New York Post Graduate Medical School Announcement 1932 · 112- Pathogenic Micro-organisms and In...


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Columbia Unive rsity

New York Post-Graduate Medical School

B acteriology

P athology

and S erology


Ward J 1acNeal Ph1 M D Director Prouor 0 Palhology and Bacleriology

Louise H Meeker Ch B 10 luislanl Pro uor 0 Palhology

Adel e E heplar M D luislanl Pro u or 0 Baclriology

Adelaide B Baylis luocial in Bacluiology

Gerald L Moench 1 D luocial in Palhology

Burr R W hitcher A B M D fl lSlruclor in Pathology

J oseph Grewal B M D IlISlruclor in Palhology

Eugenia T rouveller M D I nslruclor in Baclriology

J ohn C Du Bois 11 D luislanl in Palhology

Alice E lavkin B luiSlllltl in Pallology

Martha Applebaum AB luislalll ill Baclriology

Frances C Frisbee A B luislanl in Bacleriology

Marjorie R Hopkins A B luislanl in Baclriology

Phylli s abbatino luislanl in Laboralory Diagnosis

Amelie Elki nd DSc luislanl in Palhology

Martha J ane pence A B MA luislanl in Baclriology

Margaret E Straub lu islanl ill Baclriology

il iller A anders M D luislalll in PalholoK)

M ax Tru bek M D lu islanl in Palhology

The courses in Pathology and Bacte ri ology a re in general arranged in units of one month daily sessions of three hours each Eac h unit COlllse begin s on the first da y of the re pec ti ve month and no students a re received into a ci a after t he first day except by special permi ion Tn each laboratory division a graded seq uence of unit cour es is pre ented Thu s in Bacshyteriology t he stu dent unfamili ar wit h t he subshyj ec t should begi n with nit Course 1] 1 and c ntinue with] ] 2 11 3 a nd ] ] 4 in orde r

After t he se ri es of chedul ed COlllses has been completed full fa ci lit ies are afforded to perm it the tu dent to continue along his cho en line of work ei ther in the appli cation of labora tory exa minations to cl ini cal medicine or in la borashytor y research

T he department welcome at an y t ime propshyrl y qualifi ed per ons who ma y desi re to purshy

su researches ei ther independentl y or un der guidance Only t ho e who are able to de vote considerable time each day to a speci fi c probshylem for a period of not less t han t hree months will be considered in t his category


Courses pound11 Bacterzology Ill- Elementary Bacteriology Pr ~ sso r

MacN eal and ssi tant Professor hepshylar One m nth Dail y 9 to 12 course for ph y icians desiring to rev iew t he fundamentals of bacte ri ology I t inshycludes a consideration of t h mechani cs and optics of t h microsc pe the princishyples and practi ce of microsc pic vi ibil it y preparation of culture medi a principle and practi ce in rec gniti n of mi cr bi c pecies microbi c morp hology and ph ysishy

ology terili zation and anti sepsi t he para iti c relation of mi crobes Offered in March Jul y and ovember F e $50

112- Pathogenic Micro-organisms and Inshyfectious Diseases Profes or ac ea l and Assi tant P rofessor month Dail y 9 to 12 of Course 11 1 open to taken Course 11 1 or its

hep lar On A continuation

t hose who have equivalent It

includes t he stud y of repre entati ve di shyease-produ cing mi crobes a nd t he chang as ociated with t heir presence in the bod y Anthrax tetanu s tuberculo is leprosy dip ht heria plague t yphoid d ysentery cholera pneumonia in fl uenza gonorr hea meningiti s infec ti ons of t he p yoge ni c cocci and spirochre tal di seases are consider d in turn Offered in April

ugust and D ecem ber F ee $50

Il3- Serological Diagnosis As istant Proshyfessor heplar and D r Tr uvell er On month Dai ly 9 to 12 or 1 30 to 4 30


An advanced course for students who have c mpleted Courses 111 and 112 or have had equi valent training I mmunit y toxin and antitoxin agglutinins p re ipi shytin cy tolysins complement fixati on t he WassermanJ1 reaction Ka hn precipitashytion tes t Vernes fl occulation tests p hagoshycy tosis compatibi lity f bl d for tran sshyfu sion coll oidal gold test Offered in J anuary May and eptember F ee $50

114- Bacteriological Diagnostic Methods P roshyfessor MacNeal and Assistant Professor

heplar One month Dail y 9 to 12 n advan ced cour e for students who

ha ve completed Courses 11 1 and 11 2 or have had equi valent training R egional bacteri ology in healt h and di sease eye nose phar nx mouth and teet h trachea and br nchi feces urine and genitoshyurinary exudates middle ear and masshytoid cutaneous lesions ab cesses purshyulent coll ec ti on bl od and pinal fluid T he specia l bacteriological met hod apshypli cable in each instance including prepshyaration of bacterial vaccines Offered in February J une and October F ee $50

IIS- Vernes Flocculation Assistant Professor Ba ylis One month October to J une

Test for Syphilis hep lar and Mi s

D ai ly 9 to 12 D emon trati on of

equipment and practi cal laboratory exershycise in serological diagnosis of syph ili and tuberculosis by t he Vernes techni c T his course is open onl y to t ho e who have c mpleted Course J13 or have had equivashylent training in se rol ogy F ee $50


116shy Preparation of Extracts for Allergic Tests Courses in Pathology Assistant Professor heplar and Miss H opkins One month Dail y except Satshyurday 930 to 12 30 Preparation of fluid extracts for diagnosis of hay fever asthma and alli ed conditions by the intracutaneshyous method and for the treatment of th ese condition Determination of nitrogen content of the extracts Assigned readshying demonstrations and pract icallaborashytory exercises Thi s laboratory course is given in conjunction with the clini -cal course on hypersensiti ve condi ti ons offered in the afternoon by Assistant Professor ill Cook pain ] t may be taken separate 1 y by pecial permi ssion Offered to a cla s of three r more Fee $50



