of Jhal- Jovn Jhis Richmond, 'the further Itprovides ... · gJTancy Lawn Tir-a, i;eat and...


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BigSale Mattings.New China Mattings, extra heavy,

small checks, all new patterns; regu-

lar 23c value, for 20c. yard.

100 rolls China Mating. In small.neat effects. Red. Green. BIu«s, etc.;

35c. value, for 3Oc. yard, laid.Carpet Designs. Linen T W_TP

Japanese Matting, something that mcSU-jfear; 33c. value, for 25c yard.

Japanese Fibre Rugs, all size*. S_S

feetto 9x12 feet, from JX.4S to- $!<*All-"Wooi Smyrna. Rt:gs. 36x72 inches,

new patterns, formerly sold at "53-43.notv- $_.OI».

Large^Sizo Smyrna Kugs, S6x7J»leches. X.SO value, for SI.4S.

All Window-Shades from. 50c up-hung ire© of charge.

J&inens.On Monday morning we shall nake

jdisplay of a large purchase of—

P.*l^and White, P.^d and Green, ar.dCardinal Tablecloths, in the following-Bizet:

S-4 nt O."io.:c>-< nt sr»c12-i nt 51.

These roofls are pn d^slrablo and sea-ponable. nr.d the' prices so cheap, thatthey will po rapidly.

W« show the usual suppiy of Linensneeii<rd by all housekeepers.

Art Linen? a specialty.Also, n splendid quality of Art Felt,

for p—lritinp on. or rmbrokierlri?. use<lfor ttblo and plano-xovcrs and for laprobes.

Joinings.Our Lining Department Is the

dress-makers' friend, because herethey can find all the new and up-to-date Linings.

Silkolino da Chine CBlack only), at

15 and 23c. yard.

Gilbert's Celebrated Parma Silk, at35c. yard.

Moreen Skirting, UOc yard.Light-Weight Shrunk Linen Canvas

CBlack only), 15c yard.

10c. Book Muslin for sc. yard.

25c. Hair-Cloth for 10c. yard.

Seme special bargains In Liningrem-nants.

Boys' Straw jfats.Boys' 75c Straw Kata for 3Sc. each.J*oys' SOc. Straw Hats for 2Cc. each.Soj-s' 25c Straw Hats for 15c each.

Children's Sailor fiats.Children's $1 Straw Sailors for 50c,'Thildren's 73c. Straw Sailors Cor SSc.Children's 50a. Straw Sailors for 2»o.


75 and 50c, to close out at 25c.choice.

Ladies' SI Sailors and Walking Hatsfor sOc.

Ladies' ooc. Sailors and Walking Hatsfor 23c.

CHILDREN'S DUCK CAPS, worth50., 29c, and 19c, to close out atioc,19c, and 25c.

Choice Summer Silks at Reduced Prices.Our 99c. Panne foulards at SOc.65c. Panne foulards at 39c.3Bc. foulards at 29c.50c. Colored Ztfash J"ilks at 39c.White Satin Stripe CJrenadine, 4-4- inches, also in co-

lors, h.Pongee J'ilks, 21 inches wide, 75c.36-inch ]§iack China Silk at 75c. \$1.25 Black Jaffeta, 36 inches wide, $!.

£aces and Embroideries.22-yard piece of Val. Lace for 15&Val. Benrlings at 3c. per yard.

White and Black Festoon Band, 2

Inches wide, 10c. yard.

40-snch. SQ-.;r>.re-. and Fancy Mesh. La

Toeca Net, Si yard.

Torchon Laco. good imitation of the

renl. 3 inches wide. l»c. yard.Cambric, Swiss, and Nainsook Edges.

or^n and closo patterns, for Be. yard.

Nainsook and Srriss Beadings, i-4-

Jr.ch wide, at 10r. >'ard.Ribbon Beading?, in all widths, Be.

Skirtings, all widths, open

and Bho~y patterns, 1to 4 inches wide.

'Keverings^'lnch wide. «l-2c. yard.

/fewest fashions in Cotton Shirt-i&aists.A bigger stock and better variety than anywhere else in town.

