Not Showing Excise Invoice Tab in Migo While Display




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Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while DisplayThis question is Assumed Answered.

Bijay JhaSep 17, 2011 7:14 AMDear SAPient's, While displaying material document in MIGO. No Excise Invoice tab is showing altough it is there while creating GRN. please Do needful. warm Regards, Bijay jha

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Re: Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while Display

Anjali Purihella Sep 17, 2011 7:28 AM (in response to Bijay Jha)HI,      Can you tell me in your p.o you are mentioned tax code  in invoice tab in item level or not check it once. it is mandatory for excise  tab display in migo . And once check your material and vendor wether you have maintain all excise details or not. Edited by: A.Purihella on Sep 17, 2011 7:26 AM

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Re: Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while Display

kuber k Sep 17, 2011 8:15 AM (in response to Bijay Jha)Hi, 

while posting MIGO, you might have selected No excise entry in the header excise invoice tab... hope it help you. Kuber

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Re: Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while Display

Mallinath Patil Sep 17, 2011 8:29 AM (in response to Bijay Jha)Hi Jha, Refer this OSS note as mentioned below it will help you. 1079123 - Excise tab not getting displayed in MIGO.

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Re: Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while Display

Bijay Kumar Barik Sep 17, 2011 2:59 PM (in response to Bijay Jha)Hi, As you want to see "Excise "Tab in MIGO while displaying material document in MIGO t.code, 1st check do you have authorization to view Excise document, If yes, You can view the excise details in MIGO t.code. 2ndly check, During goods receipt , did the excise duties are captured in MIGO t.code.If yes , you can view all details if you have authorization. Also check did that material which is excisable have  CIN master data in J1ID t.code. NOTE: To capture excise duties  in t.code:MIGO, you need to do following settings:(check did you have such in your system,,,) Select check boxes of "EI capture" & "Post EI in MIGO" in MIGO Settings segment in Maintaining Excise Group setting in following path:SPRO --- >Logistics general - > tax on Goods Movements- >India --- >Basic setting --- >Maintain Excise Groups Also set entry of 101 Movement Type for capturing Excise Duties in following path:SPRO --- >Logistics general - > tax on Goods Movements- >India - >Business Transactions->Specify Which Movement Types Involve Excise Invoices Regards,Biju K

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Re: Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while Display

gopi krishna macha Jul 16, 2012 3:18 PM (in response to Bijay Jha)Hi.. Me too getting same problem, As i added new tab to MIGO header while displaying material document the only my new tab displaying. Excise invoice tab not displayingwhat to do please help me this issue.  Thanks & Regards,Gopi

Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transactionThis question is Not Answered.

Ajay NagargojeAug 3, 2012 10:35 AMDear Experts, We want to make Excise Invoice Tab as mandetory in MIGO for GR. As we know only after maitain of J1ID it is automatically activate in MIGO.but its sometime user is missing to maintain for J1ID, that why we need the Excise Invoice Tab as mandetory in MIGO. there is not every incoming material as exciseble, but if there is non exciseable material then we will select the No Excise Entry option in Excise invoice tab. Please Help. AjayHelpful Answer by Bijay Kumar Barik 

2006 Views Products: sap_erp_logistics_materials_management Topics: enterprise_resource_plan

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Helpful AnswerRe: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

Bijay Kumar Barik Aug 3, 2012 11:17 AM (in response to Ajay Nagargoje)Hi, If you want excise to be capture and excise TAB  in t.code: MIGO directly, you need to do following settings:-Select check boxes of "EI capture" & "Post EI in MIGO" in MIGO Settings segment in Maintaining Excise Group setting in following path: SPRO -- > Logistics general -- > tax on Goods Movements-- > India -- > Basic setting -- > Maintain Excise Groups Also make sure to set error message for Message no. 4F184 in following path: SPRO -- > Logistics general -- > tax on Goods Movements-- > India -- > Tools -- > Message Control Considering you have all entry for J1ID for material and vendor, if any user trying do MIGO with respect PO which have excise tax code , without entering excise number details, user have following message” “Please enter Excise Invoice number and Excise Invoice Date” Message no. 4F184  Regards,Biju K

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Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

shailesh kurdukar Aug 6, 2012 7:24 AM (in response to Ajay Nagargoje)Hi Ajay, There is no standard configuration setting to make 'Excise' tab mandatory in MIGO for all GR. Excise tab in MIGO is totally depends on the material excise details in J1ID, Excise group setting for capturing excise duties in MIGO, Tax code, movement type activation for capturing excise entries. If you want 'Excise' tab for all GR in MIGO then you have to maintain J1ID for all materials. I also faced this requirement. Take help of technical consultant and use 'Enhancement' in ME21N. Put a simple validation that when user enters material code while creating PO, pass this material code to table 'J_1IMTCHID' and check whether the material excise details maintained or not. 