121- Hrematology and Clinical Microscopy Dr Whitcher Microscopi c examinations f fresh blood Counting erythrocytes

and blood platelets E stimation of hremoshyglobin Color index Mi croscopical exshyamination of stained specimens Fixashytion met hods Staining methods Intershypretation of blood findings Special bl ood di seases D etermining coagulation time Malarial and other blood parasites Blood grouping Compatibilit y for transshyfu sion icroscopic examin ation of transudates exudates and cerebrospinal fluid Offered in February April June Augu st October and D ecember Iltee $50

117shy Bacteriophage Races and Their Use Professor MacNeal A sistant Profess r

heplar and Associates One month Dail y hours to be arranged onferences assigned reading and practi cal laboratory study of the bacteriophage phenomenon bacterial di ssociation and filterable vishyruses techni c of cultur filtrati on enshyhancement of 1 yti c power of bacteriophage and its practi cal applicati on in treatmen t of d y enteri es cholera staph ylococcus infections in abscesses and wounds colon

~ (


122shy Histologic Technic Assistant Professor Meeker and Associates One month Dail y 1 30 to 5 Laboratory equipment E xamination of fresh material Presershyvation of gross speci mens Frozen-secshyti on techni c hxati on and hardening Decalcification I mbedding ec ti on cutshyting t aining and mounting specimens

pecial staining methods The staining of pathogeni c microorgani sms in ti ssue The stud y of mounted sec ti ons Offered in March Jul y and November Fee $50

bacillus infection s of t he urinary tract T his course is open onl y to qualifi ed bacshy

~ 123shy Gross and Microscopic Pathology fessor MacNeal and Dr Grewal


teriologists Fee $50 month Dail y I 30 to 5 A review of t he normal hi stology f various organs and ti ssues D egenerati ve changes in cell s and ti s ues Inflammation and reshy

6 7

pair infec tiou gra nul omata a nd hypershyplasia N eoplasms t ypes and diagnosi R egional pathology Opportunity is offered the student to ob er ve the gross and microscopic examin a ti on of a large number of surgical pecimens sent to the laboratory and to attend a nd to a sist in autopsi s and to make a histological stud y of t he ti ssues t hus obtained T his course is offered in April August and December F ee $50

L aboratory COWses R elated to Special Fields of M edicine alld Surgery

13 I- Bacteriology of the Genito-Urinary Tract Profes r Mac eal and A istant Proshyfes or heplar Two m nth onday v ednesda y andFriday l l to 12 0 Lecshytures and practi cal laborat ry xe rcises

oll ec tion of urine for bacteri ological exshya minati on microsc pi c examinati on for colon baCi lli tubercle bacilli a nd other bacteria culture of B coli a nd prepa rashytion of autogen us vacci ne preparation of bacteriophage and the lab ratory conshyt rol of its use in pyeliti s recognition of the gonococcus of bacillu s of Du cr yand of spirochetes serologi cal diagno is of yphili by complement fi xati on Aoccul ashy

ti n and precipitati on tests human blood groups tests of compatibilit y for tran shyfu ion examination of seminal Auid for sterilit y and for chroni c infections labshy

ratory evidence of eradi cati on of genitoshyurinary infection non-specifi c protein


therapy Begins in M arch and eptemshyber Fee $50 Offered onl y t a cl ass of three or more

132- Pathology of Genito-Urinary Diseases Professor ac eal and Dr Grewal Two m nth s M ond ay Wedne da y and Frishyday II to 1230 Demon trati on of the gro and mi cro e pi c tru cture of the n rmal geni to-urinary organ of the ma~e and of the inA ammatory and neopl a ti C lesions of kid ney ur ter bl adde r testi s eminal vesicles prost a te and peni Fee


133- Embryology Histology Pathology and Bacteriology of the Eye A istant Proshyfessor M eeker F our months Tuesda y T hursday and aturday 830 to ]0 Course includes didac ti c lectures illusshytrated by gr ss materi al lantern slides and proj ec ti on of microscopic preparashyt ions and prac ti cal lab ra tory wok by the stu dent himself T he course IS deshysigned for special ists attending the emishynar in Ophthalmology but may be taken eparatel It begi n Oct ber ] st a nd

F ebruary 1st F ee $100

134- Embryology Histology Pathology and bull Bacteriology of the Ear Nose and Throat Professor M acN eal and Assist ant Proshyfessor M eeker F ur months Dail y except Saturda y ]0 to 1 ~ Course inshycludes didacti c lec tures illustrated by proj ection of microscopic preparation and practi cal laboratory ~ork by the s~udent Jt is designed for spec iali st attendJl1g the


eminar in Oto-Laryngology but may be taken eparately Course begins Ilte brushyary 1 st June 1 st and October 1 st Fee $150 Offered onl y to a class of fi e or more

135- Emhryology Histology and Pathology of the Bones Joints and Skeletal Muscles Professor Mac eal and Dr Grewal Two months Tuesday and Wednesday 2 to 3 The course includes didactic lecshytures illustrated by gross speci mens lanshytern slides and projection of mi cr scopi c preparations together with laboratory work by the student him self Current surgical specimens are demonstrated and correlated with the clinical findings The cour e is designed for specialists attending

the eminar in Orthopedic and Traushymati c urge ry but may be taken separshyately by special arrangement Fee $50

136- Gynecological Pathology and Bacterishyology Profes I MacNeal Dr Moench and Dr Du Bois Th is laboratory course is designed for speciali sts attending the first month of the eminar in G ynecology Other student may be admitted by peshycial permission Offered to a class of five or more H ours to be arranged

Explanatto7lS Concernhzg Courses

T he course in Pathology and Bacteriology are open to gradu ates in M~d i cin e t indishyvidual s who hold the Bachelor s Degree 111 Arts or ciences and to Graduate nur es Other speciall y qualifi ed students may be admitted by special permi ssion f the Dean

The student mu st atl sfy the Instructor In each instance that he i qual ifi ed to undertake t he work of a parti cular course

The Laboratory cour es begin on the first day of the month and are given as a rule from 9 to 12 A M t hough ccasionall y cour es are given in the afterno n and sometimes at other hours

The ~ e f r the fir t m nth s instru ct ion in one course is $50 and for each succeeding course taken without interrupti on M5

A c ur e in Pathology and Bacteriol gy exshytending over six con ecuti ve months entails a fee of $250 and for one year $500

