Nigeria. Multiple regimes throughout its history North & West – well-developed large states and...


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  • Nigeria
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  • Multiple regimes throughout its history North & West well-developed large states and hereditary monarchies Hausa in west organized into powerful trading city- states South small, communal kinship-based rule British colonialism led to indirect rule, with chiefs leading on behalf of British government. (Authoritarian rule under British direction) Post-independence = Military Authoritarianism Government structure formally federalist & democratic, but does not generally operate as such British controlled economy led to current state controlled economy Nigeria has currently turned to supranationals (IMF & World Bank) to save economy
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  • Factionalism led to creation of many political parties Failure to create coherent party system Parties formed and faded around personalities Multi-party system reinforced and strengthened ethnic and religious cleavages Independent National Election Committee (INEC) registered a number of parties following the death of Abacha in 1998 In order to run candidates for the legislative and presidential elections of 1999, a party had to qualify by receiving at least 5% of the votes in two-thirds of the states in the 1998 election This cut the number of parties significantly, only 5 parties were eligible to run candidates in the 2003 election
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  • Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Well-established Party Began running candidates in 1998 Party of President Olesugun Obesanjo (Igbo, Christian from the North) Obasanjo received 62% of vote in 2003 election PDP gained majority in National Assembly and most of the governors throughout the country Do to voter fraud, difficult to determine accurate level of support for the PDP All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) General Muhammadu Buhari, Muslim from the North, ran against Obesanjo Received about 32% of the vote His running mate and potential future candidate was Chuba Okadigbo, an Igbo from the Southeast Other parties that ran presidential candidates include All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), The Movement for Democracy and Justice (MDJ), and the Justice Party Alliance for Democracy (AD) did not have a presidential candidate in 2003, but did receive 9% of the votes for the legislative elections
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  • Citizens vote for candidates on 3 levels: local, state, and national. National level citizens vote for the president, representatives to the National Assembly, and senators from their states. National Elections Presidential Elections After annulled election of 1993, first election took place in 1999, with another in 2003. If presidential candidate does not receive outright majority, a second ballot election takes place. President must receive at least 25% of the votes in 2/3 of the states A purely regional candidate can not win Requirement reflects difficulty experienced in attempt to unify Nigeria
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  • Legislative Elections Senate has 109 senators, 3 from each of the 36 states, and one from federal capital territory of Abuja Elected by direct popular vote 360 representatives of National Assembly (formerly the House of Representatives) Elected from single member districts by plurality vote Regional representation dominates in both houses. Wide-array of ethnic coalitions in legislature Legislative authority is weak in Nigeria
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  • Currently 3 consecutive elections have been held without annulment or delay Public protest and several deaths have accompanied the last few elections, but none were as bad as many predicted they would be Several politicians were assassinated, including Marshall Harry, a leader of the ANPP Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Attempted to cleanse electoral process, declared six million names to be fraudulent during 2003 elections International teams concluded elections were corrupt Voting boxes were stolen, vandalized, and stuffed with fraudulent votes Voting patterns in the south in particular were suspicious
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  • Have actually played an important role in Nigerian politics A large number of civil society organizations often cooperate with political parties Religious interest groups important in Nigeria Christian Association of Nigeria protested when General Babangida changed Nigerias status in the Organization of Islamic Conference from observer to member Muslim civil society organizations in the north work to support the sharia court system Citizens have worked around military authoritarianism to have an impact on political life through labor unions, student groups, and populist groups.
