NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH · The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a...


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The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a

faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all

to grow in their rela�onship with God and with one

another through witness, worship and service.


(Corner of Water & Washington Street) Kerrville, TX. 78028

Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm (Closed between 12N-1:00pm)

Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771 Website:

Social Center: (830)257-1929 Faith Formation: (830)896-4233

School: (830)257-6707


SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday – 3:30 - 4:45 pm MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233.

PASTORAL TEAM CLERGY Reverend David R. Wagner Pastor Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr. Hispanic Ministry Deacon Charles Domingues Deacon Raul Gutierrez Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold Deacon Juan Martinez PASTORAL CENTER Dwayne Mosser Business Manager Eva Bill Parish Secretary Tracy Gourley Financial Associate LITURGY AND MUSIC Dorothy Cass Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries Marta Mata Liturgy Secretary OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Alma Cruz-Gonzales Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry Denise Jenschke Coord. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep. Wyatt Wentrcek Coord. of Youth Ministry Nelda Bill Secretary/Baptism Coordinator CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE Marlin Marcum Principal Irene Alcorta Secretary Michelle Coldwell Registrar Debbie Mossman Bookkeeper MAINTENANCE Mark Ince Superintendent

December 4, 2016

Second Sunday

of Advent

December 4, 2016

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11- 13; Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3 -6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15- 16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146:6-10; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11


First Reading — He shall bring justice for the afflicted; the earth shall overflow with the knowledge of the LORD (Isaiah 11:1-10).

Psalm — Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever (Psalm 72).

Second Reading — Glorify God by living in harmony with one another, welcoming each other as Christ welcomed you (Romans 15:4-9).

Gospel — Produce good fruit worthy of your baptism; repent, for the reign of God is near (Matthew 3:1-12).


Sunday: Second Sunday of Advent

Tuesday: St. Nicholas

Wednesday: St. Ambrose; Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Thursday: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday: St. Juan Diego

Saturday: International Human Rights Day

The Mark of True Repentance Part 1

Some demons had gathered around their commanding officer to discuss how they might secure the eternal ruin of the souls of men and women. One of them said, “you know, I’m starting to get bored. There doesn’t seem to be much work left for us nowadays. Souls come so cheap, a lot of people just give theirs away. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.” Another said, “Well there are some left who might go over to the Enemy. Maybe we could tell them there’s no God.” But the captain said, “Yeah, but most of them already believe that. You’ve got to find a way to get the ones who might believe but aren’t doing anything about it.” Another demon said, “Maybe we could tell them there’s no hell.” “Nah,” the captain said, “same thing. It’s popular nowadays to believe there’s some kind of a god, but they’ve long since given up belief in hell. What we need is to get to the ones who are most likely to actually repent.” Finally, one of the demons said, “Hey, I’ve got it. We’ll tell them there’s no hurry.”

If there’s one constant in all of Holy Scripture, it’s the demand of repentance. There is simply no way around it. John Bunyan, the author of The Pilgrims’ Progress tells of how on the village green once, he heard the voice which drew him up all of a sudden and left him looking at eternity. That Voice asked him: “Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to heaven, or wilt thou have thy sins and go to hell?” That is the choice that confronts every last one of us.

And that is the substance of repentance. Do we hold on to our sins or do we hand them over? And how do we know if we’ve truly repented? Could we be fooling ourselves into thinking we have made our peace with God, that we have repented, when in fact we haven’t?

Repentance has both a general and a specific side. Generally, when we say a man has repented in the broad sense, we mean that he has changed his course in life, or that he has reoriented his life toward God. He had been living a lifestyle that was characterized by his own self-interest. His major concerns were to achieve his own desires. His life was self-directed, self-driven. He decided for himself what was right and wrong for him.

To the casual observer, there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly wrong with his life. He pays his taxes. He obeys the civil laws. He doesn’t cheat on his wife. He’s good to his children. He may even go to church Christmas and Easter. What does he have to repent of?

Were this man to change the orientation of his life toward God, such that he came to believe that God exists, that God created the world and himself specifically, that he was a sinner before God in need of salvation, and that he looked to Holy Scripture as morally authoritative, then we could say that he had repented. His life before was facing away from God. And he was only going farther and farther away from God. But now he has turned to face God. In doing so, he sees his own sinfulness and at the same time the love of God and the forgiveness God offers in Jesus Christ. From that point on, his life is God-directed, his chief concerns are to please and obey God, to love God above all else and his neighbor as himself. But does that mean that from that point on he has nothing left to repent of? No, because even though he has re-oriented his life toward God, he is still a sinner. He still sins daily, as all of us do. To be continued . .

Blessings!Blessings!Blessings!Blessings! In Jesus,In Jesus,In Jesus,In Jesus, Fr. David Fr. David Fr. David Fr. David

Segundo Domingo

de Adviento

4 de diciembre de 2016


Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Lc 5:17-26 Martes: Is 40:1-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1- 4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98 (97):1- 4; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26- 38 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13


Primera lectura — Brotará un retoño del tronco de Jesé. Juzgará a los pobres con justicia, y herirá al violento con el látigo de su boca (Isaías 11:1-10).

