NEW at WCDM Pre-Conference STUDENT PROGRAMSolutions Inc. The Information-Communication-Resilience...


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A major International sporting event arrives in Toronto. Then chaos and mayhem ensues... Be part of the team, use the latest technology by ERMS and CriSys and bring your expertise to deliver a resolution to this crisis. You can only find this Mock Disaster Exercise at WCDM 2014! Limited to only 72 delegates. Register early! Only $175* * Available with the purchase of a Full Conference Pass The WCDM Disaster Management Exercise is produced by:

Supported by:

The advanced Disaster Management professional can now have their dilemma solved using theory, research and the latest scientific methods. The 2014 Call for Papers included a stream for academics to submit their research; a vehicle to present pure and applied research and findings to a practical audience. Research, thesis and theory will be presented in an easily digestible, applicable manner for the Disaster Management professional practitioner. Check out the program page for the R & D sessions!

Looking for that competitive edge in the field of Disaster Management?Disaster and Emergency Management continues to be an area of opportunity for employment, however finding an entry level job in this growing field eludes many students. Take the next steps you need to reach your career goals and step into this growing field with confidence! By participating in the Student Program you will: • Explore the latest trends • Highlight skill sets you need • Discover the experience necessary to launch your career

Registration • One Day Pass $95 • Full Conference Pass $190 Sunday Pre-Conference Student Program is included with all registrations, visit for full details.The Ontario Association of Emergency Management, with assistance from the Emergency Management & Public Safety Institute, is proud to produce this unique program for students & recent graduates.

Workshops can be added to your registration for just $95 each before March 31st.





9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Creating Chaos and Mayhem –

The Ultimate Guide to Disaster Exercise


Darryl Culley, President, Emergency

Management & Training Inc.

What Do You Need When Crises Occur? Great LEADERSHIP!

Regina Phelps,President, EMS Solutions Inc.

The Information-Communication-

Resilience PrincipleBob Jensen,

Deputy Assistant Secretary

for Public Affairs, U.S Department of Homeland

SecurityCatherine Matheson,

Senior Communications Officer, BCLC

Mission Profile and Portfolio Building

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Break - Lunch not included with workshop fees.

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The EMAP Exploration

Nicole Ishmael, Executive Director,

Emergency Management

Accreditation Program

Bird Flu, Swine Flu and MERS - Oh, My! Planning for

Pandemics, Epidemics and Outbreaks

Suzanna Bernier, Principal, SB Crisis


Hands-on: Measuring Preparedness and


David Lindstedt, Director, The Ohio State


Building a Presence and Presenting Yourself

NEW at WCDMLet the Games Begin!

Sunday June 15, 2014Pre-Conference Workshops

Global Round Table of Disaster Management Experts


Sunday June 15

Advanced Reseach & Development Track

WCDM brings together a think tank of leading practitioners, educators, and researchers from around the world to coalesce leading opinions, experience and knowledge that will create a spotlight on leading issues in the field of disaster management. Following upon the results of the WCDM “Preparedness & Impact of Cutbacks” Survey, this inaugural session will focus on the lack of mitigation investment in Canada that exacerbates the lack of resilience and recovery from disasters.

Format and OutcomesBy invitation only this Round Table Session will be conducted on Sunday June 15. An initial Statement of Findings will be presented to all delegates during Closing Remarks on Wednesday June 18. Subsequently, a White Paper will be published in Fall 2014.

The WCDM Global Round Table of Disaster Management Experts is facilitated and produced by:Richard Kinchlea, Chair of the Emergency Management & Public Safety Institute, Centennial College.

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7:15 am - 8:00 am REGISTRATION – Exhibit Area Opens

8:00 am - 8:15 am ANNOUNCEMENTS / DAILY OPENING REMARKS – Adrian Gordon, WCDM Conference Chair

8:15 am - 9:30 am

OPENING KEYNOTE PANEL: We Want To Build Disaster Resilience, But Do We Agree On What That Means? MODERATOR: Paul Kovacs, Executive Director, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction PANEL MEMBERS: Kathleen Tierney, Director, Natural Hazards Center Erica Seville, Co-leader, Resilient Organisations Research Programme

9:45 am - 10:30 am Meet the Exhibitors Coffee Break!


10:30 am - 11:25 am

Connecting BIA and IT in Multinational Enterprises

Alex Guitman,

Global Head - IT Business Continuity, SAP AG

Through A Glass Lightly: Random Observations on Business

Continuity and Human Nature

John Copenhaver, CEO, Contingency

Management Group

Planning for the Next Pandemic

Speaker: TBD

Terrorism: Fears, Fables and Facts

Peter Power, Managing Director, Visor Consultants (UK) Ltd.

