Nourish - January 2013 - Issue 18



Free online magazine to inspire, incourage and enlighten one sentance at a time!

Citation preview January 2013 1

Your Body ~ mind ~ soulYour Body ~ mind ~ soul

Issue 18Issue 18 January 2013January 2013 Photo by Phil Nielsen January 2013 2

4 Welcome 5 Peace Chamber 6 I’ve Got the POWER 9 Health Benefits of Orange 10 Embracing the Eternal 12 New Year’s Resolutions and Health 14 Free Range Edibles - Burdock, Alfalfa and More 16 Energy 101 - We Can Have Peace 17 Sleep—The Body’s Natural Healer 18 Rune of the Month - Dagaz 19 Runes - Hagalaz 22 The Heart of Writing - 2012 Was a Year of Receiving 24 Catapulted into 2013 by My Incidental Christmas Gift 28 Ward off Winter Blues 30 You’re Still Here ….. Now What 32 Monthly Astro Tid Bit 35 Solstice 36 Hummingbird

38 Essential Oils - Cypress 39 Surprise 60th Birthday Party 40 The Ravine 41 Yoga - The Breath of Life 42 Death 44 World Peace 2013 46 Cleaning Up My Act in 2012 47 Book of Light 2013 50 The Exchange 51 Angel Message for January 52 Kyanite 55 Accepting January 2013 3

All content ©2011 - 2012 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to em-powering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are pro-vided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsi-ble for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.

Published on the first of the month! January 2013 4

Welcome dear Friends of Nourish! Once again January has arrived, another turn of the calendar year. I sit here and wonder exactly what happened to 2012 as I welcome 2013. As usual the silence is deafening after the hustle and bustle of the three months leading up to now. A welcome silence. A time to reflect on ex-actly what did transpire in 2012, did I accom-plish enough? Good question as I am the only one who can judge that and I say, YES Marlene, you had a great year! How about you, how was your 2012? I look forward to achieving new goals and dreams this year, and without going down the day dream path too far, I wonder just what 2013 has in store. I set up the intentions right here and now that 2013 will be an abun-dant, healthy, happy year for each of us! Enjoy the silence that winter brings, use the qui-et time to center your thoughts, become whole, plan your garden (personal, inner garden) for 2013. Soon spring will be here with warmer breezes gently blowing our way and green sprouts shouting hello look at me!

Marlene January 2013 5

walking through soft falling snow sacred moment of stillness we entered one by one into mother’s womb forming a mid wife circle to birth limitless love with each lighting of candle and heart we sang the songs of spiritual passion bringing worship of the divine feminine, love and compassion into our midst sound expanding and penetrating universes beyond our knowing distilled essences reflect from walkers in heart-light, each elixir bringing new taste to lips yearning for fullness, returning into god center mollifying, lifting up our one soul… within the heartbeat of source selah!

Margie Kivel 01 January, 2010 January 2013 6

Show of hands if you believe that statement. Oh I see one; two… skip a few….. Ok not too many hands up for “I’ve got the power”. IT is a true statement; you are far more powerful than you think. You do have an incredible gift that you can tap into any time you choose, but most of us are not aware of or choose to ignore this gift. Or we simply don’t un-derstand what we are doing.

How often in the past year have you felt like a vic-tim of circumstance? How many times have you been the beneficiary of luck? I bet you felt like those things just happened to you, fortunate hap-penstance, right? In reality, things don’t just hap-pen to us; we bring these events into our lives. NO, I am not talking about all the people around the world affected by war. Although I could be, as someone did bring that event into their life.

Every person is a magnet, drawing to themselves, people and situations, through a powerful energy force. What is this force? It is our very thoughts and belief systems. When we desire something, we send out an energy force which connects to a corre-sponding energy in the universe and brings it back to us.

We call this manifesting, which in 2006, was brought to the forefront of our society with the re-lease of “The Secret”. There are many ways to manifest things into our lives and we have been taught that if we visualize, chant mantras, create vision boards; hold our noses in a certain position we can all bring that which we desire into our lives. Yet, it is not actually that simple. The reason I know this is because not everyone on the planet is a

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millionaire, and let’s face it, I am sure that is prob-ably the most desired thing on the planet, second only, perhaps, to world peace. Which we also don’t have … yet!

It is easy to see why not many believe they have the power to bring to their lives what they want. I am sure many of you have tried manifesting, and while you might have had some successes, you have given up on more which seemed to be failing.

Why is something that sounds so basic so hard to achieve? I am going to try to explain what I mean by this and in the end hopefully you will be able to apply some of the following ideas and technics into your life. If nothing else my wish is to let you know that you have the power. YES you, it resides there next to your heart, waiting to assist you in any way it can.

Let us start by examining your thoughts. We all have them and contrary to what we might believe they do not just rumble around in our heads. They expand out into our energy field and that is where they attract a “like” energy and bring that to us. Positive thoughts can be seen as un-harmful, we can all do with some good in our life. But those negative ones – oh I am going to be late, where is that stupid bus? Why can’t it be on time for a change? – In this thought sequence you have set yourself up to be late. Your belief is that the bus is always late, so why would today be any different. Normally, when this kind of thought sequence is rumbling around, it is because of an event that happened before hand. It could be that you slept in, spilt something on your outfit and had to change, or could not find your keys. This sets in motion an avalanche. You are basically worried about what will happen on the other end, if you are going to be late for work, miss your appointment, will your friend wait, etc.?

This avalanche (as all avalanches do) picks up speed and debris as it rolls on downhill. By the time you actually get to the bus stop you’re pretty much in a negative mind frame. If you take a mo-ment when the event first happens , be it over-sleeping, lost keys, spilt milk, and decide that it is no big deal and calmly correct the event to the best of your ability, chances are all the following events will run smoothly. The bus will be pulling up just as

you arrive at the stop, traffic will be flowing and you will arrive on time to where ever you are going.

That deals with your thoughts, it is about being consciously aware that what you are thinking is go-ing to attract exactly that. When you notice that your thought is not in alignment with what you ac-tually want, you have the opportunity to change it, right then, and right there.

What about the belief – the bus is always late? That too can be changed. It is a little harder to get a handle on this one but it can be achieved. It takes reaffirming to yourself that the bus is on time, even when it is not on YOUR time, the bus is on time. I know that they post those little signs that give a schedule of when the bus is due, there is room for error though as we don’t know what is going on before the bus arrives at our stop. My theory is that when the bus arrives, that is the right time.

No matter what, your thoughts guide your experi-ences, pay attention to them and they will reward you in kind.

Let us now look at another aspect of manifesting. You now have the tools that your thoughts and be-liefs create what you experience, but what about other people? The business of dreams and desires is very exciting. WE get passionate and the first thing we want to do is share. We share with our family, friends and sometimes we even share with perfect strangers. It is human nature. Now we are adding to the mix. Not only do we have our thoughts and beliefs working for or against us, we also have the thoughts and belief systems of any-one we shared with. Even our closest peers have an opinion. They also have emotions which get slung in there too. Plus, and this is a big one, they are determining their thoughts on past events and experiences. If you have shared before and not gone all the way to the finish line, they are not like-ly to jump on the band wagon with supporting thoughts.

For example, maybe your desire is to start a fitness regime and after deciding this, you research gyms to join, you sign up and then, start telling everyone your intent. Some are supportive, you never know though, what thoughts they are thinking, and others will laugh out loud. The reaction will be based on whether or not you have already started

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10 fitness regimes or you are starting your first one. This principal also works when you are approached by friends or family and they express their dreams and desires. Show of hands please, who out there has verbalized phrases of agreement while their mind was thinking “oh yeah, right, here we go another pipe dream. I give her two weeks before she quits”

You have a couple of choices in the above situation. You can keep your dreams and desires to yourself and not share them. The less people involved, the easier it is to keep positive and on task. Or you can explain to your friends and family that you need their support. Ask them to agree with you. Example, if I was going to tell people I was going on a diet, after the laughter stopped, I would ask them to put past experience aside, and agree with me that this time I was going to stick with it and accomplish my goal. It could be them saying “I agree, you can do this!” Be-fore you start questioning if this “agreement” thing works, I have been playing with it for a couple of months and it does work. I will admit that if the oth-er people involved are in total agreement it works better than if they are halfheartedly in agreement.

Agreement works with anything you are manifesting. You need to be in agreement on all levels; emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. This is actually im-portant and will help you to get in the right mindset. For anything that you are working on; let’s go back to the bus situation. Do you agree mentally that you are not going to be late? Do you agree physically that you are not going to be late? Do you agree spir-itually you are not going to be late? Do you agree emotionally that you are not going to be late? You, of course, would phrase it something like this “I agree mentally that I am not going to be late.” and so forth. No matter what you working towards, don’t forget the four levels of agreement. Phrase the statement and say it out loud if possible, silently if not.

When you start working with “agreement” you might be surprised at what you get stuck on. It could be that mentally you are in agreement, while physically you are not in agreement. You will know by your body’s reaction when you are not in agreement. You might not even be able to say the phrase completely, for example you might be able to get through a cou-ple of agreements and then get stuck on “emotionally I agree that I deserve _____”

Once you have gotten to this stage the next stage is to let it go. Don’t worry it to death. I realize this is rather hard to do, so instead of making it impossible and setting you up for failure, you are going to affirm your manifestations once a day, or if you feel drawn, a couple times a day. When you affirm it say it sev-en times. This might seem a little over the top but there is power in the number 7. Change it up if you want. I started off with “I am driving a Rav4” which by the end turned into “I am driving my new blue Rav4”. The point is to use this time to affirm your desire and then forget about it. It might be that you think of it for a week straight and then it turns into once a week, whenever the thought comes to you, pause and affirm it 7 times. Again, this can be said out loud or silently.

Another neat tool is to see something as not being there, then seeing it there, not there and then there. I will use lost keys to explain. You can’t find your keys; you have looked everywhere you can think of and nothing. Where are they? Stop and take a cou-ple deep breathes to center yourself. Now firmly say “my keys are not here”, take a breath, “my keys are here”, “no my keys are not here”, and then “yes, my keys are here!” Do not go looking for them right away, brush your teeth or make a coffee, then go look in the first place that comes to mind. Where they there? I have done this a number of times and “YES” what I was looking for was there!

With all manifesting you need to be able to let it go. Remember that YOUR time frame might not be the time frame of the universe. Also, and this is im-portant, it might not be for your highest good or for the good of all. It takes trust to know that you have the power and that whatever you desire can be achieved. Some dreams might take longer than oth-ers but they will come.

Marlene resides in Burnaby BC and is a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. Marlene has also been certified in Angel Medicine by Dr. Doreen Virtue, and has taken many courses/workshops to keep current in all aspects of spiritual heal-ing. Marlene’s passion is to help others live up to their fullest potential through insightful, help-ful, gentle treatments.

