Newsletter - Indira Gandhi National Open University...1 Editorial Team DEP-SSA Vol. 4 No. 1 April...


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Editorial Team


Vol. 4 No. 1 April 2012 - September



The distance learning and training activities of the DEP-

SSA are implemented in various states through the

DECs. They act as a link between the DEP-SSA

headquarter and the state Project Offices.

The first meeting of DECs for the year 2012-13 was held

on 20th and 21st of July, 2012 at the Convention Centre,

IGNOU. Eighteen DECs from different states

participated in the meeting. The chief guest of the

inaugural session was Prof. R.S. Nirjar, Ex-Vice

Chancellor, Gautam Buddha University (Gr. Noida) and

Former Member Secretary, AICTE. Prof. C.B. Sharma,

Project Director, DEP-SSA extended a warm welcome to the chief guest as well as the DECs. Prof. Sharma stated that DEP-SSA is a

nodal agency that coordinates with the states in distance mode on behalf of Ministry of Human Resource Development. As it is in

distance mode, DEP-SSA works in tandem with IGNOU. He further stated that DEP-SSA’s format is to provide training to master

trainers and they in turn are expected to train other teachers. Prof. Sharma said that DECs play a vital role in implementing the

activities of DEP-SSA in the states.

Prof. R.S. Nirjar shared his valuable experiences and stressed on the importance of value education to children. He mentioned the

importance of teachers in shaping the personality of the children. He lauded the DEP-SSA for the efforts it has taken in the training

of the teachers. The participants were overwhelmed by his invigorating speech.

During the two day meeting the DEP-SSA functionaries analysed and held discussions on various activities conducted by the

DEP-SSA in various states/UTs. The programmes that were to be conducted by the various states in the financial year 2012-2013

were also discussed thoroughly. The state wise activity calendar was also prepared in consultation with DECs. The major outcome

of the meeting was that the DEP-SSA has taken up on itself to reach around one lakh teachers using teleconfenrencing and Gyan

Vani Programmes. It was also decided in the meeting that the best practices in distance education should be shared with the North-

East as this region has not progressed as desired. Accordingly, it was decided to organize a workshop at Guwahati during August

23-24, 2012.

Prof. M. Aslam, VC, IGNOU graced the valedictory session as the Chief Guest. Prof. Aslam is a well known educationist who has

been associated with various national and international bodies. In his valedictory speech, Prof. Aslam stressed the need to

introduce ICT for effective training of teachers. He also added that follow up of training session was equally important. Prof. Aslam

encouraged the usage of radio in the teaching-learning process. He ended his speech by saying that the training should be

planned as a mission and trainer should be pro-active in their approach.

Prof. M. Aslam with Prof. C.B. SharmaProf. R.S. Nirjar with Prof. C.B. Sharma

Sitting Left to Right: Dr. N. K. Singh (DEC Bihar), Dr. R. Acharya (P.O.), Prof. C.B. Sharma (Director), Prof. M. Aslam (VC), Dr. A. Mohan (Consultant), Dr. M. Dev (P.O.),

Dr. D.R. Sharma (DEC, Gujrat)



Professor Gopinath Pradhan

Vice Chancellor, IGNOU &

Chairman, Advisory

Committee, DEP-SSA


Professor C.B. Sharma

Project Director, DEP-SSA


Dr. Meenu Dev, Prog. Officer

Dr. Rekha Acharya, Prog. Officer

Sh. Anil Kumar Singh, Proj. Asst.


Ms. Meghali Baruah



Sh. Amar Singh

Admn. Cum Fin. Officer

CRC Coordination & Word


Sh. Khagesh Kumar, Sr. P.S.

Laser Composing:

Tessa Media & Computers


Secretarial Support

Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Proj. Asst.

Sh. Shiv Darshan Mehta, P.S.

Ms. Simi Somsundaram, P.S.

Ms. Rekha Bisht, P.S.


Project Director, DEP-SSA

IGNOU, Campus, Block-7

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068



Tel: 011-29531455/56/57

Fax: 011-29531233

To fulfill the commitments made through the Right

to Education Act is a Herculean task. Trained

teachers and also retraining the in-service

teachers with the latest knowledge and skills

without distance mode interventions is impossible

in a country like India. The Distance Education

Programme of the SSA promises to provide this.

The success of distance education depends upon

the collaborating partners. In traditional or face-

to-face teaching the teacher and the taught

together complete the process but in distance

mode the teacher’s role is played by the

contributing authors (i.e. unit writers) the script writers of audio and video

programs, the content editors and others. The process requires a mediator i.e. a

counselor to help learners access the content and wherever required help them

decode the message provided through print, audio or video.

Besides the providing institution which designs, develops and imparts the courses/

training the host institution which organizes the classes and workshops plays a

pivotal role. All the efforts made by the providing institution may not convert into

learning if conducive learning conditions are not created at the workshop location.

Failure to provide the required support by any of the collaborating agencies may

destroy the complete process and hamper learning drastically.

The DEP-SSA during the financial year 2012-13 has taken a few initiatives like

starting Pathshala an interactive radio programme. The Pathshala is organized

every Monday during 5 to 6 P.M. on FM 105.6. The programme has been a great

success as every broadcast attracts 10 to 15 questions from listeners across

nation. We have been able to reach primary teachers directly through the IGNOU,

Gyan Vani Channel. Pathshala provides input on teaching Hindi and English

languages but as it has been found to be successful we will like to include other

areas for interactive sessions. The West Bengal, SSA decided to broadcast our

Bengali Pathshala programmes from the Kolkata and Shantinikatan stations of

All India Radio. Our efforts have resulted in reaching out to more learners. This

is an outcome of effective collaboration. Elementary school teachers from other

states can also benefit from our efforts if the state SSA collaborates with the


The teleconference (TC) sessions organized by the DEP-SSA was not able to

attract much interaction in the past so we have combined the teleconference

with the workshops organized for training in different areas. The workshops are

organized at different locations in the country. The TCs now are more interactive

than before and workshop participants from rural areas are able to interact with

experts. At times when the Satellite Interactive Terminals (SITs) installed in the

training institutes do not work the complete network fails. All the efforts made

get wasted if the SIT fails to work.

