Northwood School Risk Assessment - Preparing for the full ... · Staff to wipe down photocopier...


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Northwood School Risk Assessment - Preparing for the full opening of school in September 2020 Latest update: July 2020 (Next review end of August 2020) This Planner is to support the planning of a phased return to school during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is not an exhaustive list of every single challenge but it highlights the key areas that schools should consider in advance of re-opening to increased numbers of pupils – and forms the basis of our risk assessment.

The 10 Sections are:

1. Early Considerations

2. Buildings

3. Social Distancing

4. Staffing

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

6. Communication

7. Travel

8. Virus and Safety Management

9. Curriculum / Provision

10. Miscellaneous / Bespoke


Area of Focus

School Response


1. Early Considerations: Things to consider: overall logistics including numbers, minimum safe ratios, food and refreshments, safeguarding, etc.

a) How many staff will be available to work (consider roles also)? ● Contact staff on vulnerable list before end of summer term ● Put appropriate support in place for start of Autumn Term e.g.

review teaching group sizes look at flexibility at times they need to be on site; consider use of PPE; no break duties

● Ensure contingency planning for these teachers - supply, collapsed groups, virtual learning on site


b) What are the school’s curriculum expectations during this time? ● Follow DFE expectations regarding the delivery of the curriculum


c) What timetable adaptations / timings to the day will need to be


● Breaks and lunch to be staggered ● Year 7 to start break/lunch 5 minutes early ● End of the day to be a staggered end. Year groups to be

dismissed one at a time


d) Review risk assessments of vulnerable children and those with

EHCPs, identifying any increased risk. Should they be in school?

Identify and test any special equipment (arrange service

through CAD if any concerns)

● Ensure that some pupils who are no longer required to shield but who generally remain under the care of a specialist health professional discuss their care with their health professional before returning to school and have a risk assessment completed if required.

● Welfare Officer is working with parents on return/support.


e) Adaptation of Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies and

agree what safeguarding provision is needed in school to

support returning children

● Safeguarding Policy to be updated for start of term in line with latest guidance. To be ratified by GB.

● Policy remains in place to support referrals.


f) Adaptation to the Business Continuity Plan ● The Business Continuity Plan will have a link to this document. MA

g) How are governors involved in the discussion about planning

for the school re-opening?

Governors have been shared : ● Information to be shared at School Development Planning

meeting in July ● Shared documents for feedback



● Safeguarding and Behaviour Policies shared/ratified ● MA weekly conversations with Chair ● FGB meeting in October to update

h) Update behaviour policies to reflect the new rules and routines

necessary to reduce risk and communicate this to school staff,

students and parents

● Amended Behaviour Policy to be shared with staff/students at start of term

● Policy to be amended and shared with governing body ● Information on website ● Information shared through Parent Bulletin


i) Agree whether breakfast clubs, lunch clubs and after-school

clubs can operate

● Breakfast will be available for students (as usual). ● No after school clubs will happen. until further government

direction given/school can feel confident that it has the control measures in place


Area of Focus

School Response


2. Buildings: Things to consider: the practicality of various parts of the site for safe social distancing; the need for signage, locked areas, 2m spacings

(e.g. tape lines), one-way systems, cordoned off areas, etc.

a) Cleaning requirements and regime prior to return ● School will receive a deep clean in advance on reopening as well as “fogging”. Carpets to be deep cleaned.


b) Cleaning requirements and regime during return ● Daily fogging over all practical areas as well as Sports Hall, canteen and Hall.

● Full time cleaner remains on site all day.


c) Cleaning requirements after different groups use spaces

During lessons ● Desks and chairs to be wiped down after student use -

by students ● Following subjects have produced individual risk

assessments; PE, DT, Music, Art, Science, Dance/Drama


d) Areas which can be kept open ● All areas to be open - but year groups will have allocated playground areas


e) Areas which must be closed ● All areas to be open - but year groups will have allocated playground areas



f) Adaptations required to buildings to maintain safety and social

distancing requirements (eg desks, benches, queuing areas,

canteen etc)

● Entrance to school - desk for signing in/sanitisers ● Canteen - markings for social distancing/sanitising

station ● Entrance to classrooms - staff to quickly get students

into lessons ● Desks to be wherever possible front facing. No group

tables. ● Signage around the school ● Line markings on stair wells and corridors ● Queuing system set up for toilets


g) Ventilation of buildings ● All windows to be kept open ● Doorstops are available for all teaching rooms and doors

should be kept open at all times ● Where appropriate doors to outside spaces to be left

open for air circulation


h) Arrivals and access: cleaning keypads, electronic signing in, etc ● Identified member of staff member will sign in students centrally

