OPENING WORDS BY DIRECTOR: En primer lloc moltes gràcies al Sr Rector, als Srs Degans de les...


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En primer lloc moltes gràcies al Sr Rector, als Srs Degans de les Facultats de Biologia, Farmacia i Quimica per la seva presència.  My second acknowledgment is with no doubt for our guests, leading researchers from distinct countries. Thank you very much for coming, and agreeing to provide your views of the forthcoming science in the XXIst century, as the logo from this meeting states. Today’s meeting has been programmed as the opening symposium of the new Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona.As most of you already know, this Institute is an initiative that has succeded on the basis of organizing around 30 research teams amb more than 300 researchers in biomedicine in our campus, and has already opened program of recruitmen of young group leaders in novel àreas of expected impact novel approaches to basic biomedical research.  Our Institute intends to provide a novel structure for research in basic science linked to Departments and Faculties from our University, and our main objective is promoting the interdiciplinarity and holistic approaches that novel technologies and scientific paradigms are providing and will be of ourmost relevance in science advancement in the next decades This is the reason that we called this symposium “Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research in the XXIst Century. I won’t forget to mention that our Institute is born with an unequivocal link to University as such. We are convinced that the University is one of the best and more stimulating environment for research in the forthcoming years, and it is our satisfaction and pride that our Institute was from the University of Barcelona. And our research activities will be in close relationship with student’s training.  Així doncs, agraeixo molt profundament als participants internacionals en aquest simposi el seu suport i la exemplificació que han fet com a investigadors en la frontera del coneixement internacional, i que sense dubte ens mostraran durant el dia d’avui, de les orientacions amb més futur en la recerca en biomedicina i de com aquesta beu de moltes de les fonts clàssiques del coneixement científic, des de la biologia fins a la quimica. Vull fer extensiu el meu agraiment al Rectorat de la nostra Universitat, que ha donat suport al nostre Institut des del primer moment. Aquesta iniciativa és sobretot de tots els investigadors que han cregut en ella, però també del nostre Rectorat. I vull donar les gràcies molt especialment des d’aquí al Dr Marius Rubiralta, fins fa poc el nostre Rector, i al qui desitgem i, val dir, esperem per la part que ens toca, grans èxits en la seva nova responsabilitat en el conjunt de la Universitat a Espanya. I també a tots aquells que ens han permès arribar a aquest punt d’arrancada del nostre Institut, des de les empreses patrocinadores fins al Parc Científic i a aquesta pròpia Facultat de Biologia i al seu degà Dr Casado, pel seu compromis en donar suport material i logístic als primer passos de l’IBUB. I en darrer lloc, agrair molt especialment al Dr Florenci Serras, pel seu impuls en l’arrancada del nostre Institut i en la organització d’aquest simposi. So, thank you to all, and I don’t want to take you more time, this is time for the real thing, science, and the contributions from our scientific guests. 

Benvinguts doncs tots,

The Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona (IBUB) at Campus Diagonal Sur “Portal del Coneixement”

The IBUB's objectives are:

•to generate knowledge of biological systems using an integrative approach to identify new targets for therapy and the design of bioactive molecules with therapeutic potential;

•to generate advances in the quality of the community's living standards and of public health, 

•to act as a quality centre for biomedical research training, so maintaining the Institute's founding mission as an entity that brings together UB researchers from the university's Faculties of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy.

The Institute of Biomedicine of the University of Barcelona at Campus Diagonal Sur “Portal del Coneixement”

30 research groups10 groups members of CIBER, 2 ConsoliderMore than 200 staff researchers

30 research groups10 groups members of CIBER, 2 ConsoliderMore than 200 staff researchers

New programs:-PhD fellowships for integrative projects-Young scientist recruitment for start-up new research teams in systems biology and omics-based drug discovery-Establishment of novel technological platforms

IBUB…….for what?

-Biomedical research, a science affair

IBUB…….for what?

-Biomedical research, a science affair

- Interdisciplinary, integrative approaches are essential to answer new questions on life sciences and undertaking health improvement strategies

IBUB…….for what?

-Biomedical research, a science affair

-Biomedical research, why not in the University?

- Interdisciplinary, integrative approaches are essential to answer new questions on life sciences and undertaking health improvement strategies

Wellcome to IBUB
