OF5 S/N OfflineFiltration€¦ · OF5 S/N OfflineFiltration Installation and Maintenance...


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OF5 S/NOfflineFiltration

Installation and Maintenance Instructions

English • (translation of original instructions)

Document No. : 3160336d • 9/13/2019

Follow these instructions for proper and safe use.Keep for future reference.


ii MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Table of Contents

1 General .....................................................................................................................  5

1.1 Imprint ..............................................................................................................  5

1.2 Documentation Representative........................................................................  5

1.3 Purpose of this manual ....................................................................................  6

1.4 Target group of the manual..............................................................................  6

1.5 Illustrations in the manual ................................................................................  71.5.1 Illustration on the title page..................................................................  71.5.2 Representation of requirements ..........................................................  81.5.3 Representation of procedural instructions ...........................................  81.5.4 Representation of intermediate results/results ....................................  91.5.5 Representation of warning/general safety information ......................  101.5.6 Signal words and their meaning in the general safety information ....  11

1.6 Hazard symbols / pictograms.........................................................................  12

1.7 Supplementary symbols.................................................................................  13

1.8 Exclusion of liability/warranty .........................................................................  14

1.9 Notes on copyright .........................................................................................  14

1.10 Validity of this manual ....................................................................................  15

2 Safety information ...................................................................................................  16

2.1 Fire-fighting / extinguishing a fire ...................................................................  17

2.2 Stoppage in an emergency (EMERGENCY STOP).......................................  18

2.3 Observing regulatory information ...................................................................  18

2.4 Wear suitable clothing....................................................................................  18

3 Overview of the filtration unit...................................................................................  19

3.1 Proper/designated use ...................................................................................  20

3.2 Improper use or use deviating from intended use..........................................  21

3.3 Checking the scope of delivery ......................................................................  22

3.4 Dimensions ....................................................................................................  233.4.1 OF5N - Dimensions ...........................................................................  243.4.2 OF5S - Dimensions ...........................................................................  26


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3.5 Hydraulic diagram ..........................................................................................  283.5.1 OF5 N - Hydraulic diagram................................................................  283.5.2 OF5 S - Hydraulic diagram ................................................................  29

3.6 Technical Data ...............................................................................................  30

3.7 Decoding the name plate ...............................................................................  323.7.1 Model code ........................................................................................  34

3.8 Requirements of the workplace & working environment ................................  35

3.9 Components / Operating elements ................................................................  36

4 Transporting/storing the filter unit............................................................................  38

5 Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit .................................................  39

5.1 Avoiding siphoning .........................................................................................  40

5.2 Measure or display dynamic pressure / differential pressure.........................  41

5.3 Avoiding the mixing of oils - Emptying the filter unit.......................................  42

5.4 Making the electrical connections ..................................................................  43

5.5 Electrically connecting the electric motor .......................................................  43

5.6 Connecting the electric clogging indicator (optional)......................................  45

5.7 Connecting the suction/pressure port ............................................................  45

5.8 Inserting the filter element..............................................................................  47

5.9 Commissioning...............................................................................................  47

6 Operation ................................................................................................................  49

6.1 OF5N – Operating mode ................................................................................  50

6.2 OF5S - Selecting operating modes ................................................................  516.2.1 Operating the change over valve.......................................................  526.2.2 Operating mode - Transfer without filtration A -> B ...........................  536.2.3 Operating mode - Transfer with filtration A -> T ................................  536.2.4 Operating mode - Transfer with filtration T -> B ................................  54

6.3 Observing the optical clogging indicator (optional) ........................................  54

7 Performing maintenance .........................................................................................  55

7.1 Maintenance table..........................................................................................  55


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7.2 Changing the filter element ............................................................................  55

8 Rectifying malfunctions ...........................................................................................  59

9 Decommissioning / Disposal ...................................................................................  61

10 Appendix .................................................................................................................  62

10.1 EC declaration of conformity ..........................................................................  62

10.2 Locating spare parts.......................................................................................  6210.2.1 Order filter elements ..........................................................................  64 Filter element - Size 330...........................................................  6410.2.1.2 Filter elements - size 1300........................................................  6410.2.1.3 Filter elements - size 2600........................................................  66

10.3 Clogging indicators - technical data ...............................................................  6710.3.1 Differential pressure indicator, visual – VM x B.x ..............................  6710.3.2 Differential pressure indicator, visual – VM x BM.x ...........................  6910.3.3 Differential pressure gauge, electric (VM x C.x) ................................  7110.3.4 Differential pressure gauge, electric (VM x D.x /-L-xx) ......................  73

10.4 Finding a Customer Service team..................................................................  75

Glossary ..................................................................................................................  79

Index .......................................................................................................................  80


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1 GeneralIn this chapter, you will find helpful notes on handling these in-structions.

1.1 ImprintManufacturer / publisher and responsible for the content:

Address of the manufacturer Contact address

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMSGMBH Industriegebiet 66280 Sulzbach / Saar

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMSGMBH Justus-von-Liebig-Str., Werk20 66280 Sulzbach / Saar

Germany Germany

E-mail: filtersystems@hydac.com

Homepage: www.hydac.com

Court of Registration: Saarbrücken , HRB 17216

Executive directors: Mathias Dieter ,Dipl.Kfm. Wolfgang Haering

Tab. 1: Impressum

1.2 Documentation RepresentativeThe contact data of the person authorized with the documenta-tion is:

Mr. Günter Harge

c/o HYDAC International GmbH, Industriegebiet, 66280Sulzbach / Saar


Phone: +49 6897 509 1511

Fax: +49 6897 509 1394

E-mail: guenter.harge@hydac.com

Tab. 2: Documentation Representative


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1.3 Purpose of this manualBefore you use this product for the first time or if you havebeen asked to carry out other work on the product, please readthis manual.

The use and the handling of the product described in the fol-lowing, as well as its use, are not self-explanatory and are de-scribed in detail in this manual and the associated technicaldocumentation.

This manual will help you to use the product as intended, prop-erly, effectively, and safely. Therefore, you are requested toread the following chapters attentively and carefully. Please re-fer to it every time you require decisive details.

This manual informs and warns you of risks, against which therisk reduction through the design and protective measures maynot be effective or not fully effective.