Salmo — Que en sus días florezca la justicia y la paz abunde eternamente (Salmo 72 [71]).

Segunda lectura — Vivan en perfecta armonía unos con otros. Por lo tanto, acójanse los unos a los otros como Cristo los acogió a ustedes, tanto circuncidados como gentiles (Romanos 15:4-9).

Evangelio — Juan Bautista predica, “Arrepiéntanse, porque el reino de los cielos está cerca” (Mateo 3:1-12).


Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Adviento

Martes: San Nicolás

Miércoles: San Ambrosio; Día para recordar Pearl Harbor

Jueves: La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María

Viernes: San Juan Diego

Sábado: Día Internacional de los derechos humanos

La señal del verdadero arrepentimiento - Parte 1 Algunos demonios se habían reunido alrededor de su oficial al mando para discutir cómo podrían asegurar la eterna ruina de las almas de hombres y mujeres. Uno de ellos dijo: "Sabes, estoy empezando a aburrirme. No parece que haya mucho trabajo para nosotros hoy en día. Las almas están tan baratas, mucha gente solo da las suyas. Es como disparar peces en un barril. Otro dijo: "Bueno, quedan algunos que podrían ir al enemigo. Tal vez podríamos decirles que no hay Dios. "Pero el capitán dijo:" Sí, pero la mayoría de ellos ya lo creen. Tienes que encontrar una manera de conseguir a los que pueden creer, pero no están haciendo nada al respecto. "Otro demonio dijo:" Tal vez podríamos decirles que no hay infierno. "No", dijo el capitán," algo más. Hoy en día es popular creer que hay algún tipo de dios, pero desde hace mucho tiempo han renunciado a la creencia en el infierno. Lo que necesitamos es llegar a los que tienen más probabilidades de arrepentirse. "Finalmente, uno de los demonios dijo:" Oigan, lo tengo. Les diremos que no hay prisa. Si hay una constante en toda la Sagrada Escritura, es la exigencia del arrepentimiento. Simplemente no hay manera de evitarlo. John Bunyan, autor de The Pilgrims' Progress, cuenta cómo en el pueblo verde una vez, escuchó la voz que lo atrajo de repente y lo dejó mirando la eternidad. Esa Voz le preguntó: "¿Dejarás tus pecados e irás al cielo, o tendrás tus pecados e irás al infierno?" Esa es la elección que enfrenta cada uno de nosotros. Y esa es la sustancia del arrepentimiento. ¿Nos aferramos a nuestros pecados o los entregamos? ¿Y cómo sabemos si verdaderamente nos hemos arrepentido? ¿Podemos estar engañándonos a nosotros mismos pensando que estamos en paz con Dios, que nos hemos arrepentido, cuando en realidad no lo hemos hecho? El arrepentimiento tiene un lado tanto general como específico. Generalmente, cuando decimos que un hombre se ha arrepentido en sentido amplio, queremos decir que ha cambiado su curso en la vida, o que ha reorientado su vida hacia Dios. Había estado viviendo un estilo de vida que se caracterizaba por su propio interés. Sus principales preocupaciones eran lograr sus propios deseos. Su vida era auto-dirigida, auto-conducida. Decidió por sí mismo lo que estaba bien y mal para él. Para el observador casual, no parece haber nada particularmente malo en su vida. El paga sus impuestos. Obedece las leyes civiles. No engaña a su esposa. Es bueno con sus hijos. Puede incluso ir a la iglesia en Navidad y Pascua. ¿De qué tiene que arrepentirse? Si este hombre cambiara la orientación de su vida hacia Dios, de tal manera que llegara a creer que Dios existe, que Dios creó el mundo y él específicamente, que era un pecador ante Dios en necesidad de salvación, y que tomó las Sagradas Escrituras como moralmente autoritarias, entonces podríamos decir que se había arrepentido. Su vida anterior estaba lejos de Dios. Y él se alejaba cada vez más de Dios. Pero ahora se ha vuelto hacia Dios. Al hacerlo, ve su propia pecaminosidad y al mismo tiempo el amor de Dios y el perdón que Dios ofrece en Jesucristo. A partir de ese momento, su vida está dirigida por Dios, sus principales preocupaciones son agradar y obedecer a Dios, amar a Dios por encima de todo y su prójimo como a sí mismo. ¿Pero eso significa que a partir de ese momento no tiene nada de qué arrepentirse? No, porque aunque ha reorientado su vida hacia Dios, sigue siendo un pecador. Él todavía peca a diario, como todos nosotros. Continuará. . .

