Omaha 7 waystohelpyourheartkidmakefriendswhenyourea_stay-at-homeparent


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1. 7 Ways To Help Your i Heart Kid Make Friends When You're A Stay-At-Home Parent0 smallCh-kr9n: Ho: piulAMed-cnloermer Omaha 2. 1. Talk To Other Heart Families. One Facebook user says that she schedules play dates with another heart family whose child is around the same age as hers. At Children's,we can provide newly diagnosed parents with the contact information of another heart family who lives nearby. See if your child's hospital knows of any local families that you could reach out to. 3. 2. Reach Out To Homeschooling Families. Another Facebook user suggests reaching out to local families who homeschool their children. Even if your heart kid is not a homeschooler,these families can be a good source of information about fun local activities for kids of various ages. 4. 3. Check Out Your Local Library. Kids who have received heart transplants have weakened immune systems.So,they must be cautious in environments and situations where they may be heavily exposed to germs. Going to storytime at your local library can be a good way for your heart kiddo to interact with his peers.And you're less likely to encounter the germ exposure you might find at other kid-friendly places,such as playgrounds. 5. 4. Join A Playgroup. One heart mom on Facebook who recently joined a local playgroup says she makes sure that any toys her child plays with are wiped down beforehand.The other group members know to keep their hands sanitized as well. Meetup. com and other local event-finding sites can point you in the direction of groups for parents of children close to your child's age. 6. 5. Go To The Zoo. The heart mom who recommends play dates also takesadvantage of membership at the zoo by taking her child there often. The zoo can be a great place to take your heart kiddo to interact with her peers and also spend time learning about animals. 7. 6. Volunteer. School-age children can get involved in helping out their favorite cause.This can also be a great way to keep them involved in activities they may no longer be able to fully participate in,such as certain sports. A heart mom on Facebook explains that her daughterwho used to play organized sportsstill attended her friends games to support them.When she got older,she started volunteering at the snack bar during sporting events. Another Facebook user says her son volunteers at local nursing homes,fundraisers,the Special Olympics,and other events. 8. 7. Take Up A Sport. Some sports are actually a great way for heart kids to socialize and get some physical activity at the same time. One Facebook user says her daughter takes dance classes.Another heart mom said her son has tried swimming and gymnastics. If you are unsure whether your heart kiddo can participatein certain sports or activities,reach out to his medical team.They may also have suggestions for activities based on other patients experiences.
