ORNING A Message from President James MJanuary was a very busy month as usual. We started out with...


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James Danley 88th State President

A Message from President James Congratulations on starting the year out at growth. I am

proud of everybody for working together to get there. I would definitely like to thank Hannibal for adding 9 new members at their Wing Ding event. Recruiting during our projects is the easiest way to grow our chapters. Region 5 did a great job by adding 6 new members the night of their region meeting. I can’t express how important new members are to our local organization. Keep up the good work and let me know how the state team can help you accomplish your membership goals this year.

January was a very busy month as usual. We started out with LOTS and had a nice turnout of Jaycees who were seeking training. I am positive we left pumped up and committed to

accomplishing great things in 2009. State Convention at Tan-Tar-A was an awesome time as usual and I would like to thank Jefferson City for doing a remarkable job as always. We already have several projects and installation banquets under our belts. Looking ahead I can tell that we are only going to get busier. We have many projects, meetings, trainings, and socials coming up the next couple of months. I am excited about visiting your chapters and offering assistance wherever you need me.

Do not forget to have your Jaycee Passport books signed as you attend various functions. This is a great tool to activate your membership and have a chance to attend a national meeting at no charge. Good luck! I also want to remind everybody to make sure you are communicating with your DD’s and RD’s. The VP’s and the rest of the executive team are here to help too so feel free to contact any of us. Let us know what projects are coming up in your chapter so that we can get them on the calendar. If your chapter needs specific training or assistance, complete a State Visitor Request Form that is located at www.mojc.org and we will be happy to attend.

I have spoken several times this year about how this year is going to be different. This is going to be the year that people start recognizing that there is a change happening. This is the year that we as Jaycees stand up and say that we are here, we are loud and we are making a difference. I have asked our chapters to try a new project. Find a need in your community and





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The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


attempt to meet it. Now more than ever there are many people who need our help. Stand with me and say that we will help. Do not let fear set in and keep you from trying something new. One thing I can assure you is that life is full of change and if you are making positive change, how can you fail? Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” I really think this applies to what we do in our organization. Take on a new project and engage your members, the community in which you live, and especially those who are in need. This will only make everybody involved stronger.

The funniest thing that happens to me is when I am in the community and I start talking about the Jaycees and somebody asks what the Jaycees are. Knowing how rich our history is, not only in our community but in our country, it still baffles me that there are people who are clueless. Honestly, it is our job to repair that image. This just means that we are not saturating the community enough. Plaster your chapter name on everything and take some ownership in what you do. Take advantage of free press releases in your local papers, PSA’s, hang your chapter banner at your events and make sure that when promoting your event, that you are clearly pushing your chapter name. Do more! I know sometimes it feels like we do enough that the world spins solely because we are constantly working. However, our statistics say otherwise. This is where new members could help ease the burden of feeling overcommitted.

Vice President Stephen Coffey and I were talking one day as we were driving the many miles it usually takes us to get to any given chapter from Joplin. Stephen mentioned how annoyed he gets when he hears somebody express that they are burned out. He claims there is no such thing and that rather people just lose their passion for something. My greatest fear is that I would ever lose my passion for the Jaycees. If that starts to happen for any of you, please call me and we will fix whatever is not working in order to assure that your passion does not die. Passion is what drives great things. It was Henry Giessenbier’s passion that gave us the organization that we have today. I rely on the passion from each one of you to help keep me on the course and my passion drives the success that I hold each one of you accountable for. It is the passion that defines us and as we know…”Earth’s greatest treasure lies in human personality!”

The Missouri Jaycees have nothing less than my full respect. Each one of you selflessly attempts to make the world a better place. This is your moment. This is the best time to be a Jaycee. Go out there and make your mark. I am committed to helping each one of you achieve your goals. You have a strong base of friends (Missouri Jaycees) who will be there for you. That is what is so amazing about the Missouri Jaycees. We are competitive with each other but never at the expense of another chapter finding success. Our chapters and members lean on each other and we are stronger for it. The sky is the limit this year. Figure out how high you want to go, aim a little higher than that and take off. You will not just be better because you did but you will be the best. We are the best and …”THE HEAT IS ON!”

