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Description of SAFE Project Name: Smart APPs For

Adults Education

Key Action: Cooperation for inno-

vation and the exchange of good


Main objective of the Project:

Development of Innovation

Project Acronym: SAFE

Project Duration: 24 months

Partners of the Project:

Avcılar Halk Eğitimi Merkezi -


Centro de Formação de Escolas

de Almada (Almadaforma) – Portugal

Danmar Computers LLC – Poland

Cepa Comarca Nordeste de Te-

nerife – Spain

Target Group:

Teachers (in adults Education)

Adult Trainers

Why This Project?

Nowadays, people use smart devices

like tablets and mobile phones, more

often than they use spoons. These

devices are an essential part of their

lives. Teachers and schools are not

very satisfied with the importance of

those in people's lives. The main ar-

gument against this intensive use is

that it makes people less sociable, To

try youngsters to be more active

socially and physically, and schools in

some countries prohibit the use of

the mobile phones in class. But this

measure is not a very efficient one -

it is difficult to control (you cannot

see when they use it. That is why we

will try through this project to make

these appliances more useful for

young and adult people in educational

meaning, to educate them to use

applications not only for games and

movies but also to make their lear-

ning process easier, which will lead

to some positive results in their pro-

fessional, vocational lives

Description of the Project:

SAFE project will give to the adults,

new opportunities using equipments

that they have it already. This will

open new opportunities to teach and

to learn in this new era: The techno-


This project will strengthen teaching

skills by developing trainers' digital

competence, provide the involved

institutions with worldwide visibility

and access to information about

them (apps), develop trainees' key

(Continue on page 10)

June|2017 #1


Page 2

CEPA Comarca Nordeste de Tenerife - SP

Our Center: Adult School Education

Center (CEPA), Comarca Nordeste, is an

Adult School which depends on the Auto-

nomous Government of The Canary Is-

lands( Spain). We teach formal Educati-

on,class based and distance learning cour-

ses to adult students who are over 18

years old on Basic Formation, Secondary

Education, High School Education (Bachillerato) and Vocational

Training. The Canary Islands are formed by seven islands, located in

the Athlantic Ocean,which is an Spanish Autonomous Community

and one of the ultraperipheric regions that belong to the European

Union. We are located in the Island of Tenerife.

The area that our CEPA Comarca

Nordeste covers is one part of the

municipality of San Cristobal de La

Laguna and the municipality of the

town called Tegueste.

Our CEPA counts on a central venue in the city of Tejina and it has

different classrooms distributed along its influence area. Nowadays,

we have 667 students who are applied for different teaching educati-

on courses:

10 groups of Basic Education.

6 groups of class based Education.

1 group of semi class based Education.

1 group of Vocational Training at Distance

4 groups of Distance High School Education (Bachillerato) with a

formed period through Internet.

1 group of Vocational Training in Farming.

1 group of training for access tests.

One of the main objectives of our School is to promote and improve

the use of the new Information and Communication Technologies

(TIC) and the virtual spaces and teaching classrooms. This is aimed

at an integrated focus and approach of these tools, methodologies,

resources, means and educative contents. According to this objecti-

ve, this is our main and most important reason to join to this project

(SAFE - Smart APPs for Adults Education).

We have been promoting the use of the virtual space: “Moodle”

since many years, not only to support our teaching, but also to the

direct development of these virtual teaching classes.

We count on a group of 12 teachers (eight teachers of Secondary

School, three teachers of Primary School, and one teacher of Vocati-

onal Training. Our school also has twenty three teachers from diffe-

rent schools around the area who collaborate to the teaching thro-

ugh special school hours.

Our school hours are from nine o´clock a.m. to two o´clock p.m.

and from four o´clock p.m. to ten o´clock p.m.

Our school web is:




Page 3

CEPA Comarca Nordeste de Tenerife - SP

Nombre de Proyecto: Smart APPS para

la Educación de Adultos.

Acción Principal: Cooperación e

Innovación en el intercambio de buenas


Principal Objetivo del Proyecto:

Desarrollo e innovación.