● Students clean their own workstations with disposable towels. Teacher sprays (done centrally).


i) Expectations of parental drop off and pick up points ● Guidance to parents regarding transport - Parent Bulletin. Parent Q and A guidance sent before start of term

● Keep the car park moving from 8.10am. ● Encourage parents to park in correct areas. ● Premises Team to support morning / afternoon to

ensure smooth movement.


j) Amended Emergency Evacuation considerations ● Inform staff before the end of summer term and start of summer term.

● Inform students on return. Walk through for Year groups first week back

● Year groups should line up as usual in their form ensuring at least 1m distance


k) Amended Lockdown considerations ● These will remain the same NM


l) Routine maintenance: fire alarm testing, legionella risk

assessments, repairs, grass cutting, servicing of equipment or

PAT testing, boiler and heating, utilities, internet services

● PR to coordinate with team - this already happens as part of our PPM/H&S checks


m) Identify specific space requirements for children with EHCPs as


● Set up safe zones (with distance rules) - EHCP students ● LSAs to be clear on protocols before end of summer



n) Agree approach to any scheduled or ongoing building works. ● None MA/PR

Area of Focus

School Response


3. Social Distancing: Things to consider: decide the physical and organisational structures needed to limit risks and limit movement around the

building(s) , minimising numbers (eg via staggered timings) and contact, signage, desk spacing, one-way systems, communicating and policing new

routines, contingencies for injury/intimate care, activities which can and cannot continue, etc.

a) Adopt usual or staggered arrivals and departures? ● Staggered finish for year group at the end of day ● We will have separate entrance for Year groups to

minimise mixing


b) Adopt usual or staggered break times and lunchtimes? ● Staggered lunch and break for year groups ● Year 7 start lunch and break earlier


c) School gates, including pupil drop-off arrangements ● Social distancing measures from school gate from 8.15 LG/HOY

d) Arrangements for entrances to buildings ● Entrance via reception - Y12 an ● Entrance Amphitheatre Year 7 and 8 ● Student Entrance Years 9,10, 11 ● All students will hand sanitise at their respective



e) Corridors and stairs – open / closed / one way systems ● LG Presence to ensure swift movement to lessons ● Markings on stair wells



f) Classrooms – how many / seating and desk spaces / entering

and exiting / transition points / movement of teachers and


● Front facing desks as far as possible ● Staff encourage students to quickly get into lessons ● Seating plans in place - to be saved on Google Drive for

easy access in case we need to track and trace ● In KS3 generic seating plan for students in form groups ● By keeping teachers in their own rooms we avoid their

movement around the school.


g) Lavatories ● Three in, three out bathroom system. Have a sanitiser station outside every bathroom. Duty staff to monitor.


h) School halls ● No mixing of year groups in assemblies ● Staggered lunches will reduce the mixing of students in

the hall for packed lunches. ● Hall use designated to year certain year groups - to be

cleaned after each sitting ● Lunch time hands sanitised on exit and entry


i) Sports Hall ● PE department have produced separate risk assessment NA

j) Library ● Staggered lunch will reduce numbers. Tables to be set up for groups of two. Maximum number allowed in the library. Each year group has a designated day. Desks to be wiped down after use. Hands sanitised on entry and exit. Returned books to be left for 72 hours.


k) Canteen ● Only students eating to be allowed in. ● Canteen staff to wipe down thumb prints after use ● Have markers on floor for line up - 1 metre queueing ● Caterlink have Covid guidelines for catering staff


l) School fields, playgrounds, MUGAs, outside classrooms;

changing rooms

● See separate PE risk assessment ● Sanitiser station setup ● A decision to be made at the start of term regarding use

of changing rooms ● Year groups to be designated playgrounds ● Year groups to be to be designated areas on astro at lunch


m) Areas of worship ● Reading Room in Library (if required) NM

n) Contingency arrangements for pupil injury or intimate care ● Welfare room has been moved to the refectory. A larger and safer space.