Autopsies by the Pathologist are op n to all Matri culates

The Weekl y Clini cal-Pathol gical Confershyence is open to all Matri cul ates

Further informati on may be obtaIned by conshysul ti ng the Di rec tor of the Departmen t

March 11 932



Ward J 1acNeal Ph1 M D Director Prouor 0 Palhology and Bacleriology

Louise H Meeker Ch B 10 luislanl Pro uor 0 Palhology

Adel e E heplar M D luislanl Pro u or 0 Baclriology

Adelaide B Baylis luocial in Bacluiology

Gerald L Moench 1 D luocial in Palhology

Burr R W hitcher A B M D fl lSlruclor in Pathology

J oseph Grewal B M D IlISlruclor in Palhology

Eugenia T rouveller M D I nslruclor in Baclriology

J ohn C Du Bois 11 D luislanl in Palhology

Alice E lavkin B luiSlllltl in Pallology

Martha Applebaum AB luislalll ill Baclriology

Frances C Frisbee A B luislanl in Bacleriology

Marjorie R Hopkins A B luislanl in Baclriology

Phylli s abbatino luislanl in Laboralory Diagnosis

Amelie Elki nd DSc luislanl in Palhology

Martha J ane pence A B MA luislanl in Baclriology

Margaret E Straub lu islanl ill Baclriology

il iller A anders M D luislalll in PalholoK)

M ax Tru bek M D lu islanl in Palhology

The courses in Pathology and Bacte ri ology a re in general arranged in units of one month daily sessions of three hours each Eac h unit COlllse begin s on the first da y of the re pec ti ve month and no students a re received into a ci a after t he first day except by special permi ion Tn each laboratory division a graded seq uence of unit cour es is pre ented Thu s in Bacshyteriology t he stu dent unfamili ar wit h t he subshyj ec t should begi n with nit Course 1] 1 and c ntinue with] ] 2 11 3 a nd ] ] 4 in orde r

After t he se ri es of chedul ed COlllses has been completed full fa ci lit ies are afforded to perm it the tu dent to continue along his cho en line of work ei ther in the appli cation of labora tory exa minations to cl ini cal medicine or in la borashytor y research

T he department welcome at an y t ime propshyrl y qualifi ed per ons who ma y desi re to purshy

su researches ei ther independentl y or un der guidance Only t ho e who are able to de vote considerable time each day to a speci fi c probshylem for a period of not less t han t hree months will be considered in t his category


Courses pound11 Bacterzology Ill- Elementary Bacteriology Pr ~ sso r

MacN eal and ssi tant Professor hepshylar One m nth Dail y 9 to 12 course for ph y icians desiring to rev iew t he fundamentals of bacte ri ology I t inshycludes a consideration of t h mechani cs and optics of t h microsc pe the princishyples and practi ce of microsc pic vi ibil it y preparation of culture medi a principle and practi ce in rec gniti n of mi cr bi c pecies microbi c morp hology and ph ysishy

ology terili zation and anti sepsi t he para iti c relation of mi crobes Offered in March Jul y and ovember F e $50

112- Pathogenic Micro-organisms and Inshyfectious Diseases Profes or ac ea l and Assi tant P rofessor month Dail y 9 to 12 of Course 11 1 open to taken Course 11 1 or its

hep lar On A continuation

t hose who have equivalent It

includes t he stud y of repre entati ve di shyease-produ cing mi crobes a nd t he chang as ociated with t heir presence in the bod y Anthrax tetanu s tuberculo is leprosy dip ht heria plague t yphoid d ysentery cholera pneumonia in fl uenza gonorr hea meningiti s infec ti ons of t he p yoge ni c cocci and spirochre tal di seases are consider d in turn Offered in April

ugust and D ecem ber F ee $50

Il3- Serological Diagnosis As istant Proshyfessor heplar and D r Tr uvell er On month Dai ly 9 to 12 or 1 30 to 4 30


An advanced course for students who have c mpleted Courses 111 and 112 or have had equi valent training I mmunit y toxin and antitoxin agglutinins p re ipi shytin cy tolysins complement fixati on t he WassermanJ1 reaction Ka hn precipitashytion tes t Vernes fl occulation tests p hagoshycy tosis compatibi lity f bl d for tran sshyfu sion coll oidal gold test Offered in J anuary May and eptember F ee $50

114- Bacteriological Diagnostic Methods P roshyfessor MacNeal and Assistant Professor

heplar One month Dail y 9 to 12 n advan ced cour e for students who

ha ve completed Courses 11 1 and 11 2 or have had equi valent training R egional bacteri ology in healt h and di sease eye nose phar nx mouth and teet h trachea and br nchi feces urine and genitoshyurinary exudates middle ear and masshytoid cutaneous lesions ab cesses purshyulent coll ec ti on bl od and pinal fluid T he specia l bacteriological met hod apshypli cable in each instance including prepshyaration of bacterial vaccines Offered in February J une and October F ee $50

IIS- Vernes Flocculation Assistant Professor Ba ylis One month October to J une

Test for Syphilis hep lar and Mi s

D ai ly 9 to 12 D emon trati on of

equipment and practi cal laboratory exershycise in serological diagnosis of syph ili and tuberculosis by t he Vernes techni c T his course is open onl y to t ho e who have c mpleted Course J13 or have had equivashylent training in se rol ogy F ee $50


116shy Preparation of Extracts for Allergic Tests Courses in Pathology Assistant Professor heplar and Miss H opkins One month Dail y except Satshyurday 930 to 12 30 Preparation of fluid extracts for diagnosis of hay fever asthma and alli ed conditions by the intracutaneshyous method and for the treatment of th ese condition Determination of nitrogen content of the extracts Assigned readshying demonstrations and pract icallaborashytory exercises Thi s laboratory course is given in conjunction with the clini -cal course on hypersensiti ve condi ti ons offered in the afternoon by Assistant Professor ill Cook pain ] t may be taken separate 1 y by pecial permi ssion Offered to a cla s of three r more Fee $50