Large assortment cf Ladies' Percale | trimmed with ecru lace, your choiceWaists, in a pretty line of patterns. | from 51.50 to 53.45.laundered collars and cuffs. In_ all j T \u0084 v Waist?, tucked in.groups

back ami front, with soft, tucked.M?tn-CWafS^POwi^^ertfonn g^g «_S_? "^**-"> SC-

made in very latest style, regular 75c. | lcct from-

for SUvalue, for sOc. Fine Sh^er India Linen Waist?, with

Sheer Pure Linen Waist*. «otn» tuck- j surplus front and some revers tucked,ed back ar.d front, others handsomely

'and with lace, a specialty, for JLOS.

j4uge hosiery Sale.This week's extraordinary buying opportunity. Immense assortment at'

half regular prices.

Another lot of those Fine Fancy- i Infants' Socks, inBlue. Pinto. Whites,

Colored Hose, which we put on sale at Black silk plaited, and lace effects, atUse. pair; arc worth double. gJJc na'r

D-^cfr^^^ieU^rlsc63 "SPECIAL-Misses- and Children'sDSerour\ompYete l?ock of Ladies' i Black Lisle Laco Hose at,_oc.; worthHose, in Black jrauze. lisle, and lace !

—>c.efforts at 50 '.'sc and S»; worth 2Cew line Mlphps' and, Children sdouble. ! Black Luce Lisle Hose at/30e.

Skirts.A']-Wri! Gray Homespun PkirtF. cut

the new T-gnr^d flare, pcrca]ln« linedand velvet bound. Si value, S2.f)S.

Best Quality Gmy Cheviot Skirts, cut7-r;or»ld f!ari\ stitched s<-atnfi, jjerfrct-fittiiiffRiirmrnt:,, J5 vaJues, reduced toy.i j)s.

On* lot cf Flrn;rc<3 Mohair Skirtn.J2.IS a::d j:<s Skints, reduced to st.4Scr.d SI.

T'nlir.^rt Mofcnir Skirts, colors Bluenrt6 Blade, mad»' »rraciuaded flo-ir.coand fln'iOi^rt with KTitih^d taffetabands, choh o S5.

JUST RECEIVED, another lot ofthose Ls«rht- vwipht Broadcloth Walk-ing Skirts. ji;.iC.«- X-soreU flare'fe.nd iln-isbeC with 20 rtTwe of Ftitohfni, andlapped Reams. $7.4S valu<*. for $5.

Covert Venetian SJJSrts, in Orsys, !Tans, nnfl Br-i-r.-n?. flniabe./! with stitch-ed flounce. JS.4B value, %<iAti.

&}ash J^frte.Black Duck Skirts, nißrf* Eraa-nded

fiounrf. lapped wcarns. JJLH<-h1 Lmen £?kirt;;, deep hem and

Btitclicd seams, cheap at Ji.W, o>;r price51.

Polka-Dot Duck Skirts, Navy. Cadet,and Black, trimmed in White i\ K.'bands, t1.25.

Washable Shirt-&)aist Suits.Only Washable Fabrics arc shown,

such as P. X.'s, India Lawn, Cham-brays, and Linens. b!1 daintily trim-med, prices 53. as to $10.

pressing Sacques.Wo r>.re displaying both Dressing

Sacquea and Kimoras, prices from 50c.to 54 HS.

KIMORAS, mnde of sheer Whitelawn. rolUng rollsr and cuffs, eitherPink. Lavender, cr Blue, OOc.

DAINTY KIMORAS. of linen lawn,hemstitched and fancy yokes, tuckedbark. OSc.

KIMORAS, tucked back nnd front,sleeves trimmed In Valencennes lacoand 7 siitc?icd with wash silk, only$1 25.

JndiaSHk &3aists.Inala Silk Waists. In both Blnck and

Whltr. washable. S3 Waists, for $i.!)S.India Silk Waists, hemstitched and

tucked hack and front, Bishop sleeves,faTicy hemstitched coi'ar, only J2.J)S.

Taffeta Waists, Black and colors.entire Waist hemstitched and tucked,epeclal value at K\ now S3 tIS.



Fancy Black Satin. Silk, and Velvet f MOURNINGBKLTS, a beautiful lineBelts St 25 and $1.80. just received, the regular U—> kind.

