OCTOBER , 2018 · scenes change, thoughts of family holi-days ahead spark some early planning, and...


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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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LWML N���� 6

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O CTOBER , 20 1 8

V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 4

21 But now the righteousness of God has

been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— 22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no dis�nc-�on: 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glo-ry of God, 24 and are jus�fied by his grace as a gi�, through the redemp�on that is in Christ Je-sus, 25 whom God put forward as a propi�a�on by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. 26 It was to show his righteousness at the present �me, so that he might be just and the jus�fier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

Romans 3:21-26

O������ S���������

Oct. 7 Daniel 6:12-27

Ephesians 6:10-17

Ma�hew 11:25-30

Oct. 14 Amos 5:6-7, 10-15

Hebrews 3:12-19

Mark 10:17-22

Oct. 21 Ecclesiastes 5:10-20

Hebrews 4:1-11

Mark 10:23-31

Oct. 28 Revela�on 14:6-7

Romans 3:19-28

John 8:31-36






Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

October seems to be a month of slight

changes…outside is more tolerable

weather-wise, our clothes colors and

styles start to modify, pumpkin-flavor

everything is visible in the grocery stores,

coffee shops and restaurants. The sports

scenes change, thoughts of family holi-

days ahead spark some early planning,

and leaf peepers get excited for Fall trips!

Choir rehearsals are in full swing, and the

first Sunday in October, the 7th ,is LWML

Sunday! (Lutheran Women in Mission), if

you’re not into abbrevia�ons. This is a

WEAR PURPLE Sunday, as we celebrate

this wonderful arm in our church body.

Ladies will be serving by gree�ng, usher-

ing, and reading. Sermon will be


Remaining in the season of Pentecost, our

worship message �tles are: “Heart-Led or

Christ-Led?”, “Our Need for Rest in God”,

and the month concludes on the 28th with


“The Power of Silence”. The 28th is a

WEAR RED Sunday!

A very important event of October is


has already received the Prayer Calendar

where many of you signed up (thank you)

to pray for Pastor, Cheryl and family on a

par�cular day in October.(You should re-

ceive a reminder email the day before).

For the week of October 14th, the sugges-

�on is to send a note or gree�ng card of

apprecia�on to him at the church office.

In combina�on with our REFORMATION

Celebra�on, there will be a paper shower

complete with cake during our fellowship

�me prior to Bible Study on Sunday, Octo-

ber 28th. Paper items can be brought

beginning on the 21st to the table in

the Fellowship Hall. Of course, ran-

dom acts of kindness are always wel-

come! Use your imagina�on..

I want to say you all are doing a great

job of joining in with the choir for

some of the Calls to Worship or other

parts of the service. The Call to Wor-

ship is hopefully helpful to set the

tone for your worship �me.

Hooray! It appears we are truly now preparing for our RENOVATION ! The choir and worship commi�ee are ge�ng ready to get ready to relocate the music library and temporary place-ment of instruments etc…THERE IS ROOM IN THE CHOIR FOR YOU! Prac-�ces are on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. contact me at jkutach@livingsaviortexas.org with any ques�ons. Just wondering…It’s been a while since

I’ve asked who among you might have

any instruments hiding in a closet

somewhere that remind you that you

can even play it! Maybe…. a piano

(wouldn’t be hiding in a closet), horn,

percussion, strings, reeds, guitar, tri-

angle- you get the idea. Again, just

wondering! Am sure there is talent

hiding out there! Would love to know!

This month’s not so stealth work-

ers since we see them eve-

ry Sunday are our ushers and aco-

lytes . We say thank you to them and

also for those who do background

things like the robe cleaning, the

scheduling, and the training plus many

things done we normally don’t think

about…(like coun�ng those

present and picking up the

bulle�ns that are le� be-

hind). Hats off and thanks to

being greeted and receiving a

bulle�n, and for parents who

bring their children to serve

the Lord!

I will praise you with the harp

for your faithfulness, O my

god; I will sing praise to you

with the lyre, O Holy One of

Israel. My lips will shout for

joy when I sing praise to

you—I, whom you have re-


Psalm 71:22-23

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

The Thursday Morning Ladies' Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 10:00. We are studying the book of Proverbs. It is a collec�on of Solomon's Proverbs and also a collec�on of say-ings from wise people that Solomon gathered together and organized. The greater part of Proverbs teaches us how to gain wisdom for faith and life through the revela�ons God has given us. Please prayerfully consider joining us as we study the book of Proverbs. For more infor-ma�on, please contact Annet Riley at asriley@ymail.com or (713) 598-2556.