1.4 Target group of the manualThis manual was created for the following target group.

Target group Tasks

Owner This manual and the associated docu-ments must be kept accessible at the in-stallation location of the product and alsofor later use.

Ask the employees to read and follow themanual and the associated documents, inparticular, the safety and warning instruc-tions.

Observe the additional product-related in-structions and requirements.

Specialist person-nel

Read, observe and follow this manual andthe associated documents, in particular,the safety and warning instructions.

Tab. 3: Target group


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1.5 Illustrations in the manualYou will find illustrations in this manual. You can find details re-garding these in the following chapters.

1.5.1 Illustration on the title pageYou will find the following information on the title page of thismanual:

Short name of the productProduct name

Operating and Maintenance Instructions

12345678 ● ##.##.####

English (translation of original instructions)



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Fig. 1: Overview / labeling of the title page

1 Short name of the product / product name2 Type of document3 Language4 Document no./Index ● Date of printing5 Supplementary instructions regarding the validity of the

manual (optional)

Please note that you can directly access information throughthe directories. However, this does not release you from theobligation to read this manual fully before commissioning.


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The document no. with the index (4) is meant for identifyingand reordering the manual. The index is incremented everytime the manual is revised or changed.

The manual contains a table of contents, a list of tables andfigures, an index and a glossary.

1.5.2 Representation of requirementsThese are absolutely required for carrying out a work activityon the product and are marked with a check mark and are inbold in the text.

An example for the representation of requirements:

ü he product is assembled and connected.

ü The product is switched off.

1. Switch the product on.

1.5.3 Representation of procedural instructionsIn the case of procedural instructions, there are the two follow-ing representations:

Procedural instructions with a fixed sequence

Procedural instructions, whose sequence must be compliedwith without fail are listed with sequential numbering (1., 2., 3.,etc.).

An example for procedural instructions with a fixed sequence:

1. Remove the transport securing device.

2. First fill the product.

3. Switch the product on.

Procedural instructions with a random sequence

Procedural instructions that have a random sequence arelisted as bullet points (-).


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An example of a procedural instruction with a random se-quence:

– Clean the display.

– Rinse the product.

1.5.4 Representation of intermediate results/resultsIn the case of some activities, it is necessary to carry out worksteps with intermediate results and end results.

Intermediate results are the consequence of activities; they aremarked with an indented arrow.

End results represent the end of an activity and are repre-sented with a flag.

An example for a procedural instruction with intermediate re-sult and final result:

1. Switch the product on.

ð The display lights up.

2. Press the button.

O The product is now ready for use.


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1.5.5 Representation of warning/general safetyinformationAll the warning / general safety information in this manual arehighlighted with pictograms and signal words. The pictogramand the signal word give you an indication of the severity of thedanger.Warning / general safety information, which are placed aheadof each activity, are represented as follows:


Type and source of danger

Hazard symbolConsequence of the danger

Measures to avert danger►


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1.5.6 Signal words and their meaning in the generalsafety informationIn these instructions you will find the following signal words:

DANGERDANGER – The signal word indicates a hazardous situationwith a high level of risk, which, if not avoided, will result lethalor serious injury.


WARNING – The signal word indicates a hazardous situationwith a medium level of risk, which, if not avoided, can resultlethal or serious injury.


CAUTION – The signal word indicates a hazardous situationwith a low level of risk, which, if not avoided, can result in mi-nor or moderate injury.


NOTICE – The signal word indicates a hazardous situationwith a high level of risk, which, if not avoided, will result indamage to property.


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1.6 Hazard symbols / pictogramsThe following are the safety symbols / pictograms in this man-ual. They indicate specific dangers to persons, property or tothe environment. Observe these safety symbols / pictogramsand act with particular caution in such cases. Always keep allsymbols / pictograms intact and legible.

Warning signs used

These signs are listed for all general safety information and in-structions in these operating instructions which indicate partic-ular dangers to persons, property or the environment.

Danger point warning

Dangerous electrical voltage warning

Mandatory action symbols used

These symbols are listed for all general safety information andinstructions in these operating instructions that refer to particu-lar dangers to persons, property or the environment.

Follow the instructions.

Other symbols used

These signs are listed for the general safety instructions inthese operating instructions, for example, which indicate a par-ticular danger to persons, property or the environment.


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Exposed electrical components

Danger due to operating pressure

Signs used for the required specialist personnel

These symbols show the required training/knowledge for in-stallation work and/or maintenance work.

Specialist personnel - ElectricianSuch persons have specific specialist trainingand several years' work experience. They areable to assess and perform the work assigned tothem, they are also able to recognize potentialdangers.

Specialist personnel - MechanicSuch persons have specific specialist trainingand several years' work experience. They areable to assess and perform the work assigned tothem and they are also able to recognize poten-tial dangers.

1.7 Supplementary symbolsYou will find the following symbols in the manual as additionaldetails:

Tip for handling the product


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Required tools

1.8 Exclusion of liability/warrantyFor the warranty provided by us, please refer to the Terms ofDelivery. They are made available to you at the conclusion ofthe contract at the latest. You will also find these underwww.hydac.com -> General Terms and Conditions (T&C).

This manual was prepared to the best of our knowledge. Nev-ertheless and despite the greatest care, it cannot be excludedthat mistakes could have crept in. Therefore, please under-stand that, in the absence of any provisions to the contraryhereinafter, our warranty and liability – for any legal reasonswhatsoever – are excluded in respect of the information in thismanual. In particular, we shall not be liable for lost profit orother financial loss.

This exclusion of liability does not apply in cases of intent andgross negligence. Moreover, it does not apply to defects whichhave been deceitfully concealed or whose absence has beenguaranteed, nor in cases of culpable harm to life, physical in-jury and damage to health. If we negligently breach any mate-rial contractual obligation, our liability shall be limited to fore-seeable damage. Claims due to the Product Liability shall re-main unaffected.

1.9 Notes on copyrightAll copyrights for this manual lies with the manufacturer. Nopart of this manual may be reproduced in any form or pro-cessed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems with-out the written consent of the manufacturer. Any infringementsof the above shall be liable to damage compensation.


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1.10 Validity of this manualThe diagrams and visualizations in this manual are meant forgeneral illustration purposes. Therefore, representations andfunctional options can deviate from the delivered product.