Black and White Fancy Belts, with to sell for OSc.' _

assorted buckles 50 and 75c. Extra-Size White Kid Belts, for chtl-"The Latest Shaped Scat and Patent- dren. from 25c. up.

Lrr.thpr Belt.« from 25c. to 5i.25. SPECIAL—BIack Satin Belts, with,White Kid Belts, shaped with laco i cut-steel buckles, with ends to match,

effect, from 50c. to $l. 1 $1 ?>?>\u25a0

Xadies' Belts in Ail the Xatest Styles.

_^^^M^&^S^ Superiority in materials, accuracy in styles and a

>^^^^^m^li lowness inpricing cause rapid selling— a notable feature°J our md3m MMwery •Salesroom, which enables us at

/^Mo^kMp^^k^&:> Gl* ttms t0 maintain a 'rare freshness and completeness; '" allour displays.

l^^^^^^W' Jrimmed tfais of Neapolitan Braids, stylish black*\u25a0'!& and white effects for Summer wear, an entirely new

%•? *% I.MX (ins, special $6.00.K^j^^2 Summer Straws in the latest Jailor shapes, with ap-

r~^*4^M&skK propriate trimmings of quills, polka dot silks, feathered<?MJ fe"^ breasts or pomvons. in many colors, special, §1.50, $2,

SZ.SO.%° f|j!|yv^ Unirimmed Jurbans and Short-Sack Sailors, in

\%AJuscan and cable cord braid, two collections, 95c, $L95.

Breast Jrimmings, Qray, Black, Black and White. Blue and &)hite, showered, somewith White, seme with Black polka &ois, 75c., $1.25.

Cogue feather pompons, irridescent 3'^k and White varicolored, 75c. to $2.25

Roses, field flowers. Poppies, Corn flowers, Rose foliage and Poppy foliage.

ffhalhimefs Millinery department.Qentlemens furnishings.

ftot leather Specials in ftleris Underwear.

Ifews from the Jewelry Counter.FOR PEOPLE WHO WEAR EYEGLASSES.

Holl-Piiite. Onc-Fleco -Kyc-G'.nss j Heavy Roman-Plate Stray Hair-Plns,

B Hooks, better wearins than 'sold. 25c. in all the new shapes, 15c.Ono-lir-ce nand-JOnnmollcd Black Long Pearl Styles of Fan Chains,

3j Eye-Gdns3 Hoolrs, 1O<:. z?,c\u25a0 ltniipiift< f,.r.,f Sn->mics« V.vc- 'German Siivcr Lor.s TYatch and! af^S;-. ™?n £n. W,™

'trinket Chain,, looks ar.d wears like

HoJl-lialc Kj-n-Oiass Chain, with NCTTsbSI Nedc Combs, IS in SOc.SaJi-piTi 7..c. Bright Cut Sterling Brooches, in

'LoTtFi Pis<* Heavy Sterling Lockets, Crescents, Harvest Moons. Lovo Knots,iar puotop-.-aphs, wilh 1-hree large inI- Bow Knots, Tansies, Crowns, andtlals, for i'J.:W. Wreath effects, 25c.

Summer ffeckwear.Each summer the demand increases for cool and comfortable Cotton Neck-

> \re£T. Thie se^cn our variety of dainty effects gives a shirt-waist the ne-

cessary imisliins touch and greatly adds to a negligee costume.

AVh'.J'! Polr.t d'Ksprito: Ties for 2.1c. Lawn T:^s. in colors Pink and Blue,Ulack Net. Ties, Valenciennes lace 85c

I trimmers 4,Sc. Black Corded Silk Ties, 25 to -ISc.Black Net Tien, with ribbon trim- White P. K. Ties, with colored satin

gi'i^in*1-iwT! Tics. ir,r. White Lawn Tics, with tucks andHandsome Lac<> Ties, large assort- Valenciennes lace trimming, very

a xn«n? of patterns. 75c. ;n SI. handsome. r»O and 75-.gJTancy Lawn Tir-a, i;eat and pretty Ladies' Mourning Ties, all styles and

patterns, 3»c prices.