¡Bendiciones!¡Bendiciones!¡Bendiciones!¡Bendiciones! En Jesus,En Jesus,En Jesus,En Jesus, Padre DavidPadre DavidPadre DavidPadre David

Sunday, December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent Is 11:1-10, Rom 15:4-9, Mt 3:1-12(4) 7:45 am †Kathleen Snyder By Mary Ellen Schwing 9:15 am †Jose Luis Sarabia By Delfina Sarabia 11:00 am †Willie Bill Sr. By Jerry Bill & Family 5:00 pm People of the Parish Monday, December 5, 2016 Is 35:1-10, Lk 5:17-26(181) 7:00 am †Bernave Lopez By Familia Gutierrez Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Is 40:1-11, Mt 18:12-14(182) 12:00 pm †Homero Calderon By Katrina Dry Wednesday, December 7, 2016 Is 40:25-31, Mt 11:28-30(183) 12:00 pm All Souls In Purgatory By Carmen Sanchez Thursday, December 8, 2016 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Patronal Feastday of the United States of America) Holy Day of Obligation Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38(689) 7:00 am †Michael Novak By Jean & George Novak 12:00 pm †Lamar Darr By Virginia Wiedenfeld 7:00 pm †Ed Kennedy By Jane Kennedy Friday, December 9, 2016 Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin Is 48:17-19, Mt 11:16-19(185) 8:05 am †Natividad Gutierrez By Familia Gutierrez Saturday, December 10, 2016 Is 35:1-6a, 10, Jas 5:7-10, Mt 11:2-11(7) 5:00 pm Special Intention for Antonio Flores & Devin Chaisson By Dianne Albrecht Sunday, December 11, 2016 Is 35:1-6a, 10, Jas 5:7-10, Mt 11:2-11(7) 7:45 am People of the Parish 9:15 am †Janet Melendez By Family 11:00 am †Alfredo Morin Bill & Francisca Pruneda Bill By Deacon Jimmy & Dora Bill 5:00 pm †Homero Calderon By Family

Liturgy of the Hours: Week II; Thursday—Proper Psalter

Monday, December 5, 2016 Liturgy of the Hours-6:30am-Church Daughters of Notre Dame-5:00pm-Fireplace RM A New Song-5:30pm-Kemper Hall RM 209 Guadalupanas-6:00pm-Library Boy Scouts-7:00pm-Gymnasium Cursillos-7:00pm-Social Center Tuesday, December 6, 2016 PTC Board Meeting-11:30am-Library Lector’s (English)-5:30pm-Fireplace RM Lector Practice (Spanish)-5:30pm-Church Lector Practice(English)-6:00pm-Church Christmas Choir Practice-6:30pm-Church Spanish Choir Practice-7:00pm-Fireplace RM Christmas Walk-7:30pm-Church Wednesday, December 7, 2016 Parish Reconciliation-4:00pm-6:00pm-Church Ministry of Sick Board Meeting-5:00pm-Pastoral Center Good Shepherd-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RMS 203-206 Inglés Tambien-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 209 Faith Formation-5:15pm-Social Center/Fireplace RM Faith Formation-5:15pm-School Classrooms Faith Formation-5:15pm-Gymnasium Faith Formation-5:15pm-Church RCIA Children/Parents-5:15pm-Library Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Fireplace RM Confirmation (Teens)-7:00pm-Social Center Thursday, December 8, 2016 The Immaculate Conception Mass-7:00am-Church The Immaculate Conception Mass-12:00N-Church The Immaculate Conception Mass-7:00pm-Church Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Fireplace RM National Night of Prayer-9:00pm-Church Friday, December 9, 2016 Liturgy of the Hours-7:30am-Church Hour of Mercy-3:00pm-Church School Christmas Program-6:00pm-Social Center El Sembrador-7:00pm-Library La Danza-7:00pm-Gym Parking Lot Virgen de Guadalupe Practice-7:00pm-Church Saturday, December 10, 2016 Repose the Blessed Sacrament-11:30am-Church Sunday, December 11, 2016 Good Shepherd-9:00am-Kemper Hall RMS 203-206 Virgen de Guadalupe Caminata-12:00N-Singing Wind Park Boy Scouts-4:00pm-Fireplace RM LifeTeen-6:00pm-Social Center/Fireplace RM

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week

In memory of Michael Novak

by George & Jean Novak

The Second Collection on December 10 & 11, 2016

will be for Retired Men and Women Religious

Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, December 10, 2016 - 5:00pm Crucifer– Jake Pankratz Candle Bearer– Natalie Wagner Candle Bearer–Danek Garcia Sunday, December 11, 2016—7:45am Crucifer-Yanet Vazquez Candle Bearer-Camila Vazquez Candle Bearer–Alexa Vazquez Sunday, December 11, 2016—9:15am Crucifer– Brianna Alcorta Candle Bearer—Elizabeth Villarreal Candle Bearer—Marisol Falcon Sunday, December 11, 2016—11:00am Crucifer—Mikayla Grocki Candle Bearer—Kayla Buck Candle Bearer—Adriana Perez Sunday, December 11, 2016—5:00pm Crucifer—Mason Sirianni Candle Bearer—Stefan Sirianni Candle Bearer—Makaya Portillo