Marlene is the publishing editor at Nourish Publication which she founded in 2011 to provide wisdom and healing to a larger audi-ence through a variety of authors. Marlene also writes various columns for the publication. Divine blessings, gratitude, love, light and healing to all, may you know peace and have serenity in your life. Connect with Marlene at or email at January 2013 9

Mandarin Orange Salad 11 oz. can of mandarin orange segments drained 1 tablespoon honey Cinnamon Handful of Pecans –broken into pieces Lettuce – I used 50/50 mix Extra virgin olive oil Place the mandarin segments into a small bowl, sprin-kle with cinnamon, add the honey mix it up and let sit for a couple of hours (I did not know I had to do this and so mine only sat for about 25 minutes but still worked) Toast the nuts and let them cool. In a bowl place the lettuce, add the orange mixture, drizzle with olive oil (enough to make the leaves wet) toss, and then sprinkle on the nuts.

great source of vitamin C promotes healthy immune system anti-inflammatory helps lower blood pressure

reduces severity of asthma, arthritis, and osteoarthritis disarms free radicals reduces risk of colon cancer

PMF’ found in oranges can potentially lower cholesterol levels more effectively than some prescription meds without side effects great source of fiber January 2013 10

The Earth is a great teacher. She has shown us that if we mess too much with what is on the sur-face, without regard to the deeper ecology, we throw things out of balance. If we try to remake the Earth too much, or use it for our own purposes, we violate its spirit Earth is the physical body, na-ture is the spirit. Nature has its own ways of re-sponding when things are unbalanced. We can think of bodymind as the physical equiva-lent of the Earth, and soul as the human equivalent of nature. The constant emphasis in our culture of

shaping and reshaping the self, on building self-esteem, might be akin to rearranging the surface of the Earth without regard to the harmony of nature. Inner peace does not come from self-esteem, it comes from honouring inner spirit. Self-esteem is self-assessment. Whether high or low, it is still a judgment. It is often a judgment based on compar-ing ourselves to others, and dependent on external validation. Peace of mind comes from expanding our awareness beyond the paradigm of judgment. It comes when it doesn’t matter how much money,

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Gwen Randall-Young January 2013 11

education, physical beauty or talent one possesses. It comes when simply being here is a gift to be cherished. True prosperity has less to do with how much we have, and more to do with how much we appreci-ate. When we use our energy, our life force, to ac-cumulate, to compete, or to overpower, this may be like strip-mining the riches of our soul. We use that energy for immediate gain, unaware of the long term damage we may be doing to the delicate bridge between bodymind and soul. Soul is like the seeds in the centre of the fruit. If we continue to harvest the outside part of the fruit, and ignore the potential of the seed, we are bypassing the part of that fruit that is the link to the eternal. When we think of ourselves only as bodymind, only functioning and belonging to the three-dimensional world, we connect only to the aspect of being that is transitory. No wonder that there is so much anxie-ty, depression and restlessness in our culture. When we align ourselves with the part that will ulti-mately be discarded, we live in fear, for time is al-ways running out. We must realize that, like the fruit, the external form is there only to support the growth of the inner seed. It is the seed, the soul, that carries the cosmic code. Within the seed is the mystical, magical nothingness that is pure potential. A potential that is the Universe unfolding. We are here, for now, temporarily, to support the drama that is human life. We must not over-identify with our human costume. If we identify with the harmo-nious hum of our world tuning, with the splendor of the galactic dance, something profound happens. We see that the concerns of the self are but a tem-porary distraction. This is not to say that we are not important. We carry our soul within us in the same way that the expectant mother provides safe haven for the de-veloping life. If she abuses her body, the new life may never develop beyond a certain point. If we do not care for our ‘selves’, in the largest sense, our soul may have only limited expression, if any. A soul may go into a metaphorical coma during infan-cy or childhood due to an unsupportive environ-ment, but as we grow, the self does have the ability to revive the soul. That is our most profound pur-pose here, regardless of the intensity of the other distractions. When we allow ourselves to connect with, and honour our soul, it is like coming home. When we eliminate, as much as possible, the things in our lives that do not feel good to our souls, then we are creating a peaceful home. Yes, most of us still have to function in the three-dimensional world, but we can make the safe haven of our soul an in-creasingly larger part of our lives. We cannot ig-nore either, the fact that we are a tribal species.

Our highest purpose, in regards to others, is to rec-ognize the soul within the human. We facilitate the evolutionary process when access-ing the highest parts of ourselves, and supporting others in doing the same. We are all unique and beautiful souls, none more valuable than any other. In the same way that we love untouched areas of the Earth that have maintained their naturalness, so we admire those individuals who are being totally themselves. Soul has come to dance upon his beautiful Earth. It is for us to set it free.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychothera-pist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit

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Soul is like the seeds in

the center of the fruit. January 2013 12

It is January 1st, 2013. We all made it through 2012! Despite the doomsday prophecies, we sur-vived. As most of you reading this know, the 2012 transition was more about the start of the New World Order. This New World is full of love, light, gratitude, peace and joy. We will still run into fear, anger, guilt and resentment, but we will have better awareness, increased understanding and easier scope to shift our energy to allow us to shift into a pure state of love and ease. This is who we truly are. As we step into January, many of us are stating our resolutions, our wishes and our statements to shift our life. Many of these resolutions often revolve around our health. Some of the more popular reso-lutions are to exercise more, make it onto the yoga mat more often, start to meditate, eat better and lose weight. All of these are amazing resolutions that we can make on any day and at any minute of the day. As we state them and just think them, it is much more difficult to do them. This is why resolu-tions often come and go within a few months. This year may be different. Have you ever tried to do a couch process while you did the resolutions? What I mean by that is to imagine, feel and truly know that your entire body is healthy and well.

“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss This is actually one of the more important steps in restoring your health. It is more important than running on the treadmill and eating organic foods. In this step, you take complete ownership of your health through your mind. We create our life, our health, our body through our thoughts. What we think, feel and are being are manifested in your body – in the way of wellness or in the way of dis-ease. You created it, so you can shift it. Isn’t that empowering?! Yesterday, I worked with a client so excited to do this work. She has been suffering from Chrons dis-ease. In classic Western Medicine, we know that stress contributes to the flare ups of Chrons, but little is known about causation. When I worked with her in an intuitive healing session, it was clear that her sensitive body could not handle the overwhelm-ing emotional load it was receiving. She held a lot of anger, resentment, frustration and sadness towards her parents, ex-lovers, and even

(Continued on page 13) January 2013 13

Saturday, February, 2nd 2013 from 930 am- 1230 pm

Energize Your Life - Learn to Maximize Your Wellness

This morning will be a fun-filled interactive talk and discussion about health and wellness. Dr. Divi will teach you very specific tools to accelerate your healing. She will also help to de-bunk

myths and belief systems that are keeping you sick.

Join Dr. Divi for an amazing morning that is guaranteed to help you on your journey of health and wellness.

Cost: $49

Contact: Dr. Divi Chandna, 604-739-3484

Location: Park Inn & Suites Vancouver Broadway Hotel 898 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1J8

towards herself. I taught her specific ways to shift and release those energies out of her body. It is about regular practice and diligence. Even while we were working together, she could physically feel a shift in how her ileum (end part of her colon) was responding to these suggestions. Your body is the same. All of our bodies are physically exhausted from the ‘stresses’ that we are under. That stress could be from a number of possible sources such as a lack of exercise, too much alcohol and toxins, or emo-tional. When we look at all of these elements, we have the possibility of shifting, releasing and completely re-creating our lives. It is truly exciting! One of the first steps is to imag-ine that this is possible. Our bod-ies respond to our minds and thoughts that we give it. As Dr.

Seuss said, we have to put our minds together with our feet. Our imagination and thought process steer the boat here. I encourage you to sit on the couch, and imagine your body as healthy, well and completely healed. There are millions of people around the world who have attested to healing their own body using this as the first step. It does take work and dili-gence but you will be incredibly astonished and pleasantly sur-prised when you realize you can do it. It is truly empowering and com-pletely inviting to know that you have the capability of doing this work. Use your imagination to feel and truly know that your body is healthy, well, vibrant and functioning perfectly! Hopefully with this mindset, your 2013 resolutions can start at any

time, any day, and any moment. You will find it easier to maintain and thereby easier to follow through. Happy New Year!

Dr. Divi Chandna is a family doctor and an intuitive healer. She loves to work with cli-ents who want to get to the root source of their disease process. Dr. Divi

believes that illness is not a one way road, but all disease can be unrav-elled and healed. She stands in her life mission to help people under-stand the majestic beauty of who they are, and to realize that they have the ability to self heal and re-lease into their own supreme perfec-tion. She intertwines her gifts of in-tuition and her practical, cognitive mind of medicine to help people on their healing path. Dr. Divi practices in Vancouver and does sessions in person, on phone and via Skype. January 2013 14

It seems funny writing “Well the holidays are over!” When as I write this they haven’t even begun, but I have an article to write so I’m going to take a

wild guess and say,” I bet you’re feeling a little over-stuffed right now.” Actually I’d probably be more accurate in saying your digestion is probably in turmoil right now and I bet you’re feeling much less energetic than you were a week or two ago. How did I do? Accurate? Unless you’ve locked yourself away in a cave for the past month you’ve probably been eating and drinking things that you would never admit to normally. It seems nearly every culture has some sort of winter celebration this time of year and its soooo hard to resist the temptation to over-indulge. Before I started using cleansing herbs on a regular basis I would suffer continuously with heart burn for 2-3 months after Christmas. Even if I brought my eating quickly back to normal I would suffer with it. Several years ago my Mother and I once went to a talk put on at our local health food store. I was just beginning to make herbal medicines and one of the things I made and used was Echinacea tincture. My Mom used it too and I remember making enough to fill a 26oz vodka bottle for her winter supply, but that’s another article! Anyway…..There was a speaker coming who was doing research into immune boosters like Echinacea. I can’t remember his name but he was very interesting to listen to. He was passionate about what he researched and very knowledgeable on a variety of health subjects so he didn’t stick to just Echinacea.

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He soon broached the topic of detoxing and cleansing the body as a means to staying healthy and building the im-mune system.. I hadn’t heard much about this before probably because at that time North Americans were blissfully un-aware of the benefits of this very common European practice. He made one statement that I will never forget. He said that there would soon come a time when people would routinely do little mini cleanses every day. At first I was a little hesitant to take his advice seriously, but when I thought about it and the toxicity of our environment I knew he was right. I mean think about it, even if you ate a diet that was entirely organic and even wore organic natural fibers, and lived in a house that was made entirely of natural materials even the furniture you still breathe don’t you? And chances are you would leave the confines of your natural house and breathe in all manner of toxic fumes knowingly and unknowingly. It’s unavoidable. A local herbalist once said that in the lower mainland/Fraser Valley region it doesn’t matter how remotely you may wild craft (pick free range herbs) they will still be laden with toxins, maybe not as much as our garden plants in Vancouver, Burnaby or Abbotsford etc, but they are not toxin free. It must have all been a divine set up for me because not long after that talk a good friend who has worked selling supplements for years gave me the next piece of the puz-zle. After checking out these detox kits in the health food stores and reading about cleansing I guess I was be-moaning the fact that I would have to shell out a fair chunk of cash and radically change my lifestyle for this cleanse, well maybe not radically, but enough that I thought it would be easiest if I just took time off work to do this thing. She said, “Oh you don’t need to buy a kit, why don’t you just take some Burdock, Alfalfa and dandelion?” Wait a minute, wasn’t I the one making herbal medicine? Why couldn’t I figure that out for myself, and I could even grow it all in my own back yard, process it and put it into capsules I thought! I have since passed along this combination to many peo-ple, it’s easy and it works. You can make it what you like. You can limit or eliminate your intake of animal products and eat lots of leafy greens and fruit for the full effect or you can do your best. The results won’t be the same, but if you’re doing this on an ongoing basis your body soon realizes you’ve opened an escape route for toxins that is never completely closed. Said a different way by taking these herbs every day or even a couple of days a week you help your body to release and reduce its toxic load and it looks forward to it. As I say I’ve taken this combination usually 3 days a week for years and every once in a while I will stop for a week or two or 4 or 6. By the time 4 weeks are up I no-tice I start to feel bloated and almost hung-over-ish, then I find pimples on my face and a rash on my chest, this is my body’s way of telling me it’s overloaded and it’s dumping it via the largest organ of the body, the skin. When I start taking the herbs again, wow, within a day or

two everything is good again. Some of you may prefer another herb combo and that’s fine, what ever does the job for you, I like this one be-cause it’s gentle, there are some herbs that are best used on the advice and assistance of a health care professional. The important point here is that you can do this weekly (regularly) and it doesn’t upset your routine. You can car-ry on with your day to day life pretty seamlessly. Are you going to go number two? Heck ya!, but remember you are in total control here and if it gets too overwhelming just cut it back and give your body a rest, then try again, maybe not so many days, or halve the dosage. Also re-member it’s not do or die, you haven’t totally failed if you eat something contraband, you will pick it up tomorrow and all will be good. The key is always watch and listen to your body and do what’s right for you not what the di-rections on a box tell you. So now I’m going to give you the herbs and the amounts I was told to take. With this combination you are cleans-ing the blood, lymph and the liver: Also remember to take these with food. When you take capsules on an empty stomach the gel casing may not dissolve until they reach the intestine or even colon. Take: 5 tablets of alfalfa three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) 2 capsules of Burdock root three times a day 2 capsules of dandelion root 3 times a day. I also take 1 capsule of milk thistle 2 times a day. You can easily find all of this in any supplement store and it’s not expensive. The benefits of this practice are lifelong. I know it’s changed my life, heartburn sluggishness, pimples and rashes are now a thing of the past! Well here we are in 2013. (Seems funny to write this on December 21st) I dearly wish everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year, I think this is going to be one of the best years yet!