Acronimo: SAFE

Duración del Proyecto: 24 meses

Miembros del Proyecto:

1. Avcilar nHalk Egitimi Merkezi –


2. Agrupamiento de Escuelas de

Caparica – Portugal

3. Danmar Computers LLC – Polonia.

4. CEPA Comarca Nordeste de

Tenerife – España.

Grupo de Trabajo:

Profesores de Educación de Adultos.

Formadores Adultos.

¿Para Qué Este Proyecto?

Hoy en día la gente utiliza nuevas

tecnologías en todo momento, tipo

tablets, móviles, su uso es más frecuente

que cualquier otro instrumento. Estas

nuevas tecnologías ya son una parte

esencial en nuestras vidas. Profesores y

colegios no parecen muy conscientes de la

importancia de estos en la vida de las

personas. El principal argumento en contra

de su uso es que hace a la gente mucho

menos sociable. Colegios e Institutos en

muchos países, prohíben el uso de móviles

en el aula con el fin de que los

adolescentes sean más activos socialmente

y también, físicamente. Pero esta medida

no es eficiente, ya que es difícil controlar

su uso( no sabemos cuando lo usan o no.

Este es el principal motivo de crear este

proyecto, para así crear aplicaciones que

sean útiles para estudiantes adultos y

jóvenes adolescentes en el contexto

educativo, para educar al alumnado no

sólo a través de juegos y películas, sino

también conseguir que el proceso de

aprendizaje sea más efectivo y práctico en

su vida profesional y laboral.

Descripción del Proyecto:

El proyecto, SAFE proporcionará a los

alumnos nuevas oportunidades de usar

aplicaciones que ellos realmente ya

conocen . E s to ab r i r á nuevas

oportunidades para enseñar y aprender in

esta área: las nuevas tecnologías.

El proyecto facilitará nuevas estrategias de

aprendizaje desarrollando la competencia

digital y además, desarrolla las

competencias base incluyendo alumnos y

profesores alrededor del mundo. A su vez,

refuerza la dimensión Europea con la

colaboración de varios países que

trabajarán colaborativamente.

Nuestros objetivos son:

Desarrollar en los alumnos la parte

creativa y las competencias básicas.

Mejorar el empleo en los estudiantes.

Crear formas de evaluar cada parte del


Impacto en la comunidad educativa.

Asegurar una dimensión Europea a

través del proyecto: durabilidad, un

efecto positivo en los centros

educativos y incluir a la sociedad en el


Aprenderemos a usar nuevas APPS a nivel

educativo, se publicarán y se difundirán a

toda la comunidad educativa, reflejarán los

riesgos y oportunidades de uso a través de

los medios de comunicación y además,

presentarán un “código de conducta” (e-

Guide). Se aprenderá a desarrollar esta

APP, teniendo en cuenta los temas de

seguridad relacionados con la búsqueda,

instalación y su uso a nivel educativo y

social. Se publicará una guía (e-guide)

creada por todos los países miembros del

proyecto, que mostrará nuestro

intercambio de practicas educativas,

nuestras experiencias, actividades,

conocimientos del tema.. y todo ello, se

publicará en nuestra website.

Nuestros alumnos aprenderán a usar esta

APP y estarán preparados para usarla en el

contexto laboral. Además, trabajarán más

a nivel cooperativo, mejorarán la

competencia comunicativa en Inglés, y se

involucrarán con otros alumnos Europeos

con necesidades similares. Todo ello,

beneficiará no solo al alumnado sino a

toda la sociedad.

¿Pero Cómo?

1. Se organizarán cursos básicos para

crear aplicaciones móviles para todos

aquellos participantes en cada


2. Se formarán grupos de trabajo de

varios profesores con cursos de

aprendizaje y formación.

3. Se apoyará y mejorará la competencia

tecnológica y digital en el profesorado.

4. Se traducirá todo el trabajo hecho:

conferencias, reuniones, contenidos,

formación, correspondencia,

documentos creados...etc, así todo el

mundo estará totalmente informado

durante todo el proceso de trabajo.

