

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 76• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITe: • CON 270: Intermediate Cost and

Price Analysis

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Negotiation, Purchasing Management, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT: Pre-class assignment, guided discussions, research and application exercises, and independent readings

Con 290: Contract administration and negotiation Techniques in a Supply environment

This case-based training course is designed for contracting professionals who work, or are expecting to work, in positions requiring Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) or Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level II Certification in contracting. Through two simulated contract negotiations, students will experience the full spectrum of contracting processes and issues by following a supply requirement through all phases of the acquisition lifecycle.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Develop an acquisition strategy to satisfy customer requirements

• Identify major solicitation elements and components

• Apply cost analysis techniques to develop a prenegotiation objective

• Develop a strategy for a noncompetitive negotiation

• Conduct a noncompetitive negotiation• Manage contract performance in accordance

with the contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AcquisitionPlanning/MarketResearch• Responsibilities for acquisition planning• Decisions that must be made during

acquisition planning• Government policy on market research• Information market research results should


Competition• Commerciality determination• Determining when a Justification for Other

Than Full and Open Competition (JFOC) is required

• What to address in a JFOC

Solicitations• Evaluating a solicitation• Ensuring consistency and clarity

DataRights• Rights in technical data• Selecting an appropriate Defense Federal

Aquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) data rights license

CostAnalysisOverview• Using appropriate techniques to develop a

cost objective• Requesting contract pricing support• Using audit recommendations• Evaluating the contractor’s cost to determine

allowability, allocability, and reasonableness

NegotiationTechniques• Writing a pre-negotiation memorandum• Preparing for negotiation• Briefing management• Conducting negotiations

ContractFinancing• Administering contract financing terms and

conditions• Monitoring contract financing payments

Protests• Taking appropriate action in response to a


ContractAdministration• Developing a contract administration plan• Conducting a postaward orientation

RemediesforNoncompliance• Evaluating remedies for nonconforming goods

Fraud• Assessing a fraud situation• Resolving fraud issues

ContractChanges• Determining whether a change can be made

under the contract’s Changes clause• Alternatives for making out-of-scope changes• Pricing modifications• Issuing a contract modification

EquitableAdjustments• When a contractor is entitled to an equitable

adjustment• Determining the appropriate amount• Processing a request for equitable adjustment• Negotiating the adjustment

ClaimsandDisputes• Methods for settling claims and disputes• Impact on contract performance• Responsibilities

DefectivePricing• Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA)• Identifying actions that violate TINA• Legal consequences• Responding appropriately in potential

defective pricing situations

ContractTerminations• Government rights and limitations• Benefits and costs of terminations for

convenience or default• Processing a termination action• Calculating the loss ratio

ContractorPerformance• Documenting contractor performance• Sources of input into the evaluation• Contractor rights

PriceandFeeAdjustments• Profit adjustment, final profit, and final

contract price

ContractCloseout• Closeout process and closeout issues


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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1360 9.5 days $2,299 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 8-19, 2014 ............................ 14136003Washington, DCJul 14-25, 2014 ........................... 14136007Oct 27-Nov 7, 2014 ...................... 14136009Jan 26-Feb 6, 2015 ...................... 15136001Mar 16-27, 2015 .......................... 15136002

Apr 27-May 8, 2015 ..................... 15136003Jun 1-12, 2015 ............................ 15136004

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 76 • Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Advanced

PrerequISITe: FAC-C or DAWIA Level II Certification in contracting or industrial/contract property management

aCe reCommenDaTIon: December 2013 to present: In the graduate degree category, 2 semester hours in Contract Administration or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT: Graded pre-class assignments, lecture, guided discussions and group work, videos, scenario-based exercises, analysis, preparation, presentation of two graded business decision point papers, quizzes, and independent readings

Con 360: Contracting for Decision makers

This training course is designed for contracting professionals who work, or are expecting to work, in positions requiring Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) Level III or Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level III Certification in contracting. Through realistic scenario-based and research-based learning, students will work individually and collaboratively to practice developing sound business solutions as valued strategic and expert business advisors. Student course work is designed to contribute real solutions to real acquisition problems.

Pre-ClassAssignment:Students must complete reading assignments and graded written assignments before the first day of class. The assignments will be available online to students who have enrolled and made tuition payment arrangements.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Contribute in a collaborative environment by providing timely feedback to team members and class

• Apply critical thinking skills, problem solving methods, leadership skills, and risk mitigation techniques to contracting-related problems

• Compile information and knowledge for currency in acquisition and contracting

• Identify various methods to manage employee stress and constant change in the contracting working environment

• Make a decision on a contracting dilemma that complies with the rules of ethics in contracting

• Apply an industry and senior government contracting leader perspective to an assigned contracting policy issue

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

BuildingTeams• Characteristics of effective teams• Develop and apply team building techniques• Guidelines to give and receive feedback• Students are expected to apply effective team

building skills during classroom activities

• Students will give and receive feedback on team and personal strengths and improvement areas

CriticalThinking• Importance of critical thinking • Core critical thinking skills• Explaining and applying critical thinking

tools• Students will discuss critical thinking skills

and apply these skills during classroom activities and assignments

ProblemSolving• Methods and tools for solving problems of

varying levels of difficulty • Rational problem solving model• Students will develop clear and concise

problem statements, increase their ability to generate possible solutions, assess these solutions, and consider ways to implement a chosen solution

LocalChallengeProject• Students will apply critical thinking skills

and the rational problem solving model to a student-identified contracting problem

• Students will present problems, alternatives, and solutions to the class

Leadership• Leadership, mission support, and the

contracting officer • Fundamentals of effective leadership• Accountability

ManagingRisk• Types of risk • Techniques to mitigate risk• Applying a risk management process• Industry’s perception of risk• Students will apply risk management

concepts in a scenario-based exercise

TargetsandDecoys• Students will apply the rational problem

solving model and tools to address a contracting scenario and gain an appreciation for using a variety of perspectives to resolve tough problems

ConflictManagement• Causes and effects of conflict • Strategies for managing and resolving conflict• Effectively dealing with difficult people

HotTopicsinContracting• Students will research acquisition and

contracting hot topics, answer focused questions, and present results to class

ManagingChangeandTransition• Impact of change on individuals • Applying change management strategies that

help employees and selves during periods of transition

EthicsandDecisionMaking• Mitigating obstacles to ethical decision

making in contracting • Core ethical principles• Ethical decision making model• Students will consider the significance of

ethics in the field of contracting

SeniorLeadershipProject• Preparing an implementation plan for senior

contracting leadership to address a current contracting problem

• Students will complete this culminating activity by developing problem statements for contracting strategic issues, using critical thinking skills to develop and analyze alternatives, describe their work in a business decision point paper, and present the project to the class

20 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1032 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJun 8-12, 2015 ............................ 15103205San francisco, CaMar 23-27, 2015 .......................... 15103202Tysons Corner, VaAug 25-29, 2014 .......................... 14103203

Washington, DCJul 7-11, 2014 ............................. 14103207Dec 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14103208Feb 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15103201Apr 6-10, 2015 ............................. 15103203May 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15103204

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITe: • FAC-C or DAWIA Level I

certification training courses

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Contract Administration, Acquisition Management, Purchasing, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, independent readings, and final exam

Con 243: architect-engineer Services Contracting

This assignment-specific training course is designed to provide experienced contracting personnel with the knowledge and skills to apply the unique aspects of contracting for architect-engineer services pursuant to Public Law 92-582, the Brooks Architect-Engineer (A-E) Act.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine when the Selection of Architects and Engineers statute procedures apply

• Select an A-E firm and negotiate, award, manage, and administer a contract to satisfy the needs of the government in accordance with Federal acquisition laws, regulations, and where applicable, best business practices

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Overview• Laws and regulations• Introduction to A-E contracting• Defining A-E services• Steps in awarding an A-E contract• Competition in A-E contracting

PlanninganA-EServicesAcquisition• Determination of need • Project management plan• Site selection• Methods of accomplishing design• Design program• Small business programs• Government estimate

StatementofWork/ScopeofA-EServices• Statement of work vs. scope of work • When to write the statement of work• Data sources• Elements of the statement of work• Contract types

PublicizingRequirements• Congressional notification • Purposes and methods of publicizing• Response times• Format of the synopsis

SelectionProcedures• Qualification statements • Evaluation boards and their functions• Selection authority• Short selection process• Request for Proposal (RFP)• Special clauses for A-E contracts• Releasing the RFP and handling questions• Releasing other information

EvaluationandNegotiation• Evaluation • Subcontracting plans• Negotiations• Debriefing of offerors

ContractManagementandAdministration• Contract clauses • Key elements of successful management and

administration• Inspection and acceptance of A-E submittals

and services• Appointment of the Contracting Officer’s

Representative (COR)• Performance evaluations• Modifications• Partnering• Service Contract Labor Standards statute• Contract closeout

QualityManagement• Definitions • Responsibilities• Purpose of quality management• Quality assurance actions• Contractor quality control

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 21

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E RT I F I C AT I O N

S e c t i o n H e a d e rC o r / C o T r T r a I n I n G C o u r S e S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1021 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Dallas, TXMar 16-20, 2015 .......................... 15102105Denver, CoFeb 23-27, 2015 .......................... 15102103Jun 1-5, 2015 .............................. 15102107Portland, orJan 12-16, 2015 .......................... 15102101San francisco, CaAug 18-22, 2014.......................... 14102105

Seattle, WaJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14102106Tysons Corner, VaJul 21-25, 2014 ........................... 14102108Mar 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15102104Washington, DCSep 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14102111Nov 17-21, 2014 .......................... 14102112Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15102102Apr 27-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15102106

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITe: • FAC-C or DAWIA Level II

certification training courses

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/ associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Administration, Federal Acquisition, Procurement Management, Purchasing, or Public Administration.

CourSe formaT:Graded pre-class assignment, lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, independent readings, graded “Hot Topics” point paper, and final exam

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Con 244: Construction Contracting

This assignment-specific training course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to contract for Federal government construction from acquisition planning through closeout.

Pre-ClassAssignment: Students must complete a graded written assignment to be turned in the first day of class. The assignment will be available online to students who have enrolled and made tuition payment arrangements.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the environment and rules for contracting for construction

• Perform the critical preaward and postaward construction contracting functions

• Administer clauses unique to construction contracting

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Introduction• Changes throughout history

ConstructionAcquisitionPlanning• Acquisition plans• Plan components• Project scope• Market research• Contract vehicles and processes• Other planning considerations• Plan dates

ConstructionSolicitation• Reviewing plans and specifications• Solicitation preparation• Construction market research• Construction solicitation issuance

ConstructionEvaluationandAward• Physical requirements• Analytical requirements• Options• Negotiated requirements• Responsibility• Bid guarantees and bonds• Award actions

ConstructionContractAdministration,Compliance• Policy• Government responsibilities• Contractor responsibilities• Preconstruction conference

• Contractual requirements for quality work• Contractor quality control plan• Quality assurance• Labor law issues• Partnering

AdministrationofConstructionContractModifications• Changes clause• Differing Site Conditions clause• Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting

Work clause• Suspension of Work clause• Variation in Estimated Quantity clause• Default (Fixed-Price Construction) clause• Inspection of Construction clause• Value Engineering — Construction clause• Constructive changes• Construction schedule, time, and delay

analysis• Construction schedules

• Delays• Schedule analysis• Acceleration• Methods for determining quantum• Methods for computing overhead• Termination for default• Claims

Invoices,Payments,andContractCloseout• Payments and progress meetings• Receipt of invoice• Reviewing the schedule of prices• Retainage, withholding, and liquidated

damages• Notice of nonpayment or overpayment• Payment of invoice• Punch lists, occupancy, and warranties• Contract closeout

22 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : L E v E L I I I C O N T R A C T I N g C E R T I F I C A T I O N

Complete Training Solution for Cors

management Concepts offers all the faC-Cor and DoD-Cor courses you need to…

• Meet your FAC-COr and dod COr certification training requirements

• Satisfy your 40 ClP continuous learning requirement

• Improve your technical competence and business knowledge and skills

For a complete list of suggested follow-on courses, visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/COR.


S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Change is hard, but easier when you have support.let Management Concepts help you navigate through the FAC-C curriculum changes.

For a complete list of FAC-C courses, call 888.545.8575 or visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/FACC.

Every certification level. Legacy curriculum or Refreshed. We’ve got all the training you need!

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1073 1 day $559 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 22, 2014...................... 14107303Nov 14, 2014 ...................... 14107304Feb 26, 2015 ...................... 15107301Jun 4, 2015 ........................ 15107302

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture and discussion, final exam

Basic (level I) Contracting officer’s representative

Basic (Level I) Contracting Officer’s Representative is designed to provide students with the basic skill set needed for Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting Officer’s Representatives (FAC-COR) Level I Certification. This course provides an overview of the COR’s role and responsibilities and an introduction to the acquisition process, and emphasizes proper communication and documentation, contract monitoring, payment, and ethics.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the COR’s duties, responsibilities, and authority

• Identify issues affecting the COR through the acquisition process

• Maintain appropriate documentation and communications

• Use appropriate techniques to monitor contract performance

• Describe the process for processing contractor invoices for payment

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

CORRolesandResponsibilities• The role of the COR• Responsibilities including the limits of

authority• Delegation of authority

IntroductiontotheAcquisitionProcess• Phases of the acquisition process• COR responsibilities throughout the

acquisition process

CommunicationandDocumentation• The COR work plan • Communicating with contractors

MonitoringContractorPerformance• Purpose of contract monitoring • Sources of monitoring requirements • Steps for monitoring performance• Monitoring contract costs• Constructive changes

Payment• Methods of payment • Processing invoices/vouchers • Prompt Payment Act

EthicsinGovernmentContracting• Principles of ethical conduct• Gifts and gratuities• Conflicting financial interests • Procurement integrity • Identifying fraud in government contracts

24 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : C O N T R A C T I N g O F F I C E R ’ S R E P R E S E N TAT I v E T R A I N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1070 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmMar 2-6, 2015 ............................................15107011atlanta, GaNov 3-7, 2014 ............................................14107003Apr 20-24, 2015 ........................................15107023Baltimore, mDMar 16-20, 2015 ........................................15107012Chicago, IlSep 15-19, 2014 ........................................14107005Denver, CoAug 25-29, 2014........................................14107009Oct 20-24, 2014 .........................................14107010Feb 2-6, 2015 ............................................15107006May 11-15, 2015 .......................................15107027Jun 15-19, 2015 ........................................15107033fort Worth, TXFeb 23-27, 2015 ........................................15107009Kansas City, KSAug 25-29, 2014 ........................................14107012May 11-15, 2015 .......................................15107027las Vegas, nVMay 4-8, 2015 ...........................................15107026

orlando, flDec 8-12, 2014 ..........................................14107013Phoenix, aZNov 17-21, 2014 ........................................14107015Portland, orAug 11-15, 2014 ........................................14107016San antonio, TXSep 8-12, 2014 ..........................................14107018Mar 9-13, 2015 ..........................................15107013San Diego, CaAug 4-8, 2014............................................14107020Nov 3-7, 2014 ............................................14107021Apr 13-17, 2015 ........................................15107021San francisco, CaSep 8-12, 2014 ..........................................14107069Seattle, WaDec 1-5, 2014 ............................................14107026Feb 2-6, 2015 ............................................15107004Apr 6-10, 2015 ...........................................15107018Jun 22-26, 2015 ........................................15107036Tysons Corner, VaJul 14-18, 2014 .........................................14107034

Aug 11-15, 2014 ........................................14107035Sep 8-12, 2014 ..........................................14107036Oct 6-10, 2014 ...........................................14107037Dec 1-5, 2014 ............................................14107038Jan 12-16, 2015 ........................................15107002Feb 9-13, 2015 ..........................................15107007Mar 2-6, 2015 ............................................15107010Mar 16-20, 2015 ........................................15107015Apr 6-10, 2015 ...........................................15107019May 11-15, 2015 .......................................15107029Jun 8-12, 2015 ..........................................15107032Washington, DCJul 7-11, 2014 ...........................................14107054Jul 21-25, 2014 .........................................14107055Jul 28-Aug 1, 2014 ....................................14107056Aug 4-8, 2014 ............................................14107057Aug 18-22, 2014 ........................................14107058Aug 25-29, 2014 ........................................14107059Sep 15-19, 2014 ........................................14107060Sep 22-26, 2014 ........................................14107061Sep 29-Oct 3, 2014 ....................................14107062Oct 20-24, 2014 .........................................14107063Oct 27-31, 2014 .........................................14107064Nov 3-7, 2014 ............................................14107065Nov 17-21, 2014 ........................................14107066

Dec 8-12, 2014 ..........................................14107067Dec 15-19, 2014 ........................................14107068Jan 5-9, 2015 ............................................15107001Jan 26-30, 2015 ........................................15107003Feb 2-6, 2015 ............................................15107005Feb 23-27, 2015 ........................................15107009Mar 9-13, 2015 ..........................................15107014Mar 23-27, 2015 ........................................15107016Mar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ...................................15107017Apr 13-17, 2015 ........................................15107020Apr 20-24, 2015 ........................................15107022Apr 27-May 1, 2015 ...................................15107024May 4-8, 2015 ...........................................15107025May 18-22, 2015 .......................................15107030Jun 1-5, 2015 ............................................15107031Jun 15-19, 2015 ........................................15107034Jun 22-26, 2015 ........................................15107035

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 35

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe reCommenDaTIon: December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Administration, Acquisition Management, Procurement, Purchasing, or Public Administration.

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, review quizzes, and final exam

Contracting officer’s representative Course

This comprehensive training course is designed to provide non-contracting personnel with knowledge of the Federal acquisition process as well as the knowledge and skills to execute their responsibilities as a representative of the contracting officer, including Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs), Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives (COTRs), Technical Officers (TOs), and Project Officers (POs). This course meets the Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting Officer’s Representatives (FAC-COR) Program training requirements for Level II Certification. It is also equivalent to the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) COR 222: Contracting Officer’s Representative Course, which is required for Department of Defense (DoD) Types B and C COR Certification. Some agencies recognize this course as satisfying their procurement ethics training requirement. Students can earn 40 CLPs by successfully completing this course. Individuals seeking to satisfy their FAC-COR continuing education requirement (40 CLPs every two years) should consider taking Advanced COR Workshop.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the COR’s role and authority in the acquisition process

• Participate in acquisition planning, contract formation, and contract administration

• Develop a contract administration plan• Maintain appropriate documentation and

communications• Monitor contract performance• Assist the contracting officer with processing

changes, equitable adjustments, claims, disputes, and appeals

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

CORDelegationandResponsibilities• The role of the COR • Actual vs. apparent authority• COR/contracting officer relationship

EthicsinGovernmentContracting• Standards of ethical conduct• Identifying fraud

TheCOR’sRoleinAcquisitionPlanning• The acquisition planning process• Types of requirements documents• Independent government cost estimates• Purchase requests

ContractAward• Elements of a contract• Competition requirements• Contract types• Options• Small business programs• Evaluation and source selection

What’sinaContract?• Uniform contract format• Dealing with contract ambiguities

CommunicationandDocumentation• Limits on communications• Postaward orientations• COR files and workplan

MonitoringContractPerformance• Monitoring technical, schedule, and cost

performance• Security and safety monitoring

Inspection,Acceptance,andPayment• Performing inspection and acceptance• Reviewing and processing contractor invoices

ContractModifications• Reasons for modifying a contract• What is in “scope”?

ImproperContractChanges• Unauthorized commitments• How to avoid improper changes

DealingwithUnsatisfactoryPerformance• COR actions in response to contractor

performance problems• Remedies

CloseoutActions• Documenting contractor performance• Other closeout actions





Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 25

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : C O N T R A C T I N g O F F I C E R ’ S R E P R E S E N TAT I v E T R A I N I N g

advanced Cor Workshop

This course is specifically designed to fulfill the Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting Officer’s Representatives (FAC-COR) requirement for continuous learning (40 CLPs every two years). FAC-COR certified professionals will increase their mastery of the FAC-COR competencies by applying them in an in-depth case study for a Performance-Based Service Acquisition (PBSA). Students will navigate complex acquisition situations ranging from acquisition planning to contract management. This course will help students develop critical thinking, procurement strategy, requirements definition, and contract management skills necessary for successful contract performance. Through individual and team activities, students will make acquisition strategy recommendations, conduct market research, draft requirements and Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) documents, create meaningful evaluation factors, and develop a detailed plan for managing the contract. Students will confront situations involving contract modifications, faulty contractor reports, performance problems, delays, and invoice payments. Essential Contracting Officer Representative (COR)/Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) documentation is emphasized.

Pre-ClassAssignment:Students must complete reading assignments before the first day of class. These assignments will be available online to students who have enrolled and made tuition payment arrangements.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the benefits of PBSA• Collect and analyze relevant market

information and identify possible sources• Recommend acquisition strategies to the

acquisition team to ensure supplies or services are available when needed

• Define the necessary requirements to fill the mission needs

• Develop technical evaluation factors and subfactors that discriminate between offerors and tie back to technical requirements

• Identify contract performance risk areas and develop a plan for contract management

• Monitor contract performance and recommend necessary actions to the contracting officer

• Recognize situations that require a contract modification and communicate the requirement to the contracting officer

• Document the contractor’s actual performance under the contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Performance-BasedServiceAcquisition(PBSA)• Elements of PBSA • Differences between PBSA and non-

performance-based contracts• Benefits of PBSA

AcquisitionPlanningandMarketResearch• Plan and implement the acquisition strategy • Write the market research report

DefiningtheRequirement• Using job analysis to structure performance

requirements • Contractor surveillance methods• Write a Performance Work Statement (PWS)

that captures performance requirements• Create a QASP that ensures performance

goals are met

DevelopingTechnicalEvaluationFactors• Mandatory evaluation factors • Characteristics of good evaluation factors

• What agencies have to tell offerors about evaluation factors

• Suggested approach for developing technical evaluation factors

PostawardPlanning• Major goals of postaward planning• The most important areas of the contract for

the COR/COTR to review• Prepare the COR/COTR workplan• Prepare for the postaward orientation


InspectionandAcceptance• Purpose of inspection • Conducting and documenting inspections• Acceptance of supplies and services• Notifying the contracting officer of


PerformanceManagement• Monitor and document contractor


• Identify and resolve performance issues• Resolve interruptions in contract

performance• Review and process contractor invoices• Adjust contractor payment for non-


ContractModifications• Types of changes and modifications • Circumstances that can prompt a contract

change• Handling contractor requests• Contract scope• Constructive changes• Equitable adjustment

RecordingandMaintainingContractorPerformanceInformation• Prepare a contractor performance evaluation

report • Sources of information• Contractor rebuttal rights

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1072 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaNov 17-21, 2014 .......................... 14107201Chicago, IlMar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15107206Denver, CoMar 16-20, 2015 .......................... 15107205fort Worth, TXMay 4-8, 2015 ............................. 15107208

Phoenix, aZJan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15107202Seattle, WaOct 20-24, 2014 ........................... 14107204Tysons Corner, VaAug 25-29, 2014 .......................... 14107208Oct 27-31, 2014 ........................... 14107209Jan 5-9, 2015 .............................. 15107201Mar 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15107204May 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15107209

Washington, DCJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14107213Sep 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14107214Dec 1-5, 2014 .............................. 14107215Feb 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15107203Apr 20-24, 2015 .......................... 15107207Jun 8-12, 2015 ............................ 15107210

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Contracting Officer’s Representative


aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Administration, Acquisition Management, Procurement, Purchasing, or Public Administration.

CourSe formaT: Pre-class assignments, lecture, guided discussions, individual and group work on an integrated case study elements of which are graded, and independent readings

26 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : C O N T R A C T I N g O F F I C E R ’ S R E P R E S E N TAT I v E T R A I N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1071 1 day $559 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoAug 11, 2014............................... 14107101Feb 20, 2015 ............................... 15107103

Tysons Corner, VaSep 2, 2014 ................................. 14107105Oct 16, 2014 ................................ 14107106Jan 20, 2015 ............................... 15107101Feb 19, 2015 ............................... 15107102Mar 26, 2015 ............................... 15107104Apr 16, 2015 ................................ 15107105

Washington, DCJul 24, 2014 ................................ 14107108Sep 9, 2014 ................................. 14107109Dec 17, 2014 ............................... 14107110May 26, 2015 .............................. 15107106

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Update

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Contracting Officer’s Representative


CourSe formaT:Lecture and discussion

Cor level I refresher

This training course will help experienced Contracting Officer’s Representatives/Contracting Officer’s Technical Representatives (CORs/COTRs) keep pace with the rapidly changing acquisition world, while contributing to the FAC-COR Program’s continuous learning requirements. Students should come prepared to discuss troublesome issues they have encountered while performing their COR/COTR duties.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe duties, responsibilities, and limits to the authority of a COR/COTR

• Identify complex issues affecting CORs/COTRs• Apply work management techniques to

measure contractor performance

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheAcquisitionProcessandResponsibilitiesofCORs• The acquisition process• The COR’s authority• COR responsibilities throughout the

acquisition process

GovernmentProperty• Government policy• Examples of government property• Providing and administering government

property• Intellectual property

MonitoringContractorPerformance• Purpose of contract monitoring• Sources of monitoring requirements• Steps for monitoring performance• Monitoring contract costs• Constructive changes

WorkPlanning,Scheduling,andMeasurementTechniques• COR workplan• Use of Gantt, milestone, network, and

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) charts

• Work measurements of contracts for services, products, research and development, and construction

• Measuring progress

Subcontracts• Subcontracting and government consent• Disputes involving subcontractors• Labor compliance• Enforcing the subcontracting plan• Handling defaults by the subcontractor• Considerations in monitoring contracts

awarded under section 8(a) of the Small Business Act

Payment• Methods of payment• Processing invoices/vouchers• Prompt Payment Act

EthicsinGovernmentContracting• Principles of ethical conduct• Gifts and gratuities• Conflicting financial interests• Procurement integrity• Organizational conflicts of interest• Identifying fraud in government contracts

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 27

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : C O N T R A C T I N g O F F I C E R ’ S R E P R E S E N T A T I v E T R A I N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1034 1 day $559 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 14, 2014 ....................... 14103401Washington, DCSep 2, 2014 ........................ 14103404Nov 12, 2014 ...................... 14103405Feb 20, 2015 ...................... 15103401May 22, 2015 ..................... 15103402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Behavioral

Ethics• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

ethics in federal Contracting

Appropriate for both Federal government and contractor personnel, this training course examines the pertinent Federal ethics laws, regulations, and standards that govern the acquisition process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the meaning and purpose of ethics, particularly as related to Federal government employees engaged in acquisition

• Identify and avoid problem areas through awareness of and adherence to ethics laws and regulations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Meaning and purpose of ethics• Government-unique ethical requirements• Governmentwide ethics statutes• Standards of ethical conduct for employees

of executive branch• Fraud• Restrictions on obtaining and disclosing

certain information• Other ethical considerations in government

contracting – Gratuities – Conflicts of interest – Antitrust violations – Buying in – Subcontractor kickbacks

• Remedies for contractor misconduct

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1058 2 days $829 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaNov 24-25, 2014 ................. 14105803Jan. 21-22, 2015 ................ 15105801Feb 17-18, 2015 ................. 15105802Mar 26-27, 2015 ................. 15105803Washington, DCJul 8-9, 2014 ...................... 14105807Sep 22-23, 2014 ................. 14105808

Oct 14-15, 2014 .................. 14105809Nov 12-13, 2014 ................. 14105810Dec 15-16, 2014 ................. 14105811May 27-28, 2015 ................ 15105804

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Overview

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

federal acquisition regulation (far) overview

This training course provides Federal contracting and technical personnel, as well as government contractors and subcontractors, with an orientation to the document that governs the Federal acquisition process, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Students will learn how to access and use the online FAR during the conduct of the class. For students interested in a basic contracting course, see CON 100: Shaping Smart Business Arrangements or Introduction to Federal Contracting.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the origins of the FAR and its layout• Describe its application to Federal

procurements• Locate pertinent information• Maintain a looseleaf FAR binder

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Introduction to the FAR System• Structure and format of the FAR • How agencies supplement and implement

the FAR • The numbering system and cross-

referencing • Impact of the FAR on Federal acquisition

policies and procedures • Part-by-Part tour of the FAR • Clauses, provisions, and forms

28 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1048 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaApr 27-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15104804Denver, CoJun 22-26, 2015 .......................... 15104807Phoenix, aZFeb 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15104802San francisco, CaAug 4-8, 2014 .............................. 14104802

Tysons Corner, VaJul 21-25, 2014 ........................... 14104804Aug 18-22, 2014 .......................... 14104805Sep 22-26, 2014 .......................... 14104806May 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15104805Washington, DCOct 27-31, 2014........................... 14104810Dec 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14104811Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15104801Mar 23-27, 2015 .......................... 15104803Jun 15-19, 2015 .......................... 15104806

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe reCommenDaTIon: December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Administration, Procurement, Purchasing, or Public Administration.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Introduction to federal Contracting

This entry-level training course provides a solid orientation to the Federal contracting environment for those new to Federal contracting. Individuals who are not in the contracting community but participate in the Federal acquisition process either as members of a government acquisition team or as sellers to the government will also benefit. Students will receive an overview of the Federal acquisition process, an understanding of the roles of key players and participants, and an introduction to the basic statutes and regulations that govern this process. Applicable standards of conduct and ethics are discussed.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define the vision, goals, and objectives of the Federal acquisition process

• Describe the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) System and the underlying sources of Federal contract law

• Explain typical approaches to organizing the acquisition function

• Discuss the roles and responsibilities of major players in the acquisition process

• Identify the principal contracting functions• Explain the standards of conduct that apply

to the acquisition process

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Vision,Goals,andObjectivesfortheFederalAcquisitionSystem• Why have a Federal acquisition system? • Vision and goals of the Federal acquisition

system• The acquisition team• Tradeoffs• Environmental factors

BasicStatutesandRegulations• Sources of Federal contract law• Basic statutes• Overview of the FAR System• Using the FAR System

AcquisitionRolesandResponsibilitieswithinanAgency• Typical organization within agencies• The acquisition team• Acquisition function in operation

IntroductiontotheAcquisitionProcess• Acquisition phases and related business

issues• Performing acquisition functions to fulfill

Federal acquisition goals• Specialized contracting areas

Acquisition/ProcurementPlanningPhase• Determination of need• Analyzing the requirement• Extent of competition• Source selection planning• Solicitation terms and conditions

ContractFormationPhase• Solicitation• Evaluation• Award

ContractAdministrationPhase• Initiation of work• Quality assurance• Payment• Accounting• Special terms• Contract termination and closeout• Claims

EthicsinGovernmentContracting• Standards of conduct• Gratuities• Conflicting financial interests• Impartiality in performing official duties• Seeking other employment• Misuse of position• Outside activity• Procurement integrity• Organizational conflicts of interest• Personal conflicts of interest• Government remedies for false claims


federal financial management Certificate Program

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 1090 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoOct 14-16, 2014 .................. 14109001San francisco, CaJun 15-17, 2015 ................. 15109003Washington, DCJul 28-30, 2014 .................. 14109005Nov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14109006Feb 17-19, 2015 ................. 15109001May 18-20, 2015 ................ 15109002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • FAC-C or DAWIA Level I• FAC-P/PM or DAWIA Level II• FAC-COR Level II

CourSe formaT: Guided discussion and group work on an integrated case study with exercises running throughout the course

Strategic Sourcing Workshop

Engage. Try. Learn! This three-day workshop experience provides intensive hands-on, active learning where students analyze actual government spending data in order to make strategic sourcing decisions. Just as government agencies are doing today, students will form collaborative teams to work through a realistic case study that guides them through the strategic sourcing process. As in real life, students will be faced with unexpected “facts” about their commodities, suppliers, leadership, and environment. These “facts” will reinforce learning by causing students to reconsider their previous work, reevaluate their assumptions, and adapt to new circumstances. Students do not need to be contracting experts to take this course. Rather, students should bring their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to class.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the key objectives, benefits, and challenges of strategic sourcing

• Analyze an organization’s current spend strategy

• Assess and prioritize opportunities for savings

• Develop a strategic sourcing strategy based on agency data that achieves agency goals

• Implement the strategic sourcing strategy to maximize total cost savings, value, vendor access, and socioeconomic participation

• Establish processes to track and manage performance of the strategic sourcing contract

• Apply best practices and lessons learned in strategic sourcing efforts

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

WhatisStrategicSourcing?• Debunk common myths about strategic

sourcing and discover its awesome benefits• Explore the spectrum from quick wins to

agency-wide solutions

OpportunityAssessment• Based on a fictional agency scenario,

conduct a high-level spend analysis to figure out what you’re buying and develop a plan

StrategyDevelopment• With plan in-hand, profile your selected

commodity, conduct a supply market analysis, and create a commodity sourcing strategy

StrategyImplementation• Develop an acquisition strategy and a

transition plan to make it happen

CommodityManagement• Measure and report on performance• Re-evaluate the strategy and adjust over time



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

market research

This course provides contracting and requirements personnel with basic information for understanding the purpose for conducting and documenting market research. It covers the cycle of market research from requirements definition through documentation of results. The course is designed to provide participants with the basic principles, tools, and methods for performing market research to understand the relevant industry, customary industry practices, availability of a commercial solution, and potential sources of products and services that will meet organizational requirements. Special areas of consideration are given to commercial vs. developmental products and locating small business sources. Students will use the Internet to gather information, analyze market data, and provide recommendations for the acquisition plan.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the purpose, characteristics, and benefits of market research

• Discuss the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements related to market research

• Identify the sources of market information• Describe the various methods of conducting

market research• Interpret and analyze the results of market

research• Document the results of market research

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

WhatisMarketResearch?• Types of market research• Goals and benefits of market research

RegulatoryRequirements• Requirements for conduction market

research• Who performs market research? • The six-step market research process• Documentation requirements

SourcesofMarketInformation• Guided demonstration of sources on the


GatheringMarketInformation• Guidance for gathering information• Sources sought or requests for information


EvaluatingResults• Analyze results• Identify sources can meet contract

requirements• Determine if commercial sources can meet

requirements• Determine whether requirement can be set-

aside for small business

DocumentingMarketResultsandConclusions• Preparing the market research report

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1089 1 day $559 Call for info 888.545.8575

San francisco, CaJun 18, 2015 ................15108903Washington, DCJul 31, 2014 .................14108903Sep 2, 2014 ..................14108904Nov 14, 2014 ................14108905Feb 20, 2015 ................15108901May 21, 2015 ...............15108902

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8 • Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises


30 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1035 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Phoenix, aZMay 18-19, 2015 ................ 15103502San francisco, CaDec 11-12, 2014 ................. 14103504Tysons Corner, VaSep 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14103506Mar 19-20, 2015 ................. 15103501

Washington, DCSep 24-25, 2014 ................. 14103508Nov 12-13, 2014 ................. 14103509Jun 11-12, 2015 ................. 15103503

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

micro-Purchase Procedures

This training course is designed for students who are authorized to make open-market purchases of $3,000 or less ($2,500 or less for services and $2,000 or less for construction). It provides “A-to-Z” coverage of what individuals who have been granted micro-purchase authority need to know in order to make purchases in accordance with current law and regulations. This training course is ideal for students in technical or program fields who are authorized to make purchases under these thresholds, or contracting officers/purchasing agents who need warrant maintenance training. Students who need to know the rules related to the use of the purchase card should consider Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Make purchases using micro-purchase procedures

• Explain the rules that apply to such purchases

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoMicro-Purchases• Definitions: acquisition, contract, FAR,

micro-purchase, and simplified acquisition threshold

Micro-PurchaseAuthority• The concept of agency • Actual vs. apparent authority • Authority of contracting officers versus

technical or program personnel • Ratification of unauthorized commitments• Standards of conduct • Procurement integrity

InitiatingthePurchase• Traditional requisition/purchase request

process • Alternate requisition/purchase request


SourceofSupplyDecision• Priorities for the use of required sources for

supplies and services • Required sources • Open market micro-purchase requirements

Micro-PurchaseMethods• Governmentwide commercial purchase card • Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)• Purchase order• Imprest fund/third party draft

Administration/Follow-UpofMicro-Purchases• Inspection and acceptance, terminations,

and special procedures for orders placed with General Services Administration (GSA)

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1013 1 day $559 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 2, 2014 ........................ 14101302Mar 27, 2015 ...................... 15101302Washington, DCJan 23, 2015 ...................... 15101301May 26, 2015 ..................... 15101303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card

This training course is designed to provide purchase cardholders with knowledge of the Federal acquisition rules that apply to buys made with the governmentwide commercial purchase card. It does not address the specific agreements made with various financial institutions that issue the cards.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Articulate the cardholder’s authority and responsibility

• Understand the General Services Administration (GSA) SmartPay® 2 program

• Discuss the applicability of the Procurement Integrity Act to purchase card buys

• Define the statutory and regulatory priorities in the use of required sources

• Explain how the card may be used to make purchases through the GSA Advantage!® online shopping service

• Make open market purchases using the governmentwide commercial purchase card

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheSmartPay®2Program• Benefits and players in the purchase card

program• Features of the program

ProcurementIntegrity• Procurement information• Standards of conduct• Penalties

EstablishedandRequiredSources• Classification of sources in general order of

precedence• Environmental and energy conservation



• Using the system to search and order• Problems with orders

OpenMarketPurchases• Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) policy • Publicizing, competition, and solicitation

requirements• Evaluation of quotes

CardholderAuthorityandResponsibility• Authority and use of purchase card• Cardholder responsibilities

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1077 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaApr 6-10, 2015 ............................. 15107706Denver, CoJul 7-11, 2014 ............................. 14107703Nov 3-7, 2014 .............................. 14107704Mar 2-6, 2015 .............................. 15107704fort Worth, TXJan 12-16, 2015 .......................... 15107702

Phoenix, aZApr 13-17, 2015 .......................... 15107707San francisco, CaOct 6-10, 2014 ............................. 14107708Seattle, WaMay 4-8, 2015 ............................. 15107709Tysons Corner, VaNov 3-7, 2014 .............................. 14107711Dec 15-19, 2014 .......................... 14107712

Washington, DCSep 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14107720Jan 5-9, 2015 .............................. 15107701Feb 2-6, 2015 .............................. 15107703Mar 23-27, 2015 .......................... 15107705Apr 20-24, 2015 .......................... 15107708May 11-15, 2015 ......................... 15107710Jun 22-26, 2015 .......................... 15107711

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe reCommenDaTIon: December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Purchasing, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, review quizzes, independent readings, and final exam

Simplified acquisition Procedures

This training course is ideal for purchasing agents, contract specialists, or contracting officers who require an understanding of the simplified methods of procurement, as detailed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 13 and other related parts. The training course also provides a knowledge base that may support the increase of single purchase limits based on the criteria established by individual government agencies.

NOTE:Students who have completed this course who also require warrant maintenance training should consider attending Simplified Acquisition Refresher or Advanced Simplified Acquisition Procedures. Students with purchasing authority limited to the micro-purchase threshold should consider taking Micro-Purchase Procedures. Students who will make purchases of supplies that do not exceed $3,000 exclusively with a governmentwide commercial purchase card should consider taking Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss laws governing the use of required sources and simplified acquisitions

• Describe the responsibilities of participants in the process

• Evaluate purchase requests• Make source of supply decisions• Acquire supplies and services from

established sources or the open market• Apply socioeconomic policies and

procedures• Administer purchase, task, and delivery


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Overview• Applicable laws and regulations• Responsibility and authority of participants

in the acquisition process• Elements essential to a contract

EthicalConsiderations• Standards of ethical conduct• Organizational conflicts of interest• Other improper business practices

PlanningforSimplifiedAcquisitions• Market research• Key elements addressed in preparation and

review of purchase requests

RequiredSources• Priorities for use


OtherEstablishedSources• Other wholesale sources• Government sources for printing and printed

items• Other existing contracts

UsingOpenMarketSources• Formal contracting vs. simplified acquisition

procedures• Publicizing• Competition• Soliciting sources• Handling quotations• Evaluating submissions• Negotiation and other communications with

vendors• Documenting transactions

ImplementingSmallBusinessPreferencePrograms• Small business procurement goals• Considerations when using small business

programs• Small business set-asides for simplified

acquisitions• Contracting with Small Business

Administration (SBA) (the 8(a) program)• HUBZone, service-disabled veteran-owned

small business, and woman-owned small business programs

SimplifiedAcquisitionOrderingMethods• Governmentwide commercial purchase card• Blanket purchase agreement• Standard Form 1449• Purchase order• Standard Form 44• Indefinite-Delivery contracts• Imprest funds/third party drafts• Fast payment procedure

AdditionalConsiderationsBasedonWhatisBeingBought• Service contracting• Acquiring supplies• Sustainable acquisition• Acquiring construction

AdministrationandFollow-Up• Ensuring time and adequate delivery or

performance• Modification, cancellation, and termination• Payment and closeout

32 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1177 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoMay 4-8, 2015 ............................. 15117705fort Worth, TXApr 13-17, 2015 .......................... 15117703Kansas City, KSSep 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14117704Phoenix, aZMar 23-27, 2015.......................... 15117702Seattle, WaNov 17-21, 2014.......................... 14117705

Tysons Corner, VaDec 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14117707Jun 1-5, 2015 .............................. 15117706Washington, DCJul 21-25, 2014 ........................... 14117710Sep 29-Oct 3, 2014 ...................... 14117711Feb 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15117701Apr 20-24, 2015 .......................... 15117704

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Simplified Acquisition Procedures

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Administration, Purchasing, or Procurement Management.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, and final exam

advanced Simplified acquisition Procedures

This training course is designed specifically for students who are experienced in simplified acquisitions and seek training to enable them to increase their warrant level above $25,000 or update and further their knowledge of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 13 procedures. While this training course provides an update on the ever-changing electronic commerce methods of acquiring supplies and services using required sources, it also focuses on complex acquisitions that exceed $25,000. Use of practical exercises (many based on actual legal decisions) will give students valuable experience. Students looking for an update on simplified acquisition procedures should consider taking the Simplified Acquisition Refresher course.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify and use required sources to satisfy requirements where applicable

• Determine if commercial items can satisfy the requirement

• Obtain adequate competition through market research and publicizing contract actions

• Use FAR Part 13 procedures in conjunction with other appropriate FAR parts

• Determine priority of and appropriately apply small business preference programs

• Use simplified acquisition procedures to acquire commercial items under the test program

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

OverviewandReview• Definitions. Basic rules. Roles and authority

of contracting and program personnel

PlanningforSimplifiedAcquisitions• Needs determination: preparing the purchase

request and market research • Analyzing the requirement: preparing

requirements documents and acquiring services

• Additional considerations: competition, sourcing issues, type of contract, commercial item financing, and construction contracting

UsingExistingSources• Acquiring from required sources via

e-commerce• Other government e-commerce alternatives:

GSA Advantage!® and e-Buy• Limitations on the use of General Services

Administration (GSA) schedules• Other existing sources: governmentwide

acquisition contracts, multi-agency contracts, and agency-mandated contracts

Socioeconomic,Labor,andEnvironmentalConsiderations• Socioeconomic considerations: small

business set-asides, 8(a) Business Development Program, HUBZone program, service-disabled veteran-owned small business program, woman-owned small business program, and disaster or emergency assistance activities

• Labor considerations: Service Contract Act, Davis-Bacon Act, Walsh-Healey Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, equal employment opportunity, and child labor prohibitions

• Environmental considerations

SolicitingandReceivingQuotationsandOffers• Method of solicitation: electronic, oral, or

written • Publicizing contract actions • Receipt of offers or quotations • Oral presentations

EvaluationandAward• Evaluating quotes and offers: use of non-

price evaluation factors, lowest price technically acceptable vs. tradeoff, price evaluation adjustments for Buy American Act and HUBZone small business concerns, conduct of negotiations, and use of reverse auctions

• Contract award • Protests

ContractAdministration• Evaluating contractor performance• Modifying an order• Exercising options • Reviewing claims • Terminating or cancelling an order or


EthicalConsiderations• Standards of ethical conduct• Conflicting financial interests • Procurement integrity • Organizational conflicts of interest and other

improper business practices

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 33

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Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1153 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

fort Worth, TXJan 20-22, 2015 ................. 15115301Tysons Corner, VaSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14115303Mar 23-25, 2015 ................. 15115303

Washington, DCOct 15-17, 2014 .................. 14115306Feb 18-20, 2015 ................. 15115302Jun 8-10, 2015 ................... 15115304

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Update

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Simplified Acquisition


CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Simplified acquisition refresher

Students desiring to “brush up” on simplified acquisition procedures will benefit from attending this training course, as will those requiring warrant maintenance training. This training course explores complex issues through extensive use of practical exercises (most based on actual legal decisions) and class participation. Students who need 40 hours for warrant maintenance or upgrading, or who want to further their knowledge of more complex simplified acquisitions should consider attending Advanced Simplified Acquisition Procedures.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss recent changes impacting simplified acquisitions

• Explain complex issues in the area of simplified acquisitions

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

BasisforSimplifiedAcquisitionProcedures• Definitions, laws, and rules• Roles and responsibilities • Ethical considerations

PlanningforSimplifiedAcquisitions• Market research • Purchase request • Service contracts planning• Small business preference programs • Labor and other considerations

PrioritiesforDeterminingSources• Factors that determine if a required source

must be used • GSA Advantage!® • Other government e-commerce alternatives

OpenMarketAcquisitions• Simplified acquisition policies • Determining the extent of competition • Drafting the solicitation • Gathering and evaluating offers/quotations• Negotiation, award, and protests

MethodsofBuyingandOrdering• Governmentwide commercial purchase card • Blanket Purchase Agreement and Purchase


ContractAdministration• Post award orientation• Inspection, acceptance, and payment• Modification and cancellation • Terminations and disputes• Closeout

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1074 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14107401Washington, DCNov 19-20, 2014 ................. 14107404Apr 29-30, 2015 ................. 15107401Jun 10-11, 2015 ................. 15107402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course or CON 111: Mission Strategy Execution or CON 124: Contract Execution

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Best Value Source Selection using Tradeoffs

This training course explores the procedural choices available to the government in achieving best value in negotiated procurements using the tradeoff process in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15, and how these choices impact competing contractors.

learnInG oBjeCTIVe:

• Use the tradeoff method to select the best value offer for award

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoBestValueSourceSelectionUsingTradeoffs• A comparison of Federal government

processes • Policy background and rules for obtaining

best value

AcquisitionPlanning• Acquisition planning process • Applicability of the tradeoff process• Organization for source selection

SelectingEvaluationFactors• Selecting evaluation factors and subfactors• Scoring methods for the tradeoff process• Preparing the Request for Proposal (RFP) • Evaluating proposals pursuant to the RFP

EvaluatingTechnicalandCostProposals• Organizing for proposal evaluation• Nominations for and instructions to the

proposal evaluation board • Standard formats • Proposal evaluation board process

• Cost proposals • Cost realism analysis and probable cost

ExchangesOtherthanDiscussions• Exchanges involving award without

discussions • Exchanges prior to competitive range

EstablishingtheCompetitiveRangeandHoldingDiscussions• Establishing the competitive range • Holding discussions• Proposal revisions

SelectingaContractorforAward• Rationality and consistency• Treatment of cost in tradeoffs• Source selection decision

NotificationsandDebriefing• Preaward and postaward notifications and


Protests• Protest forums• Eligibility and timeliness


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

34 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1078 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14107801San Diego, CaDec 1-5, 2014 .............................. 14107802Seattle, WaApr 27-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15107803Tysons Corner, VaSep 15-19, 2014 .......................... 14107804

Washington, DCAug 11-15, 2014.......................... 14107807Nov 17-21, 2014 .......................... 14107808Feb 2-6, 2015 .............................. 15107801Apr 20-24, 2015 .......................... 15107802

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Level I Certification or Introduction

to Federal Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Contract Administration, Acquisition Management, Purchasing, Public Administration, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, independent readings, and final exam

Source Selection

Students will obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to make sound source selection decisions using negotiated contracting procedures as prescribed in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15. This training course addresses high dollar value, complex, or critical acquisitions necessitating a more structured source selection approach.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the source selection process• Plan a source selection• Develop evaluation factors and scoring plans• Discuss the process for preparing and issuing

a solicitation• Explain the process for evaluating proposals• Establish an appropriate competitive range

and conduct discussions• Describe the source selection decision and

contract award process

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

SourceSelectionOverview• Source selection terminology• Basics of source selection• Key events• Roles and responsibilities• Procurement integrity

SourceSelectionPlanning• Planning the source selection• Selecting the source selection methodology• Organizing and staffing the source selection

team• Using oral presentations• Drafting the source selection strategy

DevelopingEvaluationFactors• General guidelines• Developing non-price/cost evaluation factors• Determining the relative importance of

evaluation factors• Selecting scoring plans and rating systems• Critique evaluation factors

PreparingandIssuingtheSolicitation• Format• Incorporating source selection strategy and

evaluation factors• Proposal instructions• Publicizing• Pre-solicitation exchanges• Amendments

Evaluation• Briefing the source selection team• Receiving and screening proposals• Evaluating technical/management proposals• Evaluating past performance• Evaluating cost/price• Documenting the evaluation• Analyzing and critiquing evaluation


CompetitiveRangeandDiscussions• Award without discussions• Exchanging information after receipt of

proposals• Establishing the competitive range• Notifying offerors outside the competitive

range• Preaward debriefings• Conducting and documenting discussions

SelectionandAward• Evaluating final proposal revisions• Final evaluation report and presenting

proposal evaluations to the Social Security Administration (SSA)

• Making and documenting the source selection decision

• Determining contractor responsibility• Notifying successful and unsuccessful

offerors• Postaward debriefings• Protests


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1076 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 21-25, 2014 ........................... 14107601Chicago, IlApr 6-10, 2015 ............................. 15107604Denver, CoJul 28-Aug 1, 2014 ...................... 14107604Feb 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15107602Phoenix, aZDec 1-5, 2014 .............................. 14107605

San Diego, CaMay 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15107606Seattle, WaAug 18-22, 2014 .......................... 14107607Tysons Corner, VaDec 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14107609Mar 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15107603

Washington, DCJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14107612Sep 15-19, 2014 .......................... 14107613Oct 27-31, 2014 ........................... 14107614Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15107601Apr 27-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15107605

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Level I Certification or Introduction

to Federal Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Purchasing Management or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Performance-Based Service acquisition

Contracting personnel who work with program officials to plan, award, and administer performance-based service contracts will benefit from this training course. The training course addresses the unique aspects of acquiring services and embodies Acquisition.gov’s Seven Steps to Performance-Based Services Acquisition (PBSA).

NOTE:Students seeking a training course on how to write a performance-based requirements document should consider taking Writing Performance Work Statements.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the unique aspects of service acquisition

• Analyze requirements with respect to the ability to contract based on performance

• Determine if the requirements document is performance-based

• Select the method of contracting and source selection process in a performance-based environment

• Prepare a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)

• Administer a performance-based service contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoPerformance-BasedServiceAcquisition• Service contracting• What is PBSA?• Key terms

PlanningforPerformance-BasedServiceAcquisition• Objectives of acquisition planning • Establish an acquisition team• Market research• Relationship of the acquisition to mission and

performance objectives• Importance of acquisition planning• Develop the acquisition plan

DefiningtheNeed• Ways a need may arise • Job analysis• Benchmarking

PrepareaPerformanceWorkStatement(PWS)• Prepare a requirements document • PWS considerations• Format and language of PWS• Reviewing the PWS

AnotherApproach—StatementofObjectives(SOO)• When to use a SOO • Format of a SOO• Due diligence

QualityAssuranceSurveillancePlan• Select the method(s) of surveillance • Identify sources of surveillance information• Establish schedules, checklists, and reports• QASP content and development


FinalizingtheSourceSelectionStrategy• Determine best value • Select evaluation factors• State the evaluation factors in the solicitation• Establish a scoring plan

ContractFormation• Prepare the solicitation • Evaluate offers• Conduct oral presentations• Organizational conflicts of interest• Contract documentation

ContractAdministration• Determine contract administration personnel • Review the QASP• Conduct a postaward orientation• Monitor the contract• Measure and report contractor performance• Ensure compliance with the Service Contract

Act requirements

36 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1079 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoAug 12-14, 2014 .......................... 14107901San francisco, CaMar 16-18, 2015 .......................... 15107902Tysons Corner, VaJun 15-17, 2015 .......................... 15107903

Washington, DCJul 21-23, 2014 ........................... 14107907Sep 10-12, 2014 .......................... 14107908Nov 24-26, 2014 .......................... 14107909Jan 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15107901

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

Writing Performance Work Statements (PWS)

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 37 requires agencies to use performance-based methods to the maximum extent practicable when contracting for services, which means telling the contractor what to do, not how to do it. This training course is designed for program personnel or others who develop performance work statements to describe their service contract requirements. Contracting personnel who must review or critique performance work statements will also benefit. Additionally, this course will benefit companies faced with writing a PWS in response to a Statement of Objectives (SOO). This is a hands-on training course — be prepared to think and write!

NOTE:Contracting or other personnel interested in learning about other aspects of acquiring and monitoring performance-based services should consider taking Performance-Based Service Acquisition.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the policies and procedures governing the use of performance work statements

• Describe the statement of objectives approach to describing the requirement

• Use a systems approach called job analysis to develop the PWS

• Write the PWS and Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)

• Discuss performance-based considerations for evaluation of offers and award and administration of the contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ContractingforServices—AnOverview• Review of service contracting• What is PBSA?• Key PBSA terms

BasicPoliciesandPrinciples• Requirements documents • Defining requirements• Types of requirements• Types of descriptions• Compliance criteria• PWS implications

DefiningtheNeed• How a need may arise • Job analysis• Consider methods of surveillance• Benchmarking

PreparingthePWS• Preparing the requirements document • Choosing a PWS format• Language of performance work statements• Reviewing the PWS

WritingtheQASP• Selecting the method(s) of surveillance • Identifying sources of surveillance

information• Establishing schedules, checklists, and reports• QASP content

AnotherApproach—StatementofObjectives(SOO)• When to use a SOO • Format of a SOO

Pre-SolicitationConsiderations• Purchase request • Funding information• Government cost estimate• List of recommended sources• Justification for other than full and open

competition• Recommendation of a Contracting Officer’s

Representative• Proposal evaluation plan• Preproposal/prebid conference


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 1091 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaFeb 17-19, 2015 .......................... 15109101Tysons Corner, VaSep 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14109103Mar 23-25, 2015 .......................... 15109102

Washington, DCNov 3-5, 2014.............................. 14109104Dec 17-19, 2014 .......................... 14109105May 27-29, 2015 ......................... 15109103

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Pre-work assignment, lecture,discussion, exercises, andindependent readings

Statement of Work (SoW) Workshop

The Statement of Work can make or break an acquisition, so let’s learn to do it right! Participants of this intensive, hands-on three-day workshop will practice writing each part of theSOW. But, their learning won’t stop with the writing. Participants will also examine SOWs from a contractor’s perspective: what questions will a contractor have upon reading the SOW? Whatinconsistencies cause confusion? What makes a requirement unclear? Through their analysis, participants will learn best practices for ensuring their SOWs communicate to their intendedaudience in order to achieve the best value for their acquisitions. Finally, participants will learn how a SOW lives on for the length of the contract. By analyzing legal cases that hinge on the wording of the SOW, participants will grasp the importance of their upfront work and the impact in terms of cost, schedule, and quality. Participants will leave the class well-armed to write a SOW that reflects actual requirements, elicits competitive proposals, and guides contractor performance—that is a winning SOW!

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze a mission need to determine the actual requirements

• Select an appropriate SOW type that satisfies government requirements

• Describe all aspects of the work to be done in a way that will be understood by offerors

• Write a SOW that is free from ambiguities and will result in responsive, competitive proposals

• Evaluate the impact of a SOW on achieving best value throughout the acquisition process

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

OverviewofStatementsofWork• Importance of the SOW• Relationship of the SOW to the solicitation• SOW development process and outcomes

DefiningtheRequirement• Developing the problem statement• Determining the real requirement

DescribingtheWorkinDetail• Decomposing the work• Identifying required skills and resources• Assessing risk• Determining deliverables

WritingtheSOW• SOW types• SOW format• Avoiding ambiguities• Writing tips

LivingwithYourSOW• Effectiveness of the SOW• Responding to contractor questions• Using the SOW to help manage the contract


Project & Program management Certificate Programs


38 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1030 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaSep 15-19, 2014 .......................... 14103001Denver, CoApr 27-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15103003Tysons Corner, VaDec 1-5, 2014 .............................. 14103003

Washington, DCJul 21-25, 2014 ........................... 14103007Jan 12-16, 2015 .......................... 15103001Mar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15103002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course or CON 112: Mission Performance Assessment or CON 127: Contract Management

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, directed readings, and final exam

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Cost and Price analysis

In this training course, personnel involved in establishing or modifying the price or cost of a government contract will learn to perform price analysis and cost analysis to determine price reasonableness in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Students should have a good understanding of the Federal contracting process prior to taking this course.