If material excise details are found in table J_1IMTCHID then allow the user to proceed for creating PO and if the excise details are not found then put a Error message 'Maintain J1ID Details', thats it. This way you can ensure that none of the PO will be created without maintaing J1ID for materials and you will get 'Excise' tab in MIGO for all PO. If 'Excise entry' is not required then user can select 'No Excise Entry' option in MIGO. I already used this validation and it is working perfectly. Check this with your technical consultant and let me know if this works in your case.

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Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

Chanchal Bhandage Aug 7, 2012 8:30 AM (in response to Ajay Nagargoje)hi....we were also had some issue but now everybody is enjoying...... we have resolve it by following way..... As Mr. Shailesh says they have made Enhancement in ME21N.....yes it is correct but if Material is non excisable then why you need to maintain chapter Id.... so first check should be for Material, if material is excisable then only system will check for J1ID other wise it will Skip.  In Material Master - Sales View 2 - Material Pricing you maintin 03 if material is excisable or else 01 and ask your abbaper to add this check before the check of J1ID.

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o Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

Arthi Nagachandran Jul 22, 2013 1:48 PM (in response to Chanchal Bhandage)Hi Ajay, Can you please provide the enhancement name along with code. Thank You Arthi

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Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

Ajay Nagargoje Sep 17, 2012 9:10 AM (in response to Ajay Nagargoje)Hello Shailesh,

 can we do 'Enhancement' in MIGO.while entering PO, then chech this material code to table 'J_1IMTCHID' and check whether the material excise details maintained or not.   Please help. Ajay

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o Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

Ashok Kumar Telugu Jul 23, 2013 6:31 AM (in response to Ajay Nagargoje)You may use the following exits to control Excise during MIGO transaction. J_1I7_USEREXIT_J1IEX_BEF_SAVE - User exit to validate/change/fetch data before save J_1I7_USEREXIT_MAT_IND - User exit to determine whether material is Cenvatable. As suggested by Shailesh, put a control in PO itself. Use Badi ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST or User exit programs ZXM06U42/43/44 and read first whether the Vendor is excisable in J_1IMOVEND table. If yes then check the material & Plant existance in J_1IMTCHID table else propose an error message during PO saving. You can also have written your own logic as you required in the said po validations.  

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Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

Arthi Nagachandran Jul 23, 2013 7:40 PM (in response to Ashok Kumar Telugu)Hi Ashok, Thank You..

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Re: Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction

neeru dimri Sep 20, 2012 1:50 PM (in response to Ajay Nagargoje)Hi, 

It is not possible you can change little process 1 J1IEX ( commerical deptt. for Part 1)2 MIGO automatically come excise tab3 J1IEX ( commerical deptt. for part 2 Neeru

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Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction


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o Excise Invoice tab mandetory in MIGO transaction


Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import materialThis question is Assumed Answered.

Jani Basha ShaikSep 27, 2011 2:04 PMHai, What we had done,1 we raise import po.

2 we posted MIRO for custom invoice purpose, Next when we  are doing Migo entry Excise invoice tab  is not display.What is solution for this issue ? What we have checked. 1. J1id all combinations, means Chapterid with material, cenvat determination, vendor excise details, Excise indicator for plant,    Excise tax rates.2.At the time of po they ticked invoice base.3 We checked movement type 101 for excise duties.4.we checked excise group also in this Excise invoice captured is ticked.5.. i also checked table for movement type. Note: Against this material master no entry is there so this is first time material.                    Relating to this vendor previously we have entries relating to other material masters.  What is solution for this issue ?Why it is not displayed in MIGO Screen ? Regards,Basha.


