Nura Gili News Edition 3, April 2013



With semester one well underway Balnaves Place Home of Nura Gili is in full swing with students, staff and visitors working away in their studies, research, programs, training and events embracing the challenges and opportunities on offer. April’s edition of Nura Gili News reflects the tenacity of so many of our students, staff and alumni- enjoy and do share amongst your community- family, friends and colleagues.

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Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Nura Gili News Edition 3: April 2013

Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and

programs across all our communities


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

This issue:

Editorial Page 3

Welcome to Semester BBQ

Nura Gili students and staff celebrate the beginning of semester

Pages 4-5

Celebrating our Alumni

Alumni Damian Miller appointed as Ambassador to Amsterdam

Page 6

Sharleigh’s Gift

How one small act can impact a lifetime

Pages 7-8

Meet Ben Kelly

Nura Gili academic shares his insights on life, study and teaching

Pages 9-10

My time at Nura Gili

Sonia Powell shares her insights into the role and responsibilities of General Management

Pages 11-12

Let’s Do Business

Industry networking evening @ Nura Gili

Third year student Steve Fogarty provides insights into Indigenous business leaders

Pages 13-14

Pages 15-16

Community Events Close the Gap

Pages 17-20

Nura Gili Programs, Studies and Events About us UNSW Indigenous Winter School UNSW Indigenous Spring Forum Nura Gili on the Road Indigenous Studies- Programs and Courses Year 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander day

Pages 21-26


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities


With semester one well underway Balnaves Place Home of Nura Gili is in full swing with students, staff and visitors working away in their studies, research, programs, training and events embracing the challenges and opportunities on offer. April‟s edition of Nura Gili News reflects the tenacity of so many of our students, staff and alumni who continue to be involved and committed in our communities, studies, research and professional endeavours. In many of these stories the continued support of our peers and mentors in our family, in our communities, at university and in our workplace, continue to play a crucial part at every stage of our journey- our challenges, our milestones and our achievements. The legacies fought hard by so many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has helped pave the way for our students to continue to embrace current and future opportunities well supported here at Nura Gili in the heart of UNSW. I often witness our students, staff and alumni continuing this legacy of generosity, self-determination and collaboration through partnership - in this way we can truly Close the Gap.

Rebecca Harcourt.

Editor Nura Gili News: Rebecca Harcourt

Thank you for all the great insights and feedback to our first two editions of

Nura Gili News.

We hope you enjoy our third edition and will share it amongst your community- family,

friends and colleagues.

If you would like to contribute ideas, news, letters and / or articles please contact the editor

Telephone: 0406720542 Email:

If you would like to contribute to Indigenous scholarships for students at UNSW

and/or Nura Gili Indigenous Programs please feel free to make initial contact with the

Director of Nura Gili Professor Martin Nakata (B.EdHons PhD)

Telephone :+61 (2) 93853120 Email: - Prof Nakata's


If you would like further information on Nura Gili’s programs, courses and facilities

you are welcome to come and visit and / or contact us:

Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs

Electrical Engineering Building G17



Telephone: 02 93853805



If you would like further information about UNSW and our faculties:


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Welcome to Semester BBQ


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Celebrating our Alumni The success of our Alumni is inspirational for our students and staff alike.

Alumni Damian Miller is Australia's next Ambassador to Denmark with non-resident

accreditation to Norway and Iceland.

As the first Indigenous Australian to be appointed as head of an overseas mission, Damian

builds on his tenacity, breath of knowledge, professional, community and diplomatic

experience throughout his career and studies.

Originally from Brisbane Queensland, Damian‟s family members are from the Gangalu

people in central Queensland, near Rockhampton. Damian first came to UNSW in the mid-


As a student Damian was very involved with the Aboriginal Student Centre at UNSW as it

was known then, including being the Vice President of the Indigenous Students'

Association. In 1997 and 1998 Damian was elected representative to the UNSW Student


During his time here 1994-1998, Damian was also actively involved in promoting human

Rights issues, including as a volunteer at the Indigenous Law Centre, the Australian

Indigenous Law Review and Bulletin, the Australian Human Rights Centre He also

volunteered at the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Kingsford Legal Centre as

many of our current law students do. In 1998 Damian published an academic article on

human‟s rights legal theory in the Australian Human Rights Journal.