NOTE: We recommend this course as an elective under the FAC-C Level I training requirements.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine if pricing is fair and reasonable • Suggest modifications to price or cost to

assure reasonableness

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ContractPricing—AnOverview• Identifying the government’s pricing

objective and approaches to contract pricing• Identifying potential participants in the price

analysis process

ConductingMarketResearchforPriceAnalysis• Reviewing the independent government

estimate• Reviewing acquisition histories• Researching market data• Using market research to estimate probable


ObtainingOfferorInformationforAnalysis• Requiring data other than certified cost or

pricing data• Requiring certified cost or pricing data

ApplyingPrice-RelatedFactors• Applying assumed administrative cost

factors, Buy American Act criteria, Government Furnished Property factors, and transportation cost factors

• Lease vs. purchase• Price evaluation preference for HUBZone

small business concerns• Determining offered price(s)• Evaluating possible award combinations

ComparingPrices• Making comparisons• Types of comparisons

CalculatingtheShould-PayPrice• Using price index numbers, trend analysis,

price-volume analysis, cost estimating relationships, and ratio of price to estimated direct cost to determine should-pay price

IntroductiontoCostAnalysis• The meaning of contract cost as used in

contract pricing• The elements of cost analysis

ContractCostPrinciples• General cost principles on allowability• Allowability of specific cost principles

PreparingforCostAnalysis• Collecting and reviewing available data• Requesting and analyzing technical support• Requesting and analyzing audit support

DirectLaborCosts• Analyzing direct labor mix• Analyzing labor hour estimates using

round-table estimates, comparison estimates, improvement curves, and labor standards

• Analyzing wage rates based on geographic location, variations in skill, time period of the labor requirement, and conditions in the workforce

DirectMaterialCosts• Analyzing proposed direct material mix

by identifying direct material elements, collateral costs, and related costs

• Summary cost elements• Detailed cost estimates• Major subcontract requirements

IndirectCosts• Importance and composition of indirect costs• Calculating indirect cost rates• The indirect cost allocation cycle• Analysis of proposed indirect cost forward

pricing rates• Indirect cost certifications

ProfitorFee• Identifying factors affecting profit/fee analysis• Developing profit objectives using

Department of Defense weighted guidelines and Department of Transportation structured approach

PreparingforNegotiation• Using price analysis to develop a total

contract price position• Analyzing trade-offs• Determining prenegotiation objectives based

on contract type• Documentation requirements

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 39

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1022 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJan 12-16, 2015 .......................... 15102201las Vegas, nVMar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15102203San Diego, CaJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14102203Seattle, WaJun 1-5, 2015 .............................. 15102204

Tysons Corner, VaOct 6-10, 2014............................. 14102205Mar 16-20, 2015 .......................... 15102202Washington, DCAug 4-8, 2014 .............................. 14102207Dec 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14102208Jun 15-19, 2015 .......................... 15102205

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course

aCe reCommenDaTIon:December 2013 to present: In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Contract Administration, Acquisition Management, Purchasing, Public Administration, or Business Administration.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Contract administration

This training course covers critical duties performed by contracting personnel during the contract administration phase of the acquisition process, including contracts for commercial items and those using simplified acquisition procedures.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Plan for contract administration• Conduct a postaward orientation• Make decisions regarding a contractor’s use

of subcontracts• Monitor contractor performance and resolve

problems• Identify and address delays in performance• Modify contracts and exercise options• Select and pursue a formal contract remedy

and recognize fraud• Identify and resolve contract disputes• Describe contract claims procedures• Terminate contracts for convenience, cause,

or default• Identify the methods to finance commercial

and non-commercial item contracts• Close out contracts

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ContractAdministrationPlanning• Review the contract file• Determine the level of contract surveillance• Develop a contract administration plan• Identify personnel to represent the

contracting officer

PostawardOrientation• Plan and conduct the orientation• Prepare and distribute a postaward

orientation conference report• Participate in subcontractor conferences,

when appropriate

SubcontractAdministration• Consent to subcontract and advance

notification• Contractor purchasing system reviews• Make-or-Buy programs• Small business subcontracting plans and

problems with compliance

PerformanceMonitoring/QualityAssurance• Responsibilities of parties• Respond to requests from contractors• Categories of quality requirements• First article testing• Acceptance• Verify and document performance problems• Determine impact of the problem• Resolving problems with required sources

DelaysInPerformance• Determine whether to stop work• Investigate potential or actual delays• Identify the type of delay• Prepare findings of fact and develop

government positions• Resolve contractor performance problems


ContractModifications,Adjustments,Options,andOrders• Bilateral and unilateral modifications• Extraordinary contract adjustments• Options• Task and delivery orders and basic ordering


FormalRemedies• Determine when formal remedies may be

appropriate• Cure or show cause notices• Liquidated damages• Nonconforming supplies or services• Warranties• Fraud and other civil or criminal offenses

Disputes,Claims,andTerminations• Contract Disputes Act and resolving disputes• Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)• Handling claims• Termination


FinancialMatters• Invoices• Administering securities and financial terms• Allowability of costs• Payment of indirect costs• Limitation of cost, funds, or total payment

amount• Price and fee adjustments• Collecting contractor debts• Reviewing cost accounting disclosure


ContractCloseout• The contract closeout process


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

40 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1126 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaNov 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14112602May 27-29, 2015 ................ 15112603Washington, DCSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14112605Feb 23-25, 2015 ................. 15112601Apr 20-22, 2015 ................. 15112602

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Contracting

Officer’s Representative Course

CourSe formaT: • Lecture, discussion,

exercises, and independent readings

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1125 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 6-8, 2014 ..................... 14112503Feb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15112501May 26-28, 2015 ................ 15112502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Contracting Officer’s

Representative Course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

evaluating a Contractor’s Performance

Program managers, project officers, Contracting Officer’s Representatives, contract administrators, and others will benefit by attending this training course. Coverage includes relationships among the requirements document, risk, contract type, and the need to evaluate contractor performance.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain when it is necessary to evaluate a contractor’s performance

• Plan the evaluation • Evaluate a contractor’s performance • Take corrective action • Document the results

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Introduction• Planning for contract administration

interrelationship between contract administration and evaluating a contractor’s performance

• Inspection clauses • Steps for selecting evaluation techniques

InitialStepsinMonitoringContracts• Reviewing the contract and determining

contractor obligations• Learning and monitoring what the

contractor is doing: postaward orientation conference, subcontractor orientation, and establishing a contract file

WorkPlanning,Scheduling,andMonitoringTechniques• Approaches • Work measurement • Monitoring and surveillance of progress• Level of monitoring and surveillance

EarnedValueManagementSystem• Definition• Metrics • Planning • Organization • Measuring progress and overcoming

schedule problems • Integrated baseline reviews• Agency requirements

MonitoringandEvaluatingtheContractor’sPerformance• Contract types • Contract payment structure • Using Gantt, milestone, network, and swan

charts • Types of technical systems

Remedies• Contractor-caused delays• Withholding progress payments• Contract modifications• Terminations due to inadequate contractor


PerformanceEvaluationReporting• Reporting requirements, procedures, and



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Developing the Independent Government Cost estimate formerly known as Cost Estimating for Technical Personnel

This course is for technical personnel and others who are responsible for developing the Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE), whether for a new procurement of supplies or services or for a contract modification. Students will learn step-by-step procedures for accomplishing this challenging and often frustrating task.

NOTE:This training course does not cover construction cost estimating.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the purpose of the IGCE • Describe the major elements of the cost

estimate • Discuss the steps in the cost estimating process • Select appropriate estimating methods • Develop an IGCE

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IndependentGovernmentCostEstimate• Importance, factors affecting the cost estimate,

and regulatory requirements that affect IGCEs

TheImportanceoftheRequirementsDocument• Effect on estimating process • Relationship of contract type to estimating• Impact of what is being purchased, product

or service

LookingatCostasanElementoftheEstimate• Price-volume analysis • Linear price-volume relationships • Recurring and nonrecurring costs• Allowability


UsingtheRequirementsDocumentastheEstimateStartingPoint• Evaluating the requirements document• Choosing the appropriate estimating method • Breaking the requirements document into

cost elements • Breaking work into a hierarchical structure

MakingtheEstimate• Defining the scope • Established resources and restrictions• Assessing the requirements document• Making assumptions• Collecting and projecting cost data

EvaluatingtheEstimate• Reviewing background information• Assessing the scope of the estimate• Evaluating the estimate method


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 41

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1162 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJan 21-22, 2015 ................. 15116201Seattle, WaFeb 18-19, 2015 ................. 15116202Tysons Corner, VaJun 24-25, 2015 ................. 15116204

Washington, DCAug 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14116205Nov 12-13, 2014 ................. 14116206Feb 26-27, 2015 ................. 15116203

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Overview

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Simplified Acquisition Procedures or Contracting Officer’s Course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1084 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoMar 30-Apr 1, 2015 ............ 15108402San francisco, CaDec 8-10, 2014 ................... 14108402Tysons Corner, VaNov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14108404May 27-29, 2015 ................ 15108403

Washington, DCSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14108406Feb 17-19, 2015 ................. 15108401

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, quiz, and independent readings

Service Contract labor Standards Statute overviewformerly known as Service Contract Act Overview

This training course is designed to help Federal personnel administer the requirements of the Service Contract Labor Standards statute. The course focuses on the statute, the Department of Labor (DOL) regulations that implement it, and how it applies to the acquisition process. A detailed, comprehensive text is provided that contains copies of the law, DOL implementing regulations, Administrative Review Board decisions, and wage determinations.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine if the statute applies • Understand basic wage and fringe benefit

rules • Apply the statutory provisions to applicable

contracts • Enforce the statute

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Overview• Terms and conditions • Why regulations are needed• Provisions of the statute: scope, purpose,

and coverage • Exemptions • Responsibilities

BasicWageandFringeBenefitsRules• Compensation provisions • Multiple year contracts • Overtime • Health and safety standards

HowtoApplytheStatutetoContracts• Determine whether the statute applies

• Determine whether the successor contract rule applies

• Requesting wage determinations • Dealing with wage determinations

EnforcingtheStatute• Violations in general• Violations of wage and fringe benefit

provisions • Violations of other provisions • Penalties, disputes, and enforcement • DOL hearings and appeals to the

Administrative Review Board

RelatedLawsandRegulations• Fair Labor Standards Act• Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles,

and Equipment Exceeding $15,000 statute• Wage Rate Requirements (construction)

statute• Interstate Commerce Act • Communications Act of 1934 • Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards

statute• Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment

Assistance Act • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Types of Contracts

Students will receive an overview of the contract types most frequently used in Federal contracting, as well as the basic principles and limitations governing their use.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the contract types authorized by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

• Define conditions for their use • Select the appropriate type of contract for a

particular acquisition

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoTypesofContracts• Basic elements of a contract • General classification of contract types• Factors in selecting contract type • Effect of the requirements document on

selecting a contract type

Fixed-PriceContracts• Cost risk of performance under fixed-price

contracts• Firm-fixed-price, fixed-price with economic

price adjustment, fixed-price with prospective or retroactive price redetermination, and fixed-price level-of-effort term contracts

Cost-ReimbursementContracts• Use of cost-reimbursement contracts • Cost risk of performance under cost-

reimbursement contracts • Cost, cost-plus-fixed-fee, and cost-sharing

contracts• Clauses

IncentiveContracts• Types of incentives • Fixed-price incentive, fixed-price with

award fee, cost-plus-incentive-fee, and cost-plus-award-fee contracts

• Clauses • Award term contracts

Indefinite-DeliveryContracts• Definite-quantity contracts • Requirements contracts • Indefinite-quantity contracts • Orders under Indefinite-Delivery contracts• Clauses • Governmentwide Indefinite-Delivery,

Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contracts



OtherPurchasingArrangements• Basic Agreements • Basic Ordering Agreements • Blanket Purchase Agreements • Other transactions

42 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1024 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Seattle, WaMar 30-31, 2015 ................. 15102403Tysons Corner, VaJul 31-Aug 1, 2014 ............. 14102403Nov 6-7, 2014 ..................... 14102404May 7-8, 2015 .................... 15102404

Washington, DCJan 15-16, 2015 ................. 15102401Mar 5-6, 2015 ..................... 15102402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1082 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 28-30, 2014 .................. 14108202May 4-6, 2015 .................... 15108203Washington, DCJan 12-14, 2015 ................. 15108201Mar 2-4, 2015 ..................... 15108202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Introduction to Federal

Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course or CON 112: Mission Performance Assessment or CON 127: Contract Management

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Contract Closeout

Designed for the practitioner, this hands-on training course delves into the issues involved with successfully closing out a contract. It begins with a description of what constitutes a contract file and ends with its disposal.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss organizational structures and players required for closeout

• Execute the steps required to close out different types of contracts

• Handle items of special concern

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoContractCloseout• Contract closeout procedures• Contract completion statement • Physical completion• Time standards for closing contract files• Organizational structure • Personnel involved

ContractFiles• Purpose of contract documentation • Types of contract files • Contents of contract files

CloseoutProcedures• Basic closeout principles• Closeout steps • Accelerated closeout• Areas of special concern

EffectsofContractTerminationonCloseoutProcedures• Termination for convenience • Termination based on inadequate contractor

performance • No-cost settlement

TimeRequirementsforRecordRetention• Record retention by Federal agencies • Record retention by contractors

ProblemContractCloseouts• Contractor no longer in business • Contractor in bankruptcy • Contractor unable to submit supporting

indirect cost data for submission of final vouchers

• Contractor fails to submit final invoice or voucher

• Unreconcilable contracts

Terminating Contracts

This training course focuses on the practical considerations in making a termination decision, as well as on the specifics of the entire termination process. Topics to be discussed include the need for contract termination, the government’s statutory and contractual rights, the contractor’s rights and obligations, and the procedural steps in termination and settlement.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain when a contract should be terminated

• Describe the government’s statutory and contractual rights with respect to terminations

• Discuss the contractor’s rights and obligations

• List the procedural steps in terminating a contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

GeneralPrinciplesofTerminations• Legal history and reasons for termination

differences in termination types• Contracting officer responsibility

TerminationfortheConvenienceoftheGovernment• Meaning and purpose• Termination for Convenience clauses by

contract type • General procedures: notice of termination,

duties of the prime contractor after receiving a notice of termination, and duties of the termination contracting officer after issuing a notice of termination

• Constructive termination for convenience

TerminationDuetoInadequateContractorPerformance• Differences between terminations for default

and cause • Principles: application of default provisions

and clauses in varying contract types, and effects of termination

• Factors to consider when making the decision to terminate: actual vs. anticipatory breach, cure and show cause notices, forbearance, excusable delay, actions in lieu of termination, and substantial completion or compliance

• General procedures: termination notice, sureties, documentation and reporting, completion, and repurchase

TerminationSettlements• Settlement proposals • Termination settlement methods and

principles • Subcontract settlement • Preparing the settlement agreement• Partial and final payments • Termination inventory

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1052 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoSep 15-17, 2014 ................. 14105201Tysons Corner, VaJun 15-17, 2015 ................. 15105202Washington, DCSep 2-4, 2014 ..................... 14105203Nov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14105204Dec 15-17, 2014 ................. 14105205Mar 16-18, 2015 ................. 15105201

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal


CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, case studies, and independent readings

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1019 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 15-17, 2014 ................. 14101902May 27-29, 2015 ................ 15101901Washington, DCSep 2-4, 2014 ..................... 14101903

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Level I FAC-C or DAWIA

Certified or Level II FAC-COR Certified or DoD Types B or C COR Certified

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, case studies, and independent readings

fundamentals of overhead & other Indirect Cost rates

Designed with contracting and pricing personnel in mind, this training course provides a solid understanding of how indirect cost rates are established, how they are applied, and how they behave.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze indirect costs • Perform an overhead rate analysis

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

CategoriesofIndirectCosts• Overhead • General and administrative expenses

AllocationofCosts • Allocation to the final cost objective• Components and methods of allocating

overhead cost • Pools and bases for rate development

EffectofDifferentAllocationBases• Allocation based on direct costs or

production quantity • Significance of different allocation methods

ExamplesofTypicalOverheadAllocation• Overhead cost, base of allocation, and

overhead rates as estimates • Normal practice for overhead rates


AbsorptionofOverheadCosts• Underabsorption, overabsorption, and exact


EichleayFormulaforExtendedOverhead• Necessary elements for Eichleay application• Calculating unabsorbed overhead



CostAnalysisoftheOverheadRates• Analysis of overhead costs and basis of

allocation • General and administrative costs • Fringe benefits • Allowability of costs • Forward pricing, billing, and final indirect


BurdenRateProjection• Basic steps in determining rates• Rate changes • Steps in performing overhead rate analyses


federal financial management Certificate Program

Changes under Government Contracts

This training course addresses complex issues relative to executing a contract change. It deals with the unusual aspects of the changes clauses and other clauses that result in a change or an equitable adjustment, such as differing site conditions or government property.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine if a change can be made to a contract

• Determine what relief, if any, is due the contractor

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoChanges• Overview and purpose of the Changes


HowtheTypicalChangesClauseWorks• Definitions • “Within general scope” • Methods of modification: unilateral vs.

bilateral modifications and changes to commercial item contracts

• Standard Form 30 • Requirements for a change order • Typical change

ContractingOfficer’sAuthority• Authority to issue changes • General scope • Changes outside the scope of the contract

FormalChanges• Issuance of change orders • Contractor’s duty to proceed in the face of


ConstructiveChanges• Purpose of the constructive change doctrine• Constructive change orders

PricingtheEquitableAdjustment• Pricing changes – the rules • Supplemental agreements and equitable

adjustments • Steps to take when pricing equitable

adjustments • A pricing approach • Alteration of profit or fee pursuant to a

change • Other modifications

OtherClausesthatInvokeChange• Differing site conditions • Suspension of work/stop-work order• Delays and time extensions • Inspection and acceptance • Warranties

NotificationofChangesandPreservingEvidenceinComplexCases• Notification of changes • Procedures under the Contract Disputes Act

and Disputes clause• Equal Access to Justice Act

44 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1018 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Seattle, WaApr 2-3, 2015 ...................... 15101802Tysons Corner, VaAug 18-19, 2014 ................. 14101802Feb 19-20, 2015 ................. 15101801

Washington, DCNov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14101805Apr 27-28, 2015 ................. 15101803Jun 8-9, 2015 ..................... 15101804

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Federal


CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1127 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaFeb 23-25, 2015 ................. 15112701Washington, DCSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14112703Nov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14112704May 27-29, 2015 ................ 15112702

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Level I FAC-C or DAWIA

Certified or Introduction to Federal Contracting or Contracting Officer’s Representative Course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

acquisition of Commercial Items

This training course is designed for both government and private sector individuals involved in contracting or subcontracting for commercial items in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 12. In this course, successful students will learn what constitutes a commercial item and what procedures and methods are available to take advantage of this streamlined approach.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine if the item or service to be acquired is a commercial item

• Solicit, evaluate, and award in accordance with FAR Part 12

• Administer a commercial item contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoCommercialItemPractice• Definitions • FAR implementation • Legislation not applicable to acquisition of

commercial items

DefiningtheRequirement• Market research • Concept of commercial marketplace

acceptance • Requirement for brand name items• Preparing the purchase request

UsingRequiredSources• Priorities for use of established sources• Agency inventories and excess from other

agencies • UNICOR • AbilityOne • Wholesale supply sources • GSA schedules

• GSA Advantage! • Government printing and

supply sources

PreparingtheSolicitation• Using the results of market research• Contract financing • Standard Form 1449 • Tailoring clauses and provisions • Contract type

Publicizing• Publicizing under FAR Part 5 • Streamlined solicitation for commercial


EvaluationandAward• Submission and evaluation of offers• Contract award

ContractAdministration• Inspection and acceptance/rejection• Changes • Terminations • Payment terms and invoices • Disputes • Closeout considerations


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Incentive Contracts

Students will learn when and how the various incentive contracts may be used to influence contractor behavior and achieve better performance. Course highlights include conditions for use of incentive contracts, limitations on their use, and problems with negotiating and making changes to incentive contracts. This training course will benefit those involved in structuring incentive contracts, including those for performance-based services.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine if the use of an incentive contract is appropriate

• Select the best suited incentive contracting arrangement

• Solicit, evaluate, negotiate, and award incentive contracts

• Administer an incentive contract

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoIncentiveContracting• Basic principles of incentive contracting• Selection of contract type • Elements of basic incentive contract types• Relationships of incentive contracting and

pricing policies

IncentiveContractNegotiation• Advance planning • Request for proposals • Estimates and objectives • Proposal analysis • Contract type selection for research and

development • Prenegotiation objectives • Tradeoffs in negotiation

CostIncentives• Fixed-price incentive — cost only• Cost-plus-incentive-fee — cost only• Range of incentive effectiveness • Graphic representations • Broken share lines for single and multiple


MultipleIncentiveContracts• Target cost • Multiple incentive structuring • Performance structuring • Cost-plus-incentive fee — multiple

incentives • Cost-performance structuring • Fixed-price multiple incentives • Incentive measures and payment • Effect of fixed overhead on incentive sharing


ScheduleIncentives• Cost-plus-incentive-fee • Fixed-price-incentive

ContractChanges• Cost and multiple incentive changes


Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 45

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1047 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

fort Worth, TXSep 15-19, 2014 ................. 14104701San Diego, CaMay 11-15, 2015 ................ 15104702Washington, DCJul 14-18, 2014 .................. 14104704Oct 27-31, 2014 .................. 14104705Dec 8-12, 2014 ................... 14104706Mar 23-27, 2015 ................. 15104701

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Level I FAC-C or DAWIA

Certified or Level II FAC-COR or Type B DoD COR Certified or Introduction to Federal Contracting

aCe reCommenDaTIon:• December 2013 to present:

In the upper-division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Business Administration, Procurement, Purchasing or Contracts.

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, case studies, independent readings, and final exam

federal Contract law

This comprehensive training course covers a full range of legal issues that frequently arise in Federal contracting. It sets out the principles that must be understood to ensure that all contracting actions are in accordance with the law, regulations, and legal precedents. Emphasis is placed on actual cases from the Comptroller General, the boards of contract appeals, and the courts. This training course is appropriate for contracting, program, and financial personnel who are involved in Federal contracting, as well as Federal contractors.

NOTE: If you are a Federal contract specialist in the GS-1102 occupational series, you may be required to take CON 216: Legal Considerations in Contracting instead of this training course.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the general principles of Federal contract law

• Describe the statutory and administrative control of funds

• Discuss ethical standards and impermissible business practices

• Explain socioeconomic policies associated with small businesses and labor standards

• Discuss contract formation issues and bid protests

• Describe legal considerations associated with postaward contract administration, claims, and terminations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Legal framework• Funding of Federal contracts• Ethics, business practices, and conflicts

of interest• Socioeconomic policies• Contract formation methods• Challenges by unsuccessful offerors• Postaward contract performance• Terminations due to inadequate

performance• Termination for government convenience• Contract claims and litigation• Fraud and exclusions

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1120 2 days $729 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaNov 12-13, 2014 ................. 14112001Washington, DCJul 10-11, 2014 .................. 14112003Sep 2-3, 2014 ..................... 14112004Feb 12-13, 2015 ................. 15112001

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Task and Delivery order Contracting

This training course addresses the planning, use, and administration of task and delivery orders. Students will learn about the variety of existing contract vehicles available to them, as well as the process of developing new task and delivery order contracts.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain when and how to use task and delivery order contracts and the rules that guide them

• Select an appropriate contract vehicle to fulfill requirements for a specific acquisition

• Use GSA Schedules correctly and innovatively• Place task and delivery orders using existing

non-schedule contract vehicles• Describe the process to create task and

delivery order contracts • Administer task and delivery orders

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Overview• Indefinite-Delivery contracts • Contract vs. order • Circumstances for use • Choices when ordering

SelectinganAppropriateContractVehicleUsingMarketResearch• Conducting market research • Alternatives analysis • Identifying appropriate contract vehicles• Interagency acquisition considerations

GSASchedules• Using GSA Schedules • Ordering procedures • Blanket Purchase Agreements • Contractor team arrangements

PlacingNon-ScheduleTaskandDeliveryOrdersUsingExistingContracts• Importance of scope • Placing orders• Using interagency contract vehicles

DevelopingIntra-agencyTaskandDeliveryOrderContracts• Contract formation considerations• Required elements of the solicitation and

contract• Administration challenges

AdministrationofTaskandDeliveryOrders• Order administration• Inspection and acceptance• Modification, cancellation, termination, and

disputes• Reporting contractor performance

46 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1001 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaAug 4-6, 2014 ..................... 14100101Nov 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14100102Washington, DCFeb 23-25, 2015 ................. 15100101Jun 1-3, 2015 ..................... 15100102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Level I FAC-C or DAWIA

Certified or Level II FAC-COR or Type B DoD COR Certified

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, and independent readings

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1005 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaMar 2-6, 2015 ..................... 15100501Washington, DCAug 25-29, 2014 ................. 14100502Nov 17-21, 2014 ................. 14100503

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Level I FAC-C or DAWIA

Certified or Level II FAC-COR or Type B DoD COR Certified

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, review quizzes, independent readings, and final exam

Information Technology (IT) acquisition

This training course focuses on areas and considerations unique to the acquisition of IT. It is designed for program and contracting personnel who are involved in the acquisition of IT supplies and services.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the basis for IT acquisitions • Conduct mission and business planning, as

well as acquisition planning • Review established sources and determine

which can satisfy the agency’s need • Determine compliance with accessibility

requirements • Resolve intellectual property issues

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

BasisforInformationTechnology(IT)• IT marketplace• Acquisition framework of laws, regulations,

and policy• Public policy objectives• Roles, responsibilities, and authorities

PlanningforITAcquisitions• Understanding capital planning

requirements• Process of planning in an IT environment

Security,Accessibility,andOtherITPlanningConsiderations• Privacy and security in IT acquisitions• Sections 508 of Rehabilitation Act and 255

of Telecommunications Act• Intellectual property

DevelopingRequirementsDocumentsandEvaluationFactors• Types and factors to consider in developing

requirements documents• Work statements and evaluation factors

SatisfyingtheITNeed• Required sources• Open market source selection• Debriefings and protests

ContractAdministration• Performance measurement • Inspection and acceptance• Contract changes and technology

refreshment• Maintenance and software support


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

administration of Cost-reimbursement Contracts

This specialized training course focuses on the unique demands of administering cost-reimbursement contracts for services, supplies, and research and development. Prior to enrolling in this training course, students should understand basic Federal contracting principles and procedures.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the nature of a cost-reimbursement contract

• Explain policies and procedures unique to cost-reimbursement contracts

• Administer cost-reimbursement contracts

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoCost-ReimbursementContracts• Use of the cost-reimbursement contract

types of cost-reimbursement contracts• Cost risk of performance• Concluding comment on contract types

FundingandFinancialAdministration• Contract financing (FAR Part 32) • Contract funding• Price reduction for defective certified cost or

pricing data• Audits

FundamentalDutiesoftheParties• The government • The contractor• Inspecting, monitoring, and accepting

contractor performance• Postaward conference or other orientation• Establishing a contract administration file

• Work planning, scheduling, and measurement techniques

• Monitoring labor compliance

ContractModificationsandChanges• Modifications • The Changes clause• Pricing changes

AdditionalConsiderationsinCost-ReimbursementContracts• Government Furnished Property • Review of contractor’s purchasing system• Subcontracts

TerminationsandRemediesforUnsatisfactoryPerformance• Termination for convenience • Termination for default• Other remedies

Disputes• Contract Disputes Act of 1978 • Responsibilities of the contracting officer

and COR

ContractCloseout• Definition • Personnel involved• Contract closeout documentation• Closeout procedures

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1027 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaAug 4-6, 2014 .............................. 14102701May 18-20, 2015 ......................... 15102704San francisco, CaJan 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15102701Tysons Corner, VaAug 11-13, 2014 .......................... 14102703

Washington, DCJul 7-9, 2014 ............................... 14102706Oct 20-22, 2014 ........................... 14102707Feb 9-11, 2015 ............................ 15102702Mar 30-Apr 1, 2015 ..................... 15102703

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Contracting With Small Business Concerns

This training course defines and describes Federal socioeconomic programs. Students will gain a good understanding of program policies, procedures, and problem areas associated with various socioeconomic programs benefiting small businesses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the different socioeconomic programs required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

• Determine which program or programs to use in a particular acquisition

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoFederalSocioeconomicPrograms• Establishment of socioeconomic programs• Definitions of relevant terms • Implementation of socioeconomic policy:

small business procurement goals, order of consideration for small business programs, other groups given consideration under socioeconomic programs, and agency-level involvement

PeopleandAgenciesInvolvedinSmallBusinessContracting• Small Business Administration (SBA) • Other agencies • Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business

Utilization • SBA procurement center representatives • SBA breakout procurement center

representatives • Agency technical and contracting personnel• Competition advocate

PlanningtoContractwithSmallBusinessConcerns• Market research and locating potential small

business sources • Size standards • Set-asides • Rule of Two • Relationship among small business programs• Bundling • Limitations on subcontracting

The8(a)Program• The 8(a) program and acquisition process• Selecting acquisitions for 8(a) fulfillment• Types of 8(a) directed procurements • SBA appeals • Award of the contract: sole-source and

competitive award documents • Contract clauses • Contract administration • Limitation on subcontracting by 8(a) firms

Set-AsideProgramsforSpecificGroupsofSmallBusinesses• HUBZone contracting program • Service-disabled veteran-owned small

business program • Women-owned small business program

SmallBusinessSet-Asides• Criteria • Eligibility requirements • Types of small business set-asides • Setting aside a class of acquisitions • Handling set-asides throughout the

contracting process

Subcontracting• Requirements • Locating eligible small business

subcontractors • Types of subcontracting plans • Role of agency and SBA in small business

subcontracting • Following subcontracting procedures

through the contracting process

OtherPrograms• Small disadvantaged business participation

program • Small business innovation research program• Mentor-protégé programs and special

treatment given to small businesses in the acquisition process

• Historically black colleges and universities• Disaster and emergency assistance activities• Indian Incentive Program

48 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1023 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJan 26-30, 2015 ................. 15102301Tysons Corner, VaMar 16-20, 2015 ................. 15102302Washington, DCAug 18-22, 2014 ................. 14102303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Level I FAC-C or DAWIA

Certified or Level II FAC-COR or Type B DoD COR Certified

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, case studies, independent readings, and final exam

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1020 3 days $779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoApr 6-8, 2015 ...................... 15102002Washington, DCSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14102003Feb 17-19, 2015 ................. 15102001

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• CON 244: Construction


CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, and independent readings

Contract Claims

This training course provides both contracting and program personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize the legal and practical implications of government contract claims.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain what constitutes a claim • Discuss the rules for preparing a claim • Respond to the filing of a claim

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheClaimsFramework• Claims definition • Sovereign immunity • Judicial and administrative forums• Performance claims today • Other complaint forums


SourcesofClaims• Recognizing a claim in the making• Allegation • Breach claims • Remedy clauses • Damages • Informal resolution • Contract related sources• Duties of the parties• Basis for settlement

EquitableAdjustments• Remedies and scope of relief • Allowable costs • Equitable adjustments • Burden of proof


PreparationofClaims• The preparation process• Access to information before litigation• Freedom of Information Act • Choice of forum


ProceedingsBeforeaBoardofContractAppeals• Presentation of the claim • Appeals • Pretrial and prehearing procedures• Hearings and decisions

TheUnitedStatesCourtofFederalClaims• Initiation of a case• Pretrial procedures and trials• Alternative disputes resolution

OtherConsiderations• The Equal Access to Justice Act• Government remedies for false claims


Construction Claims

This comprehensive training course covers the full spectrum of claims arising under construction contracts. It addresses issues related to recognizing a potential claim, pricing considerations, terminations, and the roles of the boards of contract appeals and the courts.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the claims process • Recognize a potential claim • Provide options for resolving disputes

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

FundamentalIssuesandtheClaimsProcess• Claims definition • Sovereign immunity • Evolution of jurisdictional authority of

courts • Other complaint forums • Contract Disputes Act

ChangesintheWork/ContractModifications• General contract principles for contract

modifications and changes • Supplemental agreements • Impossibility or impracticability of

performance • Constructive changes

PrinciplesofEquitableAdjustments• Sample claim format • Remedies and scope of relief • Allowability • Equitable adjustments • Burden of proof

ClaimsUnderOtherThantheChangesClause• Differing site conditions • Suspension of work • Time-related claims

Delays• Analyze delays • Effects of delays on time • Process claims

CostElementsofaClaim• Materials • Labor: labor rates, classes, and inefficiencies• Other direct costs • Indirect costs • Profit or fee • Unabsorbed overhead

ResolutionoftheClaim• Accord and satisfaction (settlement)• Proceedings before a board of contract

appeals • Procedures before the U.S. Court of Federal

Claims • Equal Access to Justice Act

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : S P E C I A L I z E D , E L E C T I v E , A N D C O N T I N U O U S L E A R N I N g

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1597 4 days $1,045 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMay 11-14, 2015 ......................... 15159703Portland, orApr 6-9, 2015............................... 15159702Tysons Corner, VaNov 3-6, 2014.............................. 14159702

Washington, DCSep 22-25, 2014 .......................... 14159701Dec 8-11, 2014 ............................ 14159703Feb 2-5, 2015 .............................. 15159701Jun 22-25, 2015 .......................... 15159704

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and case study simulation

lease acquisition Training

This course is designed to provide students the essential skills for mastering the fundamental concepts involved in the leasing process. Students will participate in highly interactive, hands-on table exercises using a lease acquisition case study that simulates the entire lease acquisition process from requirements development through Tenant Improvement (TI) construction and acceptance. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to be productive members of the lease acquisition team.

NOTE: This course replaces Federal Real Property Leasing as the foundation course for obtaining lease contracting officer warrants. It also serves as a refresher course for those who need training to maintain their warrants. The General Services Administration (GSA) has authorized Management Concepts to deliver this course.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Provide practitioner-level training on the lease acquisition process

• Engage and challenge through a comprehensive case study simulation of the actual lease acquisition process

• Ensure consistency across regions• Select the appropriate lease model

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheRegulatoryEnvironment• The regulations that impact the lease

acquisition process• The impact of lease reform• The six lease acquisition models

MarketSurveyProcess• Market research• Market survey process• Decision to solicit• Land market survey form• Market Survey Report

UnderstandingtheSolicitationProcess• Request for Lease Proposals (RLP) and lease

contract• Additional documents attached to the RLP

and lease contract• Tailoring the RLP and lease contract to the

acquisition• Sending out the RLP package• RLP and lease amendments

EvaluatingLeaseProposals• Establishing negotiation objectives• Evaluating offers• Lease negotiations• Final proposal revisions• Present Value Analysis (PVA)• The Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM)

Preaward/Award• Preaward process• Assembling the lease• Awarding the lease and notifying

unsuccessful offerors• Postaward actions

Design• Design Intent Drawings (DIDs)• Finish selections• Construction Drawings (CDs)

PostawardTenantImprovementNegotiations• TI bids• TIs that exceed the allowance• TI PNM• TI Notice to Proceed (NTP) and when it can

be granted

TIConstructiontoAcceptance• Construction kickoff and coordination• Progress inspection process• Change order process• Final acceptance inspection process• Project closeout

OtherLeaseModels• Key attributes of the other lease acquisition

models, including: – Simplified – Streamlined – Succeeding/Superseding – On-Airport – Warehouse


50 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L R E A L P R O P E RT y L E A S I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1031 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Chicago, IlFeb 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15103101San francisco, CaJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14103103Washington, DCAug 18-22, 2014.......................... 14103106Oct 27-31, 2014 ........................... 14103107May 4-8, 2015 ............................. 15103102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Lease Acquisition Training

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, and final exam

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Cost and Price analysis of lease Proposals

This specialized training course is essential for those involved in evaluating lease proposals. Through the use of exercises, students will learn the analysis techniques needed to establish realistic negotiation objectives. This is one of the courses required to qualify for a leasing warrant.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply appropriate analysis techniques to evaluate offers and establish a prenegotiation

• position• Use analysis results to achieve a fair and

reasonable price during lease negotiations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

LeasePricing• Meaning and purpose• Phases of contract pricing• Legislative and regulatory requirements• Types of pricing, analysis, and leases

AnalysisDuringAcquisitionPlanning• Purpose of analysis• Sufficiency of requirements• Preliminary market price analysis• Market survey price analysis• Results of the market survey

AnalysisofSolicitation• General requirements• Reconcile pricing paragraphs with market

survey results• Market practices vs. solicitation requirements• Socioeconomic policies and impact on price• Structure of the solicitation

PriceEvaluationofInitialOffers• Initial checks and verifications• Abstract of offers• Nature and extent of competition• Negotiation objectives• Fair annual rent• Present value analysis

TechnicalEvaluationofOffers• Evaluating against requirements, not

desirables• Technical evaluation• Relationship of price and technical evaluation

factors• Competitive range

CostAnalysis• Application and limitations• Cost elements of rent• Accounting principles and practices• Allowability of costs• Cost or pricing data• Data collection• Preparing “should cost” position for

negotiation• Profit as an element

UseofAnalysisinNegotiations• Preparation for negotiations• Prenegotiation plan• Review of cost analysis• Review of technical and price analysis• Identify strategy

FinalEvaluationandNegotiationMemorandum• Final evaluation• Preaward actions• Contract award

AdditionalSituationsforAnalysis• Analysis in simplified lease acquisition

procedures• Superseding leases• Real estate tax evaluation• Terminations and restoration• Succeeding leases

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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L R E A L P R O P E RT y L E A S I N g

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1081 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

fort Worth, TXJun 8-12, 2015 ............................ 15108102San francisco, CaAug 11-15, 2014 .......................... 14108102Tysons Corner, VaSep 22-26, 2014 .......................... 14108103Washington, DCFeb 23-27, 2015 .......................... 15108101

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Lease Acquisition Training• Cost and Price Analysis of Lease


CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, mock negotiations, independent readings, and final exam

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Techniques of negotiating federal real Property leases

Through preparation and role-playing, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to negotiate lease contracts in accordance with applicable regulations. This is one of the courses required to qualify for a leasing warrant.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Conduct exchanges with lessors prior to negotiations

• Determine the competitive range and extent of discussions

• Prepare a negotiation plan• Conduct discussions with lessors in the

competitive range• Conduct negotiations in noncompetitive


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoNegotiations• Describing negotiation• Recognizing possible negotiation outcomes

and styles• Describing attitudes that lead to successful


ExchangesPriortoNegotiations• Identifying offeror information needed • Selecting methods for conducting an

exchange• Selecting and preparing participants for face-

to-face exchanges• Conducting face-to-face exchanges• Using exchange results• Establishing the competitive range

NegotiationPreparation• Need for preparation • Tailoring the negotiation team to the

situation• Identifying negotiation issues and objectives• Identifying the offeror’s probable approach to

negotiation• Assessing bargaining strengths and

weaknesses• Identifying negotiation priorities and

potential tradeoffs• Determining an overall negotiation approach• Preparing a negotiation plan• Presenting the negotiation plan to

management• Preparing a negotiation agenda

NoncompetitiveNegotiations• Recognizing the principal negotiator’s

responsibilities • Types of negotiations after award• Identifying documentation requirements

NonverbalCommunication• Recognizing different forms of nonverbal

communication • Describing how body language affects

negotiations• Describing how the physical environment

affects negotiations• Recognizing how personal attributes affect


BargainingTechniques• Be prepared • Aim high• Give yourself room to compromise• Put pressure on the offeror• Do not volunteer weaknesses• Use concessions wisely• Say it right• Satisfy non-price issues• Use the power of patience• Be willing to walk away from or go back to


BargainingTactics• Using win/win tactics • Identifying win/lose tactics and appropriate


ConductingDiscussions• Recognizing the steps for competitive

discussions • Conducting a comparative assessment of

final offers• Communicating assessment results• Identifying documentation requirements

PostawardNegotiationandAdministration• Buildout period • Daily administration• Alterations, lease modifications, and changes• Disputes• Terminations and repair

52 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L R E A L P R O P E RT y L E A S I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1050 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoMay 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15105003fort Worth, TXJul 7-11, 2014 ............................. 14105002San francisco, CaMar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15105002

Tysons Corner, VaAug 25-29, 2014 .......................... 14105004Washington, DCJan 5-9, 2015 .............................. 15105001Jun 15-19, 2015 .......................... 15105004

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Lease Acquisition Training

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, interpretation and application of case study materials, independent readings, and final exam

federal real Property lease law

This training course concentrates on ways to identify and avoid legal problems that arise while soliciting for and administering leases. Through the case study method using actual court decisions, students will learn to apply proper legal principles to the work they do every day. Students also will work extensively with the clauses typically found in Federal leases, including General Services Administration (GSA) Form 3517B. This is one of the courses required to qualify for a leasing warrant.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the genesis of lease law• Discuss the legal implications of the

solicitation process• Describe the dispute resolution process• Explain legal principles involved in contract

interpretation• Recognize legal implications of leasing

clauses• Explain the concept of damages and


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

GenesisofLeaseLaw• General common law of landlord and tenant• Elements of a valid lease• Implied duty of good faith and fair dealing• Current Federal real property lease law• Forums for Federal lease law issues

SolicitationProcess• GSA lease models • Receipt of proposals• Evaluation criteria• Competitive range• Need for discussions

– Ending discussions – Evaluation and selection – Debriefing – Responsibility determination

DisputeResolution• Protests • Claims• Equal Access to Justice Act

LeaseInterpretation• Intent of parties • Contract interprets itself• Merger• Language conflicts

LeaseAdministrationProblems• Legal implication of GSA Form 3517B


DamagesandOtherRemedies• Actual, special, and consequential damages • Duty to mitigate• Actions for waste• Constructive eviction• Termination

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 53

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L R E A L P R O P E R T y L E A S I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1028 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Chicago, IlApr 13-17, 2015 ................. 15102803fort Worth, TXJan 26-30, 2015 ................. 15102801San francisco, CaSep 15-19, 2014 ................. 14102803

Tysons Corner, VaAug 4-8, 2014 ..................... 14102804Jun 1-5, 2015 ..................... 15102804Washington, DCNov 17-21, 2014 ................. 14102806Mar 16-20, 2015 ................. 15102802

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Lease Acquisition Training

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, exercises, case studies, independent readings, and final exam

lease administration

Designed for the practitioner, this training course provides useful information on the technical direction and enforcement of real property leases. Appropriate for leasing specialists, real property managers, or contracting officer’s representatives, this course covers a wide range of contract management issues from initial build out of the space through ongoing performance management to termination procedures.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the elements of a real estate contract and the forms of ownership

• Discuss the purpose and application of lease clauses

• Manage the postaward activities leading up to occupancy, during move in, and after occupancy

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Introduction to real estate lease administration and management

• Elements of a real estate contract and forms of ownership

• Purpose and application of general clauses in lease administration

• Postaward activities leading up to occupancy• Determination of substantial completion and

activities at the time of occupancy

• Lease administration actions after occupancy within the scope of the contract

• Rent adjustment clauses• Alterations and repairs in leased space• Miscellaneous lease administration actions

after occupancy• Formal legal issues in lease administration• Documentation, closeout, and settlement

54 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L R E A L P R O P E R T y L E A S I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1049 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMar 2-6, 2015 ..................... 15104902Denver, CoSep 8-12, 2014 ................... 14104902San Diego, CaJul 21-25, 2014 .................. 14104903

San francisco, CaJan 12-16, 2015 ................. 15104901Tysons Corner, VaApr 20-24, 2015 ................. 15104903

Washington, DCJul 28-Aug 1, 2014 ............. 14104908Sep 29-Oct 3, 2014 ............. 14104909Dec 1-5, 2014 ..................... 14104910

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, mock negotiations, independent readings, and final exam

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

federal real Property leasing refresherformerly known as Federal Real Property Leasing

This course is designed to cover the Federal real property leasing process from space planning to termination. It provides a detailed overview of the various lease models, when they are appropriate to use, and the various considerations that must be addressed during the leasing process. It is designed for space managers, leasing specialists, and contracting personnel and serves as an excellent refresher course for those needing continuing education to maintain their leasing warrants.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain basis for leasing authority and the foundation and beginning of leasing process

• Describe the General Services Administration (GSA) lease models

• Describe the leasing procedures• Discuss the various methods of determining

fair and reasonable rents• Evaluate offers and negotiate, award, and

administer leases• Obtain alterations and repairs• Discuss socioeconomic considerations and

standards of conduct

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoLeasing• Process overview • Leasing authority • Regulatory environment of Federal leasing• Roles and responsibilities • GSA lease models: Standard, Simplified,

Streamlined, Succeeding/Superseding, and On-Airport

RequirementsDevelopment• Development of space requirements• Delineated area • Notification to local officials • Tenant improvement allowance • Review and approval

AcquisitionPlanning• Acquisition plan development• Seismic safety • Sustainability, environmental, security, and

socioeconomic considerations

MarketSurveyProcess• Sources of market information • Advertising for available space • Evaluating and recording potential sources• Conducting the physical market survey• Discussions with offerors • Market survey report • Post-survey responses • Differences between private sector and

government tenants

SolicitationProcess• Preparing the solicitation• Issuing the Request for Lease Proposals (RLP)


NegotiationProcess• Receipt of initial offers • Determination of competitive range• Conducting negotiations • Drafting the lease agreement • Implementing the agreement

FairandReasonableRents• Appraisal methods

• Determining fair annual rent and fair market value

• Government use of appraisal methods

FinalEvaluationandAward• Final proposal revisions• Award • Postaward actions

TenantImprovements• Setting up postaward • Design intent drawings • Construction documents • Negotiations • Notice to proceed • Green lease submittals • Kickoff meeting • Construction • Progress inspections • Change orders • Acceptance inspection

SimplifiedLeaseAcquisition• Requirements development • Acquisition planning • Market survey process • Soliciting offers • Receiving proposals • Evaluation and negotiation • Lease scoring • Award

• Tenant improvements • Inspection • Acceptance • Early termination, renewal

StreamlinedLeaseAcquisition• Tenant improvement options• Requirement development • Solicitation process • Negotiation and award

LeaseAdministrationandManagement• Objectives of administration• General rules of lease interpretation• Solving administrative problems• Lease management and amendments

AlterationsandRepairs• Methods of obtaining alterations and effects

of alterations• Administration of alteration projects• Monitoring contract/lease requirements


Documentation,Closeout,andSettlement• Record keeping and lease files• Closeout and settlement


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a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L R E A L P R O P E R T y L E A S I N g

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1004 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Pittsburgh, PaSep 8-12, 2014 ................... 14100404Tysons Corner, VaApr 6-10, 2015 .................... 15100401Washington, DCJul 7-11, 2014 .................... 14100403

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, discussion questions, independent readings, and final exam

administration of Contractor-Held Property

This training course is designed to teach the fundamentals of administering government-owned personal property to be used by or placed in the custody of contractors. Property administration responsibilities of the government and property management responsibilities and functions of the contractor are covered from award of the contract to disposal and contract closeout.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the legal and regulatory aspects of property administration

• Describe the basis for providing government property via contract

• Plan for and accomplish administration of contractor-held property

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

PropertyAdministration• Legal aspects of property administration • Sources of information and guidance• Authorities and responsibilities

Contracts,PropertyClauses,andPropertySystems• Basis for providing government property• Contractor’s responsibility and liability for

government property • Government’s responsibilities when

furnishing property • Contractor’s property management system• Property management cycle

PreparationforPropertyAdministration• Establishment of the property administration

file • Establishing a property administration plan

Acquisition• Acquisition: government sources, contractor-

acquired property, make or buy, and lease• Title to property

ManagementofPropertyintheHandsofContractors• Receiving and storing of property• Property consumption

ProperUtilizationofGovernmentProperty• Special controls • Utilization and maintenance

AccountabilityandPhysicalInventory• Accounting classification of government

property • Physical inventories and reports

DisposalofContractor-HeldProperty• Disposal authorities• Phases in the disposal process• Plant clearance• Reutilization priorities• Property disposal

SubcontractAdministration• Responsibilities of the parties• Administration procedures

Grants• 2 CFR Part 215 property standards

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 1017 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJul 21-25, 2014 .................. 14101701Phoenix, aZMar 9-13, 2015 ................... 15101701Washington, DCSep 22-26, 2014 ................. 14101703

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, exercises, independent readings, and final exam

Basics of Personal Property management

This training course provides comprehensive coverage of the management of Federal personal property from determination of the requirement through utilization and disposal. Students will obtain a working knowledge of personal property management policies, procedures, and regulations. Emphasis is placed on management and control, accountability, and accounting for personal property.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the scope of property management and its basis in law and regulation

• Discuss the requirements determination process

• Describe the elements of the property cycle including acquisition, management, accountability, utilization, and disposal

• Account for contractor or grantee property

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoPropertyManagement• Definitions • Scope of property management and basis

in law • Sources of information and guidance• Authorities and responsibilities• The property management cycle • The Federal Supply System

DeterminingandSatisfyingRequirements• Establishing a requirement • Use and replacement standards • Equipment replacement programs• Describing the requirement

PersonalPropertyManagement• Property management standards and

practices • Physical inventories • Special property management techniques• Maintenance • Motor equipment management • Transfer of title for government-owned

motor vehicles • Official use of government passenger carriers • Aircraft management and reporting

Accountability• Importance of property accounting• The property accounting system



PropertyReports• Recurring reports• Other reports• Report principles

56 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

a C q u I S I T I o n & C o n T r a C T I n G : F E D E R A L P E R S O N A L P R O P E RT y M A N A g E M E N T

GROUP ONSiTE TRAiNiNGmanagement Concepts brings our training courses to you!


Save on Tuition, Travel, and TimeGroup onsite training is significantly less per student than publicly-available, open enrollment classes. It reduces or eliminates travel costs and time away from the office, because we bring everything to you.

minimize the learning CurveSpeed the change process within your organization by providing employees with consistent content and training.

Create a Customized ProgramWe will work with you to develop material that addresses the unique challenges facing your organization.

flexible Delivery optionsWe provide the best mix of traditional classroom and online training. Options include:

• Live classroom • Instructor-led online• Instructor-facilitated online • Self-study online • Video teleconference

visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/groupTrainingor call 888.545.8575 for more information on our onsite training.

Group onsite training for small groups is ideal for organizations with specific training and development needs affecting the entire team or department.

Group onsite delivery is the most effective way to ensure all your employees gain the same knowledge and learn vital and consistent techniques and material simultaneously.

Choose the training you want, where you want it, and on a schedule that fits your business cycle. We’ll provide training using course materials, and in the length and format to meet your specific needs.





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financial management

With the reality of constrained budgets where there is less and less funding to go around, Federal agencies need to carefully manage how they spend their money. Management Concepts Financial Management training courses equip government professionals with the tools needed to tackle financial issues in the current Federal environment.

We hold more than 750 financial management classes annually for our Federal audience, making it easy to find the training topic, schedule, location, and delivery format that is right for you.

DoD Certification

The Federal Auditor

Analysis & Analytics

Where's the FiAR?

Our courses map to the new DoD Financial Management Certification requirements. Learn more at www.ManagementConcepts.com/FMConnect.

Effective audits save money, improve citizen outcomes, and enable government innovation. We have training to meet your needs. See pages 79-84.

Looking for more in financial analysis and data analytics? you've come to the right place. See page 65.

We offer Internal Control training to meet DoD Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) requirements. See pages 84-86.


General financial management Courses...............59-61

appropriations law Courses....62-64

Budgeting and Performance Courses.......................................66-74

accounting Courses...................75-78

auditing Courses.......................79-84

Internal Control Courses...........85-86

CIa and CGaP Certification Preparation Courses ........................................... 87

CGfm Training Series ............... 88-89

Subject Areas include:

Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one or more of the following subject areas (see pages 6-7). Look for the color-coded notations on participatory courses.


• federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP) • Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM (GMCPTM)

• leadership & management Certificate Programs • Project & Program management Certificate Programs

58 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : g E N E R A L F I N A N C I A L M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5051 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoApr 13-15, 2015 .......................... 15505105las Vegas, nVMar 16-18, 2015 .......................... 15505103San francisco, CaApr 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15505106

Seattle, WaMay 11-13, 2015 ......................... 15505108Washington, DCJul 14-16, 2014 ........................... 14505109Aug 25-27, 2014 .......................... 14505110Sep 15-17, 2014 .......................... 14505111Oct 15-17, 2014 ........................... 14505112

Nov 12-14, 2014 .......................... 14505113Dec 1-3, 2014 .............................. 14505114Jan 5-7, 2015 .............................. 15505101Feb 23-25, 2015 .......................... 15505102Apr 1-3, 2015 ............................... 15505104May 4-6, 2015 ............................. 15505107Jun 15-17, 2015 .......................... 15505109

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Overview

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

federal financial management overview

This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the range of Federal financial management disciplines. Both financial and nonfinancial personnel will benefit from learning how the components of financial management — budgeting, accounting, reporting, financial operations, auditing, appropriations law, and internal control — fit together in Federal agencies.

Most participants in this course work in accounting or budgeting offices in entry or lower level positions. They are often new arrivals to the Federal environment who are looking for information about the bigger picture of financial management to provide context for their work. Another category of participants is the more experienced program personnel who need a greater understanding of the financial aspect of their organizations’ operations. They may have been recently promoted to positions of greater responsibility wherein they now participate in budgeting decisions and are held responsible for financial performance.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Federal financial management terminology• Identify the legislative requirements for

financial management in the Federal government

• Describe the Federal budget process• Describe how to track and control budget

execution• Explain how agencies prepare budgets• Identify financial management system

requirements• Summarize the importance of internal control• Discuss the function of Federal financial

statements• Identify the audit and review process

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheFederalBudgetProcess• Budgeting and trends in spending• Efforts to reduce the budget deficit• Emphasis on accountability and results

BudgetFormulation• Government Performance and Results Act

Modernization Act (GPRAMA)• Strategic planning• Annual performance plans

• Evolution of budgeting and accounting legislation

• The budget calendar and timing• Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

and Presidential review of agency budgets• Roles of headquarters and agency units• Estimating costs and sources of cost

information• Preparing the formal budget• Budget proposals and justifications• The OMB passback

GainingCongressionalApproval• Congressional action on the President’s budget• Adopting the budget resolution• The congressional budget resolution process• Role of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)• Authorization and reconciliation bills• How agencies get their funds• Reimbursements and revolving funds• Budget authority vs. outlays

ExecutingandControllingtheBudget(UsingAppropriatedFunds)• Legal control on the use of funds• The Antideficiency Act and penalties for

violation • Funds control procedures

• Budget revisions• Transfers and reprogramming• Impoundments

FinancialOperations• Paying bills and collecting money• The Prompt Payment Act and interest penalties• Calculating payment due date• Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996

AccountingfortheUseofFunds• Objectives of Federal financial reporting• Statements of Federal Financial Accounting

Concepts (SFFAC) and Standards (SFFAS)• Setting Federal financial management system

requirements• What is managed in a financial system?• Legislative efforts to improve Federal

financial management systems• The accounting cycle• The U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL)

InternalControl• Impact of the Integrity Act• The Government Accountability Office

(GAO) Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government

• OMB Circular A-123, Appendix D requirements

• Assessing internal controls and correcting deficiencies

• Internal Control over Financial Reporting

FederalFinancialReporting• Federal financial statements• The Reports Consolidation Act of 2000• Performance and Accountability Reports (PAR)• Notes to the financial statements• Supplementary information

Auditing• Purpose of auditing and stakeholders• The general standards• Financial audits• Attestation engagements• Performance audits• Who processes audit reports?• Non-audit services that auditors perform


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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Improper Payments

This course is designed for supervisors, managers, program managers, and other individuals involved in processing and making Federal payments.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the various types of improper payments and their impact on government agencies

• Analyze key legislation and policies regarding improper payments

• Identify causes of improper payments • Apply techniques to avoid improper


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Reporting required by the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (IPIA) and the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 (IPERA)

• Analysis of the current focus on improper payments

• Types of improper payments, including ineligible recipient, wrong amount, payment for services not received, and duplicate payment

• Root causes of improper payments, including lack of adequate internal controls, failure to follow existing internal controls, systems limitations, policies, procedures, and lack of training

• Impact of improper payments• Avoiding improper payments• Recovery of improper payments

– Recovery auditing – Debt collection – Pecuniary liability

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5036 1 day $429 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 11, 2014 .................14503604Sep 12, 2014 ................14503605Oct 27, 2014 .................14503606Mar 6, 2015 ..................15503601Jun 12, 2015 ................15503602

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Auditing• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 8Ceu CreDITS: 0.6ClP: 8

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5249 1 day $429 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaOct 22, 2014 .................14524904Washington, DCAug 15, 2014 ................14524903Mar 27, 2015 ................15524901Jun 26, 2015 ................15524902

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Behavioral

Ethics• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 8Ceu CreDITS: 0.6ClP: 8

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

ethical Decision making for financial managers

This course is designed for Federal financial management personnel and others in the public sector who are involved with or impacted by ethical decision making, including attorneys and those who file the annual Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Form 450/278.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Demonstrate an increased awareness of the Code of Ethics for Government Service and other laws governing ethical behavior

• Recognize the options in analyzing and resolving ethical situations

• Handle specific Standards of conduct issues• Recognize the differences between

government and contractor employees and how to handle those differences

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Definition of ethics• The Federal Code of Ethics and other

relevant legislation• Ethical standards for financial managers and

others in the public sector• Do’s and don’ts of ethics in the Federal

workplace, including specific discussions of: – Political activities – Financial disclosure – Standards of conduct – Gifts – Use of government time and property – Fundraising – Outside employment – Post-government employment

• Do’s and don’ts of working with contractor employees in the Federal workplace, including specific discussions of: – Gifts – Gifts of services – Events such as social events, training, and teambuilding

– Awards – Fundraisers – Use of government resources – Relationships outside of the government workplace

– Moonlighting – Contractor employee identification – Political activities – Inherently governmental functions – Contractor codes of business ethics and conduct


federal financial management Certificate Program

60 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : g E N E R A L F I N A N C I A L M A N A g E M E N T

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : g E N E R A L F I N A N C I A L M A N A g E M E N T

financial management of Business operations in Government

(Working Capital funds, revolving funds, franchise funds, and reimbursable activities)

This course is designed for experienced Federal accountants, financial managers, operational managers, and budget analysts who are involved in or wish to understand the financial management aspects of working capital funds, revolving funds, franchise funds, and reimbursable activities.