Marilyn Dyke is a spiritual past life regres-sionist trained in Dolores Cannon's Quan-tum Healing Hypnosis Therapy©. She has been an active teaching and healing Reiki Master for many years (Usui) Her summers are spent messing about in the garden pro-ducing herbal creams, salves, tinctures, teas etc. It is Marilyn's pleasure and pur-

pose in this life to help support your quest for balance, peace and physical well being! Visit Marilyn at

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Welcome to 2013! At the beginning of each new year people around the world make resolutions and wishes for events and happenings that they would like to see take place - both personal and global. Many pray for peace.

Our hearts cry for peace. Our bodies cry for

peace. The universe knows peace. Is it possible to live in a world where the human inhabitants seem bent on destroying not only themselves but every-thing around them—and still know peace? I—and many others—can tell you that peace starts at home, in your own heart. That does not seem very grand and there are no big flashing lights or news media blitzes about it, but it is possibly the most important message you will ever receive. And it is actually the only peace effort that is available to each and every person in existence in this and any other reality or dimension.

In these articles I have taught you how to work

with your to shift and change and cre-ate beauty in and around you. How to listen and how to hear. This month we are going to talk about what is necessary to create peace in ourselves.

It is not an easy journey...but it is very simple.

The very first thing we must do is to shut up. We must forego speaking quickly. If it is at all possible, take a vow of silence. Oh, not forever—that would not be practical! Begin slowly by being silent for a half a day. Then a whole day. You can wear a tag that says “I’m not speaking today—thank you for honoring my journey.” Arrange it with your family and your friends so that you can be among them and still be silent. Experiment. What is it like to not open your mouth and speak? What do you learn? There are many places that you can go to be silent on retreat. Some cost a great deal of money, others cost only what it takes you to get there. If this feels right for you—do it.

We must forego being right. We must be willing

to allow someone else their opinions and beliefs—joyfully. Knowing that we each live our own reality and that my reality may not concur with yours—and knowing that we are both right. Do you get irritated or upset when someone expresses an opinion that is different from yours? Look at that. How? First of all, recognize that most of us do get irritated by this to some extent. Recognizing it is the first step towards shifting it. Bring it into your awareness. Write it down. “I am right. You are right. We are both right.” Carry it on a card, read it over and over again. Pay attention. What does it feel like to be “not right?”

You can tell that this is not a one-step process.

Well, it could be. We could be hit by a bolt of light-ning, fall in love with ourselves, fall in love with everyone around us and generally be saints. It has not been a one-step process for me. I’m a lot closer than I was when I started and I still have a long way to go! We will work more on this in the coming months, as spirit shows me where to take you. In the meantime,


Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of healing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses

crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches peo-ple at all levels how to expand their awareness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at for more information.

Vera Enshaw January 2013 17

How was your rest last night? Nothing feels better than a great nights sleep especially when you wake up relaxed and refreshed. Often though this isn’t the case for many of us. Today’s demanding sched-ules and outside stimulation from numerous gadg-ets can make the gift of sleep somewhat elusive. When the majority of the population suffers from some sort of stress related disease or ailment I think it is time to make a good nights rest a priority. Don’t you? With the busyness of the holidays behind us now is

the time to start a new pattern and weave the gift of sleep back into our schedule as though sleep is the most important thing on the list. Below are 6 manageable steps to get you well on your way. By practicing them daily they will become part of your routine. May you enjoy numerous relaxing hours in bed sleeping giving the body a chance to rejuvenate and restore you to a perfect state of health. Sleep is so important and you are WORTH IT!!!!!

Step 2: Get Unplugged. Two hours before bed take that time to finish any little last mi-nute tasks and p repa re f o r sleep. Avoid TV and any sort of screen t ime which stimulates the body even when you are exhausted. Try reading instead of those other activities

Step 1: Go to Bed Early. No more staying up late and burning the mid-night oil. What-ever your usual is time you head for bed is now aim for one to two hours earli-er. Those extra hours of sleep before midnight will make all the difference in your disposition.

Step 3: Meditate. By tak-ing even 15 minutes and sit-ting quietly giv-ing you a space to journey in-wards and just breathe. Can be a wonderful gift to self. Bring the body to a peace-ful and grounded state of being.

Step 4: Guided Visualiza-tion. If meditating isn’t your thing, lay down on your bed and pull up a You Tube guided relaxation video, turn the screen away from you, close your eyes and let it whisk you into a state of slumber. Your lap-top it will go into sleep mode after a bit and if need be you can charge it in the morning. After all your bat-teries are the most important ones to recharge.

Step 5: Avoiding stimu-lants after lunch. Now I can hear the inner rebel-lion of coffee drinkers world wide as I write this however if you have difficul-ty sleeping cof-fee is not your friend. Other things like soft drinks, evening snacking and chocolate are best early in the day to catch the most zzzz’s

Step 6: Breathe. As you lay in bed take few minutes and follow your breath. Begin-ning slowly to lengthen each inhale and ex-hale. You can continue with that or you can inhale for a count of four, hold the breath for a count of four, exhale for a count of four,. Repeating sever-al times can help to slow the mind and induce a re-laxed state to being

By Jeannie Magenta January 2013 18

Phil Nielsen

rune for the month is


The rune I drew for the month is Dagaz. It is the light of day, the total awakening. I find this totally apropos consider-

ing the new spiritual awaken-ing happening now. Dagaz has no negative connotations. Even in a negative cast it shows you have the strength to overcome obstacles if you will only use it. Sometimes drawing this rune will mark a major change in your life, perhaps so radical that you will never live your life the same way again. It can also show you being exposed to a new way of life or thinking—even a religious enlighten-ment.

This part of the story is about the

rune Hagalaz, which was originally Heimdall’s rune.

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The sea god Aegir and his queen Ran had an only son, whom they named Heimdall. They entrusted him to nine giant nursemaids on the edge of the earth. Because these nine where identified with the different types of waves, they transformed his hair to wavy white as a token of their care. More importantly, they gave him sensitivities un-known to any creature. He could see as well as any eagle, even at night. He needed less sleep than a bird. He hearing was so acute, that he could hear the grass growing on the other side of the world. The giantesses must have lent him some of their size as well for he grew, not only having Ran’s fair features and the dignity of his father Aegir, but also Heimdall was the most powerfully built and tallest of the Aesir, taller even, than Odin. When All-Father learned of these extraordinary gifts, he asked him to fill an important position. “Bifrost is a rainbow bridge that connects Midgard to Asgard,” he said. “It is the means by which the gods travel from their palaces and castles to the world of humankind. Before it was safe for all to use but in

these times we are threatened by jealous dwarves and giants. We are not frightened of them, but it is impossible for us to always watch over the goddess-es. Can we count on you to be the guardian of Bif-rost?” Heimdall felt honored and duty bound to accept this request right away. As parting gifts; from his father he received an immense broadsword made from the resmelted iron rivets from sunken ships and Ran gave him the Gjallarhorn, a golden echoing horn embossed with animated representations of life in the sea. The nine giant maids, having already given him all they could, wished him farewell. When the towering Heimdall was introduced to the rest of the Aesir, Asynir, and the Vanir, they good-naturedly named him the White God for his white

wavy hair. To show they meant no disrespect, they gave him a one of a kind suit of shining white ar-mor. But it was as the Watcher that he took up his position at the highest point of Bifrost. He built his castle, Himinbjorg, the Cliffs of Heaven, where he could look out over all creation. Himinbjorg was the world’s most impregnable fortress and home to the Vanir, who loved him as one of their own. Heimdall was, forever after, the guardian of the gods. No dwarf was cunning enough to get past him and the giants were, because of his size and strength, intim-idated by him and his massive sword at his side. Whenever a god or goddess began ascending the rainbow bridge, he would ceremoniously announce their arrival by blowing Gjallarhorn, its golden tones echoing throughout all the halls of heaven. One night he heard something buzzing in the direc-tion of Mardal-Freya’s bedroom. Loki, in the guise of a fly was about to rob her of her jewels. Heimdall snatched the insect in mid-flight and flung it out of Asgard. Sometimes, Heimdall was approached by mortals; men, women, or even young lads, who begged for permission to pass. They wanted to leave the trou-bles of Midgard for Asgard. The Watcher would in-variably turn them away but not without a kind word or advise. He would sometimes tell them that their destiny, which was known to the gods, lay in Midgard and nowhere else. All they needed was pa-tience. What seemed to be a delay was actually part of the process of fulfillment. He liked to quote Odin, “No one may run ahead of his or her fate” Heimdall loyally guarded his post over the course of many human generations. No Niflheimer or Jotunheimer or gate-crashing mortal ever set foot in Asgard

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while he was in charge. That is, until the coming of Ragnarok.

According to the Norn, as soon as the massed forc-es of destruction began their invasion, Heimdall saw and heard them. He sounded Gjallarhorn in alarm, thereby giving the gods precious time to assemble their defenses. When the foes at last attacked Bif-rost, Heimdall stood up to them alone, hacking with his huge iron sword into the hate-filled mobs. Fresh corpses, hewn limbs, bones, blood flew in all direc-tions from his blade. Although he delighted in the slaughter of so many enemies, he was pushed back by their sheer numbers to the gates of Himinbjorg. Through them now poured all the gods and heroes to his aid. Their opponents fell in masses but for every slain, ten more took their place. The invaders pushed into Valhalla itself, setting it ablaze. Heimdall battled with greater fury as the flames consumed Odin’s doomed hall. When he saw Loki, the god responsible for this catastrophe, the White God strode to the traitor. “Thus is All-Father avenged!” he cried, as a mighty swing from his iron sword split Loki from head to crotch. At the same moment, Valhalla’s roof collapsed, crushing thou-sands of combatants, gods, giants and dwarves alike.

Heimdall is associated with the Joyous Home of the gods, Gladsheim, from October 28 to November 13, within Scorpio. His color is blue for both the sea from which he came and his destiny in the sky at the highest point of Bifrost. Cirlot underscores the significance of this by pointing out that blue belongs to the rarified atmosphere of the clear sky, implying far-seeing vision. The White God’s symbolism is fur-ther shown in his gemstone, quartz crystal, which is used even today, for scrying. His incomplete myth recounts that he obtained a particularly precious quartz crystal after he had killed Loki, although how it was won, or what significance it had, or what be-came of it is unknown. Heimdall’s spiritual essence is wonderfully ex-pressed in his rune. Hagalaz counsels patience to delays put in our path for reasons we do not often understand. We must learn to trust, that which is put in front of us, both positive and negative, as a part of the process of life. Disappointments now will often be seen later as positive in our personal de-velopment. Although Heimdall’s rune stands for limitations, they are the sometimes temporary, but always unavoida-ble, consequences of living in the physical world. Guido von List believed, “introspective awareness and endurance produce a high self-confidence in the power of the personal spirit which dwells within all persons and a power which can persuade a strong spirit to believe in it without any doubt.”