We reserve the right to changes to the contents of this manualwithout prior notice.

2 | Safety information HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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2 Safety information

DANGERDanger due to unintended use

Bodily injury / Damage to property

u Never operate the filter unit in potentially explosive atmos-pheres.

u The filter unit is to be used only with the permissible oper-ating media.

NOTICEImpermissible operating media

The filter unit will be damaged.

u Use the filter unit only with mineral oils and mineral oilbased-raffinates.

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The General Safety Information provides important informationon handling the device. A prerequisite for safe work is themaintenance of all stated General Safety Instructions and pre-cautions. In addition, the local accident prevention specifica-tions and general safety regulations that apply for the area ofoperation of the device must be observed.

2.1 Fire-fighting / extinguishing a fireUse a powder extinguisher that corresponds to fire class B asper EN 2 to extinguish any fires / to fight fires.

Fig. 2: Fire protectionclass B

Maintain a minimum safe distance from electrical components.For a mains voltage of up to 1000 V, the minimum safe dis-tance is 1 m.

Fig. 3: Minimum distance for fire fighting

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2.2 Stoppage in an emergency (EMERGENCY STOP)Disconnect the product from all sources of energy in an emer-gency.

2.3 Observing regulatory informationObserve the following regulatory information and directives:

– Legal and local regulations for accident prevention

– Legal and local regulations for environmental protection

– Country-specific regulations, organization-specific regula-tions

2.4 Wear suitable clothingLoose-fitting clothing increases the danger of being caught orbeing drawn in on rotating parts, and the risk of getting caughton protruding parts. You can be severely injured or killed inthese cases.

– Wear closely fitting clothing.

– Do not wear any rings, chains or any other jewelry.

– Wear a hair net if you have long hair.

– Wear work safety shoes.

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3 Overview of the filtration unitThe OF5 S/N is a filter unit for offline filtration of hydraulictanks. For the OF5 S version, it is possible to fill as well asempty a hydraulic tank with an integrated change over valve inaddition to the offline filtration.

3 | Overview of the filtration unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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3.1 Proper/designated useUse the filter unit only for the application described in the fol-lowing.

The filter unit is used in combination with the permitted filter el-ements (identification -KB) to clean / filter hydraulic and lubri-cating oils in the bypass flow or to fill the hydraulic systems, totransfer as well as drain the hydraulic tanks.

Intended use of the product also extends to the following:

– Observing all instructions in the instruction manual.

– Complying with inspection and maintenance work.

Claims for defects or liability, regardless of the legal founda-tion, do not apply with incorrect or improper installation, com-missioning, usage, handling, storage, maintenance, repair, useof unsuitable components or other circumstances for which themanufacturer is not responsible.

The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for determiningthe interfaces for installation in a system or the installation, useor functionality of the product in this system.

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3.2 Improper use or use deviating from intended useAny use extending beyond this or deviating therefrom shall notbe considered intended use.HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH will assume no liability forany damage resulting from such use. This risk is borne solelyby the owner.

Improper use may result in hazards and/or will damage the fil-ter unit. Examples of improper use:

– Operation in potentially explosive atmospheres.

– Operation under non-approved operational conditions.

– Modifications to the filter unit made by the user or pur-chaser.

– Inadequate monitoring of parts that are subject to wearand tear.

– Improperly performed repair work.

3 | Overview of the filtration unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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3.3 Checking the scope of deliveryThe filter unit is delivered ready for connection without the filterelement installed. Before commissioning the unit, check thecontents of the package to make sure everything is present.

The following items are included in the scope of delivery:


1 OF5 (Model according to the order - see modelcode)

1 Filter element (according to the purchase order)

1 Installation and Maintenance Instructions (this doc-ument)

1 Declaration of incorporation

Tab. 4: Checking the scope of delivery

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3.4 DimensionsDepending on the version, the filter housing/filter unit has dif-ferent dimensions. You can find details regarding these in thefollowing chapters.

3 | Overview of the filtration unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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3.4.1 OF5N - DimensionsThe filter unit OF5N has following dimensions.

Fig. 4: Dimensions OF5N 3433890

All dimensions in mm.

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2 Inlet (A) IN4 Outlet (T) OUT7 Motor-pump assembly8 Filter housing

11 Filter housing bleeding BLEED12 Filter housing drain DRAIN13 Differential pressure indicator (optional) DPI

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3.4.2 OF5S - DimensionsThe filter unit OF5S has following dimensions.

Fig. 5: OF5S 3435194 Dimensions

All dimensions in mm.

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2 Connection (A), G1 according toISO 228


3 Connection (B), G1 according toISO 228


4 Connection (T), G1 according toISO 228


5 Change-over valve6 Locking pin7 Motor/pump assembly

11 Filter housing bleeding BLEED12 Filter housing drain DRAIN14 Differential pressure indicator (op-


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3.5 Hydraulic diagramThe hydraulic diagram of the filter unit varies depending on theversion.

3.5.1 OF5 N - Hydraulic diagramThe filter unit OF5 N has the following hydraulic diagram.

Fig. 6: Hydraulic diagram OF5 N

2 Inlet (A) IN4 Outlet (T) OUT7 Motor-pump assembly8 Filter housing

11 Filter housing bleeding BLEED12 Filter housing drain DRAIN13 Clogging indicator

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3.5.2 OF5 S - Hydraulic diagramThe filter unit OF5 S has the following hydraulic diagram.

Fig. 7: Hydraulic circuit OF5 S

2 Connection (A), G1 according toISO 228


3 Connection (B), G1 according toISO 228


4 Connection (T), G1 according toISO 228


5 Change-over valve6 Locking pin7 Motor/pump assembly8 Filter housing

11 Filter housing bleeding BLEED12 Filter housing drain DRAIN13 Clogging indicator14 Differential pressure indicator (op-


3 | Overview of the filtration unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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3.6 Technical DataThe filter unit has the following technical data:

Permissible operating fluid Mineral oils and mineral oil-based raffinates.