NOTE: Individuals involved in accounting procedures for such activities should also take Accounting for Business Operations in Government.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Compare funding mechanisms used in the Federal government

• Discuss the advantages of using business operations

• Determine the approval path for revolving funds and reimbursements

• Budget to establish a revolving fund• Budget for and execute fiscal year funds• Define cash management

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Advantages of business operations in government

• Economy Act and Non-Economy Act reimbursable orders

• Establishing a revolving fund• Budgeting and executing for the fiscal year• Managing business operations• Analyzing financial data


federal financial management Certificate Program

financial management of Defense Working Capital funds

This course is designed for financial, program, and project personnel as well as functional managers of customer and support organizations who need a detailed understanding of Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) policies, procedures, concepts, objectives, and terms.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss characteristics, business area, structure, and operations of DWCF

• Describe the impact of the free-market approach of DWCF operations

• Describe DWCF budgeting process• Calculate net operating result and

accumulated operating result• Calculate a price/rate for goods/services and

conduct a variance analysis• Describe the impact of performance

budgeting on DWCF• Identify unique DWCF cash management

and revenue recognition issues and explain mitigation strategies

• Complete a cash management plan• Identify DWCF accounts in the U.S.

Standard General Ledger (USSGL)• Identify the Federal financial statements and

their main components and purposes

• Discuss DWCF general policies and procedures to include accounting standards, management’s responsibilities, DWCF systems and control, funds management, and auditing requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• How DWCF accounts work• DWCF and mission readiness• Budget process• Rate development• Performance budgeting• Cash management and revenue recognition• The USSGL• Principal financial statements


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5330 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 30-Aug 1, 2014 .......14533003Dec 3-5, 2014 ...............14533004Mar 23-25, 2015 ...........15533001May 13-15, 2015 ..........15533002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• PPBE Workshop: Defense

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution

• Appropriations Law for Business Operations in Government

• Capital Asset Planning and Justification Using OMB Criteria

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5134 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 30-Aug 1, 2014 .......14513403Sep 29-Oct 1, 2014 .......14513404Jan 21-23, 2015 ...........15513401Apr 29-May 1, 2015 ......15513402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Accounting for Business

Operations in Government

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Appropriations Law for

Business Operations in Government

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

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f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A P P R O P R I A T I O N S L A W

CP-11 manDaTorY CourSe

appropriations law Seminar

This course is designed for anyone who deals with money in the Federal government, from budget analysts to certifying officers to attorneys. This course enables students to understand their fiduciary responsibilities concerning appropriated funds in the Federal government. Through guided lectures and case studies, students explore the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book), Volumes I and II, and learn how to use the Red Book as an on-the-job reference. This course enables students to determine the availability of appropriations as to purpose, time, and amount. This course also provides students with the knowledge to ensure that obligations are charged to the correct fund sources, which can help certifying officers to avoid spending personal money to correct errors. Students will also learn to avoid Antideficiency Act (ADA) violations, which, in many cases, lead to negative audit and congressional reports.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine the legal availability of appropriations as to purpose, time, and amount

• Promote the legal obligation of funds• Ensure that obligations are charged to the

correct fund sources• Avoid violations of the ADA• Avoid negative audit and congressional reports• Avoid spending personal money to correct

errors as a certifying officer or purchase cardholder

• Identify the sources and other basics of appropriations law

• Describe the correct course of action when funds need to be reprogrammed or transferred, or when laws are in conflict or unclear

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AppropriationsLawBasics• Sources of appropriations law• How an office gets money• Appropriation acts compared with

authorization acts• Transferring and reprogramming• What to do when more than one

appropriation or fund is available• Interpreting the law and clarifying unclear


AppropriationsAvailableastoPurpose• The purpose law and necessary expense

doctrine• Attendance at meetings and conventions• Using appropriated funds for entertainment,

food, and recreation• Gifts, awards, and mementos distributed by

the agency

• Paying for insurance and membership fees• When to use appropriated funds for wearing

apparel• Determining when the government must pay

a tax or a fee

AppropriationsAvailableastoTime• Review key time principles and the Bona

Fide Needs Rule• How to decide which fiscal year to charge• Severable and non-severable services• Prohibition on payments in advance• Year-end spending rules• Contract issues, including terminations,

replacement contract authorities, modifications, and amendments

AppropriationsAvailableastoAmount• Provisions of the ADA and exceptions• Understanding the penalties for violation

• How to report an ADA violation• Handling online Terms of Service (TOS)

agreements• Miscellaneous Receipts statute and related

augmentation issues• How to best prevent ADA violations

OtherAppropriationsLawIssues• Criteria for recording obligations, including

contracts, salaries, and grants• Operating under a continuing resolution • Liability and relief of accountable officials


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5111 4 days $969 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaFeb 23-26, 2015 .......................... 15511106austin, TXFeb 23-26, 2015 .......................... 15511107Boston, maApr 6-9, 2015 ............................... 15511115Chicago, IlAug 11-14, 2014 .......................... 14511139Dallas, TXMar 16-19, 2015 .......................... 15511111Denver, CoMar 2-5, 2015 .............................. 15511108Apr 28-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15511120Heidelberg, GermanyJun 2-5, 2015 .............................. 15511128Honolulu, HIApr 7-10, 2015 ............................. 15511116

Indianapolis, InMay 11-14, 2015 ......................... 15511122Kansas City, KSMay 18-21, 2015 ......................... 15511125las Vegas, nVApr 21-24, 2015 .......................... 15511119new orleans, laMar 2-5, 2015 .............................. 15511109orlando, flAug 5-8, 2014 .............................. 14511138Philadelphia, PaJul 21-24, 2014 ........................... 14511135San antonio, TXJun 15-18, 2015 .......................... 15511130San Diego, CaJan 26-29, 2015 .......................... 15511102

San francisco, CaApr 13-16, 2015 .......................... 15511117Seattle, WaJul 14-17, 2014 ........................... 14511133Tysons Corner, VaJul 15-18, 2014 ........................... 14511134Aug 18-21, 2014 .......................... 14511141Sep 8-11, 2014 ............................ 14511144Sep 29-Oct 2, 2014 ...................... 14511147Dec 2-5, 2014 .............................. 14511154Jan 26-29, 2015 .......................... 15511103Mar 23-26, 2015 .......................... 15511113May 18-21, 2015 ......................... 15511124Washington, DCJul 7-10, 2014 ............................. 14511132Jul 22-25, 2014 ........................... 14511136Jul 29-Aug 1, 2014 ...................... 14511137Aug 11-14, 2014 .......................... 14511140

Aug 25-28, 2014 .......................... 14511142Sep 2-5, 2014 .............................. 14511143Sep 15-18, 2014 .......................... 14511145Sep 22-25, 2014 .......................... 14511146Oct 6-9, 2014 ............................... 14511148Oct 14-17, 2014 ........................... 14511149Oct 21-24, 2014 ........................... 14511150Oct 28-31, 2014 ........................... 14511151Nov 18-21, 2014 .......................... 14511152Dec 2-5, 2014 .............................. 14511153Dec 15-18, 2014 .......................... 14511155Jan 12-15, 2015 .......................... 15511101Feb 2-5, 2015 .............................. 15511104Feb 23-26, 2015 .......................... 15511105Mar 9-12, 2015 ............................ 15511110Mar 17-20, 2015 .......................... 15511112Mar 31-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15511114Apr 13-16, 2015 .......................... 15511118May 5-8, 2015 ............................. 15511121

May 12-15, 2015 ......................... 15511123May 18-21, 2015 ......................... 15511126Jun 1-4, 2015 .............................. 15511127Jun 8-11, 2015 ............................ 15511129Jun 22-25, 2015 .......................... 15511131

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 32Ceu CreDITS: 2.5ClP: 32

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and case studies

62 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A P P R O P R I A T I O N S L A W

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5147 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 20-21, 2014 ...........14514703Nov 13-14, 2014 ...........14514704Mar 9-10, 2015 .............15514701Jun 11-12, 2015 ...........15514702

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Appropriations Law Seminar• Accounting for Business

Operations in Government

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and case studies

appropriations law for Business operations in Government

This course supports compliance with the legal requirements for government business transactions, including interagency transactions such as reimbursables and revolving funds as well as other government business-like activities, such as user charges. The course covers the requirements of Chapter 12 from Volume III of the GAO Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book) and OMB Circular A-25: User Charges.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe and apply key financial and legal principles of government interagency transactions

• Differentiate between services that may or may not be performed as interagency transactions

• Describe and apply revolving fund characteristics, pricing, and other related issues

• Determine the legality of and method for charging a user fee

• Describe and apply intragovernmental business rules

• Describe and apply the account adjustment statute

• Determine whether business is Economy Act or Non-Economy Act

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Appropriations law review• Interagency transactions• Revolving funds• User charges• Account adjustments


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5157 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJun 11-12, 2015 ...........15515703Tysons Corner, VaMay 11-12, 2015 ..........15515702Washington, DCJul 24-25, 2014 ............14515705Sep 18-19, 2014 ...........14515706Nov 24-25, 2014 ...........14515707

Mar 12-13, 2015 ...........15515701Jun 15-16, 2015 ...........15515704

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Update

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Appropriations Law Seminar

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and case studies

appropriations law refresher and update

This course is designed for students who have had appropriations law training within the last three years. This course covers the latest changes in the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book) and recent case rulings. Appropriations law changes from time to time as Congress revises laws and the Comptroller General interprets them. Likewise, as technology changes, existing law may require reinterpretation. This course is designed to refresh and update key appropriations law principles by using recent GAO case decisions (generally those issued within the last three to four years) to revisit major topics in appropriations law and explore how guidance may have evolved. Students are also introduced to key research tools and resources to help them with their appropriations law questions back on the job.

NOTE: This course is a refresher and update, not a substitute for the Appropriations Law Seminar.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Recognize and apply changes to appropriations law

• Maintain a solid understanding of principles of appropriations law

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ReviewoftheLegalFrameworkandResearchAreas• Appropriations and committees• Impoundment actions• Charging the correct appropriation• Constancy, conflict, and confusion with law

PurposeReviewandUpdate• Key purpose issues and the purpose law• Expenses for non-Federals at meetings• Government employee legal expenses• Using appropriated funds for food expenses• Determining how to handle taxes and fees

levied against the government• Purpose law violations and the ADA

TimeandAmountReviewandUpdate• Review of time principles and the Bona Fide

Needs Rule • Multiple-year contract authority and issues • Principles for advance payments • Review of the ADA and penalties for

violation• Voluntary services and exceptions related to

augmentation• Making obligations and the requirements for

a legal contract• Review of other important issues, including

supplemental appropriations, liability and relief of accountable officials, and grants


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A P P R O P R I A T I O N S L A W

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 5511 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 21-22, 2014 ...........14551103Oct 20-21, 2014 ............14551104Feb 9-10, 2015 .............15551101Apr 9-10, 2015 ..............15551102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Appropriations Law Seminar

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• PPBE Workshop: Defense

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution

• Budget Execution

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and case studies

fiscal law in DoD

This course is designed for budget analysts, accountants, auditors, contracting officers, program and project managers, engineers, information systems personnel, attorneys, and all Departmental Accountable Officials (DAOs) working for or with the Department of Defense (DoD) who need to know the exceptions and constraints involved with certification of payments in DoD.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify exceptions, flexibilities, and constraints faced by the DoD with regard to the legal availability of appropriated funds

• Apply appropriation funding principles to specific appropriations

• Apply DoD funding principles and obligation rules

• Apply funding principles and obligation rules to DoD Antideficiency Act (ADA) cases

• Describe what constitutes a legal obligation• Understand the terms under which

accountable officers may be granted relief from financial liability

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Legal availability for proper purpose• DoD-specific purpose specifications and

areas• Official representation funds• Legal availability as to time• Military construction, including

appropriation thresholds, maintenance and repair, funded and unfunded costs, contingency construction, and restoration and replacement of facilities

• Full funding and multiple-year contracts• Reimbursable orders, including project

orders, Economy Act orders, and Non-Economy Act orders

• Liability and relief for accountable staff, including purchase card certifications

• Appropriations law research tools


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5127 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJun 4-5, 2015 ...............15512702Washington, DCAug 18-19, 2014 ...........14512704Oct 23-24, 2014 ............14512705Mar 16-17, 2015 ...........15512701Jun 18-19, 2015 ...........15512703

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Internal Controls: Meeting

Federal Requirements for Accountability

• Budget Formulation• Budget Execution

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and case studies

The antideficiency act

This course will help all employees understand the misapplication of appropriations law principles that leads to violations of the Antideficiency Act (ADA), including improper acceptance of gifts and travel benefits and illegal augmentations to appropriations. This course is designed for those who deal with funding authority and need to prevent, detect, or investigate ADA violations. This includes disbursing officers, certifying officers, accountable officials, auditors, budget analysts, accountants, contracting officers, program and project managers, engineers, information systems personnel, and attorneys.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the appropriations process and terms surrounding ADA violations

• Identify ADA violations• Apply the provisions of the ADA• Describe ADA violations and reporting• Recognize exceptions to the ADA• Discuss ADA cases applicable to today’s

appropriations law environment

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

OverviewoftheAntideficiencyAct• Limitations on amount• Reach of the ADA • Administrative control of funds

Appropriations• Lifecycle of an appropriation• Overobligation of appropriations• Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA)

of 1994• Specific appropriation limitations regarding

purpose violations• Continuing resolutions

Apportionments• Administrative subdivision of

apportionments• Exemptions from apportionment• Apportionment timing• Voluntary services

TheAugmentationPrinciple• Augmentation exceptions• Contract concerns• The Economy Act• Revolving funds and trust funds

InvestigatingandReportingViolations• Conducting an investigation • Penalties for violations • ADA reporting


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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Harness the data

With the increased focus on making data-driven decisions, exceptional knowledge of analysis and analytics is your key to staying a valuable asset to your organization and the workforce.

Management Concepts offers a wide array of analysis and analytics training courses to keep you up-to-date with Big data.

Financial Management (Pages 68-74):•Budget estimating using Microsoft excel•decision Support for Financial Managers•Program and Budget Analysis using Microsoft excel•data Analysis for Financial Managers using Microsoft excel•Cost-Benefit Analysis using Microsoft excel•Program evaluation for Improved decision-Making

leadership & Management (Pages 141-143):•Analytics Boot Camp•Principles of Analytics•data Collection Techniques•data Analysis and Modeling Techniques•evaluating and Presenting Analysis results

Program & Project Management (Pages 166-168):•Agile Business Analysis•Crafting High-Quality requirements•Verifying and Validating the Solution•Building Business Cases•Project Management Skills for Business Analysts

Here’s a sampling of training we recommend:


f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5321 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJan 12-14, 2015 .......................... 15532102Baltimore, mDAug 4-6, 2014 .............................. 14532118Chicago, Il Jul 16-18, 2014 .......................... 14532116Dallas, TXJun 17-19, 2015 .......................... 15532113Denver, CoJun 1-3, 2015 .............................. 15532111

las Vegas, nVJun 3-5, 2015 .............................. 15532112Philadelphia, PaMar 9-11, 2015 ............................ 15532105San francisco, CaAug 20-22, 2014 .......................... 14532120Washington, DCJul 7-9, 2014 ............................... 14532115Aug 18-20, 2014 .......................... 14532119Aug 25-27, 2014 .......................... 14532121Sep 10-12, 2014 .......................... 14532122

Nov 12-14, 2014 .......................... 14532124Nov 19-21, 2014 .......................... 14532125Jan 7-9, 2015 .............................. 15532101Feb 11-13, 2015 .......................... 15532103Feb 25-27, 2015 .......................... 15532104Mar 18-20, 2015 .......................... 15532106Mar 30-Apr 1, 2015 ..................... 15532107Apr 15-17, 2015 .......................... 15532108Apr 27-29, 2015 .......................... 15532109May 18-20, 2015 ......................... 15532110Jun 22-24, 2015 .......................... 15532114

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Appropriations Law Seminar• Budget Formulation• Budget Execution• Budget Justification: Effective

Preparation and Submission

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Budget analyst’s essential Guide to formulation, justification, and execution

This course provides a guided tour through the tasks of a budget analyst. Students will learn how their work fits into the budget process and ways to make their work more effective. The result will be a budget analyst who is equipped to prioritize tasks, resource demands, and strategies and is therefore better able to facilitate the program’s resource management function. This course is designed for financial management and non-financial management personnel who could benefit from a guided tour through the Federal budget process to improve their skills in formulating, justifying, and executing agency budgets.

NOTE: This course covers the basic concepts in our three intermediate-level budgeting courses: Budget Formulation, Budget Justification: Effective Preparation and Submission, and Budget Execution. Individuals seeking more in-depth skills are encouraged to enroll in any combination of these intermediate courses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Facilitate your agency’s participation in the Federal budget process

• Budget for costs involving labor and non-labor categories by object class and major program activity

• Identify the characteristics of an outcomes-oriented justification and critique justifications written by others

• Collaborate with program managers to track, monitor, and analyze program spending

• Ensure alignment with the financial plan and apply tools to modify it when appropriate

• Budget for agency performance based on legislative and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requirements

• Accommodate requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act (GPRAMA) in the ongoing effort to budget for agency performance

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheFederalBudgetProcessintheAgeofPerformance• Budget concepts and terms• Budget authority vs. outlays• The President’s Budget• Command for performance• The budget cycle and calendar• Executive and legislative branch roles• The congressional enactment process

BudgetingforPerformance• Evolution of budgeting and accounting

legislation• The role of GPRAMA • Program assessment in Federal agency

budget activities• Planning, budgeting, analysis, and the

accountability framework• Managing for results• Budget and performance integration

• Advantages and disadvantages of budgeting for performance

DevelopingtheUnitBudget• Key steps in formulating a unit budget• Categorizing costs by object class• Assumptions for formulating a unit budget

EffectiveBudgetJustifications• General requirements for justifications• Linking funding to performance• Budget submissions to OMB• Tips and techniques for writing effective

budget justifications

BudgetExecution• The Government Accountability Office

(GAO) Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (the Green Book)

• Funds distribution and the budget execution process

• Availability of budgetary resources

• The lifecycle of an appropriation• Key execution activities• Receipt of an appropriation• Types of appropriations• Establishment of a fund balance with the

Department of Treasury • Receipt of an apportionment• Developing the financial plan• Allotment and suballotment• Commitments and obligations• Reimbursable authority• Revolving funds• The Antideficiency Act (ADA) and penalties

for violation• Techniques for tracking and controlling funds• Monitoring a financial plan• Revision of an operating plan• Budget execution flexibility


federal financial management Certificate Program

66 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5090 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoSep 8-9, 2014 ...............14509009Tysons Corner, VaMay 13-14, 2015 ..........15509004Washington, DCJul 28-29, 2014 ............14509007Aug 25-26, 2014 ...........14509008Oct 20-21, 2014 ............14509010Nov 17-18, 2014 ...........14509011Dec 8-9, 2014 ...............14509012Jan 26-27, 2015 ...........15509001Feb 26-27, 2015 ...........15509002Apr 20-21, 2015 ...........15509003May 28-29, 2015 ..........15509005Jun 25-26, 2015 ...........15509006

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Overview

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Appropriations Law Seminar • Any intermediate-level

budgeting course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

The federal Budget Process

This course uses current events to demonstrate the process of appropriating, allocating, and spending billions of Federal dollars annually. It covers the formulation, enactment, execution, and audit phases of the budget process. Special emphasis is placed on the roles of the key players in the executive and legislative branches. Instructors typically draw on current or recent news headlines regarding the appropriations process to demonstrate principles in the course.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the major legislation affecting the Federal budget process

• Track the budget timeline and the three phases of the budget process

• Identify the roles of the major players in the budget process

• Explain how agency budget submissions contribute to the President’s Budget

• Outline how agencies use and track their allocated funds

• List the methods established to audit the use of Federal funds

• Quantify the size and scope of the current President’s Budget

• Identify trends in Federal spending during the last 50 years

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Pertinent budget legislation• How agencies get their funds• Budget formulation• The congressional budget process• Budget execution and control• Budget reviews and audits• Facts and figures for the United States



federal financial management Certificate Program

Budgeting and accounting: making the Connection

This course is designed for Federal budgeting and accounting personnel who need to understand the basic elements of budget preparation, accounting and the use of budgetary authority, and the fiscal performance of activities as reflected in financial statements. The course is also designed for financial managers and auditors who need more accounting and budget information to gain a better understanding of Federal financial management as a whole.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Make the connection between budgeting and accounting

• Apply budgeting and accounting terminology appropriately

• Track budgetary and proprietary accounting transactions through the budget execution process

• Describe the U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) account structure

• Relate budget obligations to agency assets, liabilities, and expenses

• Determine unfunded budget requirements from accounting reports

• Improve budget estimating with accounting information

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Linking the budgeting process to the accounting process and budgetary resources to financial requirements

• The elements of a budget and the resources available to an agency

• Roles of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in agency financial reporting

• Budgetary and proprietary accounting• Using accounting data to guide the budget

formulation processes


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5106 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJun 25-26, 2015 ...........15510609Baltimore, mDNov 3-4, 2014 ...............14510621Chicago, IlJul 14-15, 2014 ............14510613Dallas, TXJun 15-16, 2015 ...........15510607San francisco, CaAug 18-19, 2014 ...........14510617Tysons Corner, VaJun 18-19, 2015 ...........15510608Washington, DCJul 21-22, 2014 ............14510614Jul 28-29, 2014 ............14510615Aug 11-12, 2014 ...........14510616Sep 3-4, 2014 ...............14510618

Sep 18-19, 2014 ...........14510619Oct 6-7, 2014 ................14510620Dec 1-2, 2014 ...............14510622Dec 11-12, 2014 ...........14510623Jan 29-30, 2015 ...........15510601Feb 26-27, 2015 ...........15510602Apr 6-7, 2015 ................15510603May 4-5, 2015 ..............15510604Jun 1-2, 2015 ...............15510605Jun 8-9, 2015 ...............15510606

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental) and Finance• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Budget Execution• Budget Formulation• Preparing Federal Financial

Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 67

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5360 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 2-4, 2015 ...............15536001Jun 1-3, 2015 ...............15536002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Program and Budget

Analysis Using Microsoft Excel

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, case studies, and class exercises

Decision Support for financial managers

This course provides participants with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to recognize an issue in their environment and translate both the empirical and qualitative data into well-constructed courses of action. Students will learn how to identify both financial and non-financial factors associated with each alternative and utilize analytical tools to provide evidence-based recommendations to the decision maker. Participants will learn to apply analytical tools through a series of individual exercises as well as a capstone case analysis that will generate a decision support package. In addition, participants will apply the knowledge presented in the course through interactive case studies to strengthen their understanding of decision support fundamentals.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS

• Develop a foundational understanding of evidence based decision support

• Formulate the correct decision problem • Identify the objectives of your decision• Develop alternatives that fit the decision

problem• Apply qualitative and quantitative

techniques to support a decision• Identify and mitigate risks associated with

decision support analysis• Communicate recommendations effectively

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe

• Importance of decision support in today’s environment

• Decision problem definition• Selection of decision problem alternatives• Tradeoffs among decision problem

alternatives• Brainstorming, fishbone diagrams, and

SWOT analysis• Incorporation of risk and uncertainty into

the decision-making process• Financial decision support tools• Crafting and presenting recommendations


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5155 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaAug 20-22, 2014 ...........14515507Washington, DCJul 28-30, 2014 ............14515506Sep 8-10, 2014 .............14515508Dec 1-3, 2014 ...............14515509Jan 7-9, 2015 ...............15515501Mar 9-11, 2015 .............15515502Apr 15-17, 2015 ...........15515503May 20-22, 2015 ..........15515504Jun 22-24, 2015 ...........15515505

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe:• Basic knowledge of

Microsoft Excel terminology and familiarity with formatting, charting, and mathematical functions

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Program and Budget

Analysis Using Microsoft Excel

• Any intermediate-level budgeting course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises. Approximately 75 percent of class time involves using Microsoft Excel

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Budget estimating using microsoft excel

This course is designed for budget and program analysts as well as financial resource professionals who want to accelerate their productivity using Microsoft Excel to estimate and present budget needs for any program. The course leads students through a discussion of each phase of the budget process, a determination of the key players in each phase, and the governing directives and the agency procedures involved.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Build a complete budget workbook using Microsoft Excel

• Link budget data into Microsoft PowerPoint and Word documents

• Improve worksheet design using formulas, such as =IF, =VLOOKUP, and Conditional Formatting

• Create charts and graphs for budget presentations

• Insert budget trendlines and perform simple regression

• Prepare budget estimates using the analogy, complete enumeration, parametric, and extrapolation techniques

• Design and produce a representative budget from a case study

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Review of key sections of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11

• Customizing the quick access toolbar and ribbon

• Keyboard tricks and shortcuts• Navigating a worksheet and understanding

its dimensions• Using Excel functions and formulas• Using the =VLOOKUP function• Using the =IF function and defining the test

or condition• Using the nested =IF function and

conditional formatting• Using Excel to create graphs and show

trendlines• Checking errors and auditing formulas• Explore the automatic error correction



federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

68 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5123 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 30-Aug 1, 2014 .......14512304Sep 10-12, 2014 ...........14512305Oct 15-17, 2014 ............14512306Mar 23-25, 2015 ...........15512301

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Social

Environment of Business• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • At least three months

working in the Defense financial management environment

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5730 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMar 23-27, 2015 ...........15573001Huntsville, alMay 11-15, 2015 ..........15573003Washington, DCSep 15-19, 2014 ...........14573005Mar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ......15573002Jun 22-26, 2015 ...........15573004

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Social

Environment of Business• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 40Ceu CreDITS: 3.2ClP: 40

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe:• At least three months

working in the Army financial management environment

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Appropriations Law Seminar • Any intermediate-level

budgeting course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

PPBe Workshop: Defense Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and execution

This course covers the DoD Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) System that determines which programs are developed to meet military strategy requirements and how much funding they receive. The course provides knowledge of the procedures and rules governing the development of budgets within DoD.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the roles and relationships of the building blocks of the PPBE process

• Participate in the development, justification, and review of the services program and budget submissions

• Identify the key players and the purpose, content, and timing of key PPBE events and documents

• Outline the congressional enactment process and explain its influence on PPBE

• Explain the basic elements of DoD budget execution, including appropriation life cycle, funding policies, reprogramming, reimbursables, and working capital funds

• Understand the steps in developing and acquiring a major weapon system and the relationship between budget timetables and the funding requirements for a representative DoD acquisition program

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• PPBE terms, policies, and building blocks• Planning, programming, and budgeting• Congress and budget enactment• Budget execution• Systems acquisition overview


federal financial management Certificate Program

army PPBeS Workshop

Army PPBES is the Department of the Army’s implementation of the Department of Defense (DoD) Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) System that determines which programs are developed to meet military strategy requirements and how much funding they receive. The course provides knowledge of the procedures and rules governing the development of budgets within DoD with increased focus on how that is implemented within the Department of the Army.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the roles and relationships of the building blocks of the PPBE process

• Participate in the development, justification, and review of the services program and budget submissions

• Identify the key players and the purpose, content, and timing of key PPBES events and documents

• Outline the congressional enactment process and explain its influence on PPBES

• Explain the basic elements of DoD budget execution

• Understand the relationship between budget timetables and the funding requirements for a representative DoD acquisition program

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• PPBES terms, policies, and building blocks• Planning, programming, and budgeting• Congress and budget enactment• Budget execution• Systems acquisition overview


federal financial management Certificate Program

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 69

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5120 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJan 26-28, 2015 ...........15512001Jun 10-12, 2015 ...........15512002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • The Federal Budget Process

or Federal Financial Management Overview

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Any intermediate-level

budgeting course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and in-class exercises

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5118 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 30-Aug 1, 2014 .......14511804Washington, DCAug 20-22, 2014 ...........14511805Oct 8-10, 2014 ..............14511806Dec 3-5, 2014 ...............14511807Jan 12-14, 2015 ...........15511801Apr 22-24, 2015 ...........15511802May 6-8, 2015 ..............15511803

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • The Federal Budget Process

or Budget Analyst’s Essential Guide to Formulation, Justification, and Execution or Appropriations Law Seminar

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Any intermediate-level

budgeting course• Capital Asset Planning and

Justification Using OMB Criteria

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Budget justification: effective Preparation and Submission

An effective budget function supports the funding of Federal agencies, allowing them to fulfill their mission and deliver their programs. Budget justification is an essential part of the budgeting process and helps to secure financial resources for the agency. This course supports the preparation of an effective budget justification and that the justification complies with all the relevant rules and regulations, such as the OMB Circular A-11. In addition, the course provides tools and techniques for writing a justification prepared in an easily understood and effective writing style.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define the role of the budget in accomplishing your organization’s mission

• Comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and agency guidance on budget justification submissions

• Integrate program performance goals into resource requests

• Identify the characteristics of effective budget justifications and incorporate them into your own program’s justifications

• Organize your thoughts into a key message and supporting ideas

• Structure a justification by keeping the needs of the audience in mind

• Perform substantive and line editing on a justification

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Budget basics• Budget justification requirements• Budget justifications in an era of reform• Techniques for crafting an effective budget

justification• The writing process• The editing process


federal financial management Certificate Program

Budget formulation

An effective budget function supports the funding of Federal agencies, allowing them to fulfill their mission and deliver their programs. Budget formulation is an essential step in the process of securing financial resources for the agency. Producing a solid budget submission also leads to better decision making about future program activities and budget strategies. This course supports the successful preparation of budget submissions and compilation of cost data.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define and use key budget terms• Use the Office of Management and Budget

(OMB) Circular A-11 in the development of unit budgets

• Identify key financial management legislation affecting budget formulation

• Outline the agency budget formulation process

• Locate the major sources of budget formulation guidance

• Formulate a unit budget• Determine unit budget requirements that

reflect program missions and strategic plans• Use best practices to create written budget

justifications• Locate guidance on budgeting for capital

assets• Integrate performance budgeting into your

agency’s budget formulation process

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Current laws, regulations, and guidance affecting the budget formulation process

• The agency budget formulation process• Step-by-step instruction on formulating a

unit budget• Calculating employee needs and costs• Types of budgets• Budget formulation in a performance-

oriented environment


federal financial management Certificate Program

Participants will receive a copy of Plain Language in Government Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide by Judith gillespie Meyers, Ph.D

70 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5182 4 days $969 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoAug 18-21, 2014 ...........14518210Huntsville, alMar 23-26, 2015 ...........15518203Tysons Corner, VaAug 11-14, 2014 ...........14518209Oct 27-30, 2014 ............14518212Washington, DCJul 14-17, 2014 ............14518208Sep 15-18, 2014 ...........14518211Dec 8-11, 2014 .............14518213

Jan 12-15, 2015 ...........15518201Feb 9-12, 2015 .............15518202Apr 6-9, 2015 ................15518204May 11-14, 2015 ..........15518205Jun 15-18, 2015 ...........15518206

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 32Ceu CreDITS: 2.5ClP: 32

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • Budget Estimating Using

Microsoft Excel or equivalent Excel experience or any intermediate-level budgeting course

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5122 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Chicago, IlJun 8-10, 2015 .............15512206Dallas, TXApr 13-15, 2015 ...........15512204San francisco, CaMar 9-11, 2015 .............15512203Washington, DCJul 14-16, 2014 ............14512205Aug 13-15, 2014 ...........14512206Sep 3-5, 2014 ...............14512207Sep 29-Oct 1, 2014 .......14512208Jan 7-9, 2015 ...............15512201Mar 2-4, 2015 ...............15512202Apr 27-29, 2015 ...........15512205Jun 15-17, 2015 ...........15512207

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • The Federal Budget Process • Budgeting and Accounting:

Making the Connection • Federal Financial

Management Overview

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Appropriations Law Seminar• Any intermediate-level

budgeting course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Program and Budget analysis using microsoft excel

This course is designed for all program and financial management personnel who want to learn about many of the data analysis tools available in Excel to aid in creating more compelling analyses of their programs.

NOTE: Participants should have at least an intermediate working knowledge of Excel, and some work experience in budget or financial analysis. Individuals who do not have this experience are encouraged to take Budget Estimating Using Microsoft Excel first.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Navigate the Excel ribbon• Query databases using the Filter tool and the

Advanced Filter tool• Aggregate and display different attributes of

a data set using the PivotTable • Use Excel’s Descriptive Statistics tool to

calculate statistical measures of central tendency, variation, and shape

• Use the Histogram tool to organize your data and create a frequency distribution

• Perform graphical analysis of data• Use the Rank and Percentile tool to calculate

a data item’s rank and percentile ranking• Use time series data and Excel’s Trendline

function to forecast future budgets, costs, and workloads

• Learn which trendline (linear, polynomial, logarithmic, or exponential) is the best to use based on R2

• Identify cost drivers using Excel’s Correlation tool

• Develop simple linear and multiple linear regression models to develop forecasts and predictive equations using Excel’s Regression tool

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Analyzing data sets with Filter, Advanced Filter, PivotTable, and percentile ranks

• The meaning of measures of central tendency and variation

• The Normal Distribution and Z-scores• Time-series analysis and forecasting• Choosing the correct trendline• Correlation analysis: analyzing cost and

performance• Regression techniques, both single and

multiple x equations


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Budget execution

This course walks students through the steps necessary to implement guidance from the OMB Circular A-11 and other relevant execution references. The course covers all phases and dimensions of the administrative distribution of funds; their impact on establishing and maintaining sound fiscal internal control; and several techniques to develop, analyze, manage, monitor, and adjust agency/program financial plans.

The course provides an overview of the entire budget execution process, with more focused attention given to key budget execution policies and procedures; types and legal uses of budget authority; how to analyze, build, monitor, and modify a financial plan; and key roles and lessons for today’s financial management professional.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify congressional legislation affecting an agency’s operating and spending plans

• Identify key financial management legislation affecting budget execution

• Outline the major execution steps• Discuss budget execution in terms of legal

availability of funds with respect to purpose, time, and amount

• Identify potential Antideficiency Act (ADA) violations

• List accounting and financial reporting requirements, processes, and sources of guidance

• Track and control a financial, operating, or spending plan

• Identify practical tools and techniques for modifying a financial, operating, or spending plan

• Analyze actual vs. planned figures to evaluate year-to-date performance

• Discuss how the strategic planning process drives budget execution

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The congressional budget and enactment process

• Funds control and appropriations law• Financial accounting and reporting• Preparing, monitoring, tracking, and

modifying operating plans• Executing the budget


federal financial management Certificate Program

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 71

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5318 4 days $969 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 18-21, 2014 ...........14531803Nov 3-6, 2014 ...............14531804Feb 23-26, 2015 ...........15531801May 4-7, 2015 ..............15531802

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 32Ceu CreDITS: 2.5ClP: 32

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe:• Budget Estimating Using

Microsoft Excel or equivalent Excel experience or any intermediate-level budgeting course

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises. Approximately 85 percent of class time involves using Excel

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Data analysis for financial managers using microsoft excel

This course is designed for Federal financial management personnel including budget analysts, management analysts, and consultants who need to support managerial decision making through the analysis of financial data.

NOTE: Participants should have at least an intermediate working knowledge of Excel and some work experience in budget or financial analysis. Individuals who don’t have this experience with Excel are encouraged to take Budget Estimating Using Microsoft Excel first.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Perform basic statistical validity calculations • Calculate cost, labor hour, and project

schedule variances, and forecast projects’ final costs and completion times, using Excel

• Use Excel’s financial functions to calculate the amounts, rates, and time necessary to achieve financial goals or meet financial requirements

• Calculate the financial value of a project or proposal and select among alternatives using basic measures such as Net Benefit (NB), Present Value (PV), Net Present Value (NPV), and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

• Calculate breakeven points and/or required volumes via graphical analysis, algebra, and Excel’s Goal Seek tool to achieve financial goals

• Utilize Excel’s Data Table and Scenario Manager tools to display the results of various financial scenarios by altering variables

• Utilize Excel’s Solver tool to create optimal job and supply or supplier assignments, given constraints

• Analyze and conduct Waiting Line and Monte Carlo simulations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Excel’s Data Tables• Excel’s Scenario Manager• Excel’s Goal Seek• Excel’s Solver• Excel’s Financial Functions• Cost and labor variance analysis• Earned Value Management• Return on Investment and Net Present Value• Intentional circular references• Queuing theory and Monte Carlo Simulation• Linear programming


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5342 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 21-23, 2014 ............14534203Sep 15-17, 2014 ...........14534204Feb 2-4, 2015 ...............15534201May 4-6, 2015 ..............15534202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Budget Analyst’s Essential

Guide to Formulation, Justification, and Execution

• Budget Formulation

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Program and Budget Analysis

Using Microsoft Excel• Data Analysis for Financial

Managers Using Microsoft Excel

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

applying GPrama to Improve Performance effectiveness

This course is designed for those involved in the Federal planning process from the financial management and program communities who have responsibilities in the President’s Budget formulation, justification and defense cycles, performance planning and strategic management processes, and program management. The course is focused on improving program performance and the overall effectiveness of the President’s Budget process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand performance-based budgeting as an integral part of the President’s budget process and its relationship to performance management

• Use financial and programmatic data to analyze and support the agency performance budget

• Analyze the impact of appropriations received on agency programs, performance outputs, and results

• Construct action plans to implement appropriation changes and evaluate program outcomes

• Develop agencywide budget priorities based on the agency strategic plan and evaluate program outcomes

• Compare long-term outcome goals and annual performance goals to agency program performance

• Analyze the impact of appropriations on agency performance outputs and results

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Review of President’s budget priorities and requirements

• Analysis of changes to the President’s budget request

• Performance planning processes and analysis of existing performance measures

• Performance outputs and results


federal financial management Certificate Program

72 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5890 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 30-Aug 1, 2014 .......14589004Dec 3-5, 2014 ...............14589005Mar 18-20, 2015 ...........15589001Jun 3-5, 2015 ...............15589002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Advanced

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24PDu CreDITS: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Capital asset Planning and justification using omB Criteria

This course is designed for all agency professionals involved with capital asset investments using Exhibits 300A and B for Information Technology (IT) investments and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) instructions for non-IT investments. For those involved in IT, this course also includes portfolio analysis of IT investments documented in Exhibit 53. This course integrates current guidance with progressive performance management processes — including business case development — to ensure compliance and optimization of the capital programming/budgeting process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Interpret OMB guidance for completing Circular A-11 Exhibits 53 and 300 for IT investments and instructions for non-IT investments

• Program capital investments in accordance with Federal legislation

• Identify the key steps in capital planning and investment control process

• Relate proposed capital investments to your organization’s strategic goals and objectives

• Conduct an appropriate benefit-cost analysis• Identify and mitigate project risks• Determine the appropriate funding strategy

for a capital asset• Understand the use of earned value data to

monitor and control projects effectively

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Capital planning and programming overview• Financing considerations (such as full

vs. incremental funding, lifecycle costing elements, account structure, and breaking projects into useful components or modules appropriations)

• Investment description and justification• Performance goals and project management• Alternative analysis• Risk assessment and mitigation• Federal enterprise architecture• Acquisition strategy


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5233 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaApr 20-21, 2015 ...........15523302Washington, DCAug 18-19, 2014 ...........14523305Nov 24-25, 2014 ...........14523306Jan 26-27, 2015 ...........15523301Jun 15-16, 2015 ...........15523303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• U.S. Standard General

Ledger: Practical Applications

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Preparation and analysis of the Sf 133

This course guides students through the preparation and analysis of the SF 133 Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources. The SF 133 is a quarterly report that is submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). It provides a snapshot of a reporting unit’s sources of budget authority, the status of budgetary resources, and information on obligated balances and outlays. This course will provide students with a thorough understanding of the purpose of the SF 133 and the skills needed to prepare the report.

This course is designed for individuals with a general knowledge of budgetary accounts who are engaged in preparing, reviewing, or analyzing the SF 133.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the purpose, uses, and components of the SF 133

• Relate and tie the SF 133 to the SF 132, financial statements, budget reports, and the U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL)

• Prepare the SF 133 from agency data for direct and reimbursable authority using a crosswalk

• Analyze SF 133 data to support decision- making

• Use data to respond to OMB and Department of the Treasury inquiries

• Describe the impact of unreliable data and determine actions to take with it

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

DefiningtheSF133• Changes and structure • Reviewing OMB resources for completing

the SF 133• Relating the SF 132 to the SF 133

• Consistency with data reporting• Understanding the OMB reconciliation


AnalysisofCommonLinesintheSF133• Budgetary resources review• Recognizing the status of budgetary

resources• Change in obligated balance• Budgetary authority and outlays

PreparationoftheSF133• The USSGL• USSGL chart of accounts and account

definitions• USSGL account attributes• USSGL crosswalk• How errors affect the SF 133


federal financial management Certificate Program

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f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : B U D g E T I N g A N D P E R F O R M A N C E

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5421 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 27-29, 2014 ...........14542103Feb 18-20, 2015 ...........15542101May 6-8, 2015 ..............15542102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services • Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5405 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCMar 23-25, 2015 ...........15540501Jun 8-10, 2015 .............15540502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, case study, and class exercises. Approximately 60 percent of class time involves using Excel

Program evaluation for Improved Decision-making

This course provides program managers and those involved with performance with an understanding of the importance of, and requirements for, evaluating programs as a basis for making good decisions. It provides evaluation models and tools for making point-in-time and ongoing evaluations including problem identification and resolution, data gathering and decision-making techniques, risk assessment and mitigation, and cost-benefit and trade-off analyses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze and take action to resolve program problems and concerns

• Critique strengths and weakness of evaluations conducted by others

• Select data sources, and data collection and analysis techniques, to be used for a program evaluation

• Discuss and use at least ten qualitative and quantitative tools in program situations

• Evaluate program risk and develop plans or take action to mitigate the identified risks

• Structure a cost-benefit analysis for program decision making

• Make a decision using a trade-off analysis

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The evaluation process• Problem identification • Problem solving pitfalls• Creative thinking techniques• Program evaluation approaches• Program evaluation planning• Data gathering techniques • Organizing and presenting data• Using statistics• Decision making• Qualitative decision making• Quantitative decision making• Behavioral aspects of decisions• The nature of risk• Risk mitigation process• Risk reassessment• Cost-benefit analysis• Trade-off analysis


federal financial management Certificate Program

Cost-Benefit analysis using microsoft excel

This course is designed for individuals who want to understand and apply cost-benefit analysis to support decision making in their organizations. Cost-benefit analysis is used by governments and other organizations to evaluate the desirability of a given policy or to justify the allocation of scarce financial resources to attain an established performance goal. Cost-benefit analysis also provides a portable, scalable model for organizing facts, assumptions, estimates, and findings in support of complex decisions. In addition, the course introduces concepts that are applicable to selecting optimal decisions through the use of trade-off analysis. In this course, financial and program staff such as budget and program analysts, as well as project managers and contracting personnel, will learn to conduct accurate cost-benefit analyses and thereby identify choices that increase public welfare and improve efficiency.

NOTE: Participants should have a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Select measurement(s) and measure all cost benefit elements

• Forecast cost and benefits over a relevant time period

• Convert all costs and benefits into a common currency

• Apply a discount rate• Calculate net present value of project net

benefits• Perform sensitivity analysis• Evaluate alternatives and select the best

value option based on costs and benefits • Incorporate risk (uncertainty) in calculating

costs and benefits• Utilize Microsoft Excel tools to facilitate

compilation and analysis of cost/benefit elements

• Reference applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance and executive orders

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Fundamentals of cost-benefit analysis including terms and principles

• Definitions of cost behavior and cost type• Establishing overhead rates• Measuring benefits• Utilizing present value analysis• Evaluating net benefit computations by

varying benefit and/or cost assumptions• Selected Microsoft Excel tools and functions


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

74 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A C C O U N T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5113 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

austin, TXApr 6-7, 2015 ............................... 15511305Baltimore, mDMar 16-17, 2015 .......................... 15511304Denver, CoApr 20-21, 2015 .......................... 15511307new orleans, laJun 15-16, 2015 .......................... 15511312San francisco, CaMay 11-12, 2015 ......................... 15511310

Seattle, WaMay 4-5, 2015 ............................. 15511309Tysons Corner, VaAug 11-12, 2014 .......................... 14511317Nov 17-18, 2014 .......................... 14511320Feb 2-3, 2015 .............................. 15511302Apr 13-14, 2015 .......................... 15511306Washington, DCJul 28-29, 2014 ........................... 14511316Sep 4-5, 2014 .............................. 14511318Sep 29-30, 2014 .......................... 14511319

Dec 8-9, 2014 .............................. 14511321Jan 5-6, 2015 .............................. 15511301Feb 26-27, 2015 .......................... 15511303Apr 27-28, 2015 .......................... 15511308Jun 1-2, 2015 .............................. 15511311Jun 25-26, 2015 .......................... 15511313

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • U.S. Standard General Ledger:

Practical Applications

• Preparing Federal Financial Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger

• Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards: SFFAS

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

federal accounting fundamentals

This course provides an introduction and overview of accounting terms, principles, concepts, and standards. The focus is on basic accounting practices in the Federal government, including an introduction to the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger (USSGL). Participants in this course tend to be Federal financial managers and staff from the agency level to the unit level, including those implementing financial systems. They may be involved in any aspect of Federal accounting policies, procedures, and principles. Class participants may also be financial systems personnel or from private auditing firms that work with the Federal government.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Locate the appropriate sources of guidance relating to Federal accounting

• Define the budgetary and proprietary accounting equations and their components

• Associate basic accounting transactions with the appropriate USSGL accounts

• Record budgetary and proprietary transactions for the phases of the accounting and budget execution cycles

• Record basic adjusting and closing entries• Identify the principal financial statements

for the Federal government and their main components

• Define assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, gains, and losses

• Explain fundamental accounting concepts and principles

• Distinguish between budgetary and proprietary accounting

• Track the lifecycle of appropriated funds• Identify the five steps in the accounting cycle• Define and explain the uses of the USSGL• Record current year transactions using

USSGL accounts

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

IntroductiontoFederalAccounting• Fields of Federal accounting• Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

(GAAP)• Rule-setting bodies and other entities

responsible for providing Federal accounting guidance

• Internal and external roles of Federal accounting

AccountingTerms,Concepts,Principles,andMethods• Review of key terminology • Fundamental accounting concepts, including

the entity, cost, and time period concepts• Funding procedures and accounting

methodologies for Federal agencies, including the money measurement principle, full disclosure principle, and the accrual accounting method

FederalAccounting:ACloserLook• Commercial vs. Federal accounting• The role and use of budgetary accounting

and proprietary accounting

• Accounting for basic direct appropriation activities

• Appropriations, apportionments, and allotments

• Commitments and obligations• How and when to use appropriated funds

TheAccountingCycle• Statements of Federal Financial Accounting

Concepts (SFFAC)• Statements of Federal Financial Accounting

Standards (SFFAS)• Steps in the accounting cycle

TheUSSGL• What is it?• Why and how the USSGL is used• Chart of Accounts

FundamentalAccountingTransactions• Budgetary and proprietary accounting

transactions• Receipt and use of appropriations• USSGL accounting for direct activities

AdjustingandClosingEntries• End-of-period adjustments and account

closing entries• When and why to adjust entries• Types of adjusting entries• Procedures for updating accounting records

for certain agency events• When, why, and how to close entries

FederalFinancialReporting• The principal agency financial statements• Where does the information come from?• Types of reporting• Federal Accounting Standards Advisory

Board (FASAB) objectives• Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Circular A-136• Reporting entity


federal financial management Certificate Program

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f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A C C O U N T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5136 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 18-19, 2014 ...........14513603Dec 1-2, 2014 ...............14513604Feb 19-20, 2015 ...........15513601May 7-8, 2015 ..............15513602

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Budgeting and Accounting:

Making the Connection • Federal Accounting


CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

The Prompt Payment act and Voucher examination

The timely payment of vendor invoices by government agencies is a legal requirement of the Prompt Payment Act. If invoices are not paid in a timely manner, they may incur interest payment penalties to the vendors. A thorough understanding of the requirements of the Prompt Payment Act and voucher examination will help agencies avoid these penalty charges.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Certify a voucher for completeness and accuracy

• Describe the Federal payment process • Describe benefits of a well-implemented

prompt payment process • Discuss the liability of certifying officers and

the avenues of relief for liability• Describe the legislative history of the Prompt

Payment Act • List the general requirements of the Prompt

Payment Act and the final rule on prompt payment

• Differentiate among items that are subject to the Prompt Payment Act

• Calculate the appropriate due date for an invoice given a mix of factors, including available discounts

• Discuss when a payment cycle should be stopped and how it can be restarted

• Calculate the effective annual interest rate to determine if taking a discount is the best course of action

• Calculate effective rebate rate• Calculate interest due on a late payment• Determine proper fiscal year

appropriation(s) to use for interest payments

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The voucher examination and payment process

• The Prompt Payment Act and final rule on prompt payment

• Proper documentation for supporting payments

• Procedures and liability for improper actions and payments

• Scheduling payment due dates• When to take or refuse a discount


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5102 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 16-18, 2014 ............14510204Oct 6-8, 2014 ................14510205Jan 21-23, 2015 ...........15510201Mar 18-20, 2015 ...........15510202May 27-29, 2015 ..........15510203

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Federal Accounting


reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Financial Management of

Business Operations in Government

• Appropriations Law for Business Operations in Government

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and a comprehensive case study

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

accounting for Business operations in Government

(Working Capital funds, revolving funds, franchise funds, and reimbursable activities)

This course is designed for Federal financial managers and accounting staff responsible for accounting transactions involving the sale of goods and services through working capital funds, other revolving funds, franchise funds, or reimbursable activities.

NOTE: Individuals responsible for the management of such activities should take Financial Management of Business Operations in Government.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Comply with current policies and procedures affecting interagency business operations

• Explain procedures involving reimbursable authorities

• Determine costs and set prices for businesslike activities

• Properly record interagency transactions

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Review of Federal funding options• Interagency authority and agreements

(Memoranda of Understanding [MOUs], Memoranda of Agreement [MOAs], and Interservice Support Agreements [ISSAs])

• Laws and regulations that authorize Federal business operations

• Procedures for recording funding authority from offsetting collections

• Accounting transactions for working capital funds, other revolving funds, franchise funds, and reimbursable activities

• Cost accounting: determining costs and setting fees for services

• Reporting on business operations: financial reports and financial statements


federal financial management Certificate Program

76 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A C C O U N T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5000 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 11-12, 2014 ...........14500003Oct 23-24, 2014 ............14500004Dec 11-12, 2014 ...........14500005Mar 26-27, 2015 ...........15500001Jun 3-4, 2015 ...............15500002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Federal Accounting

Fundamentals• U.S. Standard General

Ledger: Practical Applications

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Preparation and Analysis of

the SF 133• Federal Financial Statement

Audits• Statements of Federal

Financial Accounting Standards: SFFAS

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Preparing federal financial Statements using the u.S. Standard General ledger

This course is designed for Federal financial management personnel and staff responsible for preparing, reviewing, or auditing agency financial statements.

NOTE: Students should have knowledge of and experience with accounting for assets, liabilities, net position, revenues, and expenses as well as T-accounts and general ledgers.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the objectives of Federal financial reporting and associated laws and regulations

• Explain the impact of Federal accounting standards on the accounting process

• Describe the content of Federal financial statements

• Prepare principal financial statements, including the Statement of Budgetary Resources

• Describe the required footnotes to the principal financial statements

• Describe audit requirements for Federal financial statements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Impact of legislation on Federal financial reporting

• Form and content of Federal financial statements and related requirements using OMB Circular A-136

• Role of the USSGL in the preparation of financial statements


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5115 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

austin, TXApr 8-9, 2015 ................15511505Denver, CoApr 22-23, 2015 ...........15511507new orleans, laJun 17-18, 2015 ...........15511513Philadelphia, PaJun 10-11, 2015 ...........15511512San francisco, CaMay 13-14, 2015 ..........15511510Seattle, WaMay 6-7, 2015 ..............15511509Tysons Corner, VaAug 14-15, 2014 ...........14511516Nov 13-14, 2014 ...........14511519Feb 23-24, 2015 ...........15511502Apr 15-16, 2015 ...........15511506

Washington, DCJul 10-11, 2014 ............14511515Sep 11-12, 2014 ...........14511517Oct 1-2, 2014 ................14511518Dec 1-2, 2014 ...............14511520Jan 7-8, 2015 ...............15511501Mar 12-13, 2015 ...........15511503Apr 1-2, 2015 ................15511504Apr 29-30, 2015 ...........15511508Jun 3-4, 2015 ...............15511511

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Federal Accounting


reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Preparing Federal Financial

Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger

• Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards: SFFAS

• Preparation and Analysis of the SF 133

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

u.S. Standard General ledger: Practical applications

This course is designed for Federal financial management staff involved in any aspect of implementing or using the U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) to record events or prepare financial statements.

