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EPLAN NEWS for Version 2.0 SP 1

Copyright © 2010 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................... 7

Notes for the reader ............................................................................................. 8

Distributed Representation of Terminals .......................................... 10

Use of distributed terminals............................................................................... 10

Displaying the distributed terminals ................................................................... 11

Distributed representation of potential terminals ................................................ 11

Generating reports of distributed terminals ........................................................ 11

Inserting Distributed Terminals ......................................................................... 12

Inserting distributed terminals as symbols ......................................................... 12

Optimizing distributed terminals ......................................................................... 14

Inserting distributed terminals as device ............................................................ 16

Jumper Creation for Distributed Terminals ...................................................... 18

Connecting associated distributed terminals automatically ................................ 18

Jumper optimization for distributed terminals ..................................................... 19

New Messages for Distributed Terminals ......................................................... 20

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode ....................................................... 21

Setting up the Multi-user Monitor ...................................................................... 22

Making the Settings for the Multi-user Monitor ................................................ 23

Using the Multi-user Monitor ............................................................................. 24

Possible steps .................................................................................................... 26

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform ...... 27

Form Editor.......................................................................................................... 27

Conditional forms for other reports ..................................................................... 27

Adding up a property in one row ........................................................................ 28

Reports ................................................................................................................ 29

Outputting reports in another project .................................................................. 29

Outputting the automatic page description in the set source / display language ............................................................................................................ 33

Project Data Navigators ..................................................................................... 33

Standardized use of the [N] key ......................................................................... 33

Devices ................................................................................................................ 33

Inserting macros with multiple main functions as devices .................................. 33

Online numbering when inserting devices ......................................................... 34

Placing devices in location boxes ...................................................................... 34

Table of Contents


Project Editing ..................................................................................................... 34

System messages when projects are opened.................................................... 34

Graphical Editor .................................................................................................. 35

Improved performance for page changes .......................................................... 35

Changing to the line thickness on plot frames when printed .............................. 35

PDF export of drawings ..................................................................................... 35

Connections ........................................................................................................ 35

Check run message 005042 for predefined connection colors .......................... 35

Parts Management .............................................................................................. 36

Renamed field for EMI models ........................................................................... 36

File selection for external documents ................................................................. 36

New Features and Corrections in the "EPLAN Multi Language Translation" Add-on ........................................................................................... 36

Detection of multiple meanings when reports are updated ................................ 37

New Features and Corrections in the "EPLAN Mounting Panel" Add-on ...... 37

Editing legend items for terminal strips .............................................................. 37

Selecting macro variants when placing on the mounting panel.......................... 37

Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8 ..................................................... 38

New Features in the "EPLAN Net Based Wiring" Add-on ............................... 38

Managing saddle jumper connection points and all net connections in the net definition point .................................................................................... 38

New settings for net-based connections ............................................................ 40

Terminals / Plugs ................................................................................................ 41

Automatic correction functionality for function definitions ................................... 41

Terminals with plug-in adapters ......................................................................... 42

New Features in the "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-on ............................. 43

Realigning Mounting Surfaces .......................................................................... 44

EPLAN Reference System for 3D Macros ......................................................... 46

New Features in the "EPLAN API Extension" Add-on ...................... 47

New Features in the Master Data ....................................................... 48

Master Data: Symbols ........................................................................................ 48

Master Data: Identifiers ...................................................................................... 51

Master Data: Macros ........................................................................................... 51

Table of Contents


Other New Features and Information ................................................. 53

Customer Queries and Messages ..................................................................... 53

Validation Code ................................................................................................... 56

Retrieving the validation code online ................................................................. 56

Installation ........................................................................................................... 58

Directory structure after installation .................................................................... 59

Software Requirements and Approvals ............................................................ 61

General requirements ........................................................................................ 61

Client operating systems .................................................................................... 61

Server operating systems .................................................................................. 62

EPLAN Mechatronic Integration ......................................................................... 62

Database systems for parts management / selection ........................................ 63

Microsoft Office Excel versions .......................................................................... 63

Internet browsers for the EPLAN Data Portal..................................................... 63

Unsupported operating systems ........................................................................ 63

EPLAN software no longer supported ................................................................ 64

Other software that is no longer supported ........................................................ 64

Hardware Requirements ..................................................................................... 65

Workstation hardware requirements .................................................................. 65

Recommended workstation configuration .......................................................... 66

Minimum net requirements................................................................................. 66

Minimum multi-user requirements ...................................................................... 66

Table of Contents





Dear EPLAN users,

With over 1,000 new features, EPLAN version 2.0 is already generating

enthusiasm all around the globe. CAE innovations and new options for

consistent engineering to save both time and money are particularly

valued in periods of economic upturn by companies in every industry.

This systematic and forward-looking further development of the EPLAN

platform – EPLAN 2.0 service pack 1 – is based on your feedback and


Professional terminal engineering: New features for distributed terminal

configuration bring even greater flexibility and clarity to project documen-

tation. For example, innovative terminal technology can be configured

quickly and easily with new automatic functions, optimizations and spe-

cial checks.

Sophisticated project documentation: The conditional forms were already

greeted with enthusiasm in version 2.0. This new technology is now

available for other types of report. Dynamic and detailed project reports

at the push of a button speed up configuration and ensure consistent

quality throughout the entire product development process.

This News document highlights many additional features of the new

version. We wish you every success with the new EPLAN platform 2.0

service pack 1.

Your EPLAN Software & Service team



Notes for the reader

Important information:

Before installing the new version please read the information in "Other

New Features and Information" from page 53 onwards. In particular

please read "Software Requirements and Approvals" on page 61.

Before you begin reading, please note the following symbols and styles

used in this document:


Text preceded by this symbol contains a warning; you should be abso-

lutely sure to read this warning before proceeding!


Text preceded by this image contains extra notes.


Examples are highlighted by this symbol.


Useful tips to facilitate your interaction with the program are presented

after this image.

• User interface elements are marked in bold (and blue) so they can

immediately be located in the text.

• Italic text provides particularly important information that you should

definitely pay attention to.

• Code examples, directory names, and direct input (among other ele-

ments) are displayed in a non-proportional font.

• Function keys, keyboard keys, and buttons within the program are

shown in square brackets (e.g., [F1] for the "F1" function key).



• To improve the flow of the text, we often use "menu paths" in this

document (for example, Help > Contents). In order to find a particular

program function, the menus and options shown in a menu path must

be selected in the sequence shown. For example, the menu path

mentioned above calls up the EPLAN help system.

• In combination with settings or fields (e.g., check boxes) which can

only be switched on or off, in this document we often use the term

"activate" (after which the setting is active ) and "deactivate" (after

which the setting is inactive ).

Distributed Representation of Terminals

10 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Distributed Representation of Terminals

Use of distributed terminals

The use of distributed terminals now allows the connection points of ter-

minals to be shown in a distributed display in EPLAN Electric P8. This

applies both to potential and also general terminals.