/*ans / fans !The season for Fans has arrived, and in our department you will findthe

iprettiest assortment sV.,v,m in the city.

LinrnFans. Plain Whit.-, White with | At prices ranging from $1 to $2.08—

Bco'.orcd decorations, plain and enam- TV-corated Silk and Gauze Fans, !nellocS sticks. 2T> t;nd 3Oc tarn. White and colors.

I Gauze-: Faiis, in White, Pink, and A complete assortment of .Tap Feins,j Blue. decorated, fancy enamelled in «.he latest designs and colors, sto» sticks at 50 :>:>. ar.d 75c. each. I 25c.3_ : : ,

Small Prices on fine Ribbons.The summer costume is incomplete without Ribbons. Knowing this, we-

IxaeirwiU appreciate the wonderful pricing on the desirable sorts, which we


place on sale this week.

S-inch-wide Sash TUbbon, in Pink and White P. K. Belting, laid in folds,

Bin*-rth 51.25. for OSe. yard. ttX?«&SSc Fancy Ribbons, a 19c.S-lnch-wide White Sash Ribbon at TBuf^vS^t^bbon. cotton back.

Tsc yard. from 12 to 31c. piece.

Sftiß M^y GottiQt.

Jies.Never before have such values been,

offered.50c. values for 25c, in Windsorette3,

narrow. revernlble Four-ln-Hands.'

Bat-Wings. Butterflys, .-.nd Shield,Bows.

Belts for ftlen.Tan. Black, and Gray. sllk-Btitched, j

enly 23c.

handkerchiefs. .Fancy, narrow bordered, hemstitch-

'cd. the kind used for snaking- ties;

colors Red, Pink, Navy, and Light-Blue, only 10c.; others at '12 l-ic.. •with far.cy narrow borders.

CJentlemens Jfose.Fancy silk-stitched and scan.!«ss,

for 12"l-2c. pair. \u25a0

'Brown, Tan. and Black, double b*el

and toe, 12 l-2c._ ——. ,specials in b)hite (foods.40-inch Laco Stripe Mualin, at 13c.

yard.Apron Muslin, with fancy borders, <0

inches wide, at 10c. yard.

Corded Percale, 25 inches wide, j12 l-2c. yard.

Sheer and Pretty Check Muslin^from r>c yard up.

1G 2-3c. Cream Lace Stripe Muslin, togo at 12 l-2c.

Madras, with satin polka dots and.pique effects, to go atl62-3c. yard.

Ecru Batistes and other colors at

15c. yard.40-lnch Lawns at 8 1-3, 10, 121-2,

15, and 16 2-3c. yard.

Special.One lot of Fancy and Crinkle Strip*.

Dotted Dimity and Tucked Muslin,

regular value 15 2-3c, to dose atli:l-2c. yard.

Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Pantsfor 25c. <*nch; a ZOr. value.

7nc. quality of M<=-n-s White Lisle-

Thread Shirts and Pants at OOc. pergarment.

Men's Fancy Balbriggan, the choiceol' a large assortment, at 25c. per gar-

The finest gtade of Brown Balbri?-gan for s<>c. p?r garment.

Men's Reinforced Bleached JsansDrawers, 2."»c, all s'.zes.

Men's Web-Seam, easy fitting, nobetter made, for 50c.

Skirts for Summer.Still they come: new styles and pat-

terns, that sell themselves.Far.cy Woven Madras and Percales,

with 2 collars; White Madras BedfordCord? plaited bosom; Percales, andmany others, choice of this large as-sortment for 50c.

Men's Overalls.in Brown or Blue, with or withoutapron, 75c. quality, 50c.

Soys' Pants.Boys' $1 Fine Pant 3for 75c ,Boys' 75c. Fino Pants for OOc.Boys' 50c. Fine Pants for 38c ..

Sas3tnent S^rga'ms.Fine Toilet Paper, in rolls or pack-

ages, at 30c. dozen.-1-quart Best Tin Mlik-Cans.for lc

$1.25 size Large Market Baikets for

75c.Tin Covered Buckets for 3c.$2.50 Double-Tank 4-Burner Oil-

Stoves for 51.50.Oil-Stovo Ovens for SOc.New Photo. Holders, on long hang-

ing scarfs, very ornamental, worth 10

and 35c. for 1O and 19c. each.Fine-Quality Largo Dusters, made of

feathers that will not break; worth63c, for 30c.