The DEP-SSA has the capacity to provide tailor made courses to states. We

would do our best to fulfill the training needs. Let us collaborate to reach out to

the numbers otherwise not possible. We can together make the RTE a success.




The Ministry of Human Resource Development

(MHRD) has shown serious concern in scaling up the

participation, learning and completion of elementary

education by all children. There are hurdles in achieving

quality education for all in all parts of the country but the

hurdles in the North-Eastern states and Sikkim are

typical. Availability of quality teachers is the most pressing

of all issues and concerns. Content upgradation along

with pedagogic input are need of the hour.

The state project offices of the SSA arrange training of

teachers and the DEP-SSA also collaborates with the

SPOs of the states in providing training in the scholastic

as well as co-scholastic areas. We need to reach out to

millions of teachers, teacher educators and also parents

in one go.

The distance mode has the capacity to reach millions of

learners, through the modern communication

technologies. Radio and television have proved their

worth in disseminating not only information and

knowledge but also developing skills. During the meeting

of the Distance Education Coordinators (DEC) of

different states of the country at the DEP-SSA

headquartes during July 21-22, 2012, the DECs of only

three North-Eastern states managed to participate. It

was decided that the DEP-SSA should organize

workshop to orient education functionaries in the N-E

to scale up distance mode training activities in the N-E

states. A sharing workshop was organized in Guwahati

during August 23-24, 2012. Fifty teachers, teacher

educators and officials from different N-E states

participated and shared experiences. Because of the

difficult terrain it is not possible to undertake frequent

journeys either by the trainees or by the trainers. It was

decided to prepare and broadcast sensitization content

through radio in different national languages of N-E.

Through audio / video programmes the teachers would

be provided content as well as pedagogic input besides

parents would be sensitized about the importance of

schooling and education. A large number of relevant

age group children are out of school who need to be

brought to school and provided extra support to

compensate for the loss of parental support as they are

first generation learners. To bring out-of-school children

to school is a massive task in N-E region, but frequent

forceful canvassing can help break the status quo and

improve enrolment.

States require experts in planning, designing and

disseminating content as well as skills. The assignment is

huge, resources meager and time running out. The only

solace is that we have the communication technologies

available, but unfortunately the hardware installed has

gone into oblivion because of the disuse. We need to

bring ICT centrestage if we wish to leapfrog stages of

educational development.

The DEP-SSA would be happy to provide distance

mode support to states, in training large numbers in a

short span of time, in scholastic as well as other areas if

the states demand.


Radio is an ideal medium for

transaction of knowledge. It can be

easily accessed even at the remotest

place. Keeping this in view, the DEP-

SSA has decided to organize a three

day national seminar on “Radio for

Equitable Education to All” from the

27th to 29thof December, 2012.


DEP-SSA organized a Two-Day Orientation

Workshop on distance education for the SSA

functionaries of North-Eastern states and Sikkim during

23rd-24th August 2012 at Guwahati, Assam. A total of 48

functionaries attended the workshop. The participants

included the State Project Director, Distance Education

Coordinators, DIET Principals and faculties of DIET

and SSA functionaries. The inauguration session of the

workshop was chaired by Prof. H.C. Gautam, Dean

Faculty of Commerce, Gauhati University. Shri Tempo

Gyantso, SCS, Director, Technical Education, Sikkim.

Dr. S. Chakraverty, Director, ASC, Gauhati University,

Assam, and the programme coordinator Dr. Kandarpa

Das, Director, IDOL, Gauhati University, Assam also

attended and spoke at the inaugural session.

The importance of distance education for teacher

education has increased over a period of time. The

paradigm shift has taken place from traditional education

system to distance education system as stated by Prof.

Kandarpa Das, programme coordinator and director of

IDOL Gauhati University. He further added that distance

education is mainly learner centered and life time activity.

It is feasible in those situations where number of learners

are more or these learners cannot be removed from

their present job, having inadequate financial and physical

resources, and flexibility in terms of course learning, are

required. Distance education provides opportunity to

everyone and considers education as a right. It creates

a triangle of equity, access and flexibility. Finally, distance

education has edge over the other mode of training if

quality of distance learning is maintained.

Objectives of the Workshop

• To share and inform about distance education

programme in collaboration with states including

North-Eastern region :

a) DEP-SSA can provide self learning material and

short term training programmes on different

areas but no certification

b) DEP-SSA can develop tailor made material

especially for North Eastern states according to

their need and in regional languages.

• To find the possibilities in North East for distance

education methodologies / media which DEP is

currently utilizing. For example, interaction through

distance learning inputs like Teleconferencing, radio,

website, etc

• To create awareness on the role of distance

education in teacher education especially up to

elementary level, i.e., class I to VIII.

• To explain the use of ICT, multimedia resource

creation and use of Open Education Resource to

the participants.

• To organize face to face interaction workshops with

master trainers / SSA functionaries and untrained

teachers on scholastic and co-scholastic areas in

North-Eastern region.

