November issue of Covenant Presbyterian Courier



November 2012 Courier

Citation preview

The Last Word Page 11

Service Schedule Page 4

Covenant Happenings Page 2

Kid’s Korner Page 9

CPW Page 3

Inside this issue...

The Family, Events, and Ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Springboro

November CalendarNovember CalendarNovember CalendarNovember Calendar

Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7

Thanksgiving Baskets will be provided for up to 20 families this year through the SCAC. Grocery bags are available for filling with the lists attached. Outreach will be supplementing with perishable items. Bags need to be returned by

Nov. 18. Thank you!

Don’t forget to vote on

Nov. 6!

Join the Young at Heart group on December 1 for their annual

Christmas Party! We will dine at Red Lobster at 12:30 p.m. Carpool from Church at noon. Food, fun, games, (with prizes!) and a $5-10 gift exchange are all part of the afternoon. (Alternative gifts will not be available in time for the party) Sign up now! You don’t

want to miss this! See Carole Hepp for more info.

Let’s pack the church on Sunday, Nov. 18 by bringing

a friend, aunt, cousin, teacher, neighbor, etc.

You get the idea! Let’s all worship together!

Our next meeting is Nov. 12, at 6:30p.m. “The Diagnosis,” lesson 3, from “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” will be discussed. Dealing with our anxiety, worry and uncertainty in today’s busy

world becomes all consuming. There are ways to deal with this! Join us and bring a friend! See Linda Eaton if you have any questions.

Amicae Circle’s next meeting is November 27 at 1PM here at the church. We will be continuing our new Horizon Bible Study, “Dispatches to God’s

Household, the General Epistles”, which are 1–2 Peter, 1-3 John and Jude.

Pastor Ken has been leading us in this study. We always enjoy learning, fellowship and fun and

welcome you to join us! Questions? See Barb Mourouzis or Barb Richards.

The Thank Offering is a Presbyterian Women offering collected in the fall of each year that gives women a tangible way to express their gratitude for the special blessings in their lives. The offering funds projects all over the world. Through the Thank Offering grants, new life and hope is possible for people throughout the world. The Thank Offering will be received on Nov. 18. No giving guidelines are suggested other than

“give as you are blessed.”

Ladies! Mark your calendars for December 8, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. You are invited to a Victorian Tea at the Patterson Homestead, 1815 Brown St, Dayton.

This historic house museum provides a glimpse into the multi-generational lives of Dayton’s influential Patterson family, who lived on the site from 1804 to 1904. The cost

of the tea is $20.00 ($18 if you are a member of Dayton History) and includes a variety of holiday treats from the 1800’s, a tour of the house decorated in Victorian fashion for Christmas, and a lesson in local history. Reservations MUST be made by Nov. 25th and will go to the first 12 women who sign up. For more information go to or talk to Susan Stewart.

Traditional Service Usher/Greeter (Carole Hepp) 04 Vera Escott, Mary Lehman & Ginny Requarth 11 Vera Escott, Mary Lehman & Ginny Requarth 18 Vera Escott, Mary Lehman & Ginny Requarth 25 Vera Escott, Mary Lehman & Ginny Requarth Contemporary Service Usher/Greeter 04 Steve & Becky Hegwood 11 Steve & Becky Hegwood 18 Steve & Becky Hegwood 25 Steve & Becky Hegwood Counters (Debbie Shear) 04 Dave Payne & Flossie Power 11 Jay White & Dave Siegler 18 Tim Knoth & Debbie Shear 25 Ken Shear & Le’Anne Leahy

Children’s Church Pre/K (Yvonne Craycraft)

Traditional Contemporary 04 Karyn Catrine Detra Narrigan 11 Karyn Catrine Detra Narrigan 18 Kristin Tibbits Kristin Tibbits 25 Karyn Catrine Yvonne Craycraft

Children’s Church Traditional (Becky Hegwood)

1-6 04 Steve Hegwood 11 Steve Hegwood 18 Steve Hegwood 25 Steve Hegwood Children’s Church Contemporary (Becky Hegwood) 04 Becky Hegwood 11 Becky Hegwood 18 Becky Hegwood 25 Becky Hegwood

Service Schedule for November

Fellowship 04 The Payne Family 11 TBD 18 CPW 25 The Siegler Family

Another big thank you goes out to those who continue to support the local food pantries by leaving food and personal care items in our narthex. A delivery of over 100 pounds was

recently taken to the Franklin Pantry. Your generosity is much appreciated!