Permitted operating pres-sure

≤ 4.5 bar

Hydraulic connections 1“ according to ISO 228

Sealing material NBR (FPM optional)

Pump type Vane pump

Flow OF5x10x3 ≈ 30 l/min

OF5x10x4 ≈ 30 l/min

OF5x10x6 ≈ 40 l/min

Permissible viscosity range OF5x10x3 ≈ 15 … 350 mm²/s

OF5x10x4 ≈ 15 … 350 mm²/s

OF5x10x6 ≈ 15 … 800 mm²/s

Permitted pressure at suc-tion port (IN)

-0.4 … 0.6 bar

Permitted fluid temperaturerange

10 … 80°C

Permitted ambient tempera-ture range

-20 … 40°C

Permitted storage tempera-ture range

10 … 40°C

Permitted relative humidityduring storage

≤ 95 %, non-condensing

Permissible differentialpressure over the filter ele-ment

2.5 bar

Air conditions Clean, salt-free air, not near oxi-dizing substances (rust film)

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Storage duration unlimitedReplace all the seals beforecommissioning after a storageduration of ≥ 2 years.

Electrical power consump-tion

OF5x10x3 ≈ 0.75 kW@50Hz


≈ 1.5 kW@50Hz

Degree of protection IP54

Power supply See the name plate on the elec-tric motor.

Emission sound pressurelevel LPA

< 70 db(A)

Design service life The intended service life of thefilter unit is not limited if the ser-vice and maintenance intervalsare complied with.

Tab. 5: Technical Data

Empty weight Filter size 0330 ≈ 46 kgFilter size 1300 ≈ 53 kgFilter size 2600 ≈ 64 kg

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3.7 Decoding the name plateIdentification details of the filter unit can be found on the nameplates on the filter unit and the components. Always mentionthe part no. and the serial no. when contacting HYDAC.

Fig. 8: Decoding the type label

Item Description

(1) -> Name plate of filter unit

(2) -> Name plate of electric motor

(3) -> Filter unit model code

Part no. -> Part number

S/N -> Serial number/year of manufacture

Power -> Power consumption

Voltage/Grid -> Voltage/power supply

Frequency -> Frequency

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Item Description

Current -> Current consumption

Pressure max. -> Operating pressure, maximum

Weight -> Empty weight

Flow rate -> Flow rate

Temp. Oil -> Permissible oil temperature range

Temp. Amb. -> Permitted ambient temperature range

Volume -> Oil volume in the filter unit

Tab. 6: Decoding the type label

3 | Overview of the filtration unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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3.7.1 Model codeThe filter unit is defined by the following model code:

Basic Type

Type code


OF5 S 10 P 6 N 1 B 05 E

Sealing material

Electric motor / Voltage / Network

Clogging indicator


10 = Standard

S = Filter unit with change over

V = FKM (FPM, Viton®)

Filter Size

Motor-pump group3 = 30 l/min, Viscosity ≤ 250 mm²/s, 0.75 kW@50hz6 = 40 l/min, Viscosity ≤ 800 mm²/s, 1.50 kW@50hz

M = 230 V AC / 50 Hz / 1 Ph

Filter material

E = Clogging indicator, StandardB = Differential pressure indicator, visualC = Differential pressure indicator, electricalD = Differential pressure indicator, visual/electricalB, C and D not for the design "N"

For special models, please contact our sales

N = Filter unit without change over

P = NBR (Perbunan)

X = other voltage on request

N = 380-420 V AC / 50 Hz / 3 Ph440-480 V AC / 60 Hz / 3 Ph

S = 500-600 V AC / 50(60) Hz / 3 Ph

1 = 3302 = 13003 = 2600

B = Optimicron ONA = Aquamicron BN/AM, AMFiltration rating03 = 3 µm ON, ON/AM05 = 5 µm ON10 = 10 µm ON, ON/AM20 = 20 µm ON40 = 40 µm AM-- = without filter element

Fig. 9: Model code OF5 S/N

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3.8 Requirements of the workplace & workingenvironmentRequirements of the workplace as well as the working environ-ment can be found in the chapter "Technical data" under:

– Permitted ambient temperature range

– Protection class according to DIN EN 60529 (IEC 529)

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3.9 Components / Operating elementsThe filter unit has the following components/operating ele-ments:

Fig. 10: Components/operating elements (example: OF5S)

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Item Tool

1 Subplate

2 Connection (A) IN

3 Connection (B) IN / OUT

4 Connection (T) TANK

5 Change-over valve (only OF5S)

6 Locking pin (only OF5S)

7 Motor-pump assembly

8 Filter housing

9 Swing bolts

10 Filter cover

11 Air bleed plug [Air bleed] BLEED

12 Drain plug DRAIN

13 Clogging indicator

14 Differential pressure indicator (op-tional)


4 | Transporting/storing the filter unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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4 Transporting/storing the filter unitFully empty the filter unit before transporting it or putting it intostorage. Remove the used filter element and dispose of it in anenvironmentally friendly manner. Clean the inside of the filterhousing.

NOTICEImproper clamping of the filter unit

The filter unit will be damaged.

u Clamp the filter unit while transporting only via the filterhousing.

Transport the filter unit only in standing position.

Fig. 11: Transporting the OF5 S/N

Store the filter unit in a standing position in clean and dryrooms. The conditions required for storage are given in chapterTechnical Data.

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5 Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unitObserve the following notices for mounting the filter unit.

– Place the filter unit horizontally on a stable, even and hori-zontal surface.

– Press the brakes on the rollers, if available.

– Make sure that there is sufficient space above the filterhousing to replace the filter elements.

– Observe the maximum permissible ambient temperatureand constant supply of cooling air to avoid overheating.

– Make sure that there is sufficient space above the filterhousing to replace the filter elements.

– Install the shut-off valves in the flow pipe and return pipeduring assembly under the fluid level.

– Fasten the filter unit to the ground with four screws.

5 | Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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5.1 Avoiding siphoningIf there is a height difference (ΔH) between the suction sideand pressure side container/system, the lower line can developa suction effect and trigger the siphoning effect between thecommunicating containers/systems. This siphoning effect alsooccurs when fluid is pumped in a pre-pressurized reservoir.

Fig. 12: Avoiding siphoning

NOTICESiphoning effect

Reservoir overflowing/leaking = oil spill

u Remove the ends of the hoses from the reservoir after op-eration or shut the shut-off device in the suction line.

After the filter unit is switched off, the height difference/primarypressure can cause flow to occur both in the feed direction andagainst the feed direction and the fluid can leak uncontrollably.