L � � � � � ’ L � � � � B � � � �

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

The lunch bunch for October will meet on Thursday, October 4th, 11:30, at the Magnolia Diner on the north side of 105 (across from the KOA .) ALL ladies are invited for this dutch-treat fun �me of fellowship, food and enjoyment! Come, and meet someone you might not know! There is a sign-up sheet on the big bulle�n board in the fellowship hall, or contact Judy Kutach at 713-252-0740 or kutach@consolidated.net

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H � � � �� � L � � � � � � � C � � � � � �

The Houston Lutheran Chorale con�nues to seek new and returning singers to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in music and song. This year they will sing selec�ons from Handel’s Messiah as well as many joyous hymns and contemporary Chris�an songs. For More Informa�on, call 832-489-6773 or visit their website www.hlc-tx.org

C � � � � � A � � � � � � �� � � � M � � � �

Please remember to pray for Pastor Bailes and family this month. If you have not signed up to pray on a specific day in October, feel free to print your name on that day on the Prayer Calendar, located in the Sanctuary just next to the bul-le�n basket. An effort will be made to email you a reminder the day before. Pray also this month for ALL pastors : - Pastor’s wives and families - Future pastors, who are studying right now - Soon-to-be ordained or newly-ordained pastors Pray also for: - Strength in hard �mes - Good health - God’s guidance - Thankful hearts to the Lord, for providing such a faithful pastor here at Living Savior - The Lord’s peace for our pastor


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

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Visit the Lutheran Hour Miistries Online Ministries at

h�ps:/www.lhm.org/learn for a cornucopia of learning opportuni�es in

personal Chris�an Growth.

T� � � �� G � � � � � � � � � � � � P� � � � � � P � �� � � O � � � � � � � � � � �

Pastor Bogs of St. Ma�hew Lutheran Church of Wes�ield is working on scheduling a trip to Germany and

the Passion Play in Oberammergan in 2020. This would be an 11 day adventure from Sept.2 thru Sept.12.

The cost would be $4299 per person from Houston. 36 people will need to be registered in order for this

trip to happen. Check out the brochures in our Fellowship Hall in you are interested.

Consider volunteering during the weeks of September 30th—

October 20th with the Family Promise of Montgomery

County to help prepare meals and deliver them to Family

Promise families.

You can partner with a friend, your job, or your church to pro-

vide a meal & drinks for one or more nights for all of the


For more informa�on visit the Family Promise website at h�ps://www.familypromiseofmc.org/

or contact Jennifer Steen at jsteen@bleylengineering.com or La Toya Carter at 936-441-8778.

37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give

you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?39 And when did we

see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of

the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Ma�hew 25:37-40

W � N � � � Y� � � H � � � !


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

The Kroger Co. Family of Stores is commi�ed to bringing hope and help to

the local neighborhoods we call home. Our stores are on a mission to not

just part of, but to help create a stronger community. We recognize that

every community has unique causes that need support. Thank you for be-

ing such an important organiza�on in our community.

We have recently upgraded our system, and as a result your

Non-Profit Organiza�on (NPO) has a new account number. We

recommend communica�ng this new number to your mem-

bers, and upda�ng any marke�ng materials with this change.

Please reference the new number when contac�ng us for assis-

tance. The previous number will con�nue to be associated with

your organiza�on, however, it will not be visible to your mem-

bers when enrolling.

The upgrade process created a delay in the delivery of the last

quarter statement. We apologize for the delay, and assure you

that future quarterly statements will be delivered in a �mely


We encourage you to ask your supporters to link their rewards card to your organiza�on. Community Re-

wards is easy to use, The more your supporters shop with us, the more money your organiza�on will earn!

We are commi�ed to carefully protec�ng our customer's personal informa�on. In order to meet their ex-

pecta�on of privacy, we have adopted a simple policy to never share a customer's personal informa�on.