Students should have knowledge of and experience with accounting for assets, liabilities, net position, revenues, and expenses, as well as T-accounts and general ledgers, who are looking to advance their skills using the USSGL.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply the USSGL at the transaction level in all phases of the accounting and budgeting cycles

• Use the USSGL Chart of Accounts in executing accounting transactions

• Use the USSGL to analyze and record reimbursable financial events

• Analyze financial events relating to prior-year transactions and record upward and downward adjustments

• Describe the use of transaction codes

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Need for a standard general ledger• Chart of accounts and account definitions• Tracking budgetary resources• Step-by-step review of event transactions• Summary of the receipt and use of an

appropriation• Budgetary and proprietary accounting• Unadjusted trial balance• Closing entries and accounts to close• Understanding the status of funds


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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Statements of federal financial accounting Standards: SffaS

This course is designed for Federal financial management personnel responsible for updating, reviewing, or determining the accuracy and reliability of accounting data pertaining to assets, liabilities, net position, revenue, expenses, gains, and losses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the role of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) in supporting financial accounting and reporting in the Federal government

• Apply Federal accounting standards• Evaluate the impact of Statements of Federal

Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) on the principal financial statements

• Evaluate business events to determine their impact on: – Accounting for and reporting on assets, liabilities, and net position

– Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E) and cleanup costs

– Reporting on supplementary information – Reporting and disclosing revenue and expenses in accordance with standards

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Federal financial accounting and accounting standards

• Form and content for required financial statements

• Accounting for assets, including: – Inventory and related property – PP&E – Software

• Accounting for liabilities, revenue, other financing sources, and expenses

• Required Supplementary Information (RSI)• Stewardship information


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5091 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 14-15, 2014.......................... 14509103Oct 22-23, 2014 ........................... 14509104Jan 29-30, 2015 .......................... 15509101Apr 9-10, 2015 ............................. 15509102

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Advanced

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A C C O U N T I N g

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Preparing Federal Financial

Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger

78 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A U D I T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5820 5 days $1,069 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoAug 4-8, 2014 .............................. 14582005Washington, DCAug 18-22, 2014 .......................... 14582006Oct 27-31, 2014 ........................... 14582007Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15582001Mar 2-6, 2015 .............................. 15582002Mar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15582003Jun 22-26, 2015 .......................... 15582004

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 40Ceu CreDITS: 3.2ClP: 40

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Essential Communications for the

Audit Lifecycle• Federal Financial Statement Audits • Forensic Auditing: Detection and

Prevention of Fraud • Performance Auditing • Preparing High-Impact Audit


CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, exercises, and case studies

audit Boot Camp

Effective implementation of audits is essential to building public trust in how government agencies of all sizes spend taxpayer dollars. Having an effective and well-trained audit staff promotes the successful delivery of audits, which in turn promotes the integrity and accountability of government to the public. This course provides foundational knowledge of government auditing that is essential for any new auditor, including the framework for government auditing and the role of the auditor. In addition, this course also supports the development of the critical thinking skills required of an efficient and effective auditor.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the major types of audits and the phases for each audit type

• Apply the most current Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), also known as the Yellow Book

• Identify and apply the GAGAS standards of evidence

• Apply commonly accepted risk management and internal controls concepts

• Apply data-gathering and analytical techniques for compiling sufficient evidence

• Develop the elements of a finding: criteria, condition, cause, and effect

• Develop action-oriented recommendations• Prepare and present audit briefings• Discuss the links between the audit process

and GAGAS• Apply skills and methodologies for auditing,

including various analytical tools• Discuss how to maintain a good auditor/

auditee relationship

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AuditingandtheGovernmentEnvironment• The Federal budget process, appropriations,

and apportionments• Federal laws affecting agency accountability

and auditing• The concept of transparency• Ethical principles in government auditing• How legislative and oversight bodies use

audit results

AuditStandardsandtheAuditProcess• Fieldwork and reporting standards• Types of financial and performance audits• Phases of the audit process

ReviewofInternalControls• Accountability• Defining internal controls• Management’s responsibility for internal

control• Auditor’s view and consideration of internal

controls• The Government Accountability Office

(GAO) Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government

Data-GatheringandAnalyticalTechniques• Data collection and analysis methods• Evidence — types and standards• Potential fraud• Audit documentation

GuidelinesforAuditReportingandRecommendations• Presenting elements of the audit finding• Attestation engagement reports• Performance audit reports

ConclusionsandRecommendations• Audit briefing techniques• Briefing the audit report• Exit conference briefings


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f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A U D I T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5882 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJun 11-12, 2015 ...........15588203Washington, DCAug 28-29, 2014 ...........14588206Nov 17-18, 2014 ...........14588207Jan 15-16, 2015 ...........15588201Apr 13-14, 2015 ...........15588202Jun 22-23, 2015 ...........15588204

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Internal Controls: Meeting

Federal Requirements for Accountability

• Preparing Federal Financial Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger

• Preparing High-Impact Audit Reports

• Federal Financial Statement Audits

• Performance Auditing • Audit Boot Camp

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

auditing fundamentals in the federal environment

This course is designed for Federal, state, and local agency personnel whose programs and/or operations are subject to financial statement audits, attestation engagements, and/or performance audits performed in accordance with the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), and those who want to understand more about how audits are performed.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify laws, regulations, and other requirements for audits in the government environment

• Discuss how oversight bodies use audit results

• Describe how GAGAS govern the quality of audits and how they are done

• Analyze audit findings and recommendations

• Use audits to ensure accountability of government operations

• Prepare for the audit process, including audit interviews and requests for documentation

• Understand the elements of effective audit reports

• Develop positive auditee/auditor relationships that enhance communication and help ensure audit reports contribute to program and operational improvements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Laws and other requirements for audits• Common auditing procedures and

techniques• The role of financial statement audits,

attestation engagements, and performance audits in program operations and performance

• Tips for effective auditee/auditor communications

• The range of appropriate agency responses to audit findings


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5848 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 11-12, 2014 ...........14584803Dec 8-9, 2014 ...............14584804Mar 12-13, 2015 ...........15584801Jun 25-26, 2015 ...........15584802

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Performance Auditing• Essential Communications

of the Audit Lifecycle

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, video taped role play, and class exercises

audit Interviews: Skills for Success

This course is designed for all Federal, state, and local government auditors who want to further develop their audit interviewing skills and refine their audit interviewing processes and techniques.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the reasons for and limitations of interviews

• Perform each step of the audit interview process

• Properly scope the interview• Adhere to GAGAS• Apply effective interview techniques • Solicit information to answer specific

questions related to the audit objectives• Identify best practices for documenting

an interview before, during, and after the interview

• Avoid common pitfalls and overcome common obstacles in audit interviews

• Critique one’s own interview skills

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The evidential value of an interview• Reasons and occasions for interviews• Planning and preparing for the interview• Conducting the interview• Documenting the interview


federal financial management Certificate Program

80 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A U D I T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5840 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 25-27, 2014 ...........14584003Dec 3-5, 2014 ...............14584004Mar 2-4, 2015 ...............15584001May 13-15, 2015 ..........15584002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Auditing • Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Preparing High-Impact

Audit Reports • Performance Auditing

CourSe formaT: Lecture, exercises, and discussion

essential Communications for the audit lifecycle

This course is designed for field-level auditors with two to 10 years of auditing experience who want to polish their communication skills. This course can also be taken by anyone interested in learning more about auditor communications.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Establish an audit approach that is clear to both the supervisor and subordinate

• Follow best practices for conducting meaningful oral and written communication throughout your audit

• Apply proven communication techniques for developing and maintaining a productive and professional relationship with the auditee

• Adhere to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (the Yellow Book) in your communications

• Clearly communicate your findings and recommendations in your audit documentation

• Follow best practices for presenting your findings and recommendations in a manner that will convince the auditee to take action

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Basic communication skills• Audit-specific communications that comply

with GAGAS• Oral and written communication between

auditor and supervisor• Communication between auditor and

auditee from beginning to end• Maintaining and building great relationships

with the auditee• Effective working paper preparation

techniques• Convincing outbriefs to the auditee• The audit exit conference


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5802 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 14-15, 2014 ...........14580203Oct 2-3, 2014 ................14580204Feb 24-25, 2015 ...........15580201Jun 4-5, 2015 ...............15580202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Auditing Fundamentals in

the Federal Environment• Audit Boot Camp or

equivalent experience

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Federal Financial Statement

Audits• Performance Auditing

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Preparing High-Impact audit reports

This course is designed for government auditors involved in writing audit reports or determining what and how results will be reported and those auditors who want to enhance their communication skills or learn new report writing techniques. The course provides guidance for writing both performance audit reports and financial audit reports.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply GAGAS in preparing performance and financial audit reports

• Apply reader-friendly writing techniques such as deductive structure and appropriate tone

• Avoid typical flaws in paragraph and sentence structure that compromise audit report readability

• Tailor report segments and sections to knowledge levels and interests of likely readers

• Maximize audit report effectiveness by writing conclusions and recommendations that resonate with readers and encourage prompt action

• Learn techniques to circumvent writer’s block

• Apply a structured audit report review process to effectively identify flaws in the report draft and reduce potential writer/reviewer conflicts

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Report structure for performance audits and financial audits

• Reader-friendly writing techniques• Elements of audit findings and

recommendations• Common flaws in audit reports and how to

avoid them• Audit report standards for content and

quality• Tools and techniques for efficient report

development• Enhancing the audit report review process


federal financial management Certificate Program

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 81

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A U D I T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5825 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 31-Aug 1, 2014 .......14582503Nov 20-21, 2014 ...........14582504Jan 28-29, 2015 ...........15582501Apr 30-May 1, 2015 ......15582502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Preparing High-Impact

Audit Reports

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Key to audit Success: focus on objectives

One of the biggest challenges in performance auditing is developing precise objectives and keeping a focus on them throughout planning, fieldwork, and reporting. This course is designed for Federal, state, and local auditors who want to sharpen audit objectives to help ensure more successful audits.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the significance of audit objectives to all audit phases and audit reports

• Describe how to eliminate scope creep• Build audit objectives that are clear and

manageable• Write audit objectives that include the

elements of a finding for more effective planning

• Execute audits to stay focused on audit objectives

• Shape the audit message to meet Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) requirements: timely, complete, accurate, and objective

• Design an audit report that responds clearly and concisely to the audit objectives

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The components of audit objectives, including performance aspects (as suggested by GAGAS)

• Why audits fail to hit the mark or be timely• Matching audit steps and analyses to audit

objectives• Using summaries, synopses, and captions to

tell the story• Focusing on objectives for a more efficient

audit process


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5830 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 13-15, 2014 ...........14583004Nov 3-5, 2014 ...............14583005Feb 11-13, 2015 ...........15583001Apr 6-8, 2015 ................15583002Jun 10-12, 2015 ...........15583003

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Audit Boot Camp • Auditing Fundamentals in

the Federal Environment • Internal Controls: Meeting

Federal Requirements for Accountability

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Preparing High-Impact

Audit Reports

• Federal Financial Statement Audits

• Performance Auditing

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

forensic auditing: Detection and Prevention of fraud

This course is designed for auditors at any level of government (Federal, state, or local) as well as program and financial managers who are responsible for eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse in Federal programs; tasked with detecting existing fraud; and establishing programs that would mitigate fraud risks.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Carry out the auditor’s responsibility for assessing fraud risk factors and evaluating internal controls and standards

• Use data analysis techniques to identify high risk transactions for further review and investigation

• New ways to plan audits to take advantage of available information system resources

• Compare and contrast methods used to conduct traditional vs. forensic audits

• Demonstrate the types of evidence-gathering techniques used to detect fraud

• Compare and contrast fraud schemes• Understand the fundamental processes and

principles involved in court cases• Recognize the increased emphasis in the

data-gathering required once fraud has been detected

• Document the auditor’s conclusion of fraud

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• When an audit becomes a forensic audit • Key legislation to combat fraud• Professional audit standards for dealing with

fraud detection• Fraud profiling and risk concepts • Relationship of fraud and terrorism• Misappropriation of assets• Forensic approaches to data and data mining

techniques• The auditor’s role regarding internal control• Analytical and investigative techniques for

discovering fraud• Verifying data integrity and reliability of

sources• Preparation of curriculum vitae• Testifying expert vs. consultant• Preparing for a deposition• Participating in a trial• Avoiding mistakes other experts have made


federal financial management Certificate Program

82 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A U D I T I N g

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5824 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 28-29, 2014 ............14582403Oct 20-21, 2014 ............14582404Feb 26-27, 2015 ...........15582401Apr 20-21, 2015 ...........15582402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Advanced

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5888 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 4-6, 2014 ...............14588803Oct 20-22, 2014 ............14588804Jan 28-30, 2015 ...........15588801Apr 22-24, 2015 ...........15588802

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • Auditing Fundamentals in

the Federal Environment or equivalent experience

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Federal Financial Statement

Audits• Preparing High-Impact

Audit Reports

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

Keeping the audit on Track: Critical Skills for audit managers

This course provides information for better ways to keep an audit focused and speed up the reporting phase. It is designed for Federal, state, and local government audit managers and supervisors who perform audit work in accordance with GAGAS, and who would like to discover new and more effective ways to address the challenges of keeping an audit focused, tackling scope creep, and making the report writing/review phase more efficient.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Distinguish between managing and leading in the audit environment

• Discuss the most effective leadership characteristics in managing and supervising audits

• Know how best to divide your time among various audit management activities

• Understand how the professional requirements of GAGAS relate to managing and supervising audit work

• Expand your skills beyond traditional management to coaching and supporting staff to improve their effectiveness

• Use audit planning and design tools more effectively

• Keep an audit more focused to facilitate timeliness

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Leading in the current audit environment• Assessing one’s own leadership

characteristics• Coaching to unique motivators and

employee strengths• Matching audit steps to audit objectives and

elements of a finding


federal financial management Certificate Program

Performance auditing

This course is designed for Federal, state, and local auditors who need to plan and conduct performance audits in accordance with GAGAS and government personnel who expect to be the subject of performance audits.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Summarize current performance auditing standards and terminology

• Distinguish between economy and efficiency audits and program effectiveness and results audits

• Plan performance audits in a performance environment

• Apply techniques for conducting performance audits

• Summarize the requirements and standards for reporting on performance audits

• Relate results-oriented laws and initiatives to performance audits

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Congressional and public interest in assuring a results orientation in governmental programs

• Conceptual framework and standards for performance audits

• Planning, conducting, and reporting on performance audits in the current performance environment

• Requirements and standards for reports on performance audits

• Impact of a results orientation on performance audits


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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For more information, contact us at: auditready@managementconcepts.com.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) Initiative is designed to improve the DoD’s financial processes, controls, and management information.

Where’s the FiAR?

Learn how FiAR requirementsimpact your organization

Our customizable workshop, guided by experts in financial statement

audits and the FIAR methodology, is uniquely designed to answer

questions about the specific issues you are facing and investigates the

role internal control plays in how you can meet FIAR requirements.

Let us customize a workshop to meet your needs.





Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5886 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 15-17, 2014 ...........14588604Washington, DCJan 5-7, 2015 ...............15588601Mar 4-6, 2015 ...............15588602May 18-20, 2015 ..........15588603

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Advanced

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • Auditing Fundamentals in

the Federal Environment or equivalent experience

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Performance Auditing

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

federal financial Statement audits

This course supports the ability of agencies to comply with the requirement for Federal financial statement audits as required by legislation including the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act. Audited financial statements support the overall goal of delivering accountability to the public of how their tax dollars are spent. This course builds competency amongst all those involved in the agency financial statement audits.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze the impact of statutory requirements, Government Accountability Office (GAO) guidance, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requirements on preparing and auditing Federal financial statements

• Understand the impact of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) on the audit process

• Discuss the impact of the current form and content of annual financial statements, their relationship to Performance and Accountability Reports (PAR), and tightened reporting deadlines

• Differentiate between the phases of agency financial statement audits

• Apply OMB and GAO guidance to assess internal control risks in agency financial and performance reporting

• Understand the audit requirements for noncompliance, illegal acts, abuse, or fraud

• Ensure the audit report on Federal financial statements meets current requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Laws, standards, and requirements governing Federal financial statement audits

• Activities and documentation associated with the phases of the audit approach

• Determining the appropriate use of available guidance in evaluating conformity with accounting standards

• Form and content of Federal financial statements and their relationship to management assertions and current reporting deadlines

• Planning the audit• Auditor responsibilities


federal financial management Certificate Program

84 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : A U D I T I N g

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : I N T E R N A L C O N T R O L

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5112 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoJul 14-16, 2014 ........................... 14511209Tysons Corner, VaOct 27-29, 2014 ........................... 14511212Jun 1-3, 2015 .............................. 15511205

Washington, DCJul 9-11, 2014 ............................. 14511208Dec 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14511213Jan 7-9, 2015 .............................. 15511201Feb 9-11, 2015 ............................ 15511202Apr 8-10, 2015 ............................. 15511203Apr 27-29, 2015 .......................... 15511204Jun 8-10, 2015 ............................ 15511206

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Auditing • Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• The Antideficiency Act • Auditing Fundamentals in the

Federal Environment • Internal Control over Financial


CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, class exercises, and case studies

Internal Controls: meeting federal requirements for accountability

This course demonstrates how internal control is an integral part of every aspect of management through explaining what internal controls are (the organization, policies, and procedures of an agency) and how good controls are necessary to effectively and efficiently carry out the agency mission at all levels and in all operations. It is designed for program and project managers, supervisors, and staff in all disciplines and at all levels, including internal review staff. This course is essential for internal control program administrators and coordinators, assessable unit managers, and anyone involved in the annual assessment of internal controls required by the Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA). This course provides a strong foundation in how to build and assess controls, as well as how to reduce the risk of waste, fraud, and mismanagement.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand how internal control is an integral part of everyday work

• Review and test internal controls and identify vulnerabilities

• Determine the cause of control weaknesses• Improve controls in any organization• Conduct a risk assessment • Apply the GAO internal control standards• Successfully organize the internal control

assessment process• Identify an organization’s assessable units• Develop annual statements of assurance as

required by law

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

UnderstandingInternalControls• What are internal controls?• Why internal controls are important• Fundamental components of controls• What controls mean to managers• The role of internal controls as an integral

part of management

GAOInternalControlStandards• Enterprise risk management• Intention of the five updated GAO standards• The five standards:

– Control environment – Risk assessment – Control activities – Information and communication – Monitoring

• How you can use GAO guidance to design and assess controls

LegalRequirementsandtheInternalControlProcess• Internal control mandates• Control requirements of the Integrity Act• Major Office of Management & Budget

(OMB) management requirements impacting internal controls

• How internal control is assessed

RiskAssessment• Risk identification• Internal and external risk• Role of risk in the Federal government• The relationship between risk and control• The three major types of risk• Risk management process and framework• How risk management is accomplished

ConductinganInternalControlReview• Purpose, content, requirements, and

documentation for internal control reviews• The major steps in an internal control review

CorrectiveActionPlans• Purpose, principles, and requirements for a

Corrective Action Plan (CAP)• Reporting control deficiencies• Purpose, principles, and requirements for a

Corrective Action Review (CAR)• Correcting internal control deficiencies• CAR report

InternalControlsReporting:Legal,Regulatory,andAgencyRequirements• FMFIA and OMB reporting requirements on

internal controls – Section 2 reporting (internal accounting and administrative controls)

– Material weaknesses in reporting versus material weaknesses in financial statement audits

– Section 4 reporting (financial management systems)

– Annual assurance statements – Assurances and understanding what we are assuring

• Reporting by government corporations


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 85

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : I N T E R N A L C O N T R O L

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 5812 3 days $799 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 14-16, 2014 ............14581203Nov 24-26, 2014 ...........14581204Mar 9-11, 2015 .............15581201May 4-6, 2015 ..............15581202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Auditing • Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Preparing Federal Financial

Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Federal Financial Statement


CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Internal Control over financial reporting

This course supports compliance with the laws and regulations that are designed to ensure the reliability and accountability of financial information contained in the financial statements and reports through the implementation of an internal control program. Effective internal control is the first line of defense against waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement and helps to ensure an entity’s mission is achieved in the most effective and efficient manner.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand and apply a structured and systematic approach to Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICOFR)

• Define and explain the relevant terminology, concepts, and requirements

• Identify the roles and responsibilities of the participants in the ICOFR process

• Explain relationships between the key programmatic and financial stakeholders – Implement an ICOFR program – Prepare a documented and supported Statement of Assurance on ICOFR

• Coordinate ICOFR requirements with performance and accountability reporting and other related requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Environment of accountability• Terminology, concepts, and requirements of

internal controls and ICOFR• Roles and responsibilities of participants in

the ICOFR process• Five steps in an ICOFR process:

– Planning – Evaluating controls at the entity level – Evaluating controls at the process level – Testing controls at the transaction level – Concluding, reporting, and correcting deficiencies and weaknesses


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 5108 1 day $429 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 8, 2014 ..................14510803Oct 20, 2014 .................14510804Feb 9, 2015 ..................15510801Apr 23, 2015 .................15510802

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Auditing • Course Level: Overview

CeT CreDITS: 8Ceu CreDITS: 0.6ClP: 8

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• The Antideficiency Act• Auditing Fundamentals in

the Federal Environment• Internal Control over

Financial Reporting

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

overview of Internal Control Guidance

This course is designed for anyone who wants to gain a general understanding of internal control: what internal controls are, the role they play in risk management and in effective and efficient mission accomplishment, and the Integrity Act requirements for agency heads to annually assess and report on the status of internal control.

NOTE: This course is an overview of the three-day course Internal Controls: Meeting Federal Requirements for Accountability. Individuals preparing to implement the requirements of the Integrity Act and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123 should attend the more in-depth three-day course. We do not recommend enrolling in both courses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Summarize the need for internal control in all aspects of management

• Describe the process for identifying risks• Identify risks and controls in an

environment emphasizing transparency and accountability

• List the major components of internal control and describe how they fit together

• Identify control deficiencies

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Latest Government Accountability Office (GAO) and OMB internal control guidance

• What controls are, why they are important, and what happens when they fail

• Identifying and evaluating risks• Key elements of a control system in any type

of organization• The annual Statements of Assurance

required by law


federal financial management Certificate Program

86 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

f I n a n C I a l m a n a G e m e n T : C E R T I F I C A T I O N P R E P A R A T I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 5665 5 days $1,499 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 8-12, 2014 .............14566503Mar 23-27, 2015 ...........15566501Jun 8-12, 2015 .............15566502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Finance • Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 40Ceu CreDITS: 3.2ClP: 40

PrerequISITeS:• None

Certified Internal auditor (CIa®) Preparatory Course

This course is designed for those interested in preparing for the CIA® exam by taking a five-day course that covers the four essential parts of the CIA® certification. This course utilizes the IIA’s CIA® Learning System, an interactive print and web-based review program that teaches and reinforces the entire global CIA® exam syllabus in a flexible, on-demand format. The CIA®

Learning System includes print modules that cover each of the four IIA standards and access to interactive online study tools. The online tools include My CIA® Review Plan, which helps create a personalized study plan; pre-tests and post-tests that evaluate current knowledge and identify topics requiring further study; section-specific quizzes; eFlashcards and glossary for review of key terms and definitions; a practice exam and progress report; and a Resource Center, which provides additional references and feedback opportunities.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Develop knowledge and understanding of the IIA standards for successful performance of internal audits

• Learn the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) critical to performing internal audits in all organizations and passing the CIA® exam

• Be able to assist management of organizations being audited to have the most successful receipt of an internal audit

• Learn the practices and skills for the successful performance of internal audits

• Understand how to use technology to support the internal auditor

• Become familiar with ways in which an organization can adapt to better compete in the global marketplace

• Understand The IIA Code of Ethics and the importance of the actions of internal auditors in performance of audits

• Be able to correctly evaluate and suggest improvements to the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes throughout the organization

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

PartOne:InternalAuditBasics• Mandatory guidance• Internal control and risk• Conducting internal audit engagements—

audit tools and techniques

PartTwo:InternalAuditPractice• Managing the internal audit function• Managing individual engagements• Fraud risks and controls

PartThree:InternalAuditKnowledgeElements• Governance/business ethics• Risk management• Organizational structure/business process

and risks• Communication• Information technology/business continuity• Global business environment

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 5670 3 days $839 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJan 26-30, 2015 ...........15567001May 18-22, 2015 ..........15567002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Finance • Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, class discussion and use of “mock” CGAP® exam questions are used, covering the four domains on The IIA’s CGAP® exam

Certified Government auditing Professional®

(CGaP®) Preparatory Course

This course is designed to help build confidence to take the CGAP® exam and become a Certified Government Auditing Professional as designated by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Earning the CGAP® certification demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the unique features of public-sector internal auditing.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand and apply required standards for governmental auditing

• Successfully provide a wide range of audit services in the government

• Use current audit methodologies and techniques in government audits

• Describe the government auditor’s evolving role in accountability and results management

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Standards,Governance,andRisk/ControlFrameworks• The International Standards for the

Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA)

• Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) (the Yellow Book)

• International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI)

• International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) standard

• Committee on Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) model of internal control

GovernmentAuditingPractice• Role of government audit organizations• Financial, performance, compliance, and

internal control audits• Other audit services and consulting roles• Effective delivery of audit services

GovernmentAuditingSkillsandTechniques• Management of audit organizations• Auditor’s role in performance measurement• Quantitative and qualitative methods• Tools and techniques to develop audit

findings• Recognition of potential fraud and other

integrity violations• Use of logic in government audits

GovernmentAuditingEnvironment• Budget and accounting laws and mechanisms• Performance measurement laws and

initiatives and cost accounting• Delivery mechanism pros and cons• Unique procurement and human resource

approaches• Due process, privacy, and services to at-large

populations• Fragmented and potentially conflicting


Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 87

T H e C G f m® T r a I n I n G S e r I e S

Instructor-led live Classroom Course 5601 1 day $429

atlanta, GaApr 29, 2015 .................15560106Denver, CoJun 17, 2015 ................15560109las Vegas, nVMar 17, 2015 ................15560103nashville, TnMar 18, 2015 ................15560104San Diego, CaAug 6, 2014 ..................14560113

Washington, DCJul 16, 2014 .................14560111Aug 6, 2014 ..................14560112Sep 3, 2014 ..................14560114Oct 22, 2014 .................14560115Dec 1, 2014 ..................14560116Feb 6, 2015 ..................15560101Mar 4, 2015 ..................15560102Apr 8, 2015 ...................15560105May 12, 2015 ...............15560107Jun 10, 2015 ................15560108

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Finance • Course Level: Basic

CeT CreDITS: 8Ceu CreDITS: 0.6ClP: 8

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Governmental environment

This course describes the unique aspects of government and how those aspects differ from the private sector and nonprofit organizations. It is designed for accountants, auditors, budget professionals, and controllers in government as well as academics and other professionals who have an interest in government. It is particularly appropriate for newly hired professionals.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Outline concepts and realities of public accountability

• Understand government organization — at all levels

• Comprehend interaction among levels of government

• Understand what to tax and why• Prepare for AGA’s CGFM Examination 1

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The organization and structure of government — Federal, state, and local

• Legal and other environmental aspects of the government

• Interrelationships among planning, programming, budgeting, operations, accounting, reporting, and auditing

• Government financing process • Public accountability• Ethics in government• Electronic services in government

The CGfm® Training Series

The Association of Government Accountants (AGA) and Management Concepts have formed an educational partnership to bring you the open-enrollment Certified Government Financial

Manager (CGFM) Training Series. The primary purpose of this series is to provide you with a solid foundation in all areas of local, state, and Federal government financial management, while helping you prepare for each of the three CGFM examinations. Financial management

professionals who do not wish to pursue the CGFM designation can still benefit from taking these courses by gaining a broad base of knowledge in auditing, accounting, financial reporting, and budgeting — an absolute necessity in today’s competitive work environment.

The CGFM Training Series consists of three courses: • Governmental Environment (1 day, 8 CPEs) • Governmental Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Budgeting (3 days, 24 CPEs) • Governmental Financial Management and Control (2 days, 16 CPEs)

Each course includes AGA’s CGFM study guide.

CGFM is a professional certification recognizing the unique skills and special knowledge required of today’s government financial managers at the Federal, state, and local levels.

Why earn the CGFM designation?• Enhanced marketability throughout all levels of government • Portable and tangible indicator of experience and knowledge • Better understanding of the “big picture” of government• Greater confidence on the job

To earn this designation, candidates must apply for AGA’s CGFM Program and meet initial certification requirements (ethics, education, examinations, and experience). CGFM study guides and courses are separate from CGFM examinations and are based on the publicly-available examination content outlines. To learn more about the CGFM designation and examinations, please visit www.agacgfm.org.

get the knowledge you need to succeed. Register for the CgFM Training Series by calling Management Concepts at 888.545.8575.

88 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

T H e C G f m® T r a I n I n G S e r I e S

Instructor-led live Classroom Course 5602 3 days $799

atlanta, GaMay 4-6, 2015 ..............15560206Denver, CoJun 22-24, 2015 ...........15560209las Vegas, nVMar 18-20, 2015...........15560203nashville, TnMar 23-25, 2015...........15560204San Diego, CaAug 11-13, 2014...........14560213

Washington, DCJul 21-23, 2014 ............14560211Aug 11-13, 2014 ...........14560212Sep 8-10, 2014 .............14560214Oct 8-10, 2014 ..............14560215Dec 15-17, 2014 ...........14560216Feb 11-13, 2015 ...........15560201Mar 9-11, 2015 .............15560202Apr 13-15, 2015 ...........15560205May 13-15, 2015 ..........15560207Jun 15-17, 2015 ...........15560208

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Accounting

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 24Ceu CreDITS: 1.9ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Governmental accounting, financial reporting and Budgeting

This course covers the general principles of governmental accounting, financial reporting, performance measures, and budgeting. It also covers the unique aspects of accounting and reporting for the Federal government, as well as state and local governments. It is designed for accountants, auditors, budget professionals, and controllers in government as well as academics and other professionals who have an interest in government.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand governmental accounting standards, financial reporting practices, and budgeting approaches

• Apply the standards, practices, and approaches by Federal, state, and local governments

• Understand financial statements issued by Federal, state, and local governments

• Prepare for AGA’s CGFM Examination 2

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Influences, concepts of financial reporting, and standards-setting

• General principles of governmental accounting

• Cost accounting and performance reporting• Budgeting • Accounting and reporting for state and local

governments• Federal budgeting and financial reporting

Instructor-led live Classroom Course 5603 2 days $649

atlanta, GaApr 30-May 1, 2015 ......15560306Denver, CoJun 18-19, 2015 ...........15560309las Vegas, nVMar 23-24, 2015...........15560304nashville, TnMar 19-20, 2015...........15560303San Diego, CaAug 7-8, 2014...............14560312

Washington, DCJul 17-18, 2014 ............14560311Aug 7-8, 2014 ...............14560313Sep 4-5, 2014 ...............14560314Oct 23-24, 2014 ............14560315Dec 2-3, 2014 ...............14560316Feb 9-10, 2015 .............15560301Mar 5-6, 2015 ...............15560302Apr 9-10, 2015 ..............15560305May 7-8, 2015 ..............15560307Jun 11-12, 2015 ...........15560308

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

CeT CreDITS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.3ClP: 16

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, group discussion, and class exercises

Governmental financial management and Control

This course covers various financial management functions and controls required of government financial managers, including internal controls, auditing, performance measurement, financial analysis techniques, and specific financial management practices used in government. It is designed for accountants, auditors, budget professionals, and controllers in government as well as academics and other professionals who have an interest in government. It is particularly appropriate for newly hired professionals.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand the need for and practice of internal control

• Learn about techniques for managing cash, investments, loan programs, inventory, procurement, property management, and systems

• Understand how and what kind of audits are conducted in government

• Prepare for AGA’s CGFM Examination 3

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The internal control process • Auditing purpose, standards, and related

issues• Performance measurement and reporting • Financial and managerial analysis techniques• Financial management functions

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 89


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Management Concepts offers the most comprehensive grants management training available, spanning the grants lifecycle — from preaward through grant closeout. Our goal is to provide Federal, pass-through, and recipient workforces with the knowledge and skills needed to improve program and public accountability, efficiency, and outcomes for beneficiaries. Our courses align with gS-1109 qualification standards and our curriculum is updated to reflect changes as a result of OMB’s Uniform Guidance (the “Supercircular”). With more than 450 classes across the country and online each year, you get maximum flexibility to complete all the grants training you need to achieve your professional goals.

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Search for courses by city and access our training calendar. visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/GrantsCalendar.

See our Suggested Sequence of Courses for guidance. visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/GrantsSSC.

Sign up for our grants blog and online newsletter, E-Clips at: www.ManagementConcepts.com/GrantsTools. Follow us on Twitter: @Mgmt_Concepts.


Grants management Processes and Techniques Courses.....................................93-102

laws, regulations, and Policies Courses..............103-106

financial Practices, assessments, and audits Courses...................................107-113

Subject Areas include:

Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one or more of the following subject areas (see pages 6-7). Look for the color-coded notations on participatory courses.


• federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP) • Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM (GMCPTM)

• leadership & management Certificate Programs • Project & Program management Certificate Programs

92 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2740 7 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $949

ClaSSeS onlIne:Oct 10-Dec 14, 2014 .................... 14274003Feb 27-Apr 26, 2015 .................... 15274001Jun 19-Aug 16, 2015 ................... 15274002

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 32

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2040 3 days $869 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMar 9-11, 2015 ............................ 15204004Denver, CoOct 27-29, 2014 ........................... 14204003Apr 27-29, 2015 .......................... 15204008Kansas City, KSOct 6-8, 2014 ............................... 14204004San Diego, CaNov 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14204005San francisco, CaApr 13-15, 2015 .......................... 15204007Seattle, WaJul 14-16, 2014 ........................... 14204007

Tysons Corner, VaSep 8-10, 2014 ............................ 14204009Oct 20-22, 2014 ........................... 14204010Feb 23-25, 2015 .......................... 15204003Jun 1-3, 2015 .............................. 15204010Washington, DCJul 14-16, 2014 ........................... 14204018Jul 28-30, 2014 ........................... 14204019Aug 25-27, 2014 .......................... 14204020Sep 22-24, 2014 .......................... 14204021Sep 29-Oct 1, 2014 ...................... 14204022Nov 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14204023Dec 1-3, 2014 .............................. 14204024Jan 5-7, 2015 .............................. 15204001Feb 2-4, 2015 .............................. 15204002Mar 16-18, 2015 .......................... 15204005

Apr 6-8, 2015 ............................... 15204006May 18-20, 2015 ......................... 15204009Jun 15-17, 2015 .......................... 15204011

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Basic

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 24

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, case studies, and final exam

Introduction to Grants and Cooperative agreements for federal Personnel(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Designed for Federal personnel who award or administer discretionary grants and/or cooperative agreements. Students gain a basic, working knowledge of the assistance process from preaward through closeout. This is a core course in the Federal Track of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify who is responsible at key stages during the grants process

• Discuss the legal authorities governing Federal assistance programs

• Review the governmentwide program announcement template

• Explore the technical review process for applications

• Negotiate terms and conditions on a hypothetical grant

• Practice providing technical assistance on postaward administrative requirements

• Discuss audit requirements applicable to recipients of Federal funds

• Determine the appropriate course of action at the end of the grant period

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

LegalAuthorities• Legislative, budgetary, and regulatory

foundations of grant programs• Administrative and program requirements

InformingApplicantsAboutYourGrantProgram• Program announcements• Application instructions

ApplicationReceipt,Review,andSelectionforFunding• Panel vs. field reviews• Recruiting and selecting reviewers

NegotiatingTermsandConditionsandAwardNotification• Payment procedures• Program income• Cost-sharing and matching• Reports• High-risk terms and conditions

PostawardAdministration• Prior approval for scope and budget changes• Program performance reports• Continuation applications• Property and procurement systems


End-of-the-GrantIssues• Closeout• Renewals and extensions• Records retention

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Monitoring Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 93

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2743 5 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne:Aug 29-Oct 12, 2014 ................... 14274303Jan 16-Mar 1, 2015 ..................... 15274301May 1-Jun 14, 2015 .................... 15274302

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 22

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2043 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMar 12-13, 2015 .......................... 15204304Denver, CoOct 30-31, 2014 ........................... 14204303Apr 30-May 1, 2015 ..................... 15204308Kansas City, KSOct 9-10, 2014 ............................. 14204304San Diego, CaNov 6-7, 2014 .............................. 14204305San francisco, CaApr 16-17, 2015 .......................... 15204307Seattle, WaJul 17-18, 2014 ........................... 14204307

Tysons Corner, VaSep 11-12, 2014 .......................... 14204309Oct 23-24, 2014 ........................... 14204310Feb 26-27, 2015 .......................... 15204303Jun 4-5, 2015 .............................. 15204310Washington, DCJul 17-18, 2014 ........................... 14204318Jul 31-Aug 1, 2014 ...................... 14204319Aug 28-29, 2014 .......................... 14204320Sep 25-26, 2014 .......................... 14204321Oct 2-3, 2014 ............................... 14204322Nov 6-7, 2014 .............................. 14204323Dec 4-5, 2014 .............................. 14204324Jan 8-9, 2015 .............................. 15204301Feb 5-6, 2015 .............................. 15204302Mar 19-20, 2015 .......................... 15204305

Apr 9-10, 2015 ............................. 15204306May 21-22, 2015 ......................... 15204309Jun 18-19, 2015 .......................... 15204311

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, case studies, and final exam

monitoring Grants and Cooperative agreements for federal Personnel(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Federal personnel responsible for overseeing administrative, financial, or programmatic performance of grant recipients will benefit from this course. Students develop working familiarity with a risk-based approach to monitoring, apply techniques for assessing recipients, and gain insight into potential problem areas in grants administration. This is a core course in the Federal Track of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Prioritize monitoring based on program risk factors

• Evaluate hypothetical grant scenarios to determine whether prior approval is required

• Analyze recipient progress and financial reports to identify deficiencies and potential problem areas

• Identify weaknesses in recipient internal controls through a mock site visit

• Use the Federal Audit Clearinghouse database and Single Audit reports as a monitoring tool

• Determine appropriate special conditions for high-risk recipients

• Analyze scenarios illustrating recipient waste, fraud, and abuse in Federal programs and determine appropriate responses

• Practice negotiating resolution of problems that arise during grant performance

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

MonitoringTechniquesandOversightIssues• Best practices for financial/administrative and

programmatic monitoring• Program and recipient risk assessment• Monitoring process phases• Monitoring plan elements

CollectingandAnalyzingInformation• Progress and financial reports• Prior approval requests• Site visits• Audit reports

EnforcingGrantAgreementsandResolvingProblems• High-risk recipients• Identifying problems and wrongdoing• Taking appropriate action on findings• Resolving issues through negotiation• Providing technical assistance

OtherMonitoringIssues• Change of recipient institution• Compliance with national policy


SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Introduction to Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

94 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2775 10 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $1,269

ClaSSeS onlIne:Sep 19-Dec 14, 2014 ................... 14277502Jan 16-Mar 1, 2015 ..................... 15274301May 1-Jun 14, 2015 .................... 15274302

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 28.5

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2075 4 days $1,159 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMar 2-5, 2015 .............................. 15207503Chicago, IlJun 8-11, 2015 ............................ 15207507Denver, CoOct 14-17, 2014 ........................... 14207503orlando, flMay 12-15, 2015 ......................... 15207506San Diego, CaJul 29-Aug 1, 2014 ...................... 14207506

San francisco, CaApr 6-9, 2015 ............................... 15207505Seattle, WaJan 20-23, 2015 .......................... 15207501Tysons Corner, VaMar 30-Apr 2, 2015 ..................... 15207504Washington, DCOct 20-23, 2014 ........................... 14207510Feb 17-20, 2015 .......................... 15207502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 32

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, case studies, hands-on practical exercises, and final exam

Subawarding for Pass-Through entities:Designing accountable Programs, Selecting Subrecipients, and monitoring Subgrants

(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Each year, primary recipients — state and local governments, universities, and large nonprofit organizations — pass through millions of Federal grant dollars to entities performing substantive work at the local level. These subawards, whether subgrants or cost-reimbursable contracts, are the focus of increasing scrutiny from agency inspectors general, auditors, and Federal awarding offices. This course is designed to assist pass-through entities in developing and maintaining an accountable subaward process and implementing effective monitoring measures. This is a core course in the Pass-Through Track of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Distinguish between subrecipients and contractors and determine how the relationship affects agreement provisions and oversight

• Analyze a program regulation to assess its impact on subaward administration

• Discuss the purpose of a program management plan

• Critique a subaward request for applications• Evaluate a sample subaward agreement• Identify best practices for monitoring

subrecipients• Examine a progress reporting format to

assess its ability to elicit subrecipient information needed for reporting to the Federal awarding agency

• Analyze subrecipient progress and financial reports to assess subrecipient performance

• Learn how to use the Federal Audit Clearinghouse database as a subrecipient monitoring tool

• Conduct a mock site visit

• Determine the appropriate action when faced with subrecipient noncompliance or failure to make adequate progress toward project goals

• Apply lessons learned during subaward performance to improve future monitoring

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

UnderstandingtheNatureofPass-ThroughPrograms• Assistance or procurement? Characteristics of

subrecipients and contractors

AccountabilityinaPass-ThroughContext• Clarifying pass-through program relationships• Establishing program operating parameters• The role of program management plans

SolicitationandEvaluation• Drafting and publishing the request for

applications• Reviewing applications and making funding


DraftingtheSubaward• Requirements that impact subaward agreements• Designing the subaward document to serve

as a monitoring tool• Award procedures

OverviewofSubawardMonitoring:ARisk-BasedApproach• What is monitoring and why do it?• Developing your monitoring plan• Documenting monitoring

ProgressandFinancialReports• Federal requirements• Reviewing reports for progress and financial

monitoring• Responding to deficient reports• Transparency Act reporting requirements

Audits• Subrecipient audits• Using audits as monitoring tools

• Pass-through entity audit resolution responsibilities


ResolvingIssuesUncoveredThroughMonitoring• Using negotiation to resolve problems• Applying lessons learned to improve your

monitoring systems• Awarding continuation funding• Typical problems that arise under subawards• Addressing subrecipient noncompliance


SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Recipients


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 95

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2762 8 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $949

ClaSSeS onlIne:Jul 25-Sep 28, 2014 .................... 14276202Oct 3-Dec 14, 2014 ...................... 14276203Mar 6-May 10, 2015 ................... 15276201

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 29.5

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2062 3 days $869 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaFeb 11-13, 2015 .......................... 15206203austin, TXJan 12-14, 2015 .......................... 15206201Chicago, IlApr 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15206205Denver, CoJul 9-11, 2014 ............................. 14206204fort Worth, TXJun 22-24, 2015 .......................... 15206208new orleans, laSep 17-19, 2014 .......................... 14206207orlando, flDec 8-10, 2014 ............................ 14206208

Phoenix, aZOct 20-22, 2014 ........................... 14206209Portland, orMar 2-4, 2015 .............................. 15206204Sacramento, CaOct 8-10, 2014 ............................. 14206211San Diego, CaAug 20-22, 2014 .......................... 14206212San francisco, CaMay 4-6, 2015 ............................. 15206206Seattle, WaNov 19-21, 2014 .......................... 14206213Tysons Corner, VaOct 1-3, 2014 ............................... 14206215May 20-22, 2015 ......................... 15206207

Washington, DCSep 15-17, 2014 .......................... 14206217Jan 26-28, 2015 .......................... 15206202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 24

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, case studies, and final exam

managing federal Grants and Cooperative agreements for recipients(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

This course is designed for recipient and pass-through entity personnel responsible for grant project administration and decision making, as well as those individuals responsible for developing and implementing institutional policies. Students develop a working knowledge of issues that affect day-to-day operations and management of Federal grants. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Determine applicable statutory and regulatory authorities and discuss their impact on grants administration

• Examine valuation of cost-sharing contributions

• Discuss new governmentwide financial and progress reporting forms

• Evaluate proposed changes in budget and scope to determine whether prior approval by the awarding agency is required

• Explore how agencies and auditors review internal controls through site visits

• Apply knowledge gained in the course in a simulated negotiation with agency personnel over grant terms and conditions

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:


NoticesofGrantAward• Authorities governing recipient and awarding

agency actions• Grant terms and conditions: payment, cost

sharing, and program income treatment


ProjectPerformanceandOtherGrantsManagementIssues• Meeting goals and objectives• Financial and performance reporting• Property management• Changes in budget and scope


Interacting withtheAwardingAgency• Monitoring methods and site visit procedures• Audits and sanctions

End-of-the-GrantIssues• Closeout• Renewals and extensions

ImprovingManagementofSubsequentGrants• Conducting a self-evaluation• Negotiating your next grant

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Applying for Federal Grants and Cooperative



Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

96 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

g r a n t s & a s s i s t a n c e : G r a n t s m a n a G e m e n t p r o c e s s e s a n d t e c h n i q u e sG r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2765 5 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne:Oct 10-Nov 23, 2014 .................... 14276503Feb 6-Mar 22, 2015 ..................... 15276501Jun 5-Jul 19, 2015 ...................... 15276502

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 19.5

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2065 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaFeb 9-10, 2015 ............................ 15206503Denver, CoJul 7-8, 2014 ............................... 14206503las Vegas, nVDec 8-9, 2014 .............................. 14206504orlando, flJan 5-6, 2015 .............................. 15206501Sacramento, CaOct 6-7, 2014 ............................... 14206507San Diego, CaAug 18-19, 2014 .......................... 14206508

Seattle, WaNov 17-18, 2014 .......................... 14206509Jan 12-13, 2015 .......................... 15206502Tysons Corner, VaSep 29-30, 2014 .......................... 14206511May 18-19, 2015 ......................... 15206505Washington, DCNov 12-13, 2014 .......................... 14206513Mar 23-24, 2015 .......................... 15206504

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Basic

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and final exam

applying for federal Grants and Cooperative agreements(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Designed for recipient personnel responsible for identifying funding opportunities and developing applications for Federal grants and cooperative agreements. Students develop the skills they need to successfully identify assistance opportunities, develop workable project plans, and submit competitive applications. This is a core course in the Recipient Track and an elective in the Pass-Through Track of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Learn the basic workings of the assistance process

• Explore the primary sources of information on Federal funds, including Grants.gov and the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

• Practice locating possible sources of Federal funding for a hypothetical project

• Analyze the impact of statutory, regulatory, and other legal requirements on assistance programs

• Discuss how to develop an application that meets awarding agency specifications

• Learn what happens at the Federal agency after applicants submit their proposals

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

HowtheFederalGrantsSystemWorks• Discretionary award application process• Relevant laws, regulations, and policies

RulesthatApplytoFederalGrants• Programmatic and administrative rules• Which rules apply to a project?


AssessingFundingOpportunities• Eligibility• Grant programs that meet project needs• Likelihood of receiving a Federal award


DevelopinganApplication• Action plan for application development• Agency specifications and/or restrictions

HowtheEvaluationandAwardProcessWorks• Application review criteria• Agency methods for scoring and ranking



PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Recipients • How to Write the Grant Application

Narrative• How to Prepare the Grant Application



Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 97

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2060 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoMay 18-19, 2015 ................ 15206004las Vegas, nVDec 10-11, 2014 ................. 14206002orlando, flJan 7-8, 2015 ..................... 15206001San Diego, CaSep 22-23, 2014 ................. 14206005San francisco, CaJun 1-2, 2015 ..................... 15206005Seattle, WaJan 14-15, 2015 ................. 15206002

Tysons Corner, VaJul 14-15, 2014 .................. 14206007Washington, DCMar 25-26, 2015 ................. 15206003

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Basic

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Applying for Federal Grants

and Cooperative Agreements

frequenTlY SCHeDuleD WITH: • How to Prepare the Grant

Application Budget• Applying for Federal Grants

and Cooperative Agreements

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

How to Prepare the Grant application Budget

Intended for recipient and pass-through personnel responsible for developing the budget and budget narrative for Federal grant and cooperative agreement applications. Students receive intensive instruction in preparing the budget portion of the grant application. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the budget considerations for a hypothetical grant project using the Federal application package, relevant statutes and regulations, and other sources of information

• Segment the proposed project into components for estimating resources needed to successfully carry out the stated objectives of the Federal program

• Prepare the application budget, including the appropriate computations and budget narrative

• Review the application narrative against the corresponding budget for completeness and accuracy

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

BasicConcepts• Budget’s role in the application• Budget development process• Obtaining technical assistance

PreapplicationBudgetIssues• Recipient financial management systems• Financial capability

PreliminaryBudgetWork• Relevant sources of program-specific and

governmentwide information• Anticipated cost ranges

Estimating• Project segmentation• Developing cost category estimates

FinalizingtheBudget• Adjustments: unallowable costs, program

requirements, and conformance to internal policy

• Completing the SF-424A budget form• Budget narrative

PostapplicationBudgetConcerns• Budget negotiation


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

How to Write the Grant application narrative

Students receive indepth instruction on techniques for developing effective grant application narratives, as well as hands-on drafting and critiquing practice. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze a program announcement in the governmentwide template to pinpoint requirements relating to the narrative

• Evaluate sample narratives from the perspective of agency reviewers

• Draft narrative elements for a hypothetical project

• Compare a successful narrative response to the program announcement

• Practice editing skills

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Overview• Features of successful applications• Elements of the narrative

PreparingtoDraftYourNarrative• Agency program announcements/guidelines• Narrative weaknesses• Drafting approaches

ComposingIndividualNarrativeElements• Needs statement • Measurable objectives

• Activities description, methodology, and schedule

• Staffing and personnel, other resources and needs

• Organizational capabilities• Plans for dissemination and evaluation• Abstracts• Supplements: tables of contents, introductions,

bibliographies, and appendices

PresentationandPolishing• Consistency, clarity, and brevity• Getting and applying feedback• Presentation and editing tips


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2061 1 day $599 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoMay 20, 2015 ..................... 15206104las Vegas, nVDec 12, 2014 ...................... 14206102orlando, flJan 9, 2015 ......................... 15206101San Diego, CaSep 24, 2014 ...................... 14206105San francisco, CaJun 3, 2015 ........................ 15206105Seattle, WaJan 16, 2015 ...................... 15206102

Tysons Corner, VaJul 16, 2014 ....................... 14206107Washington, DCMar 27, 2015 ...................... 15206103

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Basic

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 8

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Applying for Federal Grants

and Cooperative Agreements

frequenTlY SCHeDuleD WITH: • How to Write the Grant

Application Narrative• Applying for Federal Grants

and Cooperative Agreements

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

CourSe DeTaIlS: Students are encouraged to bring a copy of one narrative they are working on or have written. This course involves practical exercises, which include drafting sections of an application narrative. If you prefer to draft text using a keyboard, you may want to bring a laptop to class with you.