121- Hrematology and Clinical Microscopy Dr Whitcher Microscopi c examinations f fresh blood Counting erythrocytes

and blood platelets E stimation of hremoshyglobin Color index Mi croscopical exshyamination of stained specimens Fixashytion met hods Staining methods Intershypretation of blood findings Special bl ood di seases D etermining coagulation time Malarial and other blood parasites Blood grouping Compatibilit y for transshyfu sion icroscopic examin ation of transudates exudates and cerebrospinal fluid Offered in February April June Augu st October and D ecember Iltee $50

117shy Bacteriophage Races and Their Use Professor MacNeal A sistant Profess r

heplar and Associates One month Dail y hours to be arranged onferences assigned reading and practi cal laboratory study of the bacteriophage phenomenon bacterial di ssociation and filterable vishyruses techni c of cultur filtrati on enshyhancement of 1 yti c power of bacteriophage and its practi cal applicati on in treatmen t of d y enteri es cholera staph ylococcus infections in abscesses and wounds colon

~ (


122shy Histologic Technic Assistant Professor Meeker and Associates One month Dail y 1 30 to 5 Laboratory equipment E xamination of fresh material Presershyvation of gross speci mens Frozen-secshyti on techni c hxati on and hardening Decalcification I mbedding ec ti on cutshyting t aining and mounting specimens

pecial staining methods The staining of pathogeni c microorgani sms in ti ssue The stud y of mounted sec ti ons Offered in March Jul y and November Fee $50

bacillus infection s of t he urinary tract T his course is open onl y to qualifi ed bacshy

~ 123shy Gross and Microscopic Pathology fessor MacNeal and Dr Grewal


teriologists Fee $50 month Dail y I 30 to 5 A review of t he normal hi stology f various organs and ti ssues D egenerati ve changes in cell s and ti s ues Inflammation and reshy

6 7

pair infec tiou gra nul omata a nd hypershyplasia N eoplasms t ypes and diagnosi R egional pathology Opportunity is offered the student to ob er ve the gross and microscopic examin a ti on of a large number of surgical pecimens sent to the laboratory and to attend a nd to a sist in autopsi s and to make a histological stud y of t he ti ssues t hus obtained T his course is offered in April August and December F ee $50

L aboratory COWses R elated to Special Fields of M edicine alld Surgery

13 I- Bacteriology of the Genito-Urinary Tract Profes r Mac eal and A istant Proshyfes or heplar Two m nth onday v ednesda y andFriday l l to 12 0 Lecshytures and practi cal laborat ry xe rcises

oll ec tion of urine for bacteri ological exshya minati on microsc pi c examinati on for colon baCi lli tubercle bacilli a nd other bacteria culture of B coli a nd prepa rashytion of autogen us vacci ne preparation of bacteriophage and the lab ratory conshyt rol of its use in pyeliti s recognition of the gonococcus of bacillu s of Du cr yand of spirochetes serologi cal diagno is of yphili by complement fi xati on Aoccul ashy

ti n and precipitati on tests human blood groups tests of compatibilit y for tran shyfu ion examination of seminal Auid for sterilit y and for chroni c infections labshy

ratory evidence of eradi cati on of genitoshyurinary infection non-specifi c protein


therapy Begins in M arch and eptemshyber Fee $50 Offered onl y t a cl ass of three or more

132- Pathology of Genito-Urinary Diseases Professor ac eal and Dr Grewal Two m nth s M ond ay Wedne da y and Frishyday II to 1230 Demon trati on of the gro and mi cro e pi c tru cture of the n rmal geni to-urinary organ of the ma~e and of the inA ammatory and neopl a ti C lesions of kid ney ur ter bl adde r testi s eminal vesicles prost a te and peni Fee


133- Embryology Histology Pathology and Bacteriology of the Eye A istant Proshyfessor M eeker F our months Tuesda y T hursday and aturday 830 to ]0 Course includes didac ti c lectures illusshytrated by gr ss materi al lantern slides and proj ec ti on of microscopic preparashyt ions and prac ti cal lab ra tory wok by the stu dent himself T he course IS deshysigned for special ists attending the emishynar in Ophthalmology but may be taken eparatel It begi n Oct ber ] st a nd

F ebruary 1st F ee $100

134- Embryology Histology Pathology and bull Bacteriology of the Ear Nose and Throat Professor M acN eal and Assist ant Proshyfessor M eeker F ur months Dail y except Saturda y ]0 to 1 ~ Course inshycludes didacti c lec tures illustrated by proj ection of microscopic preparation and practi cal laboratory ~ork by the s~udent Jt is designed for spec iali st attendJl1g the


eminar in Oto-Laryngology but may be taken eparately Course begins Ilte brushyary 1 st June 1 st and October 1 st Fee $150 Offered onl y to a class of fi e or more

135- Emhryology Histology and Pathology of the Bones Joints and Skeletal Muscles Professor Mac eal and Dr Grewal Two months Tuesday and Wednesday 2 to 3 The course includes didactic lecshytures illustrated by gross speci mens lanshytern slides and projection of mi cr scopi c preparations together with laboratory work by the student him self Current surgical specimens are demonstrated and correlated with the clinical findings The cour e is designed for specialists attending

the eminar in Orthopedic and Traushymati c urge ry but may be taken separshyately by special arrangement Fee $50

136- Gynecological Pathology and Bacterishyology Profes I MacNeal Dr Moench and Dr Du Bois Th is laboratory course is designed for speciali sts attending the first month of the eminar in G ynecology Other student may be admitted by peshycial permission Offered to a class of five or more H ours to be arranged

Explanatto7lS Concernhzg Courses

T he course in Pathology and Bacteriology are open to gradu ates in M~d i cin e t indishyvidual s who hold the Bachelor s Degree 111 Arts or ciences and to Graduate nur es Other speciall y qualifi ed students may be admitted by special permi ssion f the Dean

The student mu st atl sfy the Instructor In each instance that he i qual ifi ed to undertake t he work of a parti cular course

The Laboratory cour es begin on the first day of the month and are given as a rule from 9 to 12 A M t hough ccasionall y cour es are given in the afterno n and sometimes at other hours

The ~ e f r the fir t m nth s instru ct ion in one course is $50 and for each succeeding course taken without interrupti on M5

A c ur e in Pathology and Bacteriol gy exshytending over six con ecuti ve months entails a fee of $250 and for one year $500

