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NEW UK MASTERS PROGRAMME: APPLICATIONSelf-evaluation questionnaire (SEQ) for new Masters programmes

You should complete this questionnaire if you are proposing a new Applied Psychology programme for Associate Psychologists for accreditation. A separate self-evaluation questionnaire should be completed for international provision.

The questionnaire is split into two sections:

Section A asks for key information about the award you are submitting for accreditation, including details of who we should contact if we have queries about your application.

Section B invites you to self-evaluate your programme against each of our eight programme standards.

The BPS is committed to respecting your right to privacy and data security and to handling the information you provide responsibly within the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act. Your accreditation submission will be shared with Society staff and Members who work with us as authorised agents to deliver the accreditation process on our behalf. Our full privacy policy is available at: or by written request to ‘Enquiries’ at the Society offices.

Associate Psychologists

New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Preparing your submissionTo allow our reviewers to easily navigate your submission and to avoid delays we ask that you submit in the following way:

1) A main folder should be created using your University name, with a sub-folder then created for each of the Programme Standards i.e. Programme Standard 1, 2 and so forth, each of these folders will sit in your main folder.

Please keep file names and folder structures as short as possible as files and structures that are too long may affect the documents being downloaded by our reviewers. The structure should be no more than 3 levels, for example:

University of xx – Programme Standard x – 2.2 Programme Guides – files

We advise that file names be kept at 50 characters with spaces, and label each piece of supporting evidence sequentially in relation to its folder i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.

2) The SEQ must be submitted as a Word Document and should be contained within its own folder named SEQ, which will sit in the main folder.

3) Please use generic terms for each document within the folder i.e. Staff Student Liaison Committee Minutes

4) Include a proposed timetable within the SEQ folder. Our standard timetables can be found on our website using the download link below. Our timetables provide a guide for education providers planning for a partnership visit, therefore we are keen for you to propose a timetable that best meets your needs.

For further guidance on the submission process please refer to ‘Accreditation through Partnership: Preparing for a partnership visit’ and the ‘Standards for accreditation’ which can be found on our website at

Please Note that your submission will be returned if the structure does not follow these guidelines.

Sending your submissionYou should provide your completed submission via our secure online sharing platform – Hightail:

1) Compress all of your Files into one Zip File2) Copy and paste the following link into your web browser, Add your compressed Zip File to the screen as requested.4) Add information to the ‘From’ and ‘Message’ boxes and click upload. In the message field,

please note your University, programme, point of contact and email address.

If you have any queries in relation to your submission, please contact


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Section A: about your provision1. The education provider

Name of awarding institution:

Academic unit(s) in which the provision is based:

Full address (to assist us in relation to future visit planning, where required):

Name of Programme Director(s):

You should tell us the name of the staff member(s) with overall academic responsibility for the provision and its delivery and development.

Franchising arrangements:

Is the provision franchised for delivery by a partner institution? Yes / No

If yes, please state the name of the partner institution.

2. The application

Who should we approach with any queries about this application?

You should tell us the name and role of who we should approach with any queries about your application, and provide us with an email address and telephone number for them.

Senior management sign off:

We require the Head of the academic unit in which the provision is based to sign off this application.

By providing your name, role and date of submission you confirm the accuracy of the information contained within this application, and the provision of the additional evidence.

Name and role:

Date of submission:


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

3. The programmeIf your submission covers more than one programme, please add further rows to this table as required.

Full name of programme

(as it appears on award certificate)

Please note that the title of the award must specify the population and different routes (if available) within the programme as per programme standard 1.3.2

Mode of study (tick all that apply)

Is the award


Trainee numbers (FTE)

Date of first intake

Intake from w

hich accreditation sought




Blended learning

Distance learning


No* Current

(if the programme is already running)


(if the programme is brand new)

* Note: If your programme has not yet been validated, please indicate the date on which the validation event (or equivalent) is planned to take place.