98 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2091 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaNov 17-18, 2014 .......................... 14209101austin, TXSep 2-3, 2014 .............................. 14209102Chicago, IlJun 15-16, 2015 .......................... 15209107Denver, CoAug 13-14, 2014 .......................... 14209104fort Worth, TXJul 21-22, 2014 ........................... 14209105las Vegas, nVJan 26-27, 2015 .......................... 15209101new orleans, laSep 15-16, 2014 .......................... 14209108orlando, flDec 11-12, 2014 .......................... 14209109Phoenix, aZDec 15-16, 2014 .......................... 14209110

Portland, orMar 5-6, 2015 .............................. 15209102San Diego, CaSep 25-26, 2014 .......................... 14209112San francisco, CaMar 10-11, 2015 .......................... 15209103May 7-8, 2015 ............................. 15209105Seattle, WaJul 10-11, 2014 ........................... 14209114Tysons Corner, VaJul 28-29, 2014 ........................... 14209115Washington, DCAug 18-19, 2014 .......................... 14209118Oct 14-15, 2014 ........................... 14209119Dec 9-10, 2014 ............................ 14209120May 5-6, 2015 ............................. 15209104Jun 1-2, 2015 .............................. 15209106

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Advanced

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

PDu CreDITS: 13

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

accountability for federal Grants:Planning, measuring, and reporting Grant Performance

(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Designed for anyone in the grants community—awarding and recipient personnel alike—who is interested in applying performance-based principles to grant projects. Students will review accountability requirements and statutes and examine how accountability impacts the entire grants lifecycle, from application development to reporting. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Develop measurable objectives and assign performance measures

• Present a report on project performance• Analyze progress reports and develop a

technical assistance plan for improving performance

• Use lessons learned in one project phase to adjust objectives and targets for the next phase

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

PerformanceAccountability• Accountability in the grants context• Influences driving accountability

PerformanceMeasurementSystems• Performance-based buzzwords defined• Keys to success: performance measurement

and management• Implementing and maintaining an effective

performance measurement system

DevelopingaPerformance-BasedProjectPlan• Developing objectives, selecting measures,

and setting targets• Collecting data

TrackingandEvaluatingGrantPerformanceInformation• Data collection• Evaluating results and reporting on progress

ApplyingLessonsLearnedtoImprovePerformance• Learning from your experiences• Raising the bar: using performance data to

set new targets

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Introduction to Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel• Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Recipients


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2791 5 weeks of coursework. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne:Oct 31-Dec 14, 2014 .................... 14279103Mar 6-Apr 12, 2015 ..................... 15279101May 29-Jul 5, 2015 ...................... 15279102

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 19

PDu CreDITS: 20

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, and quizzes

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 99

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2071 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Chicago, IlApr 23-24, 2015 ................. 15207106Denver, CoJan 7-8, 2015 ..................... 15207101las Vegas, nVJul 23-24, 2014 .................. 14207101nashville, TnMar 30-31, 2015 ................. 15207105Phoenix, aZOct 23-24, 2014 .................. 14207103

San Diego, CaFeb 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15207103San francisco, CaMar 12-13, 2015 ................. 15207104Washington, DCJan 29-30, 2015 ................. 15207102May 26-27, 2015 ................ 15207107

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Business Management

Systems for Grant Recipients • Managing Federal Grants

and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and group exercises

Procuring Goods and Services under federal Grants

This course is designed for recipient and pass-through agency personnel who purchase goods and services under Federal grants. Students achieve an understanding of the regulations and standards that apply to procurement under grants, and gain hands-on practice in developing and maintaining a successful, compliant purchasing system. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the Federal requirements that apply to contracts under grants

• Crosswalk the components of a procurement system to related elements of internal control

• Determine the most appropriate type of procurement for specific situations

• Analyze sample proposals and select the best vendor

• Identify standard contract clauses required by OMB’s Uniform Guidance

• Identify steps to ensure delivery of goods and monitor vendor performance

• Practice resolving conflicts that arise during procurements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

PuttingProcurementIntoContext• How procurement fits into grants

management• Subrecipient or vendor?• Federal standards and requirements

• Considering special requirements such as Buy American, Buy Green, and Resource Conservation

ConductingaProcurementUnderGrants• Requirements gathering • Avoiding conflicts of interest• Selecting the most appropriate type of

contract• Lease vs. purchase• Conducting a small purchase• Developing effective RFPs• Reviewing bids• Contract elements• Maintaining proper documentation

ContractAdministration• Conducting kickoff/startup meetings• Criteria for invoice payment• Enforcing terms and resolving conflicts



Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Detecting and Preventing fraud on federal Grant Projects

This course is designed for Federal and pass-through entity personnel responsible for overseeing grant recipients/subrecipients and recipient personnel responsible for grant project administration. Students gain an in-depth understanding of potential fraud risks inherent in various programs and entity types, as well as practical experience applying fraud prevention and detection techniques. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Conduct a risk assessment of a sample Federal program

• Create an effective fraud prevention monitoring process

• Evaluate and test an entity’s internal controls for vulnerabilities

• Analyze case studies for actions that could have prevented fraud or detected it earlier

• Review a sample recipient to determine whether fraud is occurring

• Develop action item lists to improve fraud monitoring

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

FraudintheGrantsContext• Prevalence of fraud in Federal grants and

cooperative agreements• Distinguishing fraud from waste and abuse• Influences driving fraud prevention

FraudRiskAssessment• Organizational and program risks that

increase the likelihood of fraud• Common fraud schemes by entity type and


FraudPreventionTechniques• Best practices to proactively prevent fraud

throughout the grants lifecycle• Internal controls and fraud monitoring FraudDetectionTechniques• Common red flags• Best practices for early detection• Challenges

WhenFraudisSuspectedorDiscovered• Reporting suspected fraud and

whistleblower protections• Remedies to resolve issues that led to fraud • Penalties• Recovery of funds


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2093 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJun 29-30, 2015 ................. 15209307austin, TXSep 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14209302Chicago, IlFeb 11-12, 2015 ................. 15209302Denver, CoJun 8-9, 2015 ..................... 15209305las Vegas, nVJan 28-29, 2015 ................. 15209301orlando, flMar 9-10, 2015 ................... 15209303

San francisco, CaOct 1-2, 2014 ...................... 14209304Tysons Corner, VaJun 24-25, 2015 ................. 15209306Washington, DCAug 20-21, 2014 ................. 14209307Nov 12-13, 2014 ................. 14209308Apr 15-16, 2015 ................. 15209304

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications • Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Monitoring Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

• Subawarding for Pass-Through Entities

• Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

100 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2048 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmMay 14-15, 2015 ................ 15204803atlanta, GaJun 24-25, 2015 ................. 15204805Denver, CoSep 11-12, 2014 ................. 14204803San Diego, CaFeb 17-18, 2015 ................. 15204801Seattle, WaAug 7-8, 2014 ..................... 14204805

Washington, DCAug 14-15, 2014 ................. 14204808Nov 19-20, 2014 ................. 14204809Feb 26-27, 2015 ................. 15204802May 28-29, 2015 ................ 15204804

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Introduction to Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

• Monitoring Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

Closeout of Grants for federal Personnel

This course is designed for Federal staff responsible for closing out grants within their agency’s procedural timeframe. It provides students with a framework and actionable process for overseeing and conducting grant closeouts. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze a notice of grant award for closeout requirements

• Pursue late reports• Issue disposition instructions for equipment

or property• Reconcile cost-sharing issues• Check final indirect costs• Determine how to monitor use of property

where a Federal financial interest remains after closeout

• Design a closeout-friendly award document

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

PreparingforandInitiatingCloseout• Enforcing award terms and conditions• Closeout checklists

CollectingRequiredReports• Performance/progress reports• Tangible personal property reports• Real property reports• Intellectual property • Financial reports

AnalyzingtheInformation• Resolving reimbursement issues related to

equipment disposition• Determining whether indirect cost rates have

been finalized• Identifying issues that would require

monitoring after closeout • Exercising nonexclusive rights to inventions• Enforcing the requirement to publish

results, data, or other project output

FinalIssues• Retroactive approvals • Award revisions

At-orAfter-CloseoutActivities• Audit resolution• Return of funds to the Treasury• Monitoring real property

ImprovingYourCloseoutRate• Best practices for timely and efficient

closeout• Changing attitudes toward closeout


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2044 1 day $599 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 21, 2014 ....................... 14204401Chicago, IlAug 15, 2014 ...................... 14204402Denver, CoAug 4, 2014 ........................ 14204403Seattle, WaMay 11, 2015 ..................... 15204402Tysons Corner, VaAug 1, 2014 ........................ 14204405

Washington, DCJul 7, 2014 ......................... 14204407Feb 9, 2015 ........................ 15204401

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 8

PDu CreDITS: 6.5

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

Cooperative agreements and Substantial Involvement

Designed for Federal personnel responsible for determining the appropriate award instrument, drafting cooperative agreement program announcements or award documents, and/or managing agency involvement in cooperative agreements. Students gain indepth experience with cooperative agreements and the key feature that distinguishes these instruments from other award instruments: awarding agency substantial involvement. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply the “principal purpose test” to select the appropriate funding instrument

• Identify agency activities that constitute substantial involvement

• Draft clear, complete explanations of agency involvement for program announcements

• Determine whether a cooperative agreement award includes all required elements

• Explore liability issues and understand appropriate limits on substantial involvement

• Identify appropriate circumstances for converting a grant to a cooperative agreement

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

SubstantialInvolvement• Selecting the appropriate funding

instrument• Substantial involvement vs. monitoring

duties• Drafting program announcements

CooperativeAgreementAwardDocuments• Agency guidance• Model agreement documents

InvolvementIssues• Prohibited interference in recipients’ daily

affairs• Monitoring substantial involvement• Loss of immunity from tort liability

ConvertingtheAwardInstrument• Circumstances requiring an award

instrument change• Suggested procedures for conversion



Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 101

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : g R A N T S M A N A g E M E N T P R O C E S S E S A N D T E C H N I q U E S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2049 3 days $869 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmMay 11-13, 2015 ................ 15204903atlanta, GaJan 21-23, 2015 ................. 15204901Denver, CoSep 8-10, 2014 ................... 14204903Tysons Corner, VaJun 29-Jul 1, 2015 ............. 15204904

Washington, DCAug 11-13, 2014 ................. 14204907Feb 23-25, 2015 ................. 15204902

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 24

PrerequISITeS: • None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

Grants administration for federal Program Personnel

Designed for Federal program and technical staff who work with discretionary or mandatory grants and cooperative agreements. This course focuses on the grants administration responsibilities of program personnel and best practices for fulfilling those responsibilities.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify major roles of program and grants management staff at key stages in the grants process

• Evaluate the adequacy of program guidelines/regulations

• Discuss the governmentwide program announcement template

• Assess project plans and the overall reasonableness of application budgets

• Develop a site visit protocol for a hypothetical grant project

• Use data gathered through monitoring to assess recipient progress toward approved project goals

• Apply negotiation techniques to resolve recipient performance problems

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheFederalGrantsProcess• Differences between mandatory and

discretionary grants

RequirementsFramework• Statutes, executive orders, regulations (at

2 CFR and elsewhere), guidelines, OMB circulars, and agency policies


EstablishingProgramRequirements• Creating program guidelines and regulations

InstrumentSelection• Grant, cooperative agreement, or contract?• Drafting descriptions of agency substantial

involvement in cooperative agreements

DiscretionaryGrants• Competition• Program announcements and application


Monitoring• Grant monitoring techniques and job tools• Prior approvals• Reviewing progress reports and providing

feedback• Conducting programmatic site visits

LegalBoundaries• Governmentwide Standards of Ethical

Conduct• Restrictions on information collection and



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

essential Professional Skills for Grants management

In today’s grants environment, grants professionals need to be able to communicate accurately and interact effectively. This course is designed to provide grounding and practice in communicating with coworkers and partners in the Federal grants process, negotiating grant agreements, defusing conflict, and minimizing stress.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Learn to use body language appropriately when relaying a message

• Analyze work styles to improve communication

• Select appropriate methods for defusing conflict in a hypothetical grants situation

• Apply negotiation techniques in a hypothetical grants situation

• Employ a five-step process to solve a grant-related problem

• Plan a work schedule to minimize stress during busy times of the annual grants cycle

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Communication• Battling enemies of good communication • Impact of tone and body language on the

message• Principles and techniques of active listening• Personal communication styles


ConflictManagement• Interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup, and

intragroup conflict

Negotiation• Interest-based negotiation • Preparing for and conducting a negotiation



Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2092 2 days $699 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmApr 21-22, 2015 ................. 15209201Denver, CoAug 19-20, 2014 ................. 14209201San Diego, CaDec 15-16, 2014 ................. 14209203Washington, DCNov 13-14, 2014 ................. 14209205Jun 4-5, 2015 ..................... 15209202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications (10 hours) and Personal Development (6 hours)

• Course Level: Basic

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

PrerequISITeS: • None

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and role-play exercises

102 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : L AW S , R E g U L AT I O N S , A N D P O L I C I E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2750 5 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne:Jul 25-Sep 7, 2014 ...................... 14275003Oct 3-Nov 16, 2014 ...................... 14275004Jan 30-Mar 15, 2015 ................... 15275001May 1-Jun 14, 2015 .................... 15275002

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 20

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2050 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmFeb 2-3, 2015 .............................. 15205005atlanta, GaSep 22-23, 2014 .......................... 14205003May 26-27, 2015 ......................... 15205018austin, TXJun 1-2, 2015 .............................. 15205019Boston, maJul 28-29, 2014 ........................... 14205005Chicago, IlMay 4-5, 2015 ............................. 15205015Denver, CoDec 1-2, 2014 .............................. 14205008Apr 13-14, 2015 .......................... 15205013fort Worth, TXMar 23-24, 2015 .......................... 15205010Kansas City, KSApr 27-28, 2015 .......................... 15205014las Vegas, nVJun 15-16, 2015 .......................... 15205020

new orleans, laJan 5-6, 2015 .............................. 15205001orlando, flOct 27-28, 2014 ........................... 14205014Phoenix, aZJan 12-13, 2015 .......................... 15205002Portland, orMay 18-19, 2015 ......................... 15205017Sacramento, CaFeb 23-24, 2015 .......................... 15205008San Diego, CaJan 20-21, 2015 .......................... 15205004San francisco, CaSep 8-9, 2014 .............................. 14205019Mar 30-31, 2015 .......................... 15205011Seattle, WaFeb 17-18, 2015 .......................... 15205007Tysons Corner, VaSep 2-3, 2014 .............................. 14205023Nov 17-18, 2014 .......................... 14205024Feb 9-10, 2015 ............................ 15205006Apr 6-7, 2015 ............................... 15205012

Washington, DCJul 21-22, 2014 ........................... 14205029Aug 11-12, 2014 .......................... 14205030Oct 6-7, 2014 ............................... 14205031Dec 15-16, 2014 .......................... 14205032Jan 20-21, 2015 .......................... 15205003Mar 9-10, 2015 ............................ 15205009May 11-12, 2015 ......................... 15205016Jun 22-23, 2015 .......................... 15205021

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, case studies, and final exam

uniform administrative requirements for federal Grants (Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Designed for recipient, pass-through, and Federal personnel. Students gain a fundamental understanding of the provisions of the Office of Management & Budget (OMB’s) Uniform Guidance governing preaward, postaward and closeout phases of Federal grants, cooperative agreements, and subawards. These administrative requirements are the cornerstone of Federal agency administrative grants regulations. This is a core course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

NOTE: This course covers revisions in OMB’s Uniform Guidance (the “Supercircular”).

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Locate and apply specific provisions to actual administrative issues

• Review recipient financial system procedures to assess compliance with the requirements

• Identify standards for title, use, and disposition of real and intangible property, equipment, and supplies

• Decide when grant records can be discarded • Use the administrative requirements to guide

corrective actions and enforcement measures• Determine which contract clauses are

required on contracts under grants

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Past,Present,andFuture• Development of the administrative

requirements• OMB’s Uniform Guidance (the


ApplicabilityandImplementation• Flowthrough to subrecipients• Agency implementations and deviations

Provisions• Structure of the administrative requirements• OMB responsibilities• Preaward requirements• Postaward administration:

– Financial and program management – Property standards – Procurement standards – Reports and records – Termination and enforcement

• Closeout• After the grant • Contract provisions

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Introduction to Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel • Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Recipients

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Cost Principles for Federal Grants


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 103

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : L AW S , R E g U L AT I O N S , A N D P O L I C I E S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2780 6 weeks of coursework, 1 week to complete exam. $869

ClaSSeS onlIne:Aug 8-Sep 28, 2014 ..................... 14278004Oct 17-Dec 14, 2014 ................... 14278005Jan 23-Mar 15, 2015 ................... 15278001Apr 3-May 24, 2015 ..................... 15278002Jun 5-Jul 26, 2015 ...................... 15278003

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 25.5

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, quizzes, and final exam

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Cost Principles for federal Grants(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Designed for recipient, pass-through, and Federal personnel responsible for grant-related financial actions, e.g., budget development or review, spending decisions, and audits. In this course, students gain a firm grounding in the concepts central to the cost principles, as well as practical experience applying cost principles to differing recipient types. This is a core course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

NOTE: This course covers revisions made to OMB’s Uniform Guidance (the “Supercircular”).

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Review factors affecting allocability of costs • Apply appropriate tests to determine whether

costs are reasonable• Classify costs as typically direct or indirect • Use the cost principles as reference tools

to answer questions about allowability for sample selected items of cost, determine whether those sample costs are direct or indirect, and support answers with citations

• Review grant application budgets to determine cost allowability

• Analyze spending decisions to determine whether they are allowable

• Gain insight into grant cost disallowances by exploring agency and court decisions

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

DevelopmentandApplicability• Historical development of and changes to the

cost principles • Applicability to awards and subawards

Allowability,Allocability,andReasonableness• Determining whether a cost meets these criteria• Differences among the sets of cost principles


SelectedItemsofCost• Locating cost items in the cost principles• Analyzing allowability

UsingandApplyingtheCostPrinciplesontheJob• Budget development and review• Spending decisions• Documenting costs• Site visits• Audits and audit resolution

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Introduction to Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Advanced Cost Principles• Financial Administration of Federal Grants

for Recipients• Uniform Administrative Requirements for

Federal Grants• Developing and Monitoring Indirect/ F&A

Cost Rate Proposals at Local Governments, Universities, and Nonprofits


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2080 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmFeb 4-5, 2015 .............................. 15208005atlanta, GaSep 24-25, 2014 .......................... 14208003May 28-29, 2015 ......................... 15208018austin, TXJun 3-4, 2015 .............................. 15208019Boston, maJul 30-31, 2014 ........................... 14208005Chicago, IlMay 6-7, 2015 ............................. 15208015Denver, CoDec 3-4, 2014 .............................. 14208008Apr 15-16, 2015 .......................... 15208013fort Worth, TXMar 25-26, 2015 .......................... 15208010Kansas City, KSApr 29-30, 2015 .......................... 15208014las Vegas, nVJun 17-18, 2015 .......................... 15208020

new orleans, laJan 7-8, 2015 .............................. 15208001orlando, flOct 29-30, 2014 ........................... 14208014Phoenix, aZJan 14-15, 2015 .......................... 15208002Portland, orMay 20-21, 2015 ......................... 15208017Sacramento, CaFeb 25-26, 2015 .......................... 15208008San Diego, CaJan 22-23, 2015 .......................... 15208003San francisco, CaSep 10-11, 2014 .......................... 14208019Apr 1-2, 2015 ............................... 15208011Seattle, WaFeb 19-20, 2015 .......................... 15208007Tysons Corner, VaSep 4-5, 2014 .............................. 14208023Nov 19-20, 2014 .......................... 14208024

Feb 11-12, 2015 .......................... 15208006Apr 8-9, 2015 ............................... 15208012Washington, DCJul 23-24, 2014 ........................... 14208030Aug 13-14, 2014 .......................... 14208031Oct 8-9, 2014 ............................... 14208032Dec 17-18, 2014 .......................... 14208033Jan 22-23, 2015 .......................... 15208004Mar 11-12, 2015 .......................... 15208009May 13-14, 2015 ......................... 15208016Jun 24-25, 2015 .......................... 15208021

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, case studies, and final exam

104 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : L AW S , R E g U L AT I O N S , A N D P O L I C I E S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2046 3 days $869 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 22-24, 2014 .................. 14204601Nov 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14204602Denver, CoAug 5-7, 2014 ..................... 14204603San francisco, CaDec 8-10, 2014 ................... 14204604Seattle, WaMay 12-14, 2015 ................ 15204604

Washington, DCJul 8-10, 2014 .................... 14204609Feb 10-12, 2015 ................. 15204601Mar 23-25, 2015 ................. 15204602Apr 27-29, 2015 ................. 15204603

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Advanced

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Introduction to Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

• Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients

CourSe formaT:Lecture, discussion, and case studies

federal assistance law

In this challenging course, students develop an in-depth understanding of the legal underpinnings of Federal assistance through analyzing and discussing actual court cases and appeals board decisions. This course is appropriate for recipient, pass-through, and Federal personnel interested in how legal issues affect Federal grants administration. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explore the legal basis for awarding grants and cooperative agreements

• Consider the legal differences between grants and contracts

• Discuss how statutes, regulations, and judicial decisions impact everyday grant and cooperative agreement administration

• Analyze Federal court and agency appeals board cases focusing on issues such as protections under the Privacy Act, rights under the Freedom of Information Act, and interpretations of statutory requirements by awarding agencies

• Identify penalties that may be imposed on recipients that fail to comply with Federal requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

LegalBasesforProvidingAssistance• Congressional authority• Role of Federal agencies• Legal status of grants and contracts



ExecutiveandAgencyRules• Authority of the President and the Office of

Management and Budget (OMB)• Rulemaking• OMB common rules

EnforcementofGrantAgreementsandLegalRemedies• Authorities that govern grant agreements• Recovery of funds• Administrative remedies and court actions


JudicialReview• Agency actions subject to judicial review• Exhaustion of administrative remedies,

standing to sue, and due process


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2045 1 day $599 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 25, 2014 ....................... 14204501Nov 6, 2014 ........................ 14204502Denver, CoAug 8, 2014 ........................ 14204503San francisco, CaDec 11, 2014 ...................... 14204504Seattle, WaMay 15, 2015 ..................... 15204503

Washington, DCJul 11, 2014 ....................... 14204508Sep 12, 2014 ...................... 14204509Oct 31, 2014 ....................... 14204510Feb 13, 2015 ...................... 15204501Mar 26, 2015 ...................... 15204502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 8

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Federal Assistance Law

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, and case studies

appropriations law for federal Grants

In this course, students will investigate appropriations law for Federal grants, as established in constitutional, statutory, and case law and covered in portions of Chapter 10 of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Red Book (Principles of Federal Appropriations Law). This course is designed for Federal staff who need to understand appropriations law in the context of the grant programs they administer. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Review court cases, GAO decisions, and statutes relating to issues such as First Amendment limits on congressional authority and lapse of budget authority

• Analyze questions of obligation timing• Explore how an agency identifies and deals

with each of the “availability” requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgencyAuthorizationfromCongresstoAwardAssistance• Constitutional basis• Necessity of an appropriation• Program authorization


TheBudgetandAppropriationsProcess• The President’s Budget• Mandatory vs. discretionary grants• Congressional action• Earmarks• Impoundments, deferrals, and recissions

RulesGoverningFundsAvailability• Purpose, time, and amount • Antideficiency Act

ObligationofFunds• Obligation methods• Change of project scope

PrinciplesofCost-Sharing• Non-Federal share• Maintenance of effort


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G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : L AW S , R E g U L AT I O N S , A N D P O L I C I E S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2047 1 day $599 Call for info 888.545.8575

albuquerque, nmApr 20, 2015 ....................... 15204703atlanta, GaJun 26, 2015 ...................... 15204705Denver, CoAug 21, 2014 ...................... 14204702las Vegas, nVJan 30, 2015 ...................... 15204701San Diego, CaDec 17, 2014 ...................... 14204704

Washington, DCNov 12, 2014 ...................... 14204707Dec 8, 2014 ........................ 14204708Mar 6, 2015 ........................ 15204702Jun 3, 2015 ........................ 15204704

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Behavioral

Ethics• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 8

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Introduction to Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, practical exercises, and case studies

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2067 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJun 22-23, 2015 ................. 15206707austin, TXApr 6-7, 2015 ...................... 15206705Denver, CoAug 11-12, 2014 ................. 14206703fort Worth, TXJan 29-30, 2015 ................. 15206701orlando, flFeb 4-5, 2015 ..................... 15206702San Diego, CaMar 18-19, 2015 ................. 15206703

Seattle, WaApr 2-3, 2015 ...................... 15206704Tysons Corner, VaJul 30-31, 2014 .................. 14206708Washington, DCNov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14206710Apr 30-May 1, 2015 ............ 15206706

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business Law• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Introduction to Grants and

Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel

• Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, and case studies

ethics in the Grants environment

Under the authority of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 and Executive Orders 12674 and 12731, the Office of Government Ethics requires Federal agencies to provide annual ethics training for all employees. Because the Federal grants environment presents issues not covered in standard ethics training, this course was specially developed for Federal agency personnel who deal with assistance awards. This is an elective course in the Federal Track of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Review legislative actions and judicial decisions that affect the standards of ethical conduct for executive branch employees

• Determine whether actions of Federal personnel comply with the regulations at 5 CFR 2635

• Review and discuss agency appeals board cases dealing with ethical issues such as unlawful representation by employees after retirement and payments to Federal employees by recipients

• Discuss restrictions on requirements that agencies can impose on recipients

• Explore methods for ensuring fairness in the grant review and award process

• Analyze agency activities to determine whether they violate restrictions on lobbying

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

StandardsofEthicalConductforEmployeesoftheExecutiveBranch,5CFR2635• Agency implementations and supplemental

regulations • Gifts, misuse of public office, outside

activities, and the “revolving door” issue

GovernmentInvolvementwithRecipients• Duties and ethical considerations for grants

and program office personnel• Limits on agency involvement

GrantApplicationReviewIssues• Peer review and conflicts of interest• Privacy Act considerations




Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

understanding national Policy requirements affecting Grants

Intended for recipient and pass-through entity personnel responsible for ensuring their organization complies with Federal laws and regulations, as well as Federal personnel and auditors responsible for monitoring recipient compliance. Students gain a broad-based familiarity with non-financial compliance issues that affect programs supported by Federal grants. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the national policy issues applicable to different types of grant programs

• Discuss compliance requirements and penalties for noncompliance

• Research issues and conduct briefings on national policy requirements

• Analyze scenarios to identify applicable compliance issues and offer technical assistance to resolve potential problems

• Develop action item lists for improving compliance/enhancing compliance monitoring

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

GeneralPolicyRequirementsAffectingMostGrants• Civil rights• Labor standards (e.g., Davis-Bacon Act),

procurement, and utilization of underserved business concerns

• Debarment and suspension• Smoke- and drug-free workplace• Lobbying• Crimes and prohibited activities• Domestic protection (e.g., Buy American

and Fly America Acts)• Motor vehicle safety• Counter-terrorism and human trafficking

ResearchGrantComplianceIssues• Protection of human subjects and use of

laboratory animals• Conflict of interest and misconduct in science• Patents

ConstructionGrantsandOutdoorActivities• Environmental requirements and historic

preservation• Impact on human community


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

106 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2742 5 weeks of coursework. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne:Sep 5-Oct 12, 2014 ...................... 14274203Feb 13-Mar 22, 2015 ................... 15274201Jun 5-Jul 12, 2015 ...................... 15274202

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 20

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, and quizzes

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2042 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

austin, TXApr 8-9, 2015 ............................... 15204204Chicago, IlFeb 9-10, 2015 ............................ 15204201Denver, CoAug 25-26, 2014 .......................... 14204202las Vegas, nVMar 16-17, 2015 .......................... 15204203orlando, flJun 18-19, 2015 .......................... 15204205San Diego, CaDec 1-2, 2014 .............................. 14204205

Seattle, WaAug 4-5, 2014 .............................. 14204207Tysons Corner, VaJul 17-18, 2014 ........................... 14204208Washington, DCAug 5-6, 2014 .............................. 14204210Nov 12-13, 2014 .......................... 14204211Mar 2-3, 2015 .............................. 15204202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance (8 hours)

and Specialized Knowledge and Applications (8 hours)

• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

evaluating federal funds management Capabilities of recipients and Subrecipients

(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

Federal personnel involved in evaluating application budgets, exploring audit findings, and reviewing recipient financial management systems, as well as pass-through entities responsible for evaluating and selecting subrecipients, will find this course invaluable. Students gain the skills needed to determine whether current and prospective Federal award recipients and subrecipients are capable of managing Federal funds. This is an elective course in the Federal and Pass-Through Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Perform a cost analysis of a grant budget and identify cost areas requiring explanation

• Explore Federal standards for recipient systems and benchmarks for “adequacy”

• Review a recipient/subrecipient’s business management systems to identify deficiencies and determine appropriate corrective actions

• Use audit reports and financial statements to assess a recipient/subrecipient’s management capabilities

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Introduction• Importance of evaluation, approaches, and


CostAnalysis• Purpose and steps involved• Reviewing object class categories

BusinessManagementSystemsReview• Benchmarks for determining adequacy• Steps for conducting the review

FinancialStatements• What’s in a financial statement? • Using financial statements to evaluate


UsingAuditReports• Sources and types of audit reports• Analyzing audit information


SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Introduction to Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel • Subawarding for Pass-Through Entities


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G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2752 5 weeks of coursework. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne:Aug 8-Sep 14, 2014 ..................... 14275202Oct 10-Nov 16, 2014 .................... 14275203Apr 10-May 17, 2015 ................... 15275201

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 18

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, and quizzes

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2052 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaNov 19-20, 2014 .......................... 14205201austin, TXMar 18-19, 2015 .......................... 15205205Chicago, IlAug 13-14, 2014 .......................... 14205203Denver, CoAug 27-28, 2014 .......................... 14205204fort Worth, TXJul 23-24, 2014 ........................... 14205205las Vegas, nVFeb 19-20, 2015 .......................... 15205202orlando, flMar 11-12, 2015 .......................... 15205204Phoenix, aZDec 17-18, 2014 .......................... 14205208

Portland, orJun 10-11, 2015 .......................... 15205207San Diego, CaDec 3-4, 2014 .............................. 14205209Tysons Corner, VaAug 20-21, 2014 .......................... 14205212Washington, DCSep 3-4, 2014 .............................. 14205216Oct 16-17, 2014 ........................... 14205217Dec 11-12, 2014 .......................... 14205218Jan 14-15, 2015 .......................... 15205201Mar 4-5, 2015 .............................. 15205203May 7-8, 2015 ............................. 15205206

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

audit of federal Grants and Cooperative agreements(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

This course is designed for recipients, pass-through entities, and subrecipients subject to Federal audit requirements; Federal personnel responsible for audit report review or resolution; and auditors. Students gain an in-depth understanding of the audit requirements for Federal grants, with a focus on the Single Audit process from preparing for an audit and hiring an auditor through audit resolution. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Review Single Audit requirements• Trace the auditor’s steps in conducting an

audit• Use Single Audit criteria to evaluate the

adequacy of an audit reporting package• Locate key information in a sample audit

reporting package• Review sample findings and questioned costs

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Overview• Grant audits: the players, their authority, and

their roles• Audit requirements and guidance: The Office

of Management and Budget (OMB’s) Uniform Guidance, the Compliance Supplement, and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Yellow Book

AuditReadiness• Being prepared for an audit• Common audit findings


PlanningandConductingtheAudit• What the auditor does• Determining major programs• Assessing program risk• Internal controls and compliance testing• Audit results and findings• Monitoring the auditor’s performance

SingleAuditReporting• Reporting package contents and submission

procedures• Federal Audit Clearinghouse database


SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Introduction to Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Federal Personnel • Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative

Agreements for Recipients


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

108 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2077 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

austin, TXJan 15-16, 2015 ................. 15207701Chicago, IlAug 11-12, 2014 ................. 14207702Denver, CoMay 21-22, 2015 ................ 15207704las Vegas, nVMar 18-19, 2015 ................. 15207703orlando, flJun 16-17, 2015 ................. 15207706

San Diego, CaFeb 19-20, 2015 ................. 15207702San francisco, CaJun 4-5, 2015 ..................... 15207705Washington, DCAug 7-8, 2014 ..................... 14207708

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications • Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Managing Federal Grants

and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, and hands-on practical exercises

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

optimizing Cost-Share and match under federal Grants: Best Practices for recipients

This course is designed for recipients of Federal financial assistance who have responsibility for estimating, generating, tracking, and reporting cost-sharing and matching funds. Through this class, students will gain an understanding of the Federal requirements that apply to cost-sharing and matching, identify best practices for working with cost-sharing and matching funds, and explore ways to handle complications that may arise. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze agency requirements to identify cost-sharing and matching provisions

• Calculate an organization’s share of the project budget, based on the Federal award

• Practice identifying and valuing sources of cost-share and match

• Review a proposed grant budget to identify issues with allowability and resource valuing that could impact cost-share

• Explore how prior approval requirements impact your cost-share commitment

• Determine Federal share adjustments where recipient cost-share falls short

• Develop a checklist of steps and actions to demonstrate to Federal awarding officials and auditors that cost-sharing and matching requirements have been met

• Review cost-sharing documentation for sufficiency

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:


PreawardConsiderations:PlanningandEstimating• Systems and internal controls• Methods for satisfying your cost-share• Valuing in-kind contributions• Planning for a shortfall

PostawardAdministration:ManagingandMonitoring• Monitoring contributions• Changes in your cost-share commitment• Documenting cost-share• Reporting cost-share on the SF-425, Federal

Financial Report

After-the-GrantIssues• Closeout• Audits and other reviews



Grants Management Certificate ProgramTMInstructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2070 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaDec 2-3, 2014 ..................... 14207001Boston, maNov 3-4, 2014 ..................... 14207002Chicago, IlOct 14-15, 2014 .................. 14207003Denver, CoJan 5-6, 2015 ..................... 15207001fort Worth, TXJan 27-28, 2015 ................. 15207002las Vegas, nVFeb 17-18, 2015 ................. 15207004nashville, TnSep 15-16, 2014 ................. 14207006

orlando, flFeb 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15207003Phoenix, aZMay 26-27, 2015 ................ 15207008San Diego, CaMar 16-17, 2015 ................. 15207005Seattle, WaMar 31-Apr 1, 2015 ............ 15207006Tysons Corner, VaAug 18-19, 2014 ................. 14207012Washington, DCApr 13-14, 2015 ................. 15207007

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

PrerequISITeS: • None

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

Business management Systems for Grant recipients

Designed for recipient and pass-through personnel responsible for ensuring that their organization’s institutional systems meet the requirements for managing Federal funds. This course may also be of interest to Federal and pass-through personnel and auditors responsible for reviewing and evaluating recipient/subrecipient systems. The Federal standards are broad, leaving the details of implementation up to each recipient. In this course, students gain the information and skills needed to evaluate and improve systems. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the business management systems for which Federal agencies set standards

• Discuss the statutory and regulatory requirements that impact recipient business management systems

• Develop a working definition of adequacy for each system

• Examine elements that comprise business management systems, as defined by OMB and established by good business practices

• Review sample records and forms used to document system operations

• Discuss the benefits that result from establishing and maintaining adequate systems

• Review procedures Federal agencies have established to certify the adequacy of recipient business management systems

• Prepare action item lists to improve organizational systems

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:


WhatConstitutesanAdequateSystem?• Accounting • Procurement• Personnel• Property management• Travel

EstablishingandMaintainingRequiredSystems• Institutional vs. project-specific impact• Agency policies on system certification• Audit issues


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

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G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2776 5 weeks of coursework. $849

ClaSSeS onlIne: Aug 15-Sep 21, 2014 .................. 14277602Feb 27-Apr 5, 2015 ...................... 15277601

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 19.5

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, and quizzes

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS:Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2076 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaDec 4-5, 2014 .............................. 14207601austin, TXMar 16-17, 2015 .......................... 15207603Boston, maNov 5-6, 2014 .............................. 14207603Chicago, IlOct 16-17, 2014 ........................... 14207604Denver, CoJun 10-11, 2015 .......................... 15207607fort Worth, TXJun 25-26, 2015 .......................... 15207609las Vegas, nVJul 21-22, 2014 ........................... 14207607

nashville, TnApr 1-2, 2015 ............................... 15207604Phoenix, aZMay 28-29, 2015 ......................... 15207605Portland, orJun 8-9, 2015 .............................. 15207606San Diego, CaFeb 4-5, 2015 .............................. 15207602San francisco, CaSep 2-3, 2014 .............................. 14207611Tysons Corner, VaJun 22-23, 2015 .......................... 15207608

Washington, DCSep 18-19, 2014 .......................... 14207615Jan 12-13, 2015 .......................... 15207601

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

financial administration of federal Grants for recipients (Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

This course is designed for grant recipient personnel responsible for financial-related tasks on Federal awards, both non-accountants and accountants who are new to the grants field. Students develop a working understanding of how to financially administer grants and learn techniques for meeting their fiscal obligations throughout the grant lifecycle. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Examine a notice of grant award to identify provisions that impact financial administration

• Relate an approved project budget to a chart of accounts

• Calculate cost-share and program income • Properly track and charge costs across

multiple programs• Prepare financial reports that meet Federal

requirements• Determine if prior approval of expenditures

is required• Gain perspective for self-evaluation by

creating a financial management desk review checklist, conducting a desk review of a sample recipient, and developing a list of findings and recommendations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:


PreawardConsiderations• Elements of a financial management system• The chart of accounts

RevenueandIncome• Federal assistance• Cost-share/in-kind contributions• Program income

HandlingProjectCosts• Charging preaward, direct, and indirect

costs• Allocating costs to multiple projects

ReportingFinancialInformation• Completing Federal financial reports (SF-

425)• Using financial reports to monitor grants


ApplyingLessonsLearned• Preparing for third-party reviews

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS:• Cost Principles for Federal Grants• Business Management Systems for Grant



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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2085 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575.

Chicago, IlJun 17-18, 2015 .......................... 15208502Tysons Corner, VaFeb 19-20, 2015 .......................... 15208501

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Cost Principles for Federal Grants

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

Developing & monitoring Indirect/f&a Cost-rate Proposals at local Governments, universities, and nonprofits

This course provides grant recipient and Federal personnel with a fundamental understanding of the issues involved in developing, negotiating, and monitoring Indirect Cost (IDC) rates (also called Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rates) at local governments, universities, and nonprofit organizations, as well as practical experience calculating and negotiating rates under the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance (the “Supercircular”). This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Practice the steps involved in developing and negotiating an IDC rate

• Select the most appropriate rate type for your organization

• Identify considerations that are unique to your organization type

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Introduction• Components of the rate• Basic formulas• Pros and cons, and alternatives to an IDC

rate• Where to find information and assistance

MethodsforDevelopingIDC/F&ARates,andCostAllocationPlans• Essential concepts• Allocation methods• Developing a cost allocation plan

TheProposal• Preparing the proposal package• Types of rates• Selecting the most appropriate rate type• Scheduling proposal submission• The negotiation process• Appeals

RateMaintenance• Educating your staff about your IDC rate(s)• Recalculation of provisional/rates • Areas the auditor will review

SpecialConsiderationsforSpecificOrganizationTypes• Federal restrictions on rates• State and local governments• Nonprofits• Universities• Hospitals


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM


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G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

Developing nonprofit Indirect Cost-rate Proposals under 2 Cfr Part 230 (a-122)

NOTE: In 2015, these 3 courses will be replaced by the new, 2-day course Developing and Monitoring Indirect / F&A Cost Rate Proposals at Local Governments, Universities, and Nonprofits. See page 111 for course details.


*Classes held annually from April to December.

keep Up with the Changes in Federal Grants!*

Visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/Federalgrantsupdate or call 888.545.8575 to learn more about seminar topics, dates, and locations.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2083 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

PrerequISITeS: • None

requIreD maTerIalS:Students must bring acalculator to class

nashville, TnSep 17-18, 2014 ................. 14208302San Diego, CaOct 22-23, 2014 .................. 14208303Tysons Corner, VaNov 12-13, 2014 ................. 14208304

See website for complete course description.

Developing Indirect Cost-rate Proposals and Cost allocation Plans for State, local, and

Tribal Governments under 2 Cfr Part 225 (a-87)

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2081 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

PrerequISITeS: • None

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

San Diego, CaOct 20-21, 2014 .................. 14208102Seattle, WaJul 8-9, 2014 ...................... 14208103

See website for complete course description.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2082 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Finance• Course Level: Intermediate

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 16

PrerequISITeS: • None

requIreD maTerIalS: Students must bring a calculator to class

San francisco, CaSep 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14208202

See website for complete course description.

Developing university facilities and administrative Cost-rate Proposals under 2 Cfr Part 220 (a-21)

112 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

G r a n T S & a S S I S T a n C e : F I N A N C I A L P R A C T I C E S , A S S E S S M E N T S , A N D A U D I T S

Instructor-Facilitated Online Course 2784 3 weeks of coursework. $639

ClaSSeS onlIne:Jul 11-Aug 3, 2014 ...................... 14278402Oct 31-Nov 23 2014 ..................... 14278403Mar 6-29, 2015 ............................ 15278401

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 12

CourSe formaT: Asynchronous, independent readings, discussion, practical exercises, case studies, and quizzes

onlIne CourSe DeTaIlS: Students are required to log into the course site at least once per week and should expect to spend two to five hours per week completing assignments and exchanging ideas and experiences in the discussion forum. Assignments must be completed by the designated weekly due dates.

Tuition includes materials fee. Please visit our website for more information.

advanced Cost Principles: avoiding Problem areas and responding to questioned Costs

(Available in Two Formats: Live Classroom or Online!)

This course is designed for grant recipient accountants and project managers, auditors, Federal monitoring staff, or anyone responsible for making and documenting decisions about the allowability of complex costs under a Federal grant. This course builds on knowledge and skills taught in Management Concepts Cost Principles for Federal Grants course. Students should complete Cost Principles before taking this course. This is an elective course in all tracks of the GMCP.TM

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Review and discuss complex cost allowability issues raised in agency appeals board decisions and Inspector General reports

• Apply a cost justification framework to support decisions about complex costs

• Debate a cost allowability issue • Resolve questioned costs following an audit

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

MajorAreasofCostDisallowances• Compensation: salaries, level of effort, and

other issues • Indirect costs/cost allocation• Conflicts of interest and less-than-arms-

length transactions • Cost sharing/matching• How to handle costs not covered in the cost


DealingwithQuestionedCosts• How questioned costs arise• Standards for cost documentation• Developing a supportable decision regarding

cost allowability• Defending cost allowability decisions

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Cost Principles for Federal Grants


Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 2084 1 day $599 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaSep 26, 2014 ...................... 14208402austin, TXMar 20, 2015 ...................... 15208405Boston, maNov 7, 2014 ........................ 14208404Chicago, IlMay 8, 2015........................ 15208410Denver, CoDec 5, 2014 ........................ 14208406fort Worth, TXMar 27, 2015 ...................... 15208406Kansas City, KSMay 1, 2015........................ 15208409las Vegas, nVJun 19, 2015 ...................... 15208412new orleans, laJan 9, 2015 ......................... 15208401

orlando, flOct 31, 2014 ....................... 14208412Phoenix, aZJan 16, 2015 ...................... 15208402Portland, orMay 22, 2015 ..................... 15208411Sacramento, CaFeb 27, 2015 ...................... 15208403San Diego, CaDec 5, 2014 ........................ 14208415San francisco, CaApr 3, 2015 ......................... 15208407Seattle, WaAug 6, 2014 ........................ 14208417Tysons Corner, VaApr 10, 2015 ....................... 15208408

Washington, DCSep 5, 2014 ........................ 14208421Oct 10, 2014 ....................... 14208422Mar 13, 2015 ...................... 15208404Jun 26, 2015 ...................... 15208413

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Auditing

(Governmental)• Course Level: Advanced

GaGaS CPe CreDITS: 8

CourSe formaT: Lecture, discussion, hands-on practical exercises, and case studies

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 113


Human Capital & Human resources

Management Concepts offers a curriculum designed to help Federal Human Resource (HR) professionals acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be valuable strategic partners in accomplishing their agency’s resource and human capital mission. We also offer one-of-a-kind post-program support and job aids.

Our unique curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the Federal HR community. Our courses span the complete HR lifecycle and align with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Human Resources Management Competency Model.

We've Got the Tools for You!

Need Leadership Competencies?

The hR Lifecycle

Our Partnership with NiTP

Expert advice on Human Capital and HR topics. For free resources, visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/Whitepapers.

Our Leadership & Management courses help meet additional competencies HR professionals need. See pages 123-129.

The training you need aligned to the HR lifecycle (strategize; organize & plan; acquire; sustain; transition). visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/HR.

Plan a smooth transition from Federal work to retirement with our retirement planning course. visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/Retirement.


Human resources Courses...................................115-118

Human Capital Courses...................................118-121

Subject Areas include:

Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one or more of the following subject areas (see pages 6-7). Look for the color-coded notations on participatory courses.


• federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP) • Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM (GMCPTM)

• leadership & management Certificate Programs • Project & Program management Certificate Programs

114 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4913 3 days $959 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 22-24, 2014 ...........14491304Mar 4-6, 2015 ...............15491302Jun 22-24, 2015 ...........15491304Washington, DCAug 11-13, 2014...........14491303Dec 1-3, 2014 ...............14491305Feb 23-25, 2015 ...........15491301Jun 17-19, 2015 ...........15491303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Basic

Ceu CreDITS: 1.9

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• HR in the Federal Context

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe:• Position Management

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Position Classification

As organizations struggle to re-invent themselves to meet changing requirements, effective position classification assists in the accomplishment of the agency’s mission. This course provides the foundation for classifying positions. It explores different classification systems. Emphasis is on the underlying framework for all positions, the process used to classify positions, and the legal requirements of classification.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the relationship of position classification to position management and other HR functions

• Define the steps of the classification process • Describe the legal structure of the General

Schedule (GS) and Federal Wage System (FWS) and other classification systems

• Apply the guidance from the GS and FWS to classify positions

• Classify non-supervisory GS positions using the Factor Evaluation System (FES) and narrative standards

• Classify non-supervisory FWS positions using job-grading standards

• Use the lead/leader and supervisory guides to analyze position descriptions in GS and FWS

• Identify real-world issues that impact classifiers

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Position classification: systems, decisions, and the process

• The GS and the role of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

• The FWS and key ranking jobs• Comparing the GS and FWS classification

architecture: pay plan, occupational series, title, and grade

• OPM classification guidance: key handbooks, standards, and guides

• Classifying a nonsupervisory GS position• Classifying a nonsupervisory Wage Grade

(WG) FWS position• Classifying GS lead and supervisory

positions• Classifying FWS lead and supervisory

positions• Important issues for classifiers: pay issues

and classification appeals• Documentation and review

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4910 2 days $929 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 7-8, 2014 ...................... 14491002Sep 15-16, 2014 ................. 14491003Oct 30-31, 2014 .................. 14491004

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Becoming a Strategic

Business Partner: Expanding Your Role to Deliver Results

• Building Credibility to Support Your Customer

• Hiring in the Federal Context

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, case scenarios, and simulation

Hr in the federal Context

This two-day “boot camp” teaches participants the rules, regulations, and guiding principles surrounding HR in the Federal government in addition to gaining valuable knowledge of their role as an HR professional. Participants gain a holistic perspective on how the classification and compensation systems and processes fit within the Federal regulatory environment, as well as their connection to vital HR functional areas and competencies.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the roles and authorities of Federal agencies and oversight bodies

• Recognize the implications of the budget process

• Describe the differences between Title 5 of the US Code and the Code of Federal Regulations

• Compare Federal government and private sector employee and labor relations

• Describe the purpose of government accountability, the Federal classification process, the Federal hiring system, and key hiring issues

• Identify basic legal rights and responsibilities of bargaining units and management

• Understand the impact of the administration and Congress on Federal HR

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Roles and authorities of Federal agencies and oversight bodies

• Steps involved in the Federal budget process, and implications for Federal HR professionals

• Difference between and impact of authorizations and appropriations

• Historical context of HR in the Federal sector and its legal framework

• Describe the differences between the US Code and Code of Federal Regulations

• What makes Federal HR different• Government accountability and key

accountability requirements for Federal HR• Legal structure, basis, and components of

Federal classification and pay systems• Best practices for engaging in classification

activities• Federal pay systems and flexibilities• The Federal hiring system and key hiring

issues• Employee and labor relations basics• Difference between performance and

conduct• Hot topics and current events

H u m a n r e S o u r C e S

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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4911 2 days $689 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaFeb 12-13, 2015 ................. 15491104Washington, DCSep 9-10, 2014 ................... 14491103Nov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14491104Apr 23-24, 2015 ................. 15491101

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Analytics Boot Camp• Getting Efficient: Optimizing

HR Operations

CourSe formaT:Facilitated discussions,individual and group activities,case scenarios, and self-assessments

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Hr analytics

This course provides Federal human resources professionals with an overview of the fundamentals of analytics to support HR and other agency leaders and managers in making timely, data-driven decisions. Participants explore how to use workforce and talent analytics to improve decision-making and ultimately improve performance outcomes in Federal agencies.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify each phase of the Analytics Process Model and its purpose

• Describe best practices using HR analytics to support data-driven decision making

• Identify HR benchmarks and metrics relevant to agency mission and goals

• Analyze workforce and talent data using Excel to identify trends and other actionable performance information

• Give a short briefing to present analysis results

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The Analytics Process Model• Analytics: using human resource data • Aligning HR metrics to agency mission

objectives • Basic quantitative analysis techniques for

human resources• Working with agency leaders and managers

to provide insights from HR analytics• Techniques to effectively present HR

analytics data

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 4915 2 days $929 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaOct 9-10, 2014..............14491504Washington, DCJul 21-22, 2014 ...........14491502Sep 8-9, 2014 ...............14491503Dec 4-5, 2014 ...............14491505

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Becoming a Strategic

Business Partner: Expanding Your Role to Deliver Results

• Building Credibility to Support Your Customer

• Fundamentals of Workforce Planning

CourSe formaT:Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Hiring in the federal Context

This course provides a foundational understanding of talent management processes, including staffing, recruitment, selection, onboarding, retention, and training. Participants learn the importance of these processes, how to operate within the Federal framework of rules and regulations, and how to proactively advise agency customers in talent management, best practices, and Federal HR trends.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the historical context of the Federal hiring process

• Understand the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) end-to-end hiring initiative and the administration’s hiring reform

• Discuss the major steps in the hiring process and Federal staffing rules and regulations

• Be a strategic partner in advising managers on staffing

• Use outreach and recruitment strategies to recruit top candidates

• Describe the steps in the candidate assessment process

• Advise hiring managers on best practices of selection

• Describe the importance of new employee onboarding

• Apply best practices of retention, engagement, development, and training

• Comply with Federal regulations for development and training

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The historical context surrounding the Federal hiring process

• Steps in the Federal hiring process, and how current trends impact it

• Best practices and Federal trends in staffing, recruiting, assessment, and selection

• How to serve as a strategic partner in advising managers on staffing, recruiting, assessment, and selection

• How to comply with Federal rules and regulations related to staffing, recruiting, assessment, and selection

• Using outreach to target and recruit top candidates

• Importance and benefits of new employee onboarding, and best practices associated with each stage of the onboarding process

• Best practices for employee retention and engagement, as well as succession planning

• Federal regulations regarding development and training

• Trends in Federal training


H u m a n r e S o u r C e S

116 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4925 2 days $929 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 24-25, 2014 ............14492503Aug 25-26, 2014 ...........14492504Sep 18-19, 2014 ...........14492505Nov 13-14, 2014 ...........14492506

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Building Credibility to

Support Your Customer• Fundamentals of Workforce


CourSe formaT:Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Becoming a Strategic Business Partner: expanding Your role to Deliver results

This course is designed for Federal HR professionals committed to becoming a strategic partner in their organizations and acting as internal consultants to align HR efforts with the mission, vision, and direction of their agencies. This course introduces the role of the strategic partner and the consulting skills and tools for Federal HR professionals to be effective in this role.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Think strategically as an HR professional • Describe the role and competencies of a

strategic partner • Align HR efforts with organizational strategy • Consult with customers within their

business context • Work collaboratively across organizational

boundaries and manage change • Apply Federal and private sector best

practices in strategic partnership • Build and maintain strategic partnerships • Develop an action plan for becoming a

strategic partner

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Growing importance of HR as a strategic business partner in the public sector

• Concept of HR strategic business partner and how it differs from a traditional HR professional role

• Assessing your strengths and areas for development in relation to the HR strategic business partner role

• Identify the keys to building rapport, trust, and credibility with customers

• Aligning HR efforts with agency/organization mission, vision, goals, objectives, and measures

• Asking questions to better understand your customer’s business and performance gaps

• Using the process and skills of consulting to provide strategic HR services to your customers

• Applying a framework and communication strategies for facilitating change

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 4919 1 day $429 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaApr 15, 2015.................15491902Washington, DCAug 1, 2014 ..................14491903Nov 14, 2014 ................14491904Feb 5, 2015 ..................15491901Jun 10, 2015 ................15491903

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Intermediate

Ceu CreDITS: 0.6

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• HR in the Federal Context

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Becoming a Strategic

Business Partner: Expanding Your Role to Deliver Results

• Building Credibility to Support Your Customer

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Getting efficient: optimizing Hr operations

This course provides participants a framework to optimize the efficiency, effectiveness, and performance of their HR functional unit. Content focuses on learning to evaluate the HR functional unit, and actions that optimize performance, monitor, and reward higher-level performance.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe how optimizing efficiency, effectiveness, and performance helps an HR functional unit in a resource-constrained operational environment

• Apply the policies, procedures, and guidelines that define HR performance requirements

• Evaluate efficiencies, effectiveness, and performance

• Enable the HR functional unit to support the optimization of other agency units

• Enhance the performance of HR employees• Track and reward optimization actions

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• HR terminology, operational trends, policies, procedures and guidelines

• Optimization and HR • Familiarity breeds opportunity• Understanding policy generation• Evaluating the HR functional unit and HR

employees• Reporting results• Actions for the agency and individuals and

tracking actions• Rewarding performance and improvement

H u m a n r e S o u r C e S

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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4912 3 days $959 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaMay 6-8, 2015 ..............15491202Washington, DCAug 11-13, 2014 ...........14491203Nov 3-5, 2014 ...............14491204Feb 2-4, 2015 ...............15491201May 18-20, 2015 ..........15491203

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Intermediate

Ceu CreDITS: 1.9

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Hiring in the Federal

Context• HR in the Federal Context

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Becoming a Strategic

Business Partner: Expanding Your Role to Deliver Results

• Building Credibility to Support Your Customer

• Fundamentals of Workforce Planning

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

job analysis for recruitment and Selection

This course teaches participants how to conduct a job analysis that identifies the competencies for effective job-related selection criteria. Participants have the opportunity to conduct a job analysis and use the results to develop assessments such as occupational questionnaires and behavior-based interview questions. This course provides an understanding of regulatory requirements and hiring flexibilities.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Conduct a job analysis that meets the regulatory requirements of Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP)

• Critically analyze competencies needed for successful job performance

• Use the results of a job analysis to develop vacancy announcement and valid assessment instruments

• Complete occupational questionnaires • Use behavior-based interviews for

competency-related examples of candidates’ experience

• Communicate with management to contribute to recruitment and selection

• Leverage HR flexibilities in recruitment and selection situations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• HR consulting and the recruitment process• Job analysis process• Developing job opportunity announcements• Assessment instruments• Writing behavioral-based questions• Using hiring flexibilities• Capstone project

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4920 2 days $929 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 4-5, 2014 ...............14492003Sep 22-23, 2014 ...........14492004Nov 24-25, 2014 ...........14492005

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Becoming a Strategic

Business Partner: Expanding Your Role to Deliver Results

• Strategic Workforce Planning for Senior Leaders

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, case scenarios, and skills practice

Building Credibility to Support Your Customer

Federal Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) have identified customer service as a critical skill gap within the Federal HR community. This interactive two-day course teaches participants to communicate and consult with their internal customers to build credibility as an HR consultant. Participants learn practical skills to better understand and communicate with customers, anticipate and respond to customer requests and concerns, and measure customer satisfaction. Participants develop an action plan to increase customer satisfaction and transition to a strategic “consultant” role.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the importance of customer service • Respond to customers in a prompt and

professional manner • Accurately identify the intent/need behind a

customer request • Communicate and solve problems effectively

across customer groups • Anticipate future customer needs, obstacles,

and concerns • Work effectively with different personalities

and difficult customers

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Importance of customer support in HR professionals in the Federal sector

• Explain the elements of good customer support to Federal customers

• How to build rapport with customers by establishing credibility and developing trust

• Being authentic and responding to customers in a prompt and professional manner

• Communicate effectively across customer groups

• Developing internal consulting skills to identify customer needs and solve problems

• Dealing with different personalities and difficult customers

• Using metrics to measure success in customer service

H u m a n C a P I Ta l & H u m a n r e S o u r C e S

118 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4914 2 days $689 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaOct 2-3, 2014 ...................... 14491404Washington, DCNov 24-25, 2014 ................. 14491405Jan 15-16, 2015 ................. 15491401May 21-22, 2015 ................ 15491402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Intermediate

Ceu CreDITS: 1.3

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • HR in the Federal Context

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4917 2 days $689 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 4-5, 2014 ...............14491705Apr 23-24, 2015 ...........15491702Washington, DCJul 28-29, 2014 ............14491703Oct 20-21, 2014 ............14491704Feb 26-27, 2015 ...........15491701Jun 15-16, 2015 ...........15491703

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Basic

Ceu CreDITS: 1.3

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Hiring in the Federal

Context• HR in the Federal Context

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Job Analysis for Recruitment

and Selection

CourSe formaT : Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Position management

This course provides participants with knowledge and tools for organizational design, current and future workforce alignment, position management systems, policies, and laws, job description development and enhancement, and organizational gap mitigation.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Develop background knowledge of position management in Federal HR

• Identify organizational components of position management

• Summarize organizational gaps and strategic processes to mitigate them

• Demonstrate the use of tools and strategies that overcome workforce planning challenges

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Position classification vs. position management

• History and current functions of position management

• Position management and the role of Federal HR, managers, and individuals

• Legal framework for position management• Common organizational structure issues

around position management• Workforce planning overview• Characteristics of effective organizational

structure• Job design vs. position design• Role of position descriptions• Common gaps in organizational,

management, and position design• Linking future workforce needs to position

management strategy• Methods to prioritize and mitigate gaps• Position management best practices, tools,

and case scenarios

employee relations

Participants learn to provide regulatory and policy guidance in evaluating and addressing performance concerns, guide management in identifying and dealing with conduct/disciplinary issues, analyze and process employee grievances, and review Federal employment program options designed to improve and maintain employee productivity, motivation, and morale.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define HR roles and advisory services• Identify the rules and guidelines in

performing HR• Advise management on performance

standards• Analyze performance criteria and root causes

of performance deficiencies• Identify performance standard factors • Provide reasonable accommodations to

enhance performance• Discuss processes and procedures of

performance-based actions, disciplinary and/or adverse actions

• Manage grievances in collaboration with agency and/or union officials

• Develop and maintain high level performance, conduct, and morale

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Roles of Human Resources Specialists (HRS) and Generalists

• Strategies for supporting management and advising employees

• Key employee relations laws, regulations, and rules

• Effective performance standards and Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs)

• Evaluating performance deficiencies and adverse actions

• Performance vs. conduct issues• Issuance of disciplinary/adverse actions and

removal notices• Employee grievance rights and the grievance

process, including how to handle Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaints

• Alternate methods of dispute resolution• Representing your organization in third

party actions• Participating in administrative meetings

H u m a n C a P I Ta l

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 119

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4918 1 day $429 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaApr 22, 2015 .................15491802Washington, DCSep 5, 2014 ..................14491803Nov 10, 2014 ................14491804Mar 2, 2015 ..................15491801

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Intermediate

Ceu CreDITS: 0.6

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Hiring in the Federal

Context• HR in the Federal Context

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Fundamentals of Workforce


• Hiring in the Federal Context

• Retirement Planning for Federal Employees

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

Supporting Professional Growth in organizations

This course is designed to help participants focus on assisting employees in their organization make career transitions that build a more highly engaged workforce. Participants identify a framework for career transitions and development, and tools used to assess natural abilities, skills, motivators, and work style preferences. Participants build strategies for helping employees develop new skills and identify their options for career growth. Using this information, individuals practice assisting employees in developing career strategies and in writing Individual Development Plans (IDPs).

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Create and capture useable career development models and tools

• Construct a process to support individuals in developing personal career goals

• Develop a skillset to aid employees through career planning, IDP creation, and decision making

• Demonstrate employee network building and action planning support

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Career development models and assessment tools

• Using competency models• Determining career goals• Developing coaching questions• Strategies for reaching career goals• Assisting others to plan for and write an IDP• Building personal networks for career

planning• Helping others develop personal action


Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4916 2 days $689 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 24-25, 2014 ............14491603Jun 18-19, 2015 ...........15491603Washington, DCSep 29-30, 2014 ...........14491604Dec 1-2, 2014 ...............14491605Jan 29-30, 2015 ...........15491601Mar 26-27, 2015 ...........15491602

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Basic

Ceu CreDITS: 1.3

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • HR in the Federal Context

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

labor and management relations

As internal and external factors continue to put pressure on the traditionally tense relationship between labor and management it is critical that representatives in this area have practical knowledge and skills. This course provides the basic understanding of Federal labor relations, including an overview of labor laws, bargaining responsibilities, and grievances and arbitration.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the background of labor law• Describe the evolution of labor-management

relations• Explain the collective bargaining process• Describe how collective bargaining

agreements are administered• Explain the processes for, and different types

of, grievances• Describe how to resolve conflict between

labor and management through the use of alternative dispute resolution and appeal

• Locate vital sources for information related to labor and management relations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Background and evolution of labor and management relations: key acts, regulatory bodies, and landmark cases

• Labor relations program framework• Benefits of good labor-management relations • Collective bargaining process, including

negotiations and Memorandums of Understanding

• Collective bargaining agreement administration

• Grievance types and process• Alternative dispute resolution process,

options, and appeal process• Top resources for labor and management

relations information

H u m a n C a P I Ta l

120 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4935 2 days $929 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 15-16, 2014 ...........14493506Washington, DCAug 21-22, 2014 ...........14493504Oct 27-28, 2014 ............14493505

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, case scenarios, and simulation

Strategic Workforce Planning for Senior leaders

This two-day facilitated workshop is designed for individuals responsible for leading and managing agency workforce planning efforts. Participants leave with a central understanding of strategic workforce planning components, what the common barriers to successful workforce planning are, and tangible resolution strategies to these barriers. The workshop also provides a forum to network and learn from peers.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify solutions to common workforce planning barriers

• Explain the purpose of workforce planning within the agency context

• Engage executives during the workforce planning process

• Align workforce planning efforts to agency strategic goals

• Strategically implement a workforce plan • Develop metrics to evaluate the impact of

workforce planning activities • Gather feedback to promote continuous


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Role senior leaders and HR professionals play in effective implementation or workforce plans

• Engaging executive level leadership in workforce planning

• Purpose and ideal inputs and outputs associated with each step in the tactical workforce planning model

• Common barriers and solutions to tactical workforce planning issues

• Methods to promote alignment with agency wide goals, including common barriers

• Ideal approach for strategic implementation of workforce planning across an agency

• How to identify or develop appropriate metrics for evaluating workforce planning efforts

• Rolling up organization unit plans to a senior level human capital individual or team for integration into agencywide reporting requirements

• Identifying lessons learned for continuous improvement

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4930 2 days $929 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 11-12, 2014 ...........14493003Nov 20-21, 2014 ...........14493004 Dec 11-12, 2014 ...........14493005

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Strategic Workforce

Planning for Senior Leaders

CourSe formaT: Facilitated discussions, individual and group activities, and case scenarios

fundamentals of Workforce Planning

This two-day tactical workforce planning course prepares participants to align their current and future workforce with their organization’s strategic direction and goals. They learn how to develop targeted human capital solutions based on data-driven analyses of their agency’s/unit’s strengths and weaknesses. Participants also learn how to develop implementation plans for their solutions with metrics that measure effectiveness and meet reporting requirements. During interactive exercises, participants apply the lessons learned to situations within the Federal context and to their own organization.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand the components, timelines, roles, and responsibilities in the workforce planning process

• Use data to drive the tactical workforce planning process and the development of workforce solutions

• Develop actionable plans for implementing human capital solutions

• Develop metrics that measure the effectiveness of human capital solutions and satisfy Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reporting requirements

• Employ effective communication tools and techniques

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Purpose and benefits of conducting workforce planning within your unit or agency and the role you play as an HR professional

• Using the workforce planning process• Using supply and demand analysis • Communicating with key stakeholders

to generate buy-in and gain participation throughout the supply and demand analysis

• Critical gaps and challenges facing the current and future workforce related to: workforce size/composition, employee competencies and proficiencies, and organizational effectiveness

• Organizing and presenting analysis results to decision makers

• Formulating solutions that address critical workforce gaps

• Communication tools and techniques to generate buy-in for human capital solutions

• OPM’s Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF) and how it relates to measuring the human capital solutions that emerge as part of the tactical workforce planning process

H u m a n C a P I Ta l

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leadership & management

Public and private sector leaders alike face a myriad of leadership challenges daily. Management Concepts is committed to assisting individuals, teams, and organizations to meet and overcome challenges through learning and development services, including training, coaching and mentoring, organizational and team assessments, facilitation services, and custom development programs.