5. Se organizarán equipos de trabajo

entre compañeros para ayudar a todos

a comprender cada parte del proyecto

y su desarrollo: objetivos a corto y

largo plazo, , actividades , contenidos,


6. Se organizarán reuniones y

conferencias con el fin de difundir este

proyecto entre los adultos.

Page 4


Computers is a



operating in the

field of


Technology and providing vocational

training in this field. Danmar has an

extensive experience in developing

modern Web and mobile applications

that are used for educational purposes.

Danmar also has long-term experience

of carrying out European projects

within which company’s R&D staff

conducts research and prepares

trainings tailored to the needs of

various learners.

During 15 years, Danmar has

successfully implemented over 50

projects within Grundtvig, Leonardo da

Vinci, Progress and recently

Erasmus+.In many of these projects

Danmar was responsible for designing

and coordinating dissemination

strategies. Danmar Computers is the

developer and provider of

AdminProject (, the on

-line system for management of

European projects.

All activities of the company are based

on wide and well-established

cooperation network, both on national

and international levels. The national

networks include training and

counselling institutions, universities,

schools, non-governmental

organisations as well as private sector

companies. International network

include partners of various profiles

coming from every European Union’s

country. Danmar Computer’s mission is

the promotion of life-long education

and assurance of equal access to

education for everyone with the use of

modern technology.

Danmar Computers jest prywatną firmą

działającą w obszarze Technologii

Informacyjnych i oferującą szkolenia

zawodowe w tym zakresie. Danmar

specjalizuje się w tworzeniu stron

internetowych i aplikacji mobilnych,

wykorzystywanych w edukacji. Ponadto

Danmar posiada wieloletnie

doświadczenie w realizacji projektów

unijnych, w ramach których zespół

działu R&D przeprowadza liczne badania

i przygotowuje kursy dostosowane do

potrzeb różnych grup odbiorców. Przez

15 lat firma przeprowadziła ponad 50,

zakończonych sukcesem projektów, w

ramach programów Grundtvig,

Leonardo da Vinci, Progress oraz

Erasmus+. W wielu z tych projektów,

Danmar odpowiadał za planowanie i

nadzór nad upowszechnianiem. Danmar

Computers jest twórcą i dostawcą

programu AdminProject

(, internetowego

systemu zarządzania projektami


Działania firmy opierają się na

rozbudowanej sieci kontaktów, na

poziomie zarówno narodowym jak i

międzynarodowym. Na poziomie

narodowym jest to współpraca z

instytucjami szkoleniowymi i

doradczymi, uniwersytetami, szkołami,

organizacjami pozarządowymi jak też

firmami prywatnymi. Sieć kontaktów

międzynarodowych obejmuje

partnerów o różnych profilach

działalności, z każdego kraju Unii

Europejskiej. Misją firmy Danmar

Computers jest promocja uczenia się

przez całe życie i zapewnienie każdemu

równego dostępu do edukacji za

pomocą nowoczesnych technologii.

Danmar Computers - PL

Page 5

Danmar Computers - PL

Projekt: Smart APPs For Adults


Akcja 2: Współpraca na rzecz innowacji

i wymiany dobrych praktyk

Główny cel projektu: Rozwój


Akronim projektu: SAFE

Czas trwania projektu: 24 miesiące

Partnerzy projektu:

1. Avcılar Halk Eğitimi Merkezi -Turcja

2. Agrupamento de Escolas da

Caparica –Portugalia

3. Danmar Computers LLC –Polska

4. Cepa Comarca Nordeste De

Tenerife – Hiszpania

Grupa docelowa:

Nauczyciele ( nauczyciele osób


Trenerzy osób dorosłych

Cel projektu?

Obecnie, ludzie coraz częściej używają

urządzeń mobilnych takich jak smartfony

czy tablety. Urządzenia te stały się

nieodłącznym elementem naszego życia.