President James James Danley 88th President


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


COB Tonya Benton

Have Fun with Visitations! - Visitations are one of the most fun experiences you can have as a Jaycee. I encourage you all to take a look at Jaycee events happening around the state and plan a road trip for your members to visit another chapter. This is a great way to network and get great ideas to bring home to your own chapter! Vice President Sandy Backes is maintaining the state calendar, which is then published to our state website at www.mojc.org. Please send your events to her at jayceesandy@hotmail.org.

One of our newest chapters, the Kirksville Jaycees, is having their first major event. The

inaugural Kirksville Jaycees Chili Cook-off will be February 28th, 2009, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Reiger Armory, 500 S. Elson St., in Kirksville. Please come out and support them in this event. If you would like to enter your chili, contact President Brian for an entry form at bamanyx@cableone.net. Deadline for entries is February 20th. Proceeds will be donated to the Kirksville Humane Society.

Tonya Benton Tonya Benton Chairperson of the Board

Vice President Sandy Backes

Hello Missouri Jaycees! 2009 is off and running, are you keeping up? I know that I have been behind. However, I worked hard at it and I have sent out my first 2009 state calendar to the state team. So if you felt behind, you can get caught up. I know we can do it. This past weekend, my daughter had her first national cheerleading competition. Her team came in 2nd place for their level. But one of their fellow teams had real struggles with their stunts on the first day of competition that they did not have problems with in practice. But they came back on day 2 and did all their stunts perfectly. They were in 3rd place after day 1, but when the winners were announced after day 2, they had won their level. So watching these young ladies just inspired me to keep going. They didn’t let their past failures stop them, but used them to inspire them to do better.

Speaking of the calendar of events, I have sent it to Joe, so when he has it out on the website, send me info that missing, or notes of any incorrect information. I know it is early in the year, but even if you have dates for events this summer, fall or winter, go ahead and send those to me. You never know who is looking at our calendar from another state and planning a vacation in Missouri.


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


Are you going to Crystal River, Florida, for the upcoming national convention? If so, let me know. I will be sending out the ON-TO package for clothes and pins soon. Tonya has even reserved a spot for us at the States Party. If you have not been to a states party, be prepared for fun. They have not had this for awhile, so I hope many states plan to participate. Basically, you go to each state’s booth and find out information and taste or pick up products made from that state. So if you have any ideas of products from our great state of Missouri, let Tonya or myself know.

Okay, down to business. As I stated Sunday morning at winter meeting, I need YOUR help. That means YOU too. This is for every Jaycee member out there. To keep the program book going at state meetings, I need ad sales. I have created the following sales figures so each of you know what the prices are. (Jaycee member rates are in parenthesis)

Business Card Ad 1/2 Page Ad Full Page Ad

Spring Mtg $15.00 ($10.00) $30.00 ($20.00) $60.00 ($40.00)

Fall Mtg $15.00 ($10.00) $30.00 ($20.00) $60.00 ($40.00)

Winter Mtg $25.00 ($15.00) $50.00 ($30.00) $100.00 ($60.00)

All 3 package $40.00 ($25.00) $80.00 ($50.00) $160.00 ($100.00)

So please go out and sale the ad spaces. It does not matter if you are holding a local or state board position, a senator or if you are a brand new member. Please sell ad spaces!!!

Last but not least . . . I am looking for challenges. Do you have any ideas? Let me know. I hope to see you soon!

Sandy Backes Sandy Backes State Vice President 2009

Vice President Stephen Coffey

Hello, Missouri Jaycees! Well, January is off and running, I cannot believe it went so fast. LOTS was fun and educational for those who attended. For those who were unable to, I encourage you to consider January next year. This opportunity is a great start to getting your chapter officers and members off on the right foot and provides them with many networking resources to start the year out with. I was very happy to see the great turn out at TAN-TAR-A. I saw many familiar faces and many new ones. We had some nice training available, plus I saw and experienced the power of networking as I watched our first timers meeting everyone.