Collaborative links Please complete if appropriate to your provision

Names of commissioning/funding organisation(s):

Proposed commissioned numbers per intake:

Proposed self-funded places per intake:

Employing organisations of students/trainees during training:


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

4. The checklistThe sources of evidence to be supplied alongside this self-evaluation questionnaire are outlined below. This list should be considered alongside our handbook, Accreditation through Partnership: Preparing for a partnership visit.

Programme standard Required evidence source (or equivalent alternative source if appropriate)



Programme standard 1: Programme Design

Programme specification.

Programme standard 2: Programme Content (learning, research and practice)

Module outlines.

Programme handbook.

Curriculum, research, placement (if appropriate) and/or other handbooks if applicable.

Programme standard 3: Working ethically and legally

There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard.


Programme standard 4: Selection and admissions

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. Please provide a link

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (if applicable).

Please provide a link

Programme standard 5: Trainee development and professional membership

There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard.


Programme standard 6: Academic leadership and programme delivery

CVs / brief biographies for all staff listed in item 6.2.

Programme standard 7: Discipline specific resources

There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard.


Programme standard 8: Quality management and governance An overview of any feedback collected by

the programme in relation to quality matters (e.g. internal programme review/validation/approval document).

(international/franchised provision only) Detailed business case supporting collaborative delivery of the programme by external partners.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Please note that our reviewers may request clarification or ask for further information in addition to the event that the evidence sources outlined above do not adequately demonstrate fulfillment of the accreditation standards.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Section B: self-evaluation against our standardsIn this part of our questionnaire, we ask you to tell us about the context in which your provision is delivered and the rationale for its development. We invite you to self-evaluate your provision against our eight programme standards. When you complete this part of the questionnaire you must refer to the relevant accreditation standards and the associated process handbook (

Context and rationaleInformation required Commentary

Why has this new programme been developed?

Please briefly outline the rationale for the development of this new programme, and describe how the programme contributes to the strategic aims of your institution.

What are the distinctive features of this provision?

Please briefly outline what you feel to be the distinctive features or strengths of this provision, using bullet points. These may relate to staff expertise the provision, the academic unit in which it is based, or the education provider more generally.

Evidencing CriteriaAlongside the evidence sources outlined in the checklist above you may submit an additional folder titled ‘Evidencing Criteria’ with evidence sources to support your commentary below.

Information required Commentary

1) Define the client population(s) for whom the programme is training students to work with.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

If you have different routes within your programme with students in each route training to work with a different population, please define each specific population.

2) Set out the competencies and learning outcomes which the programme is using to train students to work with this population and how these competencies have been agreed as relevant and evidence-based for this population.

Evidence could include consultation with significant experts and obtaining their agreement to he required competencies and learning outcomes.

Competencies and learning outcomes should be set out in 2.1 of the SEQ

3) Set out how the curriculum/teaching and the clinical practice elements of the programme train for these competencies in this specific population

Curriculum/teaching and he clinical practice elements for the programme should be outlined in 2.1 of the SEQ.

4) Specify how the assessments and the objective/observed assessments of clinical competence map on to these competencies.

This should be completed in section 2.5 of the SEQ

5) What is the local or national workforce need for the programme?

What commitment from employers has been provided?

Please provide a description along with any relevant evidence sources. E.g. National or Regional NHS workforce initiative, funding commitments from your Health Board or a significant number of NHS and/or independent sector


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

organisations to employing the graduates of your programme at scale over a number of years.

6) Please detail the assurances you have from providers of placements that they can offer adequate placements for the trainees undertaking the programme and that this will not affect existing commitments for other applied psychology programmes.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 1: Programme Design

1.1 Please list below each of the modules of which the accredited award is comprised (note: please add rows as required):

Module code

Module title Level Credits Assessment task(s)

Mandatory /optional

Name of module leader


Information required Commentary

1.2 Please confirm that the pass mark for each of the above modules is 50% (where quantified marking is used)

Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

1.3 Is any compensation permissible across the above modules?

Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

1.4 Please describe your approach to incorporating in vivo assessment on the programme


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

1.5 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.