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit | 5

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5.2 Measure or display dynamic pressure / differentialpressureIf pressure is measured in a hydraulic system, the type of mea-surement such as dynamic pressure or differential pressure as well as the measurement point is critical, as shown in thefollowing diagram.

Fig. 13: Measure or display dynamic pressure / differential pressure

∑p = Total of the pressures∆p1 = Differential pressure p1 = Back-pressure∆p2 = Differential pressure p2 = Back-pressure∆p3 = Differential pressure p3 = Back-pressure∆p4 = Differential pressure p4 = Back-pressure

In the example, the back pressure at the first measurementpoint shows the total of the subsequent pressures in the hy-draulic system.

5 | Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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5.3 Avoiding the mixing of oils - Emptying the filter unitIf you want to use the same oil for operation as in the previousoperation, it is not serious if the oils are mixed.

If you do not know which oil was previously filtered with the fil-ter unit, replace the filter element and empty the filter unit com-pletely in order to prevent mixing with the residual oil in the fil-ter unit.

If different oils are mixed, the oil properties can change as fol-lows:

– Higher risk of cavitation

– More seal wear

– Modified anti-wear properties

– Poorer filtration

– Reduced filter element service lives

– Modified friction characteristics

– Modified response to water

– More deposits due to additive reactions

– More system contamination due to dissolved deposits

– Modified water/air uptake and output properties

– Greater tendency to foam

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit | 5

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5.4 Making the electrical connectionsDepending on the version, the filter unit has different drive mo-tors (different voltage / output / number of phases, etc.). Followthe instructions in the next section to electrically connect the fil-ter unit.

5.5 Electrically connecting the electric motorCheck the connection voltage as well as the frequency of theelectric motor and balance it with the available mains supply.You will find the electric data on the name plate of the electricmotor. Install a motor protection switch matched to the nominalcurrent of the electric motor.

DANGERDangerous electrical voltage warning

Danger of fatal injury

u All electrical jobs must be carried out by specialists withthe respective knowledge for the job.

u Pull the power plug and ensure the unit is deenergized.

5 | Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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Fig. 14: Star delta connection

Star connection

Delta connection

Check the direction of rotation on the electric motor in manualoperation. An arrow on the pump shows the correct direction ofrotation. If it is necessary to modify the direction of rotation,then exchange the two phases in the terminal box of the elec-tric motor.

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5.6 Connecting the electric clogging indicator (optional)If the filter housing/filter unit has been fitted with an optionalelectric clogging indicator, connect it to your control center inaccordance with the switching logic.

See also

2 Clogging indicators - technical data [} 67]

5.7 Connecting the suction/pressure portTake into account the pressure loss when connecting suction/pressure hoses. The suction / pressure hoses from the filterunit Accessories list are matched to the filter unit.

The pressure loss in a hydraulic line depends upon:

– Flow

– Kinematic viscosity

– Pipe dimensions

– Fluid density

The pressure loss can be estimated as follows for mineral oil-based hydraulic oils:

Fig. 15: Pressure loss formula

Δp Pressure differential [bar]L Line length [m]d Internal pipe diameter [mm]Q Flow [l/min]ν Kinematic viscosity [mm²/s]D Density [kg/dm³]

The mineral oil-based hydraulic oil has a density of ≈ 0.9 kg/dm³.

5 | Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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This formula applies to straight pipe runs. Particularly with re-gard to the suction side connection, note that additional con-nectors and pipe bends increase the pressure differential.

Observe the following points for hydraulic connection:

– Keep the height difference between the pump and the oillevel in the reservoir as small as possible.

– Use a suction hose that is suitable for a vacuum of ≥-0.5 bar.

– Avoid constrictions in the connected hoses. This reducesthe power and increases the risk of cavitation.

– Note that the nominal size of the connected hose/pipingmust correspond to the cross-section of the connectionthread.

– Make sure that the connection hoses/piping (suction side/pressure side) do not cause any tension or vibrations to becarried over to the filter unit. Use hoses or expansion jointsif necessary.

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5.8 Inserting the filter elementThe filter unit has no filter element installed upon delivery fromthe factory. Before commissioning check whether a filter ele-ment is present in the filter housing.Install a filter element if it is not already installed. For details,see Changing the filter element [} 55].

5.9 CommissioningObserve and check the following points for commissioning:

ü Install the new filter element in the filter bowl. For de-tails, see Changing the filter element.

ü Check that the power supply cable is undamaged. Re-place damaged cables immediately.

ü Connect the filter unit with the power supply

ü Check that the suction and pressure hoses are undam-aged. Replace damaged hoses immediately.

ü Check the ambient and fluid temperature.

ü Prior to each use, match the oil type in the filter unit tothe oil type to be pumped. If you are not sure what sortof oil is in the filter unit, or if you would like to pump a dif-ferent type of oil than was most recently pumped, emptythe filter unit completely and replace the filter element.

5 | Setting up / assembly / integration of the filter unit HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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1. Switch the filter unit on and monitor the suction perfor-mance.

ð If the filter unit is not pumping any fluid after a maxi-mum of 5 minutes of operation, then switch it off andfill the motor pump group with fluid through the suctionhose. Subsequently switch the filter unit on again.

O The filter unit is ready for operation.


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 49 / 84

6 OperationDifferent operating modes are available depending on the ver-sion (see the model code) of the filter unit.

The filter unit is equipped with a clogging indicator (differentialpressure gauge or dynamic pressure indicator) in the filter bowlcover to monitor the service life of the filter element.

Visually check the optical clogging indicator daily. See chapter"Observing the optical clogging indicator (optional) [} 54]"

The optional visual/electrical clogging indicator signals the re-quired filter element change with an electrical switch which no-tifies the remote control room or another sensor.

When the contamination display has responded, exchange thefilter element. Refer to chapter "" for detailed information onchanging the filter element.


50 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

6.1 OF5N – Operating modeThe filter unit OF5N cannot change over between the operat-ing modes. This filter unit can only be operated in the operationmode - Transfer with filtration.

Fig. 16: OF5N - Transferring and filtering operating mode


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 51 / 84

6.2 OF5S - Selecting operating modesThe filter unit OF5S has a change over valve for changing theoperating modes over. See chapter Operating the change overvalve [} 52] for changing the operating modes over.