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


These two events are a fantastic start to a positive new year. I can say this because when I first joined the Jaycees these two events set the tone for my Jaycee career, as I hope this is the same for all of you. I see huge things coming out of our state this year and I know you all feel the same. I would be remiss in my duties if I did not hit heavy on our membership. Here is the deal folks ... we must have continuous growth or we cease to exist as an organization. You hear all the time how Missouri is the state people watch and if you have ever been to a national convention you can see this is evident.

We as a state set the bar and we need to rise up and show the nation what we are about and why we were started here in Missouri. We could have been started anywhere else but we weren’t, so it falls to us to always be the example. I watched closely as I spent three days at our State Service Center working closeout and seeing the challengse to get to growth and I wondered, as I always have, why is it a challenge? I mean, we are all passionate about this or we would not do what we do as individuals and chapters.

I know these are tough economic times and that is why we need to rise up and be more visible. Our communities need us desperately now more than ever. The only way we can fully be a strong and supportive force for others is to bring in new life to our organization. Recruitment does not have to be an ugly word … it really is not. I personally used to be as uncomfortable as many of you but the fact is without it, we are done! Ask yourself, “Is what you’re doing in your home chapter so unique that another entity could not step in and do what you’re doing?”, the answer is: they could! None of us want to see that so let’s step it up. I will be calling each and every chapter every month as much as humanly possible.

I want us all to be successful and if we fail we will fail as a team not as individuals. We are all in this together; the entire state, every chapter and every member. This is not about titles or positions, this is about us all growing as individuals, as communities, as friends and family. You all know I am here 24-7 and if you are up late working feel free to call me as I will be available. I look forward to seeing you all in person soon!

Stephen Coffey Stephen Coffey State Vice President 2009

Vice President Paul Myers

Missouri Jaycees … As the New Year begins we are going to be faced with job layoffs and an economy that has not struggled like this in our lives. Where some may see this as a problem, I see this as a great opportunity for us as an organization. For it is in times like these that the Jaycees have always risen to the occasion to provide solutions to our communities.

Now is the time to get revitalized and find out what deficiencies are in your local communities. Meet with your Mayor, your Chamber of Commerce Presidents, and get a working


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


community survey. Create that new project to initiate positive change in your local area and have fun doing it. With strong actions like these, we will find that new active members are easy to find.

Understand that increasing your active membership increases the amount of impact you make on your local community. It will also spread out the work load of the projects your chapter runs, saving some from burnout and making the process all that more enjoyable.

The State team is here to help you reach your goals for the year. Let us know what we can do to help you. Each of us is committed to helping you create positive change in your community and to grow your chapter. Every chapter has different needs so call us, email us, or text us. Let us know how we can help you reach your goals.

You can reach me at my new email address of vedderjam@live.com, my home number of 636-926-8458 or my cell 636-448-1575.

Let’s make this an exciting year to remember because “The Heat Is On!”

Paul Myers Paul Myers, C.N.T. State Vice President 2009

“To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change”

Whisper Ride ‘09 I am so happy to have received so much support in making the Whisper Ride a new project

for the Missouri Jaycees. I know that I told you all how Ovarian Cancer has touched my life, and as I am quickly learning, it has also touched the lives of many others within our membership. I am also proud to tell you that this project is beginning to take on a life of its own, growing more and more every day!

For any chapters who would like to schedule a presentation about Ovarian Cancer for your chapter or your community, please contact me and I will work with you to get the presentation scheduled. I would like to share this information with as many communities as possible so that we can spread the word and maybe save a life! I also have several activities coming up that will benefit this ride. I will be filling you all in on the details as soon as they are confirmed.

The Whisper Ride is about education and awareness. 1 in 52 women will be diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. There is no early detection, so 90% of the women diagnosed are diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease. 74% of those diagnosed will die. The Whisper Ride will put the Missouri Jaycees in the communities of Missouri, to tell people what to ask their doctors, to


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


educate people about the symptoms. The time has come to stand up and demand research so that we can find out what is going on inside our bodies before it is too late.

Many of you have asked me how you can help. Here are some suggestions:

Hold a fundraiser (All profits from the Whisper Ride will be donated to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition)

Hold an Ovarian Cancer presentation for your chapter or community. I will be happy to schedule this with you.

Dedicate your Relay for Life sites to educating people about Ovarian Cancer.