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  • Labor Unions Independent and politically influential prior to 1980s Through the introduction of corporatism the Babangida regime limited the influence of labor unions A central labor organization supplanted the older unions, and only candidates approved by Babangida could be chosen as labor leaders In July 2003 labor unions widely and openly protested the governments attempt to raise oil prices for Nigerian consumers Business Interests Business interests have tended to work in collaboration with the military regimes, in return for the spoils related to the corruption of the elite class Associations for manufacturers, butchers, and car rental firms have operated outside the realm of government and helped promote economic reforms of the 1990s Human Rights Groups Promote democratic reforms Include university students, teachers, civil liberties organizations, and professional groups (doctors, lawyers) These groups protested against the abuses of Babangida and Abacha
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  • Kaduna Mafia Loosely organized group of military officers and civilians who support Babangida; also supported Obasanjo National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) Based in southwest; supported Abiolas presidential campaign
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  • Nigeria has well-developed, independent press General Abacha attempted to curb criticism of his regime by closing several newspapers and magazines in Nigeria in 1994 Press reflects ethnic divisions in the country Outspoken and critical newspapers mainly in the south Radio is the main source of information for most Nigerians All 36 states have their own radio stations
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  • Nigeria is a federal political system (in theory) Three branches of government (Legislative, Executive, Judicial) Executive has been most dominant traditionally Each of the 36 states and 774 local governments has an executive, legislative, and judicial branch 2 nd, 3 rd, & 4 th Republics (all since 1979) had presidential system, with a strong executive theoretically checked by bicameral legislature and independent judiciary Currently neither federalism or checks & balances operate, and state & local governments are completely dependent on the central government
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  • 1979, 2 nd Republic, presidential system replaced parliamentary system based on British model Multiple ethnic groups fragmented the multi-party system and the legislature and prevented a prime minister from gaining the necessary authority to rule Belief was that a president could symbolize national unity and rise above weak party system U.S. presidential model with two-term limits Appoints a Cabinet (approved by Senate); veto legislation, which can be overridden 1983, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari initiated palace coup, set precedent for military coups and military rule Buhari ousted by Gen. Babangida in 1985 Gen. Abacha replaces Babangida in 1993 Civilian rule returned in 1999, President Obasanjo
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  • Military Rule 7 military rulers have all ruled differently All promised transition to democracy Only Obasanjo in 1979 and General Abubakar in 1999 delivered democratic transition Generals Buhari (1983-85), Babangida (1985-93), and Abacha (1993-98) used repression and violence All military & civilian regimes concentrated power in hands of the executive Patrimonialism Generals/Presidents head of patron-client system Dispense government jobs and resources as rewards to political supporters Cabinet positions & bureaucratic chiefs part of presidents patronage system Patrimonialism in Nigeria is unstable which has led to recurring coups
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  • British installed elaborate civil service system during colonial period Nigerians were allowed to fill lower-level jobs within bureaucracy Civil service sector continued to grow after independence Current bureaucracy is bloated, corrupt, and inefficient. Bribery is common. Jobs in civil service are often awarded through the patron- client system, Prebendalism.
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  • Parastatals Most government agencies are parastatals, or corporations owned by the state. (Similar to Mexico) Provide commercial and social welfare services Board members are appointed by government ministers, and corporate executives are part of the presidents patronage system Parastatals provide public utilities such as water, electricity, public transportation, and agricultural subsidies Control major industries such as steel, defense industry, and petroleum State Corporatism Corporatism authoritarian political system that allows for political input from selected interest groups outside the government structure In Nigeria, this input is provided by parastatals, because they are controlled by the government it is referred to as State Corporatism Parastatals insure that the state controls private interest as well as fulfills social & economic functions Parastatals serve as contact point between government & business interests, but state ultimately controls these interactions (Corrupt & inept)
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  • A parliamentary system until 1979 Replaced by a bicameral legislature Nigerian legislature under military governments have had no power, under civilian government they have been unable to check power of the president Legislature is a follower in the political process instead of a leader Corruption scandals in 1999 president of the Senate and speaker of the lower house were removed for perjury and forgery. In 2000 the Senate president was removed for accepting kickbacks for a government contract
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  • Senate 109 Senators 3 from each of the 36 states 1 from Abuja district Directly elected by popular vote Senators are ethnically and religiously diverse Only 4 of 109 Senators were women as of 2003 elections Approves high level presidential appointments National Assembly Formerly called House of Representatives 360 member representatives Single-member districts, elected by plurality vote Only 23 of the 360 representatives are women (2003)