Altar Serverstar Serverstar Serverstar Servers

Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016—5:00pm Claudia Sullivan Susan Sherman Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—7:45am Lori Escamilla Betsy Wogan Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—9:15am Coralia Vigil Sergio Gonzalez Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—11:00am Christina Delgado Susie Dietzel Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—5:00pm Michelle Cruz William Skeels


Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016-5:00pm

Team A

DM: Monica Schneider Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016-7:45am

Team A

DM: Terry Pavlica Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016-9:15am

Team B

DM: John Martinez Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016-11:00am

Team B

DM: Dora Bill Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016-5:00pm

Team LC

DM: DM-Designated Minister

Extraordinary MinistersExtraordinary MinistersExtraordinary MinistersExtraordinary Ministers

Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016—5:00pm

Team A Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—7:45am

Team A

Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—9:15am

Team A Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016—11:00am

Team D


December 10, 2016—5:00pm

Betty Drawe

December 11, 2016—9:15am

Barbara Bryan

Decemebr 11, 2016—11:00am

Mary Muehlstein

Bread BakersBread BakersBread BakersBread Bakers

Rosemary Marker, Debra Maas, John Ragsdale, Katie McCarty, Manuel Sanchez, Javier Lopez Uriegas, Emilio Roman, Carol Stapleton, Lila Neuman, Gary Fourney, Marcelino Vega, Sylvia Saldana, Yvonne Guidry, Mario Reyes, Mauricio Reyes, Florence Hall, Mike

Hozman, Manuel Castro, Margie Tremper, Ramon Lemos, Ricardo Villagomez, Andrew Hart, Jose Luis Sanchez, Valerie Manns, Raymond Nunez, Jimmy Fealey, Monica Garcia, Dan Grant, Dolores Garza, Justin Salcedo, Rosario Villarreal, Maria de Jesus Garcia, Herminia Villanueva, Annie Stone, David Klose, Maria Garza, Antonio Pruneda, Carol Barker, Julia Cuevas, Benita Segura, Joe Smith, Bernice Gross, William Etchison, Fay Stafford, Maria Splaine, Aldemira Rendon, Butch Connally, Pete F. Vargas, Hector Garza, Minnie Waddell, Carol Ann Rubright, Olan Mahlmann, Anna Borkowski, Rudy Garcia, Janet Jillson, Rosie Garcia, Anthony Garcia, Ofelia Canales, Jose Mario Guzman, Martin Garcia, Gilbert Gauna Sr., Larry Fagarason, Larry Shaw, Clint Bou-lette, Ruben & Herminia Osorio, Maria Galvan, Mary Ellen Wheeler, Henrietta Fadai, Sylvia Leyva, Charlie & Judi Kunz, Michael Boudreaux, Linda Vollmar, Virgil Woods, Bill Williams, Tony Perez, Edwina Walker, Bill Cafferty, Aidan Michael Griego, Bill Warner, Clark Klein, Barbara Barecky, Lou Camarillo, Irma Aguirre, Jim Trauth, Ellie Mombella, Ellen Kenalty, Tom Fowler, Jan & Abe Gutierrez, Lavinia Delgadillo, Carolyn Vierus, Scott Van Klavern, Ben Kasberg, Joe A. Meurer, Kathy Villarreal, Betty & Charles Weichart , Jim Stacy & Helen Starkey.


This Thursday is a Holyday of Obligation, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass times are at 7:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 7:00 p.m. (bilingual). The National Night of Prayer for Life follows at 9:00 p.m. through 1:00 a.m. Friday.


During this Advent season, you may want to spend some extra time with our Lord and the Notre Dame community.

MORNING PRAYER will be prayedF December 5, 12, 19 – 6:30 a.m. December 9, 16 – 7:30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER will be prayedF December 7 – 6:15 p.m.; December 14, 21, 28

– 6:05 p.m.

CHRISTMAS WALK – December 6th

The annual ecumenical Christmas Walk sponsored by the Kerrville Ministerial alliance takes place this Tuesday, December 6th beginning at 5:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church and ending here at Notre Dame at 7:30 p.m. followed by a reception in the gym. This has been a Kerrville Holiday Tradition for many years, as luminarias light the way for walkers from church to church, celebrating the life of the Christian church from the Old Testament prophecies through the Second Coming. All are welcome.

CAMINATA DE NAVIDAD - 6 de diciembre

El paseo ecuménico anual de Navidad auspiciado por la Alianza Ministerial de Kerrville, tendrá lugar este martes 6 de diciembre a las 5:30 p.m. en la Primera Iglesia Bautista y culminará aquí en Notre Dame a las 7:30 p.m. seguida de una recepción en el gimnasio. Esto ha sido una tradición en Kerrville durante muchos años, ya que las luces iluminan el camino para los caminantes de iglesia en iglesia, celebrando la vida de la iglesia Cristiana, desde las profecías del Antiguo Testamento hasta la Segunda Venida de nuestro Señor Jesús. Todos son bienvenidos.