Evidence Requirements

For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:

Programme Specification

Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 2: Programme Content (learning, research and practice)Competencies and content

2.1 Accredited programmes are expected to address the full range of core competencies, as outlined below, and in full in our accreditation standards in relation to the target population(s) of the programme. Programmes are encouraged to develop specific emphasis and focus on some areas in more depth than others, to reflect the areas of strength of the staff team delivering the programme, or to promote a distinctive identity for the programme as a whole. You should provide a narrative, below, outlining how you prepare trainees in developing the required competencies and achieving the learning outcomes to work with the specified population of the programme.

You should also complete the more detailed mapping document that is included at the end of this section.

Competency Narrative

1. Meta-competencies

2. Psychological assessment

3. Psychological formulation

4. Psychological intervention

5. Evaluation

6. Research

7. Personal and professional skills and values

8. Communication

9. Organisational and systemic influence

Information required Commentary

2.2 If the programme offers a particular emphasis or distinctive identity (e.g. in line with staff expertise), please outline that here.

2.3 Please provide a brief commentary on your approach to curriculum design and delivery

2.4 Have you reviewed your Yes / No (delete as appropriate)


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

research and research methods provision against the Society’s Supplementary Guidance for research and research methods on Society accredited postgraduate programmes?

2.5 Accredited programmes are expected to demonstrate how the assessments and the objective/observed assessments of clinical competence map on to these competencies.

Competency Type of Assessment

1. Meta-competencies

2. Psychological assessment

3. Psychological formulation

4. Psychological intervention

5. Evaluation

6. Research

7. Personal and professional skills and values

8. Communication

9. Organisational and systemic influence

Supervised practice

2.6 Please describe the range of supervisory resources to which the programme has access, and the different supervisors (i.e. roles) with whom a trainee will typically work over the course of their placement(s).

2.7 Please describe the training provided to supervisors to support them in their role.

2.8 What are the programme’s minimum expectations in relation


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

to the amount, frequency and nature of supervision that should be in place?

2.9 What arrangements are in place for monitoring the amount and quality of supervision provided, and the quality of the placement/supervised practice experience overall?

2.10 Please outline how you benchmark your curriculum and placement provision, e.g. by adapting recognised competence frameworks for psychological interventions.

2.11 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.

Evidence Requirements

For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:

Module outlines: we expect to see evidence that provides an overview of what is taught in each module. If that level of detail is not included in the module descriptor please provide the module handbook.

Programme handbook.

Curriculum, research, placement (if appropriate) and/or other handbooks, if applicable.

Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

COMPETENCIES MAPPING DOCUMENTApplied Psychology Programmes for Associate Psychologists

Programmes will need to evidence that they meet the competency standards we outline in our Standards for the accreditation of Applied Psychology Programmes for Associate Psychologists handbook in full. Differing levels of emphasis on particular aspects by different providers will allow flexibility and enable the unique identity of particular programmes to be preserved. You should use the table below to tell us where and how particular competencies are addressed.

Competencies Module or component code(s) and title(s)

Summary of coverage

E.g.:PSY1001Psychology 1

E.g.:Two lectures (two hours each)One tutorial (two hours)Directed self-learning


1. Knowledge and psychological understanding of common clinical presentations relevant to the target population.

2. The ability to apply the psychological knowledge base to clinical practice in the


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Competencies Module or component code(s) and title(s)

Summary of coverage

target clinical population in a circumscribed way.3. Having a critical understanding of the development and implementation of

relevant practice guidance frameworks (e.g. NICE and SIGN), and having the ability to utilise these guidelines in assessment and intervention.

4. Practice and professional skills are underpinned by psychological theory, evidence and understanding according to established intervention strategies.

5. Develop a reflective and professionally safe practice informed by professional codes of conduct, an effective use of supervision and inclusive and non-discriminatory values.

Psychological assessment

1. Develop and maintain effective working alliances with clients in the target population to enable a productive psychological assessment to take place.

2. Develop the ability to conduct and understand a range of psychological assessment methods appropriate to: The client population and service delivery system in which the assessment

takes place. The type of intervention which is likely to be required.