Nauczyciele i szkoły nie są zbyt

zadowoleni z coraz większej roli jaką one

odgrywają. Głównym argumentem

przeciw, jest to że ludzie nadużywający

tych urządzeń, stają się aspołeczni. Aby

młodzież była bardziej aktywna

społecznie i fizycznie, niektóre szkoły

zabraniają korzystania z nich. Nie jest to

jednak skuteczne podejście – ciężko jest

to kontrolować (nie da się nieustannie

nadzorować uczniów). Dlatego, w

ramach tego projektu, postaramy się

pokazać młodym ludziom, że mogą

wykorzystywać aplikacje mobilne

również do celów edukacyjnych, nie

tylko do grania czy oglądania filmów, ale

także po to aby ułatwić sobie proces

nauki, co pozytywnie przełoży się na ich

późniejsze życie zawodowe.

Opis projektu:

Projekt SAFE pokaże osobom dorosłym

jak inaczej mogą wykorzystać posiadane

urządzenia. Otworzy to nowe

możliwości uczenia się i nauczania w erze


Projekt zwiększy efektywność nauczania,

rozwijając kompetencje cyfrowe

nauczycieli, jak również ich umiejętność

do angażowania uczniów w proces

nauczania, zwiększy rozpoznawalność

instytucji zaangażowanych w projekt

poprzez przygotowanie i udostępnienie

informacji o nich (w formie aplikacji),

oraz zwiększy poziom współpracy

nauczycieli i trenerów na poziomie


Naszym celem jest:

Rozwój umiejętności i kreatywności

naszych uczniów;

Zwiększenie poziomu zatrudnienia

wśród naszych uczniów;

Wywarcie pozytywnego wpływu na

lokalne społeczności;

Stworzenie wartości dodanej na

poziomie europejskim; trwałości i

wywarcie pozytywnego efektu na

osoby i instytucje zaangażowane w


Nauczymy się wykorzystania dostępnych

aplikacji i narzędzi edukacyjnych,

opracujemy nowe aplikacje, udostępnimy

je i upowszechnimy, zastanowimy się nad

szansami i zagrożeniami płynącymi z

wykorzystania aplikacji i mediów

społecznościowych i opracujemy “kodeks

zachowania” (e-Guide); zgłębimy kwestie

związane z wyszukiwaniem,

instalowaniem i korzystaniem z aplikacji

edukacyjnych; opublikujemy przewodnik

online (e-Guide), w którym pokażemy

nasze praktyki, doświadczenie, działania,

materiały opracowane przez partnerów

oraz całą nasza wiedzę dotyczącą tego


Nasi uczniowie będą mogli lepiej

pokierować swoim rozwojem

zawodowym, przyzwyczają się do

wspólnej pracy, rozwiną znajomość

języka angielskiego, oraz poznają osoby z

innych krajów o podobnych

zainteresowaniach. Wszystko to

przyniesie korzyść zarówno im jak i

całym społecznościom.

Jak to osiągniemy?

1. Zorganizujemy kursy tworzenia

aplikacji mobilnych, w każdej z

organizacji partnerskich.

2. Opracujemy kursy szkoleniowe dla


3. Będziemy wspierać kompetencje IT

nauczycieli i uczniów

4. Przetłumaczymy i opiszemy treści,

konferencje, spotkania, szkolenia i

dokumenty powstałe w projekcie,

tak aby każdy zainteresowany

uzyskał wgląd w cały proces.

5. Zorganizujemy zespoły

monitorujące, aby zapewnić, że

każdy zrozumiał każdy aspekt

projektu i proces jego realizacji:

cele długo i krótkoterminowe,

działania, rezultaty, czy opracowane


6. Zorganizujemy spotkania i

konferencje mające na celu

promowanie rezultatów projektu.

Page 6

Almadaforma Teachers Training Centre - PT

AlmadaForma is an in-service teachers training public institution.

It currently supports all teacher’s and other educational staff from

public schools and school clusters of all levels of education, plus

vocational schools. Our institution also supports directly Alma-

da’s community with a global perspective of local development;

the center has a large net of national, regional and local part-

nerships, with universities, the municipality, and several compa-

nies, where the students from vocational courses can do their

initial training.