DÍA DE OBLIGACIÓN – el 8 de diciembre

Este jueves es día de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María, es día de obligación. Los horarios de las Misas son a las 7:00 a.m., a las 12:00 del mediodía y a las 7:00 p.m. (bilingüe). La Noche Nacional de Oración por la Vida seguirá a las 9:00 p.m. hasta la 1:00 a.m. del viernes.


Durante esta temporada de Adviento, es posible que deseen pasar más tiempo con nuestro Señor y la comunidad de Notre Dame.

LA ORACIÓN DE LA MAÑANA se rezará... Los días 5, 12, 19 de diciembre - 6:30 a.m. Los días 9, 16 de diciembre - 7:30 a.m.

LA ORACIÓN DE LA TARDE se rezará... El 7 de diciembre - 6:15 p.m.; los días 14, 21, 28 de diciembre - 6:05 p.m.

St. Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missionaries although she never left her convent. She died at the age of 24, yet accomplished great things through the power of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Church made her the patroness of missionaries to emphasize this most important truth: One soul coming before the Blessed Sacrament can change the world!

An adorer is needed for:

Thursday 2:00 a.m.—3:00 a.m. Saturday 2:00 a.m.—3:00 a.m.

If you are able to help with this time, please call Veronica Fabro at (830)377-9117.

Santa Teresita de Lisieux es la Patrona de los Misioneros, aunquenunca abandon su convent. Ella murió a la edad de 24 años, sin embargo, logró grandes cosas a través del poder de la oración ante Jesús Sacramentado. La iglesia la nombró Patrona de los Misioneros, para enfatizar esta importantisima verdad: ¡Un alma que viene ante el Santisimo Sacramento puede cambiar el mundo!

Tambíen es necesario un adorador:

jueves 2:00 a.m.—3:00 a.m. sabado 2:00 a.m.—3:00 a.m.

Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento, por favor llame a Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.


• Closes December 7 at 11:30 a.m.; reopens December 13 after the noon Mass

• Closes December 21 at 11:30 a.m.; reopens January 2 after the 7:00 a.m. Mass

• All other dates in December will be the regular hours.


• El 7 de diciembre a las 11:30 a.m.; vuelve a

abrirse el 13 de diciembre después de la Santa Misa del mediodía.

• El 21 de diciembre a las 11:30 a.m.; vuelve a abrirse el 2 de enero después de la Santa Misa de 7:00 a.m.

• Todas las otras fechas de diciembre tendrán el horario regular.

27th Annual National Night of Prayer for Life Please come pray with us for an end to abortion, healing for our country and world, for religious liberty, and for the preservation of families- your presence and prayers are very much needed! What: 27th Annual National Night of Prayer for Life uniting the Feasts of the Immaculate Conception and St. Juan Diego When: Thursday, December 8 at 9:00 PM until 1:00 AM on Friday, December 9 (4 hours total) Where: Notre Dame Catholic Church sanctuary Why: To pray in unity with the faithful across America and the world for the restoration of Life, Liberty, Faith and Family How: Prayers to Christ before Him in the Sacrament, prayers for the intercession of Mary, St. Juan Diego, St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel, as well as the Rosary “If then my people\ humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

The Pastoral Center will be CLOSED Thursday, December 8th in observance of the Holy Day of Obligation, The Immaculate Conception.

The office will re-open Friday, December 9, 2016 at 8:00 a.m.

Programa de Ofertorio Gracias a todos los feligreses que han completado y presentado su Tarjeta de Compromiso a la iglesia. Para aquellos feligreses que aún no han tenido la oportunidad de presentar su tarjeta, se les enviará una carta por correo con una tarjeta de compromiso personalizada. Es importante que todos los feligreses completen una Tarjeta de Compromiso, ya que estaremos enviando un Informe Resumido del programa y necesitamos todos los compromisos contabilizados en este informe. Si tienen alguna pregunta, comuníquense con la oficina de la iglesia. También alentamos a todos los feligreses a que consideren nuestro método electrónico de donación para configurar sus donaciones recurrentes de ofrenda electrónicamente.

Your donation works for aging religious. “ I read that roughly 95 percent of donations to the Retirement Fund for Religious aid senior religious,” a donor writes. “That’s wonderful when we truly want our donations to work.” Your gift works for elderly religious by helping to furnish medications, nursing care, and more. Please support next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, and give to those who have given a lifetime.