Damian graduated from UNSW with a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, BA /LLB in 1998

and awarded the Michael Harmer and Associates Prize for first place for industrial law-,

Faculty of Law, UNSW.

In 1999 Damian joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as a graduate straight

from UNSW. In recent times Damian was Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission at the

Australian Embassy in Germany. Damian also served in the Australian High Commission in


“It has been a wonderful and challenging career so far. I was appointed a director in 2006

and have previously been director of the corporate planning section and Afghanistan section.

But I've spent most of my career focused on South-East Asia.”

Nura Gili congratulates Damian on his continued success.

Rebecca Harcourt

For more information on Mr Miller‟s appointment please see:


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

I recall telling a few of the Nura Gili staff about the event I was organising for World's

Greatest Shave just after my interview for a job as an Ambassador. I've been involved with

Nura Gili for three years, and am now going into my second year of Arts/Law at UNSW after

coming through Nura Gili's Pre-Program.

When Nura Gili staff asked me to write an article about my endeavour to raise money for the

Leukaemia Foundation, I thought I knew exactly what I'd write. But now that I'm here, I find

that explaining my decision and the motivation behind it isn't quite so easy as I'd thought.

The 'moment' wasn't particularly unique; there wasn't an outburst of compassion that

stemmed from some sudden tragedy in my life. I was standing at the sink rinsing out some

cups and the advertisement for the World's Greatest Shave had come on the TV across from

where I was standing. I hadn't looked up, and the only thing I made out over the sound of

running water and the clinking of glass was "be brave and shave". I thought, why the heck


"By what you get, you make a living;

what you give, however, makes a

life" ― Arthur Asche


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Within the hour, I'd been online and I'd signed up as a shaver. I'd set my fundraising goal at

an ambitious $1000 and secretly prayed that I would reach at least $500 in the six weeks

before the day I'd designated for the shave. I made an event on Facebook, made a joke

about changing the lives of those with blood cancer "one hairless head at a time" and

appealed to my friends for support. That was Monday, and by Sunday I had already hit


To say there wasn't a tragedy in my life would be untrue. My aunty had been diagnosed with

Wegner's granulomatosis three years ago, which is a rare type of vasculitis. I'd known she

was sick, but I was away with Uni and trying to establish a stable life for myself in Sydney

and the reality of her illness hadn't caught up with me. By some cruel twist of fate, her health

declined a week after I made the decision to do the World's Greatest Shave and two weeks

before I shaved my head, she passed away.

It's not easy to write about now, because I still feel a lot of guilt and am too scared to let

myself feel the grief of it because of how it will affect my ability to function. Even though I'd

made the "noble" decision to give up my hair, I'd still taken someone I loved for granted. So

the day itself, though dedicated to her memory, was a day of sadness. But we have

managed so far to raise $3,200 - more than 300% of my original goal - which will help

patients and families battling with the reality of life-threatening illness.

What this journey has made me realise though, is that it is in our power to make a difference

in the lives of others. We can all afford to give - if it's a little change from our pockets, or a

little of our time. You will be surprised at how big a difference even the smallest gesture can

make. It may even exceed your expectations by 300%.

Sharleigh Smith

If you want to learn more, you can visit the World's Greatest Shave website or the

Leukaemia Foundation's website:


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Meet Ben Kelly Where are you from? I‟m from Yarrawonga. It‟s a country town on the border of Victoria and NSW. My dad insists that I call myself Irish but I have Scottish and English ancestors as well. Most of them were share farmers who‟ve occupied territory in south eastern Australia since around the mid-nineteenth century. When I was eighteen I moved to Melbourne and started a degree in computer science because, according to my mum‟s friends, I was a „wizard on the computers‟. It turned out they were wrong though and within a few months I‟d dropped out and moved to Sydney - chasing a girl I liked. That was 1998 and since then I‟ve done a few degrees, had a few misadventures and had the good fortune of ending up here. When did you first come across Nura Gili? I first came across Nura Gili as an undergraduate student. Back then I think it was called the AEP. I had a few friends who went there and sometimes I‟d meet them at the old house on Botany Street. When did you first start working at Nura Gili? The first job I had here was as an ITAS tutor about ten years ago. Tell us about your current role as a lecturer and academic? I‟m currently teaching two courses. In ATSI2011 Indigenous Australian Political History we examine the colonisation of Indigenous Australia by focusing on the stories and political strategies of particular Indigenous leaders from 1788 to the present. This semester is the first time we‟ve run the course and I‟m very happy with it so far. By focusing on the ways that prominent Indigenous figures have sought to navigate very complex and difficult political situations we are able to avoid presenting the kind of „helpless victim‟ story of Aboriginal colonial history that is all too often told. The other course, ATSI3005 Theorising Whiteness and Imperialism has been running for a few years now although we changed the title this year to better reflect the way the course has evolved. In this course we analyse everyday language and popular culture to reveal the continuing influence of old colonial ideas about race and difference. It helps students develop their understanding of their own positions in debates about Indigenous politics and knowledge and to move beyond thinking in terms of good guys and bad guys. Although the material is quite heavy we always have a bit of fun with it as well. Next semester I‟ll be teaching ATSI2012 Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Politics. In that course we‟ll be looking at „Indigenous issues‟ as they are presented in the news media and then delving into the historical and political context of the topics raised. The main aim is to help students develop their skills in discussing and arguing about contemporary political topics.


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

What are the most rewarding things about working at Nura Gili? The most rewarding part of my job is definitely seeing students develop in terms of their skills and confidence. I‟ve been lecturing just long enough to have seen kids who I first met as shy high schoolers in Winter School finish their degrees as skilled and passionate scholars who end up in all kinds of rewarding jobs. What has been the highlight for you to date? There‟ve been many good things and hardly any bad things. For me the important things are more abstract and emerge from all the little things… so I guess the highlight is a general sense of being able to contribute to something meaningful and worthwhile and being surrounded by good people. Remembering back to when you were a student is there a particular milestone that stands out for you? Looking back, the most important milestone for me was the first step of enrolling in a Bachelor of Arts degree here at UNSW in 1999. I come from a background where you only go to university, if you go at all, in order to get some specific kind of job. The Arts degree gave me a chance to appreciate learning for its own sake and that has made life more interesting. What are your top 3 tips for our students studying here?

1. Don‟t be afraid of looking foolish. Once you let that go and really engage with your subjects you‟ll find that university becomes much more exciting and enriching.

2. Try to keep up with your reading and all the little assignments as you go along rather than leaving things until the last minute. You‟ll learn more and it will be easier that way.

3. When your university workload gets out of hand – whether it‟s because you‟ve brought it on yourself by having too many good times or because something horrible has happened… and both will happen from time to time – don‟t panic. Just prioritise what you need to learn and what you need to submit in order of which thing will have the highest consequences for neglecting to the least. Then do the best you can.

Do you have any mentors and/or role models? I don‟t really have any role models. My friends might say that‟s because I‟m too cynical, but that‟s not quite true. I admire a lot of different aspects of a lot of different people. For the sake of not appearing too evasive though I‟ll say that I probably admire my old Grandfather most of all. He was gentle, loyal, generous and disciplined and an intellectual without a formal education. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? I guess I‟ll be somewhere in the field of Higher Education. Hopefully somewhere near being call „Dr Kelly‟. If I‟m still working with Nura Gili I‟ll be happy!

Interview with Rebecca Harcourt


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

My time at Nura Gili - Insights into the role and responsibilities of General Management

What a whirlwind year! In my twelve months at Nura

Gili, the number of Indigenous students at UNSW

has grown 20% to 332 students, and the number of

people enrolled in Indigenous Studies courses at

UNSW has grown 25%. These growth rates

highlight what an exceptional team Nura Gili is, and

what a privilege it‟s been for me to fill in for General

Manager Veronika Roth over the last year while she

has been away on maternity leave. A school principal was once asked to explain her

job, and she answered in just three words: “Brains

and Drains” – people and infrastructure.

As we work out how we are going to implement our

strategy now and into the future, this is a

surprisingly accurate concise summary of the role

and responsibilities of General Management!