Fig. 17: OF5S - Selecting the operating modes

See also

2 Operating the change over valve [} 52]


52 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

6.2.1 Operating the change over valveSelect the operating modes via the change over valve. Unlockthe change over valve by pulling the locking pin (6) in the cen-tre position before changing over.

NOTICESwitching valve in an intermediate position

An intermediate position causes a mixed function

u Press the change over valve up to its end position and inthe centre position until the locking pins (6) engage audiblyand visibly.


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 53 / 84

6.2.2 Operating mode - Transfer without filtration A -> BFor the operating mode - Transfer without filtration -, move thechange over valve in position I. The fluid will be pumped fromthe connection A to connection B. For details see figure.

Fig. 18: Operating modes - Transfer without filtration A -> B

6.2.3 Operating mode - Transfer with filtration A -> TFor the operating mode - Transfer with filtration -, move thechange over valve to position II. The fluid will be pumped fromconnection A to connection T. For details see figure.

Fig. 19: Operating modes - Transfer with filtration A -> T


54 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

6.2.4 Operating mode - Transfer with filtration T -> BFor the operating mode - Transfer with filtration -, move thechange over valve to position III. The fluid will be pumped fromconnection T to connection B. For details see figure.

Fig. 20: Operating modes - Transfer with filtration T -> B

6.3 Observing the optical clogging indicator (optional)If the filter unit / filter housing is equipped with an optical clog-ging indicator, then check it daily.

Fig. 21: Observe the opti-cal clogging indicator

Change the filter element at a permissible differential pressureacross the filter element or once the clogging indicator entersthe red zone.

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7 Performing maintenance

7.1 Maintenance table





As re



Additional information

6 Operation 1

7.2 Changing the fil-ter element


7.2 Changing the fil-ter element


1 - Operating personnel

7.2 Changing the filter elementIn this chapter, you will find the procedure for changing the fil-ter element.

1x Allen wrench  = 5 mm

Suitable receiver bin for collecting the oil fromthe filter housing.

ü Switch the filter unit off and close the shut-off valve at in-let (IN) and outlet (OUT).

ü Secure the filter unit during maintenance from beingswitched on accidentally.

7 | Performing maintenance HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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1. Depressurize the filter housing. Remove the bleed screw(BLEED) in the filter cover.

2. Place a suitable container under the connectionEmpty the filter housing. Drain the residual oil volumefrom the filter housing via the drain ball valve (DRAIN) ina suitable container. Dispose / Recycle the oil in an envi-ronmentally safe manner.

3. Loosen the four star gripped screws on the filter coveranticlockwise.

4. Fold the star gripped screws down and press them fur-ther against the filter housing. This pushes the filtercover of the filter housing upwards.

5. Lift the filter cover up and remove the filter element.Dispose the filter element in an environmentally safemanner.

6. Clean the- inside of the filter bowl of any course dirt- the sealing surfaces on the filter bowl and filter cover.

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7. For easier installation of the filter element, moisten theO-ring on the filter element with the operating medium /oil.

8. Press the new filter element down into the filter seat byturning it slightly.NOTICE! Do not use striking tool for this.

9. Check the O-ring on the cover for damage, if necessaryreplace it.Slightly moisten the O-ring on the cover with an operat-ing medium.

10. Fit the filter cover.NOTICE! Pay attention to the O-ring in filter coverwhile doing so. It must not be damaged.

11. Fold the four star gripped screws upwards and turn thestar gripped nuts clockwise, screw them crosswise uni-formly.

12. Close the drain valve (DRAIN).

7 | Performing maintenance HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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BLEED 13. Switch the filter unit on and bleed the filter housing viathe connection (BLEED).Unscrew the bleed screws with ≈ four turns and wait tillthe oil emits on the bleed screws (BLEED). Subse-quently close the bleed screw (BLEED).

14. Check the filter unit for leaks.

O The replacement of the filter element is complete.

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH Rectifying malfunctions | 8

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8 Rectifying malfunctionsThe following malfunctions may occur during handling or oper-ation of the filter housing:

Malfunction Cause(s) Rectification

No function.

The motor pumpgroup does notturn.

No electric ten-sion.

Check the feed-line, fuse andthe main switch.

The pumps ofthe filter unit isblocked.

Contact HYDACService.

No oil flow. The filter unit isswitched off.

Switch the filtra-tion unit on.

The locking fea-tures upstreamor downstreamof the filter ele-ment are closed.

Open the shut-off devicesslowly.

The filter ele-ment is blocked.

Replace the filterelement.

The viscosity ofthe fluid is toohigh.

Check the vis-cosity of thefluid.

Heat the fluid toachieve the per-missible viscos-ity.

The transportlocks are stillmounted.

Remove thetransport seals.The transportseals are theyellow plasticparts.

8 | Rectifying malfunctions HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

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Malfunction Cause(s) Rectification

The dynamicpressure up-stream of the fil-ter is high.

(Clogging indica-tor is activated)

The fluid isheavily contami-nated.

The contamina-tion retention ca-pacity of the filterelement hasbeen reached.

Replace the filterelement.

The viscosity ofthe fluid is toohigh.

Check the vis-cosity of thefluid.

Heat the fluid toachieve the per-missible viscos-ity.

Leakage on thefilter housing.

Wrong or miss-ing seal ring atthe filter housingcover.

Check the sealring at the filterhousing cover.Replace it if nec-essary.

The star screwson the filterhousing coverare not tight-ened.

Tighten the starscrews by hand.

Tab. 7: Error / cause / rectification

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH Decommissioning / Disposal | 9

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9 Decommissioning / Disposal– Empty the product completely, including all of its compo-

nents, before decommissioning. Disconnect or remove theelectric, pneumatic or hydraulic connections.

– Dispose of the packaging material in an environmentallyfriendly manner.

– Dispose of the fluid / operating medium that has beendrained in an environmentally friendly manner.

– After dismantling the product and separating its variousmaterials into categories, dispose of all parts in an envi-ronmentally friendly manner.


62 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

10 AppendixIn this annex, you will find supplementary information on theproduct.

10.1 EC declaration of conformityThe ED declaration of conformity can be found in the TechnicalDocumentation that is part of the scope of delivery for theproduct.