Missouri Jaycees, the HEAT IS ON and we are on fire!!!! Let’s make this year and this ride tremendous.

Cara Harms Cara Harms Whisper Ride Program Manager

Wonderland Camp

Greetings, Missouri Jaycees! There are so many great projects to tell you about when it comes to Wonderland Camp. First, the pool area renovation is scheduled to be built the Corp Work Weekend April 3-5. Second, the Muleskinners are donating a gazebo for the point (where the outdoor church is located). Thank you to them for their generous gift to camp! The last two projects are ones that we are looking at getting completed in 2009 for Camp. The ramp leading from the Camp to the lake is in need of replacement and to build a library out of the original bus (yes, Camp started with that bus many years ago!) there at Camp. Both projects are in the beginning phases of how/when/who will be helping so please let me know if you have any ideas to contribute to complete these projects.

The “Codes for Camp" project is well under way now with 8 different chapters contributing codes thus far. You can find the details at the end of this MMM and eventually online at the Missouri Jaycee web site. This is a great way to contribute to Camp without actual dollars. It's a small project that, with the combination of all chapters, we can work together to get some great gifts for Camp! Consider having someone in your chapter be the "codes collector" and get involved!

I have shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies for sale and will have them with me as I travel. Make sure you pick one or two up! Shirts are $10 (S-XL), $12 (2XL & 3XL); sweatshirts $15 (M-XL), $18 (2XL & 3XL); hoodies $20 (M-XL), $23 (2XL & 3XL).


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


Please consider running a project for Camp this year, whether it's collecting items for the Wish List or a cash donation. Please make sure to send your Camp project dates to me so that I can try to attend or have some representation there from the state team.

The Spring Work Weekends are scheduled for April 3-5 (Corp Weekend) and April 17-19 (All-Region Weekend). If your chapter would like to provide the meals for the All Region Work Weekend, please let me know!

Kristi Webb Kristi Webb Wonderland Camp Program Manager

State Service Center News

JANAURY 2009 MEMBERSHIP RESULTS Here are the stats:

Total Billed in January 2009 = 187 Total Renewals = 122 (65%) Total New Members = 66 Total Extensions = 0 Net (+/-) = +1 ☺

Congratulations to the following chapters, DDs and RDs on their outstanding membership growth achievements for JANUARY: Top Growth Chapter for January:

MSSU Jaycees Michelle Myers, president +14 Hannibal Jaycees Lea Irick, president +9

Additional Growth Chapters for January: Joplin +3, St. Charles +3, Columbia +2, Macon +2, St. Clair +2, Bridgeton/Maryland Heights +1, Jefferson City +1, Monett +1, Ste. Genevieve +1, Union +1

Top Growth District Directors for January: Autumn Osborne Region 6, District 1 +17

Top Growth Region Directors for January:

Tim Cashero Region 6 Director +14


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


Chapter Vital Stats Needed! If you have not already done so, please complete the Chapter Vital Stats form on the web site at http://www.mojc.org/Forms/vital_stats_form.htm and submit ASAP so we can include information on everyone’s new chapter officers for the new Directory! Click the “SUBMIT FORM” button once and it WILL go through, regardless of any error message it may give you. Thanks!

Membership Call-In Deadlines for 2009 By the posted Call-In Deadline, we need to know who is renewing for the following month AND we need information on all new members (name, address and DOB). Chapters should forward that information to their District Director, Region Director, assigned Vice President and Executive Director Joe Jerkins by the following deadlines:

Month Day Close Out Information Needed February Thursday February 26th Feb new members & Mar renewals March Thursday March 26th Mar new members & Apr renewals April Thursday April 23rd Apr new members & May renewals May Thursday May 28th May new members & Jun renewals June Thursday June 25th Jun new members & Jul renewals July Thursday July 30th Jul new members & Aug renewals August Thursday August 27th Aug new members & Sep renewals September Tuesday September 29th Sep new members & Oct renewals October Thursday October 29th Oct new members & Nov renewals November Tuesday November 24th Nov new members & Dec renewals December Tuesday December 29th Dec new members & Jan (2010) renewals


Renewal Dues for 2009 are $65.00, which is the same as dues for new members. HOWEVER…chapters who submit their renewals (with payment or open check on file) by the posted closeout deadlines will receive a rebate credit of $5 per renewal. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Joe Jerkins or any state officer.