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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Mallinath Patil Sep 27, 2011 2:18 PM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)Hi,To flow duties in MIGO enter the commercial invoice numberin POP screen while performing MIGO for import po  that was posted during the custom clearing.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jani Basha Shaik Sep 27, 2011 2:58 PM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)In pop screen i gave that customs excise invoice NO. Regards,Basha.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Padmasri Garapati Sep 28, 2011 5:10 AM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)Hi,Please chaeck whether the uaser ID assigned to this tax procedure. In OMT3E please maintain user ID. Ultimately you will get CIN tab. Thanking you.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jani Basha Shaik Sep 28, 2011 7:06 AM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)He is old employee He daily post entries, previously he didnt get any this type of issue. now this was came. This is new material where we have to give tax %  ? i did not check this. Regard,Basha.

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o Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Mallinath Patil Sep 28, 2011 7:11 AM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)Check whether Tax code V0 is maintained in PO.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jani Basha Shaik Sep 28, 2011 7:24 AM (in response to Mallinath Patil)v2 for import pos

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Mallinath Patil Sep 28, 2011 8:16 AM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)Did you capturedr the excise invoice in J1IEX_C then while doing GRN just refer the excise invoice and then POST the excise invoice through J1IEX.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

zafar karnalkar Sep 28, 2011 8:55 AM (in response to Mallinath Patil)Hi,  Check the SPRO setting whether you have selected the check box capture excie inovice at MIGO  in CIN settings.  regards,zafar

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jani Basha Shaik Sep 28, 2011 9:24 AM (in response to zafar karnalkar)Yes i seleted excise invoice captured. What we had done1 MIRO raised for customs duty purpose.2. At the time of migo we gave excise invoice no that is automatic generated at the time of miro. next we fill all fields need    But still excise invoice tab not displayed  If any another way for this tell me.  We already posted import transactions in past but we did not get this issue.  This is new material

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jani Basha Shaik Sep 28, 2011 9:28 AM (in response to Mallinath Patil)we did not capture excise invoice at j1iex before migo We did MIRO for Customs duty purpose after that we are going to migo.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jeyakanthan A Sep 29, 2011 9:23 PM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)Please check whether user entered relevant commercial invoice number and yearcorrectly while creating goods receipt(MIGO) because system proposes default invoice number which may be wrong.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Jani Basha Shaik Sep 30, 2011 7:35 AM (in response to Jeyakanthan A)I checked that all is same.

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Re: Excise invoice tab missed in migo screen for import material

Sangeeta Khurana Sep 30, 2011 10:47 AM (in response to Jani Basha Shaik)Check the following 1. Chapter id maintained in material master or j1id.2. Cenvat determination maintained3. Tax indicator for plant and vendor.4. Import conditions rightly classifed under defaults.5. Movement type rightly classified6.  In case you have created a new plant check for following in the client you are doing the transactionIMG>>Logistic-General>>Tax On Goods Movements>>India>>Basic Setting>>Maintain  Plant Settings7. Check if you have not done any enhancements, some times this may happen if any enhancement done. If all this is checked and in order it should work.


Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchaseThis question is Not Answered.

sadashivan natarajanOct 14, 2010 11:04 AMDear Gurus, I thank the forum members for posting lot of suggestions on the captioned subject.  After referring to all of them and makingthe necessary customization in ECC6 for TAXINN, I have come across some problems and request you to give yourvaluable suggestions.  While doing MIGO, I get a popup for Commercial Invoice No. and date and after filling them alongwith delivery challan no. etc, the excise invoice tab is not opening in the MIGO screen.  However, the GR document is postedwithout errors.  When I try to create Excise Invoice through J1IEX, the system pops up for commercial invoice number.For capturing excise against purchase order, the system gives the message that the commercial invoice has not beencreated when I give the commercial invoice number given in MIGO.  Whereas, when I give material document number for GR reference, the screen for excise opens without any excise duty values.  When I try to input the values manually and press enter, the values goes off and I could not proceed.Thanks in advance for valuable suggestions ASAP. SadashivanHelpful Answer by naveen joseph 


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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

bvdv prasad Oct 14, 2010 11:15 AM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Hi, If you are procuring domestic materials (using domestic pricing schema) commercial invoice pop up box should not come.You need to remove the CVD condition types from your domestic pricing schema to avoid this. 