The philosophy of the Center has its focus on the role that edu-

cation must play in the design, organization and operationalization

of in-service training of education professionals. It shows the

importance of centering the continuing education on the qualifica-

tion of the schools personal and on the public service done by

schools and by the community, always focused in the lifelong

learning, local development, employability and social.

We are also European courses providers (Erasmus+ Ka1 action):

EUROPEANS SHARING VIEWS – Making sense of the world

through multimedia and ICT and Free Web Tools in Education:

Another way to Teach and to Learn. European Cour-



O Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas do Concelho

de Almada – ALMADAFORMA, é uma instituição pública de for-

mação continua de professores.

Tem como principal função dar suporte formativo a educadores e

professores, pertencentes às mais variadas equipas educacionais

de escolas públicas e privadas de todos os níveis de ensino, não

esquecendo as escolas com cursos de caracter técnico

(profissionais) . Este Centro de Formação também apoia directa-

mente a comunidade de Almada com numa perspectiva global de

desenvolvimento local. O Centro de Formação ALMADAFOR-

MA possui uma ampla rede de parcerias locais, regionais, nacio-

nais e internacionais, como por exemplo: universidades, municí-

pio de Almada, ou mesmo as diversas empresas, onde os alunos

de cursos profissionalizantes podem fazer seu estágio profissional.

O Centro de Formação ALMADAFORMA tem como foco, o

papel que a educação deve desempenhar na concepção, organiza-

ção e operacionalização da formação contínua dos profissionais

da educação. O seu trabalho visa dar uma melhor importância da

formação contínua na qualificação das escolas e, no serviço públi-

co feito pelas escolas e pela comunidade, sempre focado na

aprendizagem ao longo da vida, desenvolvimento local, na empre-

gabilidade e na sociedade..

O Centro de Formação ALMADAFORMA também dinamiza

cursos europeus (ação Erasmus + Ka1): Europeans Sharing Views

- Making sense of the world through multimedia and ICT and

Free Web Tools in Education: Another way to Teach and to Le-

a r n . C u r s o s e u r o p e u s E R A S M U S +


Nome do Projeto: Smart APPs For Adults Education

Medidas Essenciais: Cooperação para a inovação e intercâmbio

de boas práticas

Principal Objectivo do Projeto: Desenvolvimento da Inova-


Abreviatura do Projeto: SAFE

Duração do Projeto: 24 meses

Parceiros do Projeto:

Avcılar Halk Eğitimi Merkezi -Turquia

Agrupamento de Escolas da Caparica – Portugal

Danmar Computers LLC – Polónia

Cepa Comarca Nordeste De Tenerife – Espanha

Grupo Alvo:

Professores (na Educação de Adultos)

Formadores de Adultos

O Porquê deste Projeto?

Hoje em dia, as pessoas usam com mais frequência dispositivos

inteligentes como tablets e smartphones, do que os talheres.

Estes dispositivos são parte essencial das suas vidas.

A generalidade das escolas e dos professores têm dificuldades em

lidar com a importância que estes dispositivos têm na vida dos

seus alunos / formandos.

O principal argumento contra uma utilização mais intensiva des-

tes dispositivos, prende-se com a preocupação da diminuição das

interações de socialização.

Como forma de tentar tornar os jovens mais ativos social e fisica-

mente, as escolas de alguns países proibiram a utilização de ta-

blets e smartphones nas aulas.

Estas medidas não tem tido contudo muita eficácia, pois são de

Page 7

Almadaforma Teachers Training Centre - PT

difícil controlo e acabam por ter um efeito


Assim, tentamos com este projeto inte-

grar estes dispositivos na sala de aula, de

forma a que os jovens e adultos façam

uma utilização mais efetiva e pertinente

destes no contexto educativo.

Descrição do Projeto:

O projeto SAFE pretende proporcionar

aos jovens e adultos, a possibilidade de

utilizarem os equipamentos que já possu-

em e que trazem consigo diariamente em

contexto educativo. Isto abre novas opor-

tunidades no ensino e na aprendizagem

dos mais diversos conteúdos, através de

uma utilização mais inteligente deste equi-

pamentos e das aplicações disponíveis.