In addition to food items, the pantry is currently in need of the following: bar soap, toilet paper,

shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, laundry detergent, liquid dish detergent, feminine products, diapers, baby wipes, infant formula and generic cleaning supplies. Thank you for all you do!

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on November 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the small meeting room next to Ken’s office. Anyone who wants to learn how to make beautiful shawls will be able to learn from the experienced ladies that will be there. Just bring some yarn

and knitting needles or crochet hook. Any questions, see Flossie Power.

What is the Alternative Gift Market?? An Alternative Gift is a humanitarian gift given in honor of a friend, loved one or associate. Unlike traditional gifts, a gift selected from the Market (as defined by supports humanitarian causes such as providing safe water in Bolivia, supporting “hugging grannies” for orphans in China

and feeding the hungry and homeless in the US and Canada.

On Dec. 9 and 16, Covenant will hold our very own Alternative Gift Market! Tables will be set up in the youth room so that you can view and learn more

about the various charities and causes you can choose to support.

If you are interested in helping make this Market happen, please contact one of the following people.

Displays Alysia Fuchs

Ornaments Yvonne Craycraft

Advertisement Jody Davis-Curless

Decorations Susan Stewart

Administration Becky Hegwood

Don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK one hour before going to bed on Saturday night, Nov. 3.

Get an extra hour of sleep!

Sun Mon Tue

Please email any updates and articles to the secretary at: or call me at 937 748-0272.

4 9:30 AM Traditional Worship

& Children’s Church

11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

& Children’s Church

5 5-7:30 PM Weight Watchers

6:30 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry

6 6:30 AM General Election

7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

7:00 PM GS Troop #40900

7:30 PM Outreach


9:30 AM Traditional Worship

& Children’s Church

11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

12 5-7:30 PM Weight Watchers

6:30 PM Growing in Grace

7:00 PM Youth Ministry

13 7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

6-8 PM Troop #31400

6:15 PM Brownies #40913

6:30 PM Administration

18 9:30 AM Traditional Worship

& Children’s Church

11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

& Children’s Church

19 5-7:30 PM Weight Watchers

20 7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

6:30 PM Session

25 9:30 AM Traditional Worship

& Children’s Church

11:00 AM Contemporary Worship

& Children’s Church

26 5-7:30 PM Weight Watchers

7PM Deacons

27 7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

1:00 PM Amicae Circle

6:15 PM Brownies #40913

Birthdays and Anniversaries are published with your

permission only. In an effort to update our list, please notify the office of your families’

special dates, especially if you are new to our fellowship. We

want to include you!

November BirthdaysNovember BirthdaysNovember BirthdaysNovember Birthdays 2 Morgan Teska 4 Tim Hegwood Erica Hicks 6 Andy Shear 7 Debbie Shear 8 Frank Hess 9 Yvonne Craycraft Amy Cimprich 12 Mike Gardner Steve Teska 13 Keane Leahy 15 Chris Fodor 17 Benjamin Justice 18 Loretta Sebastian 22 Jim Hepp Kyle Rone Ronnie Wayne 28 Chris Hicks

November AnniversariesNovember AnniversariesNovember AnniversariesNovember Anniversaries 5 Mike & Ella Wentzel 22 Mike & Mary McKitrick

Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:30-11:30 AM Weight Watchers