We hold more than 500 leadership, supervision, professional skills, and analytics classes annually, making it easy to find the topic, schedule, location, and delivery format that is right for you.

Put Me in Coach!

Data Analytics

OPM Competencies


Transform your employees — from managers to executives — into high-performing leaders with our coaching services. See page 140.

Tackling massive amounts of data? We have all the training you need in our analytics curriculum. See pages 141-144.

Our courses map to OPM competencies to help Federal leaders build the skills needed to lead in a complex environment. See page 144.

Our Federally-designed training meets OPM-mandated requirements for both the new and seasoned supervisor. See pages 130-134.


leadership Courses................123-129

Supervision Courses..............131-134

Professional Skills Courses...................................135-140

analytics Courses...................141-144

Subject Areas include:

Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one or more of the following subject areas (see pages 6-7). Look for the color-coded notations on participatory courses.


• federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP) • Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM (GMCPTM)

• leadership & management Certificate Programs • Project & Program management Certificate Programs

122 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4000 3 days $889 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaOct 15-17, 2014 ........................... 14400016Feb 2-4, 2015 .............................. 15400002Dallas, TXMay 18-20, 2015 ......................... 15400009Denver, CoAug 11-13, 2014 .......................... 14400012Tysons Corner, VaJul 28-30, 2014 ........................... 14400011Nov 12-14, 2014 .......................... 14400018Feb 2-4, 2015 .............................. 15400003Apr 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15400007

Washington, DCJul 16-18, 2014 ........................... 14400010Aug 20-22, 2014 .......................... 14400013Sep 24-26, 2014 .......................... 14400014Oct 8-10, 2014 ............................. 14400015Nov 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14400017Dec 15-17, 2014 .......................... 14400019Jan 21-23, 2015 .......................... 15400001Feb 25-27, 2015 .......................... 15400004Mar 4-6, 2015 .............................. 15400005Apr 8-10, 2015 ............................. 15400006May 11-13, 2015 ......................... 15400008Jun 8-10, 2015 ............................ 15400010

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 21

PrerequISITeS: • None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Critical Thinking for Problem

Solving• Interpersonal Skills: Developing

Effective Relationships• Leadership Skills and Techniques

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, role-plays, facilitator presentations, and application planning

leadership and management Skills for non-managers

Leaders can be found at all levels of an organization, regardless of title or role. This course explores how to identify leadership opportunities and how to use your natural strengths to take on important leadership roles within your organization. You will enhance your leadership skills by learning the six focus areas for leadership and management. This course is designed for individuals who are not in managerial positions but who need to get work done through others.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Recognize leadership and management as roles rather than positions

• Explore your passion for the meaningful work you are doing

• Align your goals with the mission, objectives, and goals of your organization

• Influence and negotiate to manage differences of views and reach agreements

• Use existing resources and gain support from others to successfully implement projects

• Manage your boss to obtain positive team and organizational results

• Network with others to exchange knowledge and information and foster organizational learning

• Apply problem-solving skills to resolve issues• Effect change within your organization’s

culture• Reach out to new opportunities to stretch

and grow

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Self-Management• Self-awareness • Self-control• Flexibility • Self-development• Leadership styles

OrganizationAwareness• Organization structures• Functional organization • Matrix organization • Hybrid structures

ProblemSolvingandDecisionMaking• Steps in analytical problem solving • Conceptual blocks • Applying creativity to problem solving and

decision making • Ethical decision making

WorkinginTeams• Effective teams • Five major team types • Building and using responsibility charts • Planning and organizing projects

BuildingRelationships• Communication • Listening • Emotional barriers to communication • Networking • Leading without authority• Relationship with the boss

ManagingChange• Understanding the benefits of change • Roadblocks to change • Preparing for change • The five key steps to successful

organizational change


leadership & management Certificate Programs

federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Participants will receive a copy of The Five Commitments of a Leader by Mark Leheney!

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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4001 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaAug 13-15, 2014 ................. 14400110May 4-6, 2015 .................... 15400106Dallas, TXApr 15-17, 2015 ................. 15400104Denver, CoJul 21-23, 2014 .................. 14400109Tysons Corner, VaOct 6-8, 2014 ...................... 14400112Mar 25-27, 2015 ................. 15400103Jun 22-24, 2015 ................. 15400108Washington, DCJul 7-9, 2014 ...................... 14400108Sept 17-19 2014 ................. 14400111 Nov 5-7 2014 ...................... 14400113Dec 17-19, 2014 ................. 14400114Jan 7-9, 2015 ..................... 15400101Mar 4-6, 2015 ..................... 15400102Apr 20-22, 2015 ................. 15400105May 27-29, 2015 ................ 15400107

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

• Supervising Employee Performance

• HR Essentials for Government Supervisors

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Advanced Leadership Skills

and Techniques• Building and Sustaining

Teams• Engaging Leadership

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

leadership Skills and Techniques

What is leadership, and what are the essential traits and behaviors of leaders? This course provides the opportunity to explore various perspectives on leadership and arrive at your own personal definition. You will also assess your own leadership skills, accept feedback from others, and develop an action plan for self-development. This course is designed for managers, supervisors, team leaders, and individuals who want to develop high performance leadership competencies.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe a variety of leadership theories and models

• Identify important qualities and behaviors of effective leaders

• Describe your communication style and how it impacts your ability to lead

• Identify and apply strategies for enhancing relationships with others

• Develop a personal mission and vision statement and personal leadership brand

• Define your personal concept of leadership

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Leadership theories and approaches• The leadership-management continuum• Leadership development

• Tools and techniques to help you lead with interpersonal effectiveness and influence

• Integrity, credibility, and trust• Providing feedback to those you lead• Developing a leadership vision• Being aware of your leadership environment• Inspiring commitment from others• Committing to your ongoing leadership



leadership & management Certificate Programs

federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4002 3 days $999 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJan 7-9, 2015 ..................... 15400201May 11-13, 2015 ................ 15400204Washington, DCJul 23-25, 2014 .................. 14400204Sep 15-17, 2014 ................. 14400205Oct 20-22, 2014 .................. 14400206Dec 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14400207Feb 23-25, 2015 ................. 15400202Apr 13-15, 2015 ................. 15400203Jun 1-3, 2015 ..................... 15400205

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Advanced

PDu CreDITS: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Building and Sustaining

Teams• Leadership Skills and


reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Navigating Change in

Turbulent Times• From Tactical to Strategic

Thinking• Strategic Planning and

Performance Measurement

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

advanced leadership Skills and Techniques

There are some traits that all great leaders have in common: presence, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and ethical values are a few. This course is designed for managers, supervisors, and individuals who would like to enhance these traits and advance their thinking, behavior, and actions to prepare for new leadership challenges.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply emotional intelligence competencies to enhance individual, team, and organizational performance

• Develop a strong leadership presence by capitalizing on strengths and talents

• Demonstrate flexibility in your leadership approach to maximize effectiveness

• Shape your interactions with others• Develop the emotional intelligence of a team• Solve ethical dilemmas• Take intelligent, calculated risks to achieve

strategic objectives• Take an active role in your leadership


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Developing a leadership presence• Demonstrating awareness of self and others• Sources of self-understanding• Building emotional intelligence• Applying the Johari Window• Developing emotionally intelligent teams• Managing conflict• Ethical decision making


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

124 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

L E A D E R S H I P & M A N A G E M E N T : L E A D E R S H I Pl e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4003 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaApr 16-17, 2015 ................. 15400302Washington, DCAug 28-29, 2014 ................. 14400303Oct 16-17, 2014 .................. 14400304Nov 24-25, 2014 ................. 14400305Mar 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15400301Apr 21-22, 2015 ................. 15400303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS: •None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Advanced Leadership Skills

and Techniques• Building and Sustaining

Teams• Supervising Employee


CourSe formaT: Small- and large-group discussion, individual self-assessments, role-plays, case scenarios, facilitator presentations, and application planning

engaging leadership

All employees fall into one of three levels of engagement: engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged. This course offers relevant tools for maintaining active engagement and inspiring non-engaged employees to engage. It is designed for managers, facilitators, team leaders, and team members who want to more effectively engage others in order to enhance performance on individual, team, and organizational levels.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Connect common understandings of engagement on an organizational level to what an individual leader can do to increase engagement and affect performance

• Utilize a framework for understanding engagement and engaging leadership

• Build trust in a more holistic way• Hold conversations with others about what

uniquely motivates them to perform• Recognize the value of a people-centric

approach in order to increase engagement and improve performance in the workplace

• Discuss how emotions influence engagement and individuals’ interests in participating in organizational change

• Describe “best practices” for creating an engaging culture of leadership

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Engaging leadership as the critical factor in today’s workforce

• Understanding employee engagement as a driver of workplace satisfaction and performance

• Trust as the foundation of engaging others• Building trust across generations• Understanding others’ unique motivators• Shifting from “command and control” to

more “people-centric” practices• The role of emotions in the workplace• Fostering change through emotional

engagement• Fostering a culture of engagement,

performance, and accountability


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4645 3 days $999 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaFeb 4-6, 2015 ..................... 15464501Washington, DCAug 6-8, 2014 ..................... 14464505Nov 5-7, 2014 ..................... 14464506Mar 23-25, 2015 ................. 15464502Jun 10-12, 2015 ................. 15464503

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Advanced

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Analytics Boot Camp• Critical Thinking for

Problem Solving• Evaluating and Presenting

Analysis Results

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Breakthrough Problem


CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Decision making

This course prepares participants to think critically through a decision making process that incorporates all the necessary data, and avoids mistakes and traps that can derail even the most well-intentioned decision maker.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the three cornerstones for making high-quality decisions

• Frame decision outcomes you hope to achieve

• Define key stakeholders and their roles in making high-quality decisions

• Utilize your awareness of personal decision patterns when making decisions

• Recognize data as a potential source of value when making decisions

• Confidently apply a decision framework to a variety of decision situations

• Effectively manage decision making as a process

• Work with others to make a group decision

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Decision making cornerstones• Framing the decision to be made and

understanding your decision context• Identifying outcome-based goals• Identifying and involving decision

stakeholders• Balancing multiple stakeholder needs• Understanding decision types, including

intuitive and data-driven decisions• Recognizing your personal decision making

patterns and tendencies• How to successfully manage decisions• Making group decisions


leadership & management Certificate Programs

federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Participants will receive a copy of The Cornerstones of Engaging Leadership by Casey Wilson!

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L E A D E R S H I P & M A N A G E M E N T : L E A D E R S H I Pl e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4063 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJan 12-14, 2015 ................. 15406301Jun 24-26, 2015 ................. 15406304Washington, DCSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14406304Nov 24-26, 2014 ................. 14406305Feb 18-20, 2015 ................. 15406302May 11-13, 2015 ................ 15406303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS: •None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Decision Making• From Tactical to Strategic

Thinking• Navigating Change in

Turbulent Times

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, case scenarios, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Breakthrough Problem Solving

For better or worse, a status quo exists in every organization. This state often impedes our ability to consider alternate perspectives and solutions. This course is designed for leaders and managers who want to think in new ways about problems, issues, or challenges in order to break through common perceived barriers.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Utilize various thinking strategies to understand a problem or issue

• Describe a four-part framework for understanding a problem or situation

• Explore possibilities for breakthrough thinking using a conceptual methodology called “concept mapping”

• Assess personal roadblocks to seeing new approaches for solving problems or dealing with issues

• Analyze and select the best perspective from which to approach a given problem in order to overcome the status quo

• Analyze a situation to determine “what is” and “what could be”

• Break through common status quo workplace situations that plague leaders

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Structured approaches to thinking conceptually and systematically

• Defining the problem from various angles• Concept mapping• Breakthrough thinking• Different perspectives of problems and

issues• Codifying new possibilities and alternatives


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4060 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 14-16, 2014 .................. 14406017Nov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14406014Apr 22-24, 2015 ................. 15406005Denver, CoSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14406011Tysons Corner, VaSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14406012Feb 25-27, 2015 ................. 15406002May 4-6, 2015 .................... 15406006Washington, DCJul 28-30, 2014 .................. 14406009Aug 13-15, 2014 ................. 14406010Oct 29-31, 2014 .................. 14406013Nov 17-19, 2014 ................. 14406015

Dec 8-10, 2014 ................... 14406016Jan 5-7, 2015 ..................... 15406001Mar 11-13, 2015 ................. 15406003Apr 13-15, 2015 ................. 15406004May 20-22, 2015 ................ 15406007Jun 17-19, 2015 ................. 15406008

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21

PrerequISITeS: •None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Breakthrough Problem

Solving• Creativity and Innovation• From Tactical to Strategic

Thinking• Negotiation Skills• Resolving Conflict

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Critical Thinking for Problem Solving

In order to be successful in today’s complex work environment, you must be able to think critically and solve problems effectively. But what is critical thinking, why is it important, and how does it affect your ability to solve problems effectively? Learn the answers to these questions in this course designed for professionals who want to learn methodologies for changing their ways of thinking in order to more effectively solve problems they face in the workplace.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify your style and patterns of thinking• Clearly define the problem• Use questioning techniques to obtain the

information you need from others• Critically examine and evaluate issues and

opportunities• Solve problems faster with flexible thinking• Adapt your thinking to navigate through

unexpected events• Use creative thinking techniques to break

through thinking patterns• Solve problems in groups

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Definition of critical thinking for problem solving

• Framing the problem• Recognizing breakdowns in thinking• Listening and using organizational context

to improve critical thinking• Dimensions of critical thinking• Creative thinking• Presenting your perspective• Perspective and critical thinking: how we

change over time


leadership & management Certificate Programs

federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

126 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

L E A D E R S H I P & M A N A G E M E N T : L E A D E R S H I Pl e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4076 3 days $979 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 10-12, 2014 ................. 14407603Mar 2-4, 2015 ..................... 15407601May 13-15, 2015 ................ 15407602

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communication• Course Level: Advanced

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • From Tactical to Strategic


reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Navigating Change in

Turbulent Times

CourSe formaT: Case studies, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises and action learning groups, facilitator presentations, readings, application planning

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Today’s complex, fast-paced business environment requires organizations to work collaboratively and share valuable expertise. This course is designed for senior leaders who seek to build collaborative, knowledge-sharing practices within their organization from a communication and leadership perspective rather than a technological perspective.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe various types of collaboration and knowledge sharing, and explain how they benefit individuals and organizations

• Assess the maturity of your collaboration and knowledge-sharing practices

• Demonstrate effective communication practices for a variety of workplace collaboration situations

• Apply trust-building behaviors in real collaboration situations

• Assess a variety of case scenarios and situations to determine key collaboration and communication characteristics

• Create a plan to develop collaborative relationships that would help your organization perform more effectively

• Foster a culture of transparency, knowledge sharing, and collaborative innovation

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Recursive thinking• Strategic communication, inquiry, and

support techniques• Technology- and non-technology-based

tools• Maturity of collaboration and knowledge-

sharing practices• Building collaborative trust and overcoming

conflict• Collaboration planning• Using influencing skills and collaboration

targets to encourage knowledge sharing• Promoting collaboration through openness

and transparency


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4064 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14406406Jan 15-16, 2015 ................. 15406401Jun 25-26, 2015 ................. 15406404Washington, DCAug 7-8, 2014 ..................... 14406404Oct 23-24, 2014 .................. 14406405Feb 23-24, 2015 ................. 15406402Apr 16-17, 2015 ................. 15406403

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS: •None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Critical Thinking for

Problem Solving

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Creativity and Innovation

Everyone has the ability think creatively. In this course, you will learn how to think more creatively, increase effectiveness, approach problems from unique perspectives, realize new opportunities, and develop creative solutions that foster innovation.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the relationship between creativity and innovation

• Explain the business need for being creative and innovative

• Apply generativity strategies to identify and develop opportunities for workplace innovation

• Describe how failure and success impact your ability to innovate

• Develop strategies to overcome individual and organizational obstacles to creativity

• Create an environment that continually fosters creativity and innovation

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Creativity vs. innovation• Why leading organizations value innovation• The importance of generativity theory in

improving your creativity and innovation• Tools for capturing your innovative ideas• Methods of challenging yourself and your

organization to develop new ideas• How broadening can lead to unique

connections between existing ideas• How to surround yourself with multiple

stimuli to improve your creativity• Everyday barriers and mental blocks that

inhibit your creativity


leadership & management Certificate Programs

federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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L E A D E R S H I P & M A N A G E M E N T : L E A D E R S H I Pl e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4750 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaFeb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15475002Apr 27-29, 2015 ................. 15475004Washington, DCAug 13-15, 2014 ................. 14475005Oct 22-24, 2014 .................. 14475006Dec 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14475007Jan 12-14, 2015 ................. 15475001Apr 15-17, 2015 ................. 15475003

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• From Tactical to Strategic


reCommenDeDfolloW-on CourSe:• Navigating Change in

Turbulent Times

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Strategic Planning and Performance measurement

Are you looking to better understand the concepts and theory underpinning strategic planning? As a manager or professional, you will learn how to measure, report, and improve organizational, program, or work unit performance.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Assess how strategic planning impacts the organization and the individual

• Set performance goals and objectives• Create or select measurable outcomes

to meet organization, program, or unit objectives

• Improve accountability, decision-making, and resource-allocation processes

• Distinguish between viable measures and surrogates that waste organizational time

• Use proven, practical approaches for dealing with hard-to-measure outcomes

• Align appropriate measures with your unit’s mission (or mandate), goals, and objectives

• Apply Balanced Scorecard principles and methods to measure performance

• Report findings and gain support of decision makers

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Characteristics of effective strategic plans• Strategic planning techniques and insights• Linking strategic planning to performance

measurement• Distinguishing between outputs and

outcomes, including intermediate progress measures

• Leveraging performance measures to improve organizational and unit goal satisfaction

• How mission and mandates drive performance measures

• Using the Balanced Scorecard as a performance measurement tool

• Reporting and implementation issues• Recent breakthroughs in private and public

sector performance measurement practices


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4062 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaMar 11-13, 2015................. 15406202Washington, DCAug 11-13, 2014................. 14406204Sep 22-24, 2014 ................. 14406205Oct 1-3, 2014 ...................... 14406206Dec 10-12, 2014 ................. 14406207Jan 14-16, 2015 ................. 15406201Mar 25-27, 2015 ................. 15406203Apr 27-29, 2015 ................. 15406204

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate


reCommenDeDfolloW-on CourSeS:• Breakthrough Problem

Solving• Decision Making

CourSe formaT:Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, case scenarios, facilitator presentations, and application planning

from Tactical to Strategic Thinking

Leaders are expected to be able to elevate their thinking from a tactical or operational perspective to a more strategic perspective, allowing them to see “the bigger picture.” This course is designed for people who want to be able to move beyond day-to-day, reactionary thinking to a more long-term and future-focused perspective.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Differentiate between tactical approaches and strategic approaches to thinking

• Use questioning as a method to clearly articulate the strategic interests of your team, department, or organization

• Identify strategic leverage points within the organization to advance a mission and vision

• Describe and interpret environmental factors that influence strategic thinking

• Compare strategic options to make effective decisions

• Forecast the ripple effects of strategic decisions

• Identify detractors that commonly prevent strategic thinking

• Draw connections and strategically think through how to apply your learning

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Definitions of operational, tactical, and strategic thinking

• Methods for gaining a strategic perspective• Strategic elements of an organizational

system• Environmental factors in the strategic

landscape• Strategic leverage points• Decision making from a strategic perspective• Forecasting the cause and effect of strategic

decisions• Barriers to strategic thinking


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

128 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4712 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 2-4, 2015 ..................... 15471201May 18-20, 2015 ................ 15471202

naSBa CPe CreDITS:24• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Influencing Skills

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Breakthrough Problem

Solving• From Tactical to Strategic


CourSe formaT:Self-assessments, individual, small-, and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, application planning

navigating Change in Turbulent Times

Change is the new normal for individuals and organizations. How you and others behave and respond to change will create opportunities to demonstrate new ways of leading and managing within your organization. This experiential course helps you make sense of the human side of change and provides you with practical tools and techniques to help others navigate through change. Team leaders and managers at all levels who desire to champion change in their organization will be prepared to respond to and catalyze desired change after attending this course.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe what happens in our brain and mind when a change occurs

• Apply new ways to behave and respond to change

• Explain the difference between internal and external change

• Use a change model to navigate through a change

• Examine ways others respond to change• Explain what it means to be an effective

champion of change • Apply tools and techniques to engage others

in change • Evaluate change success and lessons learned

from a change effort

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Change: a process to embrace • Impact of change on the brain and mind • Behaviors that improve how you and others

respond to change • Why change is both internal and external • Models of change and what they have in

common • Responding to change: you have a choice • Roles and responsibilities of change

champions as a catalyst for change • Change communication • Trust as part of change and human

experience• Managing the emotions of others • Dealing with resistance • Overcoming traps such as past routines,

default behaviors, and status quo thinking• Techniques for creating new habits and

taking small steps


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : L E A D E R S H I P


Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4752 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 22-23, 2014 ................. 14475204Dec 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14475205Mar 12-13, 2015 ................. 15475201Jun 11-12, 2015 ................. 15475202

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Intermediate


reCommenDeDfolloW-on CourSeS:• Strategic Planning and

Performance Measurement• Navigating Change in

Turbulent Times

CourSe formaT: Case studies, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, facilitator presentations, readings, and application planning

from Strategic Plans to Tactical execution

Ask yourself this question: “What are the essentials for a successful strategy and for effective tactical execution?” Learn the answer with this course designed for managers who are tasked with taking the strategic plans of an organization and its leaders and creating operational, performance-oriented plans to execute.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Create an aligned way of thinking and behaving to support full strategy execution

• Bridge the gap between strategic plans and individual daily work

• Apply a process view to strategy execution• Communicate priorities and change in a

simple and compelling way• Create and align smaller, achievable projects

and initiatives • Engage and prepare individuals and teams

to accomplish strategic goals • Apply best practices and frameworks to

address execution challenges• Ensure discipline in measuring performance

and managing accountabilities

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• What makes strategy execution difficult? • Organizational preparedness to implement

strategy • Aligned thinking and behavior as a way to

make strategy happen • The role of middle managers• Process framework and tools for executing

strategy • Aligned messaging and communication • Internal and external relationships in

strategy execution• Ownership, engagement, and capabilities as

catalysts to influence results • Best practices and frameworks for execution

challenges• Performance monitoring techniques• Follow-up and timely reporting on

initiatives and projects


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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Looking for more options?We also offer onsite — small group training — delivery for Federal supervisors at all levels. For more information, visit www.WhatIfYouCould.com.



Management Concepts has mapped OPM supervisor training mandates to our robust training courses for supervisors to easily identify what’s needed to meet requirements. Whether you are a new or seasoned supervisor, our Federally-focused training gets you what you need to stay up-to-date.

OPM’s requirements for supervision training can get tricky.

let our experts do the hard work for you.

• Supervising employee Performance (Page 131)

• Hr essentials for government Supervisors (Page 131)

• Interpersonal essentials for Supervisors (Page 132)

• Motivating and engaging Others (Page 132)

• Supervising Individual development Planning (Page 133)

• Creativity and Innovation (Page 127)

• From Tactical to Strategic Thinking (Page 128)

• Building and Sustaining Teams (Page 133)

• Anytime Coaching (Page 134)

• resolving Conflict (Page 138)

• Customer Service Skills and Techniques (Page 139)

These courses target key Performance Management and HR-related competencies OPM requires for both new supervisors to develop in their first year, and existing supervisors to sharpen every three years.

These courses address the OPM-mandated leadership competencies Federal supervisors need to build via training to establish core leadership skills.


Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4713 3 days $889 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 2-4, 2015 ..................... 15471301May 13-15, 2015 ................ 15471302Jun 29-Jul 1, 2015 ............. 15471303

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • HR Essentials for

Government Supervisors• Leadership Skills and

Techniques• Building and Sustaining


CourSe formaT:Self-assessments, case studies, role plays and scenarios, discussions, individual, small- and large-group exercises, facilitator presentations, application planning

Supervising employee Performance

How you supervise those you manage plays a pivotal role both in their day-to-day and long-term performance. The most effective supervisors not only understand formal performance management standards, but are also able to discern what employees really need to succeed and how to create those conditions. This course focuses on the vital skills supervisors need to manage the performance of others.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explore and assess yourself against best practices in supervision

• Give valuable feedback to help employees perform more effectively

• Plan effectively for employee performance to create a commitment to achieve one’s goals

• Accurately diagnose performance problems• Conduct effective performance appraisals• Coach employees to help them understand

and act upon challenges and opportunities• Mentor employees to help them see the

big picture and navigate through the organization

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• What employees really need to succeed, and how to create those conditions as a supervisor

• How to give feedback that helps employees perform better, rather than feel criticized

• Planning for performance, including best practices and common mistakes

• How to gain true commitment to performance goals

• How to make the performance appraisal easy, straightforward, and effective—and with no drama

• How to get to the root causes of employee performance problems

• Tools and techniques to improve productivity

• How to coach and mentor employees for growth and development


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4708 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaSep 18-19, 2014 ................. 14470809May 7-8, 2015 .................... 15470803Denver, CoAug 7-8, 2014 ..................... 14470808Tysons Corner, VaSep 25-26, 2014 ................. 14470810Apr 13-14, 2015 ................. 15470802Washington, DCJul 17-18, 2014 .................. 14470807Nov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14470811Mar 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15470801

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Supervising Employee


reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Interpersonal Essentials for

Supervisors• Engaging Leadership

CourSe formaT: Individual, small-, and large-group exercises, discussions, case scenarios, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Hr essentials for Government Supervisors

The most effective Federal supervisors understand their role in relation to Human Resource (HR) policies, procedures, and accountabilities and are able to successfully manage both the people and the policies. This course is designed for new and experienced government supervisors to learn or refresh their understanding of their supervisory accountabilities from an HR perspective.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand the evolving role of supervisors and managers in relation to Federal HR policies and procedures and the Federal budget process

• Apply practical tips for position management and classification

• Adhere to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination laws during the selection and hiring process

• Describe the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor when supervising bargaining unit employees

• Manage performance challenges utilizing the correct HR procedures

• Correctly apply discipline procedures to ensure proper outcomes

• Recognize positive employee performance and foster employee engagement

• Effectively collaborate with the HR department throughout the entire talent lifecycle

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The evolving role, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Federal supervisor

• Collaborating with the HR department• Understanding the Federal budget process• Position management and classification• Selection, EEO, and hiring practices• Creating clear performance elements and

standards• Recognizing positive performance• Dealing with poor performance and conduct

issues• Working with bargaining unit employees• Fostering employee engagement


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : S U P E R v I S I O N

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4714 1 day $399 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 5, 2015 ........................ 15471401May 11, 2015 ..................... 15471402Jun 4, 2015 ........................ 15471403

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Interpersonal Essentials for

Supervisors• Building and Sustaining

Teams• Supervising Employee


CourSe formaT:Individual, small- and large-group exercises, discussions, role plays and scenarios, facilitator presentations, application planning

motivating and engaging others

When employees are personally motivated by their work, engagement in their job and improved outcomes almost naturally follow. As a supervisor, there are steps you can take to bring this change about. This course explores practices supervisors can use to engage those they lead in their work, and enhance their motivation to contribute to team and organizational goals.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe types of motivation• Explain key elements of a plan to motivate• Create a plan to increase motivation and

decrease demotivation• Define employee engagement and its effect

on performance• Describe behaviors that foster employee

engagement• Create a plan to increase employee

engagement in the workplace

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The value of motivation and how to motivate employees

• Types of motivation• Autonomy, mastery, and purpose• Neuroscience and motivation• Demotivation and resistance• Engagement, disengagement, and active

disengagement• Value of engagement and the cost of

disengagement• Four elements of building employee



leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4715 1 day $399 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 6, 2015 ........................ 15471501Apr 8, 2015 ......................... 15471502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Engaging and Motivating

Others• Building and Sustaining

Teams• Supervising Employee


CourSe formaT:Individual, small- and large-group exercises, discussions, role plays and scenarios, facilitator presentations, application planning

Interpersonal essentials for Supervisors

Strong communication skills are essential for leadership success at every organizational level; therefore, it is critical for supervisors to develop strategies to effectively interact with others and resolve conflict situations. This course explores the interpersonal skills new and experienced supervisors can use to better connect with and resolve challenging situations with those they manage.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe elements of positive and productive interpersonal communication

• Demonstrate behaviors associated with effective interpersonal skills

• Create a plan to apply interpersonal skills in the workplace

• Describe sources of conflict• Differentiate between productive and

unproductive conflict• Demonstrate best practices of conflict

management in realistic scenarios

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The value of interpersonal communication skills

• Interpersonal communication: the core elements

• Self-awareness: awareness of others’ perspectives, what you say, and how you say it

• The brain in conflict conditions• A systems look at conflict: personal/

structural issues• Culture and conflict• The inevitability and value of conflict• Conflict styles


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132 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : S U P E R v I S I O N

Supervising Individual Development Planning

As a supervisor, you need to provide both formal and informal opportunities to develop and motivate people to perform better in current positions, and pave a way for them to move into their next ones. This course provides strategies supervisors can use to help others plan for individual development.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Articulate the roles and responsibilities of both the supervisor and the employee in the individual development process

• Assess employee strengths and development opportunities

• Identify areas for development and the learning opportunities to support them

• Design and develop, in collaboration with an individual employee, an Individual Development Plan (IDP)

• Support learning before, during, and after learning experiences to maximize effectiveness

• Provide more effective feedback and coaching during and after development experiences

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The importance of planning for individual development

• Assessing individual strengths and learning opportunities

• Developing and supporting formal and informal learning opportunities

• Stretching employee development funding• Crafting effective IDPs• Providing feedback and coaching on

application of new learning


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4716 1 day $399 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCFeb 4, 2015 ........................ 15471601May 12, 2015 ..................... 15471602

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personnel/HR• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Supervising Employee

Performance• Motivating and Engaging

Others• Anytime Coaching• Leadership Skills and


CourSe formaT:Individual, small- and large-group exercises, discussions, case scenarios, facilitator presentations, application planning

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4704 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaNov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14470407May 4-6, 2015 .................... 15470403Washington, DCJul 16-18, 2014 .................. 14470404Aug 4-6, 2014 ..................... 14470405Sep 24-26, 2014 ................. 14470406Feb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15470401Apr 22-24, 2015 ................. 15470402Jun 1-3, 2015 ..................... 15470404

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Advanced Leadership Skills

and Techniques• Breakthrough Problem

Solving• Navigating Change in

Turbulent Times

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group exercises and discussions, facilitator presentations, skills practice, self-assessments, case scenarios, and application planning

Building and Sustaining Teams

Effective teaming fosters collaboration, encourages information sharing, and yields dynamic results. This course provides specific strategies for building and sustaining high-performing teams. It is designed for managers, supervisors, facilitators, team leaders, and individual team members.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe approaches to building teams• Define the criteria that will make your team

the most successful• Establish more trusting relationships with

and among team members• Create effective communication norms from

the onset of a team• Utilize new approaches for systematically

involving others in team communication, team visioning, and decision making

• Promote team collaboration through unifying activities and participatory management techniques

• Leverage specific team learning techniques to advance team member development

• Promote effective individual and team behaviors that foster team success

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Why and how teams form• Building a strong foundation for a team• Establishing trust within a team• Communicating effectively as a team• Encouraging participation in team visioning

and decision making• Managing performance through feedback

and facilitative leadership• Managing conflict and difficult team

behaviors• Ways to sustain high team performance• Supporting team learning


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : S U P E R v I S I O N

S e c t i o n H e a d e rl e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : S U P E R v I S I O N

Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 4730 1 day $399 Call for info 888.545.8575

ClaSSeS onlIne:Oct 20, 2014 ....................... 14473003 Apr 30, 2015 ....................... 15473001

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Supervising Individual

Development Planning• Engaging Leadership• Supervising Employee

Performance• Motivating and Engaging


CourSe formaT: Self-directed online study, virtual instructor-led discussions, group exercises, and participant presentations

managing a Virtual Team

Increasingly, employees in the Federal and commercial markets are teleworking in response to the various benefits the arrangement offers both employers and employees. Because Office of Personnel Management (OPM) mandates training as part of Federal agencies’ compliance with the 2010 Telework Enhancement Act, Federal employees in particular are teleworking more frequently and in greater numbers. This course provides participants with a framework for building or revitalizing virtual teams, and is designed for managers, senior managers, directors, and project leaders of teams that interact virtually or use telework all or part of the time.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the rationale for and current trends in telework

• Identify the critical elements that form the basis for creating and supervising a successful virtual team

• Describe the process for managing performance in part-time or full-time telework scenarios

• Develop a plan to create a supportive virtual culture that motivates, builds trust, and provides opportunities for growth

• Apply the Virtual Team Model to a workplace scenario

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• What is telework? Definitions, trends, and statistics

• The Virtual Team Model• Telework policies and agreements• Virtual team charters: mission, purpose,

roles and responsibilities, protocols• Communication and virtual teams• Performance assessment and management

on a virtual team• Goal setting, reporting, and giving feedback

on a virtual team• Accountability and decision-making on a

virtual team• Interpersonal communication and behavior

norms for virtual teams• Managing conflict on a virtual team• Building trust, motivation, and engagement

on a virtual team


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Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4700 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 15-17, 2014 ................. 14470004Nov 19-21, 2014 ................. 14470005Mar 11-13, 2015 ................. 15470001Jun 8-10, 2015 ................... 15470002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Building and Sustaining

Teams• Supervising Individual

Development Planning

CourSe formaT: Small- and large-group discussion, individual self-assessments, role-plays, case studies, facilitator presentations, and application planning

anytime Coaching

Employee development conversations can be a major concern for supervisors and managers. Through regular conversations, you can help your employees make micro-performance improvements and ultimately develop the skills they need to succeed. This course is designed for both new and experienced supervisors and managers at any level.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the Anytime Coaching Model and apply it in your workplace

• Increase your self-awareness as an anytime coach

• Develop your awareness of others, including your employees and your organization

• View your employees with more positive possibilities

• Practice observing congruence in verbal and nonverbal communication

• Ask more powerful questions to your employees while listening more effectively

• Respond deliberately and intentionally using a set of specific conversational tools

• Apply the four practices of the Anytime Coaching Model to day-to-day performance improvement

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• How you think about your role within your organization

• Observing positive qualities and positive possibilities in your employees

• Observing nonverbal and emotional cues in communication

• Analyzing the purpose and types of questions

• The practice of extreme listening• Uncovering and managing your listening

biases and assumptions• Tools for creating purposeful conversations• Focusing your employees on micro

performance improvement• Integrating the four coaching practices:

observing, inquiring, listening, and responding


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Participants will receive a copy of Anytime Coaching: Unleashing Employee Performance by Teresa Wedding Kloster and Wendy Sherwin Swire!

134 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4317 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaAug 11-12, 2014 ................. 14431709Nov 3-4, 2014 ..................... 14431714Dallas, TXApr 13-14, 2015 ................. 15431704Denver, CoOct 23-24, 2014 .................. 14431713Tysons Corner, VaMar 23-24, 2015 ................. 15431702Washington, DCJul 17-18, 2014 .................. 14431708Aug 25-26, 2014 ................. 14431710Sep 15-16, 2014 ................. 14431711

Oct 16-17, 2014 .................. 14431712Nov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14431715Dec 8-9, 2014 ..................... 14431716Feb 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15431701Apr 9-10, 2015 .................... 15431703May 28-29, 2015 ................ 15431705Jun 11-12, 2015 ................. 15431706

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Grammar Refresher

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Briefing and Presentation

Skills• Communicating Strategically

CourSe formaT: In class writing and feedback, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, peer feedback, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Business Writing

Effective writing transmits clear, tailored messages. To write effectively, you must first understand your audience and then create a message that is concise and meaningful. This course builds the knowledge and skills to confidently communicate to various audiences in an effective and, when appropriate, influential manner. It is designed for professionals who are proficient in the basics of grammar and writing and who wish to make their writing more effective in achieving results.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the components that good writers include in their writing

• Plan documents by identifying their purpose, audience, thesis, and scope

• Use outlining tools to identify key topics and subtopics

• Write effective sentences that provide pertinent information to your readers

• Build paragraphs that include topic sentences, supporting details, and transition phrases

• Make correct word choices and use the voice and phrasing appropriate for your document

• Review and use guidelines for writing effective business correspondence

• Improve your final documents by getting feedback from others

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The basics of effective business writing• Preparing to write by identifying your

purpose, audience, thesis, and scope• Outlining your writing• Drafting well-equipped sentences, balanced

paragraphs, and choosing words wisely• Writing effective emails, memos, and

business letters• Ensuring quality through self-editing,

feedback, and other editing methods


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federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 4316 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 17-18, 2014 ................. 14431606May 7-8, 2015 .................... 15431602Washington, DCAug 7-8, 2014 ..................... 14431604Oct 6-7, 2014 ...................... 14431605Mar 5-6, 2015 ..................... 15431601Jun 8-9, 2015 ..................... 15431603

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Business Writing

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, facilitator presentations, discussions, one-on-one coaching and feedback, and application planning

Grammar refresher

In the workplace, we are often judged by how well we write and speak. Understanding the fundamentals of grammar enables you to express your thoughts clearly and precisely. This course is designed for professionals who want to speak and write effectively, convey messages clearly, and produce and edit high-quality documents.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify and correct some of the most common grammatical mistakes, such as incorrect comma usage, abbreviations, synonyms, and tenses

• Approach your writing with the most up-to-date information on correct grammar usage and changes to the English language

• More effectively compose and create polished, credible business documents

• Provide clarity of meaning through the use of correct grammar and punctuation

• Recognize and use standard English• Avoid writing sentence fragments and run-

on sentences• Know when and how to use the active voice• Eliminate verb tense errors, misplaced and

dangling modifiers, and improper pronoun usage

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Sentence structure• Subject-verb agreement and noun-pronoun

agreement• Verb voices and tenses• Correct pronoun usage• Parallel construction• Punctuation• Troublesome plurals and possessives• Confused and abused words• Selecting and using style guides


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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4318 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 21-23, 2014 .................. 14431809Mar 18-20, 2015 ................. 15431803Jun 1-3, 2015 ..................... 15431806Washington, DCJul 9-11, 2014 .................... 14431808Aug 13-15, 2014 ................. 14431810Sep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14431811Oct 1-3, 2014 ...................... 14431812Nov 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14431813Dec 10-12, 2014 ................. 14431814Jan 21-23, 2015 ................. 15431801Feb 18-20, 2015 ................. 15431802Apr 8-10, 2015 .................... 15431804May 27-29, 2015 ................ 15431805

Jun 15-17, 2015 ................. 15431807Jun 29-Jul 1, 2015 ............. 15431808

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Business Writing• Communicating Strategically• Grammar Refresher• Influencing Skills

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, practice presentation sessions, videotaping, discussions, individual coaching and feedback sessions, and application planning

Briefing and Presentation Skills

Many people report their number one fear to be public speaking. This is unfortunate as we are often required to give presentations in the workplace, both planned and on-the-spot. Either way, giving an effective presentation can be managed with a few tips, tools, and techniques that can be applied both in the moment and in front of the podium. This course is designed for individuals who want to improve the quality and impact of their briefings and presentations.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify features of effective briefings and presentations

• Address the key factors to consider when making a briefing or presentation

• Organize presentation and briefing content using proven techniques

• Create appropriate, attention-getting openings

• Close your briefings and presentations with impact and style

• Enhance your briefings and presentations using audio-visual aids

• Manage nervousness• Engage your audience with effective body

language• Respond to questions from the audience• Evaluate your briefings and presentations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Addressing your fears of speaking in front of others

• Identifying your presentation purpose and audience

• Brainstorming ideas and content• Developing a logical structure• Ways to effectively open and close a

presentation • The art of effective transitions• Developing presentation notes• Best practices for using visual aids and

handouts• Preparing for audience questions • Using your natural delivery style


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4320 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 11-12, 2014 ................. 14432007May 7-8, 2015 .................... 15432003Washington, DCAug 18-19, 2014 ................. 14432005Oct 20-21, 2014 .................. 14432006Jan 5-6, 2015 ..................... 15432001Mar 30-31, 2015 ................. 15432002

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Briefing and Presentation

Skills• Critical Thinking for

Problem Solving

CourSe formaT: Hands-on practice sessions, feedback sessions, group discussions, self assessments, role-plays, and facilitator presentations and demonstrations

Communicating Strategically

What does it mean to communicate strategically? Understanding how strategic communication impacts organizations as a whole and how you can communicate more strategically are the focal points of this course. It is designed for professionals who are interested in taking a more strategic approach when communicating with others.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Ask the right questions to think strategically about communication

• Use strategic communication to achieve desired actions

• Apply proactive communication strategies and techniques to create alliances, build networks, and work cross-functionally

• Design effective strategic communication plans

• Choose the best communication medium for a situation

• Craft powerful strategic messages for delivery to different audiences — upward, downward, or laterally

• Influence behavior change through intentional and targeted strategic communication

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Impact of using questions to think strategically about communication

• Strategic communication as a means to achieve desired actions

• Using strategic communication techniques to create alliances

• Building networks through strategic communication

• Improving cross-functional work initiatives using strategic communication techniques

• Developing a plan to communicate more strategically

• Selecting the best strategic communication means for different situations

• Creating effective strategic messages when communicating up, down, or laterally

• Shaping changes in behavior by using planned and targeted communication techniques and approaches


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S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4367 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaSep 15-17, 2014 ................. 14436713Apr 27-29, 2015 ................. 15436704Denver, CoNov 17-19, 2014 ................. 14436715Tysons Corner, VaJul 9-11, 2014 .................... 14436709Apr 8-10, 2015 .................... 15436703Washington, DCAug 4-6, 2014 ..................... 14436710Aug 20-22, 2014 ................. 14436711Sep 8-10, 2014 ................... 14436712Oct 15-17, 2014 .................. 14436714

Dec 15-17, 2014 ................. 14436716Feb 25-27, 2015 ................. 15436701Mar 18-20, 2015 ................. 15436702May 6-8, 2015 .................... 15436705Jun 3-5, 2015 ..................... 15436706

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS: • None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Influencing Skills• Resolving Conflict

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

Interpersonal Skills: Developing effective relationships

Creating an atmosphere of openness with clear lines of communication is a key factor in organizational success. People with good interpersonal skills deal with difficult issues in a straightforward manner, listen well, share information fully, and stay receptive to bad news as well as good. This course is designed for individuals who want to increase productivity and become more successful on the job by improving the quality of working relationships with peers, employees, supervisors, customers, and others.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify your preferred communication style• Develop strategies for interacting with

communication styles unlike your own• Identify and use conflict resolution styles

appropriate for different situations• Identify barriers to communication and

strategies to overcome them• Listen effectively to ensure you have

received messages as intended• Develop strategies for building and

maintaining workplace relationships

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The importance of interpersonal skills• Using the interpersonal skills model• Communication styles in the workplace• Communication realities: what happens

when we communicate and why barriers emerge

• Four-phase model of listening• Developing emotional intelligence• Building trusting relationships • Causes and effects of conflict• Understanding conflict styles and ways to

manage conflict


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L S

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 4363 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 28-29, 2014 ................. 14436303Oct 9-10, 2014 .................... 14436304Dec 1-2, 2014 ..................... 14436305Feb 5-6, 2015 ..................... 15436301May 4-5, 2015 .................... 15436302

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

• Leadership and Management Skills for Non-Managers

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, role-plays, case studies, and application planning

Influencing Skills

Current research shows that becoming an influencer is achieved through understanding a few basic human behavioral needs and drives and learning to apply situation-specific influence techniques. This course is designed for professionals who want to expand their personal influence within their organization, learn to overcome obstacles, and discover influencing strategies to help build relationships.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define influence• Discuss the value of influence in today’s

workplace• Discuss the link between brain physiology

and influencing others• Describe the six sources of influence• Apply a situation-specific influence strategy• Build more effective relationships and

networks to enhance your ability to influence

• Demonstrate effective communication techniques in influence situations

• Discover influencing tactics to use when you do not have authority over the person you need to influence

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• What is influence?• Influence in today’s workplace• Influencing the brain• Building an influence strategy• Assessing the influence situation• Sources of influence • Choosing appropriate influence behaviors• Building effective relationships and networks• Communicating for influence • How to influence without authority


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4365 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 14-15, 2014 .................. 14436503Sep 22-23, 2014 ................. 14436504Nov 6-7, 2014 ..................... 14436505Feb 23-24, 2015 ................. 15436501Mar 26-27, 2015 ................. 15436502May 14-15, 2015 ................ 15436503

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Critical Thinking for

Problem Solving• Influencing Skills• Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Group Facilitation

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, peer feedback, and evaluations

negotiation Skills

Did you know that you negotiate on some level every day? Whether it is with your spouse, your kids, your boss, or your colleagues, possessing the ability to negotiate effectively can be a valuable skill. This course allows you to rehearse negotiations in a workplace setting.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Compare distributive, integrative, interest-based, and multi-party negotiations

• Use proven tools to plan for various negotiation types

• Integrate proven strategies for conducting distributive negotiations

• Develop a collaborative approach for conducting integrative negotiations

• Construct a plan for conducting successful interest-based negotiations

• Propose strategies for conducting successful multi-party negotiations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Understanding how negotiations work• The characteristics of distributive,

integrative, interest-based, and multi-party negotiations

• The negotiation process• Preparing for negotiations• Techniques and strategies for successful

negotiations• Understanding needs in negotiations• Power in negotiations• Multi-party negotiations• Ways to close the deal• Effective implementation


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4364 2 days $769 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaAug 28-29, 2014 ................. 14436404Washington, DCSep 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14436405Nov 24-25, 2014 ................. 14436406Apr 16-17, 2015 ................. 15436401Jun 4-5, 2015 ..................... 15436402

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Influencing Skills• Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

CourSe formaT: Self-assessments, individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, facilitator presentations, and application planning

resolving Conflict

Conflict occurs when the parties involved have different needs, ideas, and goals. It is a natural part of human interaction. If managed effectively, conflict can favorably impact the organization and enrich the individual. This course is designed for professionals interested in learning how to effectively resolve conflict.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the nature of conflict and its effects• Identify causes of conflict• Assess your conflict style and recognize the

conflict styles of other• Identify and work with various reactions to

conflict• Monitor your emotions during conflict

situations• Break counterproductive patterns of dealing

with conflict• Anticipate potential conflict situations and

defuse them before they escalate• Handle conflict with agility and

professionalism• Overcome conflict through improved

communication• Resolve conflict using a variety of proven

conflict resolution strategies• Anticipate the outcomes of conflict• Identify ways to leverage productive conflict

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Defining conflict• The value of relationships and the role of

healthy conflict• Recognizing communication breakdowns

resulting in conflict• Exploring how culture affects conflict• Understanding conflict styles and behaviors• Conflict resolution process• Using conflict positively for personal and

organizational growth


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L S

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 4374 2 days $649 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 11-12, 2014 ................. 14437404Mar 9-10, 2015 ................... 15437402Washington, DCJul 28-29, 2014 .................. 14437403Nov 20-21, 2014 ................. 14437405Feb 19-20, 2015 ................. 15437401Jun 29-30, 2015 ................. 15437403

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

• Resolving Conflict

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, discussions, and application planning

Customer Service Skills and Techniques

Customer service is crucial for organizations across all industries and sectors, public and private. Providing exceptional customer service starts with understanding who your customers are and establishing a customer focus in how you meet their needs. This course is designed for professionals at all organizational levels who need to build strong relationships with internal and external customers.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Examine the value of providing exceptional customer service in today’s business environment

• Explore how service is defined by customers• Communicate appropriately and personally

with customers• Apply tactics to effectively deal with

challenging customers• Objectively evaluate customer service efforts

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Why customer service matters• Identification of internal and external

customers• The six dimensions of quality customer

service• How customer expectations of service are


• Effective listening skills• Using careful language when communicating

with customers• Delivering service via telephone and email• Recovering from service breakdowns• Responding to difficult customers• Managing your emotions in difficult

customer situations• Gathering and acting on customer feedback


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federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4319 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaNov 5-7, 2014 ...............14431905Washington, DCSep 17-19, 2014 .................14431904Feb 2-4, 2015 .....................15431901May 18-20, 2015 ................15431902

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Briefing and Presentation

Skills• Communicating Strategically• Interpersonal Skills:

Developing Effective Relationships

CourSe formaT: Hands-on practice sessions, feedback sessions, group discussions, self-assessments, role-plays, and facilitator presentations and demonstrations

Group facilitation

Facilitation skills are becoming one of the most valuable skills to help groups and organizations determine clear solutions to their organizational challenges. This course is designed for managers, team leaders, project managers, and professionals who are interested in facilitating group effectiveness in organizational settings.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define group facilitation and the role of a facilitator

• Identify the guiding principles of effective group facilitation

• Apply a results-oriented facilitation process• Apply appropriate facilitation tools and

techniques• Demonstrate proficiency in core facilitation

competencies• Facilitate groups to develop and agree on

realistic plans or solutions to issues

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• What is group facilitation? What types of sessions might be facilitated?

• The role of a facilitator in group settings• Guiding principles of effective group

facilitation• Phases of a structured facilitation session• Proven tools and techniques to stimulate

group facilitation• Core competencies of an effective facilitator• Individual facilitation strengths and areas for

further development• Group facilitation as a catalyst to achieve

appropriate and useful outcome


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throughInspiring Leaders

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Leadership coachingis a series of powerful conversations

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Check out our new video and more at www.ManagementConcepts.com/Coaching.

A leadership coach is a trusted confidential resource that helps you break down your

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Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 4370 1 day $399 Call for info 888.545.8575

ClaSSeS onlIne:Aug 25, 2014 ...................... 14437002 Nov 17, 2014 ...................... 14437003 Mar 20, 2015 ...................... 15437001

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 8• Field of Study: Personal

Development• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Communicating Strategically• Influencing Skills• Resolving Conflict

CourSe formaT: Virtual instructor-led discussions, group exercises, assessments, and participant presentations

Working on Virtual Teams

Teleworking, remote workers, and virtual teams are becoming more common in today’s workplace. With this trend, there is a need to educate and train virtual team members on how to become more effective when working on a virtual team. This course provides participants the opportunity to learn about the value and advantages that virtual teams offer to organizations.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the value of virtual teams• Describe the elements required to build a

strong virtual team foundation• Use various techniques to enable the

efficient execution of task-based processes• Develop strong virtual team relationships

through interpersonal skills-based processes• Employ techniques to effectively manage up

to supervisors and manage out to teams• Recognize the characteristics of a virtual

team operating at optimal performance

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Similarities and differences between a virtual team and a local team

• Why virtual teams are advantageous• Management Concepts Virtual Team Model• How organizational culture affects virtual

teams• Building a solid foundation: developing

a team mission and evaluating team composition and structure

• Defining goals, accountabilities, and communication standards

• Monitoring performance• Building trust and resolving conflict in a

virtual team• Managing “up and out” • Assessing team and performance outcomes


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : P R O F E S S I O N A L S K I L L S

l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : A N A L y T I C S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4650 5 days $1,559 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaDec 15-19, 2014 .......................... 14465021Mar 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15465005Jun 15-19, 2015 .......................... 15465011Dallas, TXMar 23-27, 2015 .......................... 15465006Denver, CoAug 18-22, 2014 .......................... 14465014Tysons Corner, VaSep 22-26, 2014 .......................... 14465017

Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15465002Mar 9-13, 2015 ............................ 15465004Jun 22-26, 2015 .......................... 15465012Washington, DCJul 14-18, 2014 ........................... 14465012Aug 4-8, 2014 .............................. 14465013Aug 25-29, 2014 .......................... 14465015Sep 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14465016Oct 6-10, 2014 ............................. 14465018Nov 17-21, 2014 .......................... 14465019Dec 1-5, 2014 .............................. 14465020

Jan 5-9, 2015 .............................. 15465001Feb 2-6, 2015 .............................. 15465003Apr 13-17, 2015 .......................... 15465007May 4-8, 2015 ............................. 15465008May 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15465009Jun 8-12, 2015 ............................ 15465010

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Statistics• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Data Analysis and Modeling

Techniques• Data Collection Techniques• Evaluating and Presenting Analysis


CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, case studies, discussions, facilitator presentations, computer applications, and application planning

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

analytics Boot Camp

This course focuses on practical, foundational skills needed for any analysis. You will learn tools and techniques in our computer classroom that you can apply immediately. This course is an excellent first step or refresher!