Los donativos de ustedes trabajan para los religiosos ancianos. “ He leído que cerca del 95 por ciento de los donativos al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda a los religiosos ancianos”, nos escribe un donante. “Es maravilloso cuando verdaderamente queremos que nuestros donativos se aprovechen”. Sus donativos se utilizan para ayudar a suministrar medicamentos, cuidados médicos y más. Sean generosos en sus donativos a la colecta de la semana próxima del Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos, que beneficia a los que han dado toda una vida.

Increased Offertory Program Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted their Commitment Card to the church. For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to submit their card, a letter will be mailed to you with a personalized Commitment Card. It is important that all parishioners complete a Commitment Card as we will be mailing out a Summary Report of the program and need all commitments accounted for in this report. If you have any questions, please contact the church office. We also encourage all parishioners to consider our electronic giving method and to setup your reoccurring offertory gifts electronically.

PARISH RECONCILIATION – December 7th Parish Reconciliation is this Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:15 p.m.; there will be six priests available to hear confessions. Those who do not work are encouraged to come during the early hours. Evening Prayer will follow at 6:15 p.m.

SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN EN LA PARROQUIA – el 7 de diciembre La Reconciliación Parroquial es este miércoles de 4:00 p.m. a 6:15 p.m.; Habrá seis Sacerdotes disponibles para escuchar confesiones. Invitamos a los que no trabajan a venir durante las primeras horas. Después seguirá la oración de la tarde a las 6:15 p.m.

Covenant of Love Marriage Ministry

Don’t miss our next DATE NIGHT!

Jan. 6th

, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m.


Notre Dame Social Center Registra�on cards and brochures

are in the narthex or sign up at

the web site.

Ques�ons? Contact Red and Mark

Anderson @ 830-895-3295

Deadline for reserva�ons-Jan. 2, 2017

The Daughters of Notre Dame

We seek God, serve others, and share the Good News.

Dinner & Christmas

Cookie Exchange Ladies of the Parish- (from ages 18-108) please join us for a special evening filled with comforting food, delicious Christmas cookies with extras to take home. When: Mon. Dec 5th ~ 5:00PM - 7:00pm—Fireplace Room– What to Bring: Bring yourself, a friend or two, & 2-3 dozen cookies. We’ll enjoy some cookies on Monday night and take a dozen or so home to share with our families and friends. Cost: Free, just a bit of your time on a Monday night. So, please come join us. And as always there will be encouraging fellowship, and so much more…………. For more Information: Please contact our VP- Margie Morgan (830) 739-

9656 , prism.100@hotmail .com, Hospitality Chair, to bring a food item to share for dinner, or to ask any questions.

God’s grace, peace, mercy & joy be yours during this beautiful Advent Season ~

Deb Dombeck President, Daughters of Notre Dame

The Daughters of Notre Dame are currently accepting Christmas Memorials. A special Memorial Mass will be said on January 1, 2017 at the 5:00pm Mass; names will be published in the weekly bulletin. Envelopes for donations are located in the back of the church in the narthex. Donations may be placed in the collection basket or dropped off at the Pastoral Center. Deadline for intentions is December 25, 2016.

BooksToBorrow from the Notre Dame Parish Library are available in the narthex of the church, near the bell tower door. As the Church moves through the beautiful season of Advent, BooksToBorrow will be featuring titles that can enhance your time of waiting and longing for the coming feast of our Lord coming to earth. Ronald Knox wrote in his sermon on Advent: The attitude of expectation is one which the Church wants to

encourage in us, her children, permanently. She sees

it as an essential part of our Christian drill that we

should still be looking forward; ... for two thousand

years, now, since the first Christmas Day came and

went, and we must still be looking forward. So she

encourages us, during Advent, to take the shepherd-

folk as our guides, and imagine ourselves traveling

with them, at dead of night, straining our eyes

towards that chink of light which streams out, we

know, from the cave at Bethlehem.

Marion Worthington tells us about Medicine of Immortality, by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Fr. Pasquini traces the reason, origin and

history of the Mass as we know it today using Scripture and writings of early

Church Fathers. This he does in the first sixteen pages, concluding “It is truly the

medicine of immortality,” quoting the description of the Eucharist by Ignatius of

Antioch in his letter to the Ephesians. He might well have written “the life and breath

and meaning of our existence”. Prayers and meditations follow for fifty-

five pages, passionate and even ecstatic, and are best taken one by one with much

reflection. Certainly inspirational. Eleven pages of traditional prayers in

Latin or English for Exposition and Benediction and traditional prayers follow.

Fr. John is a prolific author who rightly deserves an ever widening readership.