Autopsies by the Pathologist are op n to all Matri culates

The Weekl y Clini cal-Pathol gical Confershyence is open to all Matri cul ates

Further informati on may be obtaIned by conshysul ti ng the Di rec tor of the Departmen t

March 11 932


Courses pound11 Bacterzology Ill- Elementary Bacteriology Pr ~ sso r

MacN eal and ssi tant Professor hepshylar One m nth Dail y 9 to 12 course for ph y icians desiring to rev iew t he fundamentals of bacte ri ology I t inshycludes a consideration of t h mechani cs and optics of t h microsc pe the princishyples and practi ce of microsc pic vi ibil it y preparation of culture medi a principle and practi ce in rec gniti n of mi cr bi c pecies microbi c morp hology and ph ysishy

ology terili zation and anti sepsi t he para iti c relation of mi crobes Offered in March Jul y and ovember F e $50

112- Pathogenic Micro-organisms and Inshyfectious Diseases Profes or ac ea l and Assi tant P rofessor month Dail y 9 to 12 of Course 11 1 open to taken Course 11 1 or its

hep lar On A continuation

t hose who have equivalent It

includes t he stud y of repre entati ve di shyease-produ cing mi crobes a nd t he chang as ociated with t heir presence in the bod y Anthrax tetanu s tuberculo is leprosy dip ht heria plague t yphoid d ysentery cholera pneumonia in fl uenza gonorr hea meningiti s infec ti ons of t he p yoge ni c cocci and spirochre tal di seases are consider d in turn Offered in April

ugust and D ecem ber F ee $50

Il3- Serological Diagnosis As istant Proshyfessor heplar and D r Tr uvell er On month Dai ly 9 to 12 or 1 30 to 4 30


An advanced course for students who have c mpleted Courses 111 and 112 or have had equi valent training I mmunit y toxin and antitoxin agglutinins p re ipi shytin cy tolysins complement fixati on t he WassermanJ1 reaction Ka hn precipitashytion tes t Vernes fl occulation tests p hagoshycy tosis compatibi lity f bl d for tran sshyfu sion coll oidal gold test Offered in J anuary May and eptember F ee $50

114- Bacteriological Diagnostic Methods P roshyfessor MacNeal and Assistant Professor

heplar One month Dail y 9 to 12 n advan ced cour e for students who

ha ve completed Courses 11 1 and 11 2 or have had equi valent training R egional bacteri ology in healt h and di sease eye nose phar nx mouth and teet h trachea and br nchi feces urine and genitoshyurinary exudates middle ear and masshytoid cutaneous lesions ab cesses purshyulent coll ec ti on bl od and pinal fluid T he specia l bacteriological met hod apshypli cable in each instance including prepshyaration of bacterial vaccines Offered in February J une and October F ee $50

IIS- Vernes Flocculation Assistant Professor Ba ylis One month October to J une

Test for Syphilis hep lar and Mi s

D ai ly 9 to 12 D emon trati on of

equipment and practi cal laboratory exershycise in serological diagnosis of syph ili and tuberculosis by t he Vernes techni c T his course is open onl y to t ho e who have c mpleted Course J13 or have had equivashylent training in se rol ogy F ee $50


116shy Preparation of Extracts for Allergic Tests Courses in Pathology Assistant Professor heplar and Miss H opkins One month Dail y except Satshyurday 930 to 12 30 Preparation of fluid extracts for diagnosis of hay fever asthma and alli ed conditions by the intracutaneshyous method and for the treatment of th ese condition Determination of nitrogen content of the extracts Assigned readshying demonstrations and pract icallaborashytory exercises Thi s laboratory course is given in conjunction with the clini -cal course on hypersensiti ve condi ti ons offered in the afternoon by Assistant Professor ill Cook pain ] t may be taken separate 1 y by pecial permi ssion Offered to a cla s of three r more Fee $50



121- Hrematology and Clinical Microscopy Dr Whitcher Microscopi c examinations f fresh blood Counting erythrocytes

and blood platelets E stimation of hremoshyglobin Color index Mi croscopical exshyamination of stained specimens Fixashytion met hods Staining methods Intershypretation of blood findings Special bl ood di seases D etermining coagulation time Malarial and other blood parasites Blood grouping Compatibilit y for transshyfu sion icroscopic examin ation of transudates exudates and cerebrospinal fluid Offered in February April June Augu st October and D ecember Iltee $50

117shy Bacteriophage Races and Their Use Professor MacNeal A sistant Profess r

heplar and Associates One month Dail y hours to be arranged onferences assigned reading and practi cal laboratory study of the bacteriophage phenomenon bacterial di ssociation and filterable vishyruses techni c of cultur filtrati on enshyhancement of 1 yti c power of bacteriophage and its practi cal applicati on in treatmen t of d y enteri es cholera staph ylococcus infections in abscesses and wounds colon

~ (


122shy Histologic Technic Assistant Professor Meeker and Associates One month Dail y 1 30 to 5 Laboratory equipment E xamination of fresh material Presershyvation of gross speci mens Frozen-secshyti on techni c hxati on and hardening Decalcification I mbedding ec ti on cutshyting t aining and mounting specimens

pecial staining methods The staining of pathogeni c microorgani sms in ti ssue The stud y of mounted sec ti ons Offered in March Jul y and November Fee $50

bacillus infection s of t he urinary tract T his course is open onl y to qualifi ed bacshy

~ 123shy Gross and Microscopic Pathology fessor MacNeal and Dr Grewal


teriologists Fee $50 month Dail y I 30 to 5 A review of t he normal hi stology f various organs and ti ssues D egenerati ve changes in cell s and ti s ues Inflammation and reshy

6 7

pair infec tiou gra nul omata a nd hypershyplasia N eoplasms t ypes and diagnosi R egional pathology Opportunity is offered the student to ob er ve the gross and microscopic examin a ti on of a large number of surgical pecimens sent to the laboratory and to attend a nd to a sist in autopsi s and to make a histological stud y of t he ti ssues t hus obtained T his course is offered in April August and December F ee $50

