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    Okra(US/!o"kr!/or UK/!#kr!/;

    Abelmoschus esculentusMoench),

    known in many English-speaking

    countries as ladies' fingers,bhindi,bamia, or gumbo, is a flowering

    plantin the mallow family. It is valued

    for its edible green seed pods. The

    geographical origin of okra is disputed,

    with supportersofSouth Asian,

    EthiopianandWest Africanorigins.

    The plant is cultivated in tropical,subtropical and warm temperate

    regions around the world.[1]

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    Vernacular names

    The name okrais most often used inthe United States, with a variant

    pronunciation, English Caribbean

    okro. The word okrais of Nigerianorigin and is cognate with !kwur"in

    the Igbo languagespoken in Nigeria.[2]

    Okra is often known as "lady's fingers"

    outside of Africa.[3]In various Bantu

    languages, okra is called kingomboor

    a variant thereof,[citation needed]and

    this is the origin of its name in

    Portuguese(quiabo), Spanish

    (quimbombor guigamb),

    Dutch[citation needed]and French

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    (gombo), and also possibly of the

    name "gumbo", used in parts of the

    United States and English-speakingCaribbean for either the vegetable or a

    stew based on it.[4]In Indiaand

    Pakistan, and often in the UnitedKingdom, it is called by its Hindi/Urdu

    name, bhindi, bhendi, bendaior

    bhinda. In BangladeshandWest

    Bengal, Indiait is called dherosh. In

    Tamilnadu, Indiait is called vendai

    kai. InAndhra Pradeshand

    Karnataka, Indiait is called bendekayi. In China, it is called qiu kui. In

    Middle East (Arabic speakers) it is

    called bamiaor bamyeh. In

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    Dominican Republic it is called


    Structure andphysiology

    The species is an annualor perennial,

    growing to 2 m tall. It is related to

    such species as cotton, cocoa, and

    hibiscus. The leavesare 1020 cm longand broad, palmately lobed with 57

    lobes. The flowersare 48 cm in

    diameter, with five white to yellow

    petals, often with a red or purple spot

    at the base of each petal. The fruitis a

    capsule up to 18 cm long, containing

    numerous seeds.

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    Abelmoschus esculentusis cultivated

    throughout the tropical and warm

    temperate regions of the world for itsfibrous fruits or pods containing

    round, white seeds. It is among the

    most heat- and drought-tolerant

    vegetable species in the world and will

    tolerate soilswith heavy clayand

    intermittent moisture but frost can

    damage the pods.

    In cultivation, the seeds are soaked

    overnight prior to planting to a depth

    of 12 cm. Germinationoccurs

    between six days (soaked seeds) and

    three weeks. Seedlings require ample

    water. The seed pods rapidly become

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    fibrous and woody, and, to be edible,

    must be harvested within a week of the

    fruit having been pollinated. The fruitsare harvested when immature and

    eaten as avegetable.[5]

    Origin anddistribution

    Okra is an allopolyploidof uncertainparentage (proposed parents include

    Abelmoschus ficulneus,A.

    tuberculatusand a reported "diploid"form of okra). Truly wild (as opposed

    to naturalised) populations are not

    known with certainty and the species

    may be a cultigen.

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    The geographical origin of okra is

    disputed, with supporters of South

    Asian, Ethiopian and West Africanorigins. Supporters of a South Asian

    origin point to the presence of its

    proposed parents in that region.

    Supporters of a West African origin

    point to the greater diversity of okra in

    that region.