The “brains” belong to the Nura Gili family: our

learning and student support staff, our managers and professional administration team staff,

our academic staff, colleagues across the University community, donors, supporters and

alumni. And of course the most important brains of all belong to the talented high school

kids, young adults and mature age students whose academic success we are intent on


A large part of the GM‟s role is to focus inward on the Nura Gili team - around 25 staff, plus

an army of casual tutors, casual lecturers and markers, student supervisors and student

ambassadors. This is a part of the job that I really love. The team is an inspiring mix of

people, and the role of Nura Gili‟s managers is to help each staff member give their best so

that Nura Gili as a whole achieves our purpose of supporting students‟ learning.

The GM needs to look for the unique strengths that each person brings to the team, and

think about how we can harness those strengths to obtain the greatest value for our

students. Each person plays an integral role, whether they‟re working directly with students

and teaching, or behind the scenes - people like Alicia, with her determination to get the best

prices possible from our vendors; and Mick, who inspires and leads the Student Services

team with his decency, commitment and calm authority; and Nakia, who helps refine our

administrative processes so they are increasingly efficient and well documented – and so

many more!

Managing “brains” means taking time to consider what each person on the team hopes to

achieve in their work life, how we can make space for each person to contribute their

insights, and how we can ensure there‟s an agreed and clearly communicated plan so

everyone knows what they need to be doing, when, where, how, and why.

Managing people means practising situational leadership. Good managers adapt their

approach to take into account each person‟s individual situation – eg how confident the

person is, and how competent. So, for someone who‟s an expert in their job, and can‟t wait

to handle a challenge, the manager needs to empower them to get on with it rather than


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

driving them crazy with detailed instructions on every little step. But for someone who is just

learning a job, or is feeling unsure, the manager‟s role is to make sure they get supervision,

training, support, feedback and encouragement so they can feel safe while they‟re learning,

and assured as their capabilities grow. (Luckily I don‟t have to manage anyone at the

moment whose confidence is way ahead of their competence!)

Being part of a team that‟s constantly developing in capacity has been incredibly rewarding

in my year at Nura Gili. I‟ve learned so much from our amazing Director, Professor Martin

Nakata, and from all my colleagues. And I‟ve also been able to contribute to growing

peoples‟ skills in areas where I have expertise, like how to budget and how to manage the

unit‟s financial resources.

The other half of the “brains and drains” general management equation is all the

infrastructure and processes that need to be kept in good order behind the scenes. These

include things like our building, security, computer hardware and systems, our finances,

strategic and operational plans, legal compliance, workplace health and safety, interaction

with the university‟s student and academic administration systems, document management,

tracking and reporting systems and everyday processes. If the “drains” aren‟t working well,

the whole team starts to suffer very fast! Further, we are accountable for our use of the

university‟s resources, for the grant funds we receive from government (including the

Indigenous Support Program and Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme, which between

them total well over one million dollars each year) and for the donations the university

receives from supporters like UBS. Financially, we have to ensure we are not spending

money we don‟t have.

One of my most satisfying challenges over the last year was helping the team stay on top of

these matters during our relocation from our three former premises to Balnaves Place, our

beautiful newly renovated space at the heart of the campus. As GM I spent a lot of time

phoning, emailing and meeting to talk with many other teams across the University and seek

their support. For example, the Legal department helped us ensure that we had the artist‟s

permission, and had properly paid her, to use her artwork in our logo and building signage.

Another example is our computers, which were very old, ugly, slow, and unreliable. The

university‟s IT department helped us lease our new fleet of 50 all-in-one desktop computers

for staff and students, and got them all set up, networked and working when we moved. IT

also helped us sort out how we could keep providing printing support for Indigenous

students. Yet another department I talk with every few days is Facilities Management (FM).

FM project-managed the renovation itself, and moved all our boxes for us on the day, so that

we only had one day‟s downtime. FM continues to help us iron out the tiny teething troubles

you would expect with any new building, and they also do the system programming to

ensure our Nura Gili students have secure electronic card access to the study lounge 24

hours a day.