Phil is passionate about many things in life. Having been a free

wanderer all his life he has gained wisdom on many topics he is passionate about. Wanting to have a deeper understanding of his roots, Phil started to delve into his family back-ground. His grandparents immigrated to Cana-da from Denmark. This passion has led him to explore the history and lore of runes which he shares with you here. If you wish to contact Phil please email him at

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“Preparing for Spiritual growth” By Suzanne Robinson

Welcome to Yewstone Gardens “Karakia o whenua”

Soul grounding is a way of preparing for spiritual growth in a small group of up to 5 people. This helps to maintain your spiritual integrity with other spiritual people.

Soul gardening is a way of maintaining yourself with your soul in a balanced and har-monious way.

Soul Labyrinth walks include a gentle releasing of energies as you are guided through a garden walk in preparation for your spiritual walk through the labyrinth.

Soul healing sessions are for individuals. These focus on clearing the emotional, mental or spiritual blocks, healing their relationships so they are in alignment with their soul .These alignments with the universal love energies are needed to develop and prepare for spiritual growth in a balanced and harmonious way.

Workshops are periodically provided on ways to maintain yourself in a spiritual way of living that embraces nourishing your soul and prepares you for spiritual growth. These include herbal tea making from the garden; painting from the soul; meditating with poise; relationship drawings: healing for the soul

Articles in the ‘Nourish publication

on ‘Soul Grounding’ and my web site;

About Suzanne Suzanne has a background as a landscape designer and has been exploring the inter-relationship of people, plants and places for over 30 years. She has published a book, “Soul Gardening” to assist people to become more aware of how to change their way of life just by understanding their personal subtle energies through their senses, emotions, thoughts and words, and how to apply this integrated way of being in everyday lives for harmonious relationships. This is to prepare people for spiritual growth. ‘Preparing for spiritual growth groups’ When: Each Thursday by booking ahead. (Only open to 5 people at a time.) Time; Starts promptly at 11.00am.Goes to approx. 2.00pm Where; 3127 248th street, Langley, V4W 1X7 What to bring; an intention to want to connect with your soul.

A picnic lunch to share. Footwear and clothing suitable for walking outdoors on grass and

bark mulch in all weathers. A sense of humor

How to participate; Call Suzanne 604 607 7790 or E mail; By Donation With Aroha nui and many blessings Suzanne January 2013 22

One thing that stood out to me the most in 2012 was the unconditional love I received from my fian-cé. He proposed to me and I had a bundle of emo-tions unravel. I began to think about wedding plan-ning, moving out of Vancouver and becoming a home owner. I was receiving many things I had prayed for over the years all in a matter of months. Amazing (scary). The lessons I have learned over the past year comes from a quote I remember hearing during the movie The Secret: What you think about you bring about. I thought about everything that has come to me: the good, the bad and the downright ugly. I have fully participated in my life and which way I want to travel. It was me that decided on saying yes to being engaged, yes to moving away from the beautiful city and yes to everything… I have learned many lessons on receiving over the past year. I am grateful for my writing and the holistic jour-naling process as I am able to speak without stop-ping or judgement. It is a place where I can explore every thought I have prior to speaking it aloud to others. I often remind myself of the quote as my mind be-gins to wander down a path that I may question: do I want to go that way? I have had a fruitful year filled with an abundance of love, laughter, tears of joy and pain and it’s all been a wonderful learning experience.

For 2013 I am manifesting my spiritual writing workshops to be filled with others who want to write in a safe and creative space. Where we can sit and share our stories and explore words in a peaceful and loving way. I have started this by asking a local bookstore, Hooked on Books in Penticton, about hosting a short Talk n’ Write workshop. I do not know too many people here, but I am beginning to and the new adventures that await me are exciting. I know I will continue to meditate and write. It’s a part of my daily routine. It’s a part of me. I look outside of the window of my new writing space and I can see the snow covered mountains and small town below. My fiancé and I manifested this for our life. We own a beautiful home on the top of a hill overlooking a small town. Beautiful. I am excited to begin fixing up the new house to create the peaceful and loving writing spaces for my new friends. Yes, 2013 will bring me lots of new friends so I bet-ter keep buying my old chairs and repurposing them! I am excited for my writing career and the people I keep meeting along my journey. It is through others I am inspired to continue. The year 2013 will bring me deeper in the Heart of

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Sita-Rani MacMillan January 2013 23

Journaling. I will begin a blog on “Stumbling through Life – a yogini’s journey home” where I ex-plore my two 2013 resolutions: to learn what is true kindness and to explore why I left my yoga practice. I will commit to daily acts of kindness and yoga/meditation. I want to delve deeper inside through journaling, meditation and yoga practice. I want to know more about kindness and how we can high-light the loving acts around the world. Exciting. Here is a writing exercise I have completed while writing this article about what I am grateful for: Sit in a peaceful space where you will not be dis-turbed for the next 30minutes. Open your journal and inhale three times deeply and release. In the centre of the page write the word “Grateful”. Take a timer and set it for 20min. Begin writing about what you are grateful for. Let it flow in whatever way it is. Through words, a story, sentences, drawing, and so on. When the timer ends close your journal and repeat the breath – inhale deeply and exhale. Focus on your breath. After a few minutes if you feel inclined read over the words on the page again and highlight what stands out. Perhaps it is that which you are focusing on? What do you think? How do you feel? Is this what you want to manifest? If not how can you change it? If it is, how can you embrace it? Wishing you all the best for today and every day. Happy Manifesting. Namaste. Sita-Rani MacMillan, M.Ed., B.Ed., B.A. Sita-Rani MacMillan is a writer who has recently re-located to the Okanagan from Vancouver, BC. She continues to offer her workshops on intuitive journal writing and writing for personal growth. For more information about workshops please follow her on facebook , Twitter @questionWWLD or find additional infor-mation on her website

Upcoming Workshop:

The Heart of Journaling Talk n' Write at Hooked on Books 225 Main St. Penticton, BC January 17th 6:30-8:00pm (limited seating. Must sign-up at Hooked on Books via phone/email/person or through

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I got an early Christmas gift in 2012. It was so amazing it shocked me. I found myself hiding out in the corner at my favorite coffee shop around December 17th, snuggled into the fireplace sofa, drinking in the warm fire along with my tra-ditional Americana Misto. I felt vulnerable and broken open. I needed to be in the background. Why was I hiding? Well, it’s like this. The day be-fore I got hit between the eyes, metaphorically that is, with something I never in a million years would have said belonged to me. But it did and I was still reeling from it.

It all started with my tooth. I had been ba-bying it for about 6 months but finally the dentist won and it, (my tooth, not the dentist) was sched-uled to officially leave my gums a few days before 12-21-12. As I begin to write about this I can feel tears welling up inside of me. I made a tactical mistake, you could say. I asked a guy if he would drive me to and from the dentist’s office. That would have been ok but we had broken up two months earlier and although he declared gallantly that we will always be friends, he had crab walked or more like crab run away from the friend role within a month of delivering that platitude. FYI:

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Catapulted into

by My Incidental Christmas Gift

Gail Siler, PhD January 2013 25

my friend Karen had already offered to help me with the tooth pulling adventure if I needed it.

But somewhere in the middle of things I al-

lowed my own confusion about the platitude shift (we will be close friends for the rest of our lives vs. we need to distance from each other) to tease me into asking for his help. So what was my real mo-tive? To find out which end of the balance beam he was sitting with his platitude. Instant Gail transla-tion: I needed to reassure myself that we were real-ly going to be friends.

From the vantage point of writing this, the

tooth thing is meaningless, only an excuse, as you may have guessed. At the time it was really im-portant. So I convinced myself I needed him to es-cort me to and from the dentist and sent an email asking. He didn’t call for two days and then he final-ly called. Sorry, no he couldn’t help me as he had plans for the day but aw shucks, could I change the appointment to a time when he was available? We hung up…pretty fast, actually, and I wandered into the bedroom feeling suddenly really odd …almost bereft.

I crawled into bed, pulled the covers up to

my neck and noticed how vulnerable I was feeling, in addition to feeling angry with myself for having been so stupid to ask him for help in the first place. Then to my surprise I started to cry. No, that’s not exactly it. It was too intense to call crying. Some-thing deep inside of me began to claw itself to the surface and I heard myself say “I am unlovable.” Then the tears were wracking me and my throat felt really painful like there was a chain tied tightly around it. My chest felt like it was being torn open. I crumpled up and cried. OMG, I thought even while I was feeling all these feelings. Where did THAT come from? Unlovable? That’s crazy! But the pain in my chest and the tightness in my throat grabbed my attention and the tears flowed.

The next thing I knew I came awake from

the feeling of dampness rolling down my cheek into the pillow. For an instant I felt it like it was some-one else’s face. And then the misery hit me again and I began to tune back in to what I had heard myself say. “I am unlovable.” I couldn’t recall feel-ing this hurt since I was a child.

I had just uncovered GOLD in those three

words. Well it was eventually going to turn into gold, but right then while the pain rolled through me I was like two people…the me that was hurting to the core; and the me that had heard my voice and was still dumbstruck that I should have some-thing like that existing inside of me.

Laying there split in two I rolled back and forth from misery to incredulity. Even as I felt the loss in me I saw bits and pieces of experiences roll through my memory as the lines seemed to offer up illustrations - proof that I am unlovable. For the rest of the day more examples slid into place and more scenarios replayed. By evening I was fairly tired out. OK, I was exhausted and downright numb. Oh, and I was REALLY disgusted. I am a so-cial scientist and a counselor. In addition, on my own spiritual pathway I’ve been cleaning up my act for more than a quarter century. How could I feel unlovable? Could it really be true?

Disinterring the hidden goo and

transforming it into gold Isolating the truth from a hidden belief might have sent me round the bend years ago. Or set me up for a several months’ worth of story and misery. But not only am I older, I like to think I’ve become wiser for all my experiences in life. So I was able to get clear on the goo and get into the gold. The goo was my BELIEF that I was unlovable. The little sce-narios that flashed through my mind illustrated to me how that belief served to underlie and draw to me experiences to prove it. Here it was: basic Law of Attraction in the raw. I could see Abraham of same name and Hicks smiling at me lovingly and nodding his head up and down. “YUP. Simple as pie,” he was saying. “You get what you put out there.” To which I imaginarily whined back, “but I don’t believe THAT: that I’m unlovable!” “You may not have been aware of it, but deeply inside of you, you have been carrying that belief. And because you weren’t aware of it, you have been creating your life experiences based on the (hidden) belief that you aren’t lovable. Each

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experience, including Matt’s response to your re-quest for dental event support were Law of Attrac-tion in action.” Oh crap, I hate it when Abraham is right, and he’s always right about how we attract to our-selves what we are equal to. I was certain I was equal to a successful, lovable, enlightened person calling forth responses of the same. Oops. Wrongy dongy. Something from childhood was hiding deep-ly deep inside of me. Oh the embarrassment! Oh the humiliation! OMG! And finally, Oh thank God-dess I found that. “I have to tap that out of me,” I heard myself insist. And EFT’s your Uncle, (Bob’s you uncle, I know that!) I began tapping it away. Where and how it got there were not as important as realizing it was in the way of my life and I didn’t want it there anymore. Was there relevance? Ok, I was the first of four children. That’s enough right there to psychologically make me feel I’m unlovable. “What, I’m so unlovable they had to make another child, and then another, and yet another.” I imag-ined my little child Gail at 5 and at 7 and at 10 say-ing this over and over with each new sibling that popped into physical existence in the Siler House. I filled in with other personal experiences but I didn’t waste too much time with searching for the why’s or even the when’s. I just ‘got em gone!’ as I tapped and cried while I tapped that dreadful belief out of me. So what’s in it for you? Surprise! Well, first, no one wants to go through life feeling they aren’t lovable. And with Law of Attrac-tion we will keep repeating the scenario until we clean out the programming. THAT is heavy! Think about it. What do you have hiding inside of you that you would never believe to be there, and yet it’s screwing up the programming of your wonderful life and making your life difficult, less than joyous, even down right miserable at times. What experiences keep repeating in our life? Look for a bigger picture because in that bigger pic-ture of the repeats is the kernel you want to track down. What it is your spirit is trying to get a mes-sage through to you about? Focus on the pattern,