NOTES FROM THE HEART The volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul on Broadway would like to share with you our work that your donations and thrift shop support make possible while keeping confidential the identities of our brothers and sisters in need that we assist. Fiscal Year Income and Expenses: Ran out of space when the income was listed a few weeks ago, so here's both. Fiscal Year 10/1/2015 to 9/30/2016: INCOME: Store Proceeds: $227,677. Members Contributions: $27,863. Notre Dame 2nd. Collection: $45,572. Other(memorials and Christmas Walk) $ 7,295. Restricted Funds (Grants and diaper drive) $74,150. Misc. $486. TOTAL: $383,043. EXPENSES: Operating including new roof paid by a grant, utilities, licenses, insurance, pricing, coffee: $150,225. Financial aid to neighbors in need and invoices to SA Food Bank: $260,649. TOTAL: $410,874. On 9/30/2016, our checking accounts showed a balance of $43,670 with $10,000 in a savings account for a future project. After paying some invoices, we will be down to $33,000. The SVDP council guidelines wants us to have a balance of $32,000 on hand, three months operating budget. Pretty close. IN OUR NEEDINESS:

We really, really need volunteers to babysit the warehouse Monday and Friday afternoons and Saturdays 10-2. The job requires lifting 10- 20 lbs. when donations come in and being able to fill out a donation receipt. Busy reception area, with neighbors not sitting and waiting but up looking at all the blankets, coats, and religious items that we received as donations for distribution, not sale. We received a lot of almost lit Christmas trees, too many to display. After finding bugs in one box (pine beetles, we think!), we put 12 boxed trees out on the picnic tables outside reception. Gone in 15 minutes!


November 26-27, 2016

CHURCH Envelopes/Checks $ 26,351.00 Currency/Coin 2,593.36 Capital Improvement 73.00

TOTAL $ 29,017.36 St. Vincent de Paul $ 270.00 TOTAL $ 270.00 SCHOOL

School Envelopes $ 662.00

TOTAL $ 662.00

Please pray for those who have died, and have gone to their eternal rest with the Lord, especially for Walter Wahrmund .

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank you for your generous donations which amounted to $5,306.00. Thank You!

N.D. ACTS Retreat 2017 Schedule

English Men’s April 27-30, 2017 English Women’s May 18-21, 2017 Spanish Men’s October 19-22, 2017

Become a volunteer for Raphael Community Free Clinic and “Help Build a Healthy America One Patient at a Time.” Raphael Clinic is in need of volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time; discover your calling, use your training and make a difference.

For more information about volunteer services, please call the clinic at (830)895-4201.

Tecaboca Marianist Center for Spiritual Renewal

Mountain Home, Texas Advent Family Retreat

December 9-11, 2016 or December 16-18, 2016 Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The Family Advent Retreat is all about preparing for the most important arrival of the Christ Child. Take some time away from the hectic-ness of the world we navigate daily to prepare for His birth. The Retreat Team consists of Lay and Religious Marianists dedicated to strengthening family bonds and offering family faith formation that includes fun, laughter, prayer, and relaxation.

$75 per family member, age 8-adult; $40per family member, age 2-7; maximum family cost: $300.

A $15 deposit per family member will hold your family’s space, with balance due at the Retreat. Register online at For more information call 830-866-3425 or email

Store Name Rebate $5 $10 $15 $25 $50 $100

Amazon 4-6% $10 $25 $100

Babies "R" Us 3% $100

Barnes & 9% $5 $10 $25 $100

Bass Pro Shop 9% $25 $100

Bath & Body 13% $10 $25

Bealls (Not FL,

GA, AZ) 8% $25

Bed Bath & 7% $25 $100

Belk 8% $25 $100

Best Buy 4% $25 $100

Burger King 4% $10

Cabela's 11% $25 $100

Chili's Grill & 11% $25 $50

Claire's 9% $10

Cracker Barrel 9% $10 $25

Denny's 7% $10

Dick's Spor�ng 8% $25 $100

Dillard's 9% $25 $100

Domino's 8% $10

IHOP 8% $10 $25

Fudruckers 8% $25

GameStop 3% $25

Gap 14% $25 $100

Store Name Rebate $5 $10 $15 $25 $50 $100

HEB 3% $25 $100

IHOP 8% $10 $25

Itunes 5% $15 $25


Box 4% $10

JC Penny 5% $25 $100

Krispy Kream

Donuts 8% $10

Lands' End 16% $25 $100

Lane Bryant 8% $25

Long John

Sivler's 8% $10

Lowes 4% $25 $100

Macy's 10% $25 $100


LiIle Italy 11% $25 $50

Marshalls 7% $25 $100

Michaels 8% $25


Marcus 12% $50

Office Depot /

Office Max 5% $25 $100

Old Navy 14% $25 $100

Olive Garden 9% $10 $25

Omaha Steaks 11% $25


Steakhouse 8% $10 $25 $50

Papa John's

Pizza 8% $10

Papa Murphy's

Pizza 8% $10

Pier 1 Imports 9% $25

Pizza Hut (Not

AK or HI) 8% $10

QVC 5%

Red Lobster 9% $10 $25

REI 8% $25

Sam's Club 2.5% $25 $100


Airlines 4%

Starbucks 7% $5 $10 $25

Steak 'n Shake 8% $10


Restraurants 8% $10 $50

T.J. Maxx/


HomeGoods 7% $25 $100

Taco Bell 5% $10

Talbots 13% $25

Tanger Outlets 8% $25

The Home

Depot 4% $25 $100

Toys "R" Us 3% $100

ULTA 4% $25

Walgreens 6% $25 $100

Walmart 2.5% $25 $100

Wendy's 4% $10

Notre Dame

Cash Cards ♦ Would you like to save valuable time during the hectic holiday season and actually relax and enjoy that time with your family?