As I hand the GM role back to Veronika this month, I‟m so grateful for the opportunity to

have worked with this inspiring team. I‟m looking forward to staying in touch and seeing Nura

Gili continue to grow as a hub that attracts more and more talented Indigenous students to

UNSW and helps them thrive and succeed. It‟s a fantastic place and will keep getting better

and better.

Sonia Powell


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Industry Networking Evening

On Thursday 21st March 2013 our students studying business had the opportunity to meet with Industry leaders from AMP Property, Ernst and Young and Future Map to share insights about challenges and career opportunities for Commerce graduates and postgraduates in industry.

Discussions included student internships, graduate opportunities, moving into research and development, career progression, executive coaching, community engagement and opportunities to work abroad. Students were also joined by a recent Alumni from the Masters and Business Technology program


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities



Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Insights into Indigenous Business

In 2011 Damian Shannon and George Brown Indigenous students studying at the Australian

School of Business approached ASB about attending the inaugural Indigenous Business,

Enterprise and Corporations (IBEC) Conference, hosted by the UWA Business School‟s

Centre for Social Impact. Both students were successful in their applications for funding to

attend this key conference and provided a platform for more Indigenous business students to


In this issue we feature Steven Fogarty’s insights about his experience, sponsored by ASB, at the second Indigenous Business, Enterprise and Corporations (IBEC) Conferences, hosted by the UWA Business School’s Centre for Social Impact in December 2012.

‘Attending the IBEC conference allowed me to meet and listen to successful Indigenous businessmen and women who are making inroads into mainstream corporate level business. Approximately 120 speakers conducted workshops and public addresses during the conference and covered an array of relevant topics directly related to Indigenous entrepreneurship. The third annual conference drew participants from across the nation that included, academics, students, community leaders, politicians, legal practitioners and interested parties involved in Indigenous business

Neil Willmett, Chairman Indigenous Business Council of Australia and one of the key

speakers at the conference presented Indigenous people with a challenge to focus on

establishing careers rather than just securing a job. He demonstrated the need for

Indigenous business growth with several surprising statistics, one of which was, 6%

Indigenous self-employment to 17% for non-Indigenous. There exists a gap of 11% which in

itself is a major statement. The passion that Neil expressed for Indigenous business was

evident when he shared a personal experience of his father‟s struggle to work his farm as a

business enterprise in the face of Government opposition.

David Liddiard, a former professional rugby league player who won several premierships

with the Parramatta Eels, promoted the National Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA) which

is a program supporting Indigenous youth who aspire to become professional sports people.

David also founded Birubi and formed a strategic partnership with Peter Dunn of GHD Pty

Steve Fogarty


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Ltd who now employ over 500 Indigenous youth represented in apprenticeships and

traineeships. The Birubi program is a successful model for potential Indigenous business


Doctor Boyd Hunter, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy, has conducted detailed

statistical research that reveals Indigenous business is more prominent in urban areas. This

supports the Findings by Neil Willmett and the need to implement more rural businesses.

Doctor Hunters research discovered that Indigenous business is at the same level as non-

Indigenous business in terms of the number of comparisons of business ventures when he

stated that, “Indigenous businesses are following the money…”. These findings demonstrate

that Indigenous business marketing strategies are for the procurement of quality products

and services with a view to increasing profits and revenue streams.

Business ventures involving music and art such as, Damien Thornber, founding member of

the Desert Feet Tour and David Williams, CEO of Gillimbaa Indigenous Creative Industry,

have articulated the beauty of Aboriginal culture on a national and international scene

without compromising our unique beliefs and customs. The conference also provided a

platform for Indigenous business to network across the nation which indeed was a common

form of trade between tribes prior to colonisation. The use of modern telecommunication

systems and technology has broadened the spectrum, opening up a virtual kaleidoscope of

business opportunities for Indigenous business ventures in the corporate realm.

In conclusion, the flow of information throughout the conference addressed the inherent

values of Indigenous Businesses and entrepreneurs. The conference provided a plethora of

Indigenous role models who are leading the way in small and corporate level business.