NOT the poor me story line. What about the surprise? Well are you ready for it? The surprise is each one of us, hidden deeply inside of us has that feeling of being unlova-ble. I hear you saying, “No, that can’t be true of me! You are really wrong on this Gail.” Well, may-be yes, maybe no. Do a fly over of your life and look at the big picture, look at your story line and the places where your ego gets snagged on things. I have talked about the coup of Set and how humans have been broken in my book Decoding the Butterfly Promise. The “I am unlovable” matrix is embedded in each of us…that is part of the coup. Set instilled that loop inside of us to throw us off track of who we really are: love incarnate. Inter-esting and disgusting! And sadly, effective, until we sus it out and get rid of it. So I am inviting you to start your year by tapping it out, releasing that nas-ty message, and getting it gone! Then wrap your arms around yourself and say out loud, “I am love incarnate, I am love, I love me, I am love.” If you want to dance a gig to it, by all means, honor that feeling, or play some nice music and waltz with yourself. It might get alittle dicey when you try to figure out who leads, but no matter! Giggle. My point is make yourself a little “I love me” celebra-tion. Or a big one for that matter. Invite your friends to come and celebrate how loveable you (and they are( with you. Christmas brings up old memories and child-hood feelings. We harken back to that memory bank and draw our Christmas feelings from it the older we become. Buried in there are also the feel-ings of your self as child. After Christmas we can get a little blue, or for some, a lot blue. Point here is the blueness just might come from some hidden old childhood voices inside us that come back to life during the holidays. Take advantage of the season-al energy and go spelunking into those old memo-ries and see what surprises you disinter. Then bring them up to date into your NOW time. Tap them out or do what works best for you to tell them ‘thanks for serving me, now bye bye!” I am a little more blunt, more on the order of “out, out damn spot!” in the tradition of my old first grade Fun with Dick and Jane reader. OK, I’m even more blunt than that some times, but we won’t go there! But it’s time to clean out the closets of our feelings in order to make way for incoming new energy to fill us. Which brings me to this amazing New Year. We have been given a boost: that’s what 12-21-12 gave us, among other things. It was filled with in-coming love for each one of us to de-program some pretty hinky wiring. Along with it comes inspiration

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aplenty to excite us and get us rewired to get out there and start creating our magnificent lives. This is a shoe moment: you know, Just DO IT!

It begins with realizing and re-membering that we ARE love incarnated into a physical bag called a human being. We are a precious experiment of spirit living in matter and growing into our butterfly-hood. Once we leave the chrysalis and emerge into butterfly we are that knowing energy of love here to co-create wonderful experiences in our lives.

My incidental Christmas present was to find

out I carried that hidden programming of being un-lovable. I’m not unlovable. But I’ve been carrying it with me through my long life and that belief has been setting up situations to get my attention not to men-tion prove to myself that I am unlovable. But now I’ve switched the wiring inside of me and cleaned that up. (Yes, it can happen that fast when we are willing to do the work to let it go.)

My new year’s gift to you is to pass on the

news that you can switch that internal wiring too and reprogram yourself to remember you are walking love incarnate. And lucky you, you don’t even have to lose a tooth in the process!

This is the beginning of a series on learning

how to create your life the way you want it. Next month we will explore the Bridge of Creation. Boy, that’s going to be a fun one!

About the Gail Siler, PhD Dr. Siler, an international consultant and social sci-

entist worked for more than two decades with people from international organizations and governments to communities to help them create positive change in their lives. She was Associate Professor with University of Toronto for many years and taught at Humber College School of Business. Gail is the founder of The Inner Entrepreneur and Champions of Change programs and creator of

the Personal Energy Management Curriculum. Dr. Gail of-fers counseling and workshops on maximum wellness and personal energy management, including counseling on man-agement of obsessive-compulsive disorders and addictions.

Gail’s new book, Decoding the Butterfly Promise

describes how we regain our power and return to whole-ness. To purchase or learn more about the book go to

Visit our radio program at Keeping the Promise to

learn more about your personal energy management and join us on Thursday evenings at 8pm PST for our half hour live show or visit our archives to listen to past programs. January 2013 28

If you live in an area that does not receive much sunlight during the winter months ,invest in a light therapy box . Daylight lamps trick the sub-conscious into believing the days are longer and sunny.

Exercise—Releases those feel good chemicals. Natural Sunlight Even better? Get outdoors when the sun is shining and incorporate your exercise along with it!

Plants It is amazing that this simple holistic remedy can perk up not only your home but your mood! Easy to care for plants—Mother In Law’s Tongue, Christmas Cactus, Spider Plant.

The winter months are upon us. For some these are the hardest months of the year to navigate. SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or winter blues af-fects approx. 6 out of every 100 peo-ple. The symptoms and severi-ty can vary with each p e r s o n . T r i gge red by the cold, d r e a r y , grey days of the com-ing months the winter blues can really bring you down. Listed here are some fun, affordable ways to help you man-age the next few months. If you do suffer from the winter blues it's important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Left untreated a case of the winter blues can pro-gress to become a disabling or even life-threatening case of depression. While none of the ideas shared here will harm you it is best to not self di-agnose and get the appropriate care you need. Here’s to a healthy January! January 2013 29

Maintain a healthy diet . Vitamin D is something our bodies get from the sun. Less sun means less vitamin D, take a supplement or eat foods rich in vita-min

Get enough sleep! It is natural to want to sleep more in the winter. Ensure that you are getting 7—8 hours a night.

Treat yourself to a massage or spa day! Planning a spa day gives you some-thing to look forward to. It is also relax-ing which is just what the doctor ordered.

If you are on a tight budget or in between spa days treat yourself to aromatherapy bubble baths.

Socialize! Get together with friends for some laughs. Even a phone call can brighten spirits.

Lastly embrace the season. Instead of bemoaning the snow and cold look for the positive. Children love winter, bun-dled up they are off on adventures of building snowmen, winter forts sledding and plotting the next snowball fight! Find some winter activities that you can enjoy. If all else fails buy some bright winter outer wear and be warm! January 2013 30

Hello Dearest Ones:

The ascension date has now passed and shocked look you are still here! * Laughs and winks* Do you feel different? Can you feel the new energy and the raise in vibration?

It was a busy year last year would you not agree? Many changes occurred. Many shift happened for you, the world and mass con-sciousness. All that IS and the Divine is well pleased you have done well.

So I can hear the questions now floating through the cosmos to the Divine and ALL that IS. What now? What are we supposed to do with the new shift and vibration? What are we personally supposed to focus on? What are we globally and world-wide supposed to focus on? How do we support the earth, the cosmos and each other? The list could go on and on but we will stop there with the questions float-ing to us for now.

So as we explained in the last months chan-nels. This time is about living in love, joy trust and your heart. It’s about living in and from your hearts. It’s releasing anything that no longer serves you as we have said before. It is also about continuing to integrate your shad-ows and release old wounds.

So what now you ask?

Yes that is the question. First give yourself some time to integrate the new vibration and shifts for they were and are huge. Feel the truth of who you really are for you are magnifi-cent beyond belief and all words. Feel what WhiteStar Eagle calls unfathomable love at your very core deep within the core of your be-ing your essence. This too is beyond words but can be felt and experienced in a deep un-abiding way within your heart which is be-yond space and time. Feel the unfathomable love All of Creation and Divine source has for

Channeled by Michelle Hayes January 2013 31

you within you, all around you and the es-sence from which all created things manifest through you for indeed you and All that IS are one.

What are we supposed to do now with the new energy and vibration?

It is simple dear ones yet not so simple. LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!! Love with all your hearts!! Live in your heart!!Do everything you do from your heart!!! It is simple really. Oh, but is that the mind we hear with but it is not that simple. We say to our loving mind but it is, we need you to work, play, sleep eat etc. We need you as one with us to be our partner in heart. Our mind says but I will die! The heart says no my dearest one you and I are one always work-ing together for with love and in love we resided. The mind quiet it’s fear and says is it really that simple? The heart replies back yes dear one for within love we resided as one.

What are you personally supposed to fo-cus on?

Well we have already mentioned what this year is all about so there is a good start. Additionally though it is good to look at what would make your heart sing and dance and do that. Remember when you were a child the thing that made you laugh? Re-member the things as a child that brought you joy? Remember how you loved without condi-tions or judgment? Now remember how that feels that child like sense of wonder, awe and love and do that. BE THAT!!

It seem through the course of us talking we have answered the question what are we globally and world - wide supposed to be doing within the lines of this channel. How-ever globally we have to send love to mother earth to lovingly support her as she supports us. We need to learn to be gentle with her and with ourselves. We need to trust we will be guided to new ways of being. New ways of living. New ways of sustaining. New ways of

being partners with mother earth and All that IS in love.

How do we support the earth, the cosmos and each other?

*laughs* How are we supposed to support the earth again we realize we answered that ques-tion already. As well as how you can support each other. We will say though that helping each other see all that we have been speaking about when they cannot or are unable to see it for themselves this is important. This is love. This helps all of humanity, the world and All that IS. As for supporting the cosmos trust that you are guided always by it in love. Then let the cosmos and all that IS show you how to support it for you are one. Again sending love to the cosmos, Divine source and All that IS bringing everything into the never ending circle that connects us all.

Unfathomable Love

The Angels of Creation

I am Michelle Hayes, an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. My Shamanic name is Whitestar Eagle, given to me in a naming ceremony. I have a passion for children and believe it is my calling to help to educate and love the future generations of this world. My passion for healing is a calling

that asks me to help others transform and heal. For eve-ry person and soul is but a miracle and a gift to the world and the universe in love, purity, compassion, kindness and grace of the creator and spirit. We are all one. We all transform and heal to our greatest potential. This is where love, enchantment, magic and light is in our heart and souls. I offer reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel readings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. My services can be done in person or long dis-tance by phone, email or Skype. I currently reside in To-ronto. If you have any questions, comments or would like to contact me for more information please visit my blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you! January 2013 32

As Above So Below By Tamira D. McGillivray AKA Silverdisc As human be-ings we anticipate turning to a fresh crisp blank page (Dec 31 – Jan 01), we feel that old man time (Saturn) gives us another opportunity to start new by promising to create new habits and let go of old habits. But there is no line drawn in the sky that we step over and all of a sudden everything has changed … it is a process of evolution where we continue to inch along… some of us turtles and some of us the hare, either way we all get there. The critical part is that we work with what we brought into this life to the best of our ability, find our innate talents (personal power), and live our lives to the fullest each and every day. The most important resolution you can make for yourself is to strength to your Core. Keep yourself balanced and healthy on all levels of your be-ing – starting with your meditative practices. Set aside time every day to clear your thoughts and energy; align yourself with your greater good. You can keep yourself balanced throughout the day by surrounding yourself with tools (symbology) that will help you accomplish that, and finally… develop and work with daily exercise ritual. This gives you the total package … body, emotion/mind and spirit - creating a strong and vibrant Core. Utilizing your own personal map through self-study with tools such as Numerology, Astrology, Jungian Psychology, Dream Analysis, Symbolic Studies (or other) will show you how to pull your tool kit together. Don’t get caught up in the hype, for some the collective energy hits closer to home as these planetary actions directly involve the personal birth map, for others whom are not directly affected … support the ones you love that are struggling with the energetic signature! New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the night sky (this is where we find our Collective Moon), when we do this we inherently con-nect to this energy helping us recognize genetic and collective habits and patterns. January 11th Collective New Moon in Capricorn Ex-ternal energy reveals new directions and possibilities for the next month. This first New Moon of the year brings us possibilities some new awareness or break-

through in physical fitness & health, which will be for everyone. January 26th Collective Full Moon in Leo This moon casts a light into our darkest corners and may bring up negative emotions or fear (false evidence appearing real). This Full Moon – kind of says – “Hey we made it through – we need to drop our shoulders … let our hair down … take a deep relaxing breath and have a bit of fun” Setting the Stage for the New Year You may find these individual Astro themes follow you throughout the year Stay the Course & Stay Strong; Surround Yourself with Positive Symbology ; Raise your Vibration by Inviting the Highest Ener-gy possible into your life.

Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportunities are from January 17th and 18th You have the opportunity to bring your body to the next level of fit-

ness, but you will need to let go of any internal dia-logue of negative self-talk. Once you have truly gained that direct communication to your cellular quantum level the concept of “total fitness” takes on a whole new meaning. The world is watching.

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WWW.SILVERDISC.CA January 2013 33

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) New goal setting opportunities are from January 19th and 20th Don’t allow your shadow to darken the light shining on your path to prosperi-

ty; keep a steady internal dialogue of positive words at the tip of your tongue. You may find that as you bring your shadow into the light – your close rela-tionships may feel restricting or limited. These im-portant relationships show opportunity and readi-ness for transformation.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) New goal setting opportunities fall on January 22nd and 23rd Transformation occurs when you gain knew knowledge that will be

important to share with society (general public). You will need to gain control and find the right filter for the information that you spew forth into the world. This information you share could help others to connect to ground breaking inter-dimensional work.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) New goal setting opportunities are Jan-uary 24th and 25th Strengthen your personal relationships. You may be asked to step out into the public eye to tell your story. There

may be some shocking personal information that needs to be shared. You will need to dig deep to find a creative way to express yourself.

Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) New goal setting opportunities are from January 26th and 27th Things that may have been discussed through social interactions over the holiday season may start to bubble to the surface. Desires to break free of deeply engrained dogma may seep

into your consciousness, go ahead … break free. Use your creative power of persuasion to gently nudge those around you into a more open minded space.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) New goal setting opportunities are January 29th and 30th You may find restrictions or limita-tions in getting others to invest in you but it is your own shadow that is

standing in your way – push through these restrict-ing thoughts and creatively get it down on paper (albeit step by step), build your creative thoughts into a viable option/product/book etc. Stop worry-ing about the outcome.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New goal setting opportunities are January 4th and 31st You will need to practice your com-

munication skills to create your ideas of a secure and balanced home-front. The shadow reflected back to you through your relationships may feel very strong but with hard work and a little bit of de-termination you already have the light required to shine into even the darkest corners.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) New goal setting opportunities are from January 5th, 6th and 7th The stresses of putting yourself out there in 2012 may have taken its toll

on your emotional and physical bodies – it is time to communicate to others about what makes you feel safe and secure. It is important to work on strengthening your core … remember to stay in the “eye of the storm”.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) New goal setting opportunities are from January 9th The time of reaping from what you have sowed through your business

and partnerships is at hand. You may feel like the fun has been sucked out of life … but fun is relative – you have the innate ability to make anything fun … even vacuuming ;-)

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) New goal setting opportunities are from January 11th and 12th You may feel like no matter what you do you just cannot make every-

thing better. There may be a little bit of social ex-haustion or just feel drained … like you just want to go home and “cave”. Then do it … you can focus your energy on your one on one encounters in-stead. This is where you will shine – take each indi-vidual chance meeting and make it a transformative experience not only for them but for you. Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to in-fuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you soak it all in.

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Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) New goal setting opportunities are on January 13th There may be times that you feel ver-bally awkward – like people don’t real-

ly get the depth of what you are saying, this may be true (sometimes) but most likely it is just your per-ception. Get your creative juices flowing there is a way to get people excited about the change you have fixed in your mind and how you want it to play out. Push through your communication shadow and let the ideas of the universe flow through you. Tell two peo-ple and they will tell two people and so on and so on … your message will get out! Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you soak it all in.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) New goal setting opportunities are from January 15th and 16th Even though you may feel the dogma of the world dragging you down and

you just can’t stand another social event – you must push through your insecurities. Your wisdom needs to be shared with the masses – so show up – or bet-ter yet have the social gatherings at your house then don’t have to go outside your comfort zone to support the world.

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Tamira has over 20 years’ experi-ence working in the “Arts” She holds a BA in East West Tra-ditions/Religions/Astrology and is NCGR Certified Level III, and loves to share with you her in-

sights into your Transpersonal path. Other interests include:

Certified Yoga Teacher and a practicing Usui Reiki Master (since 1996) and a Registered Karuna Reiki® Master through the International Center for Reiki Training; and a Meditation Teacher she is a dedicated Energy Worker.

Certified Level II with Dolores Cannon Method in Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing

Email: for more infor-mation on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are ex-periencing in your life. January 2013 35

first the fire seared corn added slowly to the mix of earth and stone to feed

all parts, each quadrant and molecule food for the hungry, food for source


the time of the moon is near

and each of us prepares gathers hair, shell and seed, that which we save and sell


street vendors distribute manna

from the holy and the discreet parcels of soul goods packaged

for quick delivery and ease


side step intentions of movement take us into the dance from darkness

spin us into light once more leaving all that clings and is not real


thanks to the earth that waits as

eagle stands on snow carcass and silence of trees worship, bow as

light appears and turns the heart keys.

Margie Kivel January 2013 36

When I was asked if I would like to write the power animal this month I was thrilled and delighted. I love writing and talking about power and totem animals. The animals quite often send me messages and talk to me. So when I asked what animal wanted to talk to the readers this month hummingbird imme-diately showed up. Not that I needed another sign but as I was perusing my emails I opened something from “Heartmath” and there staring me in the face was humming-bird along with an article on hummingbird and our human heart. Can you say confirmation!! It is defiantly the perfect animal for January given what the year 2013 is all about. If interested in the information that I was taken to as a confirmation by humming bird see the link below. Precious heartbeat Hummingbird is perfect this month for they sig-nify joy, love and joyful living. They are just so fun and playful to watch. Their wings beat in figure eights of infinity and also beat faster than any other birds and our heart beat. So with the hummingbird being connected to infin-ity and joy when we watch them and listen to them we are connecting to that experience too.

Hummingbird would like to speak to you and give you this message:

“I maybe tiny but within me is great power of joy, love and the joy and sweetness of life. This is something that I can teach you. I can fly up, down, backwards, forwards so I am connected to the past present and future. I collect nectar from the flowers. So I would like to remind you to collect and remember the sweetness of your own lives past present and future. Know you were born to experience joy, love and the sweetness of life and all it has to offer. Collect the sweetness of your life, your joy and your love and find the miracles in them and yourselves. Then share them with all you know, the world, its people and all that IS. Love and Joy be with you.”

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For me one of the joys in my life recently is my new kitten Magic. He has brought joy, love, playfulness and yes magic into my home. Magic and joy is all around us so I invite you to connect with your own magic of life, love and joy. Perhaps connect with hummingbird and let it guide you and speak to you of it and all these wonders and more. For more information of the significance of hum-mingbird and what it can teach us along with many other animals you can go to this link : Hummingbird This is one of my resources I have on power and totem animals. As well wonderful reference books if you’re interested are Animal Speaks by Ted An-drews. There is also The Medicine Cards by Sams and Carson and Power Animals by Steven Farmer. Thank you for reading and connecting with the spirit of hummingbird and your own joy.

Love and joy be with you now and always.

I am Michelle Hayes, an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. My Shamanic name is Whitestar Eagle, given to me in a naming ceremony. I have a passion for children and be-lieve it is my calling to help to educate and love the future generations of this world. My passion for healing is a calling that asks me to help others transform and heal. For every person and soul is but a miracle and a gift to the world and the uni-

verse in love, purity, compassion, kindness and grace of the cre-ator and spirit. We are all one. We all transform and heal to our greatest potential. This is where love, enchantment, magic and light is in our heart and souls. I offer reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel read-ings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. My services can be done in person or long distance by phone, email or Skype. I currently reside in Toronto. If you have any ques-tions, comments or would like to contact me for more infor-mation please visit my blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!

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Vera Enshaw

January 1. A new beginning—a moment in time when we have released the old and are welcom-ing the new. A time of promises made and forgotten vows re-newed. A powerful time physical-

ly, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. We need powerful oils to assist us in clearing away the old and em-brac ing the new—and Cy-press is one of them! Cypress has been used for centuries for its healing proper-ties. It helps

with excessive menstrual flow, is a great liver tonic, helps to sof-ten hardened arteries and eases varicose veins. Any place where there is fluid flowing in the body, cypress oil can be beneficial. Since our bodies are largely made up of fluid—that’s pretty much the entire body! This is an oil that is not consid-ered safe to take internally—but is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing. Mix one part cy-press oil with one part organic carrier oil (olive oil, sweet al-mond oil, coconut oil, etc.) Apply topically over the area of concern or massage into the Vita-Flex or

reflexology points that relate to the area. Remember—the skin is our body’s largest organ. Almost everything that you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood-stream. I learned that the pores on the bottom of our feet are the largest in our body—and that an oil rubbed into the bottom of the foot will be absorbed throughout the whole body in just 20 minutes. That’s pretty darned fast! Men! You may find that the warm, woody scent of cypress could easily replace the commer-cial colognes you currently use. It blends well with citrus oils, lavender, cedarwood, juniper and sandalwood. Create a unique blend that is your personal scent. Cypress is a middle note, so you want it to make up 50—80% of the blend. On the mental level, cypress helps us with clarity and focus. Having a hard time collecting those scattered thoughts? Diffuse it or carry a bit on a tissue to smell when you need to have your wits about you! Emotionally, cypress has a calm-

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ing and soothing effect on people who are irrita-ble, angry or stressed out. Afraid? Jealous? Just plain frustrated? Try putting a few drops of cy-press into some Epsom salts and placing the mix-ture into a small jar. You can keep it at your desk, in your purse or by your phone, and pull it out when needed. Remember that is helpful for others in your life who may be experiencing difficulty—simply bringing the oil into their space can make a difference for them. Spiritually cypress is helpful in times of transition. Diffuse it when you are faced with the challenges brought on by change—any change. Make a note to yourself to keep it in your meditation space so that you can take advantage of these powerful properties when needed. Allow yourself to make cypress essential oil one of the major players in your toolbox! As you consider what is ahead for you in 2013, place a drop of this oil on your forehead, in the area of your third eye. Place another drop on the palm of your hand and rub both hands together. Periodically bring your hands to your face and in-hale the deep, rich scent. Each time a new dream, a new plan, a new transition, a new possibility comes to mind, write it down. See where your dreams take you! Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.


Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the medi-ums of healing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential oils using the

Raindrop Technique and uses crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their aware-ness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at for more information.