Benefit: By using the new distributed terminals, you can now add the

connection points of potential terminals, for example, directly

where they are needed in the project. There is no complicated

and time-consuming routing of potentials via interruption

points. This makes the schematic clearer and easier to read,

and greatly reduces the configuration work required.

Current standards and directives require project documenta-

tion to be clear and easy to understand. These requirements

can be effortlessly met by creating high-quality documentation

based on new terminal master data and exciting automatic


The terminal targets of a distributed terminal are only analyzed at con-

nection points that have a connection point designation. Which connec-

tion point is entered for which connection point designation is therefore

important. Saddle jumper connection points and connection points for

internal jumpers do not require a connection point designation.

Distributed terminals belong to the same terminal function when you


• the same function definition,

• the same identifying DT and

• the same terminal designation.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 11

The distributed terminals for a terminal function all override the same

function template.

Displaying the distributed terminals

In the navigators, distributed terminals are indicated by a special

icon ( ).

The Edit terminal strip dialog summarizes associated distributed ter-

minals and displays them as one terminal.

Distributed representation of potential terminals

If you want to show potential terminal connection points that are con-

nected to one another in a distributed manner, you can use distributed

terminals. A potential terminal is depicted here using distributed termin-

als in succession with the same terminal designation and different con-

nection point designations.

Generating reports of distributed terminals

In the reports, distributed terminals from the same terminal function are

summarized and the properties of the summarized terminal are output.

You will find examples and more information about the distributed termin-

als in the EPLAN online help. Read the "Distributed representation of

terminals" section, for example.

We discuss these topics in more detail in the following sections:

• "Inserting Distributed Terminals" on page 12

• "Jumper Creation for Distributed Terminals" on page 18

• "New Messages for Distributed Terminals" on page 20.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

12 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Inserting Distributed Terminals

You can add distributed terminals as symbols using a special menu item

or by inserting devices into the project.

Inserting distributed terminals as symbols

The Insert menu contains a new Distributed terminal menu item for

inserting a distributed terminal into the schematic. Alternatively you can

click the (Distributed terminal) button on the Connections toolbar.

Place the distributed terminal on the page. Enter the device data for the

terminal on the Terminal tab in the Properties <...> dialog. At least the

DT must be entered; the connection point designation and description

can be assigned automatically – even retrospectively – by optimizing the

distributed terminals.


You can modify the symbol during entry with the [Back] button.

When you insert a distributed terminal, the new Distributed terminal

check box is automatically activated on the Terminal tab. This means

that the connection points for a terminal function are displayed in a dis-

tributed manner. A distributed terminal can represent one or more con-

nection points on the terminal. The Connections tab is not displayed

for distributed terminals.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 13


In the Display tab of the property dialog the connection point designa-

tions of terminals are listed by default in the property arrangement. This

takes place in the Connection points tab via the indexed property Sym-

bol: Connection point designation (ID 20028). So that the connection

point designations of the distributed terminals are visible in the schematic

and can be printed, you have to activate the check boxes Visible and

Print in the layer management for the layer EPLAN430, Property

placement.Terminal connection point designations.

Defining a function definition

A terminal symbol with the function definition "Terminal with saddle jum-

per, 4 connection points" is used by default when you insert distributed

terminals as symbols. The new Function definition project setting also

allows you to define another function definition for inserting the distri-

buted terminals, however.

You will find the setting in the new Settings: Distributed terminals

dialog. In this dialog, you can specify the default settings for working

with distributed terminals. One possible menu path to this dialog is:

Project data > Terminal strips > Settings (distributed terminals).

Distributed Representation of Terminals

14 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

New symbols for distributed terminals

We have provided five new terminal symbols for inserting distributed ter-

minals (XT4OL_2, XT4_2, XT3_2, XT2_2, XT1_2; see also page 48 in the

"Master Data: Symbols" section). These symbols all have either no con-

nection line or just one, which keeps the schematic clear and compre-


By default, the XT4OL_2 symbol with four connection points and with no

connection line is used for a distributed terminal. In contrast to other ter-

minal symbols with four connection points, connection point designations

are placed in all four directions with this symbol.

Optimizing distributed terminals

When you are working with distributed terminals, you have the option

of initially inserting distributed terminals into the schematic without a ter-

minal and connection point designation, which means that you also do

not have to worry about the terminal devices. This can also be done

retrospectively using the Optimize distributed terminals automatic

function. This optimization function combines distributed terminals that

are connected to one another and sorts them by jumper.

To optimize the distributed terminals, first select the desired distributed

terminals (in the graphical editor, terminal navigator or the relevant page

in the page navigator). Then select Project data > Terminal strips >

Optimize distributed terminals. In the Optimize distributed terminals

dialog that opens, define the settings for optimizing the distributed ter-


Distributed Representation of Terminals

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 15

The optimization consists of the following steps:

• Distributed terminals that are connected to one another and have the

same DT, function definition and terminal designation are combined to

form complete terminal functions.

• The Main terminal check box is activated automatically for the first

distributed terminal of a terminal function (as per the display in the

terminal strip navigator).

• The parts that are entered in the Part number group box are as-

signed to the distributed terminals. If function templates for terminals

have been entered for a part, the data of the first function template is

assigned to the terminals to be optimized.

• The terminal designations are reassigned as per the settings for the

online numbering.

(If the Keep existing terminal designations check box is activated,

existing terminal designations for distributed terminals are retained.)

Distributed Representation of Terminals

16 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

• A connection point designation is automatically assigned for each

connection point to which at least one wire (i.e. any function, jumper

etc., apart from saddle and internal jumpers) is connected. Connec-

tion point designations of unassigned connection points or connection

points connected to only one saddle jumper or one internal jumper are


(If the Keep existing connection point designations check box is

activated, existing connection point designations for distributed ter-

minals are retained.)

• Terminals that are connected with one another are resorted such that

they are next to one another, sorted by jumper.

(The Allow combining of terminals that are connected to one

another check box must be activated.)

If the current selection of distributed terminals is extended, then other

entries will appear in the Extent drop-down list.

Inserting distributed terminals as device

A terminal can also be entered by inserting devices as distributed termin-

als in the project. They are numbered automatically.

The Placing from number of connection points project setting, which

is also new, allows you to define the number of connection points (1, 2,

3, 4, 6, 8, never) after which a terminal is divided into distributed termin-

als when you insert devices. Connection points with the "saddle jumper"

connection point type are not counted here.

To allow distributed terminals to be inserted as a device, you must have

defined the relevant terminal devices in parts management. The function

templates must also contain connection point designations.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 17

Then select Insert > Device. In the Part selection dialog, scroll through

the tree structure and select the desired terminal. If the selected terminal

has at least the same number of connection points as stated in the

Placing from number of connection points project setting, the symbol

for the first distributed terminal hangs on the cursor and the first connec-

tion point designation for the terminal is displayed.

Place the distributed terminal on the page. The first distributed terminal

automatically becomes the main terminal. The other distributed terminals

are hung on to the cursor in succession with their connection point desig-

nations and the associated connection point descriptions. Empty connec-

tion point designations are skipped and cannot be inserted.