The emphasis was laid down by DEP-SSA that OER

material can be provided in 22 national languages (as

given in Eighth schedule of the Constitution) – Assamese,

Meitheilon, English, Nepali and Bengali for North-Eastern


Major outcomes of the Workshop

• This two day workshop was able to draw a complete

training activity calendar for the entire North Eastern

region for the financial year 2012–13. Accordingly,

DEP-SSA has laid down complete action plan for

training on different areas both by utilizing face to

face and distance mode of training.



• There are large number of untrained teachers due

to geographical difficulties and hilly area problem in

North-Eastern region. Therefore, training of SSA

personnel and teachers can only be possible through

distance mode. Hence, DEP-SSA has extended its

hand to train them mainly through distance mode.

Face to face mode will be used situationally and as

per the need.

• DEP-SSA has shown a powerpoint presentation on

the support system provided to other states for

training of teachers and master trainers. It tried to

explain the manner in which DEP-SSA and other

states together collaborate to organize various training

activities. Also, the way DEP-SSA has helped other

states to use their idle computers for training of

master trainers and teachers up to block and cluster


• No correlation was found between SCERT, state

administration departments, and directorate of school

education in North-Eastern regions. Moreover, the

DIETs (District Institutes for Education and Training)

have no control over the organization of training

programme. So the states have no proper training

calendar. It is therefore requested by different North-

Eastern states that the teacher training should be

directly under control of SCERT with the help of

DIETs so that the training calendar can be fruitfully

implemented. In this process, DEP-SSA can build

capacities of these resource person who are the

faculties at DIETs and SCERTs and in turn act as

master trainers to train teachers.

• In association with DEP-SSA, the states of North-

Eastern region have jointly demanded to organize

training activities on different scholastic and

co-scholastic areas in regional language being used

in their region in order to build the capacities of

different SSA functionaries. Along with this, extensive

use of radio and teleconferencing to reach out quickly

and to large number of teacher is also accepted by

all the N-E states. Moreover, training material in the

form of print, audio- video, CDs and academic

support from national level to conduct training

programme are also required by these states. The

development of training modules in North Eastern

languages such as Assamese, Meiteilon, Bengali,

Mizo, Garo and Khasi are also demanded by these

states. In order to develop the audio-video materials

in the regional languages, North Eastern states have

special demanded workshop on script writing. Under

scholastic and co-scholastic areas, training on

following topics will be covered for the financial

year of 2012-2013.

Capacity Building Training Workshops in

Association with DEP-SSA

Scholastic Areas Co-Scholastic Areas

• Mathematics • Tribal Children

• Science • Development of Leadership Skills

• English • Action Research

• Social Science • Computer Assisted Learning

• Continuous • Mainstreaming out of school

Comprehensive children (OSoC)

Evaluation • Open Education Resource (OER)

• Right To Education (RTE, 2009)

• Gender sensitization

• Children with special needs


• Art Education and Work

Education/ Health education

• Script writing for audio and

video programmes

Feedback Report

During the two day workshop, DEP-SSA collected

feedback from participants. There were fiftyone

participants, out of which 3 participants did not respond

to the questionnaire circulated to them. Therefore, the

actual sample size remained at 48. A detailed analysis

of feedback was done for clear understanding.


1) The question related to the usefulness and

organization of workshop on distance education,

participants were asked to rate it on 10 point scale

from ranks 1-10. The results show that none of the

participant has rated below 7. However, more than

50 percent of the participants have given maximum

rating, stating it as the most useful workshop on

distance education.

2) The question related to the presentations and

discussions on distance education held during the

workshop have helped participants or not? More

than 80 per cent of the participants reported that

they were able to develop an understanding on low

cost teaching learning process of distance learning.

As the DEP-SSA is well equipped in various

interventions of distance learning, it can easily change

the attitude of learners from traditional mode of

learning to distance mode of learning. For this, DEP-

SSA can conduct a state-wise need assessment and

provide inputs accordingly. A comprehensive

workshop at state level may be more useful. Also,

DEP-SSA can establish study centers in remote

areas of North East. The people are not only living

in remote and backward areas but also poor. They

do not allow their children to attend school. In such

a situation, distance education is the only option that

lies in front of them as it has the nexus between

accessibly, equity and flexibility in learning.

3) Nearly 60 per cent of the participants have reported

that the presentations of DECs from Andaman &

Nicobar Island and Madhya Pradesh gave innovative

ideas of teaching strategies on different topics. Most

of the states have teaching learning material and

text books in their own regional languages which

can be translated with support of DEP-SSA to

English and other regional languages of North-

Eastern areas. As Andaman and Madhya Pradesh

have taken support from DEP-SSA to organize

workshops in scholastic and co-scholastic areas and

distance learning through teleconferencing and radio,

similarly North-Eastern states can also take support

in the organization of workshops from DEP-SSA by

using such inputs. The number of days for such

workshops should not be less than 5.

4) The question related to most suitable time slot for

listening to radio or watching teleconferencing of

DEP-SSA, more than 60 percent of the participants

have opted morning slot between 10 am to 1 pm in

afternoon to watch teleconferencing or listening to

radio. Whereas 40 percent participants preferred

evening slot between 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, people in

North-Eastern areas mostly watch entertainment

channels. Hardly 20 per cent people watch

educational channel or DD national. However,

community channels and community radio are more

common and liked by all.

5) The results indicate that English is the most dominant

language used by entire North-Eastern states, other

than regional languages. But participants reported

that printed and audio-video material in their regional

languages is also required.

6) The overall feedback indicated that this workshop

will lead to greater collaboration between DEP-SSA

and North-Eastern states in order to expand activities

on distance mode. Such interventions are required

on a regular basis.

