OSPE Paeds Medicine Set 2


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OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com


Case 1

1. Identify 3 physical signs in these photographs? 3

2. What is the diagnosis? 2


1. Physical signs are;

Epicanthic folds

Low set ears

Simian crease

Increased distance b/w 1st and 2nd toe

2. Down Syndrome

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 2

1. Give three radiological findings? 3

2. What is the diagnosis? 2

Key 1. Radiological findings are;





2. Rickets

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 3

1. Identify two radiological abnormalities? 2

2. What is your diagnosis? 1

3. Give two causes? 2

Key 1. Radiological abnormalities are;

Bilateral opacities

Obliteration of costophrenic angles

2. Bilateral pleural effusion

3. Causes:

Nephrotic syndrome


Connective tissue disorder



OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 4 This five years old child presents with easy fatigability for the last 2 years.

1. Identify the physical sign? 3

2. What is the most likely diagnosis? 2


1. Bilateral ptosis

2. Myasthenia gravis

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 5

1. What is your diagnosis? 2

2. Give 3 complications? 3


1. Meningiomyelocele

2. Complication:

Infections / meningitis


Paralysis of the lower limbs (paraplegia)

Bowel and bladder dysfunction

Hip dislocation, foot deformities

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 6

1. Name the physical sign shown in the photograph? 3

2. What is the most likely diagnosis? 2

Key 1. Gower’s sign

2. Duchene Muscular Dystrophy

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 7

A 4 years old girl present with 4 day history of increasing puffiness around the eye. The

investigations are as follow;

Hb 12.6 g/dl

WBC 10,290/mm3

Na 136 mmol/l

K 4.7 mmol/l

Serum albumin 2.6 g %

Urine pH 6.5

1. What is the most likely diagnosis? 2

2. Give 3 further investigations? 3


1. Nephrotic syndrome

2. Investigations:

24 hour urinary protein

Urinary protein creatinine ration

Serum cholesterol

Serum C3 level

Urea and creatinine

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 8

A previously well child with one week history of febrile illness who was treated with injectable

ampicillin presents with mild neck stiffness and hemiplegia. CSF results are as follow;

Protein 80 mg/dl

Sugar 40 mg/dl

WBC 300/mm3

Lymphocytes 68%

Gram staining and culture –ve

1. What is your diagnosis? 2

2. Give 3 other complications? 3


1. Partially treated bacterial meningitis

2. Complications

Subdural effusion

Brain abscess

Cranial nerve palsies



OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 9 An 8 months old boy presented in the emergency room with the complaints of fever and

cough for 3 days, vomiting for 1 day and generalized fits for 1 ½ hour. On examination, he has

fever of 1010F, some dehydration and irritability.

His CSF examination showed TLC 2000/mm3, DLC: poly 75%, lymphocytes 25%, RBCs few,

protein 120 mg/dl and sugar 130 mg/dl.

1. What is your diagnosis?

2. What are the two most probable causative organisms?

3. Enlist steps of management?


1. Acute bacterial meningitis

2. Most causative organisms are:

Haemophilus influenza

Streptococcus pneumoniae

3. Management includes:

ABC (supportive treatment)

Anti-seizures (to control fits)

Anti-biotics (to treat bacterial infection)

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 10

1. Which infectious disease can lead to this deformity? 1

2. Name four diagnostic investigations? 2

3. Name four drugs with dosage and duration? 2

Key 1. Carries spine / Tuberculosis

2. Diagnostic investigations:

Mantoux test (Accelerated BCG test)

X-ray chest

X-ray spine

C.T scan spine

3. Drugs used:

Rifampicin orally 10-20 mg/kg OD before breakfast for 1 year

Isoniazid 10-20 mg/kg/day OD for 1 year

Pyrazinamide orally 15-30 mg/kg/day for initial 2 months

Ethambutol or Inj. Streptomycin 10-15 mg/kg * IM* OD for initial 2 months

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 11

A 7 years old child presents with 2 days history of haematemesis and malena. On examination,

he had massive splenomegaly. His ALT was 65 µ/L, PT and aPTT were within the normal limits

and serum albumin was 4 g/dl.