Then place the other distributed terminals. If all the connection point de-

signations from the function template have been placed, the next func-

tion is offered for placing.


• Use symbols for which the connection points used for the internal

connections are not drawn. In this way the schematic stays clearer

and the risk of entering connection point designations on the wrong

connection points is reduced.

• When inserting distributed terminals as a device a separate distri-

buted terminal is placed for each connection point designation. If

you want to show several connection points of a terminal with a com-

ponent, you must then enter the other connection point designations

manually on the relevant distributed terminal.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

18 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Jumper Creation for Distributed Terminals

The relevant internal jumpers, saddle jumpers or wire jumpers are gener-

ated from all the connections that run between the distributed terminals

on a terminal strip when you update the connections. Internal jumpers

are generated between associated distributed terminals (same function

definition, same DT, same terminal designation); saddle or wire jumpers

are generated between distributed terminals that are not associated.

Connecting associated distributed terminals automatically

When you insert distributed terminals, you can set up EPLAN so that the

distributed terminals of a terminal function that belong together are con-

nected automatically even if there are no drawn connections between


The Settings: Distributed terminals dialog contains the Connect asso-

ciated distributed terminals automatically check box for this purpose.

If this check box is activated, internal jumpers are generated between as-

sociated distributed terminals when the connections are updated. These

automatically generated internal jumpers are each created on the last

connection point of the terminal function. The order of the distributed

terminals in the terminal strip navigator is key to generating the internal


If this check box is deselected, then associated distributed terminals are

not automatically connected. In check run 001026, distributed terminals

are reported that were detected as associated but are not connected.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 19

Jumper optimization for distributed terminals

If you use distributed terminals in the configuration, then jumper optimi-

zation is carried out by default when the connections are updated. During

the jumper optimization – and regardless of any drawn connections – it

is ideally saddle jumpers, rather than wire jumpers, that are generated

between the terminals. The internal jumpers are also re-generated.

If jumper optimization is not required, you can deactivate the Jumper

optimization check box in the Settings: Distributed terminals dialog.

In this case, the graphically drawn connections are used to create jum-

pers. The relevant internal jumpers, saddle jumpers or wire jumpers are

generated from all of the connections that run between distributed ter-

minals when updating the connections. In this case you yourself must

ensure that the required connections are drawn on the schematic.


• Net based connections cannot be used together with distributed ter-

minal jumper optimization. The two functionalities generate different

connections that are incompatible with one another.

• If there is an autoconnect line between two distributed terminals for

which an internal jumper was generated, then this connection is on

the "EPLAN510" layer for internal connections. You can show or hide

these connections in the graphical editor by setting the Visible check

box in layer management accordingly.

• In the Connections navigator, the internal connections generated be-

tween the distributed terminals are identified by the "Internal jumper"

function definition. The "Jumper (automatic)" connection type is dis-

played for automatically-generated jumpers (saddle jumpers, internal

jumpers). Automatically-generated jumpers typically occur when jum-

pers are created between distributed terminals. You may have to first

configure the columns so that the two columns Type of connection

and Function definition are displayed in the navigator.

Distributed Representation of Terminals

20 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

New Messages for Distributed Terminals

The settings for messages and error checking contain several new

messages for checking projects in which you have used the distributed

display of terminals. The following messages have been added to the

"Terminals" message class:

• Message 001025 "Connection point designation at a jumper connec-


• Message 001026 "Unconnected distributed terminals with same de-


• Message 001027 "Individual distributed terminal"

• Message 001028 "Distributed terminals have different function defini-


• Message 001029 "A connection definition point lies on a connection

between distributed terminals"

• Message 001030 "Used distributed terminal connection point without

connection point designation"

• Message 001031 "The distributed terminal could not be included in

optimization. %1!s!".

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 21

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode


The "EPLAN Multiuser Monitor" add-on is available as an option for all

module packages for program variants EPLAN Electric P8, EPLAN Fluid,

EPLAN PPE, EPLAN Education for Classrooms, EPLAN Trial and


The new version introduces a new monitor for multi-user mode. This new

add-on will help you to see which other users are active on which project.

You will see at a glance the actions of other users in the project, thus

allowing you to efficiently coordinate the project work.

Benefit: Who has already made a start on which project? Are there

comprehensive reports or checks already running in the cur-

rent project? It is important to have a quick and simple over-

view of the actions of individual people, particularly when

working on projects with multiple users. Structured and effi-

cient configuration shortens project implementation times,

and this is perfectly supported by the multi-user monitor. When

combined with well thought-out organization of the configura-

tion work, the new multi-user monitor will be the central source

of information for transparency in your current projects.

The following sections discuss how to set up and use the multi-user


• "Setting up the Multi-user Monitor" on page 22

• "Making the Settings for the Multi-user Monitor" on page 23

• "Using the Multi-user Monitor" on page 24.

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode

22 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Setting up the Multi-user Monitor

The monitor for multi-user operation was implemented as a client-server


The server application is installed on the required computer by the

EPLAN installation wizard. This may also be a "normal" EPLAN worksta-

tion. The server application is then available as a service in the server-

computer's Control Panel. This EPLAN Multiuser Monitor service

starts automatically. It can be uninstalled as usual in the Add or Re-

move Programs dialog in Control Panel.

For the other EPLAN workstations to be able to log onto this "monitor

server" when the program is started, a further setting has to be made in

EPLAN on the relevant client computers (see the following section on

page 23). When the service and the client-server connection have been

set up, the monitor server receives the information about actions that

have been carried out, collates it, and redistributes it to the EPLAN work-



• The server application "EPLAN Multiuser Monitor" must be installed

from a user account with administrator rights. You will need the rele-

vant authorizations to start, exit and restart services.

• We recommend that a system administrator sets up the multi-user

monitor and makes the necessary settings on the EPLAN worksta-

tions. You will find the other settings and requirements for multi-user

mode in the "Multi-user operation" section of the EPLAN online help.

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 23

Making the Settings for the Multi-user Monitor

You will first have to make a few settings before you can display the

multi-user mode data on the multi-user monitor at an EPLAN work-

station. The menu path is as follows: Options > Settings > User >

Management > Multi-user monitor.

In this dialog, specify the computer on which the monitor server service

has been set up. Enter the relevant details in the Server name and Port

boxes. Check the Active check box to establish the connection with the


Click the [Check] button to check the settings: If there is a connection to

the server computer, a suitable message is sent to the Status field.

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode

24 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Using the Multi-user Monitor

To open the multi-user monitor, select Project > Multi-user monitor.

The Multi-user monitor dialog is in table format, similar to other familiar

dialogs such as message management. As in that dialog, the multi-user

monitor can be docked and undocked on EPLAN's main window and

saved with a workspace.

This dialog has two tables listing the projects that are relevant for multi-

user operation. If you have not opened a project in multi-user mode, do

not have access to the project directory for multi-user mode or are not

connected to the monitor server, then one or both tables are empty.

Own opened projects in multi-user operation:

The table on the left provides detailed information about the multi-user

operation. It shows the projects that you and other users have open at

the same time. The following data is listed for these projects:

• Project

• User

• Product version

• Project action

• Progress.