EDUSAT/ DRS Availability

DEP-SSA has complete details of connectivity with

EDUSAT and DRS (Direct Receiving Centers) for

North-Eastern regions. It is worth noting that the

EDUSAT is available in the entire region but DRS are

hardly functional. However, in Meghalaya, accept

Cherapunjee, DRS are functional in all the six DIETs.

Similarly in the state of Assam, DRS is functional in 10

DIET centers only out of 18 DIET centers. In states

like Nagaland and Manipur, EDUSAT is not functional

at all. In the state of Sikkim, EDUSAT is under repair

and and cannot be operational before 2013. In Tripura,

EDUSAT is functional only in two DIETS, whereas, in

Mizoram, five DRS are functional out of eight. In

Arunachal Pradesh, DRS are functional in only two

DIETS out of 11 DIETS.


Shri Kamhap Zongsam Principal, DIET, Changlang, P/O & Dist- Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh

Shri K.Perme DDSE/Ex-Officio Principal,Khupa, Dist-Anjaw, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri Goken Angu Principal, DIET,Naharlagun, Dist-Papumapare, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri T.Tuglo DDSE/Ex-Officio Principal,Yachuli, Dist-Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri Talom Pabin DDSE/Ex-Officio Principal,Khonsa, Dist-Tirap, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri Tapang Pazing Principal, DIET, Daporijo, P/O-Daporijo, Dist- Upper Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri B.R.Das I/C Principal, DIET,Roing,Dist-Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri P.Potam Principal, DIET, Dirang, P/O-Dirang, Dist- West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri Odhuk Tabing Principal, DIET, Pasighat, P/O-Pasighat, Dist- East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh

Shri P.K.Chakravorty Principal, DIET, Seppa, P/O-Seppa, Dist- East Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh

ASSAM (18)

Mr. Nagendra Krishna Dev Mishra DIET, Howly, Barpeta, Assam-781316

Mr. Inamul Haq Choudhury DIET, Udarbond, Cachar-788030,

Mr. Tankeswar Sarma DIET, P.O. Bheleuguri, Via. Samaguri, Dist. Nagaon, Assam – 782140

Mr. K. R. Deka DIET, Morigaon, Assam – 782105

Mr. G. Nath DIET, Kokrajhar, Assam – 783370

Mr. Jafar Ali Ahmed DIET, Goalpara, Dudhnoi, Assam–783124

Mr. M.K. Zaman DIET, Golakganj, Dhubri, Assam-783334

Mr. Gobin Ch. Borah DIET, Azad, North Lakhimpur, Assam-787001

Mr. Jinu Borah DIET, Biswanath Chariali, Sonitpur, Assam-784176

Runu Gogoi Sonowal DIET, Chabua, Bishmile, Dibrugarh,

Mr. Praneshwar Goswami DIET, Kaliganj, Kaliganj Bazar, Karimganj, Assam-788720

Ms. Satyabati Deka Kalita DIET, Mirza, Kamrup, Assam-781125

Mr. Hemanta kumar Das DIET, Sivasagar, Bhojo Subdivision, Charaideo, Sonari, Assam-785691

Mr. Uttam Kr. Bordoloi DIET, Titabor, Puruna Titabor, Jorhat, Assam-785632

Mr. Nazibar Rahman DIET, Golaghat, P.O. Dergaon, Dist. Golaghat, Assam-785614

Mr. M. Barman DIET, Nalbari, P.O./Dist.Nalbari, Assam-781335

Mr. Nazibar Rahman DIET, Dalgaon, P.O. Dalgaon, Dist. Darrang, Assam-784116

Mr. Joya Mazumdar DIET, N.C. Hills, At/P.O. Kalachand, P.S.-Maibang, Dist. N.C. Hills, Assam- 788834


Mr. Akoijam Jatishwar Singh DIET, Kakching, Thoubal, Manipur- 795013

Radhakanta Singh DIET, Imphal, D.M.College Campus, Imphal-795001

S. Anandi Devi DIET, Ukhrul, Hundung, Manipur- 795142

Mr. H.B. Thanison Anal DIET, Chandel, Hnatham Village, Chandel, Manipur-796127

Ksh. Banita Devi DIET, Churachandpur, Manipur-795128

Ms. Pramorani Haobam DIET, Moirang, Bishenupur, Manipur

Mr. RK Chourajit Singh DIET, Senapati, Manipur-795006

Mr. AK Achou Singh DIET, Tamei, Tamenglong District, Manipur-795125


Name of the Principal Address

DEP-SSA Reinforces Its Contact with DIETs/SCERTs of the North-East

DEP-SSA is in direct contact with the DIETs in the North-Eastern region. It has further strengthened its contact

for providing distance learning by extending academic and technical support for the capacity building of DIET/

SCERT functionaries. A list of DIETs and their principals under each of the state are:



R. Khonglah DIET, Thadlaskein, Jaintia Hills, Shillong, Meghalaya– 793151

R. Reymbai DIET, Cherapunjee (Sohra), Saitsohpen, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya-793108

P.G. Homin DIET, Resubelpara, East Garo Hills, Meghalaya-794108

Badphiranongrum DIET, Dist – RI Bhoi, Saiden Village, Po – Nongpoh, Meghalaya – 793102

Ms. Y. R. Morah DIET, Dist – West Garo Hills, Po – Chandmary, Rongkhon, Tura, Meghalaya – 794002

Mr. M. Marbabiang DIET, Nongstoin, Nongpynding, Po – Nongstoin, West Khasi Hills, Meghalaya- 793119