Communicating In The Aftermath Of Terrorism

Kjell Brataas, Senior Communications Advisor,

Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection

The Future of EM Practitioners: an Evolving Profession

Matthew Ellis

PhD Candidate, University of Sydney

11:35 am - 12:30 pm

Quick, Creative Ways to Energize Your BC Program

Sean Murphy, CEO & President, Lootok

Business Continuity v2014 From Traditional to Integrated BCM

Henry Ee,

Managing Director, Business Continuity

Planning Asia Pte Ltd.

The 2013 Calgary Flood

A Great Crisis Management Team Begins With Three Things

Regina Phelps,

President, EMS Solutions Inc.

Emerging Crisis Management Trends . . . Risks and Controls of the Future

Bruce Blythe,

Chairman, Crisis Management International

Anti-Resilience: A Looming Crisis

John Bircham, Director, Bircham-Global Ltd

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch & Rountable Discussions

1:45 pm - 2:40 pm

KEYNOTE: What Does Resilience Look Like and Where Does It Come From? The Social Roots of Disaster Resilience Kathleen Tierney, Director, Natural Hazards Center

2:45 pm - 3:40 pm

Plan Automation And Data Visualization As A Force Multiplier

Kelly Discount, Lead Associate,

Booz Allen Hamilton

Xtreme Debate 2014 – The Future Revisited

Peter Power,

Managing Director, Visor Consultants

John Copenhaver, CEO, Contingency Management Group

David Lindstedt, Director, The Ohio State University

“The Road to Recovery... Are We There Yet?”

Carolyn Harshman, President, Emergency Planning Consultants

A Blueprint For Achieving Measurable Risk Reduction Results

Edward Erikson, SVP, IntraPoint

Facebook and Fire: When the Admin is also the Academic

Melanie Irons,

Facebook Admin/PhD Student, University of Tasmania

Coping with Stress Management in EOCs

Laurie Pearce, Professor, JIBC,

Royal Roads University

3:40 pm - 4:25 pm Mid-Afternoon Exhibitor Networking Break

4:25 pm - 5:20 pm

Learning From Disasters: Why Is It So Hard?

Michael Tarrant, Associate Professor, Queensland

University of Technology

Implementing Your BC Program in Accordance with ISO 22301

Sidney Modenesi,BC & CM Consultant,


Urban Community Resilience: Beyond Z-Cards and Grab Bags

Louise Elstow, Emergency Management Officer,

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

A Technological Breakthrough? The Potential of Next Generation 911

as an Emergency Management Tool

Linda Dickson, Emergency Manager/CEMC,

Wellington County

Fortifying Trust in a Crisis: A Framework for Communicators

Kellie Cummings, Management Consultant, Kellie

Cummings Consulting

Reserved - Future Event

5:20 pm - 6:30 pm The Business Continuity Institute of Canada’s Poster Viewing Reception

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Speaker and VIP Dinner

Monday June 16, 2014

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9Wor ld Confe rence on D isaste r ManagementReg is te r Today a t www.WCDM.o rg 8 9Wor ld Confe rence on D isaste r ManagementReg is te r Today a t www.WCDM.o rg 8

7:30 am - 8:00 am REGISTRATION – Exhibit Area Opens

8:00 am - 8:15 am ANNOUNCEMENTS/DAILY OPENING REMARKS – Adrian Gordon, WCDM Conference Chair

8:15 am - 9:30 am

KEYNOTE: Digital Doomsday...If The World Ends, What Happens To Facebook? Curtis Levinson, United States Cyber Defense Advisor to NATO

9:30 am - 10:15 am Mid-Morning Coffee Break with the Exhibitors


10:15 am - 11:10 am

The Difference Between Business Continuity And Resilience

Robert Kay, Executive Director, Incept Labs

Dodging the Disruptive Technology Iceberg

Matt Doernhoefer, Disaster Recovery Coordinator,


Super Storm Sandy - The New Jersey Perspective


Like a Scalpel For a Lumberjack, What Response is to the EM


Alain Normand, Manager, Emergency Measures,

City of Brampton

Myth of Panic in Disasters: Crisis Communications

Jim Stanton, President, Stanton Associates

Resilience: Why Some Organisations Thrive

and Others Fail

Erica Seville, Co-Leader, Resilient Organisations

Research Programme

11:20 am - 12:15 pm

Are Your Cloud Computing Initiatives and Business Continuity

Plans Compatible?

Craig McLellan, CTO,

Leadership - The Missing Key To Business Continuity Success

John Stagl, Director of Business Continuity, Belfor

Are Disaster Planning Leaders Showing Signs of Fatigue?