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 25

If a user has started an action with a corresponding run-time for a project

that you also have open (checks, reports, etc), this will be indicated by a

progress bar in the Progress column.

If, in the User column, you click the User code set up as a hyperlink, the

email application on your computer opens and you can email this user.

If you click the icon to the left of a project name, other information

about a user appears in both tables (name, phone, computer). For this

to happen, the users working in multi-user mode must have saved their

user data in the settings (Options > Settings > User > Display > User

code / address).


Projects that only you have open do not appear in the multi-user monitor.

Other open projects:

The table on the right of the dialog lists all the projects that have only

been opened by other users. The following data is listed for these pro-


• Project

• User.

If more than one other user has a project open, the Users column dis-

plays more than one User code for the relevant project.

If you wish to email a user in this table, you first need to drop down the

row of information below. Here, click the user name that has been set up

as a hyperlink.

New Monitor for Multi-user Mode

26 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Possible steps

Get information from the multi-user monitor before the action

In multi-user mode, you want to start a lengthy action for an open project

(e.g. a project-wide check or report, etc.). To do this, first use the monitor

to find out whether another user has also initiated such an action for the

current project.

If this is not the case, start the required action.

If a lengthy action is being carried out for the current project, you have

the following options:

• You accept that execution will be lengthy and start your action none-


• You can postpone your action to later.

• You can contact the other user to discuss things. To do this you can,

e.g., click the other user's user ID in the User column and send an


Get information from the multi-user monitor during the action

You start an action. Because the action is taking longer than usual to

execute, you open the multi-user monitor. Here you find out whether the

delay is being caused by actions running in parallel in multi-user mode.

If it is, you have the following options:

• You accept that execution will be lengthy and wait until your action is


• You stop your action by clicking [Cancel]. You can then – as stated

previously – contact the other user to discuss things.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 27

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

Form Editor

Conditional forms for other reports

Since the launch of EPLAN version 2.0, you have been able to use the

conditional forms to define one or more "subforms" for a dynamic form.

The output of a subform is associated with certain conditions. This pro-

duces a so-called "main form" and the "conditional forms" assigned to it.

In the past, conditional forms were only evaluated by the "Device tag list"

report type. In the new EPLAN version, the conditional forms are now

supported by the following function-specific reports:

• Cable diagram

• Terminal diagram

• Terminal line-up diagram

• Enclosure legend

• PLC diagram

• Plug diagram.

Benefit: This new functionality provides extensive options for optimiz-

ing your project reports. Flexible and dynamic reports pro-

duced at the push of a button increase the information content

and quality of your documentation without increasing the

amount of configuration required.

Forms and reports that are created while processing the mas-

ter data can be used flexibly and thus save valuable configura-

tion time. We will be pleased to help you to initially create your

conditional forms and the associated reporting concepts with a

range of services specially tailored for this purpose.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

28 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

The conditional forms and associated conditions are defined in the form

editor using the Conditional forms dialog (menu path: Insert > Condi-

tional forms).

We have already described how to use this dialog and how to create re-

ports with the conditional forms in the "Graphical device tag list" section

of News 2.0. You will find more information on the conditional forms in

the EPLAN online help.

Adding up a property in one row

The EPLAN reports now allow you to add up the values of an output

property in one row. The Add up property in one row check box has

been added to the Placement tab of the Properties dialog for place-

holder texts for this purpose.

Benefit: This new way of calculating in forms, when combined with

the Value / unit display settings, allows you to create sophisti-

cated project reports at the push of a button. Adding together

the relevant project data in this way will help you with dimen-

sioning and setting out components and plant parts. No ma-

nual calculations are required and, once defined, forms can

be transferred quickly and easily to all projects.

If multiple values are output in a row in a report for a property, then the

different values are listed separated by separators by default. This

means, for example, that the following will be output on a row of a parts

list for the length of a connection that was identified in the schematic

using otherwise identical connection definition points: 2;4;6.

If you wish to add the values for this property, then you must open the

relevant form in the form editor and adapt the placeholder text by activat-

ing the Add up property in one row check box. For the example shown

above, the result would be the following total: 12.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 29


Outputting reports in another project

In the past, reports were output in another project by specifying a target

project, known as the output project. While it was being output, the sche-

matic project was blocked for other users, and it was not possible to up-

date the reports in the output project.

This service pack introduces a new approach to the problem of inserting

reports from other projects in which the source projects are added to the

report templates.

Benefit: Since the data is simply read from a source when it is reported

in another project, it is no longer necessary to block the sche-

matic project for other users. This gives significant flexibility,

particularly in multi-user mode. The option of a provisional

report offers additional potential for optimizing the workflow.

The reporting of data from another schematic project (known as a

"source project") takes place in a project that is currently open, known as

the "report project". You specify the source project from which the data

originates in the templates for the report project.

For any subsequent reports, the source project is opened for reading in

the background for the duration of the report, the data is read and the

reports are generated in the report project. This allows another user to

continue working in the source project, thus preventing the occurrence

of multi-user conflicts.


• When you generate reports, the master data (forms, symbol libraries,

etc.) and settings for the currently open project, i.e. the report project,

are always used in EPLAN.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

30 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

• The connections are updated automatically before a connection list is

generated in a "normal" project. When the connection list is output in

the report project, the connections are not updated automatically! If

a current connection list in a source project is to be output in a report

project, the connections must first be updated in the relevant source


Source project in the reports

There are several ways to enter a source project in the report templates.

• In the Reports dialog, create new templates by clicking the [New]

button on the Templates tab. In the Select report dialog that opens

there is a new Source project field for entering the data source. Click

[...] to open a selection dialog for selecting the required source pro-


• For an existing template, the Templates tab now contains a new

Source project property. To enter a source project here, click in the

relevant field in the Value column and then click [...] to switch to a

project selection dialog.


If you want to enter the source project for all or multiple templates at

the same time, first fully expand the tree on the Templates tab. Then

hold down the [Ctrl] key while you click the relevant template name

(e.g. 0001). Once you have selected the required templates, click [...]

to select the source project.

The project names are now displayed at the top level of the reports and

templates tree structure in the Reports dialog. If a source project has

been entered for a template, the template is listed under this project's

name. The name of the current project is always at the top.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 31

Source project in the page properties

The page properties now contain a new property Report: Source

project <11067> so that you can see for a generated report page from

which project the data for the report originates. The name of the source

project is entered automatically when the report is generated.

Update reports

The reports in the report project are updated via Utilities > Reports >

Update, for example, as usual.

Provisional report projects for daily use

One possible use is the creation of provisional report projects for daily

use. This method reports on a provisional status of a schematic project.

First enter the actual project as a source project in the report templates

for your schematic project. This will not interfere with the project report.

When you subsequently create a report project by copying, the source

will already be set correctly.

Then create the report project as a copy of the schematic project. To

copy the project, select the Only header data option. This will create

a project without pages or report, but to which the project settings and

report templates for the schematic project have already been copied.