♦ Wouldn’t it be nice to do all your Christmas shopping now so that you can enjoy the Holidays?

♦ Purchase the perfect gift for your loved ones. Not only would you be buying them a gift but you will also be giving a gift to Notre Dame Catholic School.

We are now taking orders for Christmas “Cash Cards.” Place your order in the school office no later than 3:00pm on Friday, December 9, 2016 for delivery before the Christmas Break. Here is a list for your convenience by demonization or come by the school office and see the cards we have available. Also view retailer’s list at

All orders must be pre-paid. As always thank you for your support of NDCS. Notre Dame CASH CARD

Retailers List


Marque su calendario para el 11 de diciembre

La Caminata y rosario se iniciara a las 12 del medio día desde el parque Singing Wind en el estacionamiento donde esta la alberca.

Se le extiende una invitación a todos para que se nos acompañen. El camino es un poco largo, asegure de usar zapatos adecuados y llevar una botella de agua.

Si gusta cargar la Virgen reúna un grupo de 4 personas mas o menos de la misma altura y llame para apuntarse. Se le dará prioridad a las personas que se apunten.

No se permiten que nos siga en su auto 830.896.4233 x232

Deje mensaje si no se contesta. Gracias

Diciembre 3 Ismael y Lourdes Arredondo - 415 Jennings, Hora ? 830.955.1207 4 Alfredo y Alma Casillas - 112 Annie Ln, CP, Hora ? 830.377.8896

5 José y Alma Ruiz - 2924 Nichols, Hora ? 830.370.2764

6 Felicitas y Longino Gonzales - 120 Cedar Way, Hora ? 830.343.3154

7 Silvia Moreno - 7PM, 830.370.5456 8 Olivia Montero - 150 Thunder, Ingram, 7PM 830.777.4988 9 Consuelo Arredondo - 215 C St., 6PM 830.890.8376 10 Soledad Pérez Solís - 228 W. Schreiner St., 6:30PM 830.370.1819 11 Caminata– Parque Singing Wind, 12PM 12 Misa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 7PM Ramona Mousavaian - 508 Tivy St.

Guadalupanas Habrá junta manana 5 de diciembre a las 6PM en la biblioteca de la escuela de

Notre Dame ubicada en el primer piso de

Kemper Hall

Favor de no faltar.

— Estudio Bíblico ——

Estudio bíblico este viernes de

7-9 en el cuarto de chimenea

Ultreya mañana, 5 de diciembre

en el centro social



December 4, 2016

The YFM office has advent wreaths and candles for sale, please come by and purchase yours. Cost: $8.00

Pase a la Oficina del Ministerio para Jóvenes y Familias para comprar su cirios de adviento. Costo: $8.00

Christmas Eve Mass

for Families We have begun to prepare for this year’s

Christmas Eve Mass, on

December 24th

. The mass will be at 4:00

pm. Informa�on sheets will be sent

home with children

aIending faith forma�on and

ND school.

For more informa�on contact:

Nelda Bill 896-4233 x 246

Misa de Nochebuena

para Familias Nos estamos preparando para la Santa Misa de Nochebuena de este año. La misa es el sábado 24 de diciembre

a las 4pm. Se mandara información a casa con

los niños de la doctrina y de la escuela de Notre Dame.

Para mas información comuníquese con:

830 896-4233 Nelda Bill x246

Alma A. Cruz Gonzales x232


Sun Dec 4 Good Shepherd, LifeTeen Mon Dec 5 Good Shepherd Wed Dec 7 Good Shepherd, Children's Faith Formation, Edge & Confirmation Sun Dec 11 Good Shepherd, LifeTeen Mon Dec 12 Good Shepherd Wed Dec 14 Good Shepherd, Children’s Faith Formation, Edge & Confirmation Sun Dec 18 Good Shepherd, LifeTeen

CALENDARIO domingo 4 de dic Buen Pastor, LifeTeen lunes 5 de dic Buen Pastor miércoles 7 de dic Buen Pastor Formación Para Niños/Jóvenes domingo 11 de dic Buen Pastor, LifeTeen lunes 12 de dic Buen Pastor miércoles 14 de dic Buen Pastor Formación Para Niños/Jóvenes Confirmación Para Jóvenes domingo 18 de dic Buen Pastor, LifeTeen




1 Child $25

2 Children $40

3+ Children $60



1 Niño $25 2 Niños $40 3+ Niños $60