27 May 2018—26 Aug 2018




Total Dona�ons


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

October Mite Mission Grant Lutheran Braille Workers ($100,000)

Lutheran Braille Workers (LBW) has been providing God’s Word to the visually impaired since 1943, u�liz-ing the New Interna�onal Version of the Bible for the past 25 years. With the use of the English Standard Version (ESV) by the LCMS, LBW desires to offer people with visual disability the opportunity to worship and study with the same transla�on of the Bible as sighted people of the Church. These funds will assist in the cost of the produc�on of the zinc plates for each Braille Work Center along with producing the ESV Bi-ble in large print.

Submi�ed by Annet Riley

A special Worship Service is planned for Sunday, October 7, 2018 to celebrate all that God has done through the LWML. The author of this service, Reverend Ken Hennings, selected the theme" Our Rest in a Changing World", based upon Psalm 62:1-8. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman's iden�ty as a child of God and her rela�onship with Jesus Christ encouraging and equipping Chris�an women to live out their lives in ac�ve mission ministries and to support missions around the world through their sacrificial gi�s of mites, �thes and offerings and �reless service.

Submi�ed by Helga Schuller

LWML Sunday Celebrate Lutheran Women in Mission


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

Why do we give? Is it simply because God commands us to? Or is there more to it? To be sure, the instruc�on and

Word of God in the Bible says we should give, and this is sufficient to encourage us to give (Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35; 1

Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor. 8:7; Gal 6:6).

But there’s more to it than just obliga�on. We’re not just trying to fulfill a work of the Law. We are bearing fruits of the

Spirit given to us by our Father in heaven through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, we’re not just doing

what our Father said, we’re also doing what He did.

Children emulate their parents. When they grow up they o�en carry many of the same mannerisms and characteris�cs

as their parents, but there is more to it than that. Children copy their parents even on a more mundane level. They

watch how their parents cross their legs, how they fold their hands, how they stand and sit and walk, how they do and

say most everything.

And children try to copy it, which can be quite humorous when parents wish they wouldn’t. It can be uncomfortable

and embarrassing if a child copies or repeats something less than polite that they learned from a parent. Sitcoms thrive

on these situa�ons. It only happens because children emulate their parents because they want to be like them.

We are the children of God, by grace, through faith. In Holy Bap�sm, God the Father declares of us what He declared

of Jesus at His Bap�sm in the Jordan: “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God the Father claims us

as His own. He takes away all our sins, and in exchange He gives us His righteousness, His purity, His holiness, and His

Spirit, by which we cry out, “Abba, Father.”

We are born again, born from above, born of water and the Spirit, to a new life in Christ as His children. We are sons of

God in Christ, through Bap�sm. And since we are sons, we are heirs – heirs who share in the glory of the Son of God.

The inheritance is ours because of the Father’s grace and mercy, His generosity in sending His Son in �me to save us

for all eternity.

And this is why we give generously of our income to the work of the church. We want to be like our heavenly Father.

We want to emulate His generosity by being generous ourselves. We give to the work of the Church because we have

witnessed the generous giving of our Father in heaven.

More than that, we are recipients of it. It is because we have received God our Father’s gi�s that we desire to give our-

selves. And His gi�s are not just spiritual. They are temporal and earthly as well. As the Small Catechism teaches in the

Fourth Pe��on of the Lord’s Prayer:

“Give us this day our daily bread.” What does this mean? God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil people, but we pray in this pe��on that God would lead us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving. What is meant by daily bread?


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body, such as food, drink, clothing,

shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout

and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputa�on, good friends, faithful

neighbors, and the like.”

In other words, God gives us everything we need for the care of both body and soul. His generosity knows no bounds.

Therefore, we sit down at the beginning of the year, the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the week to set

aside a generous por�on of God’s daily bread for His work in the Church.

We don’t do this simply because He has commanded us so to do; it is because we, as His children by grace, want to

emulate His generosity in our own lives. He is our Father; we are His children. And children want to be like their par-



Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

Did you know that if you are 70.5 or older you could donate money from your IRA directly to Living Savior without your gi� coun�ng as income? We now have two funds that everyone is encouraged to contribute to:

The Church Expansion Fund, and The SMP Educa�on Fund

Church Expansion Fund As of September 22, 2018, we have $780,000 in the Church Expansion Fund, while our budget, which was just ap-proved by voters, is $1,050,000 leaving a shor�all of $270,000. Voters approved a $250,000 loan from Texas District Church Extension Fund, so we will have cash to finance the approved church renova�ons and paving of the parking lot. However, the more that members donate to the Church Expansion Fund the less we will actually have to borrow. In addi�on, it is our goal to be able to pay off this loan in 12 to 18 months. SMP Educa�on Fund Voters approved calling Tom Schmidt to be our Specific Ministry Pastor and to pay for his training, which is mostly online, at Concordia Seminary St. Louis. The es�mated cost of Tom’s training including tui�on, fees, books and travel is $42,000 over four years. We need to have at least $11,000 in this fund for the 2019 year. We will have to pay his first semester tui�on before January 2019 when he starts his training. The following is part of a February 12, 2018 ar�cle in Forbes Magazine, How To Give Charitable Gi�s - And Avoid Pay-ing Tax - In 2018. “This provision, which the IRS calls a Qualified Charitable Distribu�on, allows anyone aged 70.5 or older to donate money from their IRA account directly to a charitable organiza�on without that gi� coun�ng as income.” “If you or your spouse meet this age requirement, you can transfer up to $100,000 a year without paying any tax on that transac�on. Even be�er, any money you transfer via one of these distribu�ons reduces the amount you must take in required distribu�ons. As an example, take a 75-year-old re�ree whose RMD was calculated to be $50,000 for the year. She would normally take these funds and realize that income on her return. Instead, she may choose to make a $5,000 contribu�on to a qualified charity. In this case, $45,000 would appear as income on her return, thereby bene-fi�ng financially from her good deed.” “A point worth no�ng: you may s�ll transfer up to $100,000 a year even if your RMD is less than this amount. In the example above, the re�ree’s annual RMD is $50,000. The QCD amount is not limited to $50,000, but rather $100,000 for the year. The amount in excess of the RMD is not treated any differently, for tax purposes (it does not count as in-come and you do not take an itemized deduc�on for the amounts).” “A further benefit of using this strategy is it helps reduce your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). Your AGI determines how much of your Social Security is subject to income taxes, if you will be subject to the Net Investment Income Tax and the amount of your Medicare premiums in the following year. So, lowering income can indirectly reduce other costs.”


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

“Of course, most who give to charity choose to spread their funds to several or more of their favorite chari�es. For ex-ample, annual charitable giving of $5,000 may break out as $3,000 to your favorite church or synagogue, $1,000 to the latest disaster relief, and $100 each to 10 other causes that you’d like to support.” “Most brokerage firms will assist you with these transac�ons, only requiring that you provide the name, address, and other per�nent informa�on for the chari�es. From there they will either disburse the checks directly to the chari�es, or send the checks to you to pass along. There are no IRS limita�ons on how many or how small the distribu�ons may be to your favorite chari�es, so it only depends on your brokerage firm and any limita�ons they may have. (We checked with a couple of discount brokerage firms—they did not have any minimum amount per charity for QCD dis-bursements).” Therefore, if you are over 70.5 and wish to contribute to Living Savior, all you have to do is contact your IRA financial advisor and instruct them to send a check directly to: Living Savior Lutheran Church 309 Pond Street Montgomery, Texas 77356

A�en�on: Mark Lamprecht, Financial Secretary

Then just tell Mark how you want the money to be used. For example, if you are dona�ng $5000, you might say that

you want $4000 to go to the Church Expansion Fund and $1000 to go to the SMP Educa�on fund.

Any amount will be appreciated and you will be suppor�ng the work of Living Savior in Montgomery, Texas.

Submi�ed by Peter Hames,

President Living Savior Lutheran Church

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Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

I � O � � P � �� � � �

H������/S������/H�������������� M��� A�� A����

(Mary Schroeder’s Friend) Healing & Rehab Donna Bond

Ongoing complica�ons of difficult infec�on.

Darlene Brown Complica�ons from back and leg pain

Earl McCaleb Radia�on treatments for cance

Warren Richards Full recovery a�er a stroke

Dianna Wood Preparing for knee surgery

C�����/L���-T��� I������

Rick Schoppe Treatment for bladder cancer

Al Schuller On-going treatments for skin cancer

Ma� Seidl (Karen’s son)

Thanksgiving for a good MRI report

Richard Sharpe (Mike Riley’s friend) Ba�ling cancer

Pa�y Thibodeaux (Micki Lineberger’s sister) Ovarian cancer

Jim Wasmund Dealing with macular degenera�on

Haydon Wilson (Charlo�e Wilson’s great-grandson) Treatments for a rare blood disorder

Lucas Wilson (Heintschels’ grandson)