While coming to GRN & Excise invoice caputure there are some options like 1.capture Excise, 2.Refer excise , 3.Only part 1 etc.,For your scenario while doing GRN select Only Part 1 and now you can capture and post the excise invoice in J1IEX transaction. Hope this will be helpful to your doubt. regards

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o Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

sadashivan natarajan Oct 15, 2010 5:32 AM (in response to bvdv prasad)Thanks to BUDV/Naveen/Subham for the prompt reply. I made the changes to capture and post EI in MIGO in excise group settings and removed the CVD conditions in calculation schema and now the commercial invoice pop is not coming.  But during MIGO in this process, the client wants to capture the BED, AED, SED automatically.  When the Excise Invoice tab opens in MIGO, it is blank although the Base amount is shown from the assessable value given in J1ID.  They does not want to enter the BED,AED, SED field manually in the warehouse doing the GRN transaction. The rate has been given for condition types in FV11 which comes as taxes in Invoice tab.  But the same rate is not linked in Excise invoice tab in MIGO.  Can you please enlighten me where to make the relative settings for automatic calculation of BED, AED, SED, Cess based on assessable value during MIGO?   Thanks in advance.  Best Regards, Sadashivan

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

Jeyakanthan A Oct 15, 2010 7:42 AM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Have you maintained ed tax code in purchase order ?

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

sadashivan natarajan Oct 15, 2010 9:40 AM (in response to Jeyakanthan A)Hi Jeyakanthan, TAXINN procedure is being followed and V0 input tax is created.  The condition types for BED, AED, SED are maintainedin TAXINN procedure and the relative rate is maintained in FV11.  In PO, invoice tab, V0 is entered.  Taxes are calculated.When doing MIGO, these BED, AED and SED are not updated in excise tab.  Hope you meant the same.  Kindly advise how to capture these duties automatically Thanks & Regards, Sadashivan

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

Jeeva Gangatharan Oct 15, 2010 12:56 PM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Hi, Pl. check master data of Material & ChapId combination is avl in J1ID and also Cenvat determination. With regards, Jeeva

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

sadashivan natarajan Oct 18, 2010 3:14 AM (in response to Jeeva Gangatharan)Hi Jeeva, Chapter ID, Material Code combination and Cenvat Determination maintained.  In PO, invoice tab, the taxes as per TAXINN are captured for the condition types but when MIGO is done, the same is not capture in Excise tab. Regards, Sadashivan

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

sadashivan natarajan Oct 21, 2010 6:28 AM (in response to Jeeva Gangatharan)Hi  Jeeva, Any suggestion to customize for automatically populating the BED, SED and AED fields in Excise Tab of MIGO ?The Base value comes from J1ID. But the relative calculations done through TAXINN are not coming in Excise Tab.I have check all other areas in customization. Thanks & Regards, Sadashivan

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

Jeyakanthan A Oct 16, 2010 7:57 PM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Check ZTAXINN pricing procedure ?

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o Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

sadashivan natarajan Oct 18, 2010 3:25 AM (in response to bvdv prasad)Hi Bvdv, As per your suggestion, I have removed the Custom/CVD conditions in the PO calculation schema. Although the excise invoice tab is there while doing MIGO, they dont capture the Excise rate automatically for BED, AED and SED condition types although they are displayed in tax in Invoice tab of PO.  Now when I created another pricing procedure for Imports with the Custom/CVD conditions, the system is not giving any pop up for commercial invoice number, although the planned delivery costs are coming in MIRO.  System shows also shows an error that tax code VO is not created for TAXINN or assigned to Company Code.Your valuable suggestions please. Thanks & Regards, Sadashivan

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naveen joseph Oct 14, 2010 11:24 AM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Hi, I understand that you are working on imports. For imports before you do GR MIRO doc has to be posted for customs clearance. This MIRO document has to be enterd in the commercial invoice field. Then system will copy these values into the repective excise values. RegardsNaveen

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Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

Guest Oct 14, 2010 11:38 AM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Hi, This can be done thorugh Customization while creating Excise group under MIGO tab there check box EI post during MIGO. Enables users in manufacturing plants to post incoming excise invoices in the standard Goods Movement transaction,(MIGO) Since when you post an excise invoice, the system creates an entry in register RG 23A or RG 23C (manufacturing plants) depending upon material and master data maintained in J1ID.Activate this function only if the users working with this transaction are familiar with the excise duty system.if you enable it will allow to capture and post Excise invoice during MIGO.It all depnds on the client requirement. Now coming to your issue commercial invoice reference appears only in case of Import procurement where you are capturing planned delivery cost as Excise = CVD. Then system will generate no which is commercial invoice No you to refer this invoice on for posting Excise through J1IEX.