The correct source project is already entered in the templates. You can

then generate the reports.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

32 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Since the provisional reporting takes place in the report project, the sche-

matic project is not blocked to prevent further editing. The current version

and the official reports continue to remain in the schematic project.

Other methods

Other methods are also possible. For example, the report project may

also be the source project. In this way, it is possible to display the table

of contents for the report project in the schematic project, for example.

To do this, create a report template for the table of contents in the sche-

matic project and enter the report project as the source for it.

Jump to another project using "Go to (graphic)"

The Go to (graphic) jump function has been extended for the placehold-

er texts on the report pages. This pop-up menu item now allows you to

jump to the graphical editor if the data originates from another project.

Benefit: The Go to (graphic) jump function allows you to jump from

the reports of a report project to the schematic of the sche-

matic project. The ability to jump between projects ensures

that all the user-friendly functions for navigating in the project

data are available for the type of report. For example, all the

project information is always centrally accessible, regardless

of the type and manner of the report.

If the schematic project (the source project) is not yet open, you will see

a message with the option to open the project. Confirm this message

with [Yes]; the schematic project is then opened automatically and you

jump to the cross-reference object. If you select [No], the schematic

project remains closed and the action is cancelled.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 33

Outputting the automatic page description in the set source / display language

The automatic page description for report pages is now always output in

the set source / display language when you update or generate reports.

This is done even if the dialog language is different from the source and

display language.

Project Data Navigators

Standardized use of the [N] key

When you insert devices (using function templates), you have the option

of using the [N] key to browse through the functions and select the one

you want. It does not matter whether you use the Insert > Device menu

items or simply drag the device from a navigator onto an open page in

the graphical editor. For Place and Assign from a navigator you can

now use the [N] key consistently to browse through the functions.

The [Shift] + [Tab] shortcut that was used to browse through the func-

tions before version 2.0 is now used to browse through the display

modes when you insert or place macros.


Inserting macros with multiple main functions as devices

If you insert a device for which there is a macro with multiple main func-

tions in parts management, then in the past the part was transferred to

the first main function in the graphic. This behavior has changed in the

new version. In such a case, the part will now be assigned to the first

suitable main function.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

34 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

This means that the part is assigned to the first main function in the

macro that it can overlay correctly. The other main functions are not

changed. If no matching main function is found, EPLAN first searches for

a black box. If this does not exist, then the part is transferred to the first

graphical main function.

See the "Procedure for inserting devices" section of the EPLAN online

help for more information about inserting devices with macros.

Online numbering when inserting devices

When you insert devices in the graphical editor (using the Insert >

Device menu item, for example), the set numbering format for online

numbering is followed once more.

Placing devices in location boxes

If devices are placed in a location box when they are inserted, then the

structure identifiers (e.g. higher-level function, mounting location, etc.) for

the location box are now taken into account once more.

Project Editing

System messages when projects are opened

When you open or apply projects in EPLAN version 2.0, it is possible

under certain circumstances to search for a specific project setting and

for the two system messages S322012 and S322013 to be displayed as

a result. The two system messages are no longer output for this applica-


Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 35

Graphical Editor

Improved performance for page changes

When you browse through the pages of a project in the graphical editor,

you will notice that the pages change faster due to the accelerated con-

nection updating.

Changing to the line thickness on plot frames when printed

In version 2.0, the line thickness of the lines stored in a plot frame was

affected by the scale set in the relevant page properties when they were

printed. This has been corrected in this service pack. The line thickness

on plot frames now no longer changes when printed if a different page

scale is set.

PDF export of drawings

Problems occurred under certain marginal conditions during the PDF

export of drawings that were placed on project pages. These drawings

are now displayed correctly in the PDF after exporting.


Check run message 005042 for predefined connection colors

In the Settings: Connection colors dialog (Options > Settings >

Projects > "Project name" > Connections > Connection colors menu

item), you can predefine project-specific color codes and color names for

connections. The entries in this table from row 21 onwards are now also

taken into account by EPLAN.

As a result, the check run message 005042 is no longer output when a

given connection color was selected as the Color / number property in

the Properties dialog for a connection / connection definition point.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

36 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Parts Management

Renamed field for EMI models

In parts management on the Mounting data tab there is a special field

that can be used to store an EMI model for one or more parts. This oper-

ation is the reason why data can be transferred from EPLAN Mecha-

tronic Integration (EMI) to AutoCAD Inventor. This field has now been

renamed to differentiate it more clearly from other fields.

Old name: New name:

3D macro EMI model

File selection for external documents

In parts management you can store up to 20 external documents for a

part on the Documents tab. Once you have entered a document, click in

the File / hyperlink column; the correct folder is opened in the file selec-

tion dialog that opens and the document is entered in the Files of type

field by default. This may be of relevance to you if subfolders were

created in the Documents directory after parts were imported from the

EPLAN Data Portal.

New Features and Corrections in the "EPLAN Multi Language Translation" Add-on


The "EPLAN Multi Language Translation" add-on is available as an

option for EPLAN Electric P8 Select. This add-on is part of the standard

scope of delivery for EPLAN Electric P8 Professional, EPLAN Fluid, and


We have also made a number of corrections to this version in the Trans-

lation utility in the "EPLAN Multi Language Translation" add-on.

Other New Features and Fixes for the Overall EPLAN Platform

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 37

Detection of multiple meanings when reports are updated

In projects in which the project-specific translation setting Manual selec-

tion for terms with multiple meanings is active, it was possible for the

Found words dialog to be opened when reports were updated, even

though the terms were unique. This problem has now been fixed.

New Features and Corrections in the "EPLAN Mounting Panel" Add-on


The "EPLAN Mounting Panel" add-on is available as an option for

EPLAN Electric P8 Compact and EPLAN Fluid Compact. This add-on

is part of the standard scope of delivery for EPLAN Electric P8 Select,

EPLAN Electric P8 Professional, and for EPLAN Fluid.

The "EPLAN Mounting Panel" add-on is used to configure enclosures

and mounting panels.

Editing legend items for terminal strips

Since version 2.0 it has been possible to place a terminal strip for which

no parts have yet been placed entirely on a mounting panel. The terminal

strip is displayed graphically on the mounting panel as a "block" and is

given a legend item. The legend item of such a complete terminal strip is

now listed in the Edit legend item dialog.

Selecting macro variants when placing on the mounting panel

When parts from the 2D panel layout navigator are placed on the mount-

ing panel, it is now once again possible to use [Tab] to browse through

the available macro variants for macros stored at the parts.

Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8

38 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8

New Features in the "EPLAN Net Based Wiring" Add-on


The "EPLAN Net Based Wiring" add-on is available for EPLAN Electric

P8 Professional as an optional extra.

This add-on allows you to define nets with net-based connections. Unlike

a "normal" net with automatic connections, the connection sequence

within the net here is not determined via the connection symbols in the

schematic; it must be specified later in the properties dialog of the asso-

ciated net definition point.

Benefit: You can generate the schematic without taking into account

the precise wiring. When the spatial arrangement of the com-

ponents and their optimal wiring is clarified, this information

can be added as required.