(Continued from page 38) What is the one thing that stands out the most for you from 2012? What lesson did it gift you with? What are you manifesting for 2013? The biggest event for me in 2012 was my 60th birth-day party. A surprise 60th birthday party that caught me totally….by surprise! My children and grandchil-dren arrived from out of town and each arrival was almost...unreal. They weren’t supposed to be here—and yet, there they were! I was so overjoyed I screamed and cried…..nothing could have topped the incredible gift of their presence. It did, though. My daughters and I went shopping, and when we got home I went to look for the grandkids—and there were so many of my friends and family—all there to love me, to celebrate with me my entry into my 6th dec-ade. What did it gift me with? It gifted me with the knowledge that I am dearly loved—right here on this planet. It gifted me with a memory that I can take out and look at, that I can touch and feel and cry all over again. It gifted me with the joy of surprise. Oh, my. I was SO surprised! I have never in my life been SO surprised. My heart stopped, jumped and started—over and over again! I am so blessed For 2013 I am manifesting balanced resources and the time to enjoy using them. I am manifest-ing peace on a personal and global level. Vera January 2013 40

Deer are masters of forest magic, moving softly, sometimes tree, sometimes stone. I watch a group of four pause in the ravine, legs merge with saplings merge with fallen limbs. They move like illegals, traveling the tunnel of ravine’s meanderings through urban terrain, unnoticed, unseen. One stands guard, and three lie down with the ease of rocks merging into the landscape, like it is a womb. I observe intently, shifting my eyes from the negative space that separates shoulder from leaf cluster… to soft eye blending of trees, rock, deer, snow into a larger tapestry, wherein they hide and watch. Looking away for only moments my gaze returned to an empty spot without signs of their passing across my field of being. Margie Kivel 17 January, 2010 January 2013 41

In most Yoga classes I’ve participated in there is a lot of focus on the breath. While doing the Sun Sal-utation breathing into one pose and out to the next

works quite well. Most yoga classes also spend at least a portion of the class practicing Pranayama which is likely best described as “Regulation of the life force through the breath”. One of the main Buddhist meditation techniques is simply focusing on the breath. They never really tell you why but if you do it for long enough you figure it out.

The breath, many have found contains the essence of our be-ing. The first thing you do when you come into the world is breathe in. The last thing you do upon death is to breathe out. In the Bible it says that when God created Adam he “Breathed the breath of life into him”. It never says that he stopped. All of these things are indicators

that our life and breath are closely connected. Peo-ple say “you are what you eat”, yet you can go for weeks without food and days without water. How long can you go with breathing? The breath we’ve found carries not only the oxygen and such but also our spiritual nature. When we sit down to meditate we take a few deep breaths to calm the body and mind. Have you ever heard the saying “Before you react take a few deep breaths and count to ten”? This actually works and when you have an understanding of the breath it really makes sense. The breath has many functions other than just bring oxygen into the body. It also carries out waste and is our connection to our spir-itual nature.

You might notice that people who are stressed have a tendency to breathe rather shallow while people who are calm breathe deeper and fuller. We also forget how to breathe properly as we grow old-er. If you watch a baby breathing you’ll notice that their chest and tummy both raise as the use their full lung capacity. Somewhere down the line we succumb to the pressures of life and start to breathe more shallow breaths which give us insuffi-cient energy to function in a natural (peaceful) way. When we practice Pranayama we learn to use our full breathing capacity and breath deeper naturally. We also learn to use the energy in the breath to-wards our spiritual goals. Through the practices that have been left for us in writing for thousands of years we can find knowledge so profound that it cannot be put into words. A deeper connection with yourself and God is just a breath away. January 2013 42

This month in our journey with the fool through the major arcana, we come upon perhaps the card most feared. Death. Yet the card very seldom actually means a physical death, it is about endings. I feel this is a very appropriate card to be showcasing at this time. Last month we had the hanged man which is about trans-formation; given that December was an important month with all eyes watching to see what would happen on the 21st. (At the time of writing this, I am not sure what transpired) When we look within for answers and start our jour-ney of transforming our life to what we want it to be, you can rest assured that some things are going to have to fall by the wayside. That is what the Death card speaks of, releasing the old to make room for the new. New beginnings are just around the corner as a result of underlying circumstances, transformation and change. It could be major changes, the end of a phase that has served its pur-pose, be that a relationship, career, or living accom-modations. Or it could be a minor change, like what you eat for breakfast, the time you go to bed, or a new haircut.

The death card can also be looked at from the angle of “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Changes occur due to past events or ac-tions. After nine days of hanging upside down in a tree, the fool feels sadly empty, like he has lost some-thing. Moving forward carefully a little tipsy as his head clears from the visions he has experienced he sees, coming towards him, a skeleton mounted on a white horse, he recognizes this as death and hum-bly asks “Have I died?” The skeleton answers, “Yes, in a way. You have sacrificed your old world, your old self. Both are gone, dead.” Hearing this, the fool starts weeping and ashamed by this, he asks Death to forgive him. “There is nothing to forgive.

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Death card from Shadowscapes Tarot - Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore January 2013 43

You are mourning your loss; you must go through this process before you can accept anything new. The trees cannot grow new leaves until the old leaves wither and fall to the ground. The tree then rests (mourns the loss of its leaves) and in the spring new leaves start sprouting. All transformation starts by removing everything down to its natural essence, from there the new can begin to rise. “ Like the beautiful card Stephanie Pui-Mun Law has drawn to depict Death, the Phoenix symbolizes this beautifully. From the ashes comes great beauty. If we always hold onto things tightly and never want change to happen in our lives, we will never know how beautiful our life could be. No one likes to expe-rience loss, yet most people survive, learning that we cannot always understand why things happen but out of those experiences we learn valuable lessons. Fear not the death card should it appear in a reading for you, but embrace the new that it signals. You might have an inkling as to what in your life is pass-ing or you might not at the time of the reading. It is not a signal to start stressing; rather it is a time to start preparing how you will handle whatever change is on the horizon. One of the things I read while re-searching sums it up beautifully “The Death card in-dicates a transition from lower to higher to highest.” You might be delighted that something is finally over and done with, like a terrible job you hate. Or you might be heartbroken, like over the loss of your be-loved pet. Either way, time is required to come to terms with the fact that something you were used to is no longer a part of your life. Just in time the new will arrive, you can count on it!

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As we stand at the begin-ning of a fresh new year the slate is wiped clean, to start anew. Lets together, set an intention for World Peace. Prayer: May peace begin with me in my own heart and extend to everyone I meet, hear about or have yet to meet and could use a little more peace in their hearts. May those suffering in my community and abroad feel this ripple of peace that is an ex-tension of me and everyone I meet. Peace begins right here, right now and I choose to embrace peace in my life. I have heard the comment numerous times when someone is asked what the want and they say “World Peace”. In the past I have felt somewhat annoyed as I never felt it was something I could offer, boy was I narrow minded. Peace begins with me, my thoughts, my actions and behaviors to-wards myself and others. How I do anything is how I do everything. Yup sounds cheesy and yet so true. All the thoughts that cause stress in my life ripple out into others lives as well. Have you ever had someone ask you if you were okay even though you know they don’t know what is happen-

ing for you? They feel your turmoil. Ever had the desire to let a call go to voicemail because you did-n’t have it in you to talk to that other person. What are you not wanting to address in your own life that requires avoiding? Do you feel peaceful as a result? In an effort to create World Peace you don’t need to run out and join a monastery or ashram. You simple need to breathe and then breathe again and begin one by one addressing the areas that cause stress and keep peace just out of reach. Lets look at some of those areas together.

Thoughts: Our thoughts are powerful! What I tell myself is important. How can I be gen-tle and transform my thinking to empower me? Every thought needs to have two components. It needs to address a fact and second need to lift me up. If it doesn’t I want you to ask Bryon Katie’s question of “who would I be without this thought?” Really ask yourself. I have found myself weaving the wildest stories in my mind that had no real va-lidity and caused myself heartache. By asking this simple question I was able to return to a state of joy again. Often the person I become without that January 2013 45

negative thought/story is much happier.

Actions: How do you move through the world? If you are like most of us, how you move through the world will contain elements of busyness and rushing due to overload with that ridiculous to do list you got stored in your mental bank. First off any to do list you would never ask of anyone else needs to be questioned. Is the reality of completion in a timely fashion without creating exhaustion on some level in the body possible? By slowing down and be-ing grounded and present in the moment you can bring a greater sense of peace into your daily life. Breathe, take action and then breathe again. Allow space between tasks to give the body time to dwell in the quiets spaces within. Peace begins with me.

Behaviors: Last and certainly not least is our behaviors. How do you behave when no one is watching? What do you hope people believe about your behavior? Do you match how you would like others to see you? Behaviors are like sneaky kids most of the time, you don’t notice what they are up to until the behavior becomes painfully obvious. Think about, over the days to come, how you would like to treat people if your heart was totally open. Try to live from this place in the weeks to come as though this was true. Practicing day in and day out will bring results.! The goal of World Peace is possible if we all begin taking baby steps in that direction and adjust our in-ner compass to one of love, peace and compassion. May peace reside in your heart & life this year!

Jeannie Magenta resides in Vancouver and has a passion for people and assist-ing them on their journey. Offering coaching sessions, reiki energy healing treatments, private yoga sessions and group wellness workshops for individuals and organizations around BC. To every session she creates a nurturing space for

clients to journey inwards and she brings a positive energy that is tangible and uplifting. If you’re ready to clear out the internal clutter book a session with Jeannie. She can be reached by email at Live, Laugh, Breathe and Shine On! January 2013 46

The one thing that stands out the most for me from 2012 is cleaning and clearing. OMG was there a lot of it going on! Because you are only as good as your energy is clear, cleaning out my ‘stuff’ became a full time job.

Now I’ve been consciously at this since

sometime in the mid-80s and by now I consider myself a clone of Carol Burnett’s famous character the Cleaning Lady. (BTW, here’s a copy I found on the net of Carol and Lucy playing cleaning ladies ) Not only that, but as our energy moves up in frequency, we are given additional jobs. Mine it seemed is also official vacuum cleaner for the many.

First, you gotta know that I don’t do windows, I

don’t like to dust, and I can’t vacuum.(in one year I pol-ished off numerous vacuums….there’s something about my energy vortex and that of the vacuum cleaner that explodes them. I can be hard on car engines too, actual-ly!) But having evolved upward twenty-some-years’ worth of energy frequency work and finding myself the official cleaning lady; well let’s face it, it pissed me off.

The thing with this 2012 cleaning was, I’d finish

facing one issue and EFTing or tapping it out and before you can say “Bob’s your uncle!” I’d be staring at a new pile of emotional crap, mud or dust, depending on the issue staring me in the face. First, well frankly, I fought it. Oh this isn’t my issue; I must have picked up someone else’s crap. But as time went on, I felt time running out and got wise. Just accept it as my ‘stuff’ and look at it and get rid of it. I didn’t even bother to waste time deny-ing it. I figured, well, if it was mine, clearing it was a good thing. And if it was someone else’s stuff that glommed onto me, oh well, it must have grabbed a hold because I needed to revisit it in the first (or second, or even third) place. There were a lot of third places too in 2012. Play it again Samantha, there I was! Oh me, oh my!

What was the gift of this lesson? Other enlightened souls were leading walking

tours of the pyramids and the ancient souls that walk their corridors; pounding grid lines into the earth or help-ing Oprah transform the masses. But no, there I was cleaning and clearing. Was I a failure and doomed to stay in 3D earth dimension forever? Was I stuck? Or was I stuck there on purpose. I guessed the latter.

My gift was to realize that sometimes the most

powerful people don’t stand out there in the front lines. I realized long ago that half of the street people are angels sent here to help others and help anchor in the higher frequencies and hide out in street people bodies standing there right before our very eyes.

This lesson taught me my second gift: We

shouldn’t get so caught up in your own reflections that we forget to remember we are a work in process. So, when you find an issue reflected in your face by someone or something, (a nasty person or a snake -sometimes they can be one and the same!) just deal with it and do it now! Get out the organic energy transforming cleaning gear and get it done and done fast: Tap, cry, journal, NLP, watch silly movies, giggle, dance. Do whatever it takes to face it and heal it.

