Nov.2008 Miss.TAHANI AL-SHEHRI Haemoglobin ( Hb) & anaemia


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Haemoglobin ( Hb) & anaemia


To estimate the Hb concentration in the blood sample.

To assess the condition of patient by such an estimation.

Further experience in the use of kits.

Introduction and principle Haemoglobin

Introduction and principle Haemoglobin

Rate of Hb Synthesis & RBCs Formation related to Oxygen content of blood O2 content Hb Syn

Ex. Anoxia / Hypoxia Blood loss or Hemolysis

Hb synthesis 6-8 foldsAnaemia

Hb synthesis

Erythropoieosis Synthesis of erythrocyteTack place in bone marrow erythrocyte are derived from primitive

nucleated cell in bone marrow by successive process of mitosis & maturation.

Factor required to manufacture RBCVarity of hormoneTrace metalsEnzymes Co enzymesEssential a.a e.g glycineIron

Hb Catabolism

AnemiaState in which the Hb conc. in blood less

than the normal level.Normal level of Hb :

Man 800g =14-18g/dLWoman 600g =12-16g/dL

Causes of anemia : Excessive blood loss due to bleeding rate of erythrocyte destruction (hemolytic

anemia ) rate of erythrocyte production

Classification of anemia