Este projecto irá reforçar as competências

de ensino dos formadores, apostando no

desenvolvimento das suas competências

digitais, fornecendo às instituições envolvi-

das uma visibilidade global e acesso à in-

formação sobre as aplicações que disponi-

bilizam. Pretende desenvolver nos for-

mandos as competências chave envolven-

do-os diretamente no seu processo de

aprendizagem, reforçando a dimensão

europeia por via do trabalho colaborativo

de formadores e formandos de diferentes



Desenvolver a criatividade e as compe-

tências de base dos alunos;

Promover a empregabilidade dos nos-

sos estudante;

Desenvolver a avaliação das diferentes

partes do projeto;

Criar impacto na Comunidade

Assegurar a coesão europeia através da

durabilidade e efeito positivo sobre as

instituições e as pessoas envolvidas

neste projecto.

Pretendemos conhecer e usar aplicativos

e ferramentas educacionais disponíveis;

Aprender a criar novos aplicativos; Dispo-

nibilizar e divulgar esses aplicativos junto

do público-alvo; Refletir as vantagens e os

riscos do uso deste tipo de aplicativos (e

das redes sociais no geral), disponibilizan-

do um "código de conduta on-line"; Co-

nhecer as questões de segurança relacio-

nadas com a pesquisa, instalação e uso de

aplicativos educacionais e sociais disponí-

veis; Criar e divulgar online um “e-guia”

que sintetizará o conhecimento sobre

este tópico partilhado pelos parceiros,

fruto da troca de práticas, experiências,

atividades bem como dos novos recursos

(apps) criados; Disponibilizar toda a infor-

mação no site do projeto (http://

Pretendemos que os nossos alunos fiquem

mais preparados e capacitados para de-

senvolver sua atividade laboral de forma

mais eficaz, permitindo-lhes trabalhar de

forma mais cooperativa, tendo simultanea-

mente melhorado o seu nível de inglês o

que lhes permitirá um maior envolvimen-

to com parceiros europeus. Tudo isto os

beneficiará, bem como às comunidades a

que pertencem.

Mas como fazê-lo?

1. Promovendo cursos básicos sobre a

criação de Smart Apps em cada uma

das instituições.

2. Promovendo acções de formação para

os formadores.

3. Apoiando os professores e formado-

res na melhoria das suas competências

na área das Tecnologias de Informação

4. Disponibilizando resumos traduzidos

dos conteúdos das conferências, en-

contros, correspondência electrónica

relevante, das formações ministradas,

dos principais documentos partilhados,

para que todos se sintam plenamente

informados sobre todo o processo.

5. Organizando equipas de orientação

para ajudar todos a compreenderem

cada parte deste projeto e seu proce-

dimento, objetivos pretendidos curto

e longo prazo, atividades, resultados

pretendidos e alcançados, conteúdos,


6. Agendando reuniões e conferências

para divulgar os resultados do projeto

a todos os interessados.

Page 8




Center was

founded on


16, 1992

with the


of Avcılar as a district and has continued

to serve in different centers over the

years. We are continuing our Lifelong

Learning activities in the center of the

Ambarlı Quarter and in the majority of

the schools in our region, in line with

the need of the region

Our institution, which gives importance

to family education, offers courses on

this field. In our institution, there are

foreign language courses such as

English,Russian,and German, Turkish

courses for refugees, and there are also

vocational courses in many areas such

as computer, web designer, skin care,

couture. In addition the courses are

opened in the fields of sport, music and

traditional Turkish arts for adults.

Avcılar Public Education Center consists

of a main building and about ten

additional buildings. It is located in

Avcılar county,all the people can reach

easily. It serves over 5000 people a year

with distance education services.

There are various protocol works with

universities, municipalities, non-

governmental organizations. It is the

competent authority for the

certification of training in the context of

lifelong learning. Our institution is

involved in many national and

international projects to improve the

quality of adult education.