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Utilize advanced functionality in Excel for data analysis and decision making

• Properly handle data collection from multiple sources and data retention in Excel

• Integrate data from multiple sources• Summarize data to quickly gain a better

understanding• Employ advanced features to assist in

complex problem solving• Visualize data through the graphing

functionality of Excel • Construct a frequency distribution to analyze

data and translate it into relevant information• Calculate and select the most appropriate

measures of central tendency• Identify and avoid the potential for hidden

bias in expressing statistical findings• Utilize Excel to apply statistical techniques to

the analysis of data

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

DataAnalysisandMicrosoftExcel• Excel — spreadsheet or engine for analysis?• The hierarchical structure of Excel

Ranges,Anchoring,andDataTables• Range references in Excel• Anchoring references in Excel• Best practices for databases

SortingandFiltering• Sorting in Excel• Filtering in Excel

PivotTables• Creating a PivotTable • Working with data, row, and column items• Working with the report filter

DataImportinExcel• Data import• Text files• Microsoft Access database data• Web data• Refreshing data

DataRetentionandIntegrationinExcel• Data retention in Excel• When to use — and NOT to use — Excel• Retaining data in Excel• Data integration and linking• VLOOKUP function• INDEX and MATCH functions

TextManipulationandChartingData• Text manipulation function• Levels of measurement• Formatting charts in Excel

StatisticalConcepts• Excel’s Analysis ToolPak• Branches of statistics• Measures of central tendency• Measures of variation

FrequencyDistribution• Frequency distribution• Analysis ToolPak histogram

BasicProbability• Classical probability• Empirical (frequentist) probability• Subjective probability• Conditional probability• Independent and dependent events• Fundamental counting principle• Permutations and combinations

ProbabilityDistributions• Binomial distribution• The normal distribution• Z statistic

Sampling• Statistical sampling• Statistical error and sample size• Sampling distribution of the mean

PointandIntervalEstimation• Point estimation• Interval estimation

Correlation• Correlation• Obtaining a correlation matrix

SimpleLinearRegression• Simple linear regression• Calculating the linear


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l e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : A N A L y T I C S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4601 3 days $949 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 28-30, 2014 .................. 14460102Aug 20-22, 2014 ................. 14460103Oct 15-17, 2014 .................. 14460104Dec 29-31, 2014 ................. 14460105Jan 28-30, 2015 ................. 15460101Mar 4-6, 2015 ..................... 15460102Jun 24-26, 2015 ................. 15460103

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Specialized

Knowledge and Applications• Course Level: Basic

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Analytics Boot Camp• Decision Making

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, case studies, discussions, facilitator presentations, computer applications, and application planning

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Principles of analytics

This course is an introduction to the process of conducting an analysis project, and basic analysis tools focusing on Excel. Using a real-world simulation, participants execute an analysis project from start to finish. This hands-on approach to an overview of analytics projects enables participants to implement new skills immediately.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify each phase of the Analytics Process Model and its purpose

• Translate your organizational problem into an accomplishable analysis project

• Write a problem statement• Begin formulating a study plan• Develop and administer a brief survey• Develop interview questions and conduct

short interviews• Analyze data using descriptive statistics

(e.g., mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, and frequency)

• Develop an outline for an executive summary in an analytical report

• Give a short briefing to present analysis results

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The Analytics Process Model• Linking analytical objectives to

organizational objectives• Basic quantitative analysis techniques,

including levels of measurement, central tendency and variation, and descriptive statistics

• Primary and secondary data collection through surveys and interviews

• Presenting analysis results


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group OnsiteCourse 4610 4 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 8-11, 2014 .................... 14461003Oct 6-9, 2014 ...................... 14461004Apr 13-16, 2015 ................. 15461002Washington, DCDec 15-18, 2014 ................. 14461005Mar 9-12, 2015 ................... 15461001

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Statistics• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Analytics Boot Camp

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Data Analysis and Modeling

Techniques• Evaluating and Presenting

Analysis Results

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, case studies, discussions, facilitator presentations, computer applications, and application planning

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Data Collection Techniques

Getting appropriate, usable data for analysis, particularly in the context of your organization’s data management, is often the most difficult step. This course focuses on the issues of data collection and the tools and techniques for dealing with them.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the role of data collection as a phase in the Analytics Process Model

• Define the organization’s issues to be analyzed

• Identify what you need to know before you put together a data collection plan

• Select the appropriate means of data collection

• Use secondary data to support analyses• Utilize basic database query techniques • Explore the data using statistical techniques• Produce a concise description of the data• Verify data quality• Cleanse data in preparation for analysis• Select data sets and subsets to be used• Integrate data from multiple sources

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Application of the Analytics Process Model• Defining the organization’s objectives for

analysis• Determining the analytical goals• Overview of the data collection process• Principles of scientific and statistically valid

data collections• Sources and retrieval of secondary data• Primary data: design of survey instruments• Working with databases and Information

Technology (IT) systems• Documenting data • Exploratory analysis of data sets• Handling missing data• Integrating data sets


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S e c t i o n H e a d e rl e a D e r S H I P & m a n a G e m e n T : A N A L y T I C S

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4615 4 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaMay 4-7, 2015 .................... 15461503Washington, DCSep 22-25, 2014 ................. 14461506Oct 27-30, 2014 .................. 14461507Jan 12-15, 2015 ................. 15461501Apr 27-30, 2015 ................. 15461502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Statistics• Course Level: Advanced

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Analytics Boot Camp• Data Collection Techniques

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSe: • Evaluating and Presenting

Analysis Results

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, case studies, discussions, facilitator presentations, computer applications, and application planning

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

Data analysis and modeling Techniques

This course covers in-depth data analysis techniques and helps you build the skills needed to interpret analysis results.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Select the appropriate technique for your analysis situation

• Evaluate the performance of an analysis in meeting organizational goals

• Solve complex problems using simulation, sensitivity analysis, and other analytical techniques

• Explain relationships in the data using regression analysis

• Create control charts to monitor performance

• Forecast probable events using regression analysis and other tools

• Evaluate differences between data sets using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Technique selection• Building, testing, and managing analysis

models• Evaluating analysis model performance• Determining “next steps” once an analysis

has been performed• Statistical hypothesis testing• ANOVA• Regression analysis• Simulation• Statistical process control• Chi-square


leadership & management Certificate Programs

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4665 3 days $1,159 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 1-3, 2014 ..................... 14466508Feb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15466501Jun 10-12, 2015 ................. 15466504Washington, DCSep 15-17, 2014 ................. 14466506Nov 24-26, 2014 ................. 14466507Apr 20-22, 2015 ................. 15466502May 13-15, 2015 ................ 15466503

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study:

Communications• Course Level: Intermediate

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Analytics Boot Camp

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS: • Briefing and Presentation

Skills• Business Writing• Decision Making

CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, case studies, discussions, facilitator presentations, computer applications, and application planning

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

evaluating and Presenting analysis results

This course equips analysts with the skills they need to present their recommendations and supporting data to decision makers in the most effective manner.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Evaluate whether or not an analysis has met its goals

• Determine what next steps are necessary prior to finalizing an analysis

• Evaluate and select the most appropriate method to present both quantitative and qualitative results to various stakeholders

• Draft a reader-friendly outline for an analysis results report

• Write an executive summary for an analysis results report

• Develop tables, graphs, and charts that convey information quickly and concisely

• Develop a clear message that effectively communicates the implications of your results

• Give a briefing or presentation of analysis results to decision makers

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Evaluating analysis results• Next steps at the conclusion of an analysis• Communication phase of the Analytics

Process Model• Determining how to present analysis results

to different stakeholders• Guidelines for presentation of results• Written presentation of results• Visual presentation of results• Oral presentation of results


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For more information, or to check out our map, please visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/leadership.

We’ve Mapped It for YouWhatever competency you are trying to build,

we’ve found the corresponding training course.

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With the Federal government emphasizing performance planning to meet organization and agency goals, Management Concepts courses are uniquely designed to help

Federal leaders build the skills needed to lead in a complex environment.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 4625 5 days $1,779 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCOct 20-24, 2014 .................. 14462502Feb 23-27, 2015 ................. 15462501Jun 1-5, 2015 ..................... 15462502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Statistics• Course Level: Advanced

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Analytics Boot Camp• Data Analysis and Modeling


CourSe formaT: Individual, small- and large-group practical exercises, case studies, discussions, facilitator presentations, computer applications, and application planning

CourSe InCluDeS ComPuTer uSe

analytics Capstone

Learning to be effective in the application of analytical techniques requires applying those techniques to decision-making. The Analytics Capstone workshop provides the opportunity to work with real-life analysis problems, exercising the concepts and techniques of analysis by making decisions and seeing their results. This is a hands-on, case study-style workshop that exercises all of the skills acquired in the other courses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Analyze a real-world scenario• Utilize data to understand the situation and

make recommendations• Collect, integrate, and prepare data to be

used in your analysis• Select the techniques to be used in your

analysis• Decide what additional data you need to

acquire to support your analysis• Draw conclusions from your analysis and

make recommendations to decision makers• See the results of the decisions made from

your analysis

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Project and analysis planning• Data collection and preparation• Data analysis and modeling techniques• Evaluating and presenting results• Project team leadership• Group dynamics• Project closeout


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Project & Program management

Management Concepts Project & Program Management curriculum maps to many leading Federal and industry best practice guides, including: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) FAC-P/PM competencies, A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide), and the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and its “12 Principles of Agile Software Development.”

We hold more than 300 project and program management classes annually for our Federal customers, making it easy to find the training topic, schedule, location, and delivery format that is right for you.

Core Project management Courses............147-159

agile & IT Project management Courses...........160-164

Business analysis Courses...................................166-171

faC-P/Pm Courses.................172-173

Systems engineering Courses...................................174-175

Subject Areas include:

Get with iT

Where and how You Want it


New Courses

vital training for Federal IT professionals — regardless of where you are in your career. See page 152.

Need an in-person custom package of classes that are tailored to specific solutions for your organization? Let us develop one for you. See page 165.

Changes are coming for the FAC-P/PM certification. We have what you need now and in the future. See pages 172-173.

We have new and updated courses — look for the neW! stamp at the top of applicable course pages.


Many of our courses fulfill core or elective requirements of a certificate program or track in one or more of the following subject areas (see pages 6-7). Look for the color-coded notations on participatory courses.


• federal financial management Certificate Program (ffmCP) • Grants Management Certificate ProgramTM (GMCPTM)

• leadership & management Certificate Programs • Project & Program management Certificate Programs

146 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Project management Principles

This comprehensive foundational course focuses on the project management principles and best practices aligned with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) and many of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) guides, helping you obtain knowledge, tools, and techniques to successfully manage a project from initiation to final closeout. You will learn techniques designed to help you meet the goals of your projects, organization, and customers while balancing the competing demands of time, cost, scope, and risk. The course offers practical application of project management concepts and forms the basis for more advanced studies.

This course provides a basis for further study for those students seeking Project Management Institute’s (PMI)®’s Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain fundamental project management concepts

• Develop a project charter• Create a communications management plan• Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)• Create a realistic schedule• Complete project activities given a project

budget• Prepare for change to a project baseline• Develop a risk plan• Develop a Performance Measurement Baseline

(PMB)• Monitor and report project status• Close out a project and capture lessons learned• Create an on-the-job action plan

CourSe ToPICS:

DefiningProjects• Characteristics of a project• Sources of projects• The project charter

PlanningProjects• Project management framework• The importance of planning projects• The project management plan• Planning approaches

CommunicatingwithStakeholders• Identifying project stakeholders• The communication process• The communications management plan

BreakingDownProjectWork• Overview of the WBS• WBS approaches• Developing a WBS

EstimatingProjectResources• The purpose of scheduling• The scheduling process• Determining activities• The network diagram• The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)• Activity duration estimates• The critical path• Portraying and analyzing the schedule• Balancing scope and schedule• Cost estimating• Developing cost estimates• Attributing costs to the budget• Managing to the project budget

PreparingforChange&Risk• Why plan for change?• The change management process• The change management plan• The risk and opportunity management

process • The risk register• The risk management plan

DeterminingthePMB• Control gate reviews• Setting the baseline

ManagingtheProject• The managing cycle• Identifying variance• Earned Value Management• Determining corrective action• Rebaselining

ClosingtheProject• Recognizing team performance• Documenting lessons learned


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6100 3 days $1,489 Course 6600 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaOct 1-3, 2014 ............................... 14610013Jun 15-17, 2015 .......................... 15610006Denver, CoOct 8-10, 2014............................. 14610014Apr 6-8, 2015 ............................... 15610003Tysons Corner, VaDec 29-31, 2014 .......................... 14610016Apr 13-15, 2015 .......................... 15610004

Washington, DCJul 7-9, 2014 ............................... 14610009Aug 20-22, 2014 .......................... 14610010Sep 29-Oct 1, 2014 ...................... 14610012Nov 12-14, 2014 .......................... 14610015Jan 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15610001Mar 4-6, 2015 .............................. 15610002May 27-29, 2015 ......................... 15610005

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 24

PrerequISITeS:• None

reCommenDeD folloW-on CourSeS:• Leadership and Communication

Skills for Project Managers• Managing Scope, Schedule & Cost• Project Risk Management• Requirements Management for

Project Managers

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon: In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management, Management, or Business Administration

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Participants will receive access to the Project Manager’s Toolkit.

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 147

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

leadership and Communication Skills for Project managers

This course explains the challenges and issues concerning effective project leadership and how to best meet these challenges. It evaluates various motivational approaches, helps project leaders assess their own personal styles, describes barriers to team performance and the stages of team development, and explains how to best resolve conflicts and manage agreement, as well as how to enhance communications effectiveness. Develop the necessary skills to get the maximum performance from every member of the team. Apply the methods of leadership that are most appropriate for achieving project success. Discover which forms of leadership and communication are best suited to the attendee’s personality. Learn techniques for resolving conflict and managing team issues. Gain hands-on experience in analyzing stages of team development and maximizing project team effectiveness.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS

• Demonstrate leadership skills and apply proven techniques in leading teams

• Apply communication best practices in projects

• Evaluate different motivational approaches• Identify benefits of using the Myers-Briggs

Type Indicator (MBTI®) in working with project teams

• Create high-performance project teams• Identify and resolve conflicts by practicing

five different conflict resolution approaches

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Leadership&theProjectManager• Leaders vs. managers• Responsibilities of the project manager• The challenges of leading project teams

CommunicationsinProjects• The role and importance of communications

in projects• Communication best practices• Stakeholder analysis• Effective project meetings• Project communications management

MotivationalApproaches• Common motivational mistakes• Leading theories of motivation• Career anchors


• Your MBTI® type• Your style of interaction• Working more effectively using the MBTI®

• Contributing to your team

EffectiveTeams• Team structures in projects• The stages of team development• Diagnosing team behaviors• Overcoming barriers to team performance• Virtual teams

ManagingConflict&Agreement• Sources of conflict on project teams• Your conflict resolution style• The conflict styles of others• Conflict management approaches• Achieving consensus• Managing agreement


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6101 3 days $1,489 Course 6601 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 14-16, 2014 ........................... 14610108Denver, CoSep 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14610110May 4-6, 2015 ............................. 15610103Tysons Corner, VaAug 11-13, 2014 .......................... 14610109

Washington, DCSep 15-17, 2014 .......................... 14610111Oct 27-29, 2014 ........................... 14610112Dec 10-12, 2014 .......................... 14610113Feb 23-25, 2015 .......................... 15610101Apr 1-3, 2015 ............................... 15610102May 11-13, 2015 ......................... 15610104Jun 22-24, 2015 .......................... 15610105

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Project Management Principles

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon: In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management, Management, or Business Administration

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, group activities, and final exam

148 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6131 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaJul 7-8, 2014 ...................... 14613104Oct 27-28, 2014 .................. 14613110Denver, CoSep 15-16, 2014 ................. 14613108Jun 1-2, 2015 ..................... 15613104fort Worth, TXNov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14613112Apr 13-14, 2015 ................. 15613102San francisco, CaOct 16-17, 2014 .................. 14613109

Seattle, WaAug 11-12, 2014 ................. 14613105Tysons Corner, VaAug 28-29, 2014 ................. 14613107Nov 3-4, 2014 ..................... 14613111Washington, DCAug 14-15, 2014 ................. 14613106Dec 8-9, 2014 ..................... 14613113Feb 9-10, 2015 ................... 15613101May 11-12, 2015 ................ 15613103

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Level: Intermediate• Field of Study: Management

PDu CreDITS: 14ClPS: 16Ceu CreDITS: 1.4

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Project management essentials for non-Project managers

It seems everyone is working on a project these days. Whether serving in a support role, as a team member, or as a “lead” running an informal project, employees outside the project management career path need exposure to, and a grasp of, project management. This course introduces project management concepts and level sets understanding of terminology. It provides students with techniques to effectively manage and participate in small, low-risk projects. Students will learn to apply elemental basics of project management to their work and create action plans for on-the-job application.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain project management terminology and concepts

• Understand project management processes and why they are important

• Explain the roles and responsibilities of project team members and the concept of stakeholders

• Use standard project management tools and techniques to manage project work

• Understand what information should be collected to report status to stakeholders

• Communicate project status using a thorough checklist

• State project objectives using SMART guidelines

• Understand project schedule concepts and potential impacts to the schedule

• Understand project risk concepts and the importance of identifying risk up front

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• An overview of project management• Planning the project• Organizing the scope• Scheduling the project• Project budgeting• Defining the project• Planning for risk• Approving the Project Management Plan• Managing the project• Closing the project


federal financial management Certificate Program

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6190 3 days $1,489 Course 6690 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 20-22, 2014 ................. 14619004Nov 12-14, 2014 ................. 14619005Feb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15619001Apr 27-29, 2015 ................. 15619002Jun 24-26, 2015 ................. 15619003

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe: • Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Program management

This course is designed primarily for experienced Federal project and program managers looking to demonstrate the ability to manage multiple, complex projects and align results to organizational goals. With a focus on Federal program application and a hands-on approach, participants will learn to make decisions that manage change, risks, and program challenges to accomplish strategic objectives.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the program lifecycle and identify success factors at each step in the process

• Describe the relationship between program requirements and overall success criteria

• Examine various tools and techniques• Distinguish between program risks and

project risks• Ensure the quality of project deliverables and

their impact of program level management• Coordinate program and project activities• Maintain communication with internal and

external stakeholders at multiple levels• Close out a program

CourSe ToPICS:

IntroductiontoProgramManagement• Program lifecycle • Federal acquisition lifecycle• Projects, programs, and portfolios

ProgramInitiation• Alignment of program objectives with

organizational mission and vision• High-level business case• Program charter• Stakeholder Management Plan• Schedule and cost estimates• Assignment of projects and project managers

ProgramPlanning• Program roadmap• Program Management Plan• Tools and strategies• Program governance • Managing complex activities• Program metrics

ProgramExecution• Monitoring and controlling of program

deliverables• Managing program risks and changes • Coordinating activities and objectives• Responding to organizational change

ProgramMonitoringandControl• Monitoring status and progress• Comparing status with program planning• Monitoring schedules and analyzing

adjustment options• Evaluating risk factors

ClosingtheProgram• Program/project closure requirements• Transition to operations and maintenance


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

neW! neW!

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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6137 5 days $1,999 Course 6637 5 days $1,999 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 22-26, 2014 .......................... 14613705Mar 30-Apr 3, 2015 ..................... 15613702

Washington, DCJul 28-Aug 1, 2014 ...................... 14613704Dec 8-12, 2014 ............................ 14613706Jan 26-30, 2015 .......................... 15613701May 18-22, 2015 ......................... 15613703

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 40• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 35Ceu CreDITS: 3.5ClP: 40

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • Strong knowledge of project

management fundamentals

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class discussion, class exercises, and practice exam

PmP® exam Prep Boot Camp

This interactive accelerated course is geared toward participants who seek to effectively prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification exam. Focus on the five Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) process groups and the nine knowledge areas, as well as the critical topic of professional responsibility. Obtain all the project management education hours you need to apply for the exam. Gain confidence by answering sample exam questions during class and by using the PMP® PowerTrack test simulator as you continue your preparation after the training has concluded.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Successfully apply to sit for the PMP® certification exam

• Maximize the use of your time in preparing for the PMP® certification exam

• Master critical terms and concepts in project management

• Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses to best focus your study efforts

• Identify key elements of each of the project management processes

• Identify and incorporate best practices relating to professional responsibility

• Determine critical vs. non-critical study areas• Avoid common pitfalls associated with taking

the exam

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheProjectManagementFramework• The role of the PMBOK® Guide• Key project management terminology• The project management process groups• The project management knowledge areas

InitiatingProcessGroup• The initiating process group definition• The inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs• Initiating process techniques• The knowledge areas and processes that

occur in initiating

PlanningProcessGroup• The planning process group definition• The inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs• Planning process techniques• The knowledge areas and processes that

occur in planning

ExecutingProcessGroup• The executing process group definition• The inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs• Executing process techniques• The knowledge areas and processes that

occur in executing

MonitoringandControllingProcessGroup• The monitoring and controlling process

group definition• The inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs• Monitoring and controlling process

techniques• The knowledge areas and processes that

occur in monitoring and controlling

ClosingProcessGroup• The closing process group definition• The inputs, tools, techniques, and outputs• The knowledge areas and processes that

occur in closing

ProfessionalResponsibility• The importance of professional responsibility

as a project professional• What is meant by ensuring individual

integrity and professionalism?• The importance of contributing to the project

management knowledge base• Applying professional knowledge to improve

service• The value of balancing stakeholder interests• The importance of respecting personal,

ethnic, and cultural differences

StudyTips• Specific materials to review for the exam• Study tips to focus your preparation time• How to use the time allocated for the exam

wisely• Test-taking strategies


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

As part of our commitment to helping you earn your certification, this course includes the following resources:

• Participantworkbookwithmorethan200 practice questions and answers

• Glossaryofterms

• PMI®’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

• Examprepapp:PMPPrepfromManagement Concepts

• PMP® Experience Tracking Tool

• Accesstoourwebinar,Completing Your PMP® Application: Learning from an Expert, which walks through the process of submitting an application to the Project Management Institute (PMI®).

free resources

PmP® exam Prep Boot Camp GuaranteeIf you take PMI®’s PMP® Certification Exam within 60 days of completing our course, and don’t pass, retake our course for FREE! visit our website for full details.

150 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6135 3 days $1,489 Course 6635 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Denver, CoApr 20-22, 2015 .......................... 15613502Tysons Corner, VaJul 14-16, 2014 ........................... 14613503

Washington, DCNov 5-7, 2014 .............................. 14613504Feb 2-4, 2015 .............................. 15613501May 18-20, 2015 ......................... 15613503Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management Principles

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management, Management, or Business Administration

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

managing Scope, Schedule, and Cost

Every project struggles with resource limits: time, personnel, budget, and materials. Be proactive and in control of your project by implementing cost and schedule management. Determine your agency’s real need and how best to plan project scope based on stakeholder budget and schedule constraints. Establish the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB). Gain proficiency in the tools and techniques used to compare actual work accomplished against established plans. By identifying early warning performance indicators, you will gain greater insight into potential risk areas and take the necessary corrective action to keep the project in control.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss key project scope, schedule, and cost concepts

• Evaluate a deliverable-based Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and create a WBS dictionary

• Validate a project schedule and demonstrate schedule compression techniques

• Evaluate and validate cost estimates• Analyze project performance and

recommend corrective action• Create an on-the-job action plan

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

Scope,Schedule,andCostOverview• Review of key scope, schedule, and cost

concepts• Review of the project management process

groups• Balancing the competing demands• Review key concepts for managing project


Scope• Relationship between project scope and

requirements• Role of estimating in project scope• Product-oriented WBS• Elements involved in project scope

management• Converting requirements and scope to

project work • Evaluating and constructing a product-

oriented WBS • Developing a WBS dictionary • Defining Data Item Description (DID) and

Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs)

Schedule• Key steps in project scheduling• Organizing and scheduling work to

accomplish project scope• Verifying that the organized work can be

accomplished• Schedule compression techniques• Evaluating and constructing network

diagrams• Basic concepts of dependency relationships• Recognizing common network errors• Review of key concepts involved in project

estimating• Determining the critical path• Review of the components of a network node• Leveraging a 14-point Schedule Assessment


Cost• Cost estimating process• Cost estimating techniques• Evaluating cost estimates• Estimating and the project management

lifecycle• Components of a cost estimate• Recognizing challenges to estimating

ManagingScope,Schedule,andCost• Discuss basic concepts relating to managing

project scope, schedule, and cost• Process of managing project performance• Analyzing project performance and

recommending corrective actions• Role of the Performance Measurement

Baseline • Role of management reserve • Evaluating risk factors • Strategies for responding to risk• Describing techniques for performance

measurement • Review of Earned Value Management (EVM)

and common EVM variables• Appropriate level of change control


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6103 3 days $1,489 Course 6603 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaMay 11-13, 2015 ................ 15610303Denver, CoSep 22-24, 2014 ................. 14610306Tysons Corner, VaDec 1-3, 2014 ..................... 14610308Jun 8-10, 2015 ................... 15610304Washington, DCJul 21-23, 2014 .................. 14610305Oct 20-22, 2014 .................. 14610307Jan 5-7, 2015 ..................... 15610301Apr 1-3, 2015 ...................... 15610302

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 24

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Project risk management

Planning is everything. Proactive risk management allows a project manager to optimize project results by implementing proven tools to plan for both threats and opportunities. Increase the probability of project success by applying techniques to reduce threats and enhance unexpected opportunities.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Integrate risk management techniques and results into a balanced project management approach

• Use multiple techniques to identify and document risks

• Perform qualitative risk analysis to prioritize risks for response and monitoring

• Perform quantitative risk analysis to assess risk to the overall project cost, schedule, and scope objectives

• Determine and implement appropriate risk response strategies based on risk analysis

• Communicate risks effectively to all project stakeholdersCourSe ToPICS CluDe:

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

RiskManagementPlanning• Planning methods to prepare for project risk

management• The risk management plan and register

IdentifyRisks• Tools and techniques for risk identification• The Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)• Risk statement and recording risks

PerformQualitativeRiskAnalysis• Why perform qualitative risk analysis?• Probability and impact matrices• Recording qualitative analysis results• Prioritizing risks

PerformQuantitativeRiskAnalysis • Expected monetary value • Decision trees, 3-point estimates • The Program Evaluation and Review

Technique (PERT) Method and Monte Carlo Simulation

PlanRiskResponses• Selecting appropriate risk responses• Updating project management documents

MonitorandControlRisks• Techniques for monitoring risks• Implementing risk responses• Risk status reporting techniques


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

For more information on our programs for IT professionals, visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/Federal-IT.

No matter what role you play on an IT project — CIO office staffer, project manager, software developer, etc. — everyone needs to know the ins and outs of IT project management to ensure overall project success.

Further, a basic understanding of leadership, contracting, and financial management is crucial to becoming a well-rounded and practiced IT project manager.

With our training, students build the necessary skills to deliver project success.

Management Concepts offers IT project management training for Federal professionals at all levels.

152 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6124 3 days $1,489 Course 6624 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaAug 25-27, 2014 ................. 14612403Washington, DCOct 15-17, 2014 .................. 14612404Feb 18-20, 2015 ................. 15612401Jun 15-17, 2015 ................. 15612402

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, classroom simulations, class exercises, and final exam

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6102 2 days $1,239 Course 6602 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 11-12, 2014 ................. 14610204Nov 3-4, 2014 ..................... 14610205Feb 5-6, 2015 ..................... 15610201Apr 30-May 1, 2015 ............ 15610202

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

managing multiple Projects

Managing multiple projects is one of today’s most pressing challenges for Federal, commercial, and non-profit organizations. In this hands-on, project-driven course, you will learn to successfully apply tools and techniques to ensure your projects succeed. You will gain insight into multitasking strategies, planning and scheduling multiple projects, analyzing and evaluating schedules, prioritizing project work, delegating effectively, and specific strategies for monitoring and controlling multiple projects.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand key concepts related to managing multiple projects

• Apply effective multitasking strategies• Plan and schedule multiple projects• Perform an assessment of multiple project

schedules• Prioritize and delegate project work• Monitor, control, and report on multiple


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

KeyConcepts• Key definitions• Program and portfolio management

overview• Role of the project or program management


Multitasking• Definition• Challenges and detriments• Overcoming multitasking challenges

PlanningandSchedulingMultipleProjects• Integrated Master Plan (IMP)• Allocating resources• Working with the Project Management

Office (PMO)• Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)• Multiple Project Management Information

System (PMIS)

AssessingMultipleProjectSchedules• 14-point Assessment Checklist

PrioritizingandDelegating• Systematic approach to prioritizing projects• Benefits of effective delegation• Overcome delegation barriers

Monitoring,Controlling,andReporting• Monitor and control processes• Role of metrics, baselining • Variance analysis• Project reviews• Effective project meetings


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

making Decisions using earned Value

Show them the numbers: learn to not only capture data on your project status, but more importantly, to interpret the meaning behind those numbers. Discover keys to identify potential cost and schedule overruns. Grasp the tools and techniques required to compare actual work accomplished against baseline schedules and cost. Identify early warning indicators to gain greater insight into potential risk areas and prepare more accurate completion time and cost forecasts. Recognize what must be done to successfully implement and use Earned Value Management (EVM) in your organization to evaluate internal and contractor performance.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define key concepts of EVM• Measure project performance using EVM

metrics• Compare planned project performance with

actual performance results• Calculate cost and schedule variances and

indices, and use them to monitor project performance

• Use EVM data to forecast budget and schedule completion

• Create a status report based on objective EVM metrics

• Analyze EVM data to make project decisions and determine corrective measures

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

EarnedValueManagementOverview• EVM and its benefits• The principles of EVM • Using EVM on a project

BaseliningtheProject• Implementing EVM• Methods of accounting• The Performance Measurement Baseline


MeasuringProgress• The source of EVM data elements• Collecting or calculating Actual Costs (AC)• Methods for calculating Earned Value (EV)

ComparingandAnalyzing• Variances and performance indices• Forecasting final project costs and schedule

completion• Communicating project status

MakingCorrections• Problems with performance measurement• Root causes of problems• Creating a picture of current status and

possible outcomes using EVM


federal financial management Certificate Program

Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6111 2 days $1,239 Course 6611 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 28-29, 2014 ................. 14611102Apr 20-21, 2015 ................. 15611101

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6126 2 days $1,239 Course 6626 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCNov 17-18, 2014 ................. 14612603

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Project Cost estimating

This two-day, in-depth course focuses on approaches to estimating costs and schedules for any project. Understand the various project areas that must be estimated, and the tools and methodologies best suited for the estimates you will prepare. Recognize the importance of effective estimating throughout the project management lifecycle.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Estimate costs and resources needed for projects

• Learn how different estimating techniques work and interact together

• Size project deliverables• Identify associated project costs to build a

comprehensive project estimate• Identify risks and their impact on project

costs• Estimate a development schedule, staffing,

and effort• Select estimating techniques best suited to

your projects• Determine how different factors impact

estimate accuracy• Update estimates throughout a project’s


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

CostEstimatingOverview• Cost estimating terms and key concepts• Major challenges associated with cost

estimating• Iterative nature of cost estimating• Estimating with different product lifecycles

GettingStarted• Prerequisites to the estimating process• Creating a deliverable-based Work

Breakdown Structure (WBS)• Resource Breakdown Structures (RBS)

EstimatingTechniques• Units of measure• Estimating techniques for developing cost

estimates• Creating cost estimates using the different

estimating techniques

FinalizingtheEstimate• Ten-step cost estimating process• Techniques to clarify the estimating request

and scope of work• Accounting for individual characteristics of

resources• Documenting an estimate to ensure

clear understanding of the cost estimate, assumptions, accuracy, and confidence

• Five tips that can improve estimating


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Procurement for Project managers

Projects often require the acquisition of goods or services to be successful. A make-lease-buy decision, as a part of the acquisition strategy, can critically impact a project’s benefits and outcome. Learn best practices to procure outside services and products — from the initial decision to buy, through final contract closeout. Identify what must be done to successfully execute the four key project management processes: procurement planning, source selection, contract administration, and contract closeout. Formulate the make-lease-buy decision, prepare an effective procurement management plan to guide the team, and use outsourcing and partnering for maximum benefit. Lessons learned and best practices from procurement theory and experience are also presented.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Conduct a make-lease-buy analysis• Prepare a procurement management plan• Identify strategic advantages of specific

contract types• Use outsourcing effectively• Establish a partnering program• Perform a successful evaluation• Work effectively in contract negotiation• Manage seller performance• Lead a project through contract closeout• Capture lessons learned

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ProcurementManagementOverview• Project procurement management• The relationship between projects and

contracts• Ensuring a successful procurement process

ProcurementsPlanning• Planning procurements and acquisitions• Inputs to the procurement management plan• Conducting make-lease-buy analyses• Contracting vehicles

ConductProcurements• Sources of prospective sellers• Key principles for conducting a bidder’s

conference• Stages and types of negotiating• Negotiation strategies to enhance position• Reaching agreement during procurement


AdministerProcurements• The purpose of administrating procurements• Roles and responsibilities: project team,

contracting organization, and sellers• Managing seller performance

CloseProcurements• The procurement closure process• Contract documentation• Formal acceptance and closure for sellers


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

154 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6105 3 days $1,489 Course 6605 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCNov 19-21, 2014 ................. 14610503May 18-20, 2015 ................ 15610502

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6134 3 days $1,489 Course 6634 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14613402Mar 9-11, 2015 ................... 15613401

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

managing Project quality

Improve your project or program processes to achieve higher quality products, services, and results. This intensive course focuses on fundamental quality management tenets of leading thinkers. Learn how quality impacts virtually all aspects of project management. Use proven tools and techniques for planning and implementing quality methods in a project environment.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply concepts and philosophies from leading quality experts

• Implement a successful quality program in your organization

• Prepare a quality management plan for your project

• Apply requirements analysis and management techniques

• Recognize the value of Six Sigma• Conduct an inspection on project deliverables• Develop proven techniques to calculate the

cost of quality• Use statistical process control tools and


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

QualityPhilosophies• Deming, Juran, and Crosby quality


ProjectQualityManagement• The components of the project quality

management process• Measuring the quality costs• Total Cost of Ownership• Cost of quality• Quality function deployment

CustomerFocus• The customer relationship management plan• Providing excellence in customer service

RequirementsManagement• Translating customer needs into

requirements• Requirements and requirements

management definitions

StatisticalProcessControlTools• Statistical analysis in project quality

management• The principles of statistical process control

SixSigma• Tools and techniques of a Six Sigma


AuditingandEvaluation• The inspection process• Roles, responsibilities for the inspection team• Identifying and removing defects

QualityProgramImplementation• Key practices of highly successful

organizations• Planning a quality program


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

requirements management for Project managers

How do you know your project and project deliverables meet the business, operational, and mission needs of your stakeholders? Discover keys and best practices for managing requirements throughout the project acquisition lifecycle. Ensure that your requirements management process results in project success.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the importance of requirements for project success

• Determine the project requirements baseline in conjunction with stakeholders

• Identify the components of a Requirements Management Plan (RMP)

• Align deliverables with requirements and expectations

• Manage the project to meet requirements• Apply best practices for requirements


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

OverviewofRequirementsManagement• Requirements management processes in the

project management lifecycle

StakeholdersandRequirementsManagement• The role of stakeholders• Determining project scope and requirements

ManagingRequirementsRisk• The relationship between requirements and

risks• Identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, and

planning for requirements risk

VerifyingandValidatingRequirements• Ensuring correct deliverables• The Vee model approach to V&V/IV&V• Verification and validation methods

ManagingProjectstoMeetRequirements• Managing baselines and the importance of

small corrections• Tracking progress using performance

management techniques• Managing trade-offs in the competing


AcceptanceandApproval• Preparing for customer acceptance review of

deliverables• Determining acceptance criteria• Conducting stakeholder validation and


RequirementsManagementBestPractices• The importance of the RMP for project

success• Best practices for managing requirements in



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

group Onsite

Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6181 2 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

Project management essentials for Team members

In today’s environment, team members are asked to take an active role in projects, but often have no knowledge of the project management discipline. This course provides project team members with the foundational project management knowledge and skills that will allow them to support the project manager in the initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling needs of the project. It is intended to give team members an overview of the types of tools and techniques that project managers use to balance the competing demands of project scope, time, cost, and quality.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain fundamental project management concepts

• Use a project charter to understand the vision of the project

• Discuss components of a project management plan

• Decompose work package assignments into project activities

• Review and contribute to the development of a project schedule

• Work within a project budget• Participate in risk management• Discuss the importance of a Performance

Measurement Baseline (PMB)• Monitor and report activity progress• Implement project change and issues

management processes• Contribute to lessons learned• Create an on-the-job action plan

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

FundamentalsofProjectManagement• What is project management?• Team involvement and process groups• Project management knowledge areas

InitiatingaProject• Initiating inputs/outputs • How team members contribute to the

deliverables in the initiating phase• Team Operating Agreement (TOA)

PlanningaProject• Project planning inputs/outputs• Project management plan• Communication management plan

Executing,MonitoringandControlling• Executing, monitoring, and controlling

inputs/outputs • Managing scope, quality, schedule, cost, and

change control processes• Communicating project status

ClosingaProject• Project closure inputs/outputs• Documenting lessons learned• Team performance

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6106 4 days $1,829 Course 6606 4 days $1,829 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 8-11, 2014 ................... 14610603Dec 15-18, 2014 ................. 14610604Jan 12-15, 2015 ................. 15610601May 4-7, 2015 .................... 15610602

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 28Ceu CreDITS: 2.8ClP: 28

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Project Management


aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management, Management, or Business Administration

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

Project management Simulation

Project management concepts become real as participants are asked to synthesize the skills learned in individual classes into the big picture of a simulated project. This advanced course uses a case study and team-based simulation technique to emphasize the real-world application of project management techniques.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify stakeholders, determine their roles, form relationships, and manage their expectations

• Tailor your project management approach based on project characteristics

• Prepare project management plan components

• Negotiate a baseline with a customer• Maintain a plan during execution• Evaluate project status and monitor progress• Close out a project and capture lessons


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

InitiatingtheProject• Three questions that define project success• Project kick-off process• Team operating agreement• Project charter/definition document with


PlanningtheProject• Begin detailed planning• Plan for risk• Estimate work packages• Reassess evolving requirements• Balance scope to budget

ManagingtheProject• Executing, monitoring, and controlling• Communications• Stakeholder management• Scope and schedule control• Risk monitoring and control • Change requests• Change control and approval• Progress reporting• Earned Value Management

ClosingtheProject• Closing out all contracts• Paying the final invoices• Obtaining final customer sign-off• Releasing team members


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

onSITe onlY

156 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6188 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCOct 6-7, 2014 ...................... 14618803

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Advanced

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

mission Driven Project management: from Strategy to action

This course is designed to help you align your projects in the most effective way to ensure they deliver on organizational goals and objectives. This course brings techniques from the world of business strategy and applies them to project management. Projects and programs are undertaken by an organization so that it can achieve its intended mission, respond to environmental changes, and ultimately drive success. Linking your projects to organizational strategy adds value to your customers and your organization, and opens up new possibilities in the future.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe organizational strategy and its relationship to project management

• Apply the strategic planning process at the organizational level

• Apply common strategic techniques and methods

• Explain the link between organizational strategy and culture

• Determine strategies to deal with the politics associated with projects

• Examine project management from a benefits realization and entrepreneurial approach

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

OverviewofStrategicProjectManagement• The purpose of organizational strategy• Strategic management process

TheStrategicPlanningProcess• Components of a strategic vision• Vision and mission statements• Organizational financial mission and

strategic objectives• Creating an organizational strategy• Competitive strategies and models

Executing,Monitoring,andControllingStrategy• The linkage between organizational values

and strategy• Key success factors• Competitive strength analysis• The two phases of evolving competitive


AligningyourProjectstoOrganizationalStrategy• The alignment of culture with strategy• Project politics• Strategic project selection• Business system approach to project


AnEntrepreneurialApproachtoProjectManagement• Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial

characteristics• Entrepreneurial project management• Project business plans


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6183 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14618302Oct 8-9, 2014 ...................... 14618303Mar 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15618301

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

leading and managing High-Performing Project Teams

Project success hinges not only on the effectiveness of the project team and how well they work together, but also on the project manager’s ability to lead and manage the team and focus on people issues. Many project managers in the public and non-profit sectors have to lead teams without formal authority. This course provides a unique opportunity to develop core competencies in such people skills as improving self-understanding, assessing the effectiveness of others, team building, leadership, motivation, and conflict resolution. Participants gain a practical understanding of how to assess and sustain effective team performance throughout the project lifecycle, as well as how to identify and resolve key resource issues.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Develop strategies that help organizations develop high-performing teams

• Define criteria that help teams perform at a higher level

• Develop trust among team members• Involve others in team communication,

visioning, and decision making• Create team-building exercises that facilitate

team collaboration with limited leader involvement

• Manage challenging and dynamic issues that diminish team effectiveness

• Leverage innovative learning techniques that facilitate team member development

• Foster an effective team-building environment regardless of member proximity

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

LaunchingaNewProjectTeam• Leadership and management needs of a

newly-formed project team• Project human resource planning• Project vision and goals

• Standards and processes• Effective project kick-off meetings

BuildingaHigh-PerformingTeam• Stages of team development• Building trust and communication• Team decision making• Developing team member competence

TeamLeadership• Establish credibility as a project team leader• Apply leadership styles appropriate to each

team members’ developmental level• Developing team member competence

LeadingandManagingRemoteTeams• Complexity of leading and managing remote

teams• Key success factors• Techniques for leading and managing a

remote project team


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 157

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6162 2 days $1,239 Course 6662 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 4-5, 2014 ..................... 14616204Jun 15-16, 2015 ................. 15616202Washington, DCSep 18-19, 2014 ................. 14616203Feb 12-13, 2015 ................. 15616201

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6187 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 17-18, 2014 .................. 14618702Nov 3-4, 2014 ..................... 14618703Mar 16-17, 2015 ................. 15618701Jun 22-23, 2015 ................. 15618702

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Advanced

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

managing Stakeholder expectations and relationships

Recognizing stakeholders’ expectations is a critical element in managing successful projects, especially in these days of cross-functional, matrix-managed, and virtual or geographically dispersed teams. Managing stakeholder relationships is key to the success of projects. This course focuses on a stakeholder-based approach in projects and examines what it takes to actively and successfully build and manage relationships with stakeholders, focusing on identifying and meeting their needs, requirements, and priorities. Several key organizational issues around stakeholder management are also examined: power, influence, and authority.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Recognize the benefits of using a stakeholder-centric approach in projects

• Conduct a stakeholder analysis• Create a stakeholder management plan• Tailor a communication plan to meet the

diverse needs of different stakeholder types • Manage stakeholder expectations and

relationships• Create an on-the-job action plan

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

StakeholderManagementOverview• Identifying project stakeholders• The important role of stakeholders• A stakeholder-centric approach to projects

StakeholderAnalysis• Stakeholder analysis process• Stakeholder analysis matrix

StakeholderManagementPlanning• Building stakeholder support• Gaining stakeholder trust• Influence strategies for project stakeholders

StakeholderCommunications• The role of communication in stakeholder

management• Techniques for effective stakeholder

communications• Produce a tailored communication plan

StakeholderExpectations&Relationships• Implementing a stakeholder-centric model• Managing expectations and relationships

throughout the project lifecycle


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Strategic Portfolio and resource management

Having the right resources working on the right projects can make the difference between success and failure. Even if you do not select the projects that go in the portfolio, you must still prioritize the projects and assign resources. This course provides portfolio management tools and techniques to help you improve performance in your organization. Participants will apply processes and create deliverables of effective portfolio management practices.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Discuss the value of portfolio management• Identify and explain the portfolio

stakeholder roles and responsibilities• Describe the portfolio management process

groups• Implement a portfolio management process• Recognize tools and techniques for portfolio

management• Identify and balance resource needs across

the portfolio

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ProjectPortfolioandResourceManagement• What is project portfolio management?• Project portfolio stakeholders roles and

responsibilities• The role of the Project/Program

Management Office (PMO)/Program Executive Office (PEO)

DevelopingtheProjectPortfolioManagementStructure• Organizational objectives for setting up the

project portfolio • How to identify potential project portfolio

components• Strategies for selecting project portfolio


SelectingProjectPortfolioComponents• Developing a resource needs analysis• Determining resource strategies for

maximizing project portfolio performance• Balancing the project portfolio using

strategic resource management

PreparingtoManagetheProjectPortfolio• Appropriate metrics for measuring portfolio

performance• Selecting a project portfolio reporting


ManagingtheProjectPortfolio• Project portfolio performance reviews• Factors that cause change in the project

portfolio• Adjusting and rebalancing the portfolio• Adding new components to the project



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

158 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : C O R E P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6184 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 17-18, 2014 .................. 14618402Washington, DCNov 24-25, 2014 ................. 14618403Apr 13-14, 2015 ................. 15618401

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6138 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaOct 14-15, 2014 .................. 14613803Washington, DCAug 14-15, 2014 ................. 14613802Mar 16-17, 2015 ................. 15613801

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and case studies

assessing and recovering Troubled Projects

Project failures don’t usually happen suddenly — typically, projects decline over time. Identifying when a project is getting into trouble and taking corrective action is key to managing a successful project. Placing proper methods and controls into projects is considerably less expensive than recovery strategies or project write-offs. This course introduces participants to various tools, techniques, and methods needed to address both the human and process sides of successful project assessment and recovery.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply a proven process for assessing and recovering troubled projects

• Recognize symptoms of troubled projects• Rapidly perform an assessment of a troubled

project• Develop a project recovery plan• Apply proven techniques to recover a

troubled project• Overcome cultural challenges associated

with troubled projects• Use key metrics to measure the success of

the project recovery plan

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

OverviewoftheProjectAssessmentandRecoveryProcess• Causes and symptoms of troubled projects

DevelopinganAssessmentandRecoveryProjectCharter• Components of the assessment and recovery

process initiating phase• Developing an assessment and recovery

project charter

PlanningtheTroubledProject’sAssessment• The formation and goals of a “Tiger Team”• Documentation and collection of assessment


AssessingtheTroubledProject• Project assessment activities• Data analysis and team problem-solving tools• Project recovery options

DevelopingtheTroubledProject’sRecoveryPlan• The development of a recovery plan• Establishment of the assessment and

recovery project’s recovery baseline

ManagingProjectRecoveryandTransition• The execution of the assessment and

recovery project’s recovery plan

PreventingTroubledProjects• Early warning signs of troubled projects• Learning from failures


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

managing Complex Projects

This course introduces participants to the concepts, methods, and techniques that have been used to manage complex projects succesfully. It approaches project management from the standpoint of managing various projects from small and simple to large, high-uncertainty projects. Participants are introduced to a recommended process for managing complex projects that focuses on best practices documented in recent research.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Define and discuss project complexity management

• Apply a best practice framework for managing project complexity

• Develop management approaches for high-uncertainty projects

• Formulate management approaches for edge of chaos projects

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ComplexityandtheProjectEnvironment• Defining project complexity• Characteristics of complex projects• The drivers of project complexity• Approaches for managing complexity

BestPracticeFrameworkforManagingProjectComplexity• Reducing project complexity and

uncertainty• Stakeholder analysis• Project risk factors• Integrating the best practice framework into

managing projects

ManagingLargeProjects• Characteristics of large projects• Approaches for managing large projects

ManagingHighUncertaintyProjects• Characteristics of high-uncertainty projects• Approaches for managing high-uncertainty


ManagingEdgeofChaosProjects• Characteristics of edge of chaos projects• Approaches for managing edge of chaos



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : A g I L E & I T P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6136 4 days $1,829 Course 6636 4 days $1,829 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaDec 8-11, 2014 ................... 14613604May 11-14, 2015 ................ 15613602Washington, DCSep 8-11, 2014 ................... 14613603Feb 23-26, 2015 ................. 15613601

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 28Ceu CreDITS: 2.8ClP: 28

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Information Technology, Business Administration, or Project Management

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

managing IT Projects

This course addresses those project management challenges unique to Information Technology (IT). Apply effective techniques for initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing IT projects. Implement best practices to identify, analyze, and manage risks. Discover techniques for determining resource requirements and tools to track and control the project and discuss the pros and cons of different IT development methods. Learn proven best practices to complete your IT projects on schedule, within budget, and according to performance specifications to ensure stakeholder satisfaction.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply project management best practices to a spectrum of IT projects

• Define the scope of work for your IT project• Elicit requirements and manage them

throughout the project• Identify, assess, and manage risks that

threaten your projects• Estimate effort and cost of IT projects using

proven techniques• Establish baselines and address scope

change throughout the project lifecycle• Monitor, control, and report project status• Ensure project quality by using verification

and validation techniques• Document lessons learned for future projects

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ITProjectManagementOverview• Project cycles• Tailoring project cycles• Managing requirements

PlanningtheProject• Organizing the scope• Scheduling the project• Planning the budget• Planning for risk• Planning for communications• Planning for project change• Approving the project management plan• Creating the Performance Management

Baseline (PMB)

ManagingtheProject• Conducting verification and validation


ClosingtheProject• The importance of closing projects• The closing process


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group OnsiteCourse 6110 3 days $1,489 Course 6610 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCAug 11-13, 2014 ................. 14611003Apr 27-29, 2015 ................. 15611001Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Business

Management and Organization

• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Managing IT Projects

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management or Management

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

IT Project risk management

IT projects commonly confront the unknown, including new technology challenges. The new and unknown bring unique risks. Discover a comprehensive, proven method for project risk management to use throughout your project. Implement methods to track, control, and communicate risks throughout the IT project lifecycle.

NOTE: ACE will recommend credit for either Project Risk Management or IT Project Risk Management, it is unnecessary to take both courses.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Structure a realistic risk management plan• Implement practical methods for risk

identification• Perform qualitative and quantitative risk

analyses for your IT projects• Implement risk response strategies and

document them in the risk management plan• Identify key roles and responsibilities in risk

management• Integrate risk management techniques and

results into a balanced project management approach

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

RiskManagementOverview• Key risk terminology• The project risk management process

PlanRiskManagement• Probability and impact scales for risk analysis• The risk register

IdentifyRisks• Tools and techniques of risk identification

• Writing risk statements• Recording identified risks

PerformQualitativeRiskAnalysis• Prioritizing risks• Recording qualitative analysis results

PerformQuantitativeRiskAnalysis• Calculating expected monetary value• Decision trees• Three-point estimates• The benefits of the Monte Carlo Simulation

PlanRiskResponses• Selecting appropriate risk responses

MonitorandControlRisks• Techniques for monitoring and identifying

new risks• Implementing risk responses• Communicating risk results with key



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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : A g I L E & I T P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6010 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 21-23, 2014 ........................... 14601005Sep 3-5, 2014 .............................. 14601006Oct 27-29, 2014 ........................... 14601007Dec 15-17, 2014 .......................... 14601008Feb 18-20, 2015 .......................... 15601001Apr 27-29, 2015 .......................... 15601002Jun 3-5, 2015 .............................. 15601003

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • Strong knowledge of project

management fundamentals

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

agile Project management for the federal environment

Built from the ground up specifically for the Federal workforce, this course addresses the application of Agile project management methodologies to a Federal environment. The principles, advantages, and disadvantages of various Agile development methods will become clear to participants as they organize and take part in Scrum teams, and participate in role-play activities using Agile case studies from Federal organizations. In addition, participants will develop a detailed understanding of the implicit challenges of introducing an Agile framework in a Federal environment and will recognize the relationship of Agile to the acquisition process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Examine the differences between Agile project management and traditional project management

• Describe the philosophy and framework of Agile development

• Examine the principles and practices using Scrum as a primary Agile project management process

• Understand the challenges of implementing Agile within the Federal environment

• Discover what is needed to initiate an Agile project

• Demonstrate what is involved in planning an Agile project

• Examine what is involved when executing an Agile project

• Practice approaches for monitoring and controlling an Agile project

• Explain the steps involved in closing out an Agile project

• Discuss how to implement Agile project management into any organization

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

WhyAgile?• Agile popularity and success• Typical project failures and risks• Development approaches; incremental and


• Predictive vs. adaptive and where the different development approaches fall on the continuum

AgileDevelopment• History of Agile and Scrum• Agile Manifesto; 12 principles and four key

values for software development• Agile development methodologies used for

Agile project management• Acquisition using Agile and implementing

projects in iterations

ApplyingScrum• Scrum lifecycle/framework• Core principles of Scrum• Scrum roles and descriptions• Characteristics of high-performing teams and

their importance• Characteristics of self-organizing teams

InitiatingAgile• Typical and Federal initiation goals• Initiating process in Agile projects• Stakeholders and their involvement in the

initiation• Initiating lifecycle deliverables• Product vision and aligning it with mission

statement and strategic objectives• How to develop a Release Plan• Develop an Agile project charter

PlanningAgile• The universal applicability of planning goals• Planning process in Agile projects• Comparing typical vs. Agile planning• Planning lifecycle deliverables• Requirements definition in Agile• Developing a Product Backlog and user

stories• Determining user story prioritization based

on value, cost, and risk• Sprint planning including requirements

writing, estimating, velocity, and definition of done

ExecutinganAgileProject• The executing process in Agile projects• Performing a Scrum meeting• Scaling techniques for team size• Selecting team and roles• Characteristics of teams and boosting team

performance• Communication techniques for an Agile team

MonitoringandControllinganAgileProject• Monitoring and controlling in Agile projects• Monitoring and controlling lifecycle

deliverables and how/when they are used• How to develop change request strategies on

an Agile project• How to use risk response strategies on an

Agile project

ClosinganAgileProject• Closing process in Agile projects• How to conduct Sprint Review and Sprint

Retrospective meetings• Comparing typical, Agile, and Federal

closeout activities

ImplementingAgileintheFederalEnvironment• Organizational need for change to Agile• Challenges to implementing Agile in the

Federal environment• Forces of change and using a force field

analysis• Understanding the change process in order

to embrace successful change• How to develop a successful implementation



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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : A g I L E & I T P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6007 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCOct 30-31, 2014 .................. 14600703Feb 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15600701Jun 1-2, 2015 ..................... 15600702

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14 ClP: 14 Ceu CreDITS: 1.4

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, and class exercises

agile requirements: Creating user Stories

User Stories are the basis for defining the functions a business system must provide, and to facilitate requirements definition on an Agile project. User stories emphasize the needs of the customer in developing a product via story cards, personas, and role cards.

In this course Federal employees and contractors will learn story gathering techniques and how to map them using story boards. Release planning and backlog grooming will help participants prioritize user stories to insure the work being done is the work that is needed. In addition, the principles and techniques used to develop and estimate user stories will be discussed in class and reinforced through exercises and case studies.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the Agile Scrum framework• Describe the extended Scrum framework as

applied to an Agile project• Define the importance of user stories in

Agile projects• Demonstrate how user stories are used in a

Scrum project

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgileDevelopment• History of Agile and Scrum• Agile Manifesto; 12 principles and four key

values for software development• Agile development methodologies used for

Agile project management• Release planning

CreatingUserStories• Product vision and aligning it with mission

statement and strategic objectives• Defining user stories• Using user story templates• What to ask when creating user stories• Understanding epics

GatheringUserStorytechniques• Story gathering techniques• Story mapping• Creating an Agile storyboard• Using MOSCOW and INVEST• Creating story cards• 3 C’s of good stories• Agile task boards

ReleasePlanning,SprintPlanningandEstimating• Developing a product backlog and user

stories• Requirements definition in Agile• Determining user story prioritization based

on value, cost, and risk• Acceptance criteria• Sprint planning including prioritization,

estimating, velocity, and definition of done• Agile customer identification• Creating personas and role cards• Verifying user stories


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

group Onsite

Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6006 1/2 day

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 4• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 3.5 ClP: 3.5 Ceu CreDITS: 0.4

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, and class exercises

Transitioning to agile: a federal executive overview

As Federal interest in Agile continues to grow, it is helpful for executive leadership to know and understand how experienced users effectively follow this approach. As an executive or someone in a management role, adopting Agile methodologies will enhance and empower every project, task, and decision that takes place in your organization and in your day-to-day management.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Examine the differences between Agile project management and typical project management

• Adopt effective practices for strategic planning in your agency when preparing to implement Agile

• Gain organizational commitment• Identify effective practices for preparing for

Agile in your organization• Examine what is involved when executing

an Agile project• Identify effective practices during evaluation

of Agile projects• Review the unique challenges of

implementing Agile within the Federal environment

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgileDevelopment• Why Agile in a Federal environment?• Federal agency interest in Agile• Agile development methodologies • Doing vs. being Agile• Government Accountability Office’s (GAO’s)

32 effective practices in Agile

StrategicPlanning• Adopting an Agile strategy

• Agile success stories• Establishing a vision, preparing for change

OrganizationalCommitment• Empowering teams• Identifying Agile advocates

PreparationinAgile• Training• Understanding Agile methods• Creating conducive environments

Execution• Agile frameworks• Establishing iterations• Progress monitoring and backlogs• Boosting team performance

Evaluation• Stakeholder feedback • Seeking to identify and address impediments • Continuously improving Agile adoption

FederalChallengesinApplyingAgile• GAO’s 14 challenges when using Agile • Addressing key challenges


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

onSITe onlY

162 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

S e c t i o n H e a d e r

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6005 2 days $1,239 Course 6615 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaAug 18-19, 2014 ................. 14600506Dec 1-2, 2014 ..................... 14600509Mar 2-3, 2015 ..................... 15600502Washington, DCJul 8-9, 2014 ...................... 14600505Sep 22-23, 2014 ................. 14600507Oct 16-17, 2014 .................. 14600508Jan 22-23, 2015 ................. 15600501

Apr 8-9, 2015 ...................... 15600503May 28-29, 2015 ................ 15600504

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14ClP: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation and class exercises

Scrummaster: a federal approach

Built from the ground up specifically for the Federal workforce, this course addresses ScrumMaster principles applied to a Federal environment. With strong consideration given to existing Federal policies and processes, this class focuses on how the ScrumMaster can understand challenges to current processes and apply Scrum practices.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Build and manage a productive self-organizing development team

• Create fully functioning applications on time with effective Sprint and release planning

• Develop task boards and burndown charts to track progress of your projects

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

TheScrumFramework• Scrum lifecycle/framework• Core principles of Scrum

ScrumMasterRoles• ScrumMaster roles and descriptions • The product owner role and description • Chickens and pigs• Iterative development vs. waterfall• Building and managing a productive self-

organizing development team• Self-management concepts• GAO guide best practices in Agile

InitiatinginScrum• Typical Federal initiation goals• Federal stakeholders and their involvement

in initiation• Initiating lifecycle deliverables• How to develop a Release Plan

ScrumMasterPlanning• Developing a product backlog and User Stories• Daily Scrum meetings• Determining user story prioritization based

on value, cost, and risk• Sprint planning

ScrumMasterTechniques• Performing a Scrum meeting• Selecting team and roles• Federal execution challenges

MonitoringtheScrumProject• Tracking progress through burndown charts

and task boards• Monitoring and controlling lifecycle

deliverables and how/when they are used• Developing change request strategies• Risk response strategies• Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective

meetings• Closing processes and responsibilities

FederalLifecycleConsiderations• Lifecycle deliverables challenges• GAO’s 14 challenges with implementing Agile


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : A g I L E & I T P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6004 2 days $1,239 Course 6614 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCJul 10-11, 2014 .................. 14600403Oct 14-15, 2014 .................. 14600404Jan 20-21, 2015 ................. 15600401Apr 6-7, 2015 ...................... 15600402

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14ClP: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, and class exercises

Scrum Product owner: a federal approach

Agile development processes increase a project’s chance of success by emphasizing periodic guidance, frequent inspections, and the ability to make changes as the project progresses. This course explores the responsibilities and expectations of the Product Owner role on an Agile project.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Prepare to pass the Scrum Product Owner evaluation from the Scrum Alliance

• Recognize key responsibilities of an Agile Product Owner in a Federal environment

• Accurately plan sprints and estimate project delivery dates in order to keep the project moving forward

• Build your requirements document by managing and prioritizing the product backlog

• Work effectively on an Agile project with customers, users, and other Federal stakeholders

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgileScrumFramework• Federal Agile project successes• Predictive vs. adaptive (waterfall and iterative)

TheAgileScrumTeam• Team roles and responsibilities• Communication • Working with the Agile team• Challenges with Agile teams in Federal

environment• Government Accountability Office (GAO’s)

guide to effective Agile practices

ProductVisionandAgileDiscovery• Benefits of an effective vision statement• Release strategy and release plans• Agile project charter

ReleasePlan• Agile initiation and discovery• Agile requirements (features, stories, tasks)• Definitions of done, Sprints, and releases

ProductBacklog• User Stories and test cases• Developing/prioritizing user stories• Risk burndown charts

SprintPlan,Execution,andEvaluation• Sprint planning meeting• Velocity, capacity, timebox• Sprint burndown charts• Sprint review and retrospective

ChallengesfortheFederalProductOwner• Contract types• Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Guidance• GAO challenges and effective practices


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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : A g I L E & I T P R O J E C T M A N A g E M E N T

Preparing for the PmI agile Certified Practitioner (PmI-aCP)® exam

This course is designed for those preparing to take PMI’s Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® exam. Focus on the Agile process and framework based on information and resources outlined by PMI, and determine your readiness for taking the exam, identify your areas of strength and areas for improvement, and prepare to pass!