3. Administer a range of assessment procedures in the target population including:

Formal procedures (use of standardised psychometric instruments). Systematic interviewing procedures. Other structured methods of assessment (e.g. observation or gathering

information from others).4. Undertake risk assessments and manage risks under supervision and guidance.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Competencies Module or component code(s) and title(s)

Summary of coverage

5. Present summary reports that integrate the findings of psychological assessment and discuss implications for psychological formulation and intervention.

6. Understanding of key elements of psychometric theory which have relevance to psychological assessment.

Psychological formulation

1. Demonstrate the ability to develop formulations for the target population using a range of possible sources of information. Trainees will integrate information from assessment and a wide range of other information sources to determine a coherent account of the client’s needs and the cause, development and maintenance of client’s problems.

2. Demonstrate competence in the incorporation of the relevant psychological factors important in the understanding of the client’s difficulties (e.g. biopsychosocial frameworks).

3. Demonstrate competence in the use of formulation to implement appropriate and flexible interventions within the target population that consider the client’s perspective, including managing possible obstacles to intervention.

4. Use formulations with clients to facilitate their understanding of their experience

Psychological intervention

1. Demonstrate skills in the ability to form theory–practice links across a circumscribed range of common presentations within the target population.

2. Promote and maintain effective working alliances with clients in the target population.

3. Appreciate the theoretical knowledge base of at least one major model of psychological intervention as applied to the specific target population.

4. Demonstrate the ability to implement psychological interventions appropriate to the client’s presenting problems, using formulation as a basis for the application of planned interventions, and taking account of the psychological and social circumstance of the client in a collaborative manner.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Competencies Module or component code(s) and title(s)

Summary of coverage

5. Demonstrate capacity to deliver circumscribed interventions to clients within the target population.

6. Recognise when intervention, or further intervention, may be inappropriate or unlikely to be helpful, and consider implications and actions to arise from this.


1. Demonstrate the capacity to implement evaluations of practice through the monitoring of processes and outcomes, across multiple dimensions of functioning, in relation to recovery, values and goals and as informed by service user experiences as well as outcome indicators (such as behaviour change and change on standardised psychometric instruments).

2. Demonstrate awareness of psychometric theory and established criteria/standards of evaluating outcomes (e.g., reliable change index, standard deviations, recovery) and ability to utilise these concepts to evaluate clinical practice within the target population.

3. Demonstrate the ability to engage service users from the target population and gain their perspectives on practice in both individual (e.g., intervention outcomes) and organisational (e.g., audits, service evaluations, acceptability of intervention, perceptions of recovery) performance.

4. Demonstrate the capacity to reflect on experiences and evaluate applied practice as well as learn from these experiences as part of ongoing development as a practitioner.


1. The capacity to undertake a literature review of research and theory relevant to knowledge and skill sets for common presentations or problem areas.

2. Have the skills to critically appraise published research.

3. The ability to design and conduct applied psychological research within clinical services (e.g., service-evaluation, audit, small N design) either individually under


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Competencies Module or component code(s) and title(s)

Summary of coverage

supervision or as part of a research team.4. Ability to use a range of standard and specialised research

instruments/techniques either individually under supervision or as part of a research team.

5. The capacity to disseminate research in appropriate formats (e.g., presentation, service report, research publication).

6. Skills in creating and managing databases.

7. Capacity to follow ethical and governance procedures in research.

Personal and professional skills and values

1. Understand and maintain the practice and research standards and the requirements of the BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct.

2. Understand the legal, statutory and ethical responsibilities of working in healthcare settings as a clinically supervised practitioner, including patient consent and confidentiality.

3. Demonstrate the ability to work as a reflective practitioner, including the capacity to monitor own fitness for practice and wellbeing, and to take steps to address any limitations or concerns.

4. Make appropriate decisions within the range of their expertise, seeking guidance where appropriate, and where limits of expertise are recognised to make referral to a qualified practitioner.

5. Understand the impact of difference, diversity and social inequalities on people's lives, and their implications for working practices within the target population.

6. Show an understanding of the roles and remit of a pre-registration workforce in applied psychology.



New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Competencies Module or component code(s) and title(s)

Summary of coverage

1. Demonstrate effective and appropriate communication skills.

2. Communicating effectively relevant information from a psychological perspective in a style appropriate to a variety of different audiences (for example, to professional colleagues, and to service users).