Chapter & Officers Directory Please let me know if there are corrections for the Chapter and Officer’s Directory and I’ll update the version that’s available for download from the website. Click the link above for the latest version. Check back often to ensure you have the most recent contact information for everyone.


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


Open Check Policy for Monthly Membership Dues Hopefully, your chapter is participating in the open check program for membership closeouts! If not, please contact Joe Jerkins at (573) 634-2321 for more details. It is really helpful when it comes to membership closeout when we must have a payment in hand before we can turn in your membership to the national organization.


Top Recruiting Chapters – 3rd Period – 1st (tie) MSSU, Weston; 3rd (tie) Sikeston, Unique

Top Growth Chapters – 3rd Period – 1st Weston, 2nd MSSU; 3rd Macon; 4th (tie) Chillicothe, Perry, St. Louis; 7th (tie) Cottleville-Weldon Spring, Kirksville, St. Clair, Unique

Top Growth District Directors – 3rd Period – 1st Ryan Holder

Top Growth Region Director – 3rd Period – 1st Cara Harms

Outstanding Local Chapter – September - Macon

Outstanding Local Chapter – October - MSSU

Outstanding Local Chapter – November - Weston

Outstanding Local Chapter – December - Sikeston

Parade of Chapters – 3rd Period – 1st Macon; 2nd Joplin; 3rd Cottleville-Weldon Spring; 4th St. Clair; 5th Mission Inn

Top Recruiting Chapters of the Year – 1st Jefferson City; 2nd Sikeston; 3rd Cape Girardeau; 4th Hannibal; 5th MSSU; 6th St Charles; 7th Weston; 8th (tie) Boonville, St. Clair, Unique

Top Fundraising Chapters - Wonderland Camp – 1st Jefferson City; 2nd O’Fallon; 3rd Capital City

Top Fundraising Chapter – Access Day – 1st Washington; 2nd Northland; 3rd Jefferson City

Top Growth Chapters of the Year – 1st Weston; 2nd MSSU; 3rd Hannibal; 4th (tie) Cape Girardeau, St. Clair; 6th (tie) Mexico, Webb City; 8th St. Louis; 9th Warren County; 10th Macon

Top Growth Region Director of the Year - 1st Cara Harms


The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.


Chapter Leaderboards – Year-End – 1st Macon; 2nd Cape Girardeau; 3rd Weston; 4th Hannibal; 5th MSSU; 6th Sikeston; 7th St. Clair; 8th Cottleville-Weldon Spring; 9th Webb City; 10th Mexico

Region Director Leaderboards – Year-End – 1st Cara Harms, Region 2; 2nd Patrick Douglas, Region 8

Founders Award - Macon Jaycees, Kris Noyes, president, for extending the Kirksville Jaycees

Outstanding Program Manager of the Year – Stephen Coffey, Wonderland Camp

Presidential Award of Honor - Macon Jaycees, Kris Noyes, president

Presidential Award of Honor – Cara Harms, Region 2 Director

Parade of Chapters – Year-End – 1st Macon; 2nd Boonville; 3rd Cottleville-Weldon Spring; 4th Joplin; 5th Mission Inn; 6th St. Clair; 7th Webb City; 8th O’Fallon; 9th Mexico; 10th Weston

Speak-Up Competition – 1st Place – Courtney Buchholz (St. Clair)

Write-Up Competition – 1st Place –Bill Noyes (Macon)

First Timers Competition – 1st Place – Carolyn Jackson (Boonville)