1. What is the most likely diagnosis?

2. How will you confirm your diagnosis?

3. Enlist three steps of long term management?


1. Pre-hepatic portal hypertension

2. USG of abdomen with Doppler studies

3. Steps of long term management:


Sclerotherapy / Band ligation

Mesocaval shunt

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 12

1. What will you find on abdominal x-ray as shown in this photograph?

2. Name three common diseases responsible for these findings?

3. Describe the laboratory tests required for the diagnosis of above those three diseases?

Key 1. Hepatosplenomegaly

2. Common diseases:


Typhoid fever


3. Laboratory tests required:


Malarial parasites, thick and thin film slides

ICT for malarial parasites

Tuberculin test / Accelerated BCG test

X-ray chest (PA view)

Blood test for Salmonella typhi and paratyphi

Widal test / Typhidot test

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 13

A 3 years old child is brought to the OPD with the history of fever and poor weight gain for 3

months. He is unvaccinated. His uncle has history of chronic cough. His investigations reveal:

Hb 9 gm%, TLC 75000/mm3, ESR 100 mm, Mantoux test 12mm.

Chest x-ray showed hilar lymph adenopathy.

1. What is the most probable diagnosis?

2. Write down the steps of management is this case?


1. Pulmonary Tuberculosis (pulmonary T.B)

2. Management steps:


Nutritional rehabilitation

Family counseling

Family screening for TB and management accordingly

Ensure proper follow up to check response, compliance and look for complications

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 14

1. What is the radiological findings? 1

2. What are three other conditions in Pediatrics leading to such infiltrations x-ray chest? 1.5

3. What are five common findings on clinical examination? 2.5

Key 1. Miliary tuberculosis / Mottling

2. Clinical conditions:

Atypical pneumonia

Fungal pneumonia

Viral pneumonia

3. Findings on clinical examinations:



Choroid tubercles in eyes

Pancreatitis (< 5%)

Multiorgan dysfunction

Adrenal insufficiency

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 15

1. What are 4 positive findings in this photograph? 2

2. What is the diagnosis? 1

3. What are the causes which lead to this condition? 2

Key 1.

Puffy moon shape

Miserable looking and apathetic

Flaky paint dermatitis

Edema foot

2. Kwashiorkor


a) Primary malnutrition

Failure of lactation

Ignorance of weaning


Cultural food pattern/food lack

b) Secondary malnutrition


Congenital disorders



OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 16

1. What is the clinical findings? 1

2. Name the two underlying conditions leading to this finding? 2

3. What is the management? 2

Key 1. Noma / Cancrum oris




3. Management:

Nutritious diet

Vitamin A supplement

Vitamin B complex

Vitamin C



Ampicillin and metronidazole

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 17

1. What is the diagnosis? 1

2. Describe four causes of this condition? 2

3. Describe four investigations to reach the diagnosis? 2

Key 1. Cervical lymph adenitis


Tuberculous lymph adenitis

Bacterial (suppurative) lymph adenitis


Non-specific / Viral / Atypical micro-bacterial tuberculosis


CBC including peripheral morphology and ESR

X-ray chest

Tuberculin test / BCG accelerated test

FNA / Excisional biopsy / Aspiration

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 18

1. What is the diagnosis? 0.5

2. Describe 12 clinical features of this condition? 3.0

3. Name two diagnostic test and the drug for treatment? 1.5

Key 1. Congenital hypothyroidism (Cretinism)


Coarse facies

Broad nasal bridge

Placid / contended baby

Umbilical hernia

Large tongue

Low hair line

Dry skin

Distended abdomen


Short stature

Delayed dentition

Delayed milestones



Serum free T4

Serum TSH

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 19

1. Identify 4 positive findings in this picture and present your diagnosis? 2.0

2. How antenatal diagnosis of this condition is made? 1.5

3. What is the risk of recurrence in the next pregnancy? 1.5

Key 1.

Up slanting of eyes

Depressed nasal bridge


Protruding tongue

Diagnosis is Down’s syndrome


Decreased AFP, decreases Estriol, increased hCG

Chromosomal analysis of fetal cells either by Amniocentesis or by CVS

Ultrasound showing increased nuchal translucency


If non-disjunction is underlying cause recurrence risk 1 %

If translocation: 21/21 100 %

14/21 10-15 % (3-5%)

13/22 10-12 % (5%)

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 20

1. What definition this graph reflects? 1

2. Enumerate 8 common causes of this condition? 2

3. Enumerate 8 steps to prevent malnutrition in children? 2

Key 1. Failure to thrive

2. Causes:

Failure of lactation

Faulty weaning

Poverty / ignorance

Cultural food pattern

Lack of immunization & primary


Family planning

Recurrent GIT infections

Recurrent respiratory tract


Measles / Malaria


Congenital malformation


Optimum breast feeding

Avoid bottle feeding, pacifiers etc.