L aboratory COWses R elated to Special Fields of M edicine alld Surgery

13 I- Bacteriology of the Genito-Urinary Tract Profes r Mac eal and A istant Proshyfes or heplar Two m nth onday v ednesda y andFriday l l to 12 0 Lecshytures and practi cal laborat ry xe rcises

oll ec tion of urine for bacteri ological exshya minati on microsc pi c examinati on for colon baCi lli tubercle bacilli a nd other bacteria culture of B coli a nd prepa rashytion of autogen us vacci ne preparation of bacteriophage and the lab ratory conshyt rol of its use in pyeliti s recognition of the gonococcus of bacillu s of Du cr yand of spirochetes serologi cal diagno is of yphili by complement fi xati on Aoccul ashy

ti n and precipitati on tests human blood groups tests of compatibilit y for tran shyfu ion examination of seminal Auid for sterilit y and for chroni c infections labshy

ratory evidence of eradi cati on of genitoshyurinary infection non-specifi c protein


therapy Begins in M arch and eptemshyber Fee $50 Offered onl y t a cl ass of three or more

132- Pathology of Genito-Urinary Diseases Professor ac eal and Dr Grewal Two m nth s M ond ay Wedne da y and Frishyday II to 1230 Demon trati on of the gro and mi cro e pi c tru cture of the n rmal geni to-urinary organ of the ma~e and of the inA ammatory and neopl a ti C lesions of kid ney ur ter bl adde r testi s eminal vesicles prost a te and peni Fee


133- Embryology Histology Pathology and Bacteriology of the Eye A istant Proshyfessor M eeker F our months Tuesda y T hursday and aturday 830 to ]0 Course includes didac ti c lectures illusshytrated by gr ss materi al lantern slides and proj ec ti on of microscopic preparashyt ions and prac ti cal lab ra tory wok by the stu dent himself T he course IS deshysigned for special ists attending the emishynar in Ophthalmology but may be taken eparatel It begi n Oct ber ] st a nd

F ebruary 1st F ee $100

134- Embryology Histology Pathology and bull Bacteriology of the Ear Nose and Throat Professor M acN eal and Assist ant Proshyfessor M eeker F ur months Dail y except Saturda y ]0 to 1 ~ Course inshycludes didacti c lec tures illustrated by proj ection of microscopic preparation and practi cal laboratory ~ork by the s~udent Jt is designed for spec iali st attendJl1g the


eminar in Oto-Laryngology but may be taken eparately Course begins Ilte brushyary 1 st June 1 st and October 1 st Fee $150 Offered onl y to a class of fi e or more

135- Emhryology Histology and Pathology of the Bones Joints and Skeletal Muscles Professor Mac eal and Dr Grewal Two months Tuesday and Wednesday 2 to 3 The course includes didactic lecshytures illustrated by gross speci mens lanshytern slides and projection of mi cr scopi c preparations together with laboratory work by the student him self Current surgical specimens are demonstrated and correlated with the clinical findings The cour e is designed for specialists attending

the eminar in Orthopedic and Traushymati c urge ry but may be taken separshyately by special arrangement Fee $50

136- Gynecological Pathology and Bacterishyology Profes I MacNeal Dr Moench and Dr Du Bois Th is laboratory course is designed for speciali sts attending the first month of the eminar in G ynecology Other student may be admitted by peshycial permission Offered to a class of five or more H ours to be arranged

Explanatto7lS Concernhzg Courses

T he course in Pathology and Bacteriology are open to gradu ates in M~d i cin e t indishyvidual s who hold the Bachelor s Degree 111 Arts or ciences and to Graduate nur es Other speciall y qualifi ed students may be admitted by special permi ssion f the Dean

The student mu st atl sfy the Instructor In each instance that he i qual ifi ed to undertake t he work of a parti cular course

The Laboratory cour es begin on the first day of the month and are given as a rule from 9 to 12 A M t hough ccasionall y cour es are given in the afterno n and sometimes at other hours

The ~ e f r the fir t m nth s instru ct ion in one course is $50 and for each succeeding course taken without interrupti on M5

A c ur e in Pathology and Bacteriol gy exshytending over six con ecuti ve months entails a fee of $250 and for one year $500

Autopsies by the Pathologist are op n to all Matri culates

The Weekl y Clini cal-Pathol gical Confershyence is open to all Matri cul ates

Further informati on may be obtaIned by conshysul ti ng the Di rec tor of the Departmen t

March 11 932


116shy Preparation of Extracts for Allergic Tests Courses in Pathology Assistant Professor heplar and Miss H opkins One month Dail y except Satshyurday 930 to 12 30 Preparation of fluid extracts for diagnosis of hay fever asthma and alli ed conditions by the intracutaneshyous method and for the treatment of th ese condition Determination of nitrogen content of the extracts Assigned readshying demonstrations and pract icallaborashytory exercises Thi s laboratory course is given in conjunction with the clini -cal course on hypersensiti ve condi ti ons offered in the afternoon by Assistant Professor ill Cook pain ] t may be taken separate 1 y by pecial permi ssion Offered to a cla s of three r more Fee $50



121- Hrematology and Clinical Microscopy Dr Whitcher Microscopi c examinations f fresh blood Counting erythrocytes

and blood platelets E stimation of hremoshyglobin Color index Mi croscopical exshyamination of stained specimens Fixashytion met hods Staining methods Intershypretation of blood findings Special bl ood di seases D etermining coagulation time Malarial and other blood parasites Blood grouping Compatibilit y for transshyfu sion icroscopic examin ation of transudates exudates and cerebrospinal fluid Offered in February April June Augu st October and D ecember Iltee $50

117shy Bacteriophage Races and Their Use Professor MacNeal A sistant Profess r

heplar and Associates One month Dail y hours to be arranged onferences assigned reading and practi cal laboratory study of the bacteriophage phenomenon bacterial di ssociation and filterable vishyruses techni c of cultur filtrati on enshyhancement of 1 yti c power of bacteriophage and its practi cal applicati on in treatmen t of d y enteri es cholera staph ylococcus infections in abscesses and wounds colon

