Neutrino Science Goals and ·...


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Anne Schukraft

Matt Toups

Strategic Planning Workshop

9 & 10 Jan 2020

Neutrino Science

Goals and ObjectivesOne-pager link:

Neutrino Program at Fermilab

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science2





NuMI (long-baseline)

BNB (short-baseline)

DUNE (long-baseline)

n Goal is to build a world-leading n science program anchored by LBNF/DUNE powered by MW beams from an upgraded

and modernized accelerator complex

Fermilab operates the nation’s largest particle accelerator complex,

producing the world’s most powerful low & high energy n beams

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science3

Neutrino Science Goals

(1) Deliver and exploit the world’s highest power beams for neutrino science

(2) Fully exploit the short-baseline neutrino program

(3) Deliver LBNF/DUNE

(4) Support detector R&D and new initiatives in neutrino science

(5) Precision tests of the three known neutrinos and searches for new discoveries

Neutrino Science

Former: “Determine properties of masses and mixing matrix of 3 known neutrinos”

[proposed renaming]

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science4

All paths lead to DUNE

Light Collection

900 kW



1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science5

Neutrino Goals:(1) Deliver and exploit the world’s highest power beams for neutrinos

fully exploit the science of SBN

fully exploit the science of NOvA & DUNE

• Deliver agreed upon POT to MicroBooNE, ICARUS and SBND (2020/2023/2023)

• Upgrade accelerator complex and NuMI target facility to 900 kW (2022)

• PIP-II (1.2 MW)• CD-1 approval (2018)• CD-2 approval (2020)

• PIP-III (2+ MW)

DraftBeam upgrade plans

are essential to reach

the physics goals of

NOvA and DUNE.

(Source: DUNE TDR 2019)

SBN beam delivery goal is achievable.

Start of MicroBooNE: 2015

Start of SBNDStart of ICARUS

1.2 MW with 2

DUNE FD modules

2.4 MW with 4

DUNE FD modules

Add 3rd and 4th

FD module

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science6

Neutrino Goals:(2) Fully exploit the short-baseline neutrino program

Objectives:• Install and commission ICARUS detector and begin operations (2020)• Install and commission the SBND detector and begin operations (2021)• Learn all we can about LAr technology from the short-baseline program (2022)• Deliver agreed upon POT to MINERvA [completed in 2019]

MicroBooNE• Longest operating LArTPC

(since 2015)• 20 publications• 36 public notes

ICARUS• Detector & cryogenics

installation complete• Start of cooldown and

operations in 2020

SBND• Production complete• In 2020 finish detector assembly

at DAB and cryostat installation• Start of data taking in 2021

MicroBooNE arriving at LArTF (2014)ICARUS cryogenics and detector installation (2019)

SBND Cryostat Steel structure and Detector assembly (2019)

Community-building activities• Joint experiment-theory-computing working group• Neutrino Theory Network• Workshops and conferences: NuSTEC, INT, NuINT• Programs supported by the Neutrino Physics Center (NPC)• Joint postdoc positions with ANL, LANL

bring experts in the field to FNAL

Simulation tools and theoretical calculations• GENIE, Geant4, Pythia, Lattice QCD

Recent cross section results• 3 wine & cheese seminars in 2019• First xsec publications from MicroBooNE• 27 xsec publications by MINERvA to date• More xsec results in progress by NOvA,

ArgoNeuT, MicroBooNE, MINERvA

• International Neutrino Summer School (recently 2017 & 2019 at FNAL)

• Workshops (11 since 2015)

• Neutrino seminar series

• hosted 131 neutrino seminars since the program's inception in 2013

• NPC fellowships

• 135 NPC scholars came to the lab since the start in 2016

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science7

Neutrino Goals:(2) Fully exploit the short-baseline neutrino program

Objective:• Significantly advance our knowledge of GeV scale neutrino-nucleus interactions

MicroBooNE numu CC inclusive measurement (PRL, 2019)

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science8

Neutrino Goals:(2) Fully exploit the short-baseline neutrino program

Objective:• Determine if there is a ~1eV sterile neutrino

Short-baseline oscillation program• MicroBooNE will investigate MiniBooNE

low energy excess• Adding SBND and ICARUS to complete the

3-detector suite will fully probe the sterile neutrino hypothesis

Cosmological constraints• SPT-3G will improve constraint on number

of neutrinos by 2x• Optical surveys (e.g. DESI, LSST) + CMB-S4

will also improve constraint on sum of neutrino masses.Stage 5 cosmic survey under discussion by the community.