● Intimate care plans to be set up taking guidance from NHS

JJ / CMo


o) Contingency arrangements for physical restraint ● N/A LG

p) Protocols for 1:1 support ● Decide as appropriate once TT set up ● Follow guidelines regarding staff social distancing ● LG to discuss protocol with SEND before end of summer

term ● Additional PPE to be worn for close proximity support ●


q) Adaptations required for normal routines (eg assembly, toilets,

entering and leaving classrooms, hand-washing, etc)

● See previous points LG

r) Plans/Protocols for minimising sharing of equipment (eg pens,

pencils, paint, rulers, maths apparatus etc. Also photocopiers,

printers, IT equipment

● Students don’t share equipment. ● Staff do not share equipment - if they have to then it must

be sanitised on return ● Photocopying done centrally via one office staff member

(based in the Office Repro room ) ● Staff reprographics room - one/two members of staff.

Staff to wipe down photocopier buttons etc after use.


s) Staffroom and offices - seating and desk spaces / entering and

exiting / kitchen area etc

● Staff work in their own offices. ● Shared offices to be set up to maximise social distancing ● Staff room used 1 in / 1 out ● Staff to wipe down kettles, fridges etc after use ● In the main office area, only two work stations


Area of Focus

School Response


4. Staffing: Things to consider: staff safety and well-being; minimum safe ratios; staff anxiety; fairness of rota system; staff specialisms (eg year group

or subject); appropriateness of rota re SLT, DSL, gender balance, specialisms and first-aiders (including paediatric first aiders as necessary); staff briefing

and training, staff travel plans, etc


a) Strategy to ensure staff safety and well-being, agree staff

workload expectations, and put in place measures to check on

staff wellbeing, including for leaders.

● Ensure weekly staff feedback on what works/what can be improved

● Set up Google feedback sheet


b) Identify staff who can’t return to school at this point (for

example, those who are extremely clinically vulnerable or those

who are clinically vulnerable or living with someone who is

extremely clinically vulnerable and stringent social distancing

cannot be adhered to on site) and how they can work from

home (for example, supporting remote education).

● This has been completed MA

c) Ensure you have considered the impact on staff and pupils with

protected characteristics, including race and disability.

● CF / SM working with disabled students parents re their safe return

● Flexible working model for vulnerable staff (eg additional PPE, transport, classroom hygiene)

● Gender neutral toilets / additional changing area in place


d) Identify appropriate staff to work with children with EHCP ● Timetable to be produced by end of summer term ● LSAs to support within Year group bubbles only


e) Which office staff will need to attend (consider front office,

finance, absent staff, fairness…)

● Plan offices so only one person / social distance measures

● Some support staff will continue to work remotely


f) What will be required of site staff? ● Premises will be on site every day PR

g) What will be required of mid-day assistants? ● Lunch rota will be set up as normal ● Lunch time assistants to supervise toilets queuing

system; ensure hands sanitised in canteen; ensure no large groups (great than 6) congregate


h) What will be required of canteen staff? ● Full service from September NM

i) What will be required for visiting/peripatetic staff where


● Peri lessons will not happen from September - but continue via video link. These will not happen during the school day

● Any visitors will report to reception as normal and go through the same process re sanitation. Only essential pre booked visitors allowed into main school.


j) Protocol for visitors to the school where essential ● Report to reception, signed in by office staff and go through sanitation process



k) Plans for emergency cover / contingency in all sections above ● TT adapted each day as per cover situation LS

l) Staff briefings and training to ensure compliance and safety ● No staff briefings to minimise contact ● Staff Bulletins ● Zoom staff meeting before summer term to discuss

plans ● September INSET go over plans again with staff ● On going to discussions with staff and NEU rep


m) HR issues: staff attending ● MA

n) HR issues: staff working from home ● Ensure that they can continue their role effectively ● Consider alternative responsibilities/tasks they can take



o) HR issues: staff who are symptomatic (should not attend) ● coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms

● ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or

confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection


p) HR issues: staff who are self-isolating (should not attend) ● As above MA

q) HR issues: staff who are shielded / extremely clinically

vulnerable (should not attend)

● As above MA

r) HR issues: staff who might be deemed clinically vulnerable ● As above MA

s) HR issues: staff with affected family member ● As above MA

t) HR issues: staff who refuse to attend ● In first instance try to resolve informally ● Take advice with Schools HR


u) HR issues: any staff needing to be furloughed N/A

v) HR issues: staff on a procedure: sickness, capability, disciplinary ● Follow current guidelines/take advice as required MA

w) HR issues: staff recruitment ● Take HR advice as required MA


Area of Focus

School Response


5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Things to consider: likely guidance from government, LA and unions on what is and is not required;

supply stream of PPE at a time of unprecedented demand; additional cost factors; supply, disposal and protocols, etc

a) Make arrangements for the very small number of cases where

personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies will be needed: if

staff provide intimate care for any children or young people

and for cases where a child becomes unwell with symptoms of

coronavirus while in their setting and needs direct personal

care until they can return home.

