Online Geertje Stienstra John Elstgeest...Magicians. Now we are working with 5 leading Dutch flower...


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Ringmaster: John ElstgeestDesigner: Geertje StienstraLocation: Online


Chrysanthemum Day (菊の節句or Kiku no Sekku) is one of the five ancient sacred festivals of Japan. Also known as the Festival of Happiness, it is celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th month. Originally, this would have been the 9th day of the 9th lunar month, placing the festival at various dates in October, but now the Gregorian calendar is used, so the Festival takes place on September 9th.

TheThe first Festival took place in 910, when the Japanese Imperial Court held its first chrysanthemum show. Chrysanthemums are the symbol of the Imperial House of Japan and the monarchy is known as the Chrysanthemum Throne. Also, Japan’s highest order is the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum.

This year Deliflor Chrysanten and Flower Circus made this an international day by having an online floral demonstration with only Chrysanthemums!

missedmissed the show? don’t worry, you have the lookbook now, and you can also watch it via this link:

Wishing you a lot of floral inspiration,

John ElstgeestDirector at Flower Circus

Online show | 9 Sept 2020


Chrysanthemum Ritual

Chrysanthemum Alamos Yellow

Chrysanthemum Midnightsun



Chrysanthemum Evidence

Chrysanthemum Ritual

Chrysanthemum Yin Yang Cream



Chrysanthemum Abbey

Chrysanthemum Abbey Yellow

Chrysanthemum Rossano Charlotte



Chrysanthemum Evidence

Chrysanthemum Deligreen

Chrysanthemum Baykal

Chrysanthemum Pixel Snowy



Chrysanthemum Midnightsun



Chrysanthemum Alamos

Chrysanthemum Etrusko

Chrysanthemum Yin Yang Pink

Chrysanthemum Magnum



Chrysanthemum Baltica

Chrysanthemum Delifgreen

Chrysanthemum Yin Yang


Bouquet 7: Nature’s Beauty

Fleurex 2019 | 27 Oct, 2019 10

We aim to inspire, inform, and entertain as many florists all over the world, to help them make their business as profitable as possible. As well as helping companies to promote their products to increase both sales and brand awareness.

WeWe had shows in more than 15 different countries! Besides the shows, Flower Circus was also present with a stand at international floral exhibitions. We showed the products from the companies who joined us both at our stand, as well as on stage.

WhileWhile we were doing more and more shows, we also needed more Flower Magicians. Now we are working with 5 leading Dutch flower designers on a regular basis. Later we also found a ringmaster (or is it a clown, we are not sure yet) to present our shows. Follow Flower Circus to get floral news and inspiration:

About Flower Circus


9Online show | 9 Sept 2020

10Online show | 9 Sept 2020