Special prices this week on Water-Coolers and Ice-Cream Freezers.



&Jashabla press fabrics.Now is the time when sheer, airy

costumes are not only the most com-

fortable, but the most modish. We

offer to-morrow an extraordinary as-

sortment of the leading styles, whichyou willdo well to inspect, as they

mean rare money savings.

Beautiful line of 25c. Fine Figured

French Organdies, for 15c. yard.

18c. Pretty Dimities, in new patterns,for 12 l-2c. yard.

15c. Handsome Jaconet Lawns, in allthe French designs, for lOc. yard.

One lot of 17c. Figured DottedSwisses, just in, to close out, at12 l-2c, yard.

50c. Dotted Stripe Mulls, the verjj

latest thins for evening wear, at 25c.yard.

25c. Mercerized Foulards, that makeup like 75c. silks, for 12 l-2c. yard.

New line of 50c. Silk Ginghams, InGray, Old Rose, Lavendar, Yellow,Blue, Pink, and Corn, for 37 l-2c.yard.

Beautiful line of Striped Crepons, innew designs, worth 22c, for 20c.yard.Big lot of 10 and 81-3c. Pretty Fig-

ured Lawns and Dimities, for 50.yard.

New lot of Figured Cotton Challles,for wrappers, at 12 l-2c. yard.Pretty and Sheer Lisle Tissue, In

stripes and solid colors, at 25c. yard.

New lot of Pretty Madras, worth 15and 12 l-2c. yard, 10c. yard.

Boys 9 Clothing.Boys' $2 Suits for SSc.Boys' $2.50 Suits for $1.25.Boys' $3 Suits for $1.45.Boys' 54 Suits for SI.OS.



Ribbed Underwear,This week we announce values in

this department which we claim tobe tee bigge3t ever offered.

Ladies' Black Ribbed Vests, worth25r\, for 15c.

Ladies 1 75c. quality Silk Vests, allcolors and sizes, at 50c.

Special lot of 35 and S9c. Fine LisioRibbed Vests for ladies at 25c.

Ladies' White Ribbed Vests at sc.Mercerized Silk Vests, in all colors,

fcr ladies, worth 50c, at 25c.Infants 1 Low-Keck and No-Sleeve.

Summer Wool Vests at 2."c.Infants' 10c. Low-Neck and Xo-Slecve

Gauze Vests for sc.Boys" Fine Balbriggan Shirts and

Drawers, all sizes, at 25c.


Jrimming departmentOur handsome stock of Lace Col-

lars to be sold at a sacrifice.

6V. Lace Collars for sOc.$1.25 Lace Collars for 75c.

$1.50 Lace Collars for ?i.52.53 Lace Collars for $1.75.$1.50 Lace Jackets for 75c.54.9S Arabian Braid Eton Jackets for


Parasol sSale.Hemstitched China Silk Parasols,

in nil colors, at SI.HO.Changeable- Taffeta and Peau de toie

Parasols at §2.Embroidered Taffeta Parasols, with

2 rows of hemstitching', for $5.

Fine Pongee Parasols, with coloredhemstitched borders, at $2.

Dainty White Parasols, with chiffonruffles, "from $2 to $10.

A new line or" Changeable Silk Um-brellas, 26-inch size, with natural-woodand pearl handles, silver trimmed,from $2 to id.


&}ash Press fabrics.A well known maker decided to

close out his stock on hand of CottonGccds, every piece desirable. Webought them all. They are thisspring's latest, prettiest, most fash-ionable. Now, when most in de-mand, this sale is indeed a greatchance.

Polka-Dot and Stripe Duck, in allthe new shades, for Eton suits andskirls, 12 1-^c.

Crepon, with embroidered dots (all

colors). Hi--.'sc. yard.Beautiful Silk Stripe Crepons, a 35c,

value, for 1C 2-3c. yard.Mercerized Foulards, in all the de-

sirable colors, looks and wears likesilk, only 1- J-2c. yard.