~ (


122shy Histologic Technic Assistant Professor Meeker and Associates One month Dail y 1 30 to 5 Laboratory equipment E xamination of fresh material Presershyvation of gross speci mens Frozen-secshyti on techni c hxati on and hardening Decalcification I mbedding ec ti on cutshyting t aining and mounting specimens

pecial staining methods The staining of pathogeni c microorgani sms in ti ssue The stud y of mounted sec ti ons Offered in March Jul y and November Fee $50

bacillus infection s of t he urinary tract T his course is open onl y to qualifi ed bacshy

~ 123shy Gross and Microscopic Pathology fessor MacNeal and Dr Grewal


teriologists Fee $50 month Dail y I 30 to 5 A review of t he normal hi stology f various organs and ti ssues D egenerati ve changes in cell s and ti s ues Inflammation and reshy

6 7

pair infec tiou gra nul omata a nd hypershyplasia N eoplasms t ypes and diagnosi R egional pathology Opportunity is offered the student to ob er ve the gross and microscopic examin a ti on of a large number of surgical pecimens sent to the laboratory and to attend a nd to a sist in autopsi s and to make a histological stud y of t he ti ssues t hus obtained T his course is offered in April August and December F ee $50

L aboratory COWses R elated to Special Fields of M edicine alld Surgery

13 I- Bacteriology of the Genito-Urinary Tract Profes r Mac eal and A istant Proshyfes or heplar Two m nth onday v ednesda y andFriday l l to 12 0 Lecshytures and practi cal laborat ry xe rcises

oll ec tion of urine for bacteri ological exshya minati on microsc pi c examinati on for colon baCi lli tubercle bacilli a nd other bacteria culture of B coli a nd prepa rashytion of autogen us vacci ne preparation of bacteriophage and the lab ratory conshyt rol of its use in pyeliti s recognition of the gonococcus of bacillu s of Du cr yand of spirochetes serologi cal diagno is of yphili by complement fi xati on Aoccul ashy

ti n and precipitati on tests human blood groups tests of compatibilit y for tran shyfu ion examination of seminal Auid for sterilit y and for chroni c infections labshy

ratory evidence of eradi cati on of genitoshyurinary infection non-specifi c protein


therapy Begins in M arch and eptemshyber Fee $50 Offered onl y t a cl ass of three or more

132- Pathology of Genito-Urinary Diseases Professor ac eal and Dr Grewal Two m nth s M ond ay Wedne da y and Frishyday II to 1230 Demon trati on of the gro and mi cro e pi c tru cture of the n rmal geni to-urinary organ of the ma~e and of the inA ammatory and neopl a ti C lesions of kid ney ur ter bl adde r testi s eminal vesicles prost a te and peni Fee


133- Embryology Histology Pathology and Bacteriology of the Eye A istant Proshyfessor M eeker F our months Tuesda y T hursday and aturday 830 to ]0 Course includes didac ti c lectures illusshytrated by gr ss materi al lantern slides and proj ec ti on of microscopic preparashyt ions and prac ti cal lab ra tory wok by the stu dent himself T he course IS deshysigned for special ists attending the emishynar in Ophthalmology but may be taken eparatel It begi n Oct ber ] st a nd

F ebruary 1st F ee $100

134- Embryology Histology Pathology and bull Bacteriology of the Ear Nose and Throat Professor M acN eal and Assist ant Proshyfessor M eeker F ur months Dail y except Saturda y ]0 to 1 ~ Course inshycludes didacti c lec tures illustrated by proj ection of microscopic preparation and practi cal laboratory ~ork by the s~udent Jt is designed for spec iali st attendJl1g the


eminar in Oto-Laryngology but may be taken eparately Course begins Ilte brushyary 1 st June 1 st and October 1 st Fee $150 Offered onl y to a class of fi e or more

135- Emhryology Histology and Pathology of the Bones Joints and Skeletal Muscles Professor Mac eal and Dr Grewal Two months Tuesday and Wednesday 2 to 3 The course includes didactic lecshytures illustrated by gross speci mens lanshytern slides and projection of mi cr scopi c preparations together with laboratory work by the student him self Current surgical specimens are demonstrated and correlated with the clinical findings The cour e is designed for specialists attending

the eminar in Orthopedic and Traushymati c urge ry but may be taken separshyately by special arrangement Fee $50

136- Gynecological Pathology and Bacterishyology Profes I MacNeal Dr Moench and Dr Du Bois Th is laboratory course is designed for speciali sts attending the first month of the eminar in G ynecology Other student may be admitted by peshycial permission Offered to a class of five or more H ours to be arranged

Explanatto7lS Concernhzg Courses

T he course in Pathology and Bacteriology are open to gradu ates in M~d i cin e t indishyvidual s who hold the Bachelor s Degree 111 Arts or ciences and to Graduate nur es Other speciall y qualifi ed students may be admitted by special permi ssion f the Dean

The student mu st atl sfy the Instructor In each instance that he i qual ifi ed to undertake t he work of a parti cular course

The Laboratory cour es begin on the first day of the month and are given as a rule from 9 to 12 A M t hough ccasionall y cour es are given in the afterno n and sometimes at other hours

The ~ e f r the fir t m nth s instru ct ion in one course is $50 and for each succeeding course taken without interrupti on M5

A c ur e in Pathology and Bacteriol gy exshytending over six con ecuti ve months entails a fee of $250 and for one year $500

Autopsies by the Pathologist are op n to all Matri culates

The Weekl y Clini cal-Pathol gical Confershyence is open to all Matri cul ates

Further informati on may be obtaIned by conshysul ti ng the Di rec tor of the Departmen t

March 11 932


pair infec tiou gra nul omata a nd hypershyplasia N eoplasms t ypes and diagnosi R egional pathology Opportunity is offered the student to ob er ve the gross and microscopic examin a ti on of a large number of surgical pecimens sent to the laboratory and to attend a nd to a sist in autopsi s and to make a histological stud y of t he ti ssues t hus obtained T his course is offered in April August and December F ee $50