Connections can easily be represented in the schematic even

in the case of complex wiring sequences. The plans become

more legible, particularly with potentials over more than one

page which are distributed throughout the entire project.

Managing saddle jumper connection points and all net connections in the net definition point

To date, saddle jumper connection points of terminals using a net defini-

tion point have not been taken into account in the net definition. With the

new version, you can configure EPLAN so that it now also displays

saddle jumper connection points on the Net connection tab.

Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 39

Furthermore, it is now also possible to define all the connections within a

net using a net definition point. In the case of the directly linked functions

in a net, the connections have up till now been generated automatically.

These may, for instance, be two terminals that are connected to one

another directly without a T-node and have the Net-connecting property


You can now use the new setting Manage all the net connections in

the net definition point to specify that for such functions the connec-

tions must be defined manually using the net definition.

Benefit: If both settings are selected (Manage saddle jumper connec-

tion points in the net definition point and Manage all the

net connections in the net definition point), all of the net

connections can be controlled via the net definition point. This

enables the wiring to be optimized across saddle jumpers and


Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8

40 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

New settings for net-based connections

For the reasons stated above, the project settings for the connections

have had two check boxes added: Manage net connections in the net

definition point and Manage saddle jumper connection points in the

net definition point. To access this setting, go to Options > Settings >

Projects > "Project name" > Connections > General.

Manage saddle jumper connection points in the net definition point:

If this check box is selected, the Net connections tab in a net definition

point's properties dialog also displays symbol connection points with the

connection point type "saddle jumper". However, additional function con-

nection points for saddle jumpers are not displayed.

If the check box is deselected, saddle jumpers are not displayed in the

Net connections tab. This is the default setting.


Net based connections cannot be used together with distributed terminal

jumper optimization. The two functionalities generate different connec-

tions that are incompatible with one another.

Manage all the net connections in the net definition point:

If this check box is checked, the targets are not automatically specified

for net-connecting functions that are directly connected to one another

(i.e. the Net-connecting property is activated for the function). In this

case the connections are not automatically generated and have to be

specified manually.

If the check box is deselected, the targets are automatically specified for

net-connecting functions that are directly connected to one another, and

connections are generated automatically. This is the default setting.

These connections are displayed in the Other connections dialog, but

cannot be deleted or changed.

Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 41


If there is a connection symbol with target specification between the net-

connecting functions (e.g. a T-node), the connections are specified auto-

matically in all cases.

Terminals / Plugs

Automatic correction functionality for function definitions

The new EPLAN version 2.0 provides many new function definitions for


Benefit: The new standardized function definitions for terminals facili-

tates the intuitive handling of terminals in the planning phase

and the preparation of high-quality master data. Once terminal

parts have been defined in EPLAN parts management, they

can be copied into a project quickly and easily using drag &

drop. This reduces the designer's workload and ensures high-

quality machine and plant documentation. All the new features

in the "Terminals" area will help you implement and document

new terminal technologies in your future EPLAN projects.

If projects created before version 2.0 are used with the latest version, the

terminals may have "old" and "new" function definitions existing in paral-


To avoid having to update terminal function definitions manually, we

have included an automatic correction facility. You can use the "Update

Terminal FuncDef" add-on to automatically transfer all the "old" function

definitions from the projects and parts management to the "new" function

definitions. The add-on resides on your data carrier and can also be

downloaded from the EPLAN support area on the Internet.

Special Topics EPLAN Electric P8

42 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Terminals with plug-in adapters

To characterize inserted terminals even more precisely, the new property

Terminal with plug-in adapter <20283> is available in the Settings

category. Activating the check box for this property means you are

indicating that the terminal has a plug-in adapter.

Like other properties (such as Terminal category), the Terminal with

plug-in adapter property is available in the terminal reports and can be

used there with the form property Assignment: Property / value to

graphic [1-10] to output terminal graphics.

To also enable the new property to be used as a selection criterion when

selecting devices, it has been added for terminals in the parts manage-

ment function templates.

New Features in the "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-on

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 43

New Features in the "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-on

The "EPLAN Pro Panel" add-on is used for placing electrical engineering

and fluid power devices from the EPLAN project, from the EPLAN parts

management, or from the EPLAN Data Portal, as required. In conjunction

with mechanical components such as cable ducts, mounting rails, mount-

ing panels, or entire enclosures, "EPLAN Pro Panel" simplifies the con-

struction of complex 3D mounting layouts dramatically.


The "EPLAN Pro Panel" add-on is available as an option for EPLAN

Electric P8 Compact, EPLAN Electric P8 Select, EPLAN Electric P8

Professional, EPLAN Fluid Compact and EPLAN Fluid.

New Features in the "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-on

44 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Realigning Mounting Surfaces

Individual surfaces of an item that has been imported as a "3D graphic"

can be defined as mounting surfaces. This is done in EPLAN Pro Panel

via the menu items Edit > Device logic > Mounting surface. The refer-

ence point of these surfaces is usually in the bottom left. When surfaces

are not perpendicular, the mounting surface also has to form a surround-

ing rectangle with a reference point in the bottom left. If – because the

item has special shapes – the automatic alignment of the mounting sur-

face is unsuitable for your purposes, you now have the ability to realign

the mounting surface.

For this purpose the layout space navigator popup menu has the two

new menu items Mounting surface > Adjust X-axis and Mounting

surface > Adjust Y-axis.

Once you have selected one of the menu items, the prompt "Starting

point for direction" appears in the status bar. When the cursor is moved

over the mounting surface, geometric points appear. Click to select a

point. Next the prompt "End point for direction" appears in the status bar.

Now select the second point.

The X-axis or the Y-axis of the mounting surface is aligned by the direc-

tion of the connection from start and end point. The reference point of the

mounting surface is moved in such a way that it lies on the bottom left

point of the mounting surface. The mounting surface is then activated so

that the change becomes visible.

If the selected points are not on the current mounting surface, the two

points are projected onto the mounting surface and then the X- or Y-axis

is aligned.

New Features in the "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-on

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 45


The illustration below shows an example of mounting surface alignment

on an item whose surfaces are not at right angles to each other.

Once the X-axis has been aligned with two mouse clicks on points 1

and 2, the mounting surface will have a correct origin.

New Features in the "EPLAN Pro Panel" Add-on

46 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

EPLAN Reference System for 3D Macros

The latest version of EPLAN Pro Panel now also supports the EPLAN

reference system for 3D data. This is a base technology of the EPLAN

platform that serves, for instance, to manage the macro data of com-

ponents that are used more than once in the project in a way that takes

up less storage.

Benefit: The EPLAN reference system enables a 3D macro to be used

in more than one place without all the 3D macro data having to

be duplicated. The amount of storage space required for 3D

components used more than once is correspondingly less.

In this way, large terminal strips can be managed with a con-

siderably smaller storage requirement.

As a result, projects containing 3D macros need significantly

less memory at run time. The compact data storage also

enables 3D macros to be added and placed even more



The EPLAN reference system is supported for all new 3D macros that

are created using the latest EPLAN Pro Panel Version 2.0 SP 1, based

on imported 3D data in STEP format.