Ms. Junia DIET, Bolsalgre, Baghmara - 794102, South Garo Hills, Meghalaya - India


Mr. Zohminga DIET Aizawl, Chaltlang, Aizawl-796012

Mr. Tluangtea DIET, Lunglei, Distt. Lunglei

R.L. Chianghaima DIET, Champhai, Mizoram

Mr. C. Vanlalmawia DIET, Saidan, Kolasib Dist. Mizoram

Ms. KSH Banita Devi DIET, Churachapur, Mizoram

Mr. Nguri DIET, Longtlai , Mizoram

Mr. Faktea DIET, Saiha , Mizoram

Mr. Chhuanawma DIET, Mamit, Mizoram


Mr. Kezhalenuo DIET, Chamiechama, Kohima, Nagaland- 797001

Mr. Kephangkaph DIET, Touensang, Nagaland-798601

Mr. Limaao DIET, Mokokchung, Yimyu Compound, Nagaland-798601

Mr. Yecieosema DIET, Mon, Nagaland,

Mr. Khrieleliepeseyie DIET, Dhimapur, Nagaland

Mr. Alemlal Jamier DIET, Psutsero, Nagaland


Ms. Surki Bhutia DIET, Tathangchen, Raj Bhawan, Gangtok, East Sikkim-737103

Dr Ranjay Sinha DIET, South Sikkim- Namchi737103

Mr. TB Guragai DIET, Geyzing, West Sikkim


Mr. B. D. Verma DIET, (Basic Training College), Kakraban, South Tripura, Tripura – 799120

Mr. C. Banerjee DIET, Vidyanagar, P.O. Paiturbazar, Kailashahar, North Tripura, Tripura – 799 279

Mr. A. Das DIET, Garad Tilla, P.O. Kamalpur, Dist. Dhalai, Tripura – 799 279

Ms. Rita Dev Verma DIET, Abhoya Nagar, West Tripura, Tripura – 799005


This workshop has explained about distance learningwith the help of Open and Distance Learning. It will behelpful for training of teaching.

— Mr. Nazibar RahmanPrincipal, DIET, Darrang, Assam

It helped to acquaint with the different aspects and modesof distance education used by DEP-SSA like;Teleconferencing, radio programmes and other face toface mode.

— Mr. Y. R. MarahPrincipal (I/C) DIET, Tura, Meghalaya

The workshop has been useful since it has highlightedthe activities of DEP-SSA.

— Mr. C. LhuidSr. Lecturer, SCERT, Shillong, Meghalaya

The state Sikkim is disadvantaged from digital applianceso it is difficult to implement the DEP-SSA activities overSikkim due to some lacuna we are compelled to adjustover idea on this field. Although the idea of distanceeducation is very unique and effort less, Sikking does nothave digital appliances.

— Mr. Shankar LuitelResource Person, SCERT, Sikkim

Very informative and eye opening workshop on distanceeducation.

— Ms. Hb Jhanison AnalPrincipal, DIET Chandel, Manipur

It gives me immense knowledge and brightened outlookregarding the DEP-SSA. It is the most suitable programmein this fast changing society.

— Mr. AK Achou SinghPrincipal, DIET, Tamei, Manipur

DEP-SSA interventions are great step in improving thequality of untrained teachers of elementary education.DEP-SSA has done tremendous work in developing selflearning materials on prints and video form, scriptwriting and production of audio video programmes. Thestate needs more programmes for conducting teacherstraining.

— Shri R K Chaourajit SinghPrincipal, DIET, Senapati, Manipur

DEP-SSA highlighted the importance and needs ofdistance education and how ICT network promote inimplementing fruitfully the distance mode of education.

— Mr. Pramorani HaobamPrinciapl, DIET, Bishnupur, Manipur

The workshop provided knowledge about DEP-SSA andits activities on distance education.

— Mr. C. Vanlal MawiaPrincipal, DIET, Kolasib, Mizoram

DEP-SSA effort is appreciable in diversifying the strategiesand materials including open education resources forserving the need and interest of stakeholders at mass levelwhich is normally not possible in regular face to facemode. I wish all the success to DEP-SSA.

— Mr. Tempo GyantsoDirector, Technical Education, Sikkim

The traditional system of education is a privilege butdistance education provides opportunity to everyoneand considers education as a right. It creates a triangle ofequity, access and flexibility. Distance education has anedge over the other modes of training if the quality ofdistance learning is maintained.

— Prof. Kandarpa DasDirector, IDOL, Gowahati University, Assam

The success of DEP-SSA depends upon proper management,administration, supervision and control of all resourcematerial involved in distance education process. Propertraining to master trainers will inculcate positive attitudeamong the administrators. Proper planning, execution andevaluation of activities are required to strengthen DEP-SSA.In North East DEP-SSA can arrange different trainingawareness programme in different areas.

— Mr. Z. MillerDeputy SPD, Mizoram

This workshop was found to be very useful in orientingus in order to seek academic and technical supporttowards quality teaching at elementary level particularlyfor North Eastern State also for Arunachal Pradesh.

— Mr. M. B. SinghDEC, Arunachal Pradesh

Implementing the educational programme throughdistance education is a very significant need of the hourlooking at the North-East’s geographical difficulties. DEP-SSA is doing great job.

— Mr. S.B.SinghDEC, Sikkim

DEP-SSA orientation workshop was very useful because itprovides training not only through face to face but alsothrough distance mode using modern technologies andinput. DEP-SSA may take necessary steps to opendistance education study centre at district level and cantake the benefit of regional DIET centres.

— Mr. Hemanta Kumar DasPrincipal, DIET, Sivasagar Sonari, Assam

The intervention of DEP-SSA is very important forspreading education in distance mode. Changing theattitude of people from traditional system of learning todistance learning is very noble cause.