Strategic partnerships with the mining industry to ensure Aboriginal people have

opportunities to forge careers within this field was a key indicator of growth for Indigenous

business and has addressed the gap that exists between Indigenous and non- Indigenous

business and was apparent in the presentation of several speakers. Indigenous leaders

presented a variety of business models and how they were implemented into the

mainstream business environment. The conference clearly defined that the direction of

Indigenous business is moving ahead with education playing a key role in their progress.‟

Steven Fogarty March 2013

Steven Fogarty is in his final year studying for a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in

Accounting at the Australian School of Business at the University of New South Wales.

Steven also has an Indigenous cadetship with the NSW Treasury.

Steven first came to UNSW when he attended the inaugural UNSW Indigenous Spring

Forum in September 2010. Later that year he successfully applied and attended the UNSW

Indigenous Pre Programs in Business. As a result of Steven‟s progression, including

studies, group work, assessments, examinations and interviews on the Pre Program he was

offered a place to enrol into the Bachelor of Commerce undergraduate degree in 2011.


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities


On the 21st March 2013, Oxfam, Rural Allied Health Medical Society –RAHMS,MSAP and the UNSW Student Representative Council - SRC hosted two events for Close the Gap.

We called on the Australian government to take action to achieve Indigenous health equality within the next 25 years. We had a great turnout to the two events that we planned on the day. Our first event we held a barbecue on the library lawn with some beef and kangaroo sausages to promote the panel talk in the afternoon. It also gave supporters the opportunity to write down 3 things about Indigenous health that they‟re appalled by.

It was great to see students and staff discussing health and wellbeing issues in relation to Indigenous people.

In the afternoon we held a panel discussion about Close the Gape at Nura Gili. Our two guest speakers were Kaleesha Morris from the Kingsford Legal Centre and Warren Roberts CEO and Founder of Y.A.R.N. Both speakers spoke about their experiences and what they believe is needed to close the gap and the discrepancies between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Many thanks to everyone that came and supported the campaign and an even bigger thank you to those who helped out! Our collaboration with the Rural Allied Health Medical Society (RAHMS), Oxfam, and MSAP was great and I hope that this relationship will continue so we can host bigger and better events in the future.

Jacob Hyland Third year Civil Engineering Student

Indigenous ARC Representative 2013 University of New South Wales

Kaleesha Morris speaking at the panel discussion at Nura Gili


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities


Close the Gap Day 22 March 2013


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

1. Mark Spinks, Babana Aboriginal Men‟s Group 2. Linda Boney, Prince of Wales Hospital 3. David Pross Nura Gili, UNSW Babana Aboriginal Men‟s Group 4. Superintendent Luke Freudenstein APM 5. Rebecca Harcourt Nura Gili, ASB UNSW 6. Community Participants

1. Mark Spinks, Babana

Aboriginal Men‟s Group

2. Linda Boney, Prince of Wales


3. David Pross Nura Gili, UNSW

Babana Aboriginal Men‟s


4. Superintendent Luke

Freudenstein APM

5. Rebecca Harcourt Nura Gili,


6. Community participants


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Above: Nura Gili students and

staff with Babana Aboriginal

Men‟s Group

Below: Mingaletta Aboriginal

Dance Group


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Nura Gili- about us

Nura Gili provides pathways to learning opportunities that embrace Indigenous knowledge, culture and histories. Nura Gili strives for excellence in educational services and works towards assuring participation and access to all the programs it offers. The staff and students at Nura Gili support community outreach programs to actively spread the message of the availability of tertiary studies. Staff and students also work to promote the centrality of arts, culture and heritage for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples - throughout UNSW and the wider community.

The words Nura Gili are from the language of the Eora Nation, Nura meaning „place' and Gili meaning „fire/light'. Nura Gili at UNSW brings together these concepts to create the meaning „place of fire and light'. The theme of place remains important to the many cultures of Indigenous Australia. The University of New South Wales acknowledges and recognises the very place that we have all come together to work, share, study and learn as the traditional lands of three separate Aboriginal communities: the Bedegal ( Kensington campus), Gadigal (City and College of Fine Arts Campuses) and the Ngunnawal people (Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra).

The site of UNSW is located near an 8000 year old campsite around which the people of the area taught culture, history and subsistence. From an age old past through to the present the site holds significance as a place for gathering, meeting, teaching and sharing. The concept of a fireplace and fire in general reflects the warm, relaxed and nurturing environment created by age-old fires many years ago, and recreated today by the staff and students of Nura Gili.