Insulin pump

C�����/L���-T��� I������

Jan Baker (Joice Fangmann's sister)

Stomach cancer

Gloria Boddeker (Anita Lee’s mom)

Assisted living

Pr. Herb Graf (re�red pastor)

Long-term health care

Jan Haydel (Micki Lineberger’s mother)

Breast cancer

Cathy Luedke (Jennifer Wynn’s friend)

Breast cancer

Gregg Mar�n (Darlene Brown’s cousin)

Brain tumor

Bart Powell Treatments for cancer & pain management

Pr. Doug Rathgeber (St. John, Beaumont)

Cancer treatments

Jerry Schofield (Darlene Brown’s brother)

Cancer treatments


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

If you enjoy working with sound equipment and computers, we have an opportunity for you. Please consider vol-unteering to help out in this important ministry. Contact Mark Dinning for more informa�on.

Living Savior is s�ll looking for a part-�me nursery worker to staff our nursery on Sunday mornings and once a month on Wednesday evenings.

The Candidate must be 18 years old and submit to a background check and will be trained in CPR and First Aid.

A u d i o V i s u a l A s s i s ta nt

N u rs e r y Wo r ke r

A l ta r G u i l d A s s i s ta nt s

Seeking women who are willing to serve the Lord and Living Savior by taking care of altar

prepara�ons for worship at the 10:45 service. Training will be provided and is not diffi-

cult. The ini�al prepara�ons for both se�ng up and taking down does not require more than

15 minutes on average.

Please consider joining us as we serve the Lord at His altar.

Contact Dawn Dunagan at ar�s�cemb@yahoo.com OR 316.644.8290

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V o lu m e 1 , I s s ue 1 4

C h u rc h M e a l s M i n i s t r y

From �me to �me we have members who are ill, recovering from surgery

or are just unable to prepare a meal for themselves. Please consider sign-

ing up and contact Velma Powell at 936-597-6299.

M u s i c Vo l u nt e e rs

Altus Hospice is seeking volunteers who can sing and/or play music (keyboard or guitar) for the terminally ill. There is something special about music and how it soothes the soul. Families of the terminally ill are amazed at the reac�on of pa�ents when they hear music. It seems as though their focus is shi�ed from all their pain to the sweet sounds of music.

Come join us in making a difference in these pa�ents’ lives.

Altus is Located at Grogans Mill in the Woodlands. Please contact Lee Wernli at 936-524-2770 or lwernli032@gmail.com if you are interested.


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

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N e w s l e t t e r : O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 8

M����� C�����? Thanks to Mark Dinning and assistants, videos of Pastor’s most recent sermons are available for your viewing. Visit our website, click on the bu�on labeled “Media” at the bo�om right of the home page. The most recent newsle�ers and sermon videos are posted for you! Now, even if you miss, you can s�ll stay current!

Doug & Anita Lee 10/11/1969 49

Ed & Penny Moe 10/13/2000 18

Bill & Nane�e Dodd 10/15/1981 37

James & Diane Hadley 10/21/1989 29

Darriech Hu� 10/1

Mark Dinning 10/3

Ronald McEachern 10/4

Mike Riley 10/6

Miguel Bailes 10/9

Leeam Bautz 10/11

Jack Heintschel Jr. 10/13

Carolyn Behnke 10/14

Stephen Simonsen 10/17

Christopher Langlois 10/19

Karen Harbaugh 10/22

Richard Wiese 10/23

Pat Case 10/24

Gabriel Chambers 10/24

Sylvia Bailes 10/25

Shirley Wiese 10/26

Marshall Hodge 10/27

Maggie Schue�e 10/27

Judy Hodge 10/28

Nicholas Rios 10/30

Keira Miller 10/31


Living Savior Lutheran Church website: livingsaviortexas.org

309 Pond Street Montgomery, Texas 77356

Phone: 936-597-8013 Email Office: office@livingsaviortexas.org Email News : news@livingsaviortexas.org

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To print the latest version of LSLC’s calendar,

logon to the church website at livingsaviortexas.org

Select the Calendar tab

Select the + icon and click on Print

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To view the Member Directory option:

logon to livingsaviortexas.org, then select the Members


select the Member Directory option.

When prompted, enter your email account as an ID and

supply your password.

Forget your password ? No problem - click the Forgot

Password link. This will send a message to your email ac-

count which allows you to enter a new password.

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