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Sivaraman Shanmugam Oct 16, 2010 12:42 PM (in response to sadashivan natarajan)Hi Satasivan , Have you maintained the default condition types in CIN Customizing? If not , you maintain the condition types to be captured in MIGO there  and also configure "classify condition types " in Tax on Goods Purchase. Then , you check in MIGO whether the values are flowing or not.. 

With RegardsS.Siva

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o Re: Excise capture during MIGO for domestic purchase

sadashivan natarajan Oct 18, 2010 3:17 AM (in response to Sivaraman Shanmugam)Hi Siva, Default Condition types are maintained in "Classify Condition types".  The rate is calculated as per FV11 in PO and is displayed in taxes in Invoice tab of PO.  But the same amount is not captured in MIGO when we check in excise tab when we choosecapture and post excise invoice.  Regards, Sadashivan

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  07:22 // BOJJA SIVASANKAR REDDY


please check the CIN settings at excise group level ,

img- logistic general - tax on goods movement - INDIA- basic settings - maintain

excise groups , here check the you excise group details , the field EI capture

activated or not , when check this field then you will check the MIGOit comes


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Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  06:40 // shailesh kurdukar

Hi Biraj,

In J1ID material excise details must be maintained in the receiving plant with excise

material type as 'raw material'. Excise tab is not appearing at item level means you

should check J1ID for that materials. System is unable to find the respective excise

registers for these materials in the receiving plant.

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  06:21 // Ragini sap


Check for

           - Valid tax code.

           - IF movement type made relevant for excise in table  J_1IMVMT

           - Material is maintained for excise

If you are doing STO with delivery using VL10B the take help of SD guy.

He will create STO pricing from sales point of view. Maintain condition record in VK11 which will get reflected in VF01& ultimately, this will flow in J1IIN.

When you put Outbound delivery number (Created via VL02N in MIGO & put excise invoice number & date (Created by J1IIN system picks excise values automatically.

Jul 1216Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  07:08 // Ajit Kumar

in config tax on goods movement basic settings maintain Excise groups pl check

whether there is check mark on 'Post Excise Invoice in MIGO

Jul 1216

Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  06:07 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear SAP Experts,

I am doing MIGO in which doing Goods Receipt against Outbound Delivery. In this I

found Excise Tab is disappear at item detail level. I have also checked the material

is already maintained in J1ID for the relavant Plant. Can anybody suggest me

solution? Thank you in advance.


Biraj Adeshara

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  07:00 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear Mr. Shailesh,

As per your suggestion I checked the material type in J1ID and it shows RG1 not

raw material. So should I change RG1 to raw material??? Thanx for your



Biraj Adeshara

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  07:10 // shailesh kurdukar

Hi Biraj,

As per excise rule, you can not post stock transfer receipt directly to RG1 register in

the receiving plant. Change the material type in J1ID from RG1 to raw material.

If this is a inhouse manufactured material then after posting GR again in J1ID you

have to make it as RG1 otherwise RG1 register will not be updated for that material

inhouse production.

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  07:46 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear Ajit,

I have gone through the tab you suggested and I found "Post Excise Invoice

in MIGO is not maintained there. The checkbox is unchecked.

I also like to tell you the process....This is STO......and for receiving plant, Post

Escise Invoice in MIGO is shall i mark it as check???

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  08:26 // BOJJA SIVASANKAR REDDY


check the EI capture field only , on that time only it will come,

other wise  when you make a J1IG , then this tab will come ,

please check this

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  08:16 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear Ajit,

I have gone through the tab you suggested and I found "Post Excise Invoice

in MIGO is not maintained there. The checkbox is unchecked.