L aboratory COWses R elated to Special Fields of M edicine alld Surgery

13 I- Bacteriology of the Genito-Urinary Tract Profes r Mac eal and A istant Proshyfes or heplar Two m nth onday v ednesda y andFriday l l to 12 0 Lecshytures and practi cal laborat ry xe rcises

oll ec tion of urine for bacteri ological exshya minati on microsc pi c examinati on for colon baCi lli tubercle bacilli a nd other bacteria culture of B coli a nd prepa rashytion of autogen us vacci ne preparation of bacteriophage and the lab ratory conshyt rol of its use in pyeliti s recognition of the gonococcus of bacillu s of Du cr yand of spirochetes serologi cal diagno is of yphili by complement fi xati on Aoccul ashy

ti n and precipitati on tests human blood groups tests of compatibilit y for tran shyfu ion examination of seminal Auid for sterilit y and for chroni c infections labshy

ratory evidence of eradi cati on of genitoshyurinary infection non-specifi c protein


therapy Begins in M arch and eptemshyber Fee $50 Offered onl y t a cl ass of three or more

132- Pathology of Genito-Urinary Diseases Professor ac eal and Dr Grewal Two m nth s M ond ay Wedne da y and Frishyday II to 1230 Demon trati on of the gro and mi cro e pi c tru cture of the n rmal geni to-urinary organ of the ma~e and of the inA ammatory and neopl a ti C lesions of kid ney ur ter bl adde r testi s eminal vesicles prost a te and peni Fee


133- Embryology Histology Pathology and Bacteriology of the Eye A istant Proshyfessor M eeker F our months Tuesda y T hursday and aturday 830 to ]0 Course includes didac ti c lectures illusshytrated by gr ss materi al lantern slides and proj ec ti on of microscopic preparashyt ions and prac ti cal lab ra tory wok by the stu dent himself T he course IS deshysigned for special ists attending the emishynar in Ophthalmology but may be taken eparatel It begi n Oct ber ] st a nd

F ebruary 1st F ee $100

134- Embryology Histology Pathology and bull Bacteriology of the Ear Nose and Throat Professor M acN eal and Assist ant Proshyfessor M eeker F ur months Dail y except Saturda y ]0 to 1 ~ Course inshycludes didacti c lec tures illustrated by proj ection of microscopic preparation and practi cal laboratory ~ork by the s~udent Jt is designed for spec iali st attendJl1g the


eminar in Oto-Laryngology but may be taken eparately Course begins Ilte brushyary 1 st June 1 st and October 1 st Fee $150 Offered onl y to a class of fi e or more

135- Emhryology Histology and Pathology of the Bones Joints and Skeletal Muscles Professor Mac eal and Dr Grewal Two months Tuesday and Wednesday 2 to 3 The course includes didactic lecshytures illustrated by gross speci mens lanshytern slides and projection of mi cr scopi c preparations together with laboratory work by the student him self Current surgical specimens are demonstrated and correlated with the clinical findings The cour e is designed for specialists attending

the eminar in Orthopedic and Traushymati c urge ry but may be taken separshyately by special arrangement Fee $50

136- Gynecological Pathology and Bacterishyology Profes I MacNeal Dr Moench and Dr Du Bois Th is laboratory course is designed for speciali sts attending the first month of the eminar in G ynecology Other student may be admitted by peshycial permission Offered to a class of five or more H ours to be arranged

Explanatto7lS Concernhzg Courses

T he course in Pathology and Bacteriology are open to gradu ates in M~d i cin e t indishyvidual s who hold the Bachelor s Degree 111 Arts or ciences and to Graduate nur es Other speciall y qualifi ed students may be admitted by special permi ssion f the Dean

The student mu st atl sfy the Instructor In each instance that he i qual ifi ed to undertake t he work of a parti cular course

The Laboratory cour es begin on the first day of the month and are given as a rule from 9 to 12 A M t hough ccasionall y cour es are given in the afterno n and sometimes at other hours

The ~ e f r the fir t m nth s instru ct ion in one course is $50 and for each succeeding course taken without interrupti on M5

A c ur e in Pathology and Bacteriol gy exshytending over six con ecuti ve months entails a fee of $250 and for one year $500

Autopsies by the Pathologist are op n to all Matri culates

The Weekl y Clini cal-Pathol gical Confershyence is open to all Matri cul ates

Further informati on may be obtaIned by conshysul ti ng the Di rec tor of the Departmen t

March 11 932


eminar in Oto-Laryngology but may be taken eparately Course begins Ilte brushyary 1 st June 1 st and October 1 st Fee $150 Offered onl y to a class of fi e or more

135- Emhryology Histology and Pathology of the Bones Joints and Skeletal Muscles Professor Mac eal and Dr Grewal Two months Tuesday and Wednesday 2 to 3 The course includes didactic lecshytures illustrated by gross speci mens lanshytern slides and projection of mi cr scopi c preparations together with laboratory work by the student him self Current surgical specimens are demonstrated and correlated with the clinical findings The cour e is designed for specialists attending

the eminar in Orthopedic and Traushymati c urge ry but may be taken separshyately by special arrangement Fee $50

136- Gynecological Pathology and Bacterishyology Profes I MacNeal Dr Moench and Dr Du Bois Th is laboratory course is designed for speciali sts attending the first month of the eminar in G ynecology Other student may be admitted by peshycial permission Offered to a class of five or more H ours to be arranged

Explanatto7lS Concernhzg Courses

T he course in Pathology and Bacteriology are open to gradu ates in M~d i cin e t indishyvidual s who hold the Bachelor s Degree 111 Arts or ciences and to Graduate nur es Other speciall y qualifi ed students may be admitted by special permi ssion f the Dean

The student mu st atl sfy the Instructor In each instance that he i qual ifi ed to undertake t he work of a parti cular course

The Laboratory cour es begin on the first day of the month and are given as a rule from 9 to 12 A M t hough ccasionall y cour es are given in the afterno n and sometimes at other hours

The ~ e f r the fir t m nth s instru ct ion in one course is $50 and for each succeeding course taken without interrupti on M5

A c ur e in Pathology and Bacteriol gy exshytending over six con ecuti ve months entails a fee of $250 and for one year $500

Autopsies by the Pathologist are op n to all Matri culates

The Weekl y Clini cal-Pathol gical Confershyence is open to all Matri cul ates

Further informati on may be obtaIned by conshysul ti ng the Di rec tor of the Departmen t

March 11 932