    The Egyptiansand Moorsof the 12th

    and 13th centuries used theArabic

    word for the plant, bamya, suggesting

    it had come from the east. The plant

    may have entered southwest Asia

    across the Red Seaor the Bab-el-

    Mandebstrait to theArabian

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    Peninsula, rather than north across

    the Sahara, or from India. One of the

    earliest accounts is by a Spanish Moorwho visited Egypt in 1216, who

    described the plant under cultivation

    by the locals who ate the tender, young

    pods with meal.[4]

    From Arabia, the plant spread around

    the shores of the Mediterranean Seaand eastward. The plant was

    introduced to theAmericasby ships

    plying theAtlantic slave trade[6]

    by1658, when its presence was recorded

    in Brazil. It was further documented in

    Surinamein 1686. In compound farms

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    in the rainforest of southeastern

    Nigeria (Okafor and Fernandes, 1986),

    farmers have developed a multi-cropsystem that provides a diversified and

    continuous production of food,

    combining species with different

    maturity periods such as yams,

    cassava, cocoyams, bananas, plantain,

    maize, okra, pumpkin, melon, leafy

    vegetables and a variety of trees andshrubs, 60 of which provide food

    products. This ensures a balanced diet

    but also reduces the need for storagein an area where post-harvest losses

    are high. [7]

    Okra may have been introduced to

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    southeastern North Americain the

    early 18th century. It was being grown

    as far north as Philadelphiaby 1748.Thomas Jeffersonnoted it was well

    established inVirginiaby 1781. It was

    commonplace throughout the

    Southern United Statesby 1800, and

    the first mention of different cultivars

    was in 1806.[4]


    Okra is a popular health fooddue to itshigh fiber,vitamin C, and folate

    content. Okra is also known for being

    high in antioxidants. Okra is also a

    good source of calciumand potassium.

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    Culinary uses

    The products of the plant aremucilaginous, resulting in the

    characteristic "goo" or slime when the

    seed pods are cooked; the mucilagecontains a usable form of soluble fiber.

    Some people cook okra this way,

    others prefer to minimize sliminess;

    keeping the pods intact, and briefcooking, for example stir-frying, help

    to achieve this. Cooking with acidic

    ingredients such as a few drops oflemon juice, tomatoes, or vinegar may

    help. Alternatively, the pods can be

    sliced thinly and cooked for a long

    time so the mucilage dissolves, as in

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    gumbo. The cooked leaves can also be

    used as a powerful soup thickener.

    [citation needed]The immature pods

    may also be pickled. In the deep south

    of the United States Okra is a delicacy,

    especially deep fried in oil, afterbreading. Several cafes and nationwide

    eating establishments including The

    Ole Cracker Barrell and the Corral,

    serve Deep fried okra usually with a

    side order of a sauce like buttermilk


    In Syria, Tunisia, Egypt,Albania,

    Bosnia, Greece, Bulgaria, Republic of

    Macedonia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,

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    Lebanon, Turkey, andYemen,[13]and

    other parts of the eastern

    Mediterranean, including Palestine,

    Cyprusand Israel, okra is widely used

    in a thick stew made with vegetables

    and meat. In Bosnia and most of WestAsia, okra is known as bamiaor

    bamya. West Asian cuisine usually

    uses young okra pods, usually cooked

    whole. In India, the harvesting is done

    at a later stage, when the pods and

    seeds are larger.

    It is popular in Indianand Pakistani

    cuisine, where chopped pieces are stir-

    fried with spices, pickled, salted or

    added to gravy-based preparations

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    such as bhindi ghoshtand sambar. It

    is also simmered in coconut based

    curries or tossed with ground mustardseeds. In India, it is also used in

    curries. In curries, okra is used whole,

    trimmed only of excess stalk and

    keeping the hard conical top, which is

    discarded at the time of eating. In

    South India, Okra is cut into small

    circular pieces about 1/4 inch thickand stick fried in oil with salt and hot

    pepper powder to make delicious

    curry. However, when used in sambarit is cut into pieces which are 1 inch

    thick to prevent it from dissolving

    when the sambar is let to simmer.

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    In Malaysiaokra is commonly a part of

    yong tau foocuisine, typically stuffed

    with processed fish paste (surimi) andboiled with a selection of vegetables

    and tofu, and served in a soup with


    In Malawiit is preferred cooked and

    stirred with sodium bicarbonateto

    make it more slimy. It is thencommonly eaten with nsima (pap)

    made from raw maize flour or maize

    husks flour.