3. The capacity to summarise and communicate the results of psychological assessment, formulation and interventions to the supervisor and, where appropriate, to other healthcare professionals and service users.

4. Maintain appropriate records and make accurate reports.

Organisational and systemic influence

1. Demonstrate the capacity to work effectively within groups, teams and multidisciplinary contexts, whilst maintaining an awareness of the wider social setting of interventions, and balancing the needs of clients and service delivery systems.

2. Work effectively with service users of the target population to facilitate their involvement in service delivery.

3. Awareness of service delivery systems for the target population and the role of the pre-registration associate psychologist therein.

4. Contribute to the development of services for the target population.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 3: Working ethically and legally

Information required Commentary

3.1 Please provide a brief overview of how you introduce trainees to ethics and ethical practice.

You should indicate teaching of ethics in relation to the submission of ethics applications for research projects and beyond.

3.2 How is trainees’ understanding of ethics evaluated?

You should indicate assessment of ethics in relation to the consideration of ethics applications for research projects and beyond.

3.3 What procedures are in place for gaining ethical approval for trainees’ research?

3.4 How do trainees develop skills in applying relevant ethical, legal and professional practice frameworks?

You should indicate how trainees are taught to understand and work within the boundaries of competence an associate psychologist.

3.5 How do you ensure that trainees are aware of the legal and statutory obligations and restrictions on psychological


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

practice in the UK?

3.6 Have you reviewed your provision against the Society’s Guidance on teaching and assessment of ethical competence in psychology education?

Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

3.7 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.

Evidence Requirements

There are no additional evidence requirements for this programme standard. However, we will expect the evidence provided in relation to Programme standard 2 to demonstrate appropriate coverage of ethics within programme content.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 4: Selection and admission

Information required Commentary

4.1 Please provide a brief overview of any specific actions you take to encourage equality, diversity and inclusion through recruitment and selection to the programme that go beyond the education provider’s overall policy for widening access.

4.2 Please outline any equality charter marks currently held or being applied for by your department, and at what level (e.g. Athena SWAN).

4.3 Do you offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Existing Competence (REC)?

If yes, please outline how you consider such applications or refer us to the relevant policy/procedural document.

Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

4.5 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.

Evidence Requirements

For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:

A link to the education providers Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

A link to the education providers Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (if applicable)

Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 5: Trainee development and professional membership

Information required Commentary

5.1 Please outline your approach to personal tutoring (specifically, ensuring that trainees have access to academic and pastoral support).

5.3 How are trainees supported in reflecting on and synthesising different aspects of their work to inform their developing professional identity as a trainee?

5.5 What opportunities do trainees have to study alongside trainees from other disciplines or professions?

5.7 What provision is in place to enhance trainee employability and professional development?

5.9 Please signpost where and how you provide trainees with information on the benefits of Society membership:

e.g. Programme Handbook, p. x

5.6 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.

Evidence Requirements

There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 6: Academic leadership and programme delivery

Programme Directorship

6.1 Please outline the leadership and coordination arrangements for the programme. You should tell us the name(s) of the Programme Director(s) and provide a brief commentary on the scope of their role and responsibilities.

Please note that if your visit is post 31 January 2019 you will be required to complete the staff student ratio (SSR) Data Capture Tool. Please contact the Partnership and Accreditation team at and a member of the team will arrange for the Data Capture Tool to be sent to you for your completion.

Staff numbers

6.2 Please complete the following table detailing staff contribution to the delivery of the specific programme to which this questionnaire relates.

Please indicate those staff that hold key roles associated with programme delivery and indicate the nature of those roles in the table below (e.g. academic leadership, placement coordination, or research supervision).

Permanent Full-Time and Contractual Academic Staff (full-time, part-time and fractional)

Name FTE HCPC Registered (Y/N) If yes,

please indicate modality

Key roles



New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

6.3 Please provide any additional comments on how you have calculated your FTEs, and any other relevant information, here.