New Features in the "EPLAN API Extension" Add-on

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 47

New Features in the "EPLAN API Extension" Add-on


The "EPLAN API Extension" add-on is available as an option for EPLAN

Electric P8 Professional, for EPLAN Fluid, and for EPLAN PPE.

A unified, and especially high-performance, programming interface (API,

Application Programming Interface) is available for EPLAN platform pro-

ducts. This add-on – the EPLAN API – allows you to develop your own

customized solutions in collaboration with EPLAN or other partners. The

following section provides information on the various new features of


Defining function definitions of unplaced connections

EPLAN API now also provides the facility to define or modify the function

definitions of unplaced connections. The new FunctionDefinition

property has been added to the Connection class for this purpose.

Creating unplaced connections

EPLAN API can now also be used to create unplaced connections.

A new constructor has been added to the Connection class for this


New Features in the Master Data

48 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

New Features in the Master Data

Master Data: Symbols


The following pages show a number of illustrations of new symbols from

different symbol libraries. The illustrations show variant "A" of the respec-

tive symbols in multi-line representation. The name and number of the

symbol are shown underneath the symbol.

IEC, GOST, and GB standards

• The following new symbols for distributed terminals are avail-

able in the symbol libraries IEC_symbol, IEC_single_symbol,

GOST_symbol, GOST_single_symbol, GB_symbol and


XT4OL_2 // 1401 XT4_2 // 1402 XT3_2 // 1404 XT2_2 // 1405

XT1_2 // 1406

New Features in the Master Data

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 49

• The following terminal symbols have also been added to these symbol


X2_STBU // 1361 X2_BU // 1362 X2_ST // 1363

NFPA standard

• The following new symbols for distributed terminals are available in

the symbol libraries NFPA_symbol and NFPA_single_symbol:

XT4OL_2 // 1401 XT4_2 // 1402 XT3_2 // 1404 XT2_2 // 1405

XT1_2 // 1406

New Features in the Master Data

50 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

• The following terminal symbols have also been added to these symbol


X2_STBU // 1361 X2_BU // 1362 X2_ST // 1363

Fluid power and process engineering

• The following new symbols have been added to the PNE1ESS symbol



// 668


// 679


// 882


// 955

Special symbol library

• A new symbol for interruption points has been created in the SPECIAL

symbol library:

BP2 // 53 // Interruption point (double arrow)


New Features in the Master Data

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 51

Master Data: Identifiers

• Under Utilities > Master data > Identifier, an identifier set is now

available for the Chinese standard GB/T 5094. For this purpose, the

column GB/T 5094, which contains the relevant identifiers, was added

to the Suggested identifiers dialog.

Master Data: Macros

Fluid power

• In EPLAN Fluid, 60 new symbol macros have been created for the

"Pneumatics" trade, and more than 1,000 new symbol macros for the

"Hydraulics" trade. Following the installation, numerous devices and

accessory parts from fluid power are available as symbol macros in

the corresponding subdirectories of the macro directory (\VDMA\

Pneumatics and \VDMA\Hydraulics).

New Features in the Master Data

52 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

The large number of motors, pumps, valves, sensors, cylinders and

other devices in these macros can be used directly in the planning of

your EPLAN Fluid projects.


The new symbol macros for fluid power also form part of the Fluid data-

pack, which you can download from the EPLAN support area on the

Internet or from This datapack contains

the very latest set of fluid master data.

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 53

Other New Features and Information

Customer Queries and Messages


Please note that the following EPLAN service is not possible in all


A large number of your queries and wishes have contributed to the new

version of the EPLAN platform. Please note that not all subjects can be

listed within the scope of this document. You can, however, query the

status of your message ("issue") with us at any time.

Login to EPLAN Support on the Internet (software service customers

only) and, within our support area, click the Login Call-Tracking hyperlink

under Call tracking. The "EPLAN Support Call Tracking" page will now

open in your browser.

Other New Features and Information

54 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

You need the following information to log on here:

• User name (= your last name)

• The first five digits of your Software service number.

After filling out the form, confirm this information by clicking [Login].

In the Issue No. field on the next page, enter the issue number that you

were given by support and click [Search].

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 55

You will be redirected to your message. This will show you an overview

of your support query.

Other New Features and Information

56 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Validation Code

If you already have an activation of Version 2.0, then you do not need a

new activation code.

Users with activations for older EPLAN versions, on the other hand, do

need a new activation code. This is provided on the delivery note sent

with your storage medium. In addition, you can now have the option of

retrieving the validation code via the internet (see the following section).

Retrieving the validation code online

EPLAN enables you to carry out the final installation step quickly and

easily by allowing you to retrieve the validation code required for licens-

ing via the internet. After the required data have been transmitted, the

validation code is automatically copied into the license dialog.


Please note that you must be connected to the internet to download

the validation code. You cannot retrieve a validation code for network

licenses or licenses without a dongle.

The Enter validation code dialog has been enhanced to allow you the

option of retrieving the validation code online.

This dialog opens when you start the application for the first time after

installation. Click the new [Retrieve online] button.

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 57

The Company name and Serial number are automatically entered into

the open Set validation code online dialog. This data is needed to re-

trieve the validation code successfully.

Up-to-date information

If you would like to receive information in the future (such as our eNews-

letter), please select the I would like to receive further information

check box. EPLAN will then save your personal details (Name, Phone,

E-mail address, etc.).

Internet settings

The settings for the existing internet connection are adopted by default.

You can also use a proxy server as a network component via the

[Settings] button and the dialog that then opens. In this case, enter the

relevant data in the fields Address, Port, etc. Contact your administrator

for the relevant settings.

Returning the validation code

Click [Send] to send the encoded data to EPLAN. If your details are

already held by EPLAN and are valid, a validation code is created and

sent to the license dialog. Then start the application by clicking [OK].

Other New Features and Information

58 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1



Data of previous versions generated with the EPLAN platform can still be

used in the latest version. Data edited with the latest version of the pro-

gram cannot always be used with earlier versions due to extensions to

the program. We explicitly advise against using different program ver-

sions on the same data.

For original EPLAN master data (reference master data and examples)

the installation wizard creates version-dependent directories (e.g. for

forms <Directory for Original EPLAN Master Data>\<Version


The directories for system master data are version-independent. When

installing for the first time or installing EPLAN 2.0 SP 1 as another

EPLAN version, this means the following:

• Initial installation

When installing for the first time, the directories for the system master

data are created when the program is started for the first time. A

directory with the company code specified in the installation (e.g.

<Directory for System Master Data>\Forms\<Company Code>)

is then created for each master data type (e.g. forms) below the rele-

vant master data directory. The master data from the directories for

the original EPLAN master data is copied into this directory.

• Installation of another EPLAN version

If the directory for the system master data and the company code are

unchanged during the installation, the previous system master data

remains unchanged. The new master data will for now only be in-

stalled in the new version-dependent directory for the original EPLAN

master data.

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 59


• To update your company-specific master data in this case, perform a

synchronization of the system master data.