Missouri Jaycees Lifetime Membership Award – Tonya Benton

Missouri Jaycees Chapter Travel Award – St. Charles

Missouri Jaycees Region Excitement Award – Region 5

Joe Jerkins Joe Jerkins Executive Director

Codes for Camp Program 2009

Program Description: In 2009 there will be a collection of Coca-Cola codes (my coke rewards) and the combination of codes will enable us to pick out gifts for the camp/campers from the rewards site. By combining our points together statewide, we can pick some nice gifts for camp. These are considered in-kind donations. This will also give our chapters a chance to compete against each other in a friendly way that benefits Wonderland Camp! Each chapter should collect as many codes as they can. Collect from your family and friends, at work or at events! You can find these on caps and cases of Coke products. See below for list of all coke products as well as point value of the codes. The Program Manger will be keeping track of all points collected and turn these in to the POC program manager at the end of each trimester for POC points (see below for points given). All codes and caps should be kept and turned into the Camp PM in case the redemption is audited. The codes can be emailed to Kristi Webb (kristiwebb@aol.com). You can also mail caps/codes to Kristi at 917 NE Wien Ave, Blue Springs, MO 64014. 10 codes can be entered per day so emailing would be the preference. Please specify which chapter should receive the credit for the codes. Special Incentive: For those chapters participating and for those that are in the lead for points will get special treatment at camp work weekends such as first in the chow line (or "head to the front of the line pass"), dibs on what cabin they want and first pick at the work list, etc. Where to Find Codes and the Point Value: 32 pack, 12 oz. Cans – 25 8 pack, 20 oz bottles – 24 24 pack, 12 oz cans – 20 6 pack, 24 oz bottles – 18 20 pack, 12 oz cans – 18 18 pack, 12 oz cans – 15 15 pack, 12 oz cans – 10 12 pack, 12 oz cans – 10 8 pack, 12 oz cans – 8 Any bottle from 16 oz to 2 liter – 3 Coca-Cola Products that have My Coke Rewards Codes: Coke Diet Coke Coca Cola Zero Sprite Barqs Dasani Powerade Vault Fanta Minute Maid Mr Pibb Fresca Parade of Chapters points: Every 100 points collected receives 5 POC points (no limit) Trimester bonus points: 1st Place in a Trimester - 100 extra bonus points 2nd Place in a Trimester - 50 extra bonus points 3nd Place in a Trimester - 25 extra bonus points End of year bonus structure: 1st Place – 200 points 4th Place – 50 points 2nd Place – 150 5th Place – 25 points 3rd Place – 100

MISSOURI JAYCEES Minimum Awards Criteria for 2009 State Awards

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1. Ensure all membership information related to your chapter is submitted by final close out deadline. Even if no membership activity to report, must check in regardless.

2. Pop. Division 1-3 Chapters – Must submit a minimum of 1 new member each month.

Pop. Division 4–9 Chapters – Must submit a minimum of 2 new members each month.

3. Minimum growth of 10% of your chapter.

4. Submit calendar of event updates to VP Sandy Backes (jayceesandy@hotmail.com).

5. Attend state meetings, including the Executive Committee meeting, General Assembly meeting and all Chapter President training sessions.

6. Attend the region & district meetings within your home region, including all training sessions.

7. Publish & distribute a monthly chapter newsletter or postcard to chapter members (be sure to include the executive team and state office).

8. Submit IMPACT article and a minimum of three (3) pictures for each issue.

9. Conduct a chapter ID competition program or have participants in region and/or state competitions.

10. Participate in the Parade of Chapters by submitting a POC packet.

To be accomplished in the FIRST TRIMESTER in addition to the above general items:

1. The Local President must attend Local Officer Training School. At least two (2) other chapter board members must attend Local Officer Training School.

2. Submit the first blue chip submission packet to the state office by the state deadline.

3. Have at least 3 members attend one of the spring Camp Work Weekends or donate at least $500 for Wonderland Camp.

4. Complete at least one new chapter extension.

To be accomplished in the SECOND TRIMESTER in addition to the above general items:

1. Have at least 3 members attend Access Day or donate at least $500 for Access Day.

2. Submit a nomination for Outstanding Young Farmer or Outstanding Young Missourian by the posted deadline.

To be accomplished in the THIRD TRIMESTER in addition to the above general items:

1. Attend Planning Session.

2. Have at least 3 members attend one of the fall Camp Work Weekends or donate at least $500 for Wonderland Camp.

3. Submit final blue chip packet to the state office by the state deadline.

To be completed BY YEAR-END in addition to the above general items:

1. Focus Program donations - $4 per January 1 base members by 12/18/09.

2. Complete a minimum of two extensions (either internal or external).

3. Participate in at least 75% of the National Programs.

4. Participate in 100% of the State Focus Programs.

5. Visit at least one other chapter in each region.

MISSOURI JAYCEES Minimum Awards Criteria for 2009 State Awards

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General items to be accomplished EACH TRIMESTER:

1. District Directors - visit each assigned chapter at least once a month.

Region Directors – visit each assigned chapter at least twice per trimester.