25c. French Ginghams, beautiful se-lection of patterns; our price, 1Gyard.

Madras Ginghams, the largest stock.In the city to select from, at t> I—*,10, and 12 1-2 per yard.

6,000 yards Percale, solid colors, largeand small stripes, fancy figures, neatand pretty desistss, for shirt-waists,

dresses, and children's dresses; to closeout. at C l-4, SU, 10, and J2 1--Cyard.

Light-Weight Corded Madras, neatand pretty patterns, for shirt-waistsand lieK'.liee shirts. Just the thing forsummer; 16 2-3c. value, for 12 l-2c.yard.

15c. Double-Fold Cheviots, for 10c.yard.

Slack Press Qoods.44-lnch Figured Prunella Cloth, good

$1 value, for •'•So. yard.

62-inch Medium \Veight Kersey, forRainy-Day or Walking Skirts; would

be cheap at $1 yard; our price, <sc.yard.

EO-inch Satin Cloth for -oc. yard.

50-inch Cheviots, regular 75c. quality,

lor ESc. yard.53c Cheviots (42 inches wide), »Oc.


&szs;3 S 3 o 9


Street, allowing her 51,250 compensation.'Squire George YV. ThomfiS had the fol-

lowing cases before him yesterday:Jack Anderson (colored), charged with

assaulting Parthenia Meredith (colored),

fined $2.50 and costs.

Charlie Clark (colored), charged withfiring a pistol on the public highway,$2.50 and costs.

Eddie Hunter (colored), same charge,fined $2.50 and costs, and, in default, wentto jail.

Frank Cary (colored), charged withthreatening to killFannie Scott (colored,),was tried before 'Squire James T. Lewisand was dismissed, Fannie having topay costs.


ford and Superintendent Fox were- present,^Blackburn confessed to having taken $S4 ;in money from a drawer in Mr. Walford's^desk <>n last Saturday and Sunday. Ore'?Sunday night he left for Newport News,;where he secured a situation in the *hip-}yard.s and was at work when arrestedj

Upon Blackburn' 3 statement JusticwfCrutchfield had a bench warrant issue**charging him with taking, stealing-and carrying away SS4, the property off-the City School Board. As fctt is thalimit which marks the line between a mls-» Idemeanor and a felony, and so between as jcase which can be handled by a pollc*justice and a case for a grand jury, itseemed at first that there was no othescourse, but to send the young man. oato. the Hustings Court grand jury. Itcame out. however, that the money wmtaken part Saturday afternoon a«d partSunday afternoon, about WO each time.

So as Justice Crutchfiettl desirsx* to b«as easy on the young man as possible, he>had two warrants charging misdemeanorsfor the theft of two sums less than> fifty

dollars each issued, and gave him 60 day*on each charge.

which has bitten several small ooys. me

dog has been given away to a friend inthe country. $25 is the line which JusticeJohn names In the event of its return to

the city.Ben. Houseman sot sixty days for steal-

ins hats from A. J. Bonjasson, on Broad,near Eighth Street.

Eddie Lewis (colored) is charged withhaving escaped from the Negro Refor-matory. He will be held a while.

Henry Crouch (colored) got ninety days

for stealing a pair of pants from a Sixth-Street store.

W. C. Moore was warned about his un-licensed wagon.

Carrie Brooks, Maggie Carter, LeliaDavis. >\lice Shaw and Lelia Coles fallcolored) street walkers, were fined $3.20.Kirk &Company have an offending awn

ing at Sixth and Marshall Streets. Thecase went over to June 10th, by whichdate Mr. Kirk hopes to win over theStreet Committee to his way of thinkingconcerning awnings.

S. P. Clay was warned for falling tolix sidewalk in proper condition.

Joseph Hubbard received an admonitionabout an unlicensed vehicle.

Rev, J. Preston Lewis Tells Another

Tale About the Shooting.


Dr. Bnant Mas Found Something New I'niicr

the Sun and Worth Money, Too— Mr.

Swanbon Talks in a Confident

Vein While in Petersburg.

[Bjm I Dispatch to Tlie Tinios.)PBTUStEt6BUIM3, VA , June I.—The friends

or Rev. j. Preston Lewis give a differentversion ol •\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0 shbolincof the ncz:-'. LewisHunt, ;-:i Tuesday, by the preacher.