• First “Topics in Cosmic Neutrino Physics Workshop” in Oct 2019. More activities in this direction as part of a future Cosmic Physics Center (CPC).

Will leverage information in terrestrial & cosmic probes to achieve our objective.

Source: Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2019.69:363-387

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science9

Neutrino Goals:(3) Deliver LBNF/DUNE

Objectives:• Establish a SD-based workforce sufficient to install and commission the DUNE detectors at SURF (2023)• Excavate space for additional LAr detectors at SURF (2024)• Deliver a near detector facility (2027)• Complete neutrino beamline directed towards SURF (2029)

Ground breaking for Near-Site construction (Nov 2019)Pre-excavation work at the far side ongoing.

LBNF facilities

Ore Pass Construction

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science10

Neutrino Goals:(3) Deliver LBNF/DUNE

Objectives:• Install, fill, and commission the first two LAr detectors deep underground at SURF (2029)• Complete the full detector for the long-baseline neutrino program (2031+)

ProtoDUNE SP calibrated dE/dx versus residual range measured by TPC for 1 GeV/c stopping protons

DUNE detectors

• ProtoDUNEs• Successful operation and data analysis of

single phase ProtoDUNE• Valuable lessons learned in terms of HV

stability, LAr purity, calibration• Performance publication under review

• Dual phase ProtoDUNE now operational at CERN

• Far Detector TDR completed in 2019• Ongoing ECA for DUNE photon detection

(ECA Alex Himmel)

• Two large labs in IERC will be devoted to DUNE detector development and assembly

• Joint appointments with UW Madison, York University, University of Mainz for DUNE detector and research work

ProtoDUNE SP response of an ARAPUCA photon-detector module as a function of incident electron kinetic energy

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science11

Neutrino Goals:(4) Support detector R&D and new initiatives in neutrino science

Objectives:• Exploit existing facilities for neutrino science and add capabilities (2026)• Conduct the R&D needed to optimize the design of the DUNE far detectors and the

analysis of their data (2026)

• Critical lab capability that serves the user community• Work together to coherently support current & future experiments• Spans multiple divisions and facilities at the lab

Far detector development:• protoDUNEs• Cold electronics test stand (ICEBERG)• HV test stand• LArIAT• Light collection• LDRDs (LAr charge amplification), …

Near detector development:• ArgonCube 2x2 demonstrator• GArTPC development (GOAT) (ECA Jen Raaf)

Other:• ANNIE phase 2

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science12

Neutrino Goals:(5) Precision tests of the three known neutrinos and searches for new

discoveries [proposed renaming]

Objectives:• Determine the neutrino mass ordering (2020)• Determine the octant of the neutrino mixing angle 𝜃23 (2022)• Fully exploit the science of NOvA (2025)• Deliver agreed upon POT to NOvA (2025)• Determine if neutrinos violate CP conservation and measure 𝛿𝐶𝑃 (2031+)

This NOvA sensitivity plot assumes

72e20 POT total by 2025.

• NOvA:Measuring the mass ordering is a high-priority goal of NOvA. Anticipate a median sensitivity to reject IH at 2𝜎 for NOvA's best fit in 2020.

• DUNE:CP violation can be observed in DUNE with 5σ significance after about 7 years if δCP = −π/2 and after about 10 years for 50% of δCP

values. CP violation can be observed with 3σ significance for 75% of δCP values after about 13 years of running

1/9/20 A. Schukraft | Neutrino Science13

Neutrino Goals:(5) Precision tests of the three known neutrinos and searches for new

discoveries [proposed renaming]

Objectives:• Develop and perform searches for BSM physics with long and short baseline neutrino

experiments (2031+) [PROPOSED]• Fully exploit the science of DUNE (2031+) [PROPOSED]• Plan the next generation of neutrino science experiments (2031+)

• Collaboration between PPD theory and ND experiments on BSM physics topics• “Next Revolution in Neutrino Physics” (ECA Pedro Machado) • SBN joint theory/exp group• First ArgoNeuT BSM analysis results

• Exploit the capabilities of the DUNE detector and LBNF facility for physics beyond 3-flavor mixing

• Beam-related BSM, NSI, active-sterile neutrino mixing, violation of Lorentz or CPT• Nucleon decay, Supernova, …

• Map out potential for determining remaining unknowns of neutrino oscillation and broad exploration of new phenomena with future experiments

• Coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering• 0𝜈𝛽𝛽• Accelerator-based fixed target dark matter searches