2. Ensure all membership information related to your region or district is submitted by final close out deadline. Even if no membership activity to report, must check in regardless.

3. Minimum growth of 10% of your region or district.

4. Submit calendar of event updates to VP Sandy Backes (jayceesandy@hotmail.com).

5. Attend state meeting, including the Executive Committee meeting, General Assembly meeting and all Region/District Director training sessions.

6. Conduct a region meeting or district meeting.

7. Attend the region meetings within your home region.

8. Publish & distribute a region or district newsletter.

9. Submit IMPACT article and a minimum of three (3) pictures for each issue.

10. Submit monthly award nominations for outstanding chapters and outstanding local members or officers by the 5th day following each month.

To be accomplished in the FIRST TRIMESTER in addition to the above general items:

1. Attend Local Officer Training School.

2. Submit the first blue chip packet to the state office by the state deadline.

3. Complete at least one new chapter extension.

4. Attend the USJC Year-End Celebration.

5. Attend one of the spring Wonderland Camp Work Weekends.

To be accomplished in the SECOND TRIMESTER in addition to the above general items:

1. Attend Access Day.

2. District Directors - Have at least one assigned chapter submit a nomination for Outstanding Young Farmer or Outstanding Young Missourian by the posted deadline.

Region Directors - Have at least one assigned chapter per number of assigned districts submit a nomination for Outstanding Young Farmer or Outstanding Young Missourian by the posted deadline.

To be accomplished in the THIRD TRIMESTER in addition to the above general items:

1. Attend State Planning Session.

2. Submit the final blue chip packet to the state office by the state deadline.

3. Attend one of the fall Wonderland Camp Work Weekends.

To be completed BY YEAR-END in addition to the above general items:

1. Focus Program donations - $4 per January 1 base members by 12/18/09 (50% of chapters minimum participation).

2. District Directors – complete at least one external extension.

Region Directors - complete at least two external extensions.

3. Have at least 50% chapter participation in State & National Programs.

4. Attend the USJC Annual Meeting.

May 15-17, 2009 Macon Comfort Inn - Macon, MO. 63552

1821 North Missouri St. (Hwy 63 just north of the Hwy 36 junction)

Room Rate: $72.00 per night (plus tax) (Room block released April 15th – Minimum two-night stay required for Jaycee rate)

Call 660-395-8000 for reservations – Identify yourself as a Missouri Jaycee This unique, rustic lodge features a two story spacious lobby with a beautiful rock fireplace. Every morning guests

wake up to a free Comfort Sunshine® Breakfast, featuring Belgian waffles, hard boiled eggs, biscuits & gravy, pastries, bagels, fresh fruit, cereals, juices & coffee. Freshly baked Otis Spunkmeyer cookies are served nightly.

Early Registration: $72.00 --- Late Registration: $85.00 (Early registrations must be postmarked by April 15th)

Partial Registrations: Send this registration form and payment to: Friday Night Mixer: $15.00 Macon Jaycees – Spring State Meeting Saturday Lunch: $27.00 P.O. Box 153 Saturday Dinner: $37.00 Macon, MO. 63552 Saturday Day Night Mixer: $15.00 Questions??? Call 660-385-2904 or email: adjutant29@yahoo.com

Registration List (PLEASE PRINT) Submit individually or as a chapter – attach additional pages as necessary: Chapter Name: Registering For (Check all that apply):

Name Phone # Email Address Full Reg.

Fri. Mixer

Sat. Lunch

Sat. Dinner

Sat. Mixer

MMIISSSSOOUURRII JJAAYYCCEEEESS 222 East Dunklin, Suite 100 Jefferson City, MO 65101-3127