6.4 Please provide details of any approved vacancies; these should not be included within the SSR calculations.

Approved vacancies

Post More info needed?

Notes Expected responsibilities in relation to the programme(s)

Please add rows as required

Total FTE

Trainee numbers

6.5 Please indicate the total number of trainees on the programme in the table below:

Full time Part time Total

Number of individual trainees

FTE trainees

Overall staff: trainee ratio

6.6 Please indicate the overall student/trainee to staff ratio (SSR) for the programme:

Staff FTE(Question 6.2)

Trainee FTE(Question 6.5) =

SSR(Question 6.5 ÷

Question 6.2)


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Support Staff

6.7 Please indicate below the total dedicated and shared support staff resources that are in place for the programme:

Support roles Dedicated staff FTE

Shared staff FTE

Administrative/ professional services staff

Psychology technical staff

Additional distance learning support staff (if applicable)Other support staff (please specify)

Information required Commentary

6.9 Have you reviewed the support staff resources listed in 6.7 above against the Society’s Supplementary guidance for providers of accredited programmes on the roles and contributions of professional administrative staff and Supplementary guidance on the roles and contributions of psychology technical staff?

Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

6.11Please provide a brief overview of the activities undertaken by the staff referred to in 6.7 above in relation to supporting the trainee learning experience, and in providing support to academic staff.

6.11Please provide an overview of your approach to ensuring that academic staff maintain expertise in learning, research and practice (where relevant), and ensure that they remain up to date, and to supporting staff development for all staff.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

6.11 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.

Evidence Requirements

For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:

Staff CVs from 6.2. You may provide CVs in the education provider’s preferred format or provide brief biographies if preferred.

Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 7: Discipline-specific resources

Information required Commentary

7.1 Please provide a brief overview of any specific challenges or constraints in relation to access to resources for this particular programme.

7.2 What IT facilities are available? (Including software and statistical packages).

7.3 What specialist Psychology research equipment is available?

7.4 How do trainees access these facilities? Both on campus and at a distance/off campus, as appropriate.

7.5 What psychology databases do trainees have access to? Is full text or abstract only access provided?

7.6 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Evidence Requirements

There are no additional evidence requirements for this standard.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Programme Standard 8: Quality Management

External Examiners

8.1 Please provide details of the current external examiner(s) for the programme:

Name HCPC Registered (Y/N)

If yes please indicate modality

Affiliation/Employer Term of Office

Information required Commentary

8.2 Please outline how you intend to work collaboratively with service users to involve them in the programme

8.3 What have you identified as the main priorities for further development of the provision?

Please advise any specific ways in which you feel the Society’s visit to your programme may be able to support you with regard to these priorities.

8.4 Is there any specific good practice you wish to highlight in relation to this standard?

For any good practice highlighted, please describe the impact of that good practice on the quality of the overall trainee experience, or on other aspects of delivery.


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Evidence Requirements

For this programme standard we expect you to submit the following evidence sources:

An overview of any feedback collected by the programme in relation to quality matters (e.g. internal programme review/validation document)

Please indicate in the evidence checklist at the front of this document which evidence sources you have provided.

Reviewers’ Comments

Standard met in full Yes / No

Good Practice

Further information or areas for clarification

Please indicate the specific standard(s) to which your comments relate

Areas of concern (standard not met)

Please indicate the specific standard(s) you are concerned may not be met


New UK Masters SEQ – Associate Psychologist

Reviewers’ decisionReviewers: please complete the table below indicating the status of the programme’s achievement across the eight programme standards and indicate your overall decision regarding whether or not accreditation may be granted. Where reviewers agree that a standard is not met, accreditation will not be granted: the education provider will need to submit further evidence of having addressed the specific concerns identified before this decision may be reconsidered.

Standard Met in full Good practice Further information

Not met

1: Programme design

2. Programme content (learning, research and practice)

3. Working ethically and legally

4. Selection and admissions

5. Trainee development and professional membership

6. Academic leadership and programme delivery

7. Discipline-specific resources

8. Quality management and governance

May accreditation be granted to this programme? please indicate one option

Yes No