Barbara Citarella, President & CEO, RBC Limited

Creating High Performance Crisis Management Teams

David Parsons, Manager, Adversity Performance,

Sydney Water

Five Keys to Communicating Effectively

Catherine Matheson, Senior Communications Officer,


For Heretics Only: Reconstructing Risk Assessments

David Lindstedt, Director, The Ohio State University

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch with the Speakers

1:45 pm - 2:40 pm

KEYNOTE: Communication Hurdles and the Pan Am Games - Winning the Media Challenge Kathryn Holloway, Managing Director, Press Alert

2:40 pm - 3:35 pm

You’ve Been Hacked! Can Your BCP Protect You?

Ron LaPedis, Workforce Continuity Strategist, SunGard Availability Services

Is there a ‘BCP for climate change’? If so, what is it?

Nathaniel Forbes, Director, IAEM Asia

How Vulnerable Are You To An Extreme Weather Event?

Mark Abkowitz,

Professor, Vanderbilt University

Black Swans, Grey Ash and Turkeys

Howard Mannella, Managing Principal, Alternative

Resiliency Services Corp


Personal Continuity vs Emergency Preparedness

Shannan Saunders, Senior Program Advisor, Ministry of

the Attorney General

3:35 pm - 4:25 pm Mid-Afternoon Exhibitor Networking Break & Booth Draws!

4:25 pm - 5:20 pm

The 10 Most Important Technology Innovations

Kevin Cunningham,

Americas Head of Business Continuity, UBS Investment Bank

Measurement! The Holy Grail of Organisational Resilience

Peter Brouggy, Senior Manager, Strategy &

Change, Westpac Bank

Individual and Workforce Resilience

Beth Roome, Training and Exercise Program

Manager, Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Surviving First Contact: How would YOUR EM Program Measure Up?

Jeff Gill,

Manager, Plans and Procedures, Canadian Red Cross

Crisis…What Crisis? Does Your Organisation

Know When it’s in Crisis?

Gary Rigby, Managing Director, EMQ Pty Ltd

Contextual Communication: Double your Crisis Communication

Effectiveness in 1 Month!

Aneesh Raj, Solution Architect, Unified

Messaging Systems

6:00 pm Gala Awards Dinner

Tuesday June 17, 2014

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8:15 am - 8:30am Daily Opening Remarks - Adrian Gordon, WCDM Conference Chair

8:30 am - 9:30am

The Future of Resilience - Will You Be Ready? Phillip Wood, Head of Security & Resilience, Buckinghamshire New University

9:30 am - 10:30am

Disasters and Climate Change: A Strategic Risk Assessment Guide for Municipalities, Industry and other OrganizationsMark Egener, President, Summit Enterprises International Inc.

10:30 am - 11:00am Mid-Morning Break

11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Closing Keynote Panel: Bringing the strands together: Lessons, Learning Curves and LeversMODERATOR: Peter Power, Managing Director, Visor Consultants (UK) Ltd.

12:15 pm - 12:20 pm Closing Remarks

Water Crisis in X Hospital during Typhoon MorakotShinYi Chang, Assistant Fellow, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction

Join us for a cocktail reception with peers and discuss Posters hosted by their International authors. The Business Continuity Institute of Canada’s Poster Viewing reception is a great way to end the day.

Enjoy the social event of the year for the Disaster Management community! This year we honour top industry professionals from academic institutions and supporting associations: • Emergency Management & Public Safety Institute (Centennial College)• Disaster Recovery Institute Canada• Disaster Recovery and Information Exchange• Ontario Association of Emergency Managers

Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6:15pm Reception

6:45pm Keynote Address

7:15pm Dinner & Awards

9:00pm After Party & Entertainment

Tickets: Only $120 with the purchase of a Full Conference Pass prior to March 31st and $145 after March 31st. Or you can purchase a full table of 8 for $1,050

Surviving SARS & H1N1: Ignoring MERS?Geraldine Macdonald, Senior Lecturer, University of Toronto

ICT utilization in the Great Tohoku EarthquakeShoko Miyagawa, Associate Professor, Keio University Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care

Flood damage estimate using HEC FDA model case study NekarDr. Mehrdad Nazariha, University of Tehran

Emergency Preparedness Among Students at the University of WaterlooAlexa Tanner, Student, University of Waterloo

Satellite phone using Wi-Fi router as a communication toolHitoshi Yamamura, MD, PhD, Department of Critical Care Medicine

SNS connected people in the 2011 Great Japan EarthquakeCarine Yi, Assistant Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University

Industrial Explosion Risk Assessment: Toronto Urban Life QuaTannaz Zargarian, PhD Student, York University

A 21st Century Emergency Operations Centre: Calgary’s EOCVivian Manasc, Principal Architect, Manasc Isaac Architects

SWOT Analyses, Mass Casualty Simulations, & No Duff DrillsGeraldine Macdonald, Senior Lecturer, University of Toronto

Perception of people toward warning symbolsDr. Worawan Ongkrutraksa, Associate Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Communication Arts

GalaAwardsDinnerWednesday June 18, 2014

Poster Presentations