7:00 PM Hegwood Bible Study

2 3 7-9:30 AM Weight Watchers

6:30 AM General Election

7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

7:00 PM GS Troop #40900

7:30 PM Outreach

7 10:00 AM Adult Bible Study

6:45 PM Choir Practice

8:00 PM Praise Band

8 9:30-11:30 AM Weight Watchers

1PM CPW Team

6:30 PM GS Leaders


10 8 AM Presbytery Meeting

7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

8 PM Troop #31400

6:15 PM Brownies #40913

6:30 PM Administration

14 10:00 AM Adult Bible Study

6:00 PM Adult Ministries

6:45 PM Choir Practice

8:00 PM Praise Band

15 9:30-11:30 AM Weight Watchers

7:00 PM Hegwood Bible Study

16 17 7-9:30 AM Weight Watchers

7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

6:30 PM Session

21 10:00 AM Adult Bible Study

6:45 PM Choir Practice

8:00 PM Praise Band



24 7-9:30 AM Weight Watchers

7:00 AM Men at McDonalds

1:00 PM Amicae Circle

6:15 PM Brownies #40913

28 10:00 AM Adult Bible Study

6:45 PM Choir Practice

8:00 PM Praise Band

29 9:30-11:30 AM Weight Watchers

7:00 PM Hegwood Bible Study


family. Thank you to everyone who contributed

to her well being, especially John!

Financial Info


September Year-to-date Receipts 2012 $12.707 $118,038 Expenditures 2012 - $10,550 -$114,365 Balance in Reg. Operating Fund 2,157 $3,673

Thank you for your gifts and continued support!

Mortgage Reduction

September Year-to-date Receipts 2012 $2,166 $16,679 Expenditures 2012 - $2,100 -$18,900 Difference $66 -$2,221 September Year-to-date Other Receipts: Per Capita paid by members $25.38 $1,636.79

The mother cat that John Ritzinger took home (along with her

kittens) back in the spring has finally been adopted by a loving

The Christmas Angels will be out in late November. We are supporting 50 gifts for needy children

through Hannah’s Treasure Chest again this year. The gifts will be due back at the Church by Dec. 2.

Thank you for helping others have a joyous holiday!

November ServicesNovember ServicesNovember ServicesNovember Services

Office Hours

The Pastor’s day off is Monday and the office is closed. Pastor Ken is here most mornings Tuesdays through Fridays. Frequently in the afternoons, he makes visits.

Our secretary is generally in the office Tuesday through Friday from 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. Phone: (937) 748-0272 & (937) 748-4734 Fax: (937) 748-4734

If you would like to have your concern lifted to the Lord through the Prayer Chain, contact Ken Howard (748-0272), or Debbie Shear ( Please pray for: All of our military men, women & their families. The family of Mary Ann Lashley. Rod Dillon, Jim & Carole Hepp’s son-in-law, as he awaits a lung transplant. Margy Dunn. Bill Madison. Mike and Ella Wentzel. Wanda Huntley as she fights an infection in her back. Karen Ritzinger as she battles cancer. Mary White.

Church Staff Rev. Ken Howard Pastor Alysia Fuchs Youth Director Janet Wayne Church Secretary Kim Denney Music/Choir Director Susan Pfeiffer Pianist/Organist Mary White Treasurer Debbie Shear Financial Secretary Cam’s Cleaning Svc. Custodian

Covenant’s Email Addresses

November 4 – “For All the Saints” (1 Peter 1:1-9 and Hebrews 11:1-2 & 39-40) We will remember all the faithful of the past of this Reformation Sunday.