The shared inspiration , drive and purpose for the staff and students of Nura Gili is that they belong to a community on campus where there is a fire burning, where people come together to share, as has been done for thousands of years.

Nura Gili values the potential that education can offer, and with the theme of the fireplace in mind, we invite Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to gather, learn and share together, to light a torch of their own, to guide them, and light their way as they create their own journey.


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

UNSW Indigenous Winter School

Sunday 7th July to Saturday 13th July 2013

Winter school changes lives! Every year we hear from students and teachers about how Winter School has given them the confidence to choose university as an option. Winter School let‟s Indigenous high school students know they deserve a tertiary education just as much as any other student and that university is an option for them. Our program has been running since 2002 and has grown significantly in that time. The week long residential program is a great opportunity for Indigenous high school students in years 10,11 and 12 to experience firsthand about life as a student at UNSW. Our program attracts many applicants – we received over 300 applicants last year and unfortunately we can only offer 150 places. We encourage you to take your time in completing all the aspects of your application and ensure you make the deadline –5pm, Friday 12 April 2013.

Cheryl Ah-See

Nura Gili Winter School Coordinator

For more information please contact:

Nura Gili on (02) 9385 3805 or email


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

UNSW Indigenous Spring Forum

Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th September 2013

“All I wanted was to be a university graduate in a degree that I knew I would love and attending the Spring forum in 2011 helped me to do that. They inspired me to follow my dreams, they gave me the confidence to apply and just go for it and they helped me every step of the way “

Quinton Vea Vea

Quinton is currently in his second year at UNSW studying Exercise Physiology. If you are you a mature age Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander considering further study at university, the UNSW Indigenous Spring Forum could be for you! The whole program, including meals, travel to and from UNSW and residential accommodation is provided at no cost to the student.

Applications open in May 2013

For more information please contact:

Nura Gili on (02) 9385 3805 or email


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Nura Gili - On the Road

“I want students to walk away from us believing that they have the ability to be anything they want to be as long as they have a dream and they never give up”

Leearna Williams.‟

Each year Nura Gili attends Indigenous and non-Indigenous careers expos and conducts our „Light and Fire‟ presentations at schools and TAFEs as part of our Recruitment and Outreach activities. We travel throughout Sydney and across Regional NSW. The careers expos provide us with the opportunity to share information about Nura Gili and UNSW with prospective students and members of the community.

Nura Gili invites schools, TAFEs, individuals and organisations to visit our Kensington campus where we conduct our presentation with you, including a tour of the UNSW campus. Visit us at Balnaves place- Home of Nura Gili and we will provide you with a great opportunity to learn firsthand more about Nura Gili‟s programs, entry pathways and all about the different programs you can study with us

Let us know if would like us to have a stall at or your school, TAFE, organisation or expo and if you would like to visit us here on campus

Leearna Williams

Nura Gili Student Recruitment Officer

Nura Gili on the Road- Light & Fire Presentations

Roadshow 4: 6th – 10th May 2013

Armidale, Inverell, Moree, Gunnedah, Tamworth

Roadshow 5: 13th – 16th May 2013

Mudgee, Dubbo, Forbes, Bathurst

Roadshow 6: 27th – 30th May 2013

Albury, Wagga Wagga, Griffith, Young

ACT & Region Indigenous Careers Expo: 21st May 2013

Presentation @ CIT in Canberra: 22nd May 2013

Schools Presentation @ Queanbeyan High School: 22nd May 2013

For more information please contact: Nura Gili on (02) 9385 3805 or email


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Nura Gili Indigenous Studies

Courses & Programs

Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that offers students the

opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the history and cultures of Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Indigenous Studies programs, plans and

courses at UNSW are designed to prepare students to constructively navigate a

range of debates around ethics and Indigenous knowledge that they are likely to

encounter in their future professional engagements with Indigenous matters.

All Indigenous Studies courses can also be taken by undergraduate students in any Faculty as General Education or Free electives.

For more information please contact:

Nura Gili on (02) 9385 3805 Website:


Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities

Year 12

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander

Student Info Day