● PPE in place ● Plan in place for intimate care ( student) - possibly from

Sept ● New (more spacious) medical room set up in refectory



b) Protocols - staff (may need to be differentiated): gloves, masks,

visors, aprons, sanitisers, soap, paper towels, etc

● Staff provided sanitisers, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, disinfectant spray; gloves: masks available for those who are travelling through public transport

● Welfare staff will need PPE - visors/masks are available ● Visors available and encouraged for use in practical

subjects such as Technology and Art ● Protocols to be shared/discussed with staff before the

end of the summer term/start of Autumn term


c) Protocols - pupils: gloves, masks, visors, aprons, sanitisers, soap

(will be age dependent)

● More sanitisers available across school ● Protocols to be shared with staff, students and parents


d) Protocols- visitors: gloves, masks, visors, aprons, sanitisers,


● More sanitisers available across school ● Produce a guidance template for visitors


e) PPE required at drop off and pick up times ● PPE stored centrally in office LS

f) Review Health Care plans to ensure any children have

appropriate measures in place if they are coming into school.

● EHCP Parent communication re pick up / taxi etc CMO


g) Arrangements for PPE supply, disposal, renew is al ● Confirm/ensure Logica have a clear protocol in place for September


h) PPE arrangements for intimate care or aiding child injury ● Welfare Officer has adequate PPE ● Liaise with Hillingdon School Nurse Team / Participation



i) Staff briefing / training ● Slides form training sessions shared with staff


Area of Focus

School Response


6. Communication: Things to consider: plan content and timing of communication ensuring all affected groups are kept informed of key messages and

expectations, despite different experiences; reassuring the community of safety measures and risk assessments; acknowledging fears and anxieties; EAL

language barriers; pre-empting questions, etc.

a) To parents/carers of returning children ● Initial information in Parent Briefing ● Further guidance for parents sent out in advance of the

September start. ● All documentation will be on the website


b) To parents/carers of non-returning children ● Regular updates either by letter or via Parent Bulletin ● HOYs phone these parents - need to ensure work set



c) To staff, collectively and individually (differentiated?) ● Regular updates to staff in the run to reopening ● Meetings with HOYs in advance of reopening ● Staff meeting 15/6. INSET Sept.


d) To governors / MAT Board ● Risk Assessment to be shared in advance of reopening MA

e) To pupils (before / upon return) ● Letters sent to parents/information on the website/form time in September will explain the rules.

f) With unions (if / as necessary) ● Union rep involved in planning and consultation in advance of reopening

● NEU Rep to complete NEU checklist to ensure compliance to guidelines.



● MA to discuss risk assessment/on going to discussions throughout

g) Key Contacts (eg LADO, MASH, LA, Chair of Governors, Virtual

School, Maintenance, Buildings, Health & Safety, Social

Services, Social Workers, etc)

● All in place MA/ NM

Area of Focus

School Response


7. Travel: Things to consider: government guidance on safe travel, the ongoing need to socially distance irrespective of transport mode; the need for any

amendments required to travel plans; briefing and advice to parents, pupils and staff, etc

a) Communication/advice to parents, pupils and staff on

preferred transport mode

● Risk assessment to be completed by Miami Motors ● Parents encouraged to drop off ● Students encouraged to cycle /walk ● Gov’t travel guidance included in MA letter to be shared


b) Advice if walking to school cycling; car; bus (public and and

school) Train

● We will be sharing Govt travel advice with staff, students and parents

● Reiterate in letters and assemblies/form time ● Fo staff who need to travel by public transport we will

review on a case by case basis


c) Liaise with PTS over specialist transport arrangement ● EHCP taxi plan - already in place CMO


Area of Focus



8. Virus and Safety Management: Things to consider: the need to monitor pupil, staff and parental health regularly and respond promptly to fast-

changing situations or the need to self-isolate and stay off school, etc.

a) Agree how protective measures will be implemented, including

agreeing on any necessary updated health and safety policy

and risk assessments.