Adequate weaning


Growth monitoring

Family planning

Health education

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 21

Following is the blood report from a one day old baby presenting with jaundice starting on

day 1 of life:

Hemoglobin (Hb) 10 mg/dl

TLC 15000 / mm3

Poly 40 %

Lymphocytes 58 %

Monocytes 1 %

Eosinophils 1 %

Reticulocytes 15 %

Direct coombs test strongly positive

1. What is most likely diagnosis?

2. What is the best treatment option?

3. Give one complication of this disease?


1. Hemolytic disease of newborn

2. Exchange transfusion

3. Kernicterus

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 22

A 2 years old boy presented with failure to thrive and fits which usually occur in early morning.

His investigations reveal:

Fasting blood sugar 40 mg/dl


Uric Acid 8 mg/dl

Serum Triglycerides > 200 mg/dl

1. What is most likely diagnosis?

2. What other clinical sign you will look for?

3. How will you confirm your diagnosis?


1. Glycogen storage disease

2. Hepatomegaly, Doll like facies

3. Liver biopsy, enzyme assay

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 23

How do you interpret APGAR scoring system?

0 1 2

Appearance Pulse

Grimace Activity



APGAR 0 1 2

Appearance Central & peripheral cyanosis

Peripheral cyanosis Pink

Pulse < 60 60-100 > 100

Grimace No grimace Some Full cry

Activity Limp Some activity Active

Respiration No respiration Gasping Normal

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 24

A 15 weeks old breast fed infant present with failure to thrive and loose motions. Examination

reveals perianal rashes and eczematous lesions over face and scalp. These lesions did not

respond to antifungal therapy.

1. What is most likely diagnosis?

2. How will you investigate?

3. What therapy would you want to give?


1. Acrodermatitis enterpathica

2. Serum zinc level

3. Zinc sulphate

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 25

A one year old child was brought to OPD with the complications of failure to thrive. The boy

was having weight of 6 kg and length of 60 cm. He is pale and edematous. His serum albumin

is 2 g/dl.

1. What three other clinical signs will you look for?

2. What is the most probable diagnosis?


1. Clinical signs:

Flaky dermatitis


Hair color and texture


2. Kwashiorkor

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 26 A 6 years old boy presented with complaints of progressively increasing weakness of the lower

limbs for the last 3 days. On examination, the boy is conscious and oriented but cannot walk.

His both lower limbs have decreased tone, power of 1/5 and diminished reflexes. His upper

limbs also have decreased power of 3/5. The cranial nerves are intact. The examination of

bladder and spine is unremarkable.

1. What is the most probable diagnosis?

2. What diagnostic test you will perform?

3. How will you manage the patient?


1. Guillain Barre Syndrome

2. Nerve conduction studies

3. Management:


Monitor for symptoms

IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin)

Nutritional care

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 27

1. Identify three positive findings in these photographs? 1.5

2. Enumerate 6 causes of above disease? 3.0

3. What is the treatment of choice in above disease? 0.5

Key 1. 3 positive findings:

Large head

Sunset sign

Ventricular dilation (Hydrocephalus)

2. Causes:

Congenital aqueductal stenosis

Dandy walker malformation

Arnold Chiari malformation type II

Congenital TORCH infections

Bacterial meningitis

TBM (Tuberculous Meningitis)

Arachiniditis secondary to bleeding

in arachnoid space

IVH in premature infants

3. Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (Ventriculo-atrial shunt)

OSPE Peads Medicine Set 2 SurgicoMed.com

Case 28

1. What are the abnormal findings?

2. What is the diagnosis?

3. Write down the management steps?

Key 1.

Emaciated irritable child / wizened face / prominent rib cage

Loss of fat over the buttock and body

2. Marasmus


a) Initial management

Life threatening problems are identified and treated in the hospital

Specific deficiencies are corrected

Metabolic abnormalities are corrected

Feeding is begun

b) Rehabilitation

Intensive feeding is given to recover most of the weight

Emotional and physical stimulation are increased

Training of the mother

Preparation for the discharge