    In the Caribbeanislands, okra is eaten

    in soup. In Curaaothe soup is known

    asjambowhich primarily is made out

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    of the okra's mucilage. It is often

    prepared with fish andfunchi, a dish

    made out of cornmealand boilingwater. In Haiti, it is cooked with rice

    and maize, and also used as a sauce for

    meat. In Cuba, it is called quimbomb,

    along with a stew using okra as its

    primary ingredient. In Dominican

    Republic is eaten as if in salad and also

    cooked with rice.

    It became a popular vegetable in

    Japanese cuisinetoward the end of the

    19th century, served with soy sauce

    and katsuobushi, or as tempura.

    In the Philippines, okra can be found

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    among traditional dishes like pinakbet,

    dinengdeng, and sinigang. Because of

    its mild taste and ubiquity, okra canalso be cooked adobo-style, or served

    steamed or boiled in a salad with

    tomatoes, onion andbagoong.

    Okra forms part of several regional

    "signature" dishes.Frango com

    quiabo(chicken with okra) is aBrazilian dishespecially famous in the

    region of Minas Gerais, and it is the

    main ingredient of caruru, a bahian

    food with dende oil. Gumbo, a hearty

    stew whose key ingredient is okra, is

    found throughout the Gulf Coast of the

    United Statesand in the South

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    Carolina Lowcountry. Deep- or

    shallow-fried okra coated with

    cornmeal, flour, etc. is widely eaten in

    the southern United States.[14]Okra is

    also an ingredient expected in callaloo,

    a Caribbeandish and the national dishof Trinidad and Tobago. It is also a

    part of the national dish of Barbados

    coucou(turned cornmeal). Okra is also

    eaten in Nigeria, where draw soupis a

    popular dish, often eaten with garrior

    cassava. InVietnam, okra is the

    important ingredient in the dish canhchua. Okra slices can also be added to


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    Okra leaves may be cooked in a similar

    way to the greens ofbeetsor

    dandelions.[16]Since the entire plant is

    edible, the leaves are also eaten raw in

    salads. Okra seeds may be roasted and

    ground to form a caffeine-freesubstitute for coffee.[4]When

    importation of coffee was disrupted by

    theAmerican Civil Warin 1861, the

    Austin State Gazettesaid "An acre of

    okra will produce seed enough to

    furnish a plantationof fifty negroes

    with coffee in every way equal to that

    imported from Rio."[17]

    Alternative Medicinal

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    Naturopathic medicines include okrafor intestinal and irritable bowel

    dysfunction due to its mucilaginous

    properties. Utilizing the whole pod

    during cooking maintains the potency

    and the effectiveness of the pod

    contents. These are still present when

    chopped, but to a lesser degree. Theconsistency of the mucilaginous seeds

    are a good binder in the recipe in

    which they are cooked too, giving

    dishes a nice glossy appearance. In

    complementary medicine it is believed

    that the gut and intestines are the

    main/dominant organs of the body

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    and that all foods which facilitate the

    digestive process and binary systems

    are beneficial to the body as a whole,for this reason, providing a natural

    lining to the intestinal mucosa,

    prevents leakages from ailments such

    as ulcerations, bacterial imbalances

    and general dyspepsia. Thus okra's

    fibrous and mucilaginous properties

    are likely to have excellent results inlowering inflammation, increasing

    active transportation of nutritional

    conversion (take up) and reduce fluidretention and subsequent secondary

    complications associated with the


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    Unspecified parts of the plant were

    reported in 1898 to possess diuretic

    properties;[18][19]this is referenced in

    numerous sources associated with

    herbal and traditional medicine.

    Some studies are being developed

    targeting okra extract as remedy to

    manage diabetes.[20]

    Common diseases

    The most common disease afflictingthe okra plant isverticillium wilt, often

    causing a yellowing and wilting of the

    leaves. Other diseases include powdery

    mildewin dry tropical regions, leaf

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    spots, and root-knot nematodes.[21]

    Oxalic acid

    Oxalic acidis a naturally occurring

    colourless organic acid found in manyplants including okra. Okra contains

    0.05g/100g of oxalic acid. The toxicity

    of oxalic acid is due to kidney failure,

    which arises because it causesprecipitation of solid calcium oxalate,

    [18] the main component of kidney

    stones. Oxalic acid can also cause jointpain due to the formation of similar

    precipitates in the joints.