Health and safety policy to be updated and given links to Protective measure Safe working in education

MA/ Gov

b) Strategy regarding testing of staff Access to testing is already available to all essential workers. Staff are aware of guidance/process


c) Strategy regarding testing of pupils All children and young people and members of their households, will have access to testing if they display symptoms of coronavirus.


d) Action if a member of staff becomes symptomatic (should not


If a member of staff becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection guidance.


e) Action if a member of staff is shielded / extremely clinically

vulnerable (should not attend)

They should not come to work, but work remotely N/A

f) Action if a member of staff’s family is symptomatic (should not


Follow guidance i.e If you live with someone who has symptoms, you need to self-isolate for 14 days from the day their symptoms started. They will also need to follow a new track and trace system.


g) Action if a pupil becomes symptomatic (should not attend) Follow guidelines N/A


h) Action if a pupil is shielded / extremely clinically vulnerable

(should not attend)

● Should not attend ● Work sent remotely


i) Action if member of a pupil’s family is symptomatic (should not


Follow guidelines N/A

j) Training for staff and pupils on ‘safe’ behaviours ● Staff - end of summer term/start of Autumn Term ● Students start of term


k) Decide the approach to enhance hygiene (for example, toilet

use, hand washing) and including routines established for hand-

washing, coughing, spitting, sneezing, etc

● Toilets on queuing system monitored by staff during break/lunch

● Other washrooms open ● Guidance shared with students regularly ● Adapted new behaviour policy


l) Decide on policy related to removal of usually shared items (for

example, books, toys, practical equipment)

● Remove all non essential items from rooms ● No sharing of equipment ● Demos in lessons where appropriate ● Practical subjects to complete own risk assessments


m) Decide what an enhanced cleaning schedule looks like and how

it will be implemented in your school, including buildings,

equipment, outside areas, facilities etc

● Plan another meeting with Logica before start of Autumn term



Area of Focus



9. Curriculum / Provision: Things to consider: guidance likely from government, LA and unions; consideration of curriculum provision for those in

school and those who are home learning; support for vulnerable children who are not at school; strategies for supporting disadvantaged gap; strategy for

blended learning, etc.

a) Curriculum provision ● Follow DFE expectations regarding the delivery of the curriculum


b) Curriculum provision for pupils at home requiring home


● HOYs to ensure that work is supplied if virtually or on paper.


c) Awareness and communication of Home Learning safeguarding


● No change NMN

d) Sufficiency and sustainability of Home Learning ideas and

resources if school is placed into lockdown again

● HODs to lead ● Year 7 will need to have Google classroom training. This

should happen in early September


e) Expectation of work completion, marking, record-keeping if

running virtual school

● Non - engagement tracker to continue for Y7-12 (HoYs) ● Internal tracking and monitoring to continue within each

department (HoD) ● Feedback guidance to be followed virtually ● No student paperwork/books to be taken in/marked -

except for mid and end of unit assessments. they should be done electronically or on paper.

● Chromebooks us for only BTEC subjects - essential work ● If depts wish to use Chromebooks - advanced booking

system in place


f) Plans to support still shielded pupils not attending school ● Virtual learning will continue as usual ● Pastoral Team support and regular check in already




g) Plans to support catch-up for disadvantaged children or those

who have fallen behind.

● Catch up is a key priority as part of SDP LG

h) Plans to support EAL pupils ● See earlier notes

i) Support for all pupils for mental health and well-being (eg

counselling; bereavement services, nurture support, etc)

● Ongoing (Sook/HoYs) ● Provision made in SDP


j) Secure services for additional support and early help where

possible (for example, around anxiety, mental health,

behaviour, social care, or changes to mobility), and consider

how these might apply to pupils and students who were not

previously affected.

● Already extensive systems/networks set up for this within the Pastoral team.

● Provision made as part of SDP


Area of Focus



10. Miscellaneous / School Specific: Things to consider: this section is for leaders to use to identify areas of specific concern within their setting; it

may be used, for example, to address any specific issues raised by pupils, parents, staff, governors, the LA, etc.












Additional Guidance

coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms

‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’

arrange to have a test

safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance

safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care

Public Health England health protection team

testing and tracing for coronavirus website

safer travel guidance for passengers

keeping children safe in education

coronavirus (COVID-19): safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers guidance

guidance for food businesses on coronavirus (COVID-19)

Legionella risks during the coronavirus outbreak

air conditioning and ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak

air conditioning and ventilation during the coronavirus outbreak

Protective measures for out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

health and safety guidance on educational visits

guidance on the phased return of sport and recreation

remote education support

NEU checklist for reopening in September