10.2 Locating spare partsUse only original spare parts and accessories. When orderingspare parts and accessories make sure to always indicate theexact model code and the serial number.

Description Part no.

Motor pump assembly230V / 50Hz, 1 Ph, 0.75kW

P3M 3041675

Motor pump assembly400V / 50Hz, 3 Ph, 1.5 kW

P6N 3038709

Vane pump P3 NBR 721206

Vane pump P6 NBR 721207

Vane pump V3 FPM 721317

Vane pump V6 FKM 721281

Clogging indicator, green/red E 36198

Clogging indicator, 0 … 16 bar E 39173

Differential pressure indicator B NBR 303191

Differential pressure indicator B FKM 303197

Differential pressure indicator C NBR 311645

Differential pressure indicator C FKM 304632

Differential pressure indicator D3 NBR 307847

Differential pressure indicator D3 FKM 304651

Differential pressure indicator D4 NBR 312682


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 63 / 84

Description Part no.

Differential pressure indicator D4 FKM 316556

Tab. 8: Spare parts list OF5…

*) available on request


64 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

10.2.1 Order filter elementsSelect the filter element depending on size of your filter unit. Inthe following you can find the filter elements as per size, filterunit and sealing material. Filter element - Size 330In this chapter you can find the filter elements of the size 330:

Description Part no.

Filter element 3 µm 330 R 003 ON/-KB NBR 1262999

Filter element 3 µm 330 R 003 ON/-V-KB FPM 1263640

Filter element 5 µm 330 R 005 ON/-KB NBR 1263000

Filter element 5 µm 330 R 005 ON/-V-KB FPM 1263641

Filter element 10 µm 330 R 010 ON/-KB NBR 1263001

Filter element 10 µm 330 R 010 ON/-V-KB FPM 1263642

Filter element 20 µm 330 R 020 ON/-KB NBR 1263002

Filter element 20 µm 330 R 020 ON/-V-KB FPM 1263643

Filter element 40 µm 330 R 040 AM/-KB NBR 1272067

Filter element 40 µm 330 R 040 AM/-V-KB FPM 1266563

Tab. 9: Filter elements - size 330 Filter elements - size 1300In this chapter you can find the filter elements of the size 1300:

Description Part no.

Filter element 3 µm 1300 R 003 ON/-KB NBR 1263059

Filter element 3 µm 1300 R 003 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263760

Filter element 5 µm 1300 R 005 ON/-KB NBR 1263060

Filter element 5 µm 1300 R 005 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263761

Filter element 10 µm 1300 R 010 ON/-KB NBR 1263061


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 65 / 84

Description Part no.

Filter element 10 µm 1300 R 010 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263762

Filter element 20 µm 1300 R 020 ON/-KB NBR 1263062

Filter element 20 µm 1300 R 020 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263763

Filter element 40 µm 1300 R 040 AM/-KB NBR 1267699

Tab. 10: Filter elements - size 1300


66 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq Filter elements - size 2600In this chapter you can find the filter elements of the size 2600:

Description Part no.

Filter element 3 µm 2600 R 003 ON/-KB NBR 1263071

Filter element 3 µm 2600 R 003 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263784

Filter element 3 µm 2600 R 003 AM/-KB FPM 1268232

Filter element 5 µm 2600 R 005 ON/-KB NBR 1263072

Filter element 5 µm 2600 R 005 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263785

Filter element 10 µm 2600 R 010 ON/-KB NBR 1263073

Filter element 10 µm 2600 R 010 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263786

Filter element 20 µm 2600 R 020 ON/-KB NBR 1263074

Filter element 20 µm 2600 R 020 ON/-V-KB

FPM 1263787

Filter element 40 µm 2600 R 040 AM/-KB NBR 306899

Tab. 11: Filter elements - size 2600


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 67 / 84

10.3 Clogging indicators - technical dataListed below are the technical data pertaining to the optional,optical or electrical clogging indicators suitable for the installa-tion in the filter housing / filter unit.

10.3.1 Differential pressure indicator, visual – VM x B.xThe optical differential pressure gauge reacts to the increasingpressure difference at the increasing contamination level of thefilter element.


Fig. 22: Differential pressure indicator - visual VM x B.x

Type of indication Visual display with a green-redfield, automatic reset

Weight 55 g

Response pressure and indi-cation range respectively

VM 2 B.x = 2 bar -10%VM 3 B.x = 3 bar -10%VM 5 B.x = 5 bar -10%


68 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Permissible operating over-pressure

≤ 210 bar

Permitted temperature range -30 … +100°C

Connector threads G ½

Installation space required According to HN 28-22

Maximum tightening torque 33 Nm

Tab. 12: Differential pressure indicator -visual VM x B.x


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 69 / 84

10.3.2 Differential pressure indicator, visual – VM x BM.xThe optical differential pressure gauge reacts to the increasingpressure difference at the increasing contamination level of thefilter element.


Fig. 23: Differential pressure gauge, visual VM x BM.x

Type of indication Visual display by green-redfield,manual reset

Weight 55 g

Response pressure and indi-cation range respectively

VM 2 BM.x = 2 bar -10%VM 3 BM.x = 3 bar -10%VM 5 BM.x = 5 bar -10%


70 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Permissible operating over-pressure

≤ 210 bar

Permitted temperature range -30 … +100°C

Connector threads G ½

Installation space required According to HN 28-22

Tab. 13: Differential pressure indicator, visual VM x BM.x


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 71 / 84

10.3.3 Differential pressure gauge, electric (VM x C.x)The electric clogging indicator reacts to the increasing pres-sure difference at the increasing contamination level of the fil-ter element.


Fig. 24: Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x C.x

Type of indication Electrical switch

Weight 120 g


72 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Response pressure and indi-cation range respectively

VM 2 C.x = 2 bar -10%VM 3 C.x = 3 bar -10%VM 5 C.x = 5 bar -10%

Permissible operating over-pressure

≤ 210 bar

Permitted temperature range -30 … +100°C

Connector threads G ½

Installation space required According to HN 28-22

Maximum tightening torque 33 Nm

Switching type N/C or N/O(change-over contacts)

Maximum switching voltage 230 V

Max. switching voltage at re-sistive load

60 W100 VA AC

Switching capacity ohmic 3 A @ 24 V DCohmic 0.03 to 5 A @ 230 V AC

Electrical connection Male connection M20Female connector toDIN EN 175301-803

Protection class in accordancewith DIN 40050

IP 65 (only if the connector iswired and fitted correctly)

Tab. 14: Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x C.x


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 73 / 84

10.3.4 Differential pressure gauge, electric (VM x D.x /-L-xx)The electric clogging indicator reacts to the increasing pres-sure difference at the increasing contamination level of the fil-ter element.