    See also

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    Abelmoschus caillei(West African


    Luffa, also called "Chinese okra"Mulukhiyah, also called "bush okra"

    References. ^National Research Council (2006-

    10-27). "Okra".Lost Crops of Africa:

    Volume II: Vegetables. Lost Crops ofAfrica 2. National Academies Press.

    ISBN978-0-309-10333-6. Retrieved


    . ^McWhorter, John H. (2000). The

    Missing Spanish Creoles:

    Recovering the Birth of Plantation

    Contact Languages. University of

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    California Press. p. 77. ISBN0-520-

    21999-6. Retrieved 2008-11-29.

    . ^"Alternative Cold Remedies:Lady's Fingers Plant", curing-

    colds.com (accessed 3 June 2009)

    . ^a




    "Okra, or 'Gumbo,' fromAfrica, tamu.edu

    . ^"Okra Seed". Retrieved 2012-10-


    . ^" Okra gumbo and rice"by Sheila

    S. Walker, The News Courier,

    unknown date

    . ^"Non-wood Forest Products andNutrition". Retrieved 2012-10-17.

    . ^Duvauchelle, Joshua (26 May

    2011). "Okra Nutrition Information".

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    LiveStrong.com. Retrieved 24 June


    . ^Franklin W. Martin (1982). "Okra,Potential Multiple-Purpose Crop for

    the Temperate Zones and Tropics".

    Economic Botany36(3): 340345.


    . ^Mays, D.A., W. Buchanan, B.N.

    Bradford, and P.M. Giordano (1990).

    "Fuel production potential of severalagricultural crops".Advances in new

    crops: 260263.

    . ^J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1920, 42 (1), pp166170 "Okra Seed Oil"

    . ^Farooq, Anwar; Umer Rashid,

    Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad

    Nadeem (March 2010). "Okra

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    (Hibiscus esculentus) seed oil for

    biodiesel production".Applied

    Energy87(3): 779785.doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.09.020.

    . ^Julia Devlin and Peter Yee. Trade

    Logistics in Developing Countries:

    The Case of the Middle East and

    North Africa. p. 445

    . ^Madison, Deborah (15 May 2008).

    Renewing America's FoodTraditions. Chelsea Green

    Publishing. p. 167.

    . ^"BBC - Okra ratatouille". Retrieved2012-04-06.

    . ^network.com: Okra Greens and

    Corn Saute, M.S. Milliken & S.

    Feniger, 1996

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    . ^Austin State Gazette [TEX.],

    November 9, 1861, p. 4, c. 2, copied

    in Confederate Coffee Substitutes:Articles from Civil War

    Newspapers, University of Texas at


    . ^Felter, Harvey Wickes & Lloyd,

    John Uri, King's American

    Dispensatory, 1898.Retrieved 27

    November 2011.. ^"Abelmoschus esculentus -

    (L.)Moench.",Plants for a Future,

    June 2004, retrieved 27 November2011. Reference as diuretic cited

    there from Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S.

    L. and Chopra. I. C. Glossary of

    Indian Medicinal Plants (Including

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    the Supplement), Council of

    Scientific & Industrial Research,

    1956.. ^Amin, Indah Mohd. "Nutritional

    Properties of Abelmoschus

    Esculentus as Remedy to Manage

    Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature

    Review". Universiti Teknologi

    MARA (UiTM) Malaysia. Retrieved

    9 January 2014.. ^"Growing okra". Department of

    Primary Industries and Fisheries,

    Queensland. 19 September 2007.Retrieved 24 June 2012.

    External links

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    Abelmoschus esculentusat ITIS

    Abelmoschus esculentus (L.)

    MoenchMedicinal Plant ImagesDatabase (School of Chinese

    Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist

    University) (traditional Chinese)


    Abelmoschus esculentusinWest

    African plants A Photo Guide.