Avcilar Halkeğitimi Merkezi

Avcılar Halk Eğitimi Merkezi 16 Kasım

1992 tarihinde Avcılar Beldesi’nin ilçe

ilan edilmesi ile kurulmuş ve yıllar

içerisinde değişik merkezlerde hizmet

vermeye devam etmiştir. 2007 yılı itibarı

ile Ambarlı Mahallesindeki merkez

binamızda, Gümüşpala Mahallemizdeki

ek binamızda ve ilçemiz mahallerindeki

örgün eğitim kurumlarının birçoğunda

bölgesinin ihtiyacı doğrultusunda, Hayat

Boyu Öğrenme faaliyetlerimize devam


Kurumumuz Hayat Boyu Öğrenme

süreci kapsamında Okuma-Yazma

Kursları, Mesleki-Teknik Kurslar

(Bilgisayar İşletmenliği, Bilgisayarlı

Muhasebe, Kuaförlük, Cilt Bakımı,

Kalorifer Ateşçiliği, Hasta ve Yaşlı

Bakım Elemanı v.b.), Sosyal Kültürel

Kurslar(Halk Oyunları, Gitar, Bağlama,

Tiyatro, Resim, El Sanatları v.b.) ve

örgün öğrenimi yarıda bırakan

vatandaşlarımızın İlköğretim veya Lise

eğitimlerini tamamlaması için Açık

İlköğretim ve Açık Lise kayıt kabul,

öğrenci işleri kurumumuz tarafından

yapılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda 350.000

nüfuslu ilçemizde 2015-2016 Eğitim/

Öğretim yılı içerisinde yaklaşık 20.000

vatandaşımıza sertifikalı, 50.000 e yakın

Avcilar Adult Education Center - TK

Page 9

Avcilar Adult Education Center - TK

vatandaşımıza açıköğretim ve her alanda

ve her kurumla ilgili sosyal danışmalık

hizmeti verilmiştir.

Aile eğitimi konusuna önem veren

merkezimiz bu konuda sürekli kurslar

açmakta ve seminer düzenlemektedir.

Merkezimiz hayat boyu öğrenme

kapsamında, herkes için her yerde

eğitim düsturunda faaliyetlerine devam

etmekte ve sadece gençler ve çocuklar

için değil yaşlı vatandaşlarımızın

rehabilite ve hayata bağlanması için

üzerine düşen görevi seminer,

sempozyum ve kurs düzenleyerek

yerine getirmektedir.

Kurumumuz görev sorumluluklarını en

iyi şekilde yerine getirmek için sürekli

değişim gelişim prensibi çevresinde

yenilikçi uygulamaları hayata geçirmek

için projeler üretmekte ve

uygulamaktadır. Güzelliğe Giden Yol,

Bir Kitap Bir Çiçek vb bir çok projeler

yürütmüş, ayrıca şu anda da AB

projeleri yürütmektedir.

Proje Adı: Yetişkinler için Akıllı Mobil


Proje Başvuru Alanı: Yenilik


Proje Kısaltması: SAFE

Proje Süresi: 24 ay

Proje Ortakları:

1. Avcılar Halk Eğitimi Merkezi -


2. Agrupamento de Escolas da

Caparica – Portekiz

3. Danmar Computers LLC –


4. Cepa Comarca Nordeste de

Tenerife – İspanya

Hedef Kitlesi:

Yetişkin Eğitimi alanında görev

yapan öğretmenler-usta öğreticiler

Yetişkin Kursiyerler

Neden Bu Proje?

Günümüzde hemen hemen herkesin

kullandığı akıllı mobil cihazlar için özel

olarak kodlanmış ve tasarlanmış

yazılımlar olan “Mobil Uygulamalar”

hayatımızın neredeyse tamamında yer

almakta. İnterneti yanımızda taşımak

ihtiyacımızla birlikte akıllı cep telefonları

ve tablet bilgisayarlarının kullanımının

hızlı bir şekilde artmaya devam ettiği

günümüzde internet kullanımı da mobil

alana doğru ilerlemiş durumdadır. Mobil

cihazların yaygınlaşması ve bireylerin

online kalma sürelerinin artması ile

beraber, mobil uygulamalar her geçen

gün daha önemli hale gelmektedir.