• If you install EPLAN 2.0 SP 1 as another version of EPLAN, a dialog

opens when you start the program for the first time in which you can

opt to use the settings of the previous version.

Directory structure after installation

The precise appearance of the directory structure for the installed data

depends on the operating system used and the setting you have speci-

fied for the application in the installation wizard. If you selected the Any-

one who uses this computer option, the system master data is stored

in a public folder. If you select the Only for me option, then this data is

stored in the user-specific area of the user currently logged on.


Please note that this setting cannot be subsequently changed.

Windows XP

Under the Windows XP operating system, the original and the system

master data are stored in the following directory by default:

• Anyone who uses this computer:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\

Application Data\EPLAN\<Program Variants>

• Only for me:

C:\Documents and Settings\<Your User Name>\

Application data\EPLAN\<Program Variants>

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60 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1


Following the installation of EPLAN Electric P8 with the default settings,

the directory structure for the forms described above would look some-

thing like this:

Directory for original EPLAN master data:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\

EPLAN\Electric P8\2.0.8\Forms\EPLAN

Directory for system master data:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\

EPLAN\Electric P8\Forms\MyCompanyCode


Please note that to see the application data under Windows XP, you

must make the following settings in Windows Explorer: Select Tools >

Folder options. Open the View tab and in the Advanced settings field

look for the Hidden files and folders folder. Select the Show hidden

files and folders option here. The Application Data folder will now

be visible.

Windows Vista and Windows 7

Under the Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, the original

EPLAN master data is stored in the following directory by default:

• Anyone who uses this computer:

C:\ProgramData\EPLAN\<Program Variants>\<Version


• Only for me:

C:\ProgramData\<Your User Name>\EPLAN\<Program

Variants>\<Version Number>

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 61

Under the Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, the system

master data is stored in the following directory by default:

• Anyone who uses this computer:


• Only for me:

C:\Users\<Your user name>\EPLAN


To see the protected program directory ProgramData, you must enter

%ProgramData% in the Windows Explorer address bar.

Software Requirements and Approvals

General requirements

The Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 SP1 is required to operate the EPLAN

platform. Further information and the latest version of .NET framework

are available for download from the Microsoft website.

EPLAN recommends that a 64 bit Windows operating system is used.

The EPLAN platform is approved for the following operating systems and


Client operating systems

• Windows XP Professional SP3 (32 bit)

• Windows Vista SP2 Enterprise (32 or 64 bit)

• Windows Vista SP2 Business N (32 or 64 bit)

• Windows Vista SP2 Ultimate (32 or 64 bit)

• Windows 7 Professional (32 or 64 bit)

• Windows 7 Enterprise (32 or 64 bit)

• Windows 7 Ultimate (32 or 64 bit).

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62 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1


Further information on these operating systems is available on the

Microsoft website.

Server operating systems

• Windows Server 2003 SP2 (with all hotfixes and updates)

• Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32 or 64 bit)

• Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit).


• Please note that the EPLAN platform may not be installed on servers

that run Back Office products from Microsoft (e.g. proxy servers, SQL,

Exchange, Active Directory) or other suppliers (e.g. Lotus Notes,

Linux servers, Novell servers).

• Please also bear in mind that the EPLAN License Manager is not

approved for use with virtual operating systems.

EPLAN Mechatronic Integration

EPLAN EMI is approved for the following Inventor products:

• AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2010

• AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2010

• AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2011

• AutoCAD Inventor Routed Systems Suite 2011.


Please also note the relevant hardware requirements when installing

these Inventor products.

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 63

Database systems for parts management / selection

• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 Express / Workgroup / Standard or

Enterprise Edition

• Microsoft SQL-Server 2008.

The EPLAN platform supports these Microsoft SQL servers for all client

and server operating systems approved by us.


Other database systems from other manufacturers are not currently


Microsoft Office Excel versions

• Microsoft Office Excel 2003 SP2 and SP3

• Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Excel 2007 SP1.

Internet browsers for the EPLAN Data Portal

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.

Unsupported operating systems

Windows 2000 Professional

The EPLAN platform no longer supports the Windows 2000 Professional

operating system that is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Windows 2000 Server

The EPLAN platform no longer supports the Windows 2000 Server

operating system that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Microsoft

has ceased official support for this operating system.


Further information on the life cycle of operating systems is available on

the Microsoft website.

Other New Features and Information

64 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

EPLAN software no longer supported

Remote Dongle Server 4.3

We are offering a new version of our EPLAN License Manager for the

management of network licenses alongside the new EPLAN platform.

For this reason, Remote Dongle Server 4.3 is no longer supported.

Other software that is no longer supported

AutoCAD 2006

EPLAN PPE now has a new P&ID AutoCAD interface that supports the

current 32-bit versions of AutoCAD 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. Auto-

desk software AutoCAD 2006 is no longer supported by the EPLAN

P&ID AutoCAD interface.

Interface cards for parallel dongles

The latest EPLAN platform includes a new dongle driver. Because of the

enhanced technology in the new Microsoft operating systems (Windows

7 and Windows Server 2008), this dongle driver no longer supports

interface cards (PCI cards). For this reason, interface cards for parallel

dongles will no longer be supported in the next main version of the

EPLAN platform.

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 65

Hardware Requirements

Workstation hardware requirements

The computer platform is a PC with an Intel Pentium 4 or compatible



• The introduction of the enhanced command set SSE2 (Streaming

SIMD Extensions 2) started with the Intel Pentium 4 in 2001. In the

case of AMD processors, this enhancement was introduced with the

Athlon 64 in 2005. If you use a computer system from Intel, the CPU

should be restored to 2002. In the case of AMD processors, the CPU

should be newer than 2005.

• If you are using a processor that dates to before 2005, check whether

this processor supports SSE2 command sets. The "CPU-Z" program

allows you to do this. This program can be downloaded free of charge


It is preferable to choose a high speed dual-core computer rather than a

quad-core computer at the same price (i.e. a slower machine), as you

will get better performance from the EPLAN platform.

A high speed quad-core processor (which is therefore slightly more ex-

pensive) is optimal since it also offers further potential for the future.

We advise against choosing a single-core computer (which also includes

a Pentium 4 with its 2 virtual cores).

Other New Features and Information

66 EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1

Recommended workstation configuration

Processor: Comparable to an Intel Pentium D at 3 GHz or

comparable to an Intel Core 2 Duo at 2.4 GHz


Hard disk: 160 GB

Monitor / graphics


2-screen solution 21" or 16:10 graphics system

with a resolution of 1680 x 1050

3D display: Graphics card from ATI or Nvidia with the latest

OpenGL driver

Minimum net requirements

As stated in the software requirements and performance, only operate

the server with a Microsoft Windows operating system.

Net transfer rate of the server: 1 Gbits/s

Net transfer rate of the client computer: 100 Mbits/s

Recommended latency: < 1 ms

Minimum multi-user requirements

With regard to minimum requirements for multi-user operation, please

contact EPLAN Support. We can advise you specifically according to

your individual requirements.

Other New Features and Information

EPLAN NEWS 2.0 SP 1 67

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