\u25a0; .-.. v .•.:. that M:\ -!/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»:\u25a0- had plaoed his•; .. pole h-inift distance from the

rota \u25a0: ') the purpose of scaring crows frombit

••-. : llunt and another negro Wt

thftir buggy, and, going: into the field, took:•..• coat and tsiairted hack to the road.They pa^<l ;:o attention to the calls of Mr.Lf-wi* t" halt, iin<l thR proach<"r tire-i ontii'-m with hia n!>. Hint and his enm-liiuo r±u 10 ir;ojr tufitfy and drove off asfast _h they could. No warrants have_e_i lanuc-C ior either 2arU> H"Jat livca

THE BLACKBURNCASEOfficer Reprimanded.

(By Associated Press.)


The findings in \u25a0

the case of Captain William 'Hancock, of

the Sixth Artillery, who was tried by

court-martial at Manila, has been receive*at the War Department. The speciflca*

tions allege that Captain Hancock exhibit-ed himself ina drunken condition at tha\rmy and Navy Club, at Manila, on two> .

occasions, and. by constant indulgence ladrink, rendered himself unnt for military ;duty. Ha was found guiltyof both charge*and was sentenced to be reprimanded lao-dars by thVbrisada commandar.

Floyd Blackburn, the young man whohas been clerk and messenger Inthe officeoE Mr. Charles P. Walford, clerk of thaCity School Board, and who was on Fri-day brought back from Newport Xewsby Detective Gibson and Mr. Walford,was yesterday befora Justice Crutch-field on tha charge of being a suspiciouscharacter. Detectiv© Gibson, Mr. Wai-

Months la Jail.Justice Crutchfield Gives the Young Man-Four

Davis was arrested some twoweeks ago, in front of Zimmerman's, onBroad Street, by Officer Wiltshire, for re-fusing to n—>ve on when requested to doso by an officer. After hearing the evi-dence in the case City Attorney Pollardadvised Justice Crutchfield to dismiss thecase, and it took this course. The PoliceBoard and the chief and captains are ofopinion that this action in this test caseof the recent ordinance on loitering prac-tically makes it a dead letter. Chief How-ard is not in the city. It is not believedthat he will push the enforcement o- theordinance further in view of the opinionof City Attorney Pollard and the decisionof Justice CvutchjEJeld in tha D»v}# caae.

A. L>. Forbes has had a amall O.og.

The case of Harvey Davis, charged withviolating the city ordinance on loiteringon the streets, was before Justice Crutch-fleld yesterday.

Loitering on the Street.Harvey Davis Discharged an the Charge of

Several robberies have occurred re-recently in Tuckahoe District, Henricocounty, and the police authorities are onthe lookout for the offenders. Within thelast two weeks various places have beenentered, among them the house of Mrs.O'Mara, on Temple Street, where $17 andsome provisions were taken. Attemptswere made on the residence of Mr. JohnHaly, on Tayor Street, and M>. C. E.Clarke, on Gary Street, the thieves, how-ever, being scared off.

Constable Myer Angle, whoso term ofoffice expires on July Ist, has announcedthat after that time ho will conduct adetective agency. Others will be asso-ciated with him and an office willbe op-Mi-ed in the neighborhood of the Courthouse.It is reported at the lleurieo Court-

House that a colored girl, twelve or thir-teen years old, was criminally assaultedin lower Varina District by a negro man.The affair occurred a few days ago.Further particulars are nor known.

William Edwards (colored), chargedwith being a suspicious character, wasarrested yesterday by Special OfficerJ. L. Branch. Edwards, it is said, wascaught selling valuable chickens in Sid-ney at nominal prices, and when question-ed 'could give no satisfactory accounteither of himself or the chickens.

Acopy of the report of the commission-ers appointed by the Circuit Court in thecase of the city of Richmond vs. Marcel-la Mnctavish wps admitted 1 to record inthe office of the clerk of the CountyCourt yesterday. The commissionerscondemned some land' belonging to Mrs.ilactavish for tha extension of Meadow

Open Detective AgencyRobberies Reported in Tucksboe District— To

near XewviUe. The wound he received isnot serious.