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  • Early years of after independence judiciary had great deal of autonomy Autonomy stripped by military decrees that nullified court decisions and setup quasi-judicial tribunals outside regular system Judicial review was suspended Presidential cronies appointed as justices Today judiciary is responsible for interpreting laws in accordance with the Constitution, so judicial review exist in theory Court structure at state & federal level, highest court is the Supreme Court Sharia courts exist in parallel existence with courts developed on British model Cases: In 1993, Mshood Abiolao, winner of annulled 1993 election was detained and died in custody. Presiding judges changed often and critics attacked the military cronyism of the judicial system In 1995, activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, and 8 other activists were detained and executed under court orders arranged by the military and presided over by military officers
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  • Military Northeners dominate officer corps and are well- educated, having attended Sandhurst military academy Traditional leaders of the various states Positions are hereditary; they are well-educated and cosmopolitan Well-educated professionals that make up civil service Nigerian Youth Service Corps (NYSC) University and graduate school students perform a year of service outside their state (usually in rural areas) Successful business is also a path to elite status
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  • Strong, policy-making force in Nigeria Military in Government those that initiate coups and take over the responsibility of the executive branch Military in Barracks fulfills traditional duties of military, its leaders have been critical of military control of political power. Military has been subject to internal discord, military presidents often have to keep a close eye on other military leaders. Babangida protected his authority by constantly moving military personnel around and appointed senior officers through his patronage system Military is one of the few institutions that is truly national in character. Military has restored and maintained order during ethnic strife and conflict
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  • Top-down policy-making process. Power concentrated in hands of the president & cabinet ministers through channels established by patron clientelism Loyalty Pyramid senior officials supported by broader base of loyal junior officials State control of resources means that those in the pyramid get the spoils, they alone have access to wealth and influence. Loyal clients of patronage structured pyramids includes: Kaduna Mafia, Babangidas Boys, and Abachas Boys Military controls pyramids, pyramids supported by guns (Force); therefore, protesting system can be dangerous Top-down, self-interested rule established by British during colonial era when the British relied on native chiefs to ensure Nigerian trade and resources benefited Great Britain
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  • Loyalty pyramids and corruption have led to a squandering of Nigerias wealth Nigeria is currently in debt and majority of the population lives in poverty Large oil revenues have been pocketed by government officials Economic situation complicated by ethnic & regional conflict In February 2001, federal government asked the Supreme Court to all the government to collect oil revenue and put it in a federal account (Revenue Sharing) Areas in the south along Niger River Delta protested this idea, they believed the policy was a way for northerners to take profits and revenue away from the south
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  • Oil Oil wealth during the 1970s gave Nigeria international leverage OPEC member Conflicts in Middle East have made Nigeria more important as a trade partner for other countries since 1970s Lack of economic diversification hurts Nigeria when oil prices drop DEBT as a result of drop in oil prices and lack of revenue surplus Structural Adjustment 1980s, Nigeria seeks assistance from international organizations to deal with debt crisis World Bank & IMF involvement Restructure & diversification of Nigerian economy Privatize parastatals Cut government spending Shock Treatment not very successful Parastatals still under government control Debt repayment had to be restructured
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  • Federalism seen as a positive characteristic for Nigerian political structure Federalism promises power-sharing Allows citizens more contact points with government Federal Character Recognition of all ethnic, religious, & regional groups Nigerian Constitutional Provisions Senators represent diverse states Representatives elected from diverse districts President must receive 25% of the votes in 2/3 of the districts Negatives of Federalism Federalism bloats bureaucracy Promotes corruption within bureaucracy Jobs created to satisfy demands of various ethnic groups Legislative branch suffers from gridlock Competition over government resources
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  • Southerners argue that federalism will only exist when central government devolves some authority to the state & local governments Nigerians of the Niger Delta believe they should control their own resources Redistribution of the regions oil wealth should be prohibited Southerners suggest that police duties should also be the responsibility of local and state governments This True Federalism Movement not supported by Northerners North has few resources and very little revenue to share Northerners benefit more from redistribution of wealth programs
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  • President Obasanjo had promised to create more states (36 currently) Defuse ethnic-based political conflict (Federalist 10) More state governments, however, cost money (which they dont have) Current federalism creates a lot of competition of money from government leading to a system called chop-chop politics or log rolling and pork barrel politics in the US
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  • Economic Reforms of the late 1990s Further privatization of state-owned industry Limitations on economic controls of the central government Money taken by General Abacha returned by foreign banks and placed in the state treasury Scheme for alleviating poverty in Nigeria Increase in public wages Hope of decreasing instances of corruption Increase in financial reserves as a result of stabilized oil prices