But remember this too. Every time we clean

something up we actually make room for MORE crap to come visit us and ask to be cleaned up. Whether it’s ours or someone else’s, if it comes to us, it’s our gift to our-selves and to others to be able to clean and clear it. .

So off I go with my energetic mop and bucket

splashing happy soap energy bubbles out of the bucket ….OK, so it’s not quite like Michael Jackson’s stardust dripping from his heels….or is it?

What am I manifesting for 2013? The lightest and cleanest me I can be…oh, and a magic mop that sparkles and maybe a pair of sparkly tap shoes!

By Gail Siler PhD January 2013 47

As 2013 is a year for creativity I thought it was time to share my book of light. I started this book a couple of years ago and just keep adding to it. It is very simple to do. First find a book you like and can add to. You might like a binder so that it can grow. Or you can do a digital book of light. I have set up a couple pages for January on the next page, but really this will be your book and your imagination will guide you how the book should look. Once you know what your format will be the next part is the fun part. Include quotes or personal journaling, stickers or pictures that capture your attention. The thing to keep in mind is that this is to be a book of light of all the good things that move or inspire you. I have include a few pictures of my book. For me, the pictures and stickers tell me a story from that time. Even if I don’t recall an event, or have forgotten about it, if it made it into the book of light I remember as soon as I see the piece placed for it. Your book of light is only limited by you. Include things you are manifesting into your life, what inspires you, mini readings of the month and comments on what transpired, pictures because they moved you, whatever attracts your attention Have fun with creating your book of light, I would love to see pictures of what you create! I am going to post the Nourish book of light on the website and if you would like to submit anything to be included on the pag-es, send them to me. Marlene January 2013 48

What would you like to experience this year? What do you want to change? If you knew that everything were possible and available to you, what would you ask for? Now is the time to invest your energy in the coming months to affirming what you desire. Anything you wish for is manifested through the words that you speak, think, and write.

Today put together a mental or written list of your dreams for the coming year. Turn every goal into an affirmative statement, asserting that your wish is already fulfilled. Thank the universe for the manifes-tation of these desires, expressing gratitude that the answers to your prayers have exceeded your expec-tations.

I have opened my heart, mind, and arms to receive all the good that the universe offers me now.

I have released all worries and doubts about the manifestation of these dreams.

Doreen Virtue “Daily Guidance from your Angels” January 2013 49 January 2013 50

I left a Christmas card for the woman in the apartment below me, thanking her for put-ting up the magnificent bird feeder that is below my living room window. I went on to say that the feeder had made a difference for all of us in the apartments which face it. Later on she found me in the community room, where I was puzzling with a friend. Her face was full of emotion as she told me that the card had really moved her, and she appreciated my message. That simple act which produced a big response, gave me something to think about. Those words, “you made a difference” can carry an even greater impact than “I love you,” which sometimes can be vague or ambiguous. Hearing that you have somehow made a difference in someone’s life strums the cord of connection in such a powerful way! This time it was a two way street, because we had each touched the other with the balm of gratitude in the exchange. Every morning when Debbie comes out with her ladder and seeds to restock the feeders, she will not only experience the joy of making a difference in the lives of birds, but will also know that she is doing the same for us humans, and we are grateful. She has been seen, acknowledged, and we are now connected on a conscious level. I begin every day with my “feeder” meditation, observing life around the bird food magnet. It is a wonderful way to open up and find balance, and in that process to plug into the stream of gratitude that surrounds and flows through us. Debbie has seen and acknowledged me too. The power of gratitude in the lives of the giver and the receiver is transforming. That stone has been turned over again and again this past year. It is a well polished gift that will be my palm mandala in the year ahead – it carries well. Margie Kivel January 2013 51

Hello dear ones, Our message for you this month is to savor pleas-ure! Anything that gives you pleasure is to be pur-sued and enjoyed to the fullest. Give this gift to yourself this month and it will help see you through the year ahead. Fill the month with people, experi-ences and places that bring you joy. Live delicious-ly, releasing the need to be practical all the time, surround yourself with beauty and sumptuous pleasure. Allow all your senses to be satisfied. This joyful indulgence will fill your soul with gratitude. It will allow you to relax and let go, opening the way to grace. This grace we speak of is your spirit com-ing to the front ready to send waves of pure uncon-ditional love out into the world around you. Open-ing up your heart to help those who will be coming to you, you will be a safe sanctuary in a world of chaos. Over the next year lightworkers will be needed more than ever, you will be a safe haven for those awakening to their true essence. Spend this month preparing by indulging in pleasure, topping up your battery level with gratitude and thankful-

ness for all that you are. This will help heal your past, in doing this simple act you will be ready to help others heal their past and mend the fences they have erected and time has eroded. Your part in the next year is a very important one, one that will focus not only on others but also on yourself; not as intently as 2012 but by helping others. While you are releasing the last dregs of your long held blockages. The time for you to shine has arrived, and you should embrace it with joy. Laugh often, be spontaneous and madcap, and clap your hands in delight often as you allow a child-like wonder to take hold of you while you savor pleasure this month. All is truly well right now. You are support-ed and loved as you continue on your path.

Blessings from the Angels. January 2013 52

“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me”

Time to bring in the new and I cannot think of a better way than to look at what earth crystal would help do just that! Leading up to the new year, no matter what I read, there seemed to be an underlying theme going on for 2013, and now part of me wondered, if all these authors had gotten together and said “ok, 2013, let’s all make it about ….”. Yet I too had been re-ceiving the same message as early as October 2012 so “creativity and love” were to be the theme. Oh how easy it would have been to focus on a crystal that helped to bring love to the front. But I had been there, done that, and got the t-shirt, so it was time to tackle the creative part of the year. Often when we think of creativity, we go to the arts, painting, writing, music or dance. However, just liv-ing is an act of creativity. Creativity starts as an in-ner process. We process how we want our lives to

be and then act on it to give it physical form. Imag-ine as we start this year, how much creativity you could apply to your life and what it would look like at the end of 12 months. Sound daunting? What crystal would support you and me as we journey into this New Year? Color me blue with surprise when Kyanite came to the forefront! Here I had been thinking it was just a stone for protection and helping to repel negativity, which it is, but it also promotes new by cutting through fears and blockages. It symbolizes lightness and leads to new and refreshing thoughts. The power behind any new beginning, be it a new day, new month or new year, can be found in the strength of our mental attitude. Kyanite is a sooth-ing crystal known for its grounding and tranquil na-ture. It is excellent for helping to draw old beliefs to the surface and helping us work on dissolving them. It reveals the part you played in creating ex-isting circumstances in your life, and meditation with this in mind can show the balance needed to break the cycle. It dispels illusion, anger, and frus-tration, and increases logical, linear thought. It grounds spiritual energy, linking to the higher mind, bringing integrity and maturation.

(Continued on page 53) January 2013 53

While I am picturing blue kyanite, there are other colors to be found. Green, black and white, each color works with the corresponding chakra to clear it. Blue kyanite works especially well with the throat chakra and anyone who speaks for a living or needs to express themselves should wear a blue kyanite necklace to help facilitate an open flow of communication. Blue kyanite is an especially use-ful crystal to have in your bag as it can align all chakras, when all chakras are aligned Kundalini en-ergy flows through the body which expands to clear out your energy field as well.

Overall kyanite symbolizes lightness and leads to new and refreshing thoughts, making it an excellent crystal to start off our year! If you own a piece, pull it out and sit quietly with it and see what wan-ders into your thoughts. It might surprise you and help you to move past an issue you have been hold-ing onto far too long. If no thoughts come to the forefront, it will help you to come into the New Year with a sense of tranquility and peace. If you do not own a piece of kyanite, make a date to venture out and find a piece.

(Continued from page 52)

Jeannie Magenta Gail Siler

Gwen Randall-Young Suzanne Robinson

Marilyn Dyke Dr. Divi Chandna

Sita-Rani MacMillan M.Ed Tamira

Michelle Hayes Marlene Cobb

Easy links to our contributors web-sites. Just click on their name to the

right and you will be taken to their site. From there you can interact with them,

Get connected today! January 2013 54

What sets Dolores Cannon's hypnotherapy method apart from others? Well, the first difference you will note is time. A Quantum Healing Hypnosis session will take any-where from 3 to 6-8 hours to complete, and some-times longer. I personally average about 5-6 hours. Why so long? Would you be able to really relax, open yourself up and go to the deepest level of trance that you can with someone you had only just met? Even for those who don't have trust issues the idea of allowing a to-

tal stranger to lead you into the deeper recesses of your mind is daunting. Most hypnotherapist's ap-pointments are 45 minutes to an hour long. We will usually spend at least twice that amount of time just getting to know each other in a QHHT session. Once the hypnosis has begun we will proceed at your pace. That may be rapid fire answers to my ques-tions, or you may feel more comfortable with a slow-er more thoughtful pace. Exploring a past life is al-ways interesting and I wouldn't want to miss an im-portant detail that may be the key to understanding. While in the between lifetime state clarity and under-standing can often be found to the life just viewed, or in planning the next one ahead. This is often a very peaceful and enjoyable place to explore. The list of questions that you bring to the session are asked of your Higher Consciousness or Higher Self. This is your direct 24/7 link to the divine you. We practitioners of QHHT trust this source of knowledge and healing implicitly, for me it's like chatting with an dear friend. This part of you know you better than you know yourself and nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations except the limits of your own imagination. And finally, after I have gently brought you back to full wakefulness we discuss the information found over tea and a bite to eat which helps to re-orientate you back into this reality. When you're ready to leave you have much to ponder in the days ahead. Often you aren't the same person who stepped through my door a few hours ago. If you would like more information about this process please visit my web site at . There you will also find links to Dolores' site and more information. January 2013 55

What is the one thing that stands out the most for you from 2012? What lesson did it gift you with? What are you manifesting for 2013? 2012 was such big year overall. Well it seemed that way. When I look back on the year a few things stand out for me.

Leadership and learning to accept that roll even when it gets gritty, and I would rather not be step-ping into it. It is all fine and dandy to be in the po-sition of a leader when it is sunshine and roses but when it comes to tough choices that have the possi-bility to upset others, that is a whole other deal. It gave me a healthy dose of respect for all those lead-ers that have to stand out on a limb even when it seems no one is joining and supporting them. The lesson at the end of the day was being comfortable in my own shoes, enough so that I could separate “me” from the roll and make the best choices given whatever the situation was. Then there was also the lesson of “letting be”. Just allowing, instead of “working it” into being. Each time I allowed something to be, it worked much bet-ter. When I stressed or niggled it about in my mind, it ended up just becoming more chaos.

2012 has also been the year for me to come to terms with “not moving”. Having moved 7 times in 6 years, 3 of those times be-ing within less than a year, I was worn out. All that packing

and unpacking. Settling into one place with the

choice and decision that this is the home we will have for a few years. The gift I received from this was the letting go of items which would not fit into this smaller space to others who could really use them. That joy has stayed with me and warmed my heart more than once. I do not miss the items and it has allowed me to realize that I can do with less. That what really matters are not about the “what” I have, it is about living in comfort and having my basic needs provided for. It is also about sharing with others, the ones I live with and the ones I don’t. Basically the year 2012 was a year of learning to accept. Accepting that sometimes I need to take the lead and be comfortable in that position while allowing others to still express themselves. Accept-ing that things just are what they are and no matter what I would like to achieve, I have to allow it to be and work with what is. Accepting what I have and loving it for what it is, and that sometimes you just need roots to ground you. And through this lesson I have learned that accepting is very OK! I have an amazing life just the way it is!

For 2013 I am manifesting peace for me, my loved ones, and the world. I am manifest-ing understanding and compas-sion for me, my loved ones, and the world. I am manifest-ing abundance overflowing for me, my loved ones and the world. Most of all I am manifesting love and joy for me, my loved ones and the world. January 2013 56

Photo by Phil Nielsen