— Mr. Jafar Ali AhmedPrincipal, DIET, Goalpara, Dudhnoi, Assam




Advisory Committee is the apex body to advice , plan and oversee the implementation of the programmes of DEP-

SSA. It is also responsible for framing guidelines for various activities and provide leadership support to the project

as a whole. The 8th Advisory Committee meeting was held on 26th Sept, 2012 at the Conference Room, IGNOU

Campus. The meeting was Chaired by Prof.Gopinath Pradhan, V.C., IGNOU, New Delhi. It was convened by

Prof.C.B.Sharma, Project Director, DEP-SSA members from various organizations like NCERT,MHRD,IGNOU

etc .attended the meeting. At the outset, Prof.Gopinath Pradhan welcomed all the members. He also acknowledged

the contributions made by DEP-SSA in the area of teacher education. He then requested the Director, DEP-SSA to

present the agenda items. Some of the strategies of DEP-SSA for organization of activities that were approved by

the Advisory Committee were:

1) Based on the NCF, 2005 and perspective of RTE,2009, DEP-SSA will organize capacity building workshops

in the subject of Mathematics, Science and English at Primary and Upper Primary levels.

2) Awareness creation on prevention of corporal punishment and mental harassement is necessary to protect the

rights of children and to enhance learning in a fearless environment. For this, two day workshop will be beneficial

for the states.

3) Develop bridge courses and conduct workshops to help teachers to identify the learning levels of out of school


4) Gender awareness requires sensitivity. Therefore DEP-SSA proposes to organize two- day workshops among

teachers, SMC members, BRCCs ,CRCCs and DIET personnel on issues pertaining to gender sensitivity.

The members suggested that there should be monitoring and evaluation in terms of assessing content delivery

and impact of the programmes.




The various distance education activities, both at the

national and state levels that are envisaged by the AWP&

B is implemented through the PIC. It is the responsibility

of the PIC to oversee the actions taken by DEP-SSA .

It is chaired by the Project Director, DEP-SSA.

The PIC monitors the implementation of the training

programmes and related activities. Representatives from

national institutions like NCERT,NUEPA, NIOS as well

as state level institutions like the SCERTs,SIEs are its

members. The 17th PIC was held at the Conference

Room of DEP-SSA on Sept.19,2012.The meeting was

chaired by Prof. C.B. Sharma, Project Director, DEP-

SSA. The PIC reviewed the progress of DEP- SSA for

the period of March to August,2012 and examined the

activities which were in the pipeline for the remaining

period of October 2012 to March 2013.


DEP-SSA organizes planning meetings from time to time

to plan the various activities as approved by the

AWP&B.A number of planning meetings were held

during April,2012 to September,2012 .

Planning Meeting for workshop in Mathematics

Maths being a compulsory subject of study, access to

quality maths education is every child’s right. A sense of

fear towards the subject, crude methods of assessment,

lack of teacher preparation and support in the teaching

of maths are some of the core areas of concern in maths

education. DEP-SSA therefore, organizes workshops

for maths teachers from time to time. A planning meeting

for workshop in Mathematics at primary and upper

primary level was held at the Conference Room, DEP-

SSA on May 24,2012.

The main objective of the meeting was to orient the

resource persons for the workshop, to plan for the

content and methodology of the workshop and to build

a list of national level resource persons for the effective

organization of the workshops throughout the country.

12 resource persons from institutions like NCERT, DIET,

Delhi University, SCERT participated in the workshop.

The meeting helped to orient the participants regarding

the content and methodology of the workshop. It also

helped in the preparation of the schedule for workshops

to be held at the states.

Planning Meeting for workshop in Science

Teaching of Science at elementary stage aims at nurturing

the curiosity of the child about the world, to engage the

child in exploration and hands on activities, to enhance

the basic cognitive and psychomotor skills through

observation. It is, therefore, essential to provide training

to teachers on the techniques of teaching science. A

planning meeting for science workshop at Upper Primary

Level was organized by DEP-SSA on May 29th,2012.

Planning Meeting for the training programmes

on mainstreaming out-of-school children

According to age appropriate enrolment as stated in RTE

Act, 2009, different age group children should be

admitted in the class corresponding to their respective

age. Even today a majority of children do not go to school

due to various social and economic reasons. It is of utmost

urgency to bring this children to mainstream. DEP-SSA

realizes the importance of bringing these children to

regular classroom. A planning meeting in this regard was

conducted at DEP-SSA on May 31st and June 1st, 2012.

The main objectives of the meeting were to understand

the context and need of the out-of-school children, to


impart special training to the elementary school teachers

to enable the child to be at par with other children, to

prepare for implementation of RTE Act 2009 for

mainstreaming out-of-school children.

Faculties from institutes like NUEPA, M.S.University,

DIET were the resource persons in the meeting.

The planning meeting helped to develop schedule for

the assessment of the participants. It also helped to

develop TLM for the elementary school teachers on

mainstreaming out-of-school children.

Planning Meeting on Gender Sensitization :

Gender neutrality in schools helps in equal access to

educational opportunities for both boys and girls. The

role of teachers as a neutral umpire in the class helps in

reducing discrimination in the classroom. Therefore there

is a need for gender sensitization of elementary teachers.

The DEP-SSA gives emphasis on this issue. Planning

meeting on Gender sensitization was held at DEP-SSA

on June21st,2012.

The main objective of the meeting was to identify areas

to be included in the package, to frame a schedule of

two days training programme, to identify the readily

available audio-video materials and to identify the topics

on which audio-visual material may be developed.