I also like to tell you the process....This is STO......and for receiving plant, Post

Escise Invoice in MIGO is shall i mark it as check???

Thanx & Regards,


Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  08:34 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear Mr. Bojja,

As per your suggestion, this checkbox is ticked mark.

Dear Mr. Shailesh,

this is a inhouse production so they have selected RG1......

Thank you very much for your suggestion.....

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  08:44 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear Mr. Shailesh,

I am new in MM and can you tell me what do you mean by excise invoice part-1 and


Material is maintained for receiving plant....not for supplying plant....does this


To check Movement type, i will run t-code se16n and table

name after that i got list of movement types and I found the

movement type is in material document is 641 which is there in J_1IMVMT.

How to check Valid Tax code?

Thanx & Regards,


Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  08:18 // Ajit Kumar

yes, then you will get excise tab during MIGO

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  08:37 // shailesh kurdukar

Hi Biraj,

Go through the SAP answer from note,1559145 - Frequently asked questions for

procurement in India: CIN.

Q. Excise tab is not seen during GR posting?

A.Check for,


  - Valid tax code.

  - IF movement type made relevant for excise in table J_1IMVMT.

  - Material is maintained for excise.

If you activate "Post Excise Invoice in MIGO indicator then the Part 1 and

Part 2 entries are posted in MIGO itself. Without activating this indicator,

still the  Excise tab appears in MIGO to capture excise (Part 1) entry.

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  09:07 // shailesh kurdukar

Hi Biraj,

RG23A/C Part 1 - Material receipt and issue quantities  are updated in this excise

register. At the time of MIGOthis register is updated called as Part 1 update.

RG23A/C Part 2 - Excise duty amounts are updated in this excise register. Normally

this is not updated at the time of MIGO (depends on business requirement). In this

case, you have to post the vendor invoice in J1IEX then the excise duty amounts are

posted to Part 2 register.

The setting of Part 2 register update in MIGO is depends on the "Post Excise Invoice

in MIGO indicator. If you activate this indicator then the excise duty values will be

updated after posting MIGO It is called as Part 2 update. Check your business

requirement and then activate this indicator.

For the second question, Yes it will affect on excise duty flow. Material excise details

must be maintained in the supplying and receiving plant, this could be the reason

that you are not getting excise tab at item level for some materials. If the material is

not there in the supplying plant excise invoice then you will not get excise invoice tab

at item level for that materials.

Movement type 101 should also be there in table J_1IMVMT because in the

receiving plant you will receive the goods in MIGO by 101 movement type and then

the excise registers will be updated.

In case of stock transfer within same company code, tax code is not required.

Go through the below link which explains Excise Registers related activities in detail,,


Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  10:23 // shailesh kurdukar

Hi Biraj,

Still you have not got answer to your question ?

As you have not maintained material excise details in J1ID in supplying plant,

system consider these materials as non-excisable and these materials will not be

there in the supplying plant Excise Invoice.

So, in the receiving plant when you enter supplying plant Excise Invoice number

in MIGO system doesn't activate excise tab at item level for these materials as these

materials are not there in the supplying plant excise invoice.

Maintain material excise details in supplying and receiving plant and run the

scenario again then you will not face this issue. You will get excise tab for all

materials in MIGO

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  11:39 // Biraj Adeshara

Dear Mr. Shailesh,

I have found the solution and last thing I want to ask. now in JIid Screen, I have to

maintain following section :

(1) Material & Chapter ID combination by adding supplying Plant

(2) CENVAT Determination

(3) Excise Indicator for Plant

(4) Excise Indicator for Plant and Vendor

and In SPRO-logistic-general-Tax on goods movement- India - Basic settings -

select Maintain Plant setting and in this I have to select Plant by clicking new entry.

this is required, right?

Have I Miss any section in J1ID to maintain?

Thanx a lot.



Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  11:48 // shailesh kurdukar

Hi Biraj,

This is sufficient.

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  13:36 // Biraj Adeshara

Thank you Mr. Shailesh.

Jul 1216

Re: Why Excise Tab is not appearing?  13:47 // KUMAR SAP MM

1 I think the J1ID transaction , you have not assigned the  chapter ID and material ID


2 In Excise group ,activate the MIGO settings .