GOOD TRENCHEKMEX.About one hundred members of the

Travelers' Protective Association will bein Petersburg to-morrow, and will takebreakfast at the Imperial Hotel. Anothercompany of the association will he hereMonday.

There will be a large delegation of T.P. A.'s on a visit to Petersburg Friday,and they will spend most ol their time indriving to points of interest around thecity.

Dr. .1. W. Bryant, of Crewe, who is wellknown i:i Petersburg, where he practicedmedicine for several years, has a .patent

•for a, very useful and what may prove avery valuable invention. Itis a ball-bear-ing" metal spring washer for vehiclewheels, and can be adjusted to any ve-hicle from the lightest oarrisgo t^_ theheaviest dray. The box is dust-prooi anddoe s away with washers, takes up alllaiernal motion in the wheels, and consid-erably reduces draft. Dr. Bryant has re-ceived many letters comm^iKiiiis hispatent. He will leave for the West in afew days to negotiate -with several large

wuroiisrid carriage manufactories. Hehas been offered larco sum? for a part in-trre.«t in the invention.

George Johnson (ooloredi. of Jackson-ville, who is employed at DMYit by theSeaboard Air Line Railway, was seriouslyInjured yesterday whil* coupling cars.IBs arm tias b»»en amputated, and he issuffering- from internal injuries.

While Congressman iSwansnn was in Pe-tersburg this morning, waiting for th»west-bound train, he talked with a. news-paper reporter. The Congressman was infin* spirits and expressed perfect confi-dence in the ultimate results of his cam-paign for Governor. "Why," he said, "I•nlll Burely win. Itlooks at preaeat w It

my chief opponent is ahead, but the situa-tion will probably change materially with-in the next week or two, as Iam confidentof showing greater strength in the coun-ties where delegates are to be elected."The Congressman added that there, willprobably be no further joint discussions,

though he would prefer to meet the At-torney-General in debate.

FEMALE COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT.The Southern Female College will close

Tuesday, alter one of the most prosper-ous and successful sessions in its history.To-morrow morning at 11 o'clock the bac-calaureate sermon will bo preached at"Washington-Street 'Methodist Church byRev. S. A. Stecle. Monday morning at 11o'clock there will be an art exhibit at

Kent's furniture store, including an ex-hibit of pictures in oil and crayon, decor-ated china by pupils of the art departmentin charge oj' Miss K.E. Bernard, and anexhibit r.fart needle work and emhroideryby pupils of the domestic department inoharsre of 'Miss- M. L. Hives. At S o'clockMonday evening there will be given a.soiree musicale in the Y. M. C. A. Audi-torium by piano pupils of Miss FlorenceHolene Wilson, and vocal pupils of MissTheresa Frantz.

Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock there willfollow- a piano recital in Y. M. C. A. Au-ditorium by .piano pupils of .Misses Wilson,

Frantz and Willard. and the vocal punilsof Miss Frantz. mandolin pupils of Mr.Rogers, followed by presentation of certi-ficates and distinctions.

The exercises willbe concluded Tuesday

evFnmg at S o'clock with the final con-cert in the Y. >f. C, A. Auditorium by tliepinno pupils of Misses Wilson. Frantz andWillard. the voral pupils of Miss Frantz,

and the mandolin and guitar pupils of Mr.Rogers and the elocution pupils of Mr.Davis, closing with the conferring of di-plomas and degrees.


people leaving Jovnfor the summer should pot for-get the Thalhimer Mail-OrdarDepartment. Itprovides promptand good service.

Special.We deliver free of charge to

any point in Virginiaallpur-

chases from $5 up.

Jhis week's phenomenal store news assures wonderful selling for the week, tfeifer in the history of Jhal-himer Retailing have records shown such gratifying results. Jhis is the economy centre of Richmond, tfhafswhu it has grown to be the busiest retail corner in 'the South, your dollar goes furtherest here. <$t buys most,

both in quantity and qualify. We ought to emphasize the quality. Sfs never sacrificed here, no matter what the

not so in every store. Undoubtedly that is one great reason why we lead. .,^;-^price may be. *2fs

