OHL Connection _erection Scope



Antam Pomala

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  • Existing Gantry Tower

    Existing 150kV SWYD

    Tower No.14 Tower No.13

    New 150kV SWYD

    Broken line will be removed.

    OHL modification plan

    Line Trap-1 Line Trap-2

    Line Trap-2

    One existing OHL is changed to connect to new 150kV SWYD


    Existing PLC Terminal Optical Communication

    Tower No.12

    New PLC Terminal

    Existing 150kV SWYD (GIS)

    No.14 No.13


    Existing Gantry Tower

    New Tower

    NEW 150KV SWYD (Hybrid GIS)

    One existing OHL is replaced by cable and connected to new 150kV SWYD.

    New Tower

    New Tower (40M)

    New Gantry

    New Gantry and Tower will be made near the new SWYD and one of OHL direction will be changed to NEW 150kV SWYD.

    Note : Blue Line shows erection scope.

    (By Cable Trench) Cable termination work will be done by others.

    Two OHL are located between No.14 and No.12 tower at this moment. One circuit will be removed from here.