Resource persons for the meeting included experts from


Based on the recommendations of the planning meeting,

a two day workshop was held in Manipur on the 3rd and

the 4th of October,2012.

Planning Meeting for the training programmes on


It is important to orient the teachers on RTE Act so that

the Act can be implemented in its totality. DEP-SSA

organized a planning meeting for the training on RTE Act

at the Conference Hall of DEP-SSA on the 23rd and

24th of June, 2012.

The objectives of the meeting were to highlight the right

of children to free and compulsory education, specify

duties and responsibilities of appropriate Govt., local

authorities and parents, lay down the norms and

standards relating to pupil teacher ratios and

infrastructure and to enhance proficiency and professional

awareness among the elementary teachers and to develop

teaching learning material for elementary teachers.

Resource persons from SOE (IGNOU), EMPC, DEP-

SSA deliberated upon the issues of RTE, (2009).

The meeting helped to provide guidelines on the

development of module on RTE Act 2009 in Hindi. A

schedule was also prepared for organising two day

workshop in the states.

Planning Meeting for Teaching of English

Developing the reading and writing skills in English is of

importance at the elementary level. Generally students

are afraid of English and it can be reduced by proper

teaching methods. Planning meeting in English at the lower

primary level was held at the Conference Hall of DEP-

SSA from the 27th to the 29th, June, 2012.


The main objectives of the meeting were to enhance

proficiency and professional awareness, to emphasise

the development of language into an instrument for

abstract thought and knowledge acquisition through

literacy, understand English as a “subject” and as a


The resource persons for this meeting included faculty

from EFLU, Hyderabad and Shillong ,Calcutta

University, IGNOU etc.

The meeting helped in the preparation of a schedule for

a four day workshop in the states which was subsequently

held in the UT of Andaman& Nicobar Island and in the

state of J&K in the month of June and Sept,2012


Planning Meeting of experts for workshop on the

enhancement of quality education of tribal children

Equality of education demands that it should be

accessible to all, irrespective of class, caste and gender.

Tribal children in India even today are deprived of basic

school education. Focus should be given to enhance

the quality of tribal children.

Planning Meeting of experts for workshop on the

enhancement of quality education of tribal children was

held at the Confernce Hall of DEP-SSA on 4th


The main objectives of the meeting were to enhance

quality education of tribal children and aim to elevate the

standard of education in tribal community by providing

better training facilities to teachers working in SC/ST


Resource persons from Vanasthali University, Jaipur;

Kolkata, JNU, IGNOU participated in the meeting.

The planning meeting helped in the preparation of the

schedule of a two day workshop which was subsequently

held at Ranchi,Jharkhand on 6th and 7th of August,2012.

Based on the above mentioned planning meetings training

programmes were successfully conducted in various


DEP-SSA organizes training workshops for teachers of

elementary schools in different states. The states may

approach the DEP-SSA for organizing training and

workshops in their respective states according to their

needs. DEP-SSA looks forward for their involvement.



As per the guidelines of MHRD,Govt. of India D.O.

No.16-11/08-ee-17 dated September 17th, 2008 each

state is expected to have a SRG for distance education.

It is to be comprised of State SSA officials and distance

education officials of the state .As per the 18th AWP and

B 2012-13, following SRG meetings were organized:

Sl.No. SRG Meeting Organised Date

1 Goa June 05,2012

2 Mizoram June13,2012

3 Uttarakhand June18,2012

4 Orissa August 01,2012

5 Daman & Diu August 17,2012.



Workshop on Teaching of English

DEP-SSA organized four day workshop in two states

for English teachers at primary level. The self-learning

training module “Teaching English at Primary Level”

developed by DEP-SSA was used as training

materials.The objective of these workshops were to

familiarize the teachers/master trainers with the new


methods of teaching English based on NCF,2005.The

workshops also aimed at training teachers to understand

English as a subject and as a medium. The details about

the workshops organized in different states/UTs are as


Sl. States/UTS Duration Resource Persons

1) A& N Island 9th-12th Prof. A .B .Sharma,

June,2012 Dr.R.Kishore,

Shri.Vijay Kumar

Smt.Rita Banerjee.

2) Srinagar, J&K 5th-8th,Sept. Dr.Sushant K Mishra,

Dr. Om Prakash

Workshop on Quality Education of Tribal Children

DEP-SSA organized a two-day workshop on the

enhancement of quality education of tribal children at

Ranchi, Jharkhand on 6th & 7th August 2012.The

objective of the workshop was to elevate the standard

of education in the tribal community by providing better

training facilities to teachers working in SC/ST schools.

A total of 35 master trainers participated in the workshop.

Workshop for Leadership Skill Development:

DEP-SSA organized a two-day workshop for the BRPs

and CRPs at Goa on the 30th and 31st, August, 2012.The

main objective of the workshop was to develop effective

leadership qualities amongst the BRPs and the CRPs so

that they are able to deliver their duties efficiently.

Workshop to train DRGs on Collaborative mode:

Realizing the need of training teachers through the online

mode, DEP-SSA organized a couple of workshops to

train the DRGs for developing training materials for


1) A ten day Wiki-CAL programme for teachers and

teacher educators at primary level was oraganised

at the SSA, A& N Islands from 9th to 18th,July,


2) A five day Wiki-CAL programme for teachers and

teacher educators at Upper Primary Level was held

at Lucknow from 10th -14th September,2012.

Development of Media Resource Centre:

DEP-SSA has developed audio-video teaching materials

in various scholastic and co-scholastic areas for the

elementary teachers:-

1) Developed 05 videos on teaching of English at

primary level.