Fig. 25: Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x D.x /-Lxx

Type of indication Visual indicator and electricalswitch

Weight 150 g


74 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Response pressure and indi-cation range respectively

VM 2 D.x = 2 bar -10%VM 3 D.x = 3 bar -10%VM 5 D.x = 5 bar -10%

Permissible operating over-pressure

≤ 210 bar

Permitted temperature range -30 … +100°C

Connector threads G ½

Installation space required According to HN 28-22

Maximum tightening torque 33 Nm

Switching type N/C or N/O(change-over contacts)

Maximum switching voltage /-L24 = 24 V DC/-L48 = 48 V DC/-L115 = 115 V AC/-L230 = 230 V AC

Max. switching voltage at re-sistive load

60 W100 VA AC

Switching capacity ohmic 3 A @ 24 V DCohmic 0.03 to 5 A @ 230 V AC

Electrical connection Male connection M20Female connector toDIN EN 175301-803

Protection class in accordancewith DIN 40050

IP 65 (only if the connector iswired and fitted correctly)

Tab. 15: Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x D.x / -Lxx


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 75 / 84

10.4 Finding a Customer Service teamThe contact data such as the telephone numbers, e-mail andmailing addresses for the hotline, product support, customerservice, branch offices, service partners for servicing, repairand spare parts can be found, always updated, at our home-page www.hydac.com.

HYDAC SYSTEMS & SERVICES GMBH Friedrichsthaler Str. 15, Werk 13 66450 Neunkirchen - Heinitz


Phone: +49 6897 509 01

Fax: +49 6897 509 324

E-mail: service@hydac.com

Homepage: www.hydac.com

Tab. 16: Customer service in Germany

Table of Illustrations HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH

76 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Table of Illustrations

Fig. 1 Overview / labeling of the title page ......................................................... 7

Fig. 2 Fire protection class B.............................................................................. 17

Fig. 3 Minimum distance for fire fighting............................................................. 17

Fig. 4 Dimensions OF5N 3433890 ..................................................................... 24

Fig. 5 OF5S 3435194 Dimensions ..................................................................... 26

Fig. 6 Hydraulic diagram OF5 N......................................................................... 28

Fig. 7 Hydraulic circuit OF5 S............................................................................. 29

Fig. 8 Decoding the type label ............................................................................ 32

Fig. 9 Model code OF5 S/N................................................................................ 34

Fig. 10 Components/operating elements (example: OF5S) ................................. 36

Fig. 11 Transporting the OF5 S/N ........................................................................ 38

Fig. 12 Avoiding siphoning ................................................................................... 40

Fig. 13 Measure or display dynamic pressure / differential pressure ................... 41

Fig. 14 Star delta connection................................................................................ 44

Fig. 15 Pressure loss formula............................................................................... 45

Fig. 16 OF5N - Transferring and filtering operating mode.................................... 50

Fig. 17 OF5S - Selecting the operating modes .................................................... 51

Fig. 18 Operating modes - Transfer without filtration A -> B ................................ 53

Fig. 19 Operating modes - Transfer with filtration A -> T ..................................... 53

Fig. 20 Operating modes - Transfer with filtration T -> B ..................................... 54

Fig. 21 Observe the optical clogging indicator ..................................................... 54

Fig. 22 Differential pressure indicator - visual VM x B.x ....................................... 67

Fig. 23 Differential pressure gauge, visual VM x BM.x......................................... 69

Fig. 24 Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x C.x ................................... 71

HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH Table of Illustrations

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Fig. 25 Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x D.x /-Lxx .......................... 73


78 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq

Index of Tables

Tab. 1 Impressum................................................................................................ 5

Tab. 2 Documentation Representative ................................................................ 5

Tab. 3 Target group............................................................................................. 6

Tab. 4 Checking the scope of delivery ................................................................ 22

Tab. 5 Technical Data ......................................................................................... 30

Tab. 6 Decoding the type label ............................................................................ 32

Tab. 7 Error / cause / rectification........................................................................ 59

Tab. 8 Spare parts list OF5….............................................................................. 62

Tab. 9 Filter elements - size 330 ......................................................................... 64

Tab. 10 Filter elements - size 1300 ....................................................................... 64

Tab. 11 Filter elements - size 2600 ....................................................................... 66

Tab. 12 Differential pressure indicator -visual VM x B.x ........................................ 67

Tab. 13 Differential pressure indicator, visual VM x BM.x ..................................... 69

Tab. 14 Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x C.x ................................... 71

Tab. 15 Differential pressure indicator, electrical VM x D.x / -Lxx ......................... 73

Tab. 16 Customer service in Germany.................................................................. 75


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 79 / 84


General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditionsare available at our home pagewww.hydac.com -> General Termsand Conditions.

HN 28-22

HYDAC standard 28-22 with dimen-sions for the installation space forclogging indicators.

KB marking of filter elements

Filter elements with the -KB mark-ing do not have a bypass.


80 / 84 MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq



Branches  75


calculating pressure loss  45Clogging indicator

Differential pressure indicator 68, 70, 72, 74

Commissioning  47


decommissioning  61Delta connection  44Differential pressure indicator, electrical

VM x C.x  72VM x D.x /-Lxx  74

Differential pressure indicator, visualVM x B.x  68VM x BM.x  70

differential pressure/dynamic pressure 41

disposal  61dynamic pressure/differential pressure



exclusion of liability  14


Hotline  75


Imprint  5


manufacturer  5


Operating modeTransfer with filtration A -> T  53Transfer with filtration T -> B  54Transfer without filtration A -> B  53

operation modeTransfer with filtration  50


Person authorized with the documenta-tion  5


Service  75Servicepartners  75siphoning effect  40Star connection  44Support  75


MoWa OF5 S_N 3160336d en-us lq 81 / 84


Terms and Conditions  14Terms of Delivery  14


warranty  14