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Describe the basic philosophy and principles of Agile development and methodologies

• Illustrate how Agile principles and practices align with PMI’s basic project management fundamentals

• Implement value-driven delivery tasks throughout the Agile project lifecycle

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgilePrinciples,Practices,andValues• The benefits of using Agile methods for project

management and product development

AgileProjectManagement• The domains and tasks for the Agile

Certified Practitioner

Value-DrivenDelivery• Incorporating features and previous

experience to sharpen requirements • Prioritization as it relates to requirements

BoostingTeamPerformancePractices• Communication and collaboration to

improve team effectiveness

StakeholderEngagement• Collaboration, communication, and trust

amongst stakeholders in the Agile environment

AdaptivePlanning• The levels of planning that occur in Agile

project management

StandardsforContinuousImprovement(Product,Process,People)• Maintaining Agile project teams to ensure

efficiency and effectiveness

ProblemDetectionandResolution• Conducting risk management tasks

throughout the lifecycle of the project

ExamTips• Study tips and test-taking strategies


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6009 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

atlanta, GaOct 6-8, 2014 ...................... 14600907Denver, CoAug 4-6, 2014 ..................... 14600905Nov 17-19, 2014 ................. 14600908Washington, DCSep 15-17, 2014 ................. 14600906Dec 15-17, 2014 ................. 14600909Feb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15600901

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe: • Strong knowledge of

Agile project management fundamentals

CourSe formaT: Presentation and exam preparation

PmI-aCP® exam Prep Guarantee

If you take the PMI-ACP® Exam within 60 days of completing our course and don’t pass, retake our course for FREE! visit our website for details.

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6003 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCOct 23-24, 2014 .................. 14600303Mar 26-27, 2015 ................. 15600301Jun 22-23, 2015 ................. 15600302

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITeS: • Agile Project Management

for the Federal Environment• Introduction to Federal


• Contracting Officer’s Representative Course

• FAC-C or DAWIA Level I certified

CourSe formaT: Presentation, and class exercises

agile acquisition

This course is designed for the Federal acquisition workforce and addresses both Agile and Federal acquisition principles, with consideration given to existing Federal policies and processes. Participants will learn acquisition planning considerations in an Agile setting and risk assessment associated with Agile acquisition projects. The principles, advantages, and disadvantages of various Agile development methods will become clear to participants as they organize and take part in sample Federal acquisition scenarios and examples. After reinforcing a thorough understanding of the Agile approach, students will participate in role-play activities using Federally-based acquisition case studies. In addition, they will develop a detailed understanding of the implicit challenges of applying an Agile acquisition framework in a Federal environment.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Recognize key principles of Agile and apply them to an acquisition environment

• Identify the collaborative teaming nature of Agile projects

• Effectively plan an Agile acquisition• Effectively monitor, control, and report on

Agile acquisition projects• Identify best practices for consideration and


CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgileAcquisitionDefined• Why use an Agile acquisition approach

TheAgileContractingTeam• Selecting teams and roles

PlanninganAgileAcquisition• Traditional vs. Agile planning in the Federal

environment• Agile contract terms and conditions• Competition and source selection


• In-house contractor buy-in and resource alignment using an Agile approach

AgileContractingApproaches• FFP/CPF/IC/T&M• General Services Administration (GSA)

Schedules and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)

• Governmentwide acquisition contracts and governmentwide contracts

ExecutingAgileContracts• Progress tracking and oversight• Evaluating contractor performance

EffectiveAgileFederalPractices• Overcoming Agile challenges in the Federal

environment• GAO guide best practices in Agile• Risk response strategies on a Federal Agile



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Analyze. Design. Develop. implement. Evaluate.


It’s All About Your Team

When off-the-shelf training does not fit your team or organization's learning objectives, we can develop a customized curriculum that incorporates your organizational processes, vocabulary, situations, and case studies into a unique training experience.

how the Process Works:

Analyze: We assess your organization’s training and development needs, staff competency and skill levels, and your current processes.

Design: We design a customized solution that bridges the identified gaps.

Develop: Our skilled experts develop custom course materials, workbooks, job aids, and e-Learning tools.

implement: Our client engagement team and senior instructors work with your organization to deliver your custom program — wherever and whenever you need it.

Evaluate: We work hand-in-hand with you to evaluate participant feedback to determine the program's effectiveness and recommend follow-up actions that ensure the program continues to meet your team and organization's goals and objectives.


Veterans Affairs Acquisition Academy (VAAA)

Management Concepts executed a thorough assessment for VAAA to determine a baseline to design, develop, and implement a new FAC-P/PM training program for the entry, mid, and senior levels. At completion, participants found the combination of in-class learning with on-the-job application enhanced understanding and retention of the material.


u.S. department of Health and Human Services (dHHS)

Management Concepts performed a detailed assessment for DHHS in order to create a baseline that was used to design a competency model and flexible curriculum to develop and reinforce those competencies. The blended learning approach — which included online instruction, mentoring, on-the-job training, reading assignments, self-evaluations, and action planning — allowed participants to incrementally develop and demonstrate their newly acquired skills and knowledge on the job.

For more information about our customized solutions, visit www.ManagementConcepts.com/Custom.

For more information on these stories, visit



Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6310 3 days $1,489 Course 6710 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaSep 8-10, 2014 ................... 14631003Apr 20-22, 2015 ................. 15631002Washington, DCDec 15-17, 2014 ................. 14631004Jan 12-14, 2015 ................. 15631001

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Basic

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe CreDITreCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management, Management, Business Administration, or Information Technology

CourSe formaT:Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Principles of Business analysis

This course aligns with the BABOK® Guide and introduces techniques from project management to plan, manage, and communicate; requirements management to elicit, analyze, solicit, and verify requirements; and enterprise architecture to promote knowledge retention, reduction of complexity, and reuse.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand the change culture and framework of the organization

• Plan, manage, and communicate the business analysis activities

• Define business needs, goals, and objectives• Analyze the current state of models and the

feasibility of solution alternatives• Define, validate scope for the solution• Prepare a business case for the solution• Business requirements document• Select the appropriate requirements

verification and solution validation methods

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

BusinessAnalysisOverview• Business analysis and project management • Roles and responsibilities• Business analysis challenges

KnowledgeAreaOverview• Project management, software development,

and the new product lifecycle

EnterpriseAnalysis• Strategic planning• The use of scope definition tools

BusinessAnalysisPlanningandMonitoring• Stakeholder analysis• Requirements management planning

Elicitation• Requirements elicitation• Planning for elicitation

RequirementsAnalysis• Requirements specification• Requirements specification reviews

SolutionAssessmentandValidation• Updating and maintaining requirements• Verifying and validating the solution

RequirementsManagementandCommunication• The importance of tracing requirements• Techniques to approve requirements


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : B U S I N E S S A N A Ly S I S

agile Business analysis

This course focuses on a framework of tools, techniques, and tips that can be used to improve analysis on Agile projects. It provides participants with an understanding of the changing role of the business analyst, the tools and techniques best suited to Agile projects, and the timing for performing key tasks and events during the project. This course leverages core concepts from the BABOK® Guide, useful concepts from the IIBA® BABOK® Agile Extension draft, lean, Scrum, XP, and more.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand Agile and lean principles• Describe the Scrum framework as it applies

to an Agile business analyst• Understand requirements gathering and

collaboration techniques for Agile projects• Understand the role of the business analyst

for creating backlogs and estimates• Understand how enterprise analysis works

on Agile projects • Recognize Agile business analysis tools and

techniques to increase customer value

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AgileDevelopment• Agile and lean principles• Agile roles using the Scrum framework• Agile roles using elements from XP and

Kanban• Foundations of sequential and Agile software

development• Advantages and disadvantages of sequential

and Agile software development

AgileBestPractices• How enterprise analysis works on Agile


• How value is defined and reviewed on Agile projects

• What requirements really are; what an Agile requirement is

• How requirements fit into an Agile project• Knowledge areas of the BABOK® and the

BABOK® Agile Extension• How the BABOK® aligns and how it is

misinterpreted when applied in an Agile environment

AgileBusinessAnalysisToolsandTechniques• Business rules and processes on Agile

projects• How business analysis is involved in

improvement, regardless of software• Variations of analysis on Agile projects• Types of backlogs in Agile, their differences,

and how business analysis is involved• Types of estimates and how to estimate on

an Agile project• Utilizing business analysis techniques to

increase customer value via collaboration, analysis, and understanding


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6315 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 28-30, 2014 .................. 14631503Feb 9-11, 2015 ................... 15631501Washington, DCOct 6-8, 2014 ...................... 14631504May 4-6, 2015 .................... 15631502

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation and class exercises

166 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : B U S I N E S S A N A Ly S I S

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6311 3 days $1,489 Course 6711 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaAug 25-27, 2014 ................. 14631102Washington, DCOct 20-22, 2014 .................. 14631103Mar 11-13, 2015 ................. 15631101

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Project Management, Management, Business Administration, or Information Technology

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Crafting High-quality requirements

Both business and Information Technology (IT) professionals depend on effective requirement skills to define clear needs, analyze information to make informed decisions, and focus the recommendations (scope) based on value to the organization. Learn to identify, document, analyze, and track requirements throughout a project’s lifecycle and determine key roles and responsibilities in requirements analysis. Students will discover the importance of allocating and tracing requirements.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Differentiate between key elicitation techniques

• Create business solution problem domain models

• Document user interaction with usage models

• Tailor techniques to multiple project environments

• Develop use cases through an iterative approach

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

KeyBusinessSolutionConcepts• Value and challenges of requirements • Project management roles and business

analyst responsibilities

ElicitingRequirements• Elicitation techniques for gathering

requirements• Common focus of elicitation techniques• Elicitation challenges

AnalyzingRequirements• Requirements analysis activities• Key model types• Steps of the requirements analysis process

WritingRequirements• Recognizing good requirement statements• Writing good requirements

ConfirmingProjectScopewithUseCases• Processes for developing the model• Key use case elements

SpecifyingRequirementswithUseCases• The specification process• Key attributes for functional requirements• Specification techniques

DocumentingandValidatingRequirements• Documentation and validation deliverables

and best practices


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6312 3 days $1,489 Course 6712 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJun 8-10, 2015 ................... 15631202Washington, DCNov 17-19, 2014 ................. 14631203Feb 23-25, 2015 ................. 15631201

Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe or eXPerIenCe:• Crafting High-Quality

Requirements or equivalent knowledge

aCe CreDIT reCommenDaTIon:In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Information Technology or Business Administration

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Verifying and Validating the Solution

This course teaches students to leverage requirements to determine the optimal product design to satisfy the customer’s needs, and learn to reduce conflict, decrease defects, and increase customer satisfaction through implementation of requirements validation processes. Students will discover how to manage the requirements baseline throughout the product development and testing phases.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Understand the fundamentals and best practices for solution assessment and validation

• Capture and document transitional requirements

• Finalize all requirements and prepare for solution assessment and validation

• Determine how closely the proposed solution meets stakeholder and solution requirements

• Achieve customer acceptance of the constructed solution

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

FundamentalsofSolutionAssessment&Validation(SA&V)• Purpose and goals for each SA&V task• SA&V tasks within the product development

lifecycle• Delivery approaches • Benefits and challenges of SA&V

DevelopingTransitionalRequirements• The scope of transitional requirements• Process gap analysis and flow charts

PreparingforSA&V• Components of a requirements management

plan• Requirements baselines• Requirements traceability matrix

AllocatingRequirementsandAssessingtheProposedSolution• The scope of assessing the proposed solution

and allocating requirements• Requirements packages• Business requirements document

AssessingOrganizationalReadiness• Steps to assess organizational readiness• Determining operational readiness• Best practices

PerformingSolutionValidation• Phases and approaches to solution validation• User Acceptance Testing (UAT) phase

management• Solution performance evaluation


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : B U S I N E S S A N A Ly S I S

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6303 3 days $1,489 Course 6703 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJun 17-19, 2015 ................. 15630302Washington, DCAug 4-6, 2014 ..................... 14630303Dec 3-5, 2014 ..................... 14630304Mar 16-18, 2015 ................. 15630301Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Basic

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Project management Skills for Business analysts

Learn the essential project management concepts and skills to effectively create business analysis planning deliverables and manage the requirements process.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the relationship between project management and business analysis

• Apply the steps of the Development Lifecycle (DLC)

• Use and tailor standard project cycles in the planning and management of projects

• Apply scope management processes to create and manage the requirements

• Apply time management processes to create and manage a valid, defensible schedule for business analysis activities

• Apply cost management processes to create and manage a budget for business analysis activities

• Apply communications management processes to manage information

• Apply risk management processes to manage requirement risks

• Create an on-the-job action plan

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

DefiningtheProject• Project and product scope• Components of a requirements charter

UsingProjectCyclestoManageRequirementRisks• Project management cycle• Selecting a development approach

TheValueofPlanning• Planning the business analyst’s deliverables

DevelopingDefensibleSchedules• Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)• Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)• Baselining the schedule

DeterminingCostEstimatesforRequirements• Estimating costs for requirements• Prioritizing requirements

ThePowerofEffectiveCommunication• The communications plan

ReducingRequirementRisks• Common requirements risk• Preparing a risk response plan

ManagingtheBusinessAnalyst’sActivities• Managing change to scope and requirements• Managing the schedule, costs,

communications, and risks• Documenting lessons learned


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Building Business Cases

Proposed solutions are required to explain the value they bring to the organization. Traditional solution definition techniques focus more on design than on business value and, therefore, fall short of fulfilling the intended business needs. Learn how to justify the business value of your proposed solution to the organization and to demonstrate how it aligns to the mission goals and objectives.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify the framework for completing an analysis

• Describe the components of a business and technology assessment

• Explain techniques used in assessing risk• Discuss the relationship between estimating

and prioritization• List ways to estimate the benefits of a project• Categorize benefits• Describe various techniques for calculating a

project’s value

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

AnalysisFramework• The Project Genesis model• The study process

BusinessandTechnologyAssessment• Conducting background analysis• Determining the strategy for your project

RiskAssessment• The risk management process• Ways to use a risk questionnaire• Prioritizing and documenting risks

Prioritization• Ways to prioritize projects• Using forecasting in prioritization• Methods of estimating

DocumentingtheBusinessCase• The purpose of the financial assessment• The documentation process• The components of a business case

EstimatingtheBenefits• The cost/benefit analysis• Common costing issues• Ways to estimate the project

AnalyzingBenefits• Analysis factors and benefit categories• Completing a benefit analysis• Presentation techniques• Calculating the present value of a project• Cost/benefit follow-up activities


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom group Onsite Course 6314 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Washington, DCSep 29-30, 2014 ................. 14631402Apr 2-3, 2015 ...................... 15631401

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 14PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

168 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : B U S I N E S S A N A Ly S I S

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6305 3 days $1,489 Course 6705 3 days $1,489 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaJul 7-9, 2014 ...................... 14630502Washington, DCDec 29-31, 2014 ................. 14630503Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1ClP: 21

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

leadership and Communication Skills for Business analysts

Effective leadership in business analysis requires collaboration, consensus, communicating for results, and shared leadership. Sharpen the leadership skills required to serve as an effective liaison between the business community and the development team. Learn techniques that maximize your leadership style and advance your business analysis career. Develop skills that help increase customer satisfaction and promote product development efficiencies. Gain hands-on experience in analyzing stages of team development and maximizing user involvement and ownership.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Improve your leadership competencies throughout the entire solution development lifecycle

• Address challenges and pitfalls in working with and leading business analysis teams

• Effectively manage the conflict inherent in all projects

• Discover ways to communicate when discussing unclear user needs

• Implement techniques that enable your teams to achieve high performance

• Develop strategies to objectively handle the inevitable politics related to your project

• Attain buy-in and commitment from key stakeholders

• Apply appropriate negotiation skills to solve problems efficiently

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

LeadershipandtheBusinessAnalyst• Business analyst as leader

ManagingPoliticsandStakeholders• Stakeholder management plan

EffectiveCommunication• Business analysis communications plan

UsingtheMyers-BriggsTypeIndicator(MBTI®)• Your MBTI® type• Working more effectively using the MBTI®

EffectiveTeams• Role of the business analyst in teams• Overcoming barriers to team performance

DecisionMaking,ProblemSolving,andConflictResolution• Team decision-making methods• Problem-solving process• Conflict management approaches

NegotiatingSolutions• Negotiation and the business analyst• Central tenets of negotiation• Power and influence


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

facilitation Skills for Business analysts

Successful projects require collaboration among all stakeholders, which must be planned and facilitated throughout the project. This course is designed for business and Information Technology (IT) professionals who want to learn how to plan, manage, and achieve expected results from a facilitated event. Facilitation Skills for Business Analysts will help you develop facilitation skills to build teams, reach true consensus, and manage productive facilitated events.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Recognize the value and benefits of effective facilitation

• Implement a comprehensive facilitation process

• Plan different types of facilitated events• Use facilitation techniques that will

successfully open an event, engage participants, generate ideas, organize information, and reach consensus

• Manage various group behaviors using proven facilitation techniques

• Practice facilitation techniques for managing the decision-making process

• Develop an action plan for implementation back on the job

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

FacilitationConcepts• The value and benefits of effective

facilitation for the business analyst• Individual facilitation skills

TheFacilitationProcess• The five-step facilitation process• The purpose of creating an agenda

– Event agendas – Facilitator agendas

CreatingParticipation• Techniques to create participation• Facilitation tools and techniques:

– Idea generation – Organizing data – Analysis – Planning – Process improvement

ManagingDecisions• Decision-making methods and techniques• Bringing members to a decision

ManagingBehaviors• How to identify dysfunctional behaviors in

an event• Techniques for managing dysfunctional



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Instructor-led live Classroom Instructor-led Online group Onsite Course 6304 2 days $1,239 Course 6704 2 days $1,239 Call for info 888.545.8575

Tysons Corner, VaApr 23-24, 2015 ................. 15630402Washington, DCNov 3-4, 2014 ..................... 14630403Jan 26-27, 2015 ................. 15630401Instructor-led onlineSee web for dates

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 14PDu CreDITS: 14Ceu CreDITS: 1.4ClP: 14

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

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analyzing and Documenting Business Processes

In these fast-moving times of highly competitive challenges, the business analyst must be prepared to analyze the business itself — not just the software and hardware — to uncover inefficiency, redundancy, and other opportunities to improve the process of delivering a quality product. One of the primary roles of the business analyst is to examine current business processes to determine where these inefficiencies lie to find the source of business problems. This course addresses the acquisition of information to determine the business process, analytical techniques aimed at defining the business problem, and modeling techniques for diagramming business processes.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Identify business processes and their components

• Identify and document the organization’s workflows and processes

• Diagram the business process in the problem domain

• Acquire information from the business community that will define the business process and the problems that may exist with that process

• Analyze the business process to determine problems

• Document the process to expose inefficiencies and solve problems

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The business process in context• Defining and documenting the business

process• Understand the levels of business process

analysis• Learn how to create the information

gathering plan and diagram the paper flow• Understand business process modeling

using use cases• Learn how to create a workflow diagram• Analyze the process analysis; look for

weaknesses and understand the impact analysis

• Project evaluation and termination


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

CBaP® exam Preparation

This comprehensive workshop is designed to help participants prepare for taking the IIBA® CBAP® certification examination. It begins with an overview of the CBAP® certification process and a pre-assessment to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses so they can focus on their studying. Although this workshop is not intended to teach business analysis fundamentals, it does emphasize key concepts in each of the six knowledge areas and contains group exercises in which you can apply some of the more critical concepts to your work in business analysis. Each module concludes with sample review questions formatted similarly to the actual exam. The goal of this workshop is to ensure that you will recognize the critical components of the exam and provide a roadmap for you to sit for it successfully.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Successfully sit for the CBAP® exam• Identify strengths and weaknesses in your

understanding of A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide) and related material

• Create a support system for passing the test• Maximize the use of time when preparing to

take the CBAP® exam• Recognize critical business analysis terms

and concepts• Describe the key elements of each of the six

knowledge areas• Describe the interactions among the

knowledge areas and underlying competencies

• Determine critical vs. non-critical study areas

• Avoid common pitfalls associated with taking the exam

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• CBAP® overview• An overview of the BABOK® Guide• Business analysis planning and monitoring• Elicitation• Management and communication• Enterprise analysis• Requirements analysis• Solution assessment and validation• Underlying competencies• Study tips


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6306 4 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 32• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 28PDu CreDITS: 28Ceu CreDITS: 2.8ClP: 28

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT:Presentation and exam preparation

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6307 3 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services • Course Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 21PDu CreDITS: 21ClPS: 24CeuS: 2.1

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Principles of Business


CourSe formaT:Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

onSITe onlYneW!

Participants will receive a copy of A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide).

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170 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : B U S I N E S S A N A Ly S I S

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6309 2 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 14PDu CreDITS: 14ClPS: 16CeuS: 1.4

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Principles of Business


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

use Case modeling for Business analysts

The use case is a method for documenting the behavior between the user and the system. They were originally intended as aides to software design in object-oriented approaches. Now the method is used throughout the Solution Development Lifecycle (SDL) from elicitation to test case specification and is applied to structured and object-oriented software development approaches. This course identifies how to apply use cases to the processes of defining the problem domain through elicitation, analyzing the problem, defining the solution, and confirming the validity and usability of the solution.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply the use case method to define the problem domain and discover the conditions that cause problems in the business process

• Employ use cases in the analysis of requirements and information to create a solution to the business problem

• Translate use cases into requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• Use case overview• Elicitation with use cases• Use case diagrams and descriptions• Analyzing with use cases• Evaluating and analyzing functional

requirements• Use case extensions• Extension points• Use case chaining• Coming up with the requirements


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6308 2 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 16• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Level: Intermediate

PD/CDu CreDITS: 14PDu CreDITS: 14ClPS: 16CeuS: 1.4

SuGGeSTeD PrerequISITe:• Principles of Business


CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, case studies, and final exam

Data modeling for Business analysts

Data modeling is a classic method of designing systems that describes the static structural view of the system under development. The principles of data modeling have been carried forward into class and object modeling in the object-oriented world. Business analysts use data modeling to understand the interconnections of data in the applications and solutions they propose. While they may not actually create data models, a job relegated to the data analysts or database administrators, the business analyst needs to be able to read and understand the basic data modeling diagrams to confirm and validate the findings. This course introduces the concepts of data modeling that can be applied to any system under development regardless of the database system or development methodology.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Apply the concepts of data: entities and relationships

• Use data modeling to analyze the business problem to produce a data-based solution and analyze solutions for validity and feasibility

• Relate the checks and balances of the data modeling metaphor to the problem-solving process

• Use basic Structured Query Language (SQL) and relational database operations

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

• The concept of the database• Entity-relationship modeling • Creating and applying the data model • Application of design principles • Relational operations and SQL • Analyze with the data model


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : B U S I N E S S A N A Ly S I S

About FAC-P/PMWe are updating our FAI-approved courses to comply with new competencies.While we continue to offer exceptional FAC-P/PM courses for our Federal students, our new and updated content will do even more to prepare you for FAC-P/PM certification:

•Our new leadership online module, The Federal Acquisition Environment meets competencies in decision support system and system management

•We’ve got new case studies, on-the-job materials, and best practices tools and checklists

•Our optional onlinepre-assessmentfortheentryandmidlevels captures knowledge gaps and easily identifies your priority learning areas prior to training

•Take advantage of our post-trainingcoachingsessions for students at the entry and mid levels as well as those who attend an onsite FAC-P/PM training session

•We’ve built a new blended learning approach for the senior level that features a mandatory pre-assessment to identify recommended reading prior to training so you can make the most of your in-class time

For more information about our FAC-P/PM offerings and to view our Curriculum Matrix, visit



This course provides an introduction to the acquisition process from inception (determining the requirements) through the market research phases and preparing the solicitation.

Acquisition I (Course 6871) 3 days

This course provides the foundation for the application of project management principles in a Federal environment, helping you obtain knowledge, tools, techniques, and best practices to successfully manage a project from initiation to final closeout.

Project Management I (Course 6875) 3 days

This course provides the foundation for effective use of cost estimating, financial management, and Earned value Management (EvM) on projects.

earned Value Management & Cost estimating I (Course 6872) 3 days

This course will equip you with the necessary leadership and professional skills to effectively manage projects within a team environment.

leadership and Professional Skills I (Course 6874) 2 days

This course is a capstone conclusion for the entry-level professional and provides the foundation for those aligned skills that are government-specific.

government Specific I (Course 6873) 3 days



This course addresses the Federal acquisition process from issuing the solicitation and performing source selection through managing the contract.

Acquisition II (Course 6881) 2 days

This course allows you to develop the skills and competencies to successfully manage agency projects. Participants will use a threaded case study to understand the challenges of managing in a government agency.

Project Management II (Course 6885) 3 days

This course prepares senior professionals to use resources and acquisition policies and regulations in planning, programming, budgeting, and contracting processes. Learn the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 process, assess a business case analysis, and implement a business strategy from needs identification to final contract closeout.

Acquisition Policy Planning, Programming & Budgeting for Program Managers (Course 6892) 4 days

This course prepares senior professionals for the dynamic, interdisciplinary nature of the program management environment. Learn to apply systems-level thinking to gain maximum impact from the interrelationship of products, people, resources, tools, and functions.

Integrated Program Management & Key Acquisition Topics for Program Managers (Course 6893) 4 days

This course provides an environment for mastering advanced techniques for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reporting on project progress and performance. Senior professionals learn how to maximize their performance management system with advanced software tools and analysis techniques.

Program Performance Measurement & Acquisition reporting for Program Managers (Course 6894) 4 days

This course prepares senior professionals to anticipate key issues that can inhibit a program from moving forward, and develop appropriate strategies to shape the environment in order to meet agency needs.

Acquisition Strategy environment for Program Managers (Course 6891) 4 days

This course is designed to increase effectiveness in implementing Earned value Management (EvM), cost estimating, and financial management on programs and projects.

earned Value Management & Cost estimating II (Course 6882) 3 days

This course is designed to build the leadership skills necessary to manage and lead high-performing program and/or project teams.

leadership and Professional Skills II (Course 6884) 2 days

This course is particularly valuable for individuals who are interested in the systematic integration and application of project/program management topics and with a focus on the roles and issues of the project/program manager in the Federal environment.

government Specific II (Course 6883) 2 days


P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : S y S T E M S E N g I N E E R I N g

onSITe onlY onSITe onlY

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6552 3 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21ClP: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and final exam

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6551 3 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 21ClP: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and final exam

fundamentals of Systems engineering

This course equips systems engineering participants with the knowledge and basis for making decisions necessary to manage technical projects. Systems engineers learn effective communication, baseline management, and progressive technical control gates. The course introduces the concept of project cycles and explains their role in the orderly maturation of an organizations product or service, and describes artifacts typically produced in the development of a technical solution.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Explain the concept and importance of systems thinking

• Describe systems integrity and project integrity • Explain how to achieve clarity of action • Understand how preferences impact

valuation and assists in making tradeoffs • Describe the concept of project value • Align stakeholder values and identify

technical opportunities and risks • Determine opportunity and risk

management actions based on enhancement and mitigation leverage

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

SystemsThinking• Overview of key systems terminology• Strategies for balancing competing demands• Viewing systems in hierarchical manner• Characteristics of systems thinkers• Techniques that promote systems thinking

SystemsEngineeringRolesandResponsibilities• Systems engineering trends and issues in

various agency environments• Project management and systems

engineering roles• Role of the systems engineer in agency projects

• Desired characteristics and competencies of a systems engineer

OrganizingandManagingSystemsEngineeringFunctions• Allocating systems engineering functions

within the project team• Issues in allocation of systems engineering

responsibilites• Orchestrating the technical teams• Concurrent engineering practices• Considerations for successful completion of

the systems engineering process• Integrated Project Teams (IPTs)

and Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)

SystemsEngineeringProcess• Value of systems engineering process• Development tactics overview• Key terms in development and delivery

SystemsEngineeringManagementPlan(SEMP)• SEMP definition and key characteristics• Steps to preparing the SEMP


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Systems requirements analysis

This course covers the process of having no requirements categorized and structured, along with a supporting concept selection. Participants will learn techniques for eliciting requirements from users and stakeholders, also for grouping and categorizing requirements into musts and wants with weights. This course also provides direction for resolving ambiguous requirements, and for configuring requirements to facilitate concept selection.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Work with users and stakeholders to establish requirements and constraints

• Understand the difference in musts, wants, solutions, and expectations

• Resolve ambiguous or incomplete requirements

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ElicitingStakeholder’sExpectations• Techniques for identifying types of project

stakeholders relevant to technical solutions• Managing stakeholder involvement through

the solution development process

AnalyzingStakeholderCandidateRequirements• Identifying and expressing candidate


DefineUserConceptofOperations(CONOPS)• Determining system boundaries and external

interfaces for the solution

DevelopingSolutionSelectionCriteria• Techniques for establishing relative

importance of solution wants• Applying benefit/cost analysis and Cost As

an Independent Variable (CAIV)

ConductingFunctionandPerformanceAnalyses• Differentiating among alternative methods

for expressing system behavior• Using modeling techniques to express

system behavior• Requirements derivation and allocation


ManagingTechnicalRisksDuringRequirementsDevelopment• Role of Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)• Developing a technical risk philosophy• Technical Performance Measurement (TPM)• Risk management and the SEMP

RequirementsBaselineManagement• Overview of requirements baseline

management• Key systems engineering artifacts

ImplementingConfigurationManagement• Comparing baseline management to

configuration management• Overview of best practices for implementing

change management


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

174 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

P r o j e C T & P r o G r a m m a n a G e m e n T : S y S T E M S E N g I N E E R I N g

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6554 3 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Basic

PDu CreDITS: 21ClP: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and final exam

group Onsite Call for info 888.545.8575 Course 6553 3 days

naSBa CPe CreDITS: 24• Field of Study: Management

Advisory Services• Course Level: Intermediate

PDu CreDITS: 21ClP: 21Ceu CreDITS: 2.1

PrerequISITeS:• None

CourSe formaT: Presentation, class exercises, and final exam

Systems Integration, Verification, and Validation

This course describes how to plan, manage, and implement integration, verification, and validation at all levels of decomposition to ensure both the right solution is being built and that the solution is being built correctly. You will learn how to stay abreast of the technical progress of your projects under development in-house or at suppliers.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• How integration, verification, qualification, certification, and validation help ensure project success

• The importance of risk and the risk philosophy to integration, verification, qualification, certification, and validation

• The comparison of in-process and big bang approaches

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ApplyingSystemsEngineeringPrinciplesinIntegration,Verification,&Validation(IV&V)• Overview of system engineering

fundamental principles relevant to IV&V• Overview of key terms in IV&V• Key issues that drive IV&V• Role of risk philosophy in the approach to


ApplyingSystemIntegrationPractices• Issues related to interfaces and intrafaces in

system integration and verification• Role of the PBS in system integration• Typical project system integration issues• Integration planning and implementation

process• Benefits of performing integration activities• Overview of integration best practices

ApplyingSystemVerificationPractices• Verification categories and objectives• Typical project system verification issues• Verification organizational structure• Overview of the four methods of verification• Benefits of performing verification activities

ApplyingSystemValidationPractices• Overview of the validation process• Benefits of performing validation activities• In-process validation• Project-completion validation

ManagingIV&VActivities• Managing system and subsystem interfaces• Key interface specification terminology• Managing technical organizational interfaces

during IV&V• Process for managing IV&V anomalies• Using traceability for IV&V planning and



Project & Program management Certificate Programs

Systems architecture and Concepts

This course describes the process for concepts and architecture selection based on weighted criteria and trade analysis. You will learn that the ultimate costs of a project is largely determined by early technical decisions, especially the solution concept and that ongoing project success is based on sound decisions at every level of decomposition. Students also learn that key among these is the selection of concepts and architectures that make of the solution.

learnInG oBjeCTIVeS:

• Prepare for concept selection • Conceive alternate concepts • Consider Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS)

and Non-Developmental Item (NDI) in concept selection

CourSe ToPICS InCluDe:

ConceptandArchitectureDevelopmentProcess• Overview of solution concept• Overview of architecture and the Product

Breakdown Structure (PBS)• Decomposition and definition process• Analyzing the project requirements, context

of implementation, and the project’s critical success factors

ProjectDevelopmentScope,Risk,andComplexity• Conceiving and selecting concepts• Sources of solution concepts• Methods for translating requirement into

concept• Translating requirement into alternative

system concept• Creating concept candidates that meet

project development and delivery tactics

• Alternative decision-making procedures in making a decision

• Using the Kepner-Tregoe Analysis to select among concept candidates

• Artifacts for solution concept communication

ConceivingandSelectingArchitectures• Hierarchical concepts and architecture

development• Solution development process• Techniques for reducing development cost• Creating architectures to meet non-

functional requirements• Advantages and risks of COTS and NDI

hardware and software

AllocatingFunctions&PerformancetoLowerLevelEntities• Functional allocation to lower-level element• Allocating functional and nonfunctional

requirements• Requirements assignment to lower-level

elements• Allocating a lower level operational concept


Project & Program management Certificate Programs

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management Concepts Press, the publishing division of Management Concepts, offers an array of publications designed with the needs of the Federal professional in mind. We hand-select each author for their professional expertise and real-life experiences, ensuring that our readers get the knowledge they need to improve individual and organizational performance.

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William J. Rothwell, PhD, SPHR, CPLP Fellow, Aileen g. zaballero, CPLP, and Jong gyu Park, MBA, Editors

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Credits and Professional Certification Training

Many of the courses presented in this catalog meet the standards and requirements of the leading industry organizations detailed below. Students seeking to

earn credentials or recognition from these organizations, such as college and continuing education credit and professional certification, can select from a broad array of offerings to further their professional development.

College CreditTHe amerICan CounCIl on eDuCaTIon’S ColleGe reCommenDaTIon SerVICe (aCe CreDIT)

The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has evaluated and recommended college credit for many of

Management Concepts courses. The American Council on Education, the major coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education institutions, seeks to provide leadership and a unifying voice on key higher education issues and to influence public policy through advocacy, research, and program initiatives.

ACE CREDIT connects workplace learning with colleges and universities by helping adults gain access to academic credit at colleges and universities for formal courses and examinations taken in the workplace or other settings outside traditional higher education.

For more than 30 years, colleges and universities have trusted ACE CREDIT to provide reliable course equivalency information to facilitate their decisions to award academic credit. For more information, visit the ACE CREDIT website www.acenet.edu/credit.

Continuing EducationnaTIonal aSSoCIaTIon of STaTe BoarDS of aCCounTanCY (naSBa) CPe CreDITMany of Management Concepts courses meet the professional certification and continuing education requirements for students seeking Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. NASBA CPE credit information will be detailed on the individual pages of courses meeting these requirements.

Management Concepts is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State

boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website www.learningmarket.org.

Prerequisites and/or advanced preparation, if applicable, will be identified in the individual course descriptions.

Student complaints will be handled in accordance with our Satisfaction Guarantee.

GenerallY aCCePTeD GoVernmenT auDITInG STanDarDS (GaGaS) CPe CreDITOur live classroom and instructor-facilitated online (asynchronous) grants courses meet the standards for Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) CPE credits, as established by the Government Accountability Office, Guidance on GAGAS Requirements for Continuing Professional Education, April 2005.

Professional Certification TrainingManagement Concepts provides training to prepare you for the following professional certifications and credentials:

feDeral aCquISITIon InSTITuTe’S (faI) feDeral aCquISITIon CerTIfICaTIonS

The Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) is responsible for Federal civilian agency workforce development. FAI is charged through OFPP and OMB with responsibility for development and oversight of the implementation of civilian agency certification programs, including one

for contracting personnel referred to as the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting, or FAC-C, one for technical personnel called FAC-COR, and one for project and program managers called FAC-P/PM. Management Concepts offers a variety of courses (including those with DAU-equivalency and ACE Credit recommendations) to help you address the FAC-C, FAC-COR, and FAC-P/PM training requirements in your agency. To learn more, please call 888.545.8575.

Hr CerTIfICaTIon InSTITuTe (HrCI) CreDITThe HR Certification Institute (HRCI), established in 1976, is an internationally recognized certifying organization for the human resource profession. Today, more than 120,000 HR professionals worldwide proudly maintain the HR Certification Institute’s

credentials as a mark of high professional distinction. The HR Certification Institute is a global leader in developing rigorous exams to demonstrate mastery and real-world application of forward-thinking HR practices, policies, and principles.

Management Concepts, in collaboration with the Society for Human Resource Management, offers courses where participants are eligible to earn recertification

hours to maintain credentials.

The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.

178 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Endorsed EducationProviderTM

naTIonal ConTraCT manaGemenT aSSoCIaTIon (nCma) CerTIfICaTIon

The National Contract Management Association (NCMA) recognizes that professionals in the contract management, acquisition, and procurement fields are

continually challenged to improve their skills and increase their occupational performance, so they have entered into educational partnerships with organizations like Management Concepts. If you are an NCMA member, you can apply course completion hours from training successfully completed with Management Concepts towards NCMA Certification.

CerTIfIeD GoVernmenT fInanCIal manaGer (CGfm)The CGFM Training Series provides you with a broad base of knowledge in auditing, accounting, financial management, and budgeting. These courses provide the advanced

knowledge and instill the confidence you need to sit for each of the three examinations required as part of the Association of Government Accountants’ CGFM program.

CerTIfIeD DefenSe fInanCIal manaGer (CDfm)Management Concepts is licensed to deliver the American Society of Military Comptroller’s (ASMC) Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC). The EDFMTC supports preparation for the CDFM examinations.

CerTIfIeD GoVernmenT auDITInG ProfeSSIonalS® (CGaP®)

The Certified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®) designation demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the unique features of public-sector auditing.

CerTIfIeD InTernal auDITor® (CIa®) The Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) designation is the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors and remains the standard by which individuals

demonstrate their competency and professionalism in the internal auditing field. Candidates leave the program enriched with educational experience, information, and business tools that can be applied immediately in any organization or business environment.

ProjeCT manaGemenT InSTITuTe (PmI) CerTIfICaTIonSProject Management Institute (PMI) is the leading non-profit professional association in project management, establishing standards and providing

professional certification—highly sought after by today’s competitive organizations. Management Concepts students receive Professional Development Units (PDUs), as required by PMI, to obtain the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) or Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification and re-certification.

You are required to verify at least 23 contact hours of specific instruction addressing learning objectives in project management to apply for CAPM® certification and 35 contact hours to apply for PMP® certification. As a PMI® Charter Global Registered Education Provider (REP), Management Concepts project management courses satisfy this requirement. www.pmi.org.

PMP, CAPM, PMBOK, and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

DefenSe aCquISITIon unIVerSITY (Dau) equIValenCYWe offer DAU equivalency for many of the DAWIA and FAC-C certification courses. Check our website for a complete list. We recommend you consult your ACM or

DACM for guidance on which courses you should take.

InTernaTIonal InSTITuTe for BuSIneSS analYSIS (IIBa®)The IIBA® is the independent non-profit professional association

serving the growing field of business analysis. In whatever role, whether its requirements management, systems analysis, business analysis, requirements analysis, project management, or consulting, IIBA® develops and maintains the standards for the practice of business analysis and for the certification of its practitioners.

As a Charter Endorsed Education Provider (EEP™) of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Management Concepts business analysis curriculum is consistent with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK® Guide). When you enroll and successfully complete Management Concepts business analysis and underlying fundamental courses, you will be able to apply the hours to meet the 21 hours of professional development required to receive the Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP®). Refer to the IIBA® website for guidance related to the CBAP®: www.iiba.org.

Management Concepts business analysis courses provide Continuing Development Units (CDUs) for students preparing for, or maintaining, their CBAP® certification.

IIBA®, the IIBA® logo, BABOK® and Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® are registered trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.

CBAP® is a registered certification mark owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.

Certified Business Analysis Professional, EEP and the EEP logo are trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.

CP-11CP-11, the Army Comptroller Civilian Career Program, helps ensure consistent workforce education, training, and professional development. The CP-11 Mandatory Course icon indicates that the course is mandatory for the

Multi-Discipline Financial Analyst, Intern/Entry Level.



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registration Information for open enrollment ClassesEnrolling in a ClassTo enroll in a class, you must sign up for the class and either pay the class tuition or submit fully executed payment paperwork prior to the class start date. See the Payment section below for more details.

If you do not have tuition payment or payment information at the time you desire to enroll, we will place you in a reservation status until payment or fully executed payment paperwork is received. Reserved seats are not guaranteed and may be forfeited at any time prior to receipt of payment or payment paperwork. Classsizesarelimited,sowerecommendenrollingearlytoguaranteeaplaceintheclass.

How to EnrollonlIne: www.ManagementConcepts.com/Training/


PHone: 888.545.8577

faX: 703.790.1371

maIl: Management Concepts Attn: Open Enrollment Registration 8230 Leesburg Pike, Suite 800 Tysons Corner, VA 22182Download the enrollment application at www.ManagementConcepts.com/Application

PaymentTuition payment or fully executed payment paperwork is preferred at the time you sign up for a class, but due no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the start of the class. You will not be enrolled in a class until payment or executed payment paperwork is received. Instead, you will be placed in a reservation status for the class.

To enroll in a class less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to its start date, you must submit payment or fully executed payment paperwork upon signing up for the class.

For online classes, tuition payment or fully executed and signed payment is required prior to access to the online class.

Methods of payment include:• Creditcards(VISA,MasterCard,andAmericanExpress)• Checks,MoneyOrders,orCashiersChecks• Fullyexecuted,authorizedandsignedPurchaseOrder


• Fullyexecuted,authorizedandsignedGovernmentTraining Form (e.g., SF 182, DD Form 1556)

To avoid confirmation delays, please ensure that your registration number or invoice number accompanies your payment.

Enrollment and Class ConfirmationYou will receive an enrollment acknowledgment via email within three days of enrolling in a class. This does not mean the class will occur. You will receive a class confirmation via email up to 3 weeks prior to the class start date confirming that the class will be held. Nonrefundable travel reservations should not be made before receiving class confirmation. Accommodations and meals are not included in the tuition fee.

If the class is full, or has been rescheduled, notification of the change in class status will be sent.

Student substitutions are permitted at any time up to the start of the class.

Student CancellationsFourteen(14)calendardays,ormore,priortotheclassstartdate. There is no penalty for cancelling an enrollment fourteen (14) calendar days, or more, prior to the class start date.

Thirteen(13)calendardays,orless,priortotheclassstartdate. For employer-sponsored training, full payment is due if an enrollment is canceled thirteen (13) calendar days, or less, prior to the class start date. No credits, transfers, or refunds will be made.

Complete Open Enrollment Terms & ConditionsVisit www.ManagementConcepts.com/ContactUs/TermsandConditions for the most up-to-date terms and conditions.

Open Enrollment group DiscountsOrganizations save money when sending a group of students to the same open enrollment class offered in this catalog. When five to nine students from your organization attend the same class, you can take a 5% discount off the course price. Send ten or more and receive a 10% discount.

AccommodationsAccommodations and meals are not included in the tuition fee. Visit www.ManagementConcepts.com for travel recommendations.

Satisfaction guaranteeManagement Concepts offers a money-back guarantee on every open enrollment course. We simply ask that you explain why you are dissatisfied in writing so we can improve. We will refund 100% of your tuition or apply the amount to another class. Concerns should be sent to:

ManagementConcepts, Attention: Customer Care, 8230 Leesburg Pike, Tysons Corner, VA 22182 Phone: 888.545.8571, Email: customercare@managementconcepts.com

Employee Sponsored TrainingManagement Concepts offers and delivers only employer-sponsored training (i.e., business-to-business training). Any agreement for the delivery of training and training services is between Management Concepts and the employer organization that has sponsored the training of the individual who will attend the delivery of a company course.

gSA ContractsEligible buyers may purchase certain Management Concepts products and services under the company’s

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) 874Contract#GS-02F-0010J. Buyers should indicate that their purchase is being made under the company’s MAS contract at the time they place their order. In addition, their order should include the company’s MAS contract number. Please contact us with any questions about the ordering procedure at 888.545.8575.

Washington, DC LocationOur Washington, DC classes are conveniently accessible by Metro.

Tuition fees, course titles, course schedules, and terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Visit our website for the most current information: www.ManagementConcepts.com.

180 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

Instructor-led live Classroom Group onsite

Instructor-facilitated Instructor-led online Training online Training


Accountability for Federal Grants 99

Accounting for Business Operations in Government 76

Acquisition of Commercial Items 45

Administration of Contractor-Held Property 56

Administration of Cost-Reimbursement Contracts 47

Advanced COR Workshop 26

Advanced Cost Principles: Avoiding Problem Areas and Responding to Questioned Costs 113

Advanced Leadership Skills and Techniques 124

Advanced Simplified Acquisition Procedures 33

Agile Acquisition 164

Agile Business Analysis 166

Agile Project Management for the Federal Environment 161

Agile Requirements: Creating User Stories 162

Analytics Boot Camp 141

Analytics Capstone 144

Analyzing and Documenting Business Processes 170

Anytime Coaching 134

Applying for Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements 97

Applying GPRAMA to Improve Performance Effectiveness 72

Appropriations Law for Business Operations in Government 63

Appropriations Law for Federal Grants 105

Appropriations Law Refresher and Update 63

Appropriations Law Seminar 62

Army PPBES Workshop 69

Assessing and Recovering Troubled Projects 159

Audit Boot Camp 79

Audit Interviews: Skills for Success 80

Audit of Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements 108

Auditing Fundamentals in the Federal Environment 80


Basic (Level I) Contracting Officer’s Representative 24

Basics of Personal Property Management 56

Becoming a Strategic Business Partner: Expanding Your Role to Deliver Results 117

Best Value Source Selection Using Tradeoffs 34

Breakthrough Problem Solving 126

Briefing and Presentation Skills 136

Budget Analyst’s Essential Guide to Formulation, Justification, and Execution 66

Budget Estimating Using Microsoft Excel 68

Budget Execution 71

Budget Formulation 70

Budget Justification: Effective Preparation and Submission 70

Budgeting and Accounting: Making the Connection 67

Building and Sustaining Teams 133

Building Business Cases 168

Building Credibility to Support Your Customer 118

Business Management Systems for Grant Recipients 109

Business Writing 135


Capital Asset Planning and Justification Using OMB Criteria 73

CBAP® Exam Preparation 170

Certified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®) Preparatory Course 87

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA®) Preparatory Course 87

Changes Under Government Contracts 44

Closeout of Grants for Federal Personnel 101

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing 127

Communicating Strategically 136

CON 090: FAR Fundamentals 10

CON 100: Shaping Smart Business Arrangements 10

CON 121: Contract Planning 11

CON 124: Contract Execution 11

CON 127: Contract Management 12

alphabetical listing of Courses

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Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 181

•CON 170: Fundamentals of Cost and Price Analysis 13

CON 200: Business Decisions for Contracting 15

CON 216: Legal Considerations in Contracting 16

CON 243: Architect-Engineer Services Contracting 21

CON 244: Construction Contracting 22

CON 270: Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis 17

CON 280: Source Selection and the Administration of Service Contracts 18

CON 290: Contract Administration and Negotiation Techniques in a Supply Environment 19

CON 360: Contracting for Decision Makers 20

Construction Claims 49

Contract Administration 40

Contract Claims 49

Contract Closeout 43

Contracting Officer’s Representative Course 25

Contracting With Small Business Concerns 48

Cooperative Agreements and Substantial Involvement 101

COR Level I Refresher 27

Cost and Price Analysis 39

Cost and Price Analysis of Lease Proposals 51

Cost Principles for Federal Grants 104

Cost-Benefit Analysis Using Microsoft Excel 74

Crafting High-Quality Requirements 167

Creativity and Innovation 127

Critical Thinking for Problem Solving 126

Customer Service Skills and Techniques 139


Data Analysis and Modeling Techniques 143

Data Analysis for Financial Managers Using Microsoft Excel 72

Data Collection Techniques 142

Data Modeling for Business Analysts 171

Decision Making 125

Decision Support for Financial Managers 68

Detecting and Preventing Fraud on Federal Grant Projects 100

Developing & Monitoring Indirect/F&A Cost-Rate Proposals at Local Governments, Universities, and Nonprofits 111

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Developing Indirect Cost-Rate Proposals and Cost Allocation Plans for State, Local, and Tribal Governments Under 2 CFR Part 225 (A-87) 112

Developing Nonprofit Indirect Cost-Rate Proposals Under 2 CFR Part 230 (A-122) 112

Developing the Independent Government Cost Estimate formerly known as Cost Estimating for Technical Personnel 41

Developing University Facilities and Administrative Cost-Rate Proposals Under 2 CFR Part 220 (A-21) 112


Employee Relations 119

Engaging Leadership 125

Essential Communications for the Audit Lifecycle 81

Essential Professional Skills for Grants Management 102

Ethical Decision Making for Financial Managers 60

Ethics in Federal Contracting 28

Ethics in the Grants Environment 106

Evaluating a Contractor’s Performance 41

Evaluating and Presenting Analysis Results 143

Evaluating Federal Funds Management Capabilities of Recipients and Subrecipients 107


Facilitation Skills for Business Analysts 169

FCN 190: FAR Fundamentals 14

Federal Accounting Fundamentals 75

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Overview 28

Federal Assistance Law 105

Federal Contract Law 46

Federal Financial Management Overview 59

Federal Financial Statement Audits 84

Federal Real Property Lease Law 53

Federal Real Property Leasing Refresher formerly known as Federal Real Property Leasing 55

Financial Administration of Federal Grants for Recipients 110

Financial Management of Business Operations in Government 61

Financial Management of Defense Working Capital Funds 61

Fiscal Law in DoD 64

Forensic Auditing: Detection and Prevention of Fraud 82

From Strategic Plans to Tactical Execution 129

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182 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

From Tactical to Strategic Thinking 128

Fundamentals of Overhead & Other Indirect Cost Rates 44

Fundamentals of Systems Engineering 174

Fundamentals of Workforce Planning 121


Getting Efficient: Optimizing HR Operations 117

Governmental Accounting, Financial Reporting and Budgeting 89

Governmental Environment 88

Governmental Financial Management and Control 89

Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card 31

Grammar Refresher 135

Grants Administration for Federal Program Personnel 102

Group Facilitation 139


Hiring in the Federal Context 116

How to Prepare the Grant Application Budget 98

How to Write the Grant Application Narrative 98

HR Analytics 116

HR Essentials for Government Supervisors 131

HR in the Federal Context 115


Improper Payments 60

Incentive Contracts 45

Influencing Skills 137

Information Technology (IT) Acquisition 47

Internal Control over Financial Reporting 86

Internal Controls: Meeting Federal Requirements for Accountability 85

Interpersonal Essentials for Supervisors 132

Interpersonal Skills: Developing Effective Relationships 137

Introduction to Federal Contracting 29

Introduction to Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel 93

IT Project Risk Management 160


Job Analysis for Recruitment and Selection 118


Keeping the Audit on Track: Critical Skills for Audit Managers 83

Key to Audit Success: Focus on Objectives 82


Labor and Management Relations 120

Leadership and Communication Skills for Business Analysts 169

Leadership and Communication Skills for Project Managers 148

Leadership and Management Skills for Non-Managers 123

Leadership Skills and Techniques 124

Leading and Managing High-Performing Project Teams 157

Lease Acquisition Training 50

Lease Administration 54


Making Decisions Using Earned Value 153

Managing a Virtual Team 134

Managing Complex Projects 159

Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients 96

Managing IT Projects 160

Managing Multiple Projects 153

Managing Project Quality 155

Managing Scope, Schedule, and Cost 151

Managing Stakeholder Expectations and Relationships 158

Market Research 30

Micro-Purchase Procedures 31

Mission Driven Project Management: From Strategy to Action 157

Monitoring Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel 94

Motivating and Engaging Others 132


Navigating Change in Turbulent Times 129

Negotiation Skills 138


Optimizing Cost-Share and Match Under Federal Grants: Best Practices for Recipients 109

Overview of Internal Control Guidance 86

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Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts 183


Performance Auditing 83

Performance-Based Service Acquisition 36

PMP® Exam Prep Boot Camp 150

Position Classification 115

Position Management 119

PPBE Workshop: Defense Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution 69

Preparation and Analysis of the SF 133 73

Preparing Federal Financial Statements Using the U.S. Standard General Ledger 77

Preparing for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam 164

Preparing High-Impact Audit Reports 81

Principles of Analytics 142

Principles of Business Analysis 166

Procurement for Project Managers 154

Procuring Goods and Services Under Federal Grants 100

Program and Budget Analysis Using Microsoft Excel 71

Program Evaluation for Improved Decision-Making 74

Program Management 149

Project Cost Estimating 154

Project Management Essentials for Non-Project Managers 149

Project Management Essentials for Team Members 156

Project Management Principles 147

Project Management Simulation 156

Project Management Skills for Business Analysts 168

Project Risk Management 152


Requirements Management for Project Managers 155

Resolving Conflict 138


Scrum Product Owner: A Federal Approach 163

ScrumMaster: A Federal Approach 163

Service Contract Labor Standards Statute Overview formerly known as Service Contract Act Overview 42

Simplified Acquisition Procedures 32

Simplified Acquisition Refresher 34

Source Selection 35

Statement of Work (SOW) Workshop 38

Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards: SFFAS 78

Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement 128

Strategic Portfolio and Resource Management 158

Strategic Sourcing Workshop 30

Strategic Workforce Planning for Senior Leaders 121

Subawarding for Pass-Through Entities 95

Supervising Employee Performance 131

Supervising Individual Development Planning 133

Supporting Professional Growth in Organizations 120

Systems Architecture and Concepts 175

Systems Integration, Verification, and Validation 175

Systems Requirements Analysis 174


Task and Delivery Order Contracting 46

Techniques of Negotiating Federal Real Property Leases 52

Terminating Contracts 43

The Antideficiency Act 64

The Federal Budget Process 67

The Prompt Payment Act and Voucher Examination 76

Transitioning to Agile: A Federal Executive Overview 162

Types of Contracts 42


U.S. Standard General Ledger: Practical Applications 77

Understanding National Policy Requirements Affecting Grants 106

Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Grants 103

Use Case Modeling for Business Analysts 171


Verifying and Validating the Solution 167


Working on Virtual Teams 140

Writing Performance Work Statements (PWS) 37

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184 Printed content subject to change. For most up-to-date content, tuition & schedule, visit: www.ManagementConcepts.com | Call 888.545.8575 | © 2014 Management Concepts

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