2) Developed 03 audio programmes on RTE


3) Developed 01 audio programme on teaching of

Mathematics at upper primary level.

4) Developed 06 audio on teaching of science at Upper

primary level.


5) Developed 20 audio programmes on various topics

including CCE in Bengali language.

6) Recorded 11 audio programmes in Social Science.

Besides the above mentioned modules,DEP-SSA have

also developed materials for effective teaching and

learning and have uploaded them in the official website.

Teleconferencing on Selected Themes at National


DEP-SSA organizes

teleconferencing on selected

areas for elementary school

teachers. Three sessions from


12.45 P.M., and 1.00-1.45

P.M. are transmitted in the first week of every month.

Workshops are also held simultaneously in DIETs/

SCERTs to make it more interactive. Emminent scholars

like Agatha Sangma, Minister

of State for Rural

Develpoment, Prof. M.

Akhtar Siddique, former

Chairperson, NCTE, Prof.

Arun Kapoor, Director,

Vasant Valley School, New

Delhi have been experts in these teleconferencing

sessions. Some of the areas covered during the

teleconferencing were:-

S. Dates Subject


1. July 05-06, 2012 CCE and RTE

2. July 10, 2012 Science

3. July 11, 2012 Mathematics

4. July 13, 2012 Common issues

5. August 6, 2012 English

6. August 7, 2012 Science

7. August 8, 2012 Common Issues

8. August 9, 2012 Mathematics

9. September 10, 2012 DEP-SSA activities

10. September 11, 2012 Science

11. September 12, 2012 Mathematics

12. September 13, 2012 Common Issues/Social/


During May to September thirty six TC sessions were

organised by DEP-SSA.

Pathshala Programme of DEP-SSA - The

Beckoning Light.

The distance mode

of education across

the globe depends

largely upon the

mass media to reach

the target learners.

Most of the

institutions not only in developing world but also in the

developed world depend upon the print medium for

reaching the target groups. Fortunately, our country has

an extensive radio and television network and these are

available for educational purpose. Radio has proved to

be a very useful tool of education in many states like

Jharkhand, Bihar, and West Bengal etc .One of the major

objectives of DEP-SSA is to take full advantage of the

Open and Distance Learning system to promote

universalisation of elementary education. Therefore its

main focus is to train untrained teachers at the elementary

stage through the distance mode .For reaching to

untrained in-service teachers, the DEP-SSA have started

an interactive radio counseling(IRC) programme named

Pathshala since June11,2012.The objectives of these

programmes are to use the potentials of radio medium

for providing support to teachers as well as parents of

6-14 years age group of children on different issues

related to elementary education. It is broadcasted on

Gyan Vani,Delhi during 5P.M. to 6 P.M. in English and


Hindi on alternate Mondays. The Pathshala programmes

have become very popular and are listened by the

listeners of various states and average of 7 to-8 querries

are received on every broadcast. Some of the topics

covered in the Pathshala programme for elementary

school teachers are as follows:

• Language Across Disciplines (English language)

• Language Across Disciplines (Hindi language)

• English as foreign language or as an Indian Language

• Hindi Shikshan

• Developing Oral Proficiency in English

• Hindi Shikshan Pravidhiyaan

• Communicative approach in teaching English


• Nibandh Shikshan Ki Kathinaiyaan.

• Learning English through Activities.

• Prathmic Vidyalayon mein Hindi Shikshan ki


• Developing listing skills.

• Hindi Bhashi Pranton mein Kshetriya Bolivon ke

prabhav se Hindi Bhasha Shikshan mein


• Importance of Pronunciation in English Language

teaching at Elementary level.

• Bhartiya Bhashik Parivesh Avem Hindi Bhasha


• Teaching English to Autistic Children.

• Hindi Bhaasha ka Maankikaran.

As the Pathshala programme became very popular the

West Bengal SSA also started regular broadcast on daily

basis since August 15, 2012. On the request of SSA

West Bengal, DEP-SSA has developed audio

programmes of 30 minutes in Bengali language in various

subjects in respect of capacity building of elementary

school teachers. These audio programmes are being

broadcasted through All India Radio (AIR), Kolkata and

Shantiniketan during 5.30 to 6.00pm every day.

The audio programme includes almost all the relevant

areas of elementary schooling. Some of the topics of the

Bengali Pathshala programmes are:

1. Gender Sensitization for school teachers (urban &


2. Right to Education Act

3. Bigyan Ki Bhabe Paraben- Part I

4. Bigyan Ki Bhabe Paraben- Part II

5. Bigyan Sikha pe Satato Avam Byapak Mulyankan-

Part I

6. Bigyan Sikha pe Satato Avam Byapak Mulyankan-

Part II

7. Life Skills-I

8. Life Skills-II

9. Life Skills-Real life situation in a story as an example

of all aspects of life skills

10. History- Hunters and Gatherers

11. Planet

12. Globe

13. Map

14. Four Realms of Earth

15. Major Relief features- landforms

16. Indian in World

17. Environment in its totality (Natural Human


18. Water

19. Waste & Waste Management

20. Education and British Rules

21. Women and Caste Reform

22. Reform in evaluation (CCE)

23. Ekikaran (Inclusive education)

24. Drishtigat Badhagrasta Balak aur Onar shiksha

25. Shishu Vyaktitva evam Vikas

26. Gender Sensitization- Part I

27. Gender Sensitization- Part II

28. Gender Sensitization- Part III

29. Bio Diversity- Part I

30. Bio Diversity- Part II

The Pathshala programme has been able to reach out to

a large population of the elementary teachers who reside

in the remotest corners of the country.