Yetişkin eğitimi öğretmenlerinin ve

kursiyerlerinin günümüz teknoloji

dünyasının gereklerini yerine

getirebilmesi, hızla gelişen bilgi çağına

ayak uydurabilmesi ve mesleki

becerilerini geliştirebilmesini amaçlayan

bu proje ülkemizdeki yetişkin eğitimin

geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağımızı

düşünmekteyiz. Projemiz ile yetişkin

eğitimine yenilikçi yaklaşımlar getirerek

eğitimde kaliteyi artırmayı


Proje Amaçlarımız:

Yetişkinlerin yaratıcılık ve temel

becerilerini geliştirmek

Yetişkin Eğitimi’nde kullanılabilecek

eğitim amaçlı mobil uygulamalar


Yetişkin eğitiminde teknoloji

kullanımını etkin hale getirmek

Yetişkin Eğitiminde öğretim

yöntem ve tekniklerini geliştirmek

Yetişkinlerin mesleki istihdamını


Peki Neler Yapacağız?

1. Bütün ortak kurumlarda mobil

uygulama üretmeye yönelik kurslar


2. Proje kapsamında Öğretmen

Eğitimi düzenleyeceğiz

3. Yetişkin eğitimi yapan

öğretmenlerin ve kursiyerlerin

teknoloji bilgisini geliştireceğiz.

4. Daha fazla kitleye hitap edebilmek

için konferanslar, yarışmalar,

eğitimler, atölye faaliyetleri gibi,

yapılan tüm çalışmaları ortak

ülkeler olarak kendi anadillerimize


5. Proje süresinde daha aktif katılım

sağlamak ve daha kaliteli çıktılar

elde etmek için proje

değerlendirme ekipleri kuracağız.

6. Proje çıktılarımızı yaygınlaştırmak

için yetişkinlere yönelik kurslar,

plar ve toplantılar düzenleyeceğiz.

SAFE - Smart APP’s for Adult Education

competences involving them in a lear-

ners' centered teaching, and enhance

European dimension through working

collaboratively with trainers and traine-

es from different countries.

We aim to:

Develop teaching skills in adult edu-


Collect good examples of mobile

apps for educational purposes

Create new mobile apps for educa-

tional purposes

Develop our learners’ creativity and

basic skills

Foster our students’ employability

Increase effective using of technolo-

gy in adult education

To develop teaching methods and

techniques in Adult Education

Durability and positive effect on the

institutions and people involved in

this project

We’ll learn about and use available edu-

cational apps and tools; we’ll create

new apps; we’ll publish and disseminate

them; we’ll reflect the chances and risks

through the use of apps (& social me-

dia) and provide a “code of behavior” (e

-Guide); we’ll learn about safety issues

related to searching, installing and using

educational and social apps; we’ll pu-

blish an e-guide displaying our exchan-

ging of practices, experience, activities,

resources created by the partners, and

knowledge about this topic; we’ll display

our practices in our website.

Our learners will be ready and capable

to develop their jobs in a better way,

they’ll be used to work cooperatively,

they’ll have improved their English and

they’ll be involved with European part-

ners with similar profiles to them. All of

this will benefit them as well as the


But How?

1. We’ll organize basic courses for

creating mobile apps for these par-

ticipants in each institution.

2. We ‘ll set up teacher training cour-


3. We’ll support and improve teachers

and trainees’ IT competence

4. We’ll translate and summarize con-

tents, conferences, meetings, e-

correspondence, training, shared

documents, etc, so everybody feels

fully informed about the whole pro-


5. We’ll organize peer-mentoring

teams to help everybody to unders-

tand every part of this project and

its procedure: aims we intend short

and long term, activities, outputs,

contents, etc.

6. We will set up meetings, conferen-

ces to disseminate our project out-

puts to adults.

“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