November 11 – “When Tragedy Strikes” (Hebrews 9:24-28) November 18 – “Be Like Thumper” (James 3:1-12) Bring a friend for “Pack the Church” Sunday. November 25 – “Building a Life on Christ, the Solid Rock” (Matthew 7:24-29)

Special DatesSpecial DatesSpecial DatesSpecial Dates November 01 - All Saints Day November 04 - Daylight Savings Time Ends November 11 - Veterans Day Nov. 18-25 - National Bible Week November 22 - Thanksgiving Day November 25 - Christ the King Sunday

The baseball season is winding down. By the time you read this article the World Series will be well underway. Are the Detroit Tigers (who have already won the American League title) playing the St. Louis Cardinals or the San Francisco Giants? I am personally hoping for the Giants, but not because I like the Giants! Go ahead and read between the lines! One thing we do know for sure: the Tigers aren’t playing the Reds. What a disappointing ending to an otherwise fantastic and exciting season for the Reds and their fans. They ended the season with the 2nd best record in baseball – only one win less than the Washington Nationals, who also lost in a best of 5 series (to those Cardinals)! As Reds’ fans mourn the early exit from the playoffs, we can look forward to a new season next year that could be just as exciting, perhaps more so! A week ago I watched my Buckeyes almost blow a game to the Indiana Hoosiers. They had to recover an onside kick in the last 20 seconds or so in order to win by 3 after leading by 18 with less than 3 minutes to go! And this past Saturday I watched the Buckeyes pull out a win over Purdue, a win that was certainly expected as the game began, but a win that was a total surprise when the game ended! If you watched or read about the overtime thriller, you know what I mean. By the time you read this we’ll all know how their game against the Nittany Lions turned out. I know, all you Penn State fans hope you hand the Buckeyes their first loss! As if you already didn’t know, I really enjoy sports. Diane and I are big fans of the Reds, Bengals, and Buckeyes. (It is tough a lot of times to be a Bengals’ fan, isn’t it?) But in all my playing, coaching, watching, and rooting, I continue to be amazed by two simple facts about sports: there is always a winner and there is always a loser (except in the NFL, where some-times a game can end in a tie!). Here’s another amazing fact: whether my favorite team wins or loses, the sun always comes up the next day and life continues. I’m glad my life doesn’t depend on the records of my favorite teams or the outcomes of close games. I’m so thankful I worship and serve a God who I know loves me and cares for me no matter what is going on around me. As the author of the 23rd Psalm wrote,

I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, Lord. (Psalm 23:4 and 6)

Jesus’ promise as he left the disciples at his ascension was that he would be with us always. No matter what happens in this life, we can be sure we are not alone; we can be sure we are always in God’s hands. Paul writes,

Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord! (Romans 8:39)

You can believe it! You can live by it! Praise the Lord! Ken

Worship Guide Deadline By 9:00 a.m. on the Tuesday before the Sunday you would like it to appear in the worship guide.

Courier Newsletter Deadline Nov. 16, 9:00 a.m. for the December edition. You may leave articles on the office desk or e-mail them to

Men’s Fellowship Men meet weekly at McDonalds every Tuesday morning from 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. Contact John Ritzinger (748-1437) if you have any questions. If you’ve never joined us, we would greatly welcome you!

Administration Ministry Administration will meet on Nov. 13, at 6:30 p.m. Contact David Payne for questions. (513-836-3464) Personnel Ministry The next meeting will be on an “as needed” basis. Contact George Mourouzis, (748-3049) for questions.

Adult Ministries meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Steve Hegwood at (937) 885-1031. Session Session will meet on Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m.

Prayer Partners We have a vital prayer ministry here at Covenant. We have an electronic prayer chain for those who would prefer to be notified of needs as they arise via email. To get connected in prayer through the internet, email Debbie Shear ( Outreach Ministry meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Contact Susan Stewart for questions. (937-746-3343) Youth Ministry meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Erica Hicks for questions. (937-748-6352)

Covenant Presbyterian Church 415 N. Main St.

Springboro, OH 45066

address correction requested

Ken Howard Pastor

Worship Services: 9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service Children’s Church - Toddlers and children through 6th grade have age appropriate learning opportunities. Nursery - provided for ages 2 and under.

Covenant Presbyterian Church is called by God

to construct and cultivate a community of God's people

who celebrate and